Sunday, January 29, 2017

The compatibility of Microsoft front page 2000 and Photodraw 2000 with windows 10.

Recently I published a post on the compatibility of Microsoft front page 2000 and Photodraw 2000 with Windows 10. It seems I was wrong. I wrote it in Front page on my windows 8 laptop. I was relying on front page because the spell checker system helped me a lot. I once  made inquires if I upgraded to windows 10 would these programs be compatible with it. I found the answer was no. It is easy to take people's word for it which I did.

After several months I upgraded to a windows 10 laptop figuring I had to learn not to depend on front page spell correcting ability anymore. I soon leant it is a myth windows 8 the last Microsoft operating system compatible with these programs.

I was curious what would kind of error I would get if I attempted to install Microsoft Front Page 2000 with the instillation disc. To my surprise I was able to initiate instillation though the this PC folder using the CD drive icon. The proper protocols sequences seemed to run smoothly until an error massage.

I thought that was the end of that the error response I was expecting and clicked cancel. I missed the spell correction ability. I couldn't leave it along. My curiosity got the better of me to try again. 

This time I taped the ignore button with a second of time between each click expecting to waist my time. 

But after three times I was surprise and delighted when front page resumed instillation. When finished there was the confirmation message box Front page 2000 was successfully installed. I  thought according to the error messages might cause front page to be unavailable when I attempt to access it anyway. But latter when I came to right click an internet explorer icon file on my desk top I instinctively clicked edit thinking nothing of it. I don't expect what happed next.

To my surprised and delight the Microsoft Front page opening screen flashed on and opened the page in the normal page ending mode. I was delighted all the familiar interface tool bar functions I knew well including the spell checking system worked so used to with my older windows 98, XP, 7 and 8 computers. So that busted the myth Microsoft Front page 2000 isn't compatible with windows 10.

The following tips is my experience using Front page  for all theses years I was using it. If the edit button is missing  you may need to finalize manually to turn it on. Edit will be in the 'open with' menu. Right clicking web page icons opens it. If the edit button is missing click ''Open with'' and internet explorer. The page will open in the browser. Close it. 

When you right click the icon again the edit button will be in the open with menu. Clicking edit opens front page 2000.

Files need to be in a folder for this tip. if not transfer into a new one. When you open the folder turning your attention to the tool bar click view. Click options that opens folder options. Click the view tab. Click ''Apply to all folders''. Widows will ask if you want to save. Click OK. If you don't click the folder OK in the folder box windows won't apply the setting. The next time you right click a web page icon the open with menu edit Front page 2000 opens.

If the spelling doesn't work the <meta http-equiv=''Content-language'' content=en-us''> in the html is missing in the meter. Use another web page that opens in Front 2000 edit. 

Click the html tab. Using windows cut, copy and past system make a copy of the attribute or directly from here.  Open the web page with the missing attribute.  Past in the top line of meter and save. When you open the web page the spelling will work.

If the edit button opens the web page icon in another word program it will be due to the html. Clicking the html tab and delete all reference of that html and save. 

Using anther page that opens in Front page go into the html and make a html copy. Reopen the web page that has the blank html and past the copy and save. The edit button will open will be in the open with menu allowing you to edit in Front page 2000.

The next day it struck me for curiosity to try the Photodraw. Everything went well except for the familiar monitor box wasn't responding. I was tempted to stop there because I figured photodraw mustn't be compatible after all. But I decided to wait. I waited a long serial minutes. Then the CD drive started whirring and clicking. (The whirring and clicking is a sign the laser is struggling read though finger print marks). 

After another long minute the monitor box  suddenly responded installing the software as it always did. Then came a couple of instillation error messages. Learning from installing Front page I clicked ignore with a second pause between each click three times.

Then another error message. I repeated tapping ignore three times with a second's pause between. Then instillation resumed as normal.

When I checked out Photodraw I was delighted it was indeed installed successfully even listed in the quick access menu. The results had busted the myth Photodraw 2000 isn't compatible with windows 10. I wonder if this will still work with future generations of windows. We can only see.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Light and the expanding universe

We are all concerned about scientist warning of global warming. Cosmologists are concerned about the universe expanding. In theory, this should include our solar system. The orbits should be expanding as the universe expands.

Light is renowned for it's constant in all frame of reference at the maximum speed limit in the zero resistance of space. It travels a distance less than 300 thousand kilometers ( 299 thousand 792 and 548 meters or a 186 thousand miles if you like to be exact) every time the second hand of a clock moves a division; a light second expressed as a constant c in equations.

