Saturday, February 24, 2018

Bicycle wheel flat

One of the major inconveniences of cycling is flat break downs. It occurs when tires have gotten warn to a state of  baldness. Sudden and dramatic is a picked up piece of glass, tax, or a sliver of wire.

These type of flats are easy fixed. The most frustrating problem is bald tires that have gotten to a stage the rubber has become so thin they start to developed trend of a persistently going down.
Tire that have done many kilometers tend to be are hard to keep inflated properly. Balding tires tend to pick up a collection of tiny fragments embedding themselves in the thin rubber of the tire.

Depending on your luck, they can remain there for weeks without a problem, notorious for tiny specks of stone chips and glass fragments working themselves in the thinning rubber finally puncturing inner tube at a latter date. New low cost are budget tires that have done many kilimeters tend to be problematic.

The development of electric bikes have become notoriously hard to remove wheels going to a lot of trouble just because of a tack or piece of glass. To compensate tires and inner tubes have been developed completely flat proof more than normal.

They are designed with a thick hides that even tacks can't penetrate the inner tube. The only thing that can flatten flat proof tires unlucky enough to pick up a big enough nail. Examining the circumference of a well warn and surface we sometimes come across evidence we ran over tar or sticky gum that stuck a glob of tiny stones and glass fragments.

The most frustrating challenge of warn thin tire rubber is hidden pieces of glass and stone chips pushed deeply hidden out of sight in the thin rubber of the tire, where it can be overlooked. Hidden bodies left in the bald tires will keep puncturing though the thin rubber puncturing the inner tube, time and time again. These have to be found and removed.

I don't have to remind you of the dangers of picking out with a sharp poker while the tire is inflated with tragic results. It is best done vacuum flat. A needle point poker is ideal getting at the tiny fragment. Blunt instruments tend to push the offending object deeper into the tire trying in a tempt to lever it out.

Those who are not prepared are often caught out miles from anywhere. Although not recommended specially if cary a load we are often forced to walk our bikes on the flat for miles. The odds of destroying the inner tube beyond reaper including permanently buckling tire is extremely high. If you do it is imminent the longer the miles. Those that are have learnt form experience to carry a emergency kit, including all the necessary tools to remove the wheel, a hand pump. and inner tube reaper kit. They often save us.

One short cut to getting yourself mobile again short cut the bike upside down resting on the seat and handle bars the wheel still in the bike go round carefully looking for any hidden fragment first. Once found a poker can flick out the offending object.

If you don't find anything we can use an alternative.
If the wheel is off and the inner tub removed turning your attention to inside of the tire can be reveling. The inside fabric is good contrast allowing easer spotting. Once found, it is a simple mater of pushing out from the inside ideal avoiding the risk of probe lever damage leveraging from the outside.

Inner tube patch failures is often frustrating. It is often a sign of over looking a hidden pin hole you gave up because you couldn't find anything wrong with the tire or inner tube. Another sign the surface of the tube was not properly prepared or the cement has not fully covered all the patch properly.

Air is easily escaping out the the edges. One of the major causes is a hidden pin hole. Just like finding it hard to find a stone or glass fragment in the tire inner tube pin holes are equally notoriously hard to find. They are very tricky needing clever tricks to find them. If in a hurry slows you right down.

The only thing you can do is to pump up the inner tube to help expand the pin hole enough to feel a column of air escaping. Another sign of flat repair failure is damage beyond reaper done by walking the bike for several miles on the flat tire. The worse thing you can do with a load carrier.

If you have access to a sink or bath tube of water, no pin hole can ever escape an under whiter check. On the side of the road there is nothing you can do but persevere with expanding the inner tube full of air. The pin hole will be eventually found. Provided you haven't walked you bike on a flat for a distance there will be no damage done to the tire and inner tube. Repair should be straight forward
Patches tend to hold fast compressing dips in the inner tube at that point. T

ires don't balance leaving uneven pressure on the tire. The patch makes the a week inner tube pressure point where the rest of the tube takes the pressure resulting uneven inner tube pressure transferred to the tire.

Tire rims that look like they are not seat properly on the steel rim have been damaged either by scraping curbs but most of all a too tight tire fitting on the rim. Observing the tire rim seating of new and good bikes is a good guide of what things should be. The tire rim is a perfect circle running parallel with the entire circumference of the steel rim in perfect symmetry.

Too tight tires or even loose to get off and on is a sign of wrong tire size. Look for distorted and uneven circling of the tire. The tire rim can look as if it is not going to hold on for long in some places. Severe damage is likely caused by someone forcing a too tight tire off and on the steel rim with damaging levers ripping and tearing at the steel wire of the tire's rim. Too loose causes the same results. Things are made worse by uneven inner tube pressures.

Rider weight compresses soft tires and inner tubes specially loose a loose fit wrong tire size. Any added uneven inner tube pressure It stresses the walls of the tire rim bulge points. There will be potential further tire wall damage being done to the wrong tire size already week tire rim bulge.

The right tire size tire and inner tubes evenly distribute the pressure firmly and  evenly keeping the walls of the tires full. Right size tires pump hard and full not only makes riding feel solid and sturdy, but also reduces road paddle resistance in pedaling.

Constantly swapping with different tires, can lead to these kind of tire problems. The next time you have the tire off ( or access to any bicycle rim ) observe the inside edges of the tire and wheel rims.
Most of us are unaware there is either a hooked or flat on the edge to bicycle rims. Correspondingly there should be a matching hook or flat design in the rim of the tire with the rim rim.

Looking at tire rims you will find 2 types a hook or a flat edge. If you assemble a hooked tire on a flat edged rim the tire doesn't sit properly. There will be tire damage issues transferred to the inner tube too as well. So too, a flat edge tire rim assembled on a hooked rim is a miss match fit. Hook or flat rims need proper corresponding hooked or flat rim edge matting. If the rim is hooked the tire rim must be hooked. If the rim is flat rimed the tire needs to be flat rimed.

Other causes ignoring arrows pointing in the drive direction when refitting. Pointing the opposite drive direction for both rear and front wheel, there will be tire damage issues transferred to the inner tube as well.

Bikes are best upside down resting on the seat and handle bars turning the wheel. Observe if there is any arrow on the tire wall. Turning the wheel in the drive direction note the arrow pointing direction. If a well warn and smooth tire at this point you can check round the circumference of the tire to see if an offending object can found out side the tire assessment.

Having a good inner tube on hand will get you going as quickly the time it takes to replace it. Otherwise salvaged with a patchy reaper kit. If at a petrol station you're lucky with the handy free air pump station.

