Monday, September 28, 2015

Measuring the shed's time

January 5, 1900. Three friends of a inviter George wells' He had invited  David Filby, professor Philip Hillyer and Walter Kempinvited for dinner waiting patiently in the cocktail lounge of his home. Every now and then they checked clocks and pocket watches. He was late. Each invite said if he was, to start with out him.

"Dinners ready gentlemen" said the maid placing lavish dishes on the table

They all proceeded to seat themselves at the dinning room table.

In the middle of dinner the inventor appeared, steadying himself on the dinning room entrance post looking some what the worse for ware, exhausted, and untidy, looking as if he'd been fighting for his life right in front of the maid. She screeched dripping a tray of food to the floor shocked at his condition.

Less than a second everybody jump to there feet as one all looking shocked. The first thing the guests noticed was his red sunburn face. George staggered in to a barrage to inquisitive questioning.

Overwhelmed he flops into a chair asking for a brief refreshment promising all would be revealed in good time as soon as he had something to eat. He gulps down a glass of wine. Feeling exhausted he plonks the empty class heavily on the table.

He begins by reminding them of the New years eve dinner party the few night's before. We go back five days to news eve 1899.

George standing at the fire place announces he had discovered time had a  fourth dimension possibly even more we can travel.

The guests looked to each other dubiously. George couldn't resist a smile.

"I don't have to remind you we live in a physical three dimensional world, left, right, up down, forward and backward. I believe there is fourth dimension in time."


"It's not what you think." It's not a physical a dimension."

"What are you talking about!!"

"Let him speak. How do you mean?"

"Let me explain how time as we know it works".

George fished in his pocket and took out his pocket watch. Nodding to the cuckoo clock behind him. "For us gentlemen our clocks and pocket watches ( gesturing his watch ) measure the present and past seconds tick by from the present to the past every second?"

The guests looked at him waiting as if an incomplete statement waiting for the punch line.

"Look. A good example of the direction of flow of time. The present second becomes the past second by the time we all finish the sentence of a book".

The guests looked at each other he had a point.

"You left one important detail out George. What about the future second? Shouldn't that be included as coming first?"

"Ahh. Good question. Clocks got me thinking. The future second doesn't exist to us, at lest not yet. Officially. Hypothetically? Yes.  What if the time as we know it is just a different level of time as a whole."

"Different time level?! Huh!!"

"An interesting description of what time is, but what has that got to do with us and why are we here you telling all us this nonsense"

"Bear with me everything will be explained shortly. It's the clocks that gave me the idea if there is more levels than this one What if there are other level of constant flows different to this a one"?

The guests looked at each other dubiously.

"That's rather a stretch of the imagination?"

"Positively absorb. How on earth can that be. There is only one time. Impossible"

There was sceptical arguments. Gouge was starting to scare them with fanciful ideas on time.

"Look. I know it sounds difficult to believe but what if a machine could slow down or speed up independently of this time."

"Positively absorb. How on earth can we travel as fast or slower than time itself. It just can't be done. Impossible"

"Impossible? Not physically by you and me of course. But what if a machine can travel independently?"

There was sceptical arguments Gouge obsessed with scary ideas of traveling faster or slower than time.

"I know it sounds difficult to believe. What if it can be done?".

For the next ten minutes the four argued the pros and cons. George insisted it was possible arguing his case. The debate raged over the pros and cons of exploring the future.

Near the conclusion of the meeting his friend David noted an obsession in George telling him bluntly "If your machine can do the things you say it can, destroy it now it before it destroys you!"

The sound of the clock chiming twelve midnight broke up the meeting. Putting coats on guests rounding off the party for other matters the celebration of news years 1899-1900. They departed leaving George at the front door watching a gig go by with cries of happy new year.

Closing the door he bid the maid good evening and headed to his laboratory where the machine awaits. It was tucked away in a corner looking sleigh with a large circler disc towering behind the passenger seat. Where the rains would go was a cylinder control panel with a twenty-five centimeter tall, green, orange and red lights.

He went over the to a work bench scratching a match lighting a candle stick. He noted the time of the clock next it fishing into his pocket checking his pocket watch time against it.

He them fished out of a cupboard what looked like a child's rattle with a demand head. He went over to a metal polisher and began polishing the tip of the handle

He took the handle to the machine and places it in a slot next to the three lights and seated himself in.

Little did gorge know exploring the future had it's consequences. He was about to learn consequence of time travel alters the physical environment round him particularly electromagnetic radiation from the sun.