Distance distorts time. When cosmologists pear into deep space the light they see now is images of the universe as it was the time of the dinosaurs and beyond and despite traveling faster than bullet speeds seem suspended in time. The further away we go the more time for the body seems to slow down. If the universe keeps expanding it will take longer and longer for light to reach our eyes

Reference to the nearest star from us the sun at the current distance light takes a little less than 8 minutes to reach ours eyes. We won’t observe the sunlight that just left the sun now until 8 minutes into the future. By the time, you're half way though this sentence it is a light second above the sun’s surface already.

Real time for us on earth the sunlight we see now had left the sun 8 minutes ago evey time the second hand of a clock moves past a division. We see it now as an image of the sun as it was then every 8 minutes ago every second. Every time the second hand of a clock moves a division is a light second away from the surface of earth. We get heat and light the distance every 8 minutes every second.

The expanding universe may change all that. Light speed will remain constant. If the universe is expanding the solar system light speed will remain at it's constant maximum speed limit taking longer to reach our eyes. Sometime in the future light will take 1 and a half seconds at the same velocity. Imagine light speed 299 thousand 792 and 548 meters 1 and a half seconds. The further away light has to travel to our eyes the more the distance stretches the time between us and the stars including our own sun. The universe is expending space time.

The movement of clock second hands will appear to remain the same velocity to the our environment's time shifted equivalent of 1 and a half seconds of what used to be a second.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Computer battery life, and RAM memory choosing a new computer

Off the shelf retailer portable equipment battery life is given in how long the battery lasts from fully charged in hours. Manufactures have go ten into the habit of supplying some notes books batteries can't be replacement.
Unless a sales rep is familiar with the technical side of computer equipment they are at a loss at how many recharges computer batteries can take before they can't be recharged effectively any more. Electric bicycle batteries are said have a drive life of up to a 100 miles on one charge with a battery life of 5 years before needing replacement. You should enquire buying any protectable electronic equipment on the same on the same basis. With non replacement batter computers ask how many recharges before the computer can't be charged any more. Even enquire equipment batteries before they need replacement.
The most important information you should be well versed with when buying a new computer is on the bases of how much memory you require. This information is given by sales as a random access memory called RAM. It is not hard drive memory but temporary memory reserved  in the computer's mother board circuitry. Think of it as a flash drive memory stick memory when the power is on.
Drawing over the maximum the computer runs out of memory resorting to use the hard drive for compensation which is what makes your programs so slow in responding. Operating system have tools telling how RAM in use and how much is available.
In Windows 8 for example in the control panel click performance and information tools. The rate and improve your computer's performance page opens. Top right corner click advanced tools. The advanced tools page opens. Click open Task manager.  The task manager page opens. Click the performance tab. Click memory.

This page is a part of windows performance monitor of Microsoft's general Management Console (MMC). This page provides useful information on how much memory RAM you have in reserve.  In this page observe the bottom right corner in use and available. The term slots used is the number of RAM modulus slotted in the motherboard RAM slots.
You can monitor the memory drain in real time. You can customize the data you want to collect in logs, define thresholds for alerts in taxing RAM  and automatic actions, generate reports, and view past performance data in a variety of ways.

Installing Microsoft front page 2000. Windows 8. Error 1919, configuring OBDC data: visual FoxPro database, ODBC error 6: Compponment not found in the registry. Verif that the file exists and can acess it.