If on the side of the road you will need a hand pump. Pumping up the inner tube out of the tire will reveal If a previous patch is leaking. Inflating the inner tube you will soon feel a column of air from the patch or an expanded hole air leak giving itself away. If a leaking patch is not holding fast any more. Sometimes we can't find the holes this way.

This is cause by a tiny hole caused by a tiny overlooked peace of stone or glass chip. The pin holes they cause are notorious to find. The only way to find these holes on the side of the road is to supper inflate the inner tube with a hand pump to help expand the hole enough to feel air escaping. The worst thing with tiny pin holes air often escapes faster than you can supper inflate.

If you have access to a tube of water no hole can escape the under water test. Otherwise you are forced to do the best you can where you are. Keep expanding the inner tube feeling round the circumference for a column of air. It is often a help to stretch pulling and tugging the inner tube as you inflate to encourage the pin hole to open enough to feel the column of air.

A sign of leaking patches the surface of the inner tube wasn't properly prepared that can easily be ripped off. Patches that can't is the way they should be. Properly prepared inner tube surface you should never be able to tear off. If it does is your flatting source you can to tear off and start over with proper cleaning up again. If you don't clean off the reaming cement residue the patch will always have the same problem.

Tearing off there will be mess of reaming cement left. Appling new cement straight over it is the cause patch repair failure. This residue must be cleaned off.

Using fine engineering emery paper just won't cut it with out a lot of time and effort. To fine and time consuming. You will need coarse carpenter's sand pepper or the the cheese grater scraper provided in your patchy kit. If you don't scrape off the remaining comment the new cement will never hold. Scrape all of it away the whole area the new patch.

If a patch is not a concern you can pay attention on finding the hole in the tube with the pump. In the case of a budget hand pumps making no headway, depending whether you are left or right handed, you may need to stretch out the rubber of the as you pump to encourage the pin hole to expand.

One of the sign of a poor hand pump is previous under water tests finding pin holes when the pump has gotten wet and amerced in the water. This is a mistake because the wet rots the rubber seals causing no air sealing rendering the pump useless. When dealing with under water tests don't get the pump wet or you will be faced with a useless pump.

When you feel a column of air you have located the hole. Well warm and sooth baled tires that collect tiny slivers of stone and glass chips causing theses pin holes are extremely easy to loose site of. So it is prudent while you have the chance stretch the inner tube rubber so the hole is manageable. Once lost relocating them is difficult to find again. You can apply circling the pin in the center of a circle spot with a ball point pen.

Prepare the surface of the inner tube with cause carpenters sand paper or the cheese grater like scrapper provided with the patchy kit. If you don't scrape a cause clean area round the hole the size of the patch, the cement won't hold, otherwise air will leak from the edges another patch repair failure.

If you scrape the area bigger than the patch you're covering your bases the edges of the patch properly. As you scrape you will observe it often hides the hole. This is where the pen circle cones in handy before you started scrapping. When scraped bigger then the edges of the patch patches tend to be sturdy standing up the rigors of tire pressure for a long time.

If you're using a brand new kit, unscrew the cap. In the top is a little pin. Turn over and pierce the silver seal. Don't empty the container or you will end up a messy glob. Don't squeeze it. Let a drop out to a small glob right on the whole. Replace the cap.

Stretch the hole wide to let some of the cement drain into it and let close to help the cement plug it.
When spreading the cement spread larger than the patch covering your bases the cement is clean or particles, grease and dirt contaminates the cement. Even dry clean fingers still can leave residue oily finger grease. Be careful with seating on hot summer days.

Make sure you allow the cement to dry sticky covering well the area of the patch. As you apply the cement you will observe it tends to hide the hole. Patches stick best when applied when the cement is tacky. Now you can tear off the silver backing of the patch.

It is not really necessary, but a helpful option covering you're bases for leak free edges to spread some cement on the underside of the patch itself spreading to the edges. Let dry tacky.

You will observe spreading the cement hides the hole. Eye up the best you can a line of site the center of the pen circle marker ( or the hole itself, if you can see it ) to the center of the patch and press on. You will only have one shot the cement hiding the hole, as the cement will stick fast immediately.

Watch your eye angle coordination on the hidden hole squares the patch exactly centering it in the center of the patch. Use any round edge pressing down the edges. Don't concentrate so much on the center but round the edges of the patch.

If you have a spare inner tube, that is beyond reaper you can use it as a shoe inside well warn smooth tires. Cut off the valve. A patch can be used to cover the gapping hole. The spare helps to act as a buffer shoe between the inside roof of the tire and the ball of the inner tube the tire rides on. All this depends on if you have the right size tire or it will only make things worse and how badly thin the rubber or the tire has become still picking up tiny stone and glass chips. Never the less with the right size tire the shoed inner tube is a help.

Before you reassemble the tire don't forget about any direction of the drive arrow on the tire wall must correspond with the crank drive direction. Now the inner tube can be reassembled back into the tire and fit the tire the arrow pointing in the direction of free wheel or sprocket crank push direction.

You may have experienced a tight getting off or on tight tire. A proper scrapping the patch will be sturdy enough to pump up to the maximum tire pressure recommended on the tire wall of the tire. Pumped up to the maximum recommended tire pressure we feel a sturdy solid and easier ride.  Fitting an extra shoe might be difficult to get the tire back on tough.

Other than that, an expense inner tube has a extra thick hide making them puncture resistant. Expensive tires essentially the same lining the inside. The anti puncture compound built into expensive tires  is what makes them more expensive.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Up and down bycle wheel hopping

What causes distorted up and down wheel hopping. Severe hopping is often caused by the circumference of the rim is compromised between spokes.

The bike upside down resting on the seat and handle bars we can assess the severity. Move the wheel round. Any hopping their will be a radial dip or rise in the rim. Stop right where there is a dip or rise and observe between spokes. It is likely you'll find a couple of places right between spokes distorting the true circumference of the wheel. You can map these spots with dabs paint on the rim. (Or the spokes if you like). When there is dips and rises between spokes no amount of spoke tension adjustment can strighten them. In fact only makes them worse.

Using standard commuter and sports bikes like a donkey will do it. Constant loads over the back wheel distorts their rims in this way. Back packer adventure, electric and cargo bike wheels are engineered to handle stress. There is also the potential of breaking spoke heads off at the hub flange.

If replacing broken spoke of any bike make sure the rim is not warped between the spokes. If what seems like a standard sports bike to you, standing up to pannier (side saddle bags) and carrier loading well odds are engineered back packer adventure tour bike. If you are into carrying loads a lot make sure you use adventure back packing cargo bikes. Fitting these wheels on standard sports frames the weight will only transfer to the wheel drop outs taking it's toll on the frame.

