Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Guaranteed Way to Pick Up single Woman VCR Cassete

I picked up a VCR cassette in an organic road side rubbish collection tilted the Guaranteed Way to Pick Up single Woman something we don't come across every day. Who uses VCRs theses days?  Fortunately I had one to satisfy my curiosity

I think it might have come from a playboy magazine mail order or a sex shop. It was an eighties piece old fashioned and corny by toddy's standards. Being a science and technology fan I'm curios about an option a human science point of view of this sort of occupation.

I thought human matting instant tended to be primary devoted to a single person bond for life. I watch a lot of TV where news medial seems to be drawn to high profile celebrity affairs specially married and many TV series with marital affair episodes. It seems a common a part of our relationship ritual. What is the paradox driving force in our prostitution and one night stand occupation?

There must have been a following for a teaching aid on how to pick up single woman worth publishing. The gist I got was full encouragement to sympathetically communicate with a woman's feelings. Eventually I realized what the cassette meant by the term sexuality. Men with out a boyish playboy sexuality seemed to be the lest successful.

Men with high sexuality intelligence were adapt to be highly successful. The cassette  started with an analogical examination involving questionnaire interaction period followed by reenactment examples of the wrong and right ways to. They seemed to excesses in establish a proper rapport.

I was continually reminded of examples of what I'd seen in movies and TV shows, CSI Miami specifically comes to mind. The most remember able episodes that touched on this kind of subject was session three episode eight Speed Kills and specially in session four episode twelve the score.

In speed kills I learnt about a new trend in dating game fad. It seems speed dating involves a musical chairs type of thing with tables. Only the men change having five minutes of chat before they had to move on to the next table. I wonder what university studies in Human behavior make out of the drive for that sort of pass time trend.

The main episode in question in session four the score, about an investigation into the murder of a how to pick up woman student overseen by a seminar instructor on a group work at a hot night club.

The same episode writers involved the top detective Horaito Cain and a CSI subordinate's sister CSI Eric Delco reminding me of the VCR cassette technique would have been proud of, approving whole heartedly in several episode examples. Recent media attention about a how to pick up a woman seminars currently operating attracted strong criticism from woman's groups reminded me.

The sister of one of the students ( her brother turning out to be the killer written in as a married man ) echoed the woman's groups sediment in an interview how she was disgusted with her brother attending such a thing trying to convince him to amend his ways. In the many episodes there were lots of examples how Horatio Cain communicated with woman victim's needs when heeded to not as a cop.

A couple of things I did think was missing both picking up woman seminars and  the CSI Miami episode. They seem to have forgotten it was really a case of teaching hitting on strangers. Hitting on strangers seems the key to what makes this sort of habit frowned upon I guess.

The theme of this post is a reminder of the stranger to stranger pick up. I'm pretty sure success has nothing to with any skilled technique. Everything is to do with being on the same wavelength principle. I also feel a good first impression has a lot with the ability to keep a gentleman cool, calm and collected and dignified attitude a skill needed in the event when things go wrong with an unresponsive stranger. When things go wrong there would have never been on the same wavelength in place in the first place.

I'm sure we can learn a thing or two from double 0 seven James Bond sexuality with woman in his movies. Ian Flaming as the writers and of CSI Miami on Hornito Cain did a good job at writing their characters expert communicators in their field just like the cassette on how to pick up woman had always recommended with women. Communicating with a woman rather than picking up certainly a guaranteed way to get a warm response.

Early Shaun Conroy writers, CSI Miami and the VCR cassette must have known something. Bond was scripted as a womanizer crafted at communicating with woman on their wavelengths rather than pick up as the VCR video said it should be so. Being on the same level Bond was able to charm a strange woman without first impression flops.

Where men can be most likely be most successful is renowned pick up bar and night clubs where men and woman are virtually sharing the same sort of thing on their minds.

Bond wasn't the only expert at sexuality. In CSI Miami CSI Eric Delco was a expert. Session Episode nine Hell Razers reminded me of a classic example of the skill of the writers like they did with Bond.

Delco was in line at an bank ATM. While waiting in line he observes the woman in front of him. His face said it all "OHH. She's interesting" with a great big boyish flirting smile on his face.

There was a brief flirting eye contact with the woman rounding off her business with the ATM. She noticed how impressed he looked observing her. As the woman turned to leave she responded with some flirting eye contact game of her own to him. Nobody said a word as she left, were  Delco was left looking back over his shoulder at her leaving, turning his attention back to the businesses with the ATM at hand.

The Bond writers often did the same with James Bond "She's most appealing" impressed facial expression womanizing signature flirtation look. No doubt we have seen lots of examples in movies and TV.

Bond had lots of flirting eye contact moments. Unlike Bond CSI detective Horatio Cain was dedicated his job at hand in woman moments but always always maintained a sympathetic rapport with the victims. In the James Bond movies writers wrote bashful "Now, now Mr Bond behave" flirting game at Bond.

In the later movies the writers thought it was time Bond got heavier awkward moments specially from money penny particularly his boos M who constantly reminded him he was a sexist cowboy. He don't loose his composer, cowboy egos often taking rebuffs like that personally.

