Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Are text books misinterpreting Einstein's theory of relativity

This post questions if time travel enthusiasts are misinterpreting time travel. A question I've turned my thought experiments into the 1960 science fiction movie called the time machine I saw 40 years ago based on H.G. wells 1895 time travel novel to help shed some light on the subject.

The story begins January 5, 1900.

George Wells posted invites to three friends, David Filby, professor Philip Hillyer and Walter Kempinvited for dinner waiting patiently in the cocktail lounge of his home. Every now and then they checked clocks and pocket watches. Tonight he was late. Each invite said if he was, to start with out him.

"Dinners ready gentlemen" said the maid placing lavish dishes on the table

They all proceeded to seat themselves at the dinning room table.

When the maid open the dinning room door she screeched stepping back dripping a tray to the floor shocked at Georges condition. Steadying himself on the dinning room entrance he looked some what the worse for ware, exhausted, and untidy, looking as if he'd been fighting for his life.

less than a second everybody at the table jumped to there feet as one. The first thing the guests were shocked at was his unusual severer sunburned red face and hands. George staggered in to a barrage to inquisitive questioning the most asked what had happened to his face and hands?

Overwhelmed he flops into a chair asking for a brief refreshment promising all would be revealed in good time as soon as he had something to eat. He gulps down a glass of wine. Feeling exhausted plonks the empty class heavily on the table.

He begins by reminding them of the New years eve dinner party the few night's before. We go back five days to news eve 1899.

George standing at the fire place announces he had discovered time had a  fourth dimension possibly even more we can travel though time.

The guests looked to each other dubiously. George couldn't resist a smile.

From my thought experiments the story takes a different turn than the movie.

"To begin Gentlemen I don't have to remind you we live in a physical three dimensional world, left, right, up down, forward and backward. I believe there is fourth dimension not in a physical sense, but in time itself."


"What are you talking about!!"

George noted confusion in their faces

"Let him speak. How do you mean?"

"Let me explain my interpretation on how I figured out how time work's gentlemen as we know it works anyway".

George fished in his pocket and took out his pocket watch. Gesturing the cuckoo clock behind him. "For us gentlemen our clocks and pocket watches ( gesturing his watch ) measure the present and past seconds tick by from the present to the past every second the ticking pendulum of the cuckoo clock behind me for example"

The guests looked at him waiting as if an incomplete statement waiting for the punch line.

"Look. A good example of the direction of flow of time the present second becomes the past second by the time we all finish the sentence of a book".

The guests looked at each other he had a point.

"It is the same amount of time we say one thousand and one. Clocks and watches with second hands move a minute division the same exact amount of time. Your watches and the clock behind me testifies to' It is the same amount of time we step a couple of feet. It is the same amount of time light that has just be measured travels a distance 186,000 miles.

The point is Gentlemen time flows from the present to the past second every second"

"You left one important detail out George. What about the future second?"

"Ahh. Good question. Clocks got me thinking. The future second doesn't exist to us, at lest not yet at lest officially. Hypothetically? Yes.  I wonder if the time as we know it is just a different level of time as a whole."

"Different time level?! Huh!!"

"An interesting description of what time is, but what has that got to do with us and why are we here you telling all us this nonsense"

"Bear with me everything will be explained shortly. It's the clocks that gave me the idea if there is more levels than this one What if there are other level of constant flows different to this a one"?

The guests looked at each other dubiously.

"That's rather a stretch of the imagination?"

"Positively absorb. How on earth can that be. There is only one time. Impossible"

There was sceptical arguments. Gouge was starting to scare them with fanciful ideas on time.

"Look. I know it sounds difficult to believe but what if a machine could slow down or speed up independently of this time."

"Positively absorb. How on earth can we travel as fast or slower than time itself. It just can't be done. Impossible"

"Impossible? Not physically by you and me of course. But what if a machine can travel the measurmet of clock independently?"

There was sceptical arguments Gouge obsessed with scary ideas of traveling faster or slower than time.

"I know it sounds difficult to believe. What if it can be done?".

For the next ten minutes the four argued the pros and cons. George insisted it was possible arguing his case. The debate moved on raging over the pros and cons of exploring the future.

Near the conclusion of the meeting his friend David noted an obsession in George telling him bluntly "If your machine can do the things you say it can, destroy it now it before it destroys you!"

After another bout of debate the sound of the clock chiming twelve midnight broke up the meeting. Putting coats on guests rounding off the party for other matters the celebration of news years 1899-1900. They departed leaving George at the front door watching a gig go by with cries of happy new year.

Closing the door he bid the maid good evening and headed to his laboratory where the machine awaits. It was tucked away in a corner looking like a sleigh with a large circler disc towering behind the passenger seat. Where the rains would go was a cylinder control panel with a twenty-five centimeter tall, green, orange and red lights.

He went over the to a work bench scratching a match lighting a candle stick. He noted the time of the clock next it fishing into his pocket checking his pocket watch time against it.

He them fished out of a cupboard what looked like a child's rattle with a demand head. He went over to a metal polisher and began polishing the tip of the handle

He took the handle to the machine and places it in a slot next to the three lights and seated himself in.

Little did gorge know exploring the future had it's consequences. He was about to learn the consequence of time travel alters the physical environment round him particularly the environmental electromagnetic radiation from the sun.

George started scanning the control panel for a minute in anticipation.  He gingerly throttled the lever forward. A giant disk behind him began moving rotating a few slow revolutions.

After a few seconds George pulled the lever all the way back to stop the great disk winding down to a stop. From the environment's point of view the machine never went anywhere. In fact both George and and the machine looked as if dead and lifeless inanimate object frozen in time as a piece of furniture.

From Georges point of view nothing seemed to have happened. Though the Panoramic Christmas time frosty panes shed window he observed the  dress shop outside in the street in a cool early winters morning. The shed environment seemed the same as he left it a second ago.

From the shed's perspective the only change of the machine looked as if it came alive again.