Installing Microsoft front page 2000. Windows 8. Error 1919, configuring OBDC data: visual FoxPro database, ODBC error 6: Component not found in the registry. Verify that the file exists and can access it.
Windows 8 was the last Microsoft operating system we can successful install Microsoft Front Page, and PhotoDraw 2000 and many other similar programs. Support for these programs has long been discontinued because of technological advances in computer engineering enabling a redefining of html as a information based code called xml. HTM editors programed in html 4 or 5 is incompatible with web pages coded in xml. So to image files created PhotoDraw and many other the same age programs.
Commercially web pages today are primary xml. Editing an html 4 coded page in a modern word processor convert the original code to xml when you save. No copies of your original html are ever saved.
Edit web page and in edit in the installed image editor bottoms that were active that have become unexpectedly greyed out or missing entirely is a sign of a file called OBDC had just become corrupted in the registry.
The program can still be installed when you get the error message. Click the ignore tab once for a second again and a third time  The error is still there will still have no access to the edit web page buttons.
In theory system restore is a part of windows tools to help fix non responsive program problems. In the case of a corrupt OBDC file system even though system restore will report restore was successful the buttons never return.
Resorting to uninstalling and reinstalling the program with the installation disc can be heart breaking when an "Error 1919, configuring OBDC data: visual FoxPro database, ODBC error 6: Component not found in the registry. Verify that the file exists and can access it." message is displayed. This is a common error not easily fix because of several issues you should be aware of before you start tweaking with your computer any further
One of theses if you have a typical off the shelf retailer computer. The operating system and associated bells and whistles of the particular manufacture to the particular model you have are often tied into the installed operating system at the factory. There is an entanglement issue between the operating system and the manufactures features all tied into together standard scanning and computer repair apps are just not programed for.
This is the serial numbers of the computer tied into the operating system installation key scanning adding to the problem regular repair software from the internet are not programed for. A heart breaking problem when software asks for an installation disc of the operating system that was not supplied when you bought the computer new. The idea users shouldn't need one because computer recovery this way is built into the computer.
Before you run the recovery program make sure you know the true state of your computer. Constant shutting down restarting and tweaking with the operating system and manufacture's program features can be the culprit effecting the OBDC file as ell as the built in recovery program leaving you up the creek with no tool to fix with.
It It is not the end of the story if there is any damage that hadn’t seriously impeded your computer to much the built in recovery may find as a corrupt error informing unable to recover the whole system message leaving you in limbo there.
When reinstalling the whole system the most important thing make sure you have a hard copy of all your personal files you can reinstall when the OBDC problem is fixed. For security in case something happens to your original back up have as many back up copies for safe keeping you can.
Damage to files can often be in the caused by constant inserting and abstracting warring out and damaging USB device ends and in the port to falls the computer has suffered, the chassis effecting the mother board no software app can check. Check your operating system and manufacture's scan for error and performance tools for diagnosis.
All is not lost however because you can contact the manufacturer of your computer. Use the keywords in your search engine of the manufacturer and model number including the error message. When ask for any serial numbers you will find inside the battery cover.
If the worst comes to the worst as it turns out the are computer forensic expert repair workshops that that can do all this sort of thing for you.

Monday, January 16, 2017

In 1898 Jules Vern wrote a science fiction novel titled round the world in 80 days. This post is about what happens round the world on a light speed scale.

In the zero resistance of out of space light coasts a maximum distance in a straight line of just under 300,000km, (299 thousand 792 and 548 meters or a 186,000 miles to be exact if you like ) every time the second hand of a clock moves a division. It just doesn't coast any faster than that. It is equivalent to round the circumference of earth times in a  second.

Our mathematic instinct aggress if we do the math's on this works out in terms of kmph equal to a distance of 10 thousand and 80 million kilometres by an one hour long TV program. it is only a mater of adding 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour that comes to 86 thousand 400. Every time a second of a clock moves a division in words exactly a distance of 25 billion 902 million 76 thousand 147 and 20 meters if  you with to be that  exact to avoid errors

Light speed is a constant every time a second hand of a clock moves a division called c. Our mathematical instinct agrees a light year is only a matter of adding up all the seconds of a year. Every time a clock hand second moves light travels in that time is always added. The constant doesn't come any better than that at adding up the total distance light travels across the universe in that time..

Everything has a maximum costing speed limit including light, galaxies, stars, planets asteroids to specks of dust are no exception. Their velocities are considerably faster than the top speed of a bullets can ever travel on the surface of earth. This means a law of the universe tells us there is no such thing as stationary. The seemingly stationary imitational space station orbiting earth and a stationary space ship is an illusion because they are still in motion faster than bullet can travel at sea level on the surface of earth.

Shooting stars are merely tiny specks of dust accelerated by the earth's mass ( or gravity if you like ). Even then, there is a maximum velocity where it doesn't accelerate any faster incinerated by the friction of the atmosphere. Stones the size of apples create the familiar shooting per sight at night. They hit the ground with all the power of a bullet strike sticking a fence post.

The assume power of just a neighbourhood sized asteroid that is supposed to have wiped out the dinosaurs the sari velocity amplified the asteroid's mass even heavier with G-forces. The asteroid zeroed in striking ground zero with as much g-force carried by it's own weight equivalent to thousands of nuclear blasts going off simultaneously in one hit.

All impacts velocities obey Newton's inertia law making them heavier than their rest mass.
Light made up of individual particles ( photons ) believed to be weightless. Albert Einstein showed in his General theory of relativity published the second year of world war one, photons do indeed weigh in a gravitational filed. Light travels in a sheet in the entire universe. It bends in an arch in all gravitational fields. It was proved as a fact by a British astronomer taking photos of a eclipse of the sun comparing a few time laps shot differences in light a year after the war.

Even in an airless vacuum there is always G's that curb a bodies accelerating out of control into infinite acceleration. A law of thermal dynamics the compression from the G-forces of motion produces heat. The heat we feel pumping air into a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It's what we feel compressing air into the tire. Compress something either from motion or pumping we drive the temperature up. Without it diesel engines won't work.

