Friday, December 27, 2013

Future computing

Over 15 years ago pre-installed operating systems began appearing in home appliance department stores. These had become known as Original equipment Manufacture computers. Those who started computing at the time will have noticed how much has changed since. Desk top models have all but disappeared from shelves. Consumers are now spoilt for hand held choices these days. There are ultra thin mini, budget note books to big laptops, tablets and smart phones devices. Despite the many brands available there is still a persistently dominant OEM operating system Microsoft Windows. There are still no Lynx or Unix systems available in retailer department stores stores only OEM Apple and Microsoft tablet and I pads. Consumer gone for the latest trend in finger swiping devices. Hand held computer phone technology is now common.

It is common practice budget computers tend to come in the minimal amount of RAM. It is a temporary copy of your entire computer system, your operating system to your personal files stored in the mother board circuitry while the computer is turned on. When you don't save any work when we shut down everything including the operating system is discharged. Anything unsaved doesn't exist. When restarted the operating system is reloaded to the mother board RAM. Your hard drive is not your work area but monitored by our computer screen the mother board circuit. Any minimal amount of this memory required for the operating system is marginal. If using near or all of the RAM memory the operating system's run short of memory resources freezing their programs.

Computers in the sleep mode employs Programmable Read Only Memory technology which holds onto everything when the device is in the slept. When switched back on the computer system is available in less than a couple of seconds. The ROM technology are hand held devices when we switch off. When switched back on the whole computer system is available instantly. Operating on the principle everything is operating on PROM's ( programmable ROMs ) where mechanical hard drive systems are made redundant.

In the old days once one program froze it froze the whole computer. This was because they often ran on close to running out of memory all the time. Apple has a reputation of being one of the expensive brands and one of the most stable operating systems around no doubt a policy of insisting there is a maximum amount of RAM always available. The more expensive a computer the more RAM memory in reserve the more stable the operating system.

OEM home appliance computers had problems supplied to consumers with marginal memory resaves tending to effect the installed operating system than need to. The operating systems were on minimal memory required just to keep it running. It had no margin always running short on memory locking up programs all the time. In the early days OEM home appliance computers often came with the ability to inserted extra memory modules that was a noticeable improvement.

Those thinking of upgrading should understand computer companies are not catering for off line using anymore. Modern systems are not complete these days unless connected to the internet somehow. The way things are going off line availability will be the first victim of the thing of the past. Desk top computer towers have already become dinosaur technology to retailer stores. Operating systems my be next because of what we all call cloud computing these days This cloud computing is a potential next step in commuting accessing a complete operating from a satellite account. Goggle chrome is a example of a cloud operating system.

If Google chrome is anything of the future currently accessing computers by satellite using  a personal smart phone or hand held device. It's basically a wi-fi link I think will be so convent increasing demand so much eventually broadband won't be able to compete taken over by the wireless satellite technology computing. The convince will likely override the warnings of the potentially harmful radio radiation. Consumers just don't want to know  in favor of the high tech convince. Even today all we will need is a big income to pay for the access, an empty monitor with only a satellite connection account.

If this is the case computing is heading were were future computing are our huge TV monitors connected via satellite on the internet let a lone cell phones when we are out and about accessing our personal satellite. This can make the need for both computers and broadband networks redundant. What will be the point of a shut down anymore eventually monitors permanently connected to our own personal satellite account. There will be no more Independent off line personal computing anymore.

This is provided economies does not slow progress. Currently there is a lot of expense and cost cutting wheeling and dealing arguments retarding the technology to the masses, leaving out those who haven't the resources to keep up just to save money, unless a satisfactorily way for everybody without any money involved for all. Theoretically if money was always no problem there should freedmen for unlimited possibilities overnight. Currently wheeling and dealing tight money control worries leaves most of the world in a rather retarded technology. Because of economics low income and poverty stricken people who will be the ones who miss out.

Modem computing being internet dependent on keeping in touch with their manufacture's web sites downloading behind the scenes which by default with out user permission installing bells and whistle add on's behind the scenes. In a sense hardly private and secure from a user point of view operating system manufactures  accessing and installing on our computer at will. The automatic update programming response is problematic for those who haven't an account with a provider for what ever reason relying on public wi-fi services for any internet access when they need too.