George looked up to the skylight. Though frosty corner glass panes an overcast cloud of early morning above him. Scanning the rest of the environment he was expecting a change but there was none. Looking round puzzled he spotted the clock showing a half hour had gone by.

Then he spotted the lit candle. It was a few centimetres shorter. George's face lit up. He reached to his pocket to check his pocket watch showing only few seconds had pasted. From the environment's point of view George and the machine had never left looking still and lifeless as inanimate object would be in that half hour.

George realized a revelation. According to the control panel read out the difference between the clock and watch showed he'd jumped a half hour forward in time in a few seconds. To the shed's perspective the machine never left. In fact it appeared to look as it had taken on a lifeless inanimate statue every second throughout that time.

Encouraged our traveler gingerly forward the liver once more. The disc slowly gained a faster speed. To the environment point of view the machine looked as if it took it faded into a idleness inanimate object again. From Gorges perspective he kept on eye on the yellow flame trickling down the candle in seconds, snuffing itself out. From the shed's environment point of view the machine never moved. George and the machine appeared a lifeless statue every second.

From Georges point of view looking to the clock the minute hand was moving as fast as a second. He strained his eyes puzzled why the hour hand was not moving as expected. Then he realized he was only observing the hour hand move as he would normally observe equivalent of the minute would move in normal time. The minute hand moving like a second testified the hour had had to be sped up proportionately we observe the minute hand in normal time.

Looking to the control panel counter he realized a startling revelation. According to the counter and that clock he was traveling the shed's environment minute into the future every second of his second. Little could he realize the machine was actually a minute as slow as the shed's environment second.

The shed's fixed constant was overtake the slowed down machine. From the shed point of view it was a still as a inanimate statue every second. To George perspective looked sped up a minute into the future every second. From the shed's perspective the machine and George looked a lifeless statue.

George realized mathematics could prove it. Our mathematical instinct agrees calculations will show if George was seeing the shed a minute into the future every second, the shed's time must be traveling 60 times as fast as every second. The machine was traveling  60 times constantly as slow as every fixed constant shed second. As far as the shed's time was concerned it is was always constant.

The constant velocity of both were traveling at two different constant velocities. The machine traveling constantly slower in relation to the shed time by a minute behind of the machine. The shed's time was a minute ahead of the machine's time.

Our mathematical instinct agrees with Georges assumption the machine must be traveling 60 times slower than the shed environment. From Georges point of view the shed's constant time flow looked a minute into the future every second.

To George a revelation accrued to him. The slower we go the faster time speeds up perspective.

George strained his eyes on the clock some more, trying to make out the hour hand motion. He was only observing it as we normally obverse the minute had in normal time. By the movement moving like a second hand, if the clock had, had a second hand he would probably would have observe the second hand spin a full circle every second.

From the shed's perspective the second hand would be moving as normal.

George calculated if this keeps up he would be an hour into the future every full circle in one minute. In other words while the machine traveled an hour per minuet slower than the shed's time, the shed was seeing George was slowed down a to a minute as an hour. Our mathematical instinct agrees equal to Georges second equaled the shed's minute as fast.

If inferred cameras were present they could detect a heat signature of the machine working we see the machine as  inferred cameras see people and environment's in the dead of nights. It is the consequence of traveling though time altering the physical nature of electromagnetic radiation frequencies ( or wavelength's if you like ) of the sun.

Let me explain.

We all know bed side lamps plugged into the Alternating Current mains is a alternating electric power. The electrical current is flowing peak to peak back and forth oscillation in most countries 60 times a second ( 60Hz Hertz ) but some others 50Hz. 60Hz to our eyes and brain appears a radiation of steady light radiating from the bulb.

If George was observing an AC electric bulb he would have noticed the environment's color change into a violet color cast. This is because our eyes very high frequencies as this color. George was observing the mains frequency ( or wavelength term most of us are familiar with in this kind of context ), had increased in portion he was seeing the shed's environment. ( Or the wavelength shorter if you like )

Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter multiplying 60Hz by 60, ( or 60 squared if you like ). In effect to George the bulb was an ultra violet light radiation frequency of 3.6kHz ( 3.600Hz ). Mathematics tells us the reciprocal just one 1Hz a 3.6 micrometer short wavelength. A micrometer is a thousand times smaller than a millimeter.

He would have felt his face and hands stinging from the from the bulb. As it was, he is suborning from the increased frequency into the sun's Ultra Violet light rays from the sunlight streaming though the skylight. In effect he was being  irradiated from the the normal winter morning sunlight we all enjoy normally.

From the she environment point of view George and his machine looked as still as a statue a equivalent of the time clock minute hands move in normal time. In other words George was frozen in time every second of the shed's minute of time. The normal UV radiation of the environment was burning his face and hands.

George thought he had predicted the fourth dimension correctly. Little did he know from the shed's point of view he exist as a solid frozen entity. From George's point of view in just a couple of minutes of the skylight UV light above was irradiating him in seconds.

To observe the clock's hour hand to move a division per second he would have to push the machine an hour ahead of the sheds time. Little did he realize the machine had to slow down in time an hour behind the shed's time. Mathematics projects all the seconds in an hour pans out the machine would be traveling 3,600 times as slow as the shed's second to look an hour ( or 3,600 times as fast ) into the future every second.

As George went along he was gaining experienced mastery of his machine. He could slow down and move on faster at will. He could come to a complete halt when ever he chose to.

At a minute per second he had a front row seat of  nature outside sped up a 60 times faster.  The 1960 movie showed flowers budded, apples of the apple tree grew and ripened 60 times than normal. Though the skylight above him he could now see the sun moving 60 times faster although not racing as science fiction moves would show but in reality slowly across the sky every second.

He observed the shop mannequins across the road though the wide shed window in front of him being dressed by window dressers changing their fashion like a fast forward video. Ladies waddled in and out of the shop at speed.

By now his face looking quite sun burnt. He recognized one woman. He  reminisced affectingly on her character. Then he spotted something of interest a more slim line dress typical of the first years of the last century stopping the machine completely for a classer look.