The following is when there is no distortion compromises between spokes that can be adjusted easily by spoke tension adjustments.

Side to side wobble can easily be fixed by spoke tension adjustment. It is possible to true with out a truing stand with the tire and tube removed reassemble in the bike. If rim breaks the break rubbers make ideal guides.

Bikes that have no rim breaks a jerry-rigging piece of string tied across the front fork for front wheels or for rear wheels across the rear wheel drop out stays is a helpful guide. Move the rim round moving round the stretched across string. With no dips and rises between spokes we can clearly see the rim moves side to side of the across the string.

If truing a rim in bike there is a couple of important details that shouldn't be overlooked. One is your eye coordination view of the straightness of the hub in the front forks or rear wheel drop out stays is aligned dead straight otherwise you will be truing the rim with a cockeyed wobbling mounted wheel that can cause truing difficulty. Depending on the wheel there danger of creating dips and rises between spokes.

Appling to bikes with no external rear wheel gear wheel bikes. When you reassemble the chain tight you will experience as if there is dragging feeling as if the bike is heavily under powered slowing you down. Fairly sloppy it can't come off the front chain wheel or rear wheel sprocket you will experience freedom of peddling movement in the peddling. The bike feels more a lot lighter. Anyway, tight chains stretch the links warring out the chain links.

Anther important detail if crescents (Revolving or shifting spanners as they are also known) is all you've got they are crude and bulky making it hard to move and burr nipples round beyond loosing and use.

Proper spoke keys are available at bike shops. Low cost ones tend to be low tensile (softer metal) strength that tend to warp in time slipping round the nipples rendering the tool useless. You will be forever replacing nipples that won't work anymore. Expensive top of the line tools are best grip because of high tensile hardened steel quality strengths without damaging nipples to nuts and bolts. They are a firm grip.

An important detail when replacing nipples the screwdriver must have a sold grip on tight nipples. Incorrect size does much damage to the slit as as a shifting spanner does to the nipple shanks rendering it useless. When these things happen we are forced to cut the spoke to replace the whole spoke just because of a ruined nipple. What ever method used gather the tools and spokes you need before you start.

Youtub has plenty of video clips with lots of helpful tips you can follow visually. In your search engine type in the key words youtube truing bicycle wheels. There are clips that show you how to true a wheel with out a truing stand.

Basically the bike is upside down with the tire off and the rim back in secured in place. Depending whether you are left or right handed you will be squatting next the the wheel. Find the best side of the bike that suites hand best.

When round the rim the stretch out string find a point where the rim moves to one side. Loosing spokes will pull back centralizing just as tightening. With no distortion problems between spokes the string or rim brake bike rubbers guide you in the alignment.

A sign the rim has been compromised between the spokes you end up and creating up and down bumping. A sign some spokes appear to be to short in one corner. It is enviable the opposite corner will appear to long. To short is a sign of a rise. To long a sign of a dip. It's time to eye ball check between spokes. You will find there is nothing you can do with any more spoke tension apart from making things worse.

In the youtube clips rim brake rubbers are handy to uses as a guide. Observe how the rim runs between them. Youtbe clips show tips on how jerry rig with plastic zip ties as a substitute refence if your bike has no rim brakes.

With experience you can tell witch side of the rim needs to be straightened by the revolving the rim between rim break rubbers or your make shift guides. (As according the youtube clip tip).

The key to lateral side to side wobbling is to loosen or tighten keeping an eye on the radial up and down adjustment that pulls the rim to the left or right centering between the guides automatically adjusting rise and dip spot areas automatically.

The following are technical issue keys to replacing spokes to building wheels. In building on any salvaged rim always double check them between the spoke nipple holes are not compromised first

Wheel size.

As explained in some yuotube clips wheel size is stamped on the tire wall. X is the width of the tire including the tire rim height. A dress making tape measure across the tip to tip of whole the  tire will confirm imperial inches and the flip side in metric.

Mountain and commuter bikes are commonly 26 inches for adults and 24 for the younger set. The metric equivalent to 26 inch is 700mm (or 70 centimeters if you like) called 700c. 26 inch and 700c wheels may look identical but comparing a 700c tire will be a little smaller than the imperil 26 inch meaning the spokes are different lengths by a couple of millimeters between the wheel sizes.

It is a common mistake getting mixed up between a 26 impearl and metric 700C rim assume looking the same size at first glance. Novices often end up (including any spokes salvage from another wheel) struggling with metric 700C tire onto a 26 inch impearl rim and vice versa, a 26 tire onto a 700C rim respectively. They are not the same wheel and tire size. One is metric the other imperial.

The width of the tire is also an issue.

An important detail is to observe the width that includes the height of the tire wall. We can all see in bike shops have a variety of tire sizes in both impearl and metric. When replacing a tire take particular note of the original tire's width and tire wall height details. Racing sports bikes are the thinnest and smallest rim height. There are common commuter bikes both standard and electric. The wide cargo bike tires and the widest of them all are mountain sport bikes.

Budget tires (the cheep ones) tend to be low kilometer ware and tare lasting. Seems seem to become unstuck. The most important detail are not puncture proof. Mere thorns will puncture brand new ones, while expensive tires that has done many kilometers still in good order takes a huge nail to puncture those tires. The more expensive the more kilometers of ware and tear quality tolerance and designed with puncture proof property in mind.

Double check with a tape measure the diameter of you bikes tire to that of the diameter of the rim. 26 inch and 700C may look the same size at first glance but the 700c rim is slightly smaller. If you have striped down rims you can see this by comparing the the two sizes. Picking up a new spoke or tire from a bike shop quote not only the tire diameter but also the width. If you are not sure take some tape measurements of the original rim to the shop personal or use the original spoke.

Another meathead of determining what spoke length is required measure one of the original wheel's spokes with a tape measure from the spoke nipple in the rim to the spoke head in the hub flange. If you have a selection of savage spokes you've salvaged from other wheels compare your spares and use the one that is the same length.

Paying close attention the spoke arrangement is the key in getting the wheel running smoothly. An important detail if you have a striped down hub or a brand new spare count the number of spoke holes round the hub flange. The number of spoke holes counted one side equals the same number the opposite flange doubled equals the total number of spokes of the whole wheel. For 18 18 holes on the left side and 18 on the right equals the total number of spokes of the rim is a detail worth knowing.

Bike shop racing bike displays each side of the hub flange can be as little as 5 or 6. Common commuter and mountain bikes not very common at 16 commonly 18. Cargo bike carrying capacity hubs can be as much as a total of 20 each side. The spoke holes represent one side doubled the total number of spoke spokes of the whole wheel an example of the perfect symmetry to bicycle wheels.

