People look upwards to the sky at the Artic circle of the North pole as much as they look up in Antarctica at the south pole. According
to Isaac Newton both poles are an attractive inward pulling force. In fact evenly the entire circumference of earth. The mass of the streets of your neighborhood pulls inward as much as the neighborhood streets on the other side of the world does.
According to Albert Einstein's General theory of relativity space is flexible, a bit like rubber. The second year of World war 1 the German
science magazine Annalen der Physik published the theory. The General theory out lines the mass of bodies bend space. The mass
pulls space inward round the entire circumferences.
The effect of this think of the mass of a submarine under water displacing it. The hull experiences compression from all directions. The
mass of the earth experience a ring of distorted space round it like tight plastic shrink rap squeezing round an the circumference of an
The theory proposed light follows the curve of the shrink rap compression from the mass of a body. In other words bends the straight line
travel of light.
A year after the war, a British expedition to east Africa lead by Arthur Edittgon photographed a eclipse of the sun that confirmed the
General theory correct. Head lines round the world hailed Einstein overturning turning Newtonian gravity.
Light in the zero resistance of space travels a maximum distance of just under 300 thousand km ( or a186 thousand miles if you like)
every second. Despite any no resistance, it just doesn't travel any faster. It is at it's maximum speed limit. The shrink rapping forces
from the mass of any body slows it down. Light takes longer to cover the maximum light speed distance. There is two different view points to
light speed. There is our point of view of light speed on earth and light speed's point of view of us on earth.
From our point of view it takes light to travel 300 thousand km in a second. From light speed's point of view of us on earth takes the
equivalent of 300 thousand seconds. If we do the arithmetic on this, equal to the equivalent of a second stretched just over the equivalent
of a long weekend as slow as we observe the same second.
We walk comfortably about a meter per second. (Or 3.6kmph). By the time we walk a meter light had traveled 300 thousand-thousand meters
(or 300 thousand km). In terms of a meter per second, light is 300 thousand-thousand times as fast as a second on earth.
In terns of a kmph on earth light travels the same distance 300 thousand times as fast. In other words light speed point of view for a
meter per second walk on earth in a second is seen as 300 thousand-thousand times as slow. In other words, we take the equivalent of 300
thousand-thousand seconds to walk a second. Time is never stopped because the math's tell us it can't see a second on earth go any slower
than we see light speed from our point of view.
Gravity is renewed at slowing light speed. When it encounters a gravitational from light speeds point of view time is sped up. The slower
light is slowed down the faster time speeds up for it. As light clears the distorted region there is less resistance. It speeds back to
light speed traveling in the deflected direction. It takes less time now to travel the maximum speed distance so from light speed point of
view of time slows down again.
One second on earth is the maximum distance measurement light travels in any zero resistance. Slowed down light takes longer to travel
the maximum zero resistance distance traveling the density of Jupiter and Venus including earth's atmosphere.
When it hits solid objects it instantly stops deflected into a new direction to reverse direction speeding up back into the earth's
atmosphere speeding away from the earth's gravity speeding back up to it's maximum speed limit.
This makes time variable as light speed encounters gravitational fields and atmospheres. Slowing down means from light speeds point of
view time speeds up and speeding back up time is slowed down again. When an astronaut travels away from earth times speeds up relative to
earth. When returning to earth the earth's gravity and atmosphere slows time where the astronaut returns to relative same time he left
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