The shed's environment point of view it had never left in the last 24 hours, in fact looking dead and still. From George's point of view the environment's time stated to slow down slowly at first getting faster and faster then settled down to normal. From the shed environment point of view the Goerged and the machine seem to come alive.

George with a sunburn face and hands stared fascinated at the mannequin dress at the attire.

He was looking at an early 20th century woman's fusion. Grimacing "Is that a dress?"

He studied it a minute before moving on. When he moved on the the environment's point of view George and the machine looked as if drained away of life back into a lifeless statue.

The movie protrude the skylight sun above arch across the skylight sky followed by some puffy cotton wool clouds sunset and sunrises racing by like a sped up video of the weather. In reality this may be a inaccurate sense of time travel.

Although the machine was traveling at a constant velocity faster than a second per minute the slower the machine lagged far behind the shed's time. The more George pushed the machine the more shed's time seemed to shift into the future every second. Hours past in seconds.

According mathematics he would be traveling traveling 3,600 times as slow as the shed's time witnessing the shed environment 3,600 times as fast. If we take the UV radiation from the sun 60 times as normal at a minute per second  George would be irradiated by 3,600 times as normal in an hour per second.

The movie portrayed night and day moved across in the skylight above him like a fast forward video. Soon he was moving a day into the future every second. Mathematics projects all the seconds in a day panning out to 86,400 seconds, George would have been traveling 86,400 times as slow as the shed's second. He would have been irradiated 86,400 times as fast as normal From Georges point of view he was already a month into shed's future where he started a moment ago

But way before this could happen he squinted in puzzlement something rather odd about the shed's environment. It was starting to look as if squeezed in all directions. He begin feel as if he was being squeezed with it by a pressure of the confined space of a bottle. Everything was starting to look and feel heavy feeling squashed and crushed.

Little did he know it was the shorter was an increases in in shorter and a shorter wavelength difference between his time and normal time compressing him. As far as Gorge would have known It will be predicted by Albert Einstein within the next 10 years objects shrink in the direction of travel.

In this case George was feeling the consequence of it in all directions. He felt he was squeezed into a box far tow small for him. Einstein was going to expressed this as a gravitational equivalence velocity produces we express as G-force. ( G's ). It it the properties of motion.

My guess is applies to the ever shorting of the time difference between him and normal time. He was starting to feel very uncomfortably heavy by now.

Soon our traveler noticed it was getting strangely warm sniffing smelling something's burring. He tried with some difficulty to look round and behind. He was too heavy. He was starting to feel several G's pressing on him. One G is the weight of our normal body weight. His face was looking distorted like riding a rocket sled at 500kmph.

In front of him the red light was flashing. His wonder soon turned to the panic realizing it was his machine that was doing this.

Little did George know the heat he was experiencing was another natural consequence of physics of time travel. The heat you feel pumping up a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It is compressed hot air from you're compression strokes. If you compress something hard enough heats up. In the case of the machine compressing time was heating his cocoon environment.

He was feeling very desperately weighed down by the time he got round to acting. Sweating like a pig he desperately  tried to pull back on the lever. Every limb of his body was far to heavy to lift. It was as hot as an oven feeling waves of psychological panic feeling the life being squeezed out of him. It was as hot as an oven now. His heart was protesting and his lugs were protesting the could breath with all this weight on his chest. He was gaping for air struggling to breath close to loosing conscious.

From the shed environment point of view of the machine it looked like a invisible car crusher was crushing it.

All of a sudden there was a release in pressure the heat starting to dispute. The giant wheel made a grinding mettle noise and some sparks flew about. It suddenly stopped stiffly as if a peace of cloth jamming it to a sudden stop. The environment's time slowed at speed the image of the environment quickly expanded outwards like a fast inflating rubber raft. The weight and heat was suddenly gone from his body.

From the environment point of view the machine stopped crushing in on itself returning to life although stopped some what the worse for ware looking partially collapsed on all sides and and heavily damaged.

George rested in the battered back seat seat swab all sweaty painting for breath heart pending like a hammer in his chest all wild eyed and lungs  still protesting choking and sputtering for breath. Some blood was oozing from each nostril. But at lest quickly retiring to normal. George had experience the equivalent the pressure of a gravity several times his normal body weight.

He reached for his tie ripping it off undoing his top buttons for air. Still panting he looked exhausted to the main window. The dress shop was quiet. The 19th century manikin display across the road looked reassuring everything was back was to normal.

George sat there his body shaking all over feeling to week to move. He let himself calm down for a moment till he could finally step out. Calming down he examined his surroundings. He could see the machine was in a damaged state. The control panel looked partially distorted bent towards his knees the lights broken and cracked looking partially crushed. The he feared he may be trapped in the seat.

He weekly check his each side finding to his realer he could just barely negotiate his knees from under the drooping control panel,

He managed to weekly drag his shins under the control panel stepping out. Out on the floor he felt very week balancing himself on the machine from collapsing to the floor. The machine was stills lightly warm. The frame of the machine looked bent in all directions as if a car crusher had started on it and decided to stop almost immediately.

He felt his cloths all damp and sticky. Unsteady on his feet he flopped to his knees waiting for his heavy breathing to subside.

George thought to himself  "Good god it nearly killed me."

Then all of a sudden he felt his sunburn hands and face

Looking at his hands he frowned in puzzlement feeling his face. His first thoughts were "Where's a mirror."

Nursing his sunburns he went weekly to the adjoining door swinging it open and staggered on into the hallway to the lounge.

Steadying himself on the dinning room entrance post he'd interrupted the middle of the guests dinner. Less than a second everybody jump to there feet as one. George staggered on into the dinner room to a barrage of inquisitive questioning. The first thing they noticed was his red sunburn hands and face.

Overwhelmed he flops into a chair asking for a brief refreshment promising all would be revealed in good time as soon as he had something to eat. They gave him a glass wine gulping it down in one go. Still recovering from his ordeal places the empty class heavily on the table. He began his story

The guests didn't know what to make out it.

