Sunday, August 21, 2016

Our brian

Quantum physics tells  our brain is made up of orbiting particles of the atom called electrons racing round a couple of particles called protons and neutrons, made up of quarks and a whole zoo of particles from Higgs Boson to neutrinos made up of strings like entities. In the case of string (or Membrane) theory think of vibrating rubber bands strands.

Particle of the atom are only a question of scale. Imagine a meter divided by ten many times. Every time you divide 1 by10 in any basic calculator, a decimal zero is added giving 1 and 6 zeros a total of a 7 digit number of a meter. That is far as basics calculators can go. Any more dividing we have to turn to calculators with a capability of many more zeros like scientific calculators.

For such a large number of zeros is expressed by, times 10 to the minus what every the number may be. In the case of our brain cells on a scale of 10 to the minus nine, 1 and 9 zeros of a meter, a 10 digit number.

It pans out in the case of a millimeter scale our brain cells are a millimeter divided by ten 6 times as small in size. (10 to the minus 6 of a millimeter). In the case of the particles of the atom are 15 times of a meter or 12 times of a millimeter as small scale.

The absolute smallest of the universe is 6.262 divided by 10 forty-three times of a meter, or 37 of a millimeter scale called a Planck constant representing of a second, or of a meter, or of a kilogram.

Our brain's mathematical instinct agrees by rearranging the 6.262 to the left of the same number zeros (39 in fact) pans out, per second, meters, kilograms, kilogram forces to compression to torque measure of the universe. Reference to tones pans out to 6.262 multiplied by10 forty-three times. In other words the gravitational pulling power of a black hole scale.

The diameter of our brain's electrons is in the order of 10 to the minus 15 of a meter scale. (or 10 to the minus 12 millimeter scale if you like). At that scale distances across the expanse of the electron orbits and between each electron is mostly empty space.

Quantum physics tells us each electron disappears and reappears inside their orbits on a Planck scale. Time for each electron exists in each orbit the minis value. On this scale our brain's electrons are quantum leaping back and forth their orbits per second.

Our brain's electrons characteristically exist in space and time two places at the same time. They communicate with each other at a distance believed to be no limit. In the quantum physics world our brains electrons are entangled with electrons clear across the other side other side of the universe in an instant.

On an whole organ scale it understands and follows decent conversations. It follows with ease adults only TV and movie dialogues. It not only follows but appreciates and understands all the types of dramas in perfect context.

It can share and relate to drama and reality TV shows in perfect context. It can share and appreciate opinions perfectly. It's capable of taking natives, and appreciates hunches and ideas. It can pick up and read between the lines of spoken word as well as body language. It can tell the minimal the maximum amount of commutation.

It is a sexual organ hard wired to love and romance. It is hard wired to procreate attracted to matting and dating razing and families. It is all theses tings and more. It is alive and living organ operating on a a ten to the 15th scale.

Made from star dust we are beginnings (or children of the universe) Chemical reactions from the food we eat and the thoughts are basically the same electric power energy of the stars.

A substance called electrolyte is a moist chemical that conducts the electrical impulses our thoughts generate. On a large scale the cells of our brain is like entangled interlocking branches of the forest heads of trees in a huge forest. Each branch of every branch is an electrical arc gap.

When we are fast asleep our brain keeps our whole body alive with electric power sparkling all over in electrical activity. Without the air we breath when asleep our brain cells die. It only takes a few minutes to damage our brain. If awake a damaged brain gets a sleepy swooping feeling pass out and die.

During sleep our conscious and subconscious minds are on the same wavelength talking to each other on the same level. Deep conversation is deep level dreaming where our eyes rapidly following the action sequence our brain plays out to us in a Rapid Eye Movement  (RE) sleep.

Our subconscious mind is the key to who we are. Our brain's electrons are constantly quantum whether fully awake, concentrating, physical activity, relaxing, asleep, unconscious  even when dead communicating with the action at a distance thing with electrons in the whole universe.

Density is the key our brain's intelligence. A small area packed tightly with lots of neurons, (our brain cells). The mass compresses closer together able to fire more efficiently and faster closer together. The more packed into a confined space the better.

Of the flip side the less number of cells in a large area will be spread apart with longer distance gaps between the interlocking neurons. A tightly pack lost of cells in a small heavy brain can be more intelligent than a lightly packed number of cells of a large brain.

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