Counting the total number of spokes divided in half is the key to the number of the hub. And vice versa the number of spoke holes doubled the total number of spoke holes required by the rim.

In doing so you will observe an important detail in replacing spokes. As you will see there are alternating inward and out outward pointing spoke heads round the circumference of the hub flange.

One points inward, the next one out, then the next one in then the next one out, then in, respectively. (There are a selection of yuotube clips on spoke arrangements to view)

Replacing a broken spoke (as shown by these clips) is either an inward pointing or outward point heads on one side of the hub flange. Copy the spoke head pattern threading the new spoke head direction according to the overall spoke in and out head pattern. Keep the spoke heads uniform throughout the circumference of the hub flange. If you are building a wheel pay close attention both front and rear left and right sides of the hub detail.

Copying fully made up wheels to a new bike wheel you will observe alternating Inward and outward pointing spoke heads both sides of the hub flanges. Noting there is an alternating pair of spokes heads reveals a perfect repeating symmetrical paten in the circumference of the whole wheel itself.

Following another wheel as a model is the key to bicycle wheel mechanics.

One of the most important details in rebuilding wheels from scratch is the slight dish like curve of the hub flanges. Using a striped down rear wheel to using a brand new spare as a model or if it's your own bike is all you've got observing the hub flanges you can make out one side may appear slightly dished while the other side may look dead straight. Depending on your bike there is the potential for both sides could be dead straight or both sides dished. Correspondingly there are rims with alternating staggering spoke holes in some rims.

What ever you find with your bike is one of the most important details of getting the wheel running smoothly.

Bike parks illustrate clearly the importance of this. Viewing back wheels square on, you will see various dished like appearances to each wheel. You will encounter allsorts of bikes single, double and triple front chain wheels, 1, 5, 6, 7 or 8 rear sprocket sets. Statistically math's works out to 7 possible arrangements can be seen.

Aligning square on closely at a rear wheel specially, you will note the details of some bikes the spokes look dished out and some flat inwards. You will note a variation of some gear cluster sides may look flat, while the opposite side may look dished. Others both sides may look flat while others both sides may look dished.

An important detail to note is the gap between the gear cluster and opposite side of the rear wheel drop outs. There is 4 possible hub arrangements in three statistical variations. There is the obvious, slightly obvious and not so obvious dished like appearance to each wheel. It all depends on model manufacture design. A quick glance at the front chain wheel churnings and the rear wheel gear cluster set can tell you straight away the gaps are controlled by the speed of the bike.

Looking at striped down hubs or new spares as a model if you can see the shortest hub can only accommodate a limited number of sprockets telling you a 10 speed hub. The longest length up 8 with the variations between. Thus with experience one can learn to tell the important difference between a 10, 12, 15,18, 21 to a 24 speed hub.

Viewing the rear wheel of bikes at bike stands as a model the important detail of the hub flanges revealing rear wheels guided between the drop outs stays are perfectly even clearances each side of the drop out stay accommodating the number of rear wheel sprockets. You will observe either gear cluster or opposite sides look corresponding flat or slightly dished on one side or dished both or flat both sides aligning the hole wheel dead center between the stays all due to the slightly dish curve of hub flanges.

Observing the important detail of the the stays under the brake bridges plenty of even clearance both sides of the tires you can check with rulers. Dissembled hubs show the slightly curved inward or dead straight gear cluster opposite side flanges give those dished like appearances to rear wheels. Some hub flanges will make the whole wheel appear flat or dished both sides. Doing arithmetic statistics tells us there is up to 6 possible combination to be seen.

Operating on the principle of the details when rebuilding a wheel from salvaged spare is to to aim for the key to wheel building success.

Looking to the front wheel as a model another spare wheel or a new bike wheel you can observe right on the flange how a spoke crosses a spoke head. Tracing the spoke crosses another spoke father up. Then another. This is called cross. Depending on your bike, racing bike wheels are commonly 2 cross.

Using another wheel or a whole bike even better copying from new bike wheels as a model you will observe light weight racing bikes as little as one. Standard mountain and commuter bikes commonly 3 cross. Strong cargo bike carrying capacity wheels can be up to 4 cross. It turns out to be a perfect mathematical constant. There is no such thing as fractions over cross arrangements. They can't.

Depending on your bike there are 1, 2, 3, or 4 crossed wheels. Observing you own bike wheel determines the cross of you bike.

The first thing you will notice there is no gaps when crossing because the spokes are crossed over and under each other. This is the strength of bicycle wheels. It is why they are so sturdy. As the wheel rotates each crossing under and over support each other from flexing. Gaps allow this to happen braking off at the head right at the hub flange every time. As a new bike wheel tells you often not threading a replacement spoke tucked in and over each other is a mistake of novices make.

Another important detail you will see a prefect symmetrical pattern from the spoke nipples in the from rim to the hub flange. Tracing a spoke to the hub flange you will find every second spoke nipple is the opposite side of the hub flange. They two alternate in a prefect symmetrical pattern.

If you take an outward pointing head tracing to the spoke to the nipple in the rim counting five along and tracing the fifth spoke back to the flange you will observe the next  inward spoke. The same is

true with inward pointing heads all round the rim in a perfect and regular symmetrical pattern.

Using new bike or a known good wheel as a model novices can learn what rebuilt wheel should be.

Every inward and outward pointing spoke heads are on the same sides of each hub flange. If you take a pair of spoke nipples and trace the spokes down to the hub flange will either be inward or outward pointing that side of the wheel. A good model to work from will help you determine the right way to reassemble a new spoke.

Choosing the right length is a couple of options. If you have the old one removed  you can measure with a tape measure or the spoke void left left in the rim or one of the other spokes.

Alternatively if you have spare spokes laying round check them against the gap. You can either

Compare them to the other spokes or line up the head lining up with the spoke hole in the hub flange lining up the nipple thread to just under the nipple hole of the rim.

A important detail to understand it is a mistake to use a spoke protruding though rim nipple hole or to short. To long you run out of threat not able to tighten. To short pulls bulges in the rim helping to put more of a wobble in the rim.

Just right the spoke head lined up with the spoke hole in the hub flange with the tip of the thread just under the rim hole. Following new bike wheel patterns to aim for when replacing a new spoke. That's the easy part.

The hard part is proper spoke tension. Testing spoke tension on a known good or new bike tells you what spoke tensions should be. It is a mistake to tighten spokes in line one after the other. That only makes it easy for novices to create badly distorted rim wobble. It only mangers to twist over the rim more.

The bike upside down resting on the set and handle bars  a spinning wheel shows the slightest rim wobble. It is often deceiving as a up and down and side to side bumping in the rim at the same time.