"I've never heard a tallest tail like in my life. Being able to watch the street like in fast motion. Ridicules"

"Never the less it's true"

"Nobody's going to believe this George"

"Explain my face and hands"

"What do you think caused it....and the machine to crash stop like that?"

"I don't know"

"What now?"

"The way I feel about it at monument I can't help thinking of the irony what you said to me the other day David about destroying the machine before it destroys me"

David looked at gorge as if to say "you think"?

"The machine's badly damaged. Really distorted. As if some one squashed it from all sides, side to side, long ways top to bottom, you name it. See for yourself  The whole framework's buckled to say the lest."

Excursing his tender shoulder muscles George was feeling the effects of his ordeal.

"You look exhausted George. You OK. Maybe you should retire for the night"


"You should see a doctor about your red face and hands"

Feeling the effects of tender muscle all over his body he weekly stood up. The guests offered support. He said he was OK he'll manage

Pointing to his face "It'll be hard to explain all this to a doctor. Judy will see you out. Good night"

He turned weekly setting off to his bedroom flopping on his bed. Just when he was starting to reflect on his ordeal he suddenly feel asleep.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Measuring the shed's time

January 5, 1900. Three friends of a inviter George wells' He had invited  David Filby, professor Philip Hillyer and Walter Kempinvited for dinner waiting patiently in the cocktail lounge of his home. Every now and then they checked clocks and pocket watches. He was late. Each invite said if he was, to start with out him.

"Dinners ready gentlemen" said the maid placing lavish dishes on the table

They all proceeded to seat themselves at the dinning room table.

In the middle of dinner the inventor appeared, steadying himself on the dinning room entrance post looking some what the worse for ware, exhausted, and untidy, looking as if he'd been fighting for his life right in front of the maid. She screeched dripping a tray of food to the floor shocked at his condition.

Less than a second everybody jump to there feet as one all looking shocked. The first thing the guests noticed was his red sunburn face. George staggered in to a barrage to inquisitive questioning.

Overwhelmed he flops into a chair asking for a brief refreshment promising all would be revealed in good time as soon as he had something to eat. He gulps down a glass of wine. Feeling exhausted he plonks the empty class heavily on the table.

He begins by reminding them of the New years eve dinner party the few night's before. We go back five days to news eve 1899.

George standing at the fire place announces he had discovered time had a  fourth dimension possibly even more we can travel.

The guests looked to each other dubiously. George couldn't resist a smile.

"I don't have to remind you we live in a physical three dimensional world, left, right, up down, forward and backward. I believe there is fourth dimension in time."


"It's not what you think." It's not a physical a dimension."

"What are you talking about!!"

"Let him speak. How do you mean?"

"Let me explain how time as we know it works".

George fished in his pocket and took out his pocket watch. Nodding to the cuckoo clock behind him. "For us gentlemen our clocks and pocket watches ( gesturing his watch ) measure the present and past seconds tick by from the present to the past every second?"

The guests looked at him waiting as if an incomplete statement waiting for the punch line.

"Look. A good example of the direction of flow of time. The present second becomes the past second by the time we all finish the sentence of a book".

The guests looked at each other he had a point.

"You left one important detail out George. What about the future second? Shouldn't that be included as coming first?"

"Ahh. Good question. Clocks got me thinking. The future second doesn't exist to us, at lest not yet. Officially. Hypothetically? Yes.  What if the time as we know it is just a different level of time as a whole."

"Different time level?! Huh!!"

"An interesting description of what time is, but what has that got to do with us and why are we here you telling all us this nonsense"

"Bear with me everything will be explained shortly. It's the clocks that gave me the idea if there is more levels than this one What if there are other level of constant flows different to this a one"?

The guests looked at each other dubiously.

"That's rather a stretch of the imagination?"

"Positively absorb. How on earth can that be. There is only one time. Impossible"

There was sceptical arguments. Gouge was starting to scare them with fanciful ideas on time.

"Look. I know it sounds difficult to believe but what if a machine could slow down or speed up independently of this time."

"Positively absorb. How on earth can we travel as fast or slower than time itself. It just can't be done. Impossible"

"Impossible? Not physically by you and me of course. But what if a machine can travel independently?"

There was sceptical arguments Gouge obsessed with scary ideas of traveling faster or slower than time.

"I know it sounds difficult to believe. What if it can be done?".

For the next ten minutes the four argued the pros and cons. George insisted it was possible arguing his case. The debate raged over the pros and cons of exploring the future.

Near the conclusion of the meeting his friend David noted an obsession in George telling him bluntly "If your machine can do the things you say it can, destroy it now it before it destroys you!"

The sound of the clock chiming twelve midnight broke up the meeting. Putting coats on guests rounding off the party for other matters the celebration of news years 1899-1900. They departed leaving George at the front door watching a gig go by with cries of happy new year.

Closing the door he bid the maid good evening and headed to his laboratory where the machine awaits. It was tucked away in a corner looking sleigh with a large circler disc towering behind the passenger seat. Where the rains would go was a cylinder control panel with a twenty-five centimeter tall, green, orange and red lights.

He went over the to a work bench scratching a match lighting a candle stick. He noted the time of the clock next it fishing into his pocket checking his pocket watch time against it.

He them fished out of a cupboard what looked like a child's rattle with a demand head. He went over to a metal polisher and began polishing the tip of the handle

He took the handle to the machine and places it in a slot next to the three lights and seated himself in.

Little did gorge know exploring the future had it's consequences. He was about to learn consequence of time travel alters the physical environment round him particularly electromagnetic radiation from the sun.

George started scanning the control panel for a minute in anticipation.  He gingerly throttled the lever forward. A giant disk behind him began moving rotating a few slow revolutions.

After a few seconds George pulled the lever all the way back to stop the great disk winding down to a stop. From the environment's point of view the machine never went anywhere. In fact both George and and the machine looked dead and lifeless frozen solid as a statue.

From Georges point of view nothing seemed to have happened. Though the Panoramic Christmas time frosty panes of the main shed window he observed the  dress shop outside in the street in a cool early winters morning. The shed environment seemed the same as he left it a second ago.