From the mean spirited business end point of view with offering free-wi would rather not offer free-wi where users use their paid account to keep them on line thus the limited accesses and time allotted. The free service is limited to as little as 30 minutes at a few megabytes at a time which ever comes first. That is less than the old 4.7Mb maximum storage capability of the obsolete floppy disk. The which ever comes first policy when space is used up times up whether you have used the hour or not. With so little space uses are virtually coned into a few minute access not a the claimed half hour. Baseness can be mean spirited free with free wi-fi users so they can make their money. Today's internet can use up the space in less few minutes. When space is used the connection is automatically terminated with out the user knowing it in the middle of their work. Trying to get back on line is a nightmare. There wont have a stable connection until the next day and start all over again when they run out of space again.

If a user is using off line often in time operating systems collect dozens errors because of persistent termination while connected on line. Browsers are seen as stopped working due to some fault causing task bar or doc flag icon to be displayed. Trouble shooting programs are mindless automatons who never know anything about the free-wi policy causing the problem. The wi-fi ability menu are also pretty thick. They don't know anything about the limited free-fi policies of the company causing the limited accesses notification.  Unless a user knows all this form experience notifications are not specific and clear causing a great deal of confusion and heartache attempting to maintain an unstable connection. Notifications should clear advising all users clearly "the company has disconnected your account because space is used up for the day. Try again tomorrow". Thus no more frustrating "Can not display page" messages. Also there should be a time and space monitor constantly and constantly trying to grab the attention of the user.

Turning your attention to the doc or task bar move the mouse pointer on the notification icon  and wait for a second or two will advise on the status of the computer and if any updates have been downloaded since the last time the users was on the internet. If red there will be some computer issues caused by the persist time and space limit policy of the wi-fi service.

If there is any updates the second a user connects to the internet these notifications activate contacting to the manufacture downloading behind the scenes the requested updates and fixing problems behind the scenes. When a user is finished with the internet for the session shuts down and restarts off line elsewhere where there is no hot spot available or back home for example their operating system goes though an installation update process the second the computer is restarted.

Inexperienced may wonder about the slow loading and blank screens doing nothing for a minute or two. It's reassuring that doesn't necessary mean their computer is not responding or picked up a virus all of a sudden. Those delayed blank screens are just the chip sets in the computer's mother board configuring the computer. The computer is working normally. Once completed users will observe their computer may a few extra features than before.

One problem is using computers on soft surfaces such as on users using their laps, resting on pillows, rugs, towels or clothing are all surface temperature limit issues. These potentially block important cooling vents. If a laptop seems a little noisy not that it is the hard drive continually working but a cooling fan. Laptops are portable subjected to accidental knocks and falls that can damage cooling fans from working properly. Hot running is a warning or blocking a vent by some soft surface or a damaged cooling fan.

Other problems with that can be  the effect of a new laptop and note books can be new touch pads. These can tend to be a bit stiff until warn in. The pads gaps interfere with each other. The first few days pad precision response my seem uncomfortably less than satisfactory precise for than used to with their previous model. After a week can noticeably improve settling down to what the user feels comfortable with. They free up with time no longer needing to tweak  with the settings all the time.

Lap top touch pad system's have basically inherited the latest touch screen technology trend where upgrading to the next computer are used to the old lap top touch pad style. Multifunction swiping and scrolling technology has been introduced. Most of the time this is not a problem but budget laptops touch pads tend to be built a little close to each other. Users old habits tend to tend to lock the pads together scrolling pages and shift cursors unexpectedly in the middle of a users working. Sometimes users may need to learn all over again how to use the touch pads.

The latest windows tile display type in touch pad and the operating system will automatically display a results found. Turning your attention to the right pane click settings. The touch pad setting dialogue box displays. Click out the tick in the multifunction tick box. If the Apply and OK buttons are not clicked the operating system won't set the setting. It is also recommended to click save this profile button. Once the pad has settled down to a better precision characteristic users can also type in mouse, clicking the right pane settings and explore the dialogue tabs setting the mouse characteristics that suites them translated to the touch pad.