Gravity is the universe source of heating stars. Equivalent of well over trillions of tones per cubic centimeter of the stars mass pulls it all inward from every direction into a sphere against the expanding heat energy the key that keeps stars shinning

Albert Einstein beloved the compression of motion has a similar profound effect on space. His general theory of relativity the mass of bodies bending it showing it to be elastic and flexible. There is enough G's pulling traveling bodies back ending up terminating the acceleration to a constant velocity. With out it there is nothing to stop them from accelerating non stop for ever.

By the time light in the zero resistance of deep space travels a distance of just under 300 thousand km (or a 186 thousand miles if you) like we casually walk a 1 meter. Our mathematical curiosity and instinct aggress if we do the math's on this in terms of kmph is only a matter of 60 seconds in a minute multiplied by 60 minutes (In other words 60 squared) multiplied by 299 thousand 792 point 548 (or in a 186 thousand miles term if you like) giving us a grand total of 3 thousand 600 meters (or in feet) in an hour long TV program. In other wards 3.6kmph velocity

Operating on the principle our mathematical instinct agrees we can all work out how much time light travels the same amount of time we walk a meter. The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer. It pans out light in the zero resistance of open space travels just under 300 thousand, thousand meters we walk 1 meter, a 300,000,000 to 1 ratio. A ratio distance of 299 thousand 792 and 548 meters if you wish to be exact to avoid errors in your calculations.

The standard metric system micro for a thousand thousand tells us light travels a meter in 300 thousand thousandth of a second we travel the same distance 1 meter in a second. Nobody can disprove it because math's can't lie you know.

What the math's is saying light is 300 thousand thousand times faster than our environment second on earth. In other words from light speeds point of view every second of the environment is 300 thousand thousand times as slow as we see it as fast.

Because light seed is a perfect mathematical constant mathematics can easily project from light speeds point of view point of view of our environment second the second hand of clocks doesn't move any slower than the equivalent of 300 thousand thousand times we normally observe them.

Light speed sees time on earth maxed out slowness. It doesn't see our environment second any slower than we see light speed in a second. This is equivalent of a person move every 1 meter the same time we race round the entire circumference of earth every 7 times.

Mathematics projects time on the surface of earth at sea level is as flexible as space itself. Think of accelerating a distance of a 160km ( or a 100 miles if ou like) to a stop in a second. Our mathematical instinct predicts when we accelerate we take off to a distance of 80km in half second. When we apply the brakes to come to a complete stop again in another 80km in another half second.

A stationary observers point of view could observe two things. Either we disappear point A and reappear point at point B a 160km away in a second, or stretch like a rubber band all that distance snapping back to normal in the total distance away in a second. An observer will step a meter in the same amount of time we covered a 160km.

What would we observe of the environment's time? Most probably we'd observe the environment's second slow down or stretch longer every our second. The environment second would appear to get longer and longer in time the faster we go until the time we reach a distance of 80km.

When we hit the brakes at this point we would observe the environment's time compressed shorter and shorter slowly at first getting faster and faster until we find ourselves stopped a second into the future we left a160km away. We'd travelled a distance of a 16km the time the observer had only step1 meter.

In other words the faster we go the faster time slows down and the faster we slow down the faster time speeds up again. This would probably also happen when we slow down to a stop from traveling round the surface of earth at sea level from on a light speed scale speed. In other words once we slow down time environment's speeds up getting faster and faster until we find ourselves a second in the future where we started.

The inward pull of mass slows time we speculate from the mass of black holes. The inward pull of the earth's mass is no exception.

If we go up a tall sky scrapper we are leaving the strongest gravitation pull at the bottom at sea level. In this instance we only age a few microseconds slower on the roof than the ground as long as we stay there.

When we ascend back down again we are returning back down to the strongest gravitational pull at the bottom again were the earth's mass retards our cosmic aging. By the time we reach the bottom the difference may be less than a picosecond ( Pico from the standard metric system for a billionth of a second ) than we where at the top.

The same applies to passengers in aircraft travel. While they are aloft higher than record breaking man made structure, they are younger than everybody else at see level.

landing on the tarmac of an air port their age is retarded as they return back to sea level because of the earth's mass inward pull is stronger. The same applies to astronaut orbiting the earth. When they return back to sea level they are returning back to the strongest gravitational pull of the mass of earth again. The only difference would probably be less than a picosecond younger because where the gravity is strongest than aloft orbiting the earth.

My guess is the same effect returning back into the strong gravitational field of the solar system from a adventure far outside it. A twin may return no older than his twin because coming back to the stronger mass pull of the earth retarding his age. They arrive on the surface of earth no older than everybody else.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A TV series called the sliders about a portal to parallel worlds discovered by a university student Quinn Mallory experimenting with antigravity in his basement in an attempt to revolutionize heavy lifting.