He looked up to the skylight, frosty panes glass panes of an overcast cloud of early morning above him. Scanning the rest of the environment he was expecting a change but there was none. Looking round puzzled he spotted the clock showing a half hour had gone by.

Then he spotted the lit candle. It was a few centimetres shorter. George's face lit up. He reached to his pocket to check his pocket watch showing only few seconds had pasted. From the environment's point of view George and the machine had never left looking still and lifeless as if frozen in time.

George realized a revelation. According to the control panel read out the difference between the clock and watch showed he'd jumped a half hour forward in time in a few seconds. To the environment the machine never left. In fact it appeared to look as it had taken on a lifeless statue form throughout that time.

Encouraged our traveler gingerly forward the liver once more. The disc slowly gained a faster speed. He kept on eye on the yellow flame trickling down the candle in seconds, snuffing itself out. From the shed's environment point of view the machine never moved. Both George and the machine appeared to be a lifeless statue every second.

From Georges point of view looking to the clock the minute hand was moving as fast as a second. He strained his eyes puzzled why the hour hand was not moving as expected. Then he realized he was only observing the hour hand move as he would normally observe equivalent to the minute hand move in normal time.

Looking to the control panel counter he realized a startling revelation. According to the counter and that clock he was traveling the shed's environment minute into the future every second of his time. The machine was actually a minute as slow as the shed's second.

The shed's fixed constant was overtaking the machine's time. From the shed environment point of view it was a still statue every second. To George the environment looked sped up a minute into the future every second. From the shed's environment point of view the machine and George looked lifeless statue.

George realized mathematics could prove it. Our mathematical instinct agrees calculations will show the shed's time must be traveling 60 times as fast as he was. In actual fact he was going 60 times constantly as slow as the fixed constant the environment's time. As far as the shed's time was concerned it is was always constant.

The constant velocity of both were traveling at two different constant velocities. The machine traveling constant slower in relation to the shed time by a minute behind of the machine. The shed's time was a minute ahead of the machine's time.

Our mathematical instinct agrees with Georges assumption the machine must be traveling 60 times slower than the shed environment. From Georges point of view the shed's constant time flow looked a minute into the future every second.

To George a revelation accrued to him. The slower we go the faster time speeds up perspective.

George strained his eyes on the clock as the minute moved like a second, trying to observe the hour hand motion. He was only observing it as we normally obverse the minute had in normal time. By the movement of the minute hand if the clock had, had a second hand he would probably would have observe the second hand spin a full circle every second.

From the environment's point of view the second hand would be moving as normal.

Gorges calculated if this keeps up he would be an hour into the future every full circle of the minute hand in the same proportion as if normal time. In other words while the machine traveled an hour per minuet slower than the shed's time, the shed was traveling a minute per hour of his time. Our mathematical instinct agrees equal to Georges second equaled the shed's minute.

If inferred cameras were present they could detect a heat signature of the machine working we see the machine as  inferred cameras see people and environment's in the dead of nights. It is the consequence of traveling though time altering the physical nature of electromagnetic radiation frequencies ( or wavelength's if you like ) of the sun.

Let me explain.

We all know bed side lamps plugged into the Alternating Current mains is a alternating electric power. The electrical current is flowing peak to peak back and forth oscillation in most countries 60 times a second ( 60Hz Hertz ) but some others 50Hz. 60Hz to our eyes and brain appears a radiation of steady light radiating from the bulb.

If George was observing an AC electric bulb he would have noticed the environment's color change into a violet color cast. This is because our eyes very high frequencies as this color. George was observing the mains frequency ( or wavelength term most of us are familiar with in this kind of context ), had increased in portion he was seeing the shed's environment. ( Or the wavelength shorter if you like )

Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter multiplying 60Hz by 60, ( or 60 squared if you like ). In effect to George the bulb was an ultra violet light radiation frequency of 3.6kHz ( 3.600Hz ). Mathematics tells us the reciprocal just one 1Hz a 3.6 micrometer short wavelength. A micrometer is a thousand times smaller than a millimeter.

He would have felt his face and hands stinging from the from the bulb. As it was, he is suborning from the increased frequency into the sun's Ultra Violet light rays from the sunlight streaming though the skylight. In effect he was being  irradiated from the the normal winter morning sunlight we all enjoy normally.

From the she environment point of view George and his machine looked as still as a statue a equivalent of the time clock minute hands move in normal time. In other words George was frozen in time every second of the shed's minute of time. The normal UV radiation of the environment was burning his face and hands.

George thought he had predicted the fourth dimension correctly. Little did he know from the shed's point of view he exist as a solid frozen entity. From George's point of view in just a couple of minutes of the skylight UV light above was irradiating him in seconds.

To observe the clock's hour hand to move a division per second he would have to push the machine an hour ahead of the sheds time. Little did he realize the machine had to slow down in time an hour behind the shed's time. Mathematics projects all the seconds in an hour pans out the machine would be traveling 3,600 times as slow as the shed's second to look an hour ( or 3,600 times as fast ) into the future every second.

As George went along he was gaining experienced mastery of his machine. He could slow down and move on faster at will. He could come to a complete halt when ever he chose to.

At a minute per second he had a front row seat of  nature outside sped up a 60 times faster.  The 1960 movie showed flowers budded, apples of the apple tree grew and ripened 60 times than normal. Though the skylight above him he could now see the sun moving 60 times faster although not racing as science fiction moves would show but in reality slowly across the sky every second.

He observed the shop mannequins across the road though the wide shed window in front of him being dressed by window dressers changing their fashion like a fast forward video. Ladies waddled in and out of the shop at speed.

By now his face looking quite sun burnt. He recognized one woman. He  reminisced affectingly on her character. Then he spotted something of interest a more slim line dress typical of the first years of the last century stopping the machine completely for a classer look.

The shed's environment point of view it had never left in the last 24 hours, in fact looking dead and still. From George's point of view the environment's time stated to slow down slowly at first getting faster and faster then settled down to normal. From the shed environment point of view the Goerged and the machine seem to come alive.