Other problems user's drink drops can collect round the pads seeping down in the gaps that can cause malfunction problems. Fuzzy drinks specially coffee laced with sugar. When dry the sugar can dry up gumming the pads.

As the retailer computers age, deteriorated mechanical problems start to set in starting the habit of effecting the computer on a regularly basis. This often a hint it's time to upgrade to a new computer. It happens to aging operating systems, and smart phones alike that have had a hard life. The older they get the more erratic they become. Apps downloaded from the internet eventually have clogged up the system starting the habit of becoming slower than what they use to be when new.

Unique to Windows based PC's and laptops what is called a registry where the operating system and installed software program files are kept. Apple computers has never had a registry.( At lest not like Windows ) Only in Windows a place where installed software files that have to be tied into the operating system to work smoothly with it. This is why even some tried and true 10  year old programs specific to Microsoft software products can work surprisingly well with the latest operating system. These software programs have some of windows operating system files in the software. The latest operating system instillation program recognizes the instillation, deleting the original replacing it with the software's. As far as the operating system is conserved the software  is native to it.

With increasingly new technology changing virtually every day users come to a point were new versions make the current version obsolete dumping the program cleaning up hard drive space. Important files to Windows in the  original software program is left behind ending up with not the original but still functional to windows cluttering the registry. In time this causes aged windows based PC's  and  laptops to run slower than they used to when new. They say there are registry clean up programs that supposed restore the original windows files again. But here only unique to Windows operating systems because of the unique registry not applicable to Apple computers.

These registry clean up's report oodles of errors. But theses software designers fail to be informative for the user to understand their program just merely pick up on the dozens of the users work stile the operating system's own clean up system can easily handle. These errors depend on how the user works on their machine. It is the effect of interrupting in the middle of program processing creating dozens of personal documents, opening, closes editing the contents of files and folders and renaming and changing computer settings dozens of time every few minuets in their work while others practically every hour. It is the frequency of the changes to personal documents that clutter windows registry. There can be hundreds of changed alterations recorded in the registry.

Operating system companies are aware of this and have taken steps to improve in each new version they placed on the market. The systems kept track of the changes, as well as any custom settings by the user. In the case of Windows PC registry changes can cause confusion if there are remaining files of previous software in time registry programs can start the habit of freezing programs right in the middle of important work where not wanted. Computers are mindless automatons that don't know anything about the original instillation protocol the user should know about so wait on hold patently for instructions that never comes thus the lock ups typical of a aging computer program responses.

With ever advancing  technology operating system and smart phones even tablets are quickly out dated. One of the first things that slows them down loading apps to capacity and ever changing internet resources. It is often responsible for the noticeable reduction in power and speed difference compared when got  new after a year of two. Aging internet capable phones and tablets have to constantly search the internet and install patches and drivers in the back ground while users surf the net.

Long ours of computer processing, smart and cell phone use often take it's toll on keyboard keys and key pads. Technology increases faster than uses so are constantly updating to next generation models to keep up. 20 year old cars are common considered old enough to be off the road as it is, let alone smart, cell phone and computer operating systems considered obsolete in less than a couple of years. Uses dump their near new perfectly functional laptop, smart and cell phones for the latest new model updates in time. Updated devices come thick and fast every couple of years so manufactures limit the lasting capability in order to keep up with their new update new generation models.

Although it's hard to tell if a public free wi-fi hot spot is slow or the computer, one of the of the problems of an agonizingly slow connection can be a confused browser by the amount of history data collected in  time not to mention ( sever technicians that have just tweaked their sever changing support, as well won't help. The list of domain names ( the name of the sever or web site service ) the browser has collected should have the Universal Resource Locator ( URL the address of the server or web site service ) that belongs it or the browser cannot find the site and so displays a page cannot be displayed message.

Think of page cannot be display ( or you're not connected to the internet ) message page means the browser couldn't find the URL that belonged to the domain name you clicked. When a page cannot be displayed page displays take a couple of minutes and especially with a slow computer click the trouble shooting link.

This activates the operating system internet connection trouble shooter. They analysis the connection. Operating ystem's are simple mind morons that can't tell what type of network you are using. It takes them time to search the for the system  you are on. The final result will let you know only possible causes not what is actually the cause.