Instead he got more than he bargained for. His experiment produced somthing else. Initially it was thought the holly grail of cosmology an artificial wormhole. They are a theoretical concept of consequence of the center of black hole gravity called a singularity bending space shrinking deep wells in it.

The theory was discovered in 1935 by three theoretical physicists attempting to prove quantum physics was incomplete, Albert Einstein, Boris Podolskive  and Nathan Rosen.

Einstein's gravity postulated if their was a star with enough gravity to capture a 100 percent of light (what we call black holes today) distorts space into a deep long shaft in the fabric of  space.

There was the thought of the possibility of an idea of this the gravities of a pair of dark stars could well link up with one another. Think of a pair of Kitchen funnels joined at each other's spouts. The spouts represent a tunnel in the fabric of space we call wormholes today. Technically they are remembered by the scientific name of the Einstein, Rosen, Podolskive bridge or better known as the EPR experiment.

The type of portal Mallory's antigravity experiment produced was a traverses wormhole meaning Mallory and his companions could slide the portal exiting the other end into alternate worlds.

The group traveled only one way. When they jumped into the midd air open mouth leaving each alternate world, all they had to do is let the gravity of the parallel universe the other end fall them in. It was like the initial acceleration we feel jumping off the roof of a tall sky scrapper. The group sky dived though falling all the time in a horizontal plane feeling the same falling stress of the motion we feel falling down the side of a tall building deposited out the other end in the alternate world.

In reality the portal would have probably dragged in the alternative world atmosphere with them. They would have probably felt like trying  to breath in 300kmph winds inside an F5 Tornado.

In reality it may not work that way because the inward pulls of black holes could be self defeating. Both black holes would be puling opposite directions away from each other where a wormhole should not be able to form. We read about wormholes being notoriously unstable due to the opposing inward pulls pulling opposite directions away from each other tearing any portal they may form apart in less than a second.

By the late 20th century cosmologists authors published text books observing evidence of black holes spewing out beams of light, light years across. It seems a contradictory that nothing could escape not even light.

Anther interesting case in point we are all taught even from primary school matter cannot be destroyed, unless of course you believe in the fable not from a black hole it's not. The only other answer, these beams could well be light caught up in a black hole in one part of the universe, (or perhaps even another universe entirely) exiting out of a black hole of this universe.

Had Mallory's antigravity experiment taped into a sink well of a singularity somehow? Hardly likely directly. Had it managed to produce some exotic matter that stabilized the portal collapse? In the case of the sliders Mallory's experiment was soon referred to as portal to parallel dimensions in favor of a wormhole term.

The polite for the following series tells the story of Mallory learning what he had on his hands build a remote control timer that charged the energy source to initiate opening the portal. Four individuals exploring sliding the portal had managed to corrupt the coordinates to their original world sending them to other worlds instead. They were trapped visiting parallel dimensions waiting for a day or two for the timer to recharge enough to activate the portal in the hope they will hit on the right coordinates to their rightful home world.

The concept of parallel universes grew from the concept of entanglement. The whole universe is made of stars the whole universe entangled with atoms of everywhere throughout the entire universe.

Vitamin and mineral bottle labels are example of the molecules we are made of. In turn we are basically atoms. We are particles of the atom called electrons orbiting particles called protons, and neutrons, made of whole zoo of particles, including the recently discovered Higgs Boson beloved to be the particle holding the core of every atom together. The core particles are made up of several varieties of quarks and according to string theory ( or known as Membrane theory) made of we are tiny vibrating strings.

The physical scale of atoms is given in decimal fractions up to 15 decimal numbers, in some case as much as 25 a measure of the weight and measure of theses atomic particles we are made of. A single unit pans out equal to 1 divided 10 fifteen times. 1 and 14 zero fraction of meter, mass, or second. Mathematics shorthand expresses 10 to the minus 15.

One record breaker called a Planck constant, is 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43 meter. Inverting this number multiplying 6.262 by10 forty-three  is a reciprocal of the Planck constant. In fact the minus and positive values are reciprocals of each other.

The Planck constant is an example of Infinity used rather to loosely for the cosmos. The definition of infinite when there is no beginning and no end. The Planck constant is a rather a small number compared to the 100 digit number of Goggle no where near infinite.

Even if we multiple Goggle (1 and 99 zero, 100 digit number) by Goggle a staggering 10 thousand digit number. Clearly no where near infinite. Imagine a number where ther is no end to the number of zeros.