Aware of the way the hub flange arranges the spokes nipples in the rim alignment is a important detail in adjusting out the rim wobble though spoke tension.

The proper way to true a wheel is a proper wheel truing jig professional bicycle shop mechanics use. Wheels are mounted using the axial in a frame between a pair of precision pin points. It is a lot easier than using the frame of your bike.

It is possible to true to some extent in bikes. A handy feature of rim brake bikes are ideal used as make shift reference guides. Other bikes make it more compacted. The only make shift reference available aligning between the  front forks for front wheels and rear wheel drop out stays for rear wheels. It takes a great deal of experience and skill.

However make shift guides can be fitted to the front forks or rear wheel drop outs with simple broom handle storage clips taking the place rim brake rubber pads of rim brake bikes. Mount the clip aligning the a reference point for each side of the wheel.

An important detail using only the tools you've got cheep shifting revolving crescent spanners destroys nipple nipple crisp. Not only is there no room to turn the nipples the cheapness of the jaws is are to slack specially worn out slipping on the nipple shanks unable to get a firm grip butching up the shank giving you moving spoke nipple problem movement heart aches. Expensive top of the line worth a lot of money cressets are much better but there is still the great risk of room and ruining spoke nipple shank.

Temperal Paradox

There is a Facebook post entitled time travel is real. Youtube is full of video clip examples of mysteries claiming can only be explained by time travel. There is a clip that asks is time travel possible. Time travel intertwines and entangles yesterday, today and tomorrow called paradoxes the most common the Grandfather paradox.

The TV series Star Trek was not afraid of some time travel stories. So far star wars hasn't gone there. Some of us believe there is no distention between the past and present. We never remember anything of the future beyond present time. The only the past. The future always a blank. Every stop watch, wrist watch and clock second hand moving every division (including digital seconds) is a now moment of time. Every present second passes into the past second in every past minute of every hour of every day of our lives.

The second hand tracks 60 present times in every minute. We know there is 60 minutes in an hour. A one hour long TV program is made up of 3 thousand 600 now moments of time.

Every 12 midnight is a calendar date change every 24 hours. Our clocks and watches track every date change. In terms of seconds from the first second 12 midnight to the last second before the date changes again is made up of 86 thousand 400 now moment's of time. We know their is 7 days to every week. In terms now moments of time is 60 times 60 (60 squared) times 24 times 7.

That is, the first second 12 midnight the first working day including the week end to the last second 12 midnight Sunday night where the cycle of the week days repeat. Every month, of our calendar, every year, decade that pass on earth will be made up of the now moments of time into the future. In theory every century every millennia (thousand years) million, a billion even a trillion centuries pass now moments of time.

Anybody traveling into the past or future never know what is about to happen to them personally. In the past or future every future second is still a blank in that time just as it was in their present. The things they do is in the hands of the next few seconds, minutes and hours in the past or future isn't in their memory yet. To them every future second is a blank mystery of what they are going to do every second.

A word that not many are familiar called entropy describes the passing of time. In simple terms nothing lasts for ever. Entropy means everything neglected to time falls to pieces. In time an abandoned home turns into a haunted house finally turning to a open air property. To us the time of entropy is agonizingly slow. We only need to look at the time scale of an abandoned house neglected for a 25 years.

Here is a time travel code or a riddle that talks gibberish at first until we think of the consequences. What a time traveler did tomorrow is going to have consequences for us in our yesterday.

Deciphering  the code means when a time traveler from yesterday arrived in our future tomorrow had skipped our present changing it starting from tomorrow. For us in present time the changes don't take effect until the person arrives in our tomorrow.

Here is another code. That is equally as wired to take in. Operating on the latter principle in a couple of years time the tragic death of lady Diana is no longer going to have happened in our present time any more. Deciphering this code with the break though in time in the future a well meaning traveler was successful in making sure the car crash never happened. For us in present time this effect is not going to take effect until a couple of years into our future.

We all know the mystery of another car involved somehow. In a couple of years time a well meaning time traveler successfully restored the damage his collage had done. That's twice history has been altered. God knows how many times. It is an endless loop. A endless loop of 30 years of history.

Some of will remind us of the many world theory of parallel universe at play here. Others may take that as an excuse life is only an illusion. If it is then it is only a figment of our imagination someone we care about is neglecting us for in favor of someone we specially don't like. Imagine the excitement of challenge junkies that just done a dangerous stunt getting way with it with the added dimension of doing it the dangerous way must feel like.

In another time travel riddle Adolph Hitler was a dispatch runner in world war 1 in the thick of many battles. What is the odds of any German solder surviving every battle pretty well unscathed the whole war as he did? How easy was it for Hitler to have been a causality.

Imagine a well meaning time traveler on a mission to prevent the up and coming Jewish holocaust. What if he made sure Hillier was just another German causality? And imagine another time traveler policing time lines making sure that does not happen to keep preserving the present time line. What if a time traveler made sure all the events that would have saved the Titanic was made sure was present.

What if the crows nest sailor was made sure he had binoculars. What if a time traveler mad sure the aversive maneuvers was the correct one?

Another riddle. Do you remember when you was little a grown adult befriended you? What would you say if you just found out it was you as the adult from the future? What would you do if you found out just after the breakthrough of time travel? And that's assuming if you were the privileged few who have access to the technology.

A TV series Quantum leap is a tail of a time traveler inverter caught up in a time traveler looping. Season 5 the first episode part one Leaping on a string of a two part story sees Sam leaping various points of Lee Harvey Oswald's life. The original objective of Sam's adventures was to put right wrongs. Al knew Sam may not be able to kill the president personally. At first Sam's side kick was hopeful Sam was there just to find the truth about the events of that day.

If Sam didn't leap on to another assignment soon Sam was going to be have to kill the president personally. The plot got completed when Sam's and Oswald's minds started merging. A perplexing problem emerged when Sam was starting to believe he was Oswald. It was would have been a good thing for history but Al was concerned the real Sam might not be able to bring himself to kill the president.

In part two Leap of Judgment Sam found Oswald's personality was getting increasingly harder to control.

As Al's attempts to get though to Sam worsened he was beginning to panic Sam looked more and more Sam will not remain as Oswald anymore on the day and likely Sam couldn't bring himself to kill the president. At the same time Al was increasingly finding it harder to connect with Sam to warn him of the consequences of not killing the president reminding Sam  what he must do for history's sake. History lay in the hands of Sam.

Part two ended in a successful conclusion. The question is what if Al couldn't persuade Sam from killing the president in time? What of the time line then? Every aftermath aspect did happen over the next decades was not going to happen any more be completely different to we know it if Sam couldn't bring himself to kill the president.