George started scanning the control panel for a minute in anticipation.  He gingerly throttled the lever forward. A giant disk behind him began moving rotating a few slow revolutions.

After a few seconds George pulled the lever all the way back to stop the great disk winding down to a stop. From the environment's point of view the machine never went anywhere. In fact both George and and the machine looked dead and lifeless frozen solid as a statue.

From Georges point of view nothing seemed to have happened. Though the Panoramic Christmas time frosty panes of the main shed window he observed the  dress shop outside in the street in a cool early winters morning. The shed environment seemed the same as he left it a second ago.

He looked up to the skylight, frosty panes glass panes of an overcast cloud of early morning above him. Scanning the rest of the environment he was expecting a change but there was none. Looking round puzzled he spotted the clock showing a half hour had gone by.

Then he spotted the lit candle. It was a few centimetres shorter. George's face lit up. He reached to his pocket to check his pocket watch showing only few seconds had pasted. From the environment's point of view George and the machine had never left looking still and lifeless as if frozen in time.

George realized a revelation. According to the control panel read out the difference between the clock and watch showed he'd jumped a half hour forward in time in a few seconds. To the environment the machine never left. In fact it appeared to look as it had taken on a lifeless statue form throughout that time.

Encouraged our traveler gingerly forward the liver once more. The disc slowly gained a faster speed. He kept on eye on the yellow flame trickling down the candle in seconds, snuffing itself out. From the shed's environment point of view the machine never moved. Both George and the machine appeared to be a lifeless statue every second.

From Georges point of view looking to the clock the minute hand was moving as fast as a second. He strained his eyes puzzled why the hour hand was not moving as expected. Then he realized he was only observing the hour hand move as he would normally observe equivalent to the minute hand move in normal time.

Looking to the control panel counter he realized a startling revelation. According to the counter and that clock he was traveling the shed's environment minute into the future every second of his time. The machine was actually a minute as slow as the shed's second.

The shed's fixed constant was overtaking the machine's time. From the shed environment point of view it was a still statue every second. To George the environment looked sped up a minute into the future every second. From the shed's environment point of view the machine and George looked lifeless statue.

George realized mathematics could prove it. Our mathematical instinct agrees calculations will show the shed's time must be traveling 60 times as fast as he was. In actual fact he was going 60 times constantly as slow as the fixed constant the environment's time. As far as the shed's time was concerned it is was always constant.

The constant velocity of both were traveling at two different constant velocities. The machine traveling constant slower in relation to the shed time by a minute behind of the machine. The shed's time was a minute ahead of the machine's time.

Our mathematical instinct agrees with Georges assumption the machine must be traveling 60 times slower than the shed environment. From Georges point of view the shed's constant time flow looked a minute into the future every second.

To George a revelation accrued to him. The slower we go the faster time speeds up perspective.

George strained his eyes on the clock as the minute moved like a second, trying to observe the hour hand motion. He was only observing it as we normally obverse the minute had in normal time. By the movement of the minute hand if the clock had, had a second hand he would probably would have observe the second hand spin a full circle every second.

From the environment's point of view the second hand would be moving as normal.

Gorges calculated if this keeps up he would be an hour into the future every full circle of the minute hand in the same proportion as if normal time. In other words while the machine traveled an hour per minuet slower than the shed's time, the shed was traveling a minute per hour of his time. Our mathematical instinct agrees equal to Georges second equaled the shed's minute.

If inferred cameras were present they could detect a heat signature of the machine working we see the machine as  inferred cameras see people and environment's in the dead of nights. It is the consequence of traveling though time altering the physical nature of electromagnetic radiation frequencies ( or wavelength's if you like ) of the sun.

Let me explain.

We all know bed side lamps plugged into the Alternating Current mains is a alternating electric power. The electrical current is flowing peak to peak back and forth oscillation in most countries 60 times a second ( 60Hz Hertz ) but some others 50Hz. 60Hz to our eyes and brain appears a radiation of steady light radiating from the bulb.

If George was observing an AC electric bulb he would have noticed the environment's color change into a violet color cast. This is because our eyes very high frequencies as this color. George was observing the mains frequency ( or wavelength term most of us are familiar with in this kind of context ), had increased in portion he was seeing the shed's environment. ( Or the wavelength shorter if you like )

Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter multiplying 60Hz by 60, ( or 60 squared if you like ). In effect to George the bulb was an ultra violet light radiation frequency of 3.6kHz ( 3.600Hz ). Mathematics tells us the reciprocal just one 1Hz a 3.6 micrometer short wavelength. A micrometer is a thousand times smaller than a millimeter.