Even a million, or a billion even a trillion digit number has a begging and end no where infinite. The Planck constant is a finite number. It is believed the nature of the cosmos is on this Planck constant scale and common sunlight is no exception. It is supposed to be made of particles called photons.

A famous experiment first done in 1802 called the double slit experiment proves otherwise. If beam of ordinary sunlight shines on a single slit will shine a single light on a opposite wall

However if a double slit it will display a computer bar code Patten. More than a pair of vertical dark and white strips will be seen. The only way light can do that is a wave form. Think of the ripples caused a couple of pebbles dropped in a still duck pond at the same time. The ripples interferer  with each other as the spread out which is what light does exiting the slits. Effectively light is hitting the slits as a beam and coming out the other end as a waveform.

This has been tested and tested to figure out what's going on. It is found it is what atomic particles of the atom does. Research Physics have found electrons seem to spin in opposite directions to each other. When one electron is spinning clockwise there is always another spinning anticlockwise in parallel with it. And the research physics have found their spins change direction.

When one electron changes direction other electrons follow suite to insure always a parallel opposite spins our body's electrons are doing a Planck scale a Planck second in the positive value every second. In fact the whole universe is this.

Our brain works by a constant electrical brain wave activity awake and asleep. When dreaming our conscious mind is on the same wavelength as our subconscious mind talking to our conscious mind like people testing each other reveling a lot about ourselves.

Quantum physics tells us our brain's (indeed our whole body) electrons are in constant quantum leap flux just as the rest of the universes electrons. What our body's electrons do in this part of the universe electrons clear across the other side of the universe is also in constant quantum leap flux.

When the action at a distance effect was first proposed Albert Einstein expressed the idea as an absurd spooky action at a distance nonsense violating the maximum speed of light law. It doesn't because the whole universe is in an equal constant quantum leap flux everywhere all at the same time.

Our electrons appear to be different places at the same time which includes our body's electrons. Einstein had problems with this hypotheses as Physicists insisted that is what their expediential evidence found. That is the way atomic particles are, they just have to find out more.

The consequence of the whole universe electrons constantly quantum leaping has the effect of what electrons do in this part of the universe exists in parallel clear across the other side giving the illusion of an instant communication across trillions of light years distance in less than a second. According to string theory the result of trillions of alternative of the each universe exists.

Quantum physics tells us he consequence of string theory there is more than a Goggle number (1 and a 100 zeros) doubles of ourselves in alternate universes at the same time as ourselves.

One episode of the original TV series Star Trek particularly deep space nine spin off and the British TV series Doctor Who illustrated parallel universes doubles of ourselves.

Several episodes played out a double of the Doctor and traveling companion and the crew of Deep Space Nine including castle himself in a parallel universe reminds us the world is increasing aware of the science of quantum physics entanglement theory.

Example of this for our world at the time of the last ice age there were brotherhood species called Cro-Magnon men and Neanderthals now extinct that once lived along side humans penologists call homo sapiens.

Neanderthals were rugged and robust looking typically stereotype of rough cave men. Cro-Magnon men had brow ridges while Homo sapiens looked like today's western humans.

Our reality at lest humans the only species to survive. Quantum physics tells us string theory entanglement tells us different realities of alternative evolution outcomes. There should be many alternative option of no humans, Neanderthals, or Cro-Magnon existence or combination coexistence that exist in alternative realities today. Imagine an alternative Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon worlds and their technology instead of humans.

According to string theory there is up to10 dimensions. We are not aware of them any more than we are aware of concussions when unconscious. Some physicists are compelled to speculate  theses dimensions define the many worlds theory. It tells us our bodies electrons should have parallel DNA doubles of ourselves in parallel reality dimensions.

Every possible circumstances decisions and lucky chances from birth to death is supposed to be playing out right now in many infinite Cro-Magnon men, Neanderthal or (as in our world only humans)  in parallel dimensions. As far as we are concerned our reality is only dominated by homo-sapiens but there could be many dimensions of only Cro-Magnon men or only Neanderthal or both or all three of us in existing right now.

In a homo-sapient dominated dimension history books of our world Hillier's life the way all the Hitler biographies tell it. In many dimensions Hitler's double's lives were very different not necessary a identical clone personality as each other. There are millions of alternates ideas about what could have been.

Alternative Ideas successful and talented Hitler artists instead of a tyrant we know in our world. Many dimensions can potentially have famous landmark buildings and structures that bears his signature and styling often bearing his of his name and many case all over the world.

In the theory of many divisions to our personal time line history our doubles should be leading totally different lives than ours. Using Hillier as an example many scenarios point to totally different lives as a famous artist architect or some other profession in many many alternatives. There is a infinite number of alternate ideas.