You tube mystery clips claim proof of time travel to justify the scenario for a logical answer. We'd think there was no randomness of our present history but planed out by visitors from the future making sure the present time line is always as we know it.

Anybody from the future the would have confidently advised us before 1st December 1012 (the famous end of the world date that has come and gone) wasn't going to happen. They could predict accurately to the very second a disaster for the world coming. Youtube has a clip of Nastridamus predictions for 2018  Mt Vesuveus reviling the eruption of 79AD that destroyed the city of Pompeii.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Black holes

Black holes are renowned for their infinite gravitational pull. Gravity itself is renowned for compressing matter into spheres and black holes should be no exception. Some of us are reminded right in the center (the singularity) of a time before the big bang that has supposed to have created our universe. The border where light disappears into the black voids is called the event horizon.

Some us believe if a black hole spin at the speed of light there should be enough centrifugal force to create a ringed hole. The finite speed should neutralize the infinite gravitational inward pull for ships to safely travel though. Zero gravity is unheard of for a black hole.

It was once believed the combined gravitational field of the universe kept the universe from expanding until, the total was finally measured. To cosmologists shock and surprise there was not enough. There was missing gravity. It takes the mass of stars and galaxies to create gravity. It is thought their is some sort of dark matter making up the short fall.

A feature of the universe galaxies are moving away from one another. Theoretically the gravitational field of dark matter should be slowing down the expansion keeping the galaxies from expanding. Today there evidence of the universe is actually not slowed by dark matter but accelerating. What was expanding the universe against dark matter? So what ever is accelerating the galaxies was coined as some sort of dark energy they don't know anything about.

The a law of the universe says there is a maximum speed limit to all things. Specks of dust to stars travel the universes at constant velocities way way slower than light speed. Light speed itself coasts in the zero resistance of space at a maximum speed of 186 thousand miles per second. It just doesn't go any faster than a terminal velocity. It seems the terminal velocity of the universe is decreasing.

According to Isaac Newton the mass of bodies is supposed to attract each other the foundation of gravity until a German science magazine in world war 1 Annalen der Physik published Albert Einstein's sequel to the special theory of relativity called the General Theory. In the special theory it was predicted everything on a light speed scale distorts time. Distorting time distorts space. Space is flexible and rubbery. The General theory takes this one step further. The mass of body's bend space. From specks of dust to massive stars a curved space surrounds the entire circumferences like plastic shrink rap round an apple.

We can understand how mass works when feel the weight of a1kg pack of butter resting in our hands. We feel the earth's mass pulling on it technically a potential energy. Similarity we feel the earth's mass pull on it suspended over the ledge on the roof of a tall sky scrapper. If we let go the earth's mass snatches accelerating it to a meter in a second.

Despite the air resistance the falling mass has become a constant 1 meter per second free fall missile. The constant velocity is known as a terminal velocity what I call a terminal acceleration point. At the constant velocity destructive energy is store in called kinetic energy. At this point the earth's mass can't accelerate it any faster. It is at it's maximum momentum free fall tumbling headlong down the side of the building impacting with the street below. Like any free falling mass the 1kg overcomes the air resistance plowing straight though it like a bulldozer.

Mathematics projects the missile has become a 1kg a meter per second pans out to 3.6kmph impacting force. Kinetic energy is that force stored in the free fall during it's decent down the side of the building. In the instant stop with the immovable mass of the earth the becomes a gravity stronger than the earth dissipating though it to normal rest mass in a second. 

On the way down there is sufficient force to plough though anything that was in it's free falling path smashing though to the to the street bellow. A 1kg of soft butter free falling at 3.6kmph is not much force. Concrete filed basket balls have enough energy to absorb the impact. Bouncing and the destructive energy of kinetic energy depends on the density of the falling body.

If it wasn't for the earth atmosphere a single feather would drop at the same rate as the 1kg mass. What will fall faster the density of a bag stuffed full of feathers weighing the same as a 1kg steel block. Despite the different densities they both weigh the same the same free fall mass the same velocity, with the same kinetic energy impact force. The sudden stop of the impact behaves differently.

The idea the universe created by a big bang contradicts the conservation of energy law we're all taught at school. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Not to the big bang it wasn't. It implies the energy of the detonation was created where time matter and energy didn't exit.

That doesn't sound right to any of us let alone cosmologists. There are those who ignored the fact for the sake of their belief so made up an idea before the explosion there had to be a store of energy. So if matter didn't exist, nor atoms and energy shouldn't exist. Despite this there was an assistance It had to be a zone of pure energy no bigger than a particle of the atom called a singularity in the center of black holes some of us recognize as strikingly similar before the big bang.

If a Planck constant is anything to go by should represent the perimeters of this single volume of energy. A Planck constant is 1 divided by 6262 followed by 29 zeros. Scientific notation is a bit of a mouth full based on 1 divided by 10 thirty-four  times, times 6.6262 expressed as  6.26 times 10 to the minus 34. It is recognized as the smallest amount of a second a meter, and the mass of matter.

The length is indeed smaller than an atom. Common school rulers measure the thickness of a typical page of a book a micrometer thick. By comparison only to a Planck constant only 0.0000001 of a meter or 0.001 of a millimeter.

If we transpose the 6262  to the left of the same number of the 29 zeros becomes a positive number 1 multiplied by 10, thirty-four times times 6.26262. The scientific mouthful is 6.2626 times10 to the 34. The positive value is a Planck frequency because 1 Plank time being 6.26262 times 10 to the minus 34 of a second means there is a frequency of 6.6262 times 10 to the 34 Plank times per second of time.

There is nothing infinite about the Planck constant, including light speed let a lone  temperature. How cold do a black holes get? If a black hole is infinite then we'd expect black holes to be infinitely cold. Who ever heard of infinite coldness?

The nature of water freezes sold at 0 degrees Celsius. It is a point of maximum solidness water gets. Temperature keeps plummeting well bellow that. Physicists have frozen atoms to where all energy of the atom cases at a maximum of minus 273 degrees bellow zero. It doesn't get any colder than that. They discovered the quantum physics nature of atoms taken on a different dimension.

So where does this leave black holes? Is the gravitational inward pull a point it compacts the energy out of atoms? To some of us the singularity might be nothing more than a time before the big bang. What kind of temperature before in that time?

If a Planck constant is anything to go by a singularity may be on a Planck scale. Think of a class sphere for a moment. Imagine a straight line from the center to the edge as the radius. Since the Planck Constant is the smallest length of the universes the radius can't be any shorter than a Planck length. The radius is clearly half the diameter. Theoretically the diameter of a singularity would be 2 h. (h the symbol of a Planck Constant) in this case twice the Planck length. If this isn't true then the singularity is indeed zero volume and infinite density way-way infinitely beyond a Planck constant.