Operating systems have couple of tool called the resource monitor and event viewer ( different names with different operating systems ) that can help. They are found in your program list under accessories/tools ( and again different names with different operating systems ).The resource monitor can be active on your desk top while you search the internet so you can monitor what going on.

In the event viewer click the Network tab. If the public free wi-fi was dodgy there would be logs telling how the browser behavived.

Microsoft Windows PC called action center is a good resource program that tells user the connection status. When there is no internet connection problem there is no flag icon in Windows task bar. ( Bottom right corner. ) If there is it is certain the wi-fi connection not your computer. The nearest term for apple iMac is Network. For free wi-fi it's called Airport.

These days it's standard equipment built in wi-fi. A wireless radio radio recover in all computerized equipment with modern operating systems. Things to identify are two keyboard indicator lights one for the speaker  and another with a radio transiting icon symbol that indicates the internal network adaptor is either switched on or off, red telling you it's switched off blue or green switch on.

The receiver detects what is known as hot spot your trying to connect to called Wireless Access Points ( WAPs ) that extends about a few dozen meters in diameter from the source. A strong signal clicking the operating system's browser will start the ball rolling and connects with the hot spot pretty quickly.

There is all sorts of things going on behind the scenes that can upset the connection. For one, it is often effected by walls and furniture specially environment never intended for hot spots converted to wi-fi reducing signal strength. The browser becomes intermit. Anything interfering with the signal the browser can't locate the service provider searching forever that never finds.

If the signal drops bellow the threshold altogether drops out completely. The computer displays page cannot be displayed massagers. In other words the browser has stopped working. Move away from walls, enclosed cubicles or furniture. If you know where the transmitter is close by move next to the or the best clear performance spot of the building.

Other people on line close by can play a part in signal drain reducing strength. Tweaking by the service provider is another problem. When a computer gets conflicting address will display error and forbidden pages. Check spelling.

An indication of problems can been seen in the title bar. If the signal is being block for any reason you will see in braces Not responding next to the title.

There will be details of the computers memory If you watch closely memory numbers will change while the computer is working searching the sever in percent. Even though it doesn't tell you what programs are hogging the memory at lest you will know what's going on clue basis.

When new internet connections tended to be trouble free and smooth sailing. As time goes by the collection of files and the internet connections started the habit of becoming increasing erratic as they used to..

Computers have a tough time with web masters insisting on making some of their pages attractive as possible designed like a magazine cover containing huge amount of data to collect and display. Product catalogues are notoriously difficult to use with tiny cell phone screens hard to keep the size of the page down. Web masters have a hard time covering their bases for uses who are slow at upgrading their phones and laptops. It only takes less than a couple of year old smart phone and computer operating system  to start become erratic.

In less than a couple of years from new search engines constantly display notifications a user is suing an old browser the internet no longer supports.

Users decide they don't want to waist time waiting on a agonizingly slow display will close it and search for another one enjoying a faster loading page. Unfortunate for catalogue product pages slow connections is an unfortunate side effect. The computer has to cancel the loading, search the next web address load that information and display the contents. A fast computer on a fast connection can do this in less than a few seconds. On a slow connection can be frustratingly annoying even with a fast loading page.

Off line the same problem with the operating system programs builds slow computers. For example if a user habitually realizes quickly they'd opened the wrong program immediately closing opening the other, the operating system had only just collected half the program files it needs to run then has to close them and  gather the other program files together and run that program. All this takes it's toll on the files. They can become damaged with this type oft treatment.

Apple computers have no registry Microsoft users are familiar because Apple operating systems are based on a operating system called Unix that hark back to the mid 80's and is not DOS ( another system known as Disc Operating System in use the same period Microsoft adapted for their operating systems ).It is Apples Unix and Microsoft ancient Disc Operating System ( MS-DOS )where the files for their previous operating system programs were once  managed. Apple's old Unix and Microsoft's old DOS files managed the operating system files they needed to operate that often got damaged causing the ancient crash characteristics.

A program suffering opening and closing in a split second can often damage one or two important files to operate the system during the closing routine.

The trick today is a memory reserve in the computers memory used as back up. If  there was no reserve in for storing copies of the program files the program there is no powerful back up to fall back on. The whole computer will remain permanently frozen.