There is an infinite amount of alternate ideas. While some of us are single others are married with children, various careers others not famous and some are, while others are drop out nobodies all living at the same point of now time. To clearly show in a extreme example of the different lives of us doubles lead, an alternate Hitler to Einstein's family moved to America for a better life early in the lives. In an infinity of ideas part of the 1500 souls that went down with the Titanic. Alternatively survivors.

There are many alternate Julius Cesizer  Hitler to Einstein's.  A lot of Hitler's doubles weren't so lucky when he was a caporal in world war one. There is little a known story an Australian sniper serving in the Western front in this reality had Hitter dead in the cross hairs of his rifle scope. Next second his finger relaxed. If the sniper had been a killer Hitler would have been killed. However the sniper in another world confident killed him.

Many Australian sniper doubles got him. Many others did not. In many ways, fate can dish out many complex lucky and unlucky escapes in many dimensions at the same time serving in the first world war. In other words as far as the dimensions of the cosmos is concerned all the Hitler doubles were dead and alive at the same time.

It is the concept of a thought experiment thought up in this dimension, by a German Physics called Schewdgener's cat that portrays a hypothetical odds of many of our doubles ( and when I say our doubles yes I do mean you and me ) are dead while others ( like us and our doubles ) are still alive in the many other dimensions including you and me in other dimension to this day. Schewdgener's cat principle is a part of quantum physics entanglement theory.

The term entanglement in Quantum theory the meaning of the word in context. Me and you and all our doubles lives are all entangled together by our DNA in the dimensions of the cosmos.

Particles of the atom are identical clones throughout the entire universe, no matter were they are. Atoms of the sun are the same atoms in every other stare even clear across the other side of the universe. A clear idea liken to a dozen identical basket balls in one shop identical balls elsewhere in others all over the country. They are all the same no matter where they are.

Theoretically what an atom does this side of the universe there are cloned particles clear across the other side as well. All the characteristic behavior of every particle the entire universe is uniformly the same. What atoms do in this side of the galaxy atoms are equally working clear across the other side too.

This means odds of an action in this side of the universe has a similar chance of a similar effect the other side. The word  entanglement describes the entangled lives of the atoms of the universe including us and our doubles entangled with us.

Enchantment theory came about from a simple question. What if a person in our world changed our worlds history traveling back to world war one making sure Hitler was killed then returned to the present? What would happen to the timeline we remember? Where does all the historic events remember go? There is a disastrous clash of time lines.

Another time traveler goes back to the past to make sure Hitler lives altering the time line again. Theoretical in the world infinite possibilities our time line can be changed time and time again. Our time line is not fixed but variable. It can be changed to different time lines as many as infinite.

One scenario I can think of is like a computer reboot that happens in each dimension. If the stored operating system memory recovery sequence is anything to go by, the person might be creating a parallel dimension instead of the original time line. The original keeps it's original time line that was meant to be. The original Hitler is not killed in the original while a reboot copy started a new time line at the point Hitler died carrying on leaving him dead and our own Hillier alive.

This my be what prevents cranial time traveler interference. From our point of view of a visitor from the future is different from the visitor's point of view of us as a person from the past. So what influences your decisions in the present will depend on the view we are a person of the past. The person of the future is changing the past point of view but ( as you won't know it ) you will be changing the future of what you was supposed to have done the changing your fate to a new angle to your life you was never supposed to have done.

The view point of the person seeing the present as his past and the future visitor as things that haven't happened to us yet  are in parallel with each others.

The pilot of the sliders gathered together Mallory's professor Maximilion  Atorio, his part time coworker Wade Wells and a washed out rhythm and Blues singer Rembrandt Brown accidentally swallowed up by the wormhole when Mallory and the others slid it. The polite laid out the plot the coordinates to get back home became corrupted trapping them in in a endless series of sliding from world to word in the hope they will find the right path back.

Thus began the on going adventures of the sliders sliding from one world to the next hopping the next one would take them back home all throughout the series. In the course of their travels they meat there fair share of their doubles.

Operating on the principle we can imagine thousands of different outcomes for the Titanic. It missed the iceberg in many worlds.  Many worlds worlds the politics at the turn of the twentieth century was different than ours as we know it so world war one couldn't break out. Many worlds was no history of the Titanic what so every.

It has been proven ( at lest in our world ) the Titanic was solidly built. Investigative teams found the Titanic was structurally sound. It has been concluded no ship could ever have survived that much stress compared to other ship disasters floundering and sinking in far better better conditions.

In the many worlds the sliders visited the Titanic may not have existed at all but on many other worlds events leading up to the sinking had to have varied from world to world. The crew and passenger manifests and their doubles had to have varied from world to world too from different captains to crew members. The universes is a world where this world is just one of many entangled with other dimensions in which ships don't exists and ships that exists at the same time.