To demonstrate how impossible infinite can not be imagined, imagine we start with writing a 1 and keep writing following zeros indefinitely. Every zero we add represents 10 times greater in magnitude. Lets every km for kilometers in your word processor.

Type in 1Km. Insert the cursor between the 1 and km and enter a zero every second.

By the time you reached 9 zero km we would have accelerated to the outer limits of the solar system in 9 seconds flat. Starting from the last 3 zeros insert a comma back every 3 to the 1. I'm sure anybody into challenging mathematics can figure out how many millimeters in that distance.

By the time we reached a quarter minute we would have accelerated a distance of 15 zero km in 15 seconds. Insert a comma back every 3 zeros. It's an acceleration of 10 to the 15 Kilometers in quarter minuet. This kind of acceleration in every second is always 10 times the distance. By half a minute 30 zero km in 30 seconds (an acceleration of 10 to the 30 kilometers in half a minute, (30 seconds) respectively. Likewise insert a comma back every 3 zeros.

Where does that leave the Planck constant? After all it is an acceleration of 6262 twenty-nine zero kilometers across the universe or 6.262 times 10 to the 34km in 34 seconds.

By three-quarter minute we would be beyond the Planck constant 45 zero km (10 to the 45km) across the universe in 45 seconds. By a whole minute we would be a distance of 60 zero km. (An acceleration of 10 to the 60 kilometers by every minute).

The biggest search engine of the internet is Google named after a 100 digit number. In a minute 40 seconds (60 plus 40) we would be 100 zero km across the universe. (an acceleration of 10 to the 100 kilometers in a minute and 40 seconds).

If we keep adding a zero every second for an hour we would be 3 thousand 600 zero km across the universe. (10 to the 3 thousand 400Km or 10 to the, 10 to the 1.6 to the 3km). In 24 hours we would be 8 thousand 400 zero km (10 to the 8 thousand 400km or 10 times 8.4 times 10 to the 5km across the universe) in that time clearly no where near infinite let alone indefinite amount of time.

If we multiply google by itself (squared) pans out to 10,000 zero km in 2 hours and an nearly a quarter hour (10 to the 10 thousand kilometers in that time) still no where near infinite. Theoretically we could keep adding a zero every second indefinitely and never reach infinite.

If a Planck constant is anything to go by the gravitational inward pull of black holes would be the 6.262 times 10 to the 34 Newtown's (over 6 times 10 to the 33 kilograms or 6.262 times 10 to the 30 tones) per cubic radius of a singularity.

It is renowned gravity slows time. For a black holes they are supposed to stop time. When we observe images of black holes we are observing them from our point of view. In reality we can't see them because they are hidden by the same blackness of out of space.

If we observe the universe from the inside looking out of a black to the universe we mostly likely be blinded by the incoming light falling into the black void from the outside. It is said we observe astronauts suspended in the at event horizon for ever. But what is the time for astronaut's point of view looking out to the universe?

If the Planck frequency is anything to go by the astronaut would observe time on earth as fast as a Planck frequency every second. What this means for every second of his time 6.262 times 10 to the 34 years pass on earth.

From our point of view the astronaut would be suspended there for 6.626 times 10 the 34 years. From our point of view 1 second in a black hole is stretched 6.262 times 10 to the 34 years. I sure anybody into challenging mathematics how many centuries in 6.262 times 10 to the 34 years.

The math's points out light in miles is a only a slow 186 thousand miles per second. (1.86 times 10 to the 3). In kilometer terms every mile is 1.609km. It is only a mater of multiplying a 186 thousand by 1.609.

From our point of view the speed of light is a 186 thousand times as fast as every second. If we could view time on earth from a light speed point of view every second on earth we would view stretched by every 186 thousand seconds of our time.

Friday, February 2, 2018

The distortion of time

We observe the second hand of stop watches, wrist watches and clocks including digital seconds move every division every second. every now moment of time. Sports coaches win and loose our sports heroes less than a second. The standard metric prefix system (mill-lee) milli for 1 dived a thousand. 250 is quarter second (0.25) 500 a half (0.5) and 750 (0.75) is three quarter second respectively. Our wrist watches and clocks fix time at a constant speed of the present, and past seconds.

We have no memories of every future second comming. They a totaly blank to us. Our time peices tell us times arrow is the future second to come becoming the now second passing into the past second every second.

When our time peices keep good time time don't go any faster or slower than that. For the average  person there no memory beyond every present second. Every time the second hand moves every division is a now time. Every current minute is made of the memories of the past seconds.

In 1900 a German Physicist Max Planck announced he had figured out a mathematical unit of the smallest measure of the universe he called quanta. 1 quanta is defined as 1 dived 6262 followed by 29 zeros a total of a 34 digit number named after Her Planck known as the Plank constant. 6.262 times 10 to the 34 is a Planck frequency meaning 6.262 times 10 to the 34 quota by the time our wrist watch or clock second hand (including any digital seconds) moves every division.

Albert Einstein has been a popular reference to time travel ever since the introduction of the special theory of relativity. It started when he was 16 riding his bicycled deep in thought. A thought occurred to him.

"I wonder what would it be like to ride a beam of light"?

7 years latter in 1905 working as a patent examiner in Cern Switzerland he answered his own question. He was inspired to write a paper originally entitled the dynamics of moving bodies known today as the special theory. He sent a copy of his work to the German science magazine at the time called Annalen der Physik who published it in one of their issues. The paper dealt with a number issues of relativity but most famous for inspiring time travel theory.

The key to Einstein's theory is the fact that light is at it's maximum speed limit in a zero resistance of space of a 186 thousand miles per second. Despite no resistance it just doesn't coast any faster than that. It is a maximum distance of 1 second of time, By that time the second hand of wrist watch and clocks move every division including digital seconds every second.

Einstein was the first theoretical physics to realize high speed acceleration is what we commonly express today in G's. It is a pull back force we all experience pinning us back into our seats in ultra high speed take off's speically in a ultra short distanc. He realized motion on a light speed scale the horrific G's distorted time itself thus space.

Gravity is renowned for compressing matter into spheres every speck of dust asteroid stars and Planets. Einstein realized motion on a light speed scale 0 to a 186 thousand miles in one second equal to the G's 0 to 669 million 600 thousand mph in a second.

In a sense time in space is every 186 thousand miles of distorted time of the time on earth called space time. In kilometer terms  every mile equals 1.609km. It is only a matter of 186 thousand times1.609.  Light travels a desistance of 299 thousand 274 kilometers by the time every second hand of wrist watches and clocks (including digital seconds) move every division every second.