George with a sunburn face and hands stared fascinated at the mannequin dress at the attire.

He was looking at an early 20th century woman's fusion. Grimacing "Is that a dress?"

He studied it a minute before moving on. When he moved on the the environment's point of view George and the machine looked as if drained away of life back into a lifeless statue.

The movie protrude the skylight sun above arch across the skylight sky followed by some puffy cotton wool clouds sunset and sunrises racing by like a sped up video of the weather. In reality this may be a inaccurate sense of time travel.

Although the machine was traveling at a constant velocity faster than a second per minute the slower the machine lagged far behind the shed's time. The more George pushed the machine the more shed's time seemed to shift into the future every second. Hours past in seconds.

According mathematics he would be traveling traveling 3,600 times as slow as the shed's time witnessing the shed environment 3,600 times as fast. If we take the UV radiation from the sun 60 times as normal at a minute per second  George would be irradiated by 3,600 times as normal in an hour per second.

The movie portrayed night and day moved across in the skylight above him like a fast forward video. Soon he was moving a day into the future every second. Mathematics projects all the seconds in a day panning out to 86,400 seconds, George would have been traveling 86,400 times as slow as the shed's second. He would have been irradiated 86,400 times as fast as normal From Georges point of view he was already a month into shed's future where he started a moment ago

But way before this could happen he squinted in puzzlement something rather odd about the shed's environment. It was starting to look as if squeezed in all directions. He begin feel as if he was being squeezed with it by a pressure of the confined space of a bottle. Everything was starting to look and feel heavy feeling squashed and crushed.

Little did he know it was the shorter was an increases in in shorter and a shorter wavelength difference between his time and normal time compressing him. As far as Gorge would have known It will be predicted by Albert Einstein within the next 10 years objects shrink in the direction of travel.

In this case George was feeling the consequence of it in all directions. He felt he was squeezed into a box far tow small for him. Einstein was going to expressed this as a gravitational equivalence velocity produces we express as G-force. ( G's ). It it the properties of motion.

My guess is applies to the ever shorting of the time difference between him and normal time. He was starting to feel very uncomfortably heavy by now.

Soon our traveler noticed it was getting strangely warm sniffing smelling something's burring. He tried with some difficulty to look round and behind. He was too heavy. He was starting to feel several G's pressing on him. One G is the weight of our normal body weight. His face was looking distorted like riding a rocket sled at 500kmph.

In front of him the red light was flashing. His wonder soon turned to the panic realizing it was his machine that was doing this.

Little did George know the heat he was experiencing was another natural consequence of physics of time travel. The heat you feel pumping up a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It is compressed hot air from you're compression strokes. If you compress something hard enough heats up. In the case of the machine compressing time was heating his cocoon environment.

He was feeling very desperately weighed down by the time he got round to acting. Sweating like a pig he desperately  tried to pull back on the lever. Every limb of his body was far to heavy to lift. It was as hot as an oven feeling waves of psychological panic feeling the life being squeezed out of him. It was as hot as an oven now. His heart was protesting and his lugs were protesting the could breath with all this weight on his chest. He was gaping for air struggling to breath close to loosing conscious.

From the shed environment point of view of the machine it looked like a invisible car crusher was crushing it.

All of a sudden there was a release in pressure the heat starting to dispute. The giant wheel made a grinding mettle noise and some sparks flew about. It suddenly stopped stiffly as if a peace of cloth jamming it to a sudden stop. The environment's time slowed at speed the image of the environment quickly expanded outwards like a fast inflating rubber raft. The weight and heat was suddenly gone from his body.

From the environment point of view the machine stopped crushing in on itself returning to life although stopped some what the worse for ware looking partially collapsed on all sides and and heavily damaged.

George rested in the battered back seat seat swab all sweaty painting for breath heart pending like a hammer in his chest all wild eyed and lungs  still protesting choking and sputtering for breath. Some blood was oozing from each nostril. But at lest quickly retiring to normal. George had experience the equivalent the pressure of a gravity several times his normal body weight.

He reached for his tie ripping it off undoing his top buttons for air. Still panting he looked exhausted to the main window. The dress shop was quiet. The 19th century manikin display across the road looked reassuring everything was back was to normal.

George sat there his body shaking all over feeling to week to move. He let himself calm down for a moment till he could finally step out. Calming down he examined his surroundings. He could see the machine was in a damaged state. The control panel looked partially distorted bent towards his knees the lights broken and cracked looking partially crushed. The he feared he may be trapped in the seat.

He weekly check his each side finding to his realer he could just barely negotiate his knees from under the drooping control panel,

He managed to weekly drag his shins under the control panel stepping out. Out on the floor he felt very week balancing himself on the machine from collapsing to the floor. The machine was stills lightly warm. The frame of the machine looked bent in all directions as if a car crusher had started on it and decided to stop almost immediately.

He felt his cloths all damp and sticky. Unsteady on his feet he flopped to his knees waiting for his heavy breathing to subside.

George thought to himself  "Good god it nearly killed me."

Then all of a sudden he felt his sunburn hands and face

Looking at his hands he frowned in puzzlement feeling his face. His first thoughts were "Where's a mirror."

Nursing his sunburns he went weekly to the adjoining door swinging it open and staggered on into the hallway to the lounge.

Steadying himself on the dinning room entrance post he'd interrupted the middle of the guests dinner. Less than a second everybody jump to there feet as one. George staggered on into the dinner room to a barrage of inquisitive questioning. The first thing they noticed was his red sunburn hands and face.

Overwhelmed he flops into a chair asking for a brief refreshment promising all would be revealed in good time as soon as he had something to eat. They gave him a glass wine gulping it down in one go. Still recovering from his ordeal places the empty class heavily on the table. He began his story

The guests didn't know what to make out it.

"I've never heard a tallest tail like in my life. Being able to watch the street like in fast motion. Ridicules"

"Never the less it's true"

"Nobody's going to believe this George"

"Explain my face and hands"

"What do you think caused it....and the machine to crash stop like that?"