In some worlds the Titanic could have easily barely squeezed close by in a close call sailing harmlessly on leaving a small foot note in those world liner histories. Many other alternate Titanic histories may have gone down were the water tight doors did their job keeping the ship afloat for days. Passengers safely rescued to other ships using the Titanic's life boats ferried to other liners and merchant shipping that came to the rescue. That is one hell of an alternate famous way for a famous ship to go.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Most of us believe time stops at light speed. It is supposed to be a point when we are supposed to travel back in time. The fact is  despite the zero resistance of space from our point of view light coasts at a maximum speed of 299 thousand 792 kilometers and 548 meters to be exact (or just under 300 thousand kilometers per second or a 186 thousand miles if you like) by the time the second hand of clocks move every division.
It is same amount of time of digital time piece seconds, the same amount of time we say one thousand and one, the distance light travels in that time.
Gravity effects light and earth's gravity is no exception. The definition is a spherical compression pulling inwards all directions to the center of the sphere. The weight of the of the Artic circle of the north pole is the result of it's mass pulling space inward just as Antarctica of the south poll is. The mass of the earth is pulling in space compressing the entire circumference of earth.
The top floors of the worlds tallest sky scrappers are about a few microseconds, (? micro, from the standard metric system for a millionth) faster than at sea level. The force of the earth's crust exerts a force on the mantel. So time there is less than a second slower than the top of mount Everest.
The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a km. Our mathematical instant agrees a simple asking ourselves how many meters go into 300, thousand kilometers. It pans out to 300,thousand, thousand meters. Adding 3 zeros to 300,000 to the British a total of 300 thousand, thousand, to the Americans 300 million. From the American point of view light travels a 300 million meters ever second.
Given light travels just under 300 thousand kilometers (or 300 thousand thousand or a million meters if you like) the same amount of time we walk a meter every second. Doing the math's projects light travels 300 million times faster than our environment second. From light speeds point of view every second on earth is equivalent to a time of 300 million seconds. If we do the math's on this equivalent of viewing a person move 1 meter in the time of just under a long weekend.
If we take the reciprocal point of view tells us from our point of view light travels a meter 300 millionth every second. If we take the scientific notation expressed as 3 times 10 to the minus 6 meters per second. Scientific notation pans out to 1 divided 10 six times multiplied by 3.
Time whether our environment on earth or the universe is two points of view. One from our point of view of light speed and two light speeds point of of the universe (Or our environment second on earth).
From our point of view light in deep space light travels 300 thousand kilometers every second. From light speeds point of view of a second on earth the same amount of time is looks slowed down to a time equivalent of thousand, thousand seconds.
If we do the math's on this equivalent to observing a person moving a meter just under a long weekend. The environment's time on earth is not stopped. The person only looks frozen in time but is moving a meter every 300 thousand, thousand seconds.
Mathematics tells us the circumference of all spheres when rolled out to a straight line equals straight lines. All straight  lines are circumferences of all circles and circumference of spheres when rolled into a circle. The circumference of earth rolled out to a straight line stretched 7 times as long equals the distance light travels in a straight line, equals rolled round the circumference of earth 7 times by the time a clock moves every division.
If we could observe our environment at light speed, from the environment's point of view we would be sped up 7 times the circumference of the earth in the same amount of time a person walked a meter. From our point of view of the environments time the equivalent of time moving just a second 7 times round the circumference of earth. It just depends on which view point of the observer.
Time for the environment is not stopped from the environment's point of view nor from light speeds point of view. We observe our environment second as normal travel of our environment's time observing the relative velocity of light speed 300 thousand, thousand times faster than the environment's second. If we were observing our environment from light speeds point of view the seemingly stopped environment second is only the illusion of slowed down we cannot observe it move anymore.
Light speed cannot see our environment second any slower than we see see light speed as fast. If we see our environment from light speeds point of view we would be observing the maximum slowness of time of the universe. It won't be any slower that we observe it as fast. Our environment's time cannot be observed any slower. Time from both points of view is seen as normal observation of each others view points meaning time is not stopped at light speed as we'd suppose.
When we accelerate to light speed we would observe the environment's time slow down slowly at first then the slowing down gets faster and faster at slowing down as we get faster and faster until we can't observe the environment's time any more as it reach's maximum slowness.
When we apply the breaks to slow down the environment's time would begin to move again, seemly in the forward direction starting off slowly at first getting faster and faster as we slow down slower and slower until we are only a second in the future in our environment's time on earth. All the time travel we would have done is a second into the future.