If we review some clips of Bonds awkward moments ( and many examples of CSI Eric Deco flirtations throughout the CSI Miami series ) and the behavior of Horatio Cain towards woman suspects, writers did a good job at keeping them cool, calm and collected demeanor no matter how cold a woman was to them. In doing so they created a sense of sexual dignity appeal although some of us would have somthing to say about Eric Delco's border line sleeping round womanizer.

James bond hero coolness wasn't the only one. There are many other cool action heroes such as  Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis flirting moments, detective John McClain comes to mind and Clint Eastwood's dirty Harry character is memorable with his woman moments. Indiana Jones too played by Harrison Ford and Hans Solo behavior towards princesses leer's cold attitude towards him in star wars is an example how to kept our cool and many other characters, not mention Tom Cruse soft woman moment's.

Sylvester Stallion, Rocky and Rambo characters are remember able, not to mention Steven Seagull although his domain is a macho over kill violence. But he had his softer sides with woman. And there is  Gorge Clooney and Nichols Cadge character moments.

The writers did a good job at scripting Hans Solo playing a level head with princesses leer clear rebuff's and in India Jones with that proved to be be sexuality hits in the end. Script writers kept them discipline in all sorts of life threatening dramas writers could throw  at their heroes. Nobody panicked.

Sometimes setting tones and plots writers often wrote characters with silly, stupid undressing grinning app stares on their faces at strangers making sleazy pick up lines approaches.  Our heroes often stepped in taking care of them. In the end they don't take it kindly when rebuffed very well. When the hard sells don't work the look on their faces change and a nasty side swipe comments as they backed off.

Keeping a cool head with rude rebuffs would have been just the ticket the pick up single woman cassette would have approved of. Some times saying nothing backing away helps go a long way. It often gave heroes some sex appeal.

The cool, calm and collected script writing dominator for any actor to play no matter how sleazy or wimpy looking face looked proved to be a instant hit in many western and war films. Clint Eastwood characters in his cowboy movies are remember able with awkward moments with cold woman no how beautiful they woman were.

When it comes to picking up woman in real life I'm sure the recent how to pick up woman seminars are really just teaching how to flirt successfully with strangers. I'm sure the James bond and many of the other hero technique examples would have helped to convince clientele specially the VCR tape on the subject highly recommended, better to dump the corny ice breaker line routine for better gentlemanly hello introduction techniques than that.

We can learn a lesson from many of Eric Delco's boyish playful clips with woman. Keeping cool, calm, and collected throughout his moves was charming in itself.

The fact that picking up woman is an exercise in flirting with a stranger would be one of the first lesions I'd teach, the most basic and important step before couples make verbal contacts. I would introduce an entertaining session of movie clip examples of how action heroes did things with woman to give them a new perspective on their ice breaker techniques and the skills needed in handling themselves when things go wrong.

I would show CSI Miami clips how Eric Delco's flirtation scenes and Horatio Cain sympathetically communicating with woman's need examples. There are many Macgiver examples of gentleman behavior. I would encourage them to discuss among themselves like game shows teams discus answers to questions among themselves on the clips with each other to be sure they get the messages. The Eric Delco flirting is a recommence. It is the first step the first step in establish on the same wavelength rapport.

The dictionary definition tells us ( for this context anyway ) establishing instant impressed trust and liking. Without it the verbal contact stage with strangers is doomed to first impression fiascos.

This is because the first thing a stranger see's is our face. All our action heroes established rapport though a non verbal brief I noticed you flirt eye contact. The Eric Delco move described was an example. There was no stupid app like grinning on his face. Those are an invasive steer. He Just had a boyish playful smiling.

Recommence is applied to party and night club crowds. It is very important to establish a non verbal ice breaker establishing the same wavelength rapport for the meantime. It is a mobile non stop casing slowly wondering though the crowed man catching woman's eye routine. It's inevitable more than one woman will probably notice in the crowed what a man is up too anyway. This establishes an opportunity to none verbally let the woman know she was noticed expressing a none verbal boyish  flirting acknowledgment less than a few seconds moving on.

This non verbal communication says couples acknowledging they noticed each other as the man moves on to other woman that caches his eye.

There is two basic things that leads to being over done and phony. Eager for a instant hit is the main problem. In a hurry ends up in being a short cut making everything look well and truly over done making it look rehearsed.

A different problem nervous about this kind of thing might be misconstrued as harassment being bullied away by a male friend, thrown out for sexual harassment or worse arrested spending a night in a jail cell to appearing in court for it.

If a man is preoccupied with this may feel under duress it is inevitable somthing like that is bond to happen. The old saying what can go wrong will most probably go wrong just when we don't need it. Men with this kind of worry helps them hold back just in case precaution.

The worst kind of discouragement is the angry silent body language look known as the red light body language signals both men and woman display in different ways the woman's ways discussed in the VCR tape.

The bored symptoms is the lest likely to be noticed to well, actually often a deceiving encouraging to stick around. Some men are not to sensitive to even the non verbal angry silent treatment communication signals even though it is strongest massage. The worst is refusing to even look at you.