"I don't know"

"What now?"

"The way I feel about it at monument I can't help thinking of the irony what you said to me the other day David about destroying the machine before it destroys me"

David looked at gorge as if to say "you think"?

"The machine's badly damaged. Really distorted. As if some one squashed it from all sides, side to side, long ways top to bottom, you name it. See for yourself  The whole framework's buckled to say the lest."

Excursing his tender shoulder muscles George was feeling the effects of his ordeal.

"You look exhausted George. You OK. Maybe you should retire for the night"


"You should see a doctor about your red face and hands"

Feeling the effects of tender muscle all over his body he weekly stood up. The guests offered support. He said he was OK he'll manage

Pointing to his face "It'll be hard to explain all this to a doctor. Judy will see you out. Good night"

"Good nigh Gorge"

He turned weekly setting off to his bedroom flopping on his bed. Just when he was starting to reflect on his ordeal he suddenly feel asleep.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Measuring time

January 5, 1900. Three friends of a inviter George wells, David Filby, professor Philip Hillyer and Walter Kempinvited invited for dinner waited patiently in the cocktail lounge of his home. Every now and then they checked clocks and pocket watches. He was late. Each invite said if he was to start dinner with out him.

"Dinners ready gentlemen" said the maid placing lavish dishes on the table

They all proceeded to seat themselves at the dinning room table. 

In the middle of dinner the inventor appeared, steadying himself on the dinning room entrance post looking some what the worse for ware, exhausted, dirty and untidy, clothing in rags, looking as if he'd been fighting for his life.

Less than a second everybody jump to there feet as one. George staggered on into the dinner room to a barrage of inquisitive questioning.

Overwhelmed he flops into a chair asking for a brief refreshment promising all would be revealed in good time as soon as he had something to eat.

He begins by reminding them of the New years eve dinner party the few night's before.

It was at this party George announced he had discovered time had a  fourth dimension possible even more we can travel.

The guests looked to each other dubiously. George couldn't resist a smile.

"I don't have to remind you we live in a physical three dimensional world, left, right, up down, forward and backward. I believe there is fourth dimension in time."


"It's not what you think." It's not a physical a dimension."

"What are you talking about!!"

"Let him speak. How do you mean?"

"Let me explain how time as we know it works. For us gentlemen our clocks and pocket watches measure the present and past seconds tick by from the present to the past every second right?"

The guests looked at him waiting. "And"

"Look. A good example of the direction of the flow is the present second becoming the past second by the time we all finish the sentence of a book".

The guests looked at each other he had a point.

"You left one important detail out George, the future second"

"Ahh. Good question. Clocks got me thinking. The future second doesn't exist to us, at lest not yet.......officially. Hypothetically? Yes.  What if the time as we know it is just a different level of time as a whole."

"Different time level?! Huh!!"

"An interesting description of what time is, but what has that got to do with us and why are we here you telling all us this nonsense"

"Bear with me everything will be explained shortly. It's the clocks that gave me the idea if there is more levels than this one What if there are other level of constant flows different to this a one"?

The guests looked at each other dubiously.

"That's rather a stretch of the imagination?"

"Positively absorb. How on earth can that be. There is only one time. Impossible"

There was sceptical arguments Gouge was starting to scare them with fanciful ideas on time.

"Look. I know it sounds difficult to believe but what if a machine could slow down or speed up independently of this time."

"Positively absorb. How on earth can we travel as fast or slower than time. It just can't be done. Impossible"

"Impossible? Not physically by you and me of course. But what if a machine can travel independently?"

There was sceptical arguments Gouge was obsessed with scary ideas of traveling faster or slower than time.

"I know it sounds difficult to believe. What if it can be done?".

Back and forth pros and con arguments the workings insured for the next ten minutes.

George though it was time to show them. He takes the box that was on the table opening it revelling an intricate little model looking like a toy sleigh fitted with a large circler disc towering behind the passenger seat placing it on the table. He claimed there was a full scale model he'd just finished that can take a full sized adult though the though the different dimension awaiting in the adjoining shed.

There was series of dubious debate before George thought it time to demonstrate. He plucked a guest's cigar from his top coat pocket bending it into a passenger placing it in the miniature seat asking who would like the pleasure of starting the machine.

"Don't panic when you see this. I must admit it does look a bit spooky."

He pointed to a tiny lever "Now push that little level forward".

The volunteer fingered it forward. The guests step back eyes wide at a spooky hallo surrounding the little machine like on St Alamos fire completely engulfed in swirling green fog. The  machine shimmering and shading faded out of site altogether the green swirl sucked back into thin air and was gone.

Shocked at such a ghostly site seemed to validate George's claim but the guests remained skeptical. For the next half hour there was back and forth pros and cons about exploring the future. Where did the thing go and what was that fiendish green mist round it before it disappeared?

Nobody knew it was the consequence of the effects on the physics of the environment being altered as it fades from present time. The dinner party continued to argue over the prose and cons of exploring the future.

Near the conclusion of the meeting his friend David noted had obsession in George telling him bluntly "If your machine can do the things you say it can, destroy it now it before it destroys you!"

The sound of the clock chiming twelve midnight broke up the meeting. Putting coats on guests departed rounding off the party for other matters the celebration of news years 1899-1900. They departed leaving George at the front door watching a gig go by with cries of happy new year.

Closing the door he bid the maid good evening and headed to his laboratory where the full-size machine awaits. It was tucked away in a corner looking everything like the miniature sleigh with the large circler disc towering behind the passenger seat. Where the rains would go was a cylinder control panel with a twenty-five centimeter tall, green, orange and red light.

He went over the to a work bench scratching a match lighting a candle stick. He noted the time of the clock next it fishing into his pocket checking his pocket watch time against it.

He them fished out of a cupboard what looked like a child's rattle with a demand head. He went over to a metal polisher and began polishing the end of the handle

He took the handle to the machine and places it in a slot next to the three lights and seated himself in.