He would have felt his face and hands stinging from the from the bulb. As it was, he is suborning from the increased frequency into the sun's Ultra Violet light rays from the sunlight streaming though the skylight. In effect he was being  irradiated from the the normal winter morning sunlight we all enjoy normally.

From the she environment point of view George and his machine looked as still as a statue a equivalent of the time clock minute hands move in normal time. In other words George was frozen in time every second of the shed's minute of time. The normal UV radiation of the environment was burning his face and hands.

George thought he had predicted the fourth dimension correctly. Little did he know from the shed's point of view he exist as a solid frozen entity. From George's point of view in just a couple of minutes of the skylight UV light above was irradiating him in seconds.

To observe the clock's hour hand to move a division per second he would have to push the machine an hour ahead of the sheds time. Little did he realize the machine had to slow down in time an hour behind the shed's time. Mathematics projects all the seconds in an hour pans out the machine would be traveling 3,600 times as slow as the shed's second to look an hour ( or 3,600 times as fast ) into the future every second.

As George went along he was gaining experienced mastery of his machine. He could slow down and move on faster at will. He could come to a complete halt when ever he chose to.

At a minute per second he had a front row seat of  nature outside sped up a 60 times faster.  The 1960 movie showed flowers budded, apples of the apple tree grew and ripened 60 times than normal. Though the skylight above him he could now see the sun moving 60 times faster although not racing as science fiction moves would show but in reality slowly across the sky every second.

He observed the shop mannequins across the road though the wide shed window in front of him being dressed by window dressers changing their fashion like a fast forward video. Ladies waddled in and out of the shop at speed.

By now his face looking quite sun burnt. He recognized one woman. He  reminisced affectingly on her character. Then he spotted something of interest a more slim line dress typical of the first years of the last century stopping the machine completely for a classer look.

The shed's environment point of view it had never left in the last 24 hours, in fact looking dead and still. From George's point of view the environment's time stated to slow down slowly at first getting faster and faster then settled down to normal. From the shed environment point of view the Goerged and the machine seem to come alive.

George with a sunburn face and hands stared fascinated at the mannequin dress at the attire.

He was looking at an early 20th century woman's fusion. Grimacing "Is that a dress?"

He studied it a minute before moving on. When he moved on the the environment's point of view George and the machine looked as if drained away of life back into a lifeless statue.

The movie protrude the skylight sun above arch across the skylight sky followed by some puffy cotton wool clouds sunset and sunrises racing by like a sped up video of the weather. In reality this may be a inaccurate sense of time travel.

Although the machine was traveling at a constant velocity faster than a second per minute the slower the machine lagged far behind the shed's time. The more George pushed the machine the more shed's time seemed to shift into the future every second. Hours past in seconds.

According mathematics he would be traveling traveling 3,600 times as slow as the shed's time witnessing the shed environment 3,600 times as fast. If we take the UV radiation from the sun 60 times as normal at a minute per second  George would be irradiated by 3,600 times as normal in an hour per second.

The movie portrayed night and day moved across in the skylight above him like a fast forward video. Soon he was moving a day into the future every second. Mathematics projects all the seconds in a day panning out to 86,400 seconds, George would have been traveling 86,400 times as slow as the shed's second. He would have been irradiated 86,400 times as fast as normal From Georges point of view he was already a month into shed's future where he started a moment ago

But way before this could happen he squinted in puzzlement something rather odd about the shed's environment. It was starting to look as if squeezed in all directions. He begin feel as if he was being squeezed with it by a pressure of the confined space of a bottle. Everything was starting to look and feel heavy feeling squashed and crushed.

Little did he know it was the shorter was an increases in in shorter and a shorter wavelength difference between his time and normal time compressing him. As far as Gorge would have known It will be predicted by Albert Einstein within the next 10 years objects shrink in the direction of travel.

In this case George was feeling the consequence of it in all directions. He felt he was squeezed into a box far tow small for him. Einstein was going to expressed this as a gravitational equivalence velocity produces we express as G-force. ( G's ). It it the properties of motion.

My guess is applies to the ever shorting of the time difference between him and normal time. He was starting to feel very uncomfortably heavy by now.

Soon our traveler noticed it was getting strangely warm sniffing smelling something's burring. He tried with some difficulty to look round and behind. He was too heavy. He was starting to feel several G's pressing on him. One G is the weight of our normal body weight. His face was looking distorted like riding a rocket sled at 500kmph.