Arithmetic is an exact science. Rounding off create significant amount of errors when adding up. To keep errors from mounting we should avoid rounding off to the nearest. For example in km terms light travels 299 thousand 274 kilometers per second not 300 thousand.

The distance between the earth and moon light takes less than a couple of seconds to reach our eyes every second. Moonlight we see now is what the moon was in that time ago every second. We all know there's 60 seconds in a minute. Thus light speed multiplied by 60 pans out to the distance light travels every minute.

Light takes 8 to reach our eyes from the sun that works out a total of 8 times 60, times light speed. The sun is only 8 light minutes away from earth. Like moonlight what we see now is what the sun was 8 minutes ago every second. Every second light coasts from the sun right now (real time for the sun) is 186 thousand miles above the sun's surface every second. For the real sun time on earth we don't see this light until every second hand of a clock moves every division in 8 minutes.

We know there's 60 minutes in an hour. It pans out a 1 hour TV program is made up of a 3 thousand 60 of space times a simple formula seconds in an hour equals 60 squared. In mph terms 186 thousand per second multiplied by 3 thousand 600. Multiplied by 1.609 in kmph distance traveled in that time.

Distance in miles equals 60 squared times C and times 1.609 for km. Light travels a distance of 699 million miles and 299 thousand 274 kilometers by the space time a 1 hour long TV program.

The Gregorian  calendar western countries use is an example of time on earth for the western culture. To the west  a date change is every 24 hours at every 12 midnight is but one example. It is only a matter of 24 times 186 thousand giving the distance light travels in that time whether it be miles or kilometers. (m/km 24hd = 60 squared 24 C)

Digital time pieces is an example to there being no such thing as 24 hours. If the seconds column is included a second before the date changes 23:59 p.m. (23 hours, and 59 minutes) a whole minute before the numbers resets to 12 midnight (00:00) a.m. no hours, and no minutes for a whole minute.

Another example of calendar time is the 7 days of a week, 14 for a fortnight. If we add up all the seconds light traveling every 186 thousand miles (or a 186 thousand times 1.609km) every second in that time.

If we take 12 midnight new years morning (00:00 a.m.) to New years eve (23:59 p.m.) in 12 months pans out to well over 31 million seconds in the year. Traditionally news years eve countdown the old year is separated by the new year by a single second. Digital watches that include the seconds column tell us (:55), five....... (:56) four....... (:57) three....... (:58) two....... (:59) one......(00:00). All seconds of a year equals 60 squared times 24 times 365 days.

To calculate all the seconds in a decade we need to take into account of the extra day given at the end of every 3rd February every 10 years. We can calculate all the seconds light travels a distance in a century, in a millennia, (a thousand years) a million a billion even in a trillion centuries pass on earth even eternity. Even then things can have change for the earth's spin and orbit compared to our time.

Currently the earth's orbit throws us a curve ball because 365 and a quarter days in a normal year and the extra day at the end of every 3rd February 366 and quarter for every leap year. Taking into account of every quarter day and every leap year we can project all the seconds in every decade and century. And remember it pays not to keep rounding off to avoid inaccuracy.

International time 12 midnight takes 24 hours to circumnavigate the circumference of the earth's surface though country to country. What is 12 midday one side of the earth is 12 midnight opposite side. Even across borders of each state inside each country are often hours ahead. What would be 12 midnight new years morning in one state would be 11:00 p.m. behind in another state.

With arithmetic skill it's possible to add up all the seconds of a milliner (thousand years), millions and billions or years even trillions of centuries pass on earth the distance light would have coasted  the universe.

If we park statues point of view of their surroundings is example of a meaningless of time. God knows how many centuries pass every second to them. From our point of view they are frozen in present time every second indefinitely. Fossils are an example of millions of years in seconds since the animal died.

Some of us are inspired time travel is possible specially popular Einstein's special theory of relativity. It's not a velocity of the finite speed of light but an observation of the a static faster than the environment second.

In the second year of world war one Einstein sent a copy of a squeal to the special theory we call today the General theory to Annalen der Physik who promptly published it. In it describes the distortion of space time space itself is flexible and rubbery that the mass of matter (Stars and planets) bend space just as equally as the G's of light speed. It was a sensation over turning Isaac Newtown's gravity.

Using the System International (SI) unit Hertz frequency for a normal second of 60 seconds in every minute. Adding up all the seconds in an hour pans out to 3 thousand 600 seconds. Every minute is 60 times as slow as every second and an hour is 3 thousand 600 times as slow as a every second. Every second is 60th of a minute and 3 thousand 600th of an hour

 An example of this the hand movements of our wrist watches and clocks. We view the second hand move every division every second. I second equals 1Hz what we see of the minute and hour hands frozen in time at any given moment of time. By the time the second hand moved a full circle we don't observe the minute hand had been moving a move full division.

Things are even more dramatic with the hour hand. We never observe the minute hand moving the circle let a lone the hour hand. Both hands appear constantly frozen in time. 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour pans out to a total of 3 thousand 600 time as slow as every second. Both hands circle the face to slow to observe moving. They are always frozen in time moving every division.

Imagine we observe the minute hand of a clock sped up as fast as every second. We observe the the second hand as a bluer racing round the face 60 times a second. We would observe the minute hand move every division as fast as we normally view every second. We would be at a frequency of 60Hz.

But from an environment observers perspective we would appear to slowed down proportionately.
Every second of our time would appear to be every minute of their time slow. We would be 60 times as slow as their every second. (Minus 60Hz) Observer perspective would view us frozen in time as slow as minute while we observe the environment at plus 60Hz

If we we observe an hour into the future every second there is 60 seconds in a minute and sixty seconds in an hour which pans out to 3 thousand 600 seconds. We would observe the second hand of the clock race round the face 3 thousand 600 times as fast as as our second and the minute hand 60 times in the same amount of time.

From a environment observer's point of view we would be that times as slow as every their second. They would observe our second in a hour of their time. We would be in present time frozen in time every second 3 thousand 600 times as slow.

The faster we observe an environment's time the slower it appears to be. So what if we were faster than the environment's time? Things are reversed. We see would observe the environment's time slow down proportionately while environment observers see us speed up proportionately. From their point of view if we where 60 times as fast as a second from our point of view the environment is 60 times as slow.

Observers would observe us as we normally observe electric fan blades disappear into a blur perspective. If we were 3 thousand 60 times as fast from their frequency perspective 3.6KHz would be to fast to observe as a solid body in time anymore. Imagine a frequency of 86.4KHz. From our perspective minus 86.4KHz