The absolute mother of all are straight out rude rebuff's. On average the fear of creating an angry silent treatment or rude rebuff's from a stranger response are the most terrifying to be responsible for. So terrifying in fact help encourages withdraw persuasions in most of us interfering with being able to play the flirting game properly.

AI said earlier the first thing we see of strangers is their faces. If put off it becomes a blank expression in attempt to control our disappointment reaction unless one is a hot head.

Establishing a face to face visual hollow rapport contact first is important between two strangers. Blank expressions is open top allsorts of interpretations. If to eager we can see in each others eyes giving ourselves away appearing phony giving a poor first impression of each other. With out establishing a genuine charmed eye contact rapport all of us tend to get a poor first impressions with anybody.

The most effective method of all is on the move passing by the person of interest acknowledging non verbally their presence with moving on observing others the same way promising to get back to any one of the persons of interest in the next few minutes. When a man returns the woman is by then on the same warm "Hollow what's you name" same wavelength.

If things don't work out if kept cool calm and collected we tend to be able appreciate the foresight to suspect the approach was indeed perceived as phoney by the woman. Men should be aware of the trap of underestimating woman for detecting insincerity.

I'm sure we can lean a lot from short James Bond clips how he applied charming communication on a woman's wavelength got him a long way.

We are all sensitive to detecting sleazy cowboy operating on us specially when it doesn't match in the eyes. Even men will be put off detecting cheesy pick up line from a woman. The VCR cassette on picking up woman teaches us cheesy pick up lines are definitely out because they are obviously embarrassingly cheesy. It made worse when it doesn't add up in the eyes. We can clearly see this watching others making a fool of themselves with someone. The end result is usually an angry silent treatment to strong and cold rebuff's.

If we are all charmed by a charming rapport is well established by a stranger on us we tend to more receptive with communication. Hollywood script writers never gave any of our heroes chess and corny pick up lines to strange woman except as a part of plots. Just charming eye contact and small adult talk engagement at hand follows.

So how do we establish first contact to establish rapport with a stranger in the first place with out resorting to cheesy pick up lines? Keeping a cool head in the first place helps establish a rapport all by itself. I am sure Hollywood movie and TV series clips on the interaction will help clear up things a bit.

The biggest hurdle to avoid poor first impression difficulty is each other being total strangers to each other. This is where being on the same wavelength principle comes to the picture. An experienced artist instinctively haunts night clubs and pick up bars recognizes this.

Think of the situation  a man spots a woman he see's as cute in a public place often scripted by hollowed movies seen in some Clint Eastward and a lot in James Bond movies. The expression of our heroes faces says it all to the audience.

What did the writers make them do. In the first place they write in the cool, calm and collected gentleman hero behaviour. In reality public places is the most unwise places on earth to put into practice for the inexperienced the last thing on a woman's  mind.

This is the area of love and romance body language experts. But that is general relationship study. There doesn't seem to be any psychology on one night stand and prostate watching for trade body language and behaviour occupation we humans play all the time. One of the notable things about this is the subtle one night stand and prostate clothes and body language communication display we see on the city streets every day often emphasized by Hollywood and TV series studio script writers for their plots.

Night clubs and bars is a classic example of the chance of finding a one night stand. This is were the experienced are generally found. Pick up artists have long since leant the potential for a women looking for the same thing is high. In reality referring to a scale of percept a good ninety percept or more of the floor population are just there to have a good time. Experienced men notice the ten percept behaviour present. It is why they are so successful.

Night clubs and bars is perhaps the easiest and safest bet even experience and seminar directors who take their clientele to practice hands on techniques taught to them. Night clubs and pick up bars are the likeliest places a woman on the same wavelength is high. There is always subtle prostitute dress and behaviour signal codes looking for trade mixing with the crowed present.

Pick up bars and nightclubs is not the best place looking for a relationship unless lucky enough to find a woman that has the same thing in mind. These places are general one night stand and prostitute syndicate stomping grounds suitably mixing with the crowd only there to have a good time are likely found.

The art of picking up woman seems not just any woman at random but places were the same thing on their minds. The trick to the experienced is recognizing the symptoms of social behaviour that stands out as whose who in the crowed. There are those that behave obviously always surrounded and busy with friends both male and female and those that stand out very subtle potential one night stand pick up or subtle prostitute signals waiting for trade. The latter takes experience to notice correctly.

If a woman is thinking the same thing corny pick up lines are irrelevant. Letting the guy pick her up will ignore the lines to humoring the guy soon forgotten and dismissed moving on into adult get to know each other small talk exchange.

I am sure how to pick up woman video and seminar clientele lessons on recognizing when woman are allowing themselves to be pick up or more appropriately picking them up is missing. We see this many times in TV series and hollowed movie plots.

To sum up, Visual observation to establish on the same wavelength. Recognizing being picked up. Keeping a confident cool, calm and collected gentleman head with cold unresponsive woman. Ask what would James Bond or your favourite action hero would do. And establish other ways of first contact using rapport a better first impression rapport instead of corny ice breaker lines.

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