In front of him the red light was flashing. His wonder soon turned to the panic realizing it was his machine that was doing this.

Little did George know the heat he was experiencing was another natural consequence of physics of time travel. The heat you feel pumping up a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It is compressed hot air from you're compression strokes. If you compress something hard enough heats up. In the case of the machine compressing time was heating his cocoon environment.

He was feeling very desperately weighed down by the time he got round to acting. Sweating like a pig he desperately  tried to pull back on the lever. Every limb of his body was far to heavy to lift. It was as hot as an oven feeling waves of psychological panic feeling the life being squeezed out of him. It was as hot as an oven now. His heart was protesting and his lugs were protesting the could breath with all this weight on his chest. He was gaping for air struggling to breath close to loosing conscious.

From the shed environment point of view of the machine it looked like a invisible car crusher was crushing it.

All of a sudden there was a release in pressure the heat starting to dispute. The giant wheel made a grinding mettle noise and some sparks flew about. It suddenly stopped stiffly as if a peace of cloth jamming it to a sudden stop. The environment's time slowed at speed the image of the environment quickly expanded outwards like a fast inflating rubber raft. The weight and heat was suddenly gone from his body.

From the environment point of view the machine stopped crushing in on itself returning to life although stopped some what the worse for ware looking partially collapsed on all sides and and heavily damaged.

George rested in the battered back seat seat swab all sweaty painting for breath heart pending like a hammer in his chest all wild eyed and lungs  still protesting choking and sputtering for breath. Some blood was oozing from each nostril. But at lest quickly retiring to normal. George had experience the equivalent the pressure of a gravity several times his normal body weight.

He reached for his tie ripping it off undoing his top buttons for air. Still panting he looked exhausted to the main window. The dress shop was quiet. The 19th century manikin display across the road looked reassuring everything was back was to normal.

George sat there his body shaking all over feeling to week to move. He let himself calm down for a moment till he could finally step out. Calming down he examined his surroundings. He could see the machine was in a damaged state. The control panel looked partially distorted bent towards his knees the lights broken and cracked looking partially crushed. The he feared he may be trapped in the seat.

He weekly check his each side finding to his realer he could just barely negotiate his knees from under the drooping control panel,

He managed to weekly drag his shins under the control panel stepping out. Out on the floor he felt very week balancing himself on the machine from collapsing to the floor. The machine was stills lightly warm. The frame of the machine looked bent in all directions as if a car crusher had started on it and decided to stop almost immediately.

He felt his cloths all damp and sticky. Unsteady on his feet he flopped to his knees waiting for his heavy breathing to subside.

George thought to himself  "Good god it nearly killed me."

Then all of a sudden he felt his sunburn hands and face

Looking at his hands he frowned in puzzlement feeling his face. His first thoughts were "Where's a mirror."

Nursing his sunburns he went weekly to the adjoining door swinging it open and staggered on into the hallway to the lounge.

Steadying himself on the dinning room entrance post he'd interrupted the middle of the guests dinner. Less than a second everybody jump to there feet as one. George staggered on into the dinner room to a barrage of inquisitive questioning. The first thing they noticed was his red sunburn hands and face.

Overwhelmed he flops into a chair asking for a brief refreshment promising all would be revealed in good time as soon as he had something to eat. They gave him a glass wine gulping it down in one go. Still recovering from his ordeal places the empty class heavily on the table. He began his story

The guests didn't know what to make out it.

"I've never heard a tallest tail like in my life. Being able to watch the street like in fast motion. Ridicules"

"Never the less it's true"

"Nobody's going to believe this George"

"Explain my face and hands"

"What do you think caused it....and the machine to crash stop like that?"

"I don't know"

"What now?"

"The way I feel about it at monument I can't help thinking of the irony what you said to me the other day David about destroying the machine before it destroys me"

David looked at gorge as if to say "you think"?

"The machine's badly damaged. Really distorted. As if some one squashed it from all sides, side to side, long ways top to bottom, you name it. See for yourself  The whole framework's buckled to say the lest."

Excursing his tender shoulder muscles George was feeling the effects of his ordeal.

"You look exhausted George. You OK. Maybe you should retire for the night"


"You should see a doctor about your red face and hands"

Feeling the effects of tender muscle all over his body he weekly stood up. The guests offered support. He said he was OK he'll manage

Pointing to his face "It'll be hard to explain all this to a doctor. Judy will see you out. Good night"

"Good nigh Gorge"

He turned weekly setting off to his bedroom flopping on his bed. Just when he was starting to reflect on his ordeal he suddenly feel asleep.

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