Permanent spare commuter space for copies of the operating system's is the operating system's back up safety net. There is no accesses to the the space space so uses can't mess with the safety net. It's what makes modern operating system's so powerfully stable.

There is an emergency close program designed into all the programs the operating system can utilize the back up copy to reaper the damaged file that caused the program to freeze in the first place so the program is as stable as the day the computer was new the next time opened.

Deleting and replacing personal files and programs all the time potentially leaves shared files, memory and log files of them left behind. In time there will be invalid short cuts, memory of uninstalled programs scattered all over your computers hard drive.

Updating Apple computers defragging the hard drive as the user  works. It's what makes them so stable and stability is what makes them appearing.

Microsoft computers leave an untidy fragmentation build up of your personal files getting worse every time you update each one. It takes the computer a lot longer than it use to process it's features the potential cause running low on memory recourses a symptom of a running slow computer.

The main culprit of memory hog are full recycle and trash bins. If they are always full every time a user deletes a file their operating system deletes what it see's fit in there to make room for the new file in the case of Microsoft computers creating quite a fragmentation mess of the hard drive in the processes. The more neglect the more uses start to think it's their computer is getting old about time to upgrade to another computer. This is why Microsoft operating systems come with tools to tidy up the fragmented mess.

Microsoft has placed access in the control panel clicking system and security found under administrative tools. You want find a defragmenter program in apple computers.

Computers automatically organize files and folder names the way we would file naturally categorizing in alphabetical and numerical order

The internet has been an ideal safety net alternative helping to save space in computers. But users need to be continually on line to take advantage of it. Today essentially internet oriented both Microsoft and Apple web sites are sources of bringing up to date restoring any corrupt files for their operation systems. Both operating systems can be programmed to bring up-to-date manually or automatically.

Computers don't know anything about  numerical or alphabetical order. All they know is a combination of up to 64 bits of the digital binary system for every place for a file. By default operating systems have a 32 or 64 bit code for every letter sequence of the alphabet. You can find every file in your system knowing the name of a file looking it up in alphabetical order including numerical order not matter how the files are arranged.

Operating systems have settings that allows you to set by date order by the type of file from photos to text documents will still be organized according to the file names in alphabeticalorder.  All photo files together and all text files together created in the same date in alphabetical order by filenames.

You can organized by list, details contents, tiles by date large extra large or small icons but at the end of the day everything will still be organized by numerical and alphabetical order as the file name tells the operating system.

Identifying unidentified icons users can move the mouse pointer on undefined icon resting on them for a second or 2 will identify it.

One of the begets challengers of CD and DVD burning are impetus users. When the burning process is started all we hear in our little voices "Oh-no nothing is happening! The program's frozen up!". It is a big mistake to stop in the middle the processes just because there is no indication of progress. Another mistake is suddenly realizing we made a mistake and interrupt to reset it. Optical disc recording doesn't work that way

Record able optical discs are not like our hard drives and flash drive memory sticks. Stopping in the middle of a save session normally doesn't effect the hard drive and our memory sticks. It only adds to fragmented disc data.

But during a recording session to optical discs leaves an incomplete digital data the operating system's multimedia finds as incomplete so cannot read it. This is always fatal with optical discs that explains why optical disc cannot be opened ever again after interrupted in the middle of a burning.

Users should never interrupt when the burn session has been started. The only thing to do is to not panic  resisting the temptation until the the burning program lets you know it's finished.

This is not the only problem. There are mechanical problems no program troubleshooter can detect. These are falling to pieces multimedia player navigation button and keyboard keys. We can imagine trying to play  video with the stop button jammed or at lest pressing shorting on the stop command. In fact any navigation button will cause problems specially when burning optical discs.

Hairline cracks cause by a few bumps and knocks will act like the latter in all your computer work causing your programs to experience a momentarily burst of shorting error commands causing it to stop working.

DVD recorders and players often have this problem with falling to pieces all kinds of manual feature buttons including off/on buttons interring with disc start opertions. It will be a problem with optical disc recording in as well as in computers.

Sometimes manhandling a computer clumsy butter fingers knock can start some hairline crack in the chassis somewhere that doesn't become a problem for sometime latter.

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