Scanning the control panel for a minute in anticipation he gingerly throttled a lever forward. The disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view the machine glowed like on St Aloes fire inside a swirling green bubble before the whole machine disappeared. The mist was cleared sucked back into thin air levelling the she quiet and deserted. From Gorges point of view couldn't see it.

After a few seconds George pulled the lever all the way back to stop the great disk winding down to a stop. From the environment's point of view everything in reverse. The mist appeared from thin air followed by the appetence of St Aloes fire like glowing then fading away again when the machine appeared in full view full clearing away the green mist.

From Georges point of view nothing seemed to have happened. Though the Christmas time like frosty panes of the main shed window a dress shop outside in the street in a cool early winters morning. The shed environment seemed the same as he left it a second ago.

He looked up to the skylight. Though the frosty Charismas time panes of the skylight an overcast cloud of early morning above him. Scanning the rest of the environment he was expecting a change but there was none. Looking round puzzled spotted the clock showing a half hour had gone by.

Then he spotted the lit candle. It was a few centimetres shorter. George's face lit up. He reached in to his pocket to check his pocket watch which only showed few seconds had pasted. From the environment's point of view the machine had been gone for a half hour.

He realized a revelation. According to the control panel read out the difference between the clock and watch showed he'd jumped a half hour forward in time in a few seconds.

Encouraged our traveller gingerly forward the liver. The disc slowly gained a faster speed. He kept on eye on the yellow flame trickling down the candle in seconds, snuffing itself out.

From the environment's point of view though he and the machine went though the same ghostly transformation routine as before disappearing sucking in the green mist into mid air leaving the environment deserted again. As far as the deserted environment's time was concerned was normal and constant.

The forward travel was the consequence of machine independently slowed down slower than the shed's time not effecting it's normal constant. From Georges point of view the shed's normal time flow looked as if traveling faster.

The machines control panel minute number rolled as fast as a second. The second column spun a blur the whole 60 seconds every second.

When George looked to the clock the minute had was moving as fast as a second. He strained his eyes puzzled why the hour hand was not moving as expected. Then he realized he was only observing the hour hand move as fast as he would normally observe the minute hand move in normal time which is always negaberable.

He congregated himself he was right we can travel a different time velocity than the environment's time.

Looking to the counter he realized a startling revelation. According to the control panel and that clock he was traveling a minute into the future every second. He realized with revelation the machine was a minute as slow as the shed's second. The slow machine caused the shed's second to stretch into a minute of his time.

George realized mathematics could prove it. He could project the shed's time was traveling 60 times as fast as he was. The machine had to be traveling 60 times as slow.

George strained his eyes on the clock trying to observe the hour hand motion the minute hand moving like a second and if the clock had a second hand it would be spinning a full circle every second of his time. The machine a minute as slow the shed's time was a minute ahead of the machine every second of gorges second.

If we where there machine would have been invisible, to slow for our eyes and brain can see so never officially there. All said and done the slower the machine goes the faster the environment's time would look sped up. In just 10 seconds George travelled ten minutes the sheds time equal to to traveling though time a per second.

Gorges calculated if this keeps up he'd be an hour into the future in every his minute. In other words while the machine travelled an hour per minuet slower than the she's time, the shed was traveling a minute per hour of his time. If we repeat that in seconds we have astonishing time difference the machine traveling a minute per second the shed traveling a second per minute.

If inferred cameras were present they could detect a heat signature of the machine working we see the machine as  inferred cameras see people and environment's in the dead of nights. We would observe George and his machine looking as still as a statue equivalent to observing any clock minute hand move in normal time.

Although the shed minute may look as a second, the machine was trailing behind the sheds minute every second. George's had predicted the fourth dimension correctly. Little did he know traveling slower than the environment's time is invisible. In this case gorge was invisible to the shed's present time every second. In just a couple of minutes of the skylight light above him passed in seconds.

The next time Gorge looked to the clock a starling new revelation occurred to him.

He was trying to observe the hour hand he'd expecting to see moving. He realized the minute hand moving like a second the hour had was moving like we normally observe the minute hand in normal time proportionality sped up. The minute hand rotated a full circle in just one minute. If this kept up the hour hand would have moved a division in an hour.

If the clock had a second hand it would spin a full circle a second. The minute had was fast enough to move a division in a the same amount of time. The hour hand was to slow to observe moving a division.

George realized another startling revelation.

To observe the clock's hour hand to move a division per second he would have to push the machine a hour ahead of the sheds time. Little did he realize the machine had to slow down in time an hour as slow. Mathematics projects all the seconds in an hour pans out the machine would be traveling 3,600 times as slow as the shed's second to look an hour into the future every second.

As George went along he was gaining experienced mastery of his machine. He could slow down and move on faster at will. He could come to a complete halt when ever he chose to.

At a minute per second he had a front row seat of  nature outside sped up a 60 times faster. Flowers budded, apples of the apple tree grew and ripened 60 times than normal. Though the skylight above him he could now see the sun moving 60 times faster although slowly across the sky every second.

He observed the shop mannequins across the road though the wide shed window in front of him being dressed by window dressers changing their fashion like a fast forward video. Ladies waddled in and out of the shop at speed.

He recognized one woman reminiscing affectingly on her character. Then he spotted something of interest a more slim line dress typical of the first years of the last centaury stopping the machine completely for a classer look.

The shed environment was quite when there was a greenish fog appearing out of thin air the spreading apart, The edges of the machine glowing less appearing full view clearing the away the spooky fog to normal.

From George's point of view the environment's time slowed down slowly at first getting faster and faster then settled down to normal. George stared fascinated at the mannequin dress at the attire.

He was looking at an early 20th century woman's fusion. Grimacing "Is that a dress?"

He studied it a minute before moving on. When he moved on the machine disappeared in the green fog and hallow edges fading out all together the green fog clearing the air as George watched the environment's time speed up again.

The skylight sun above arched across the sky followed by some puffy cotton wool clouds racing by like a sped up video of the weather. Although the machine was traveling at a constant velocity faster than a second per minute the slower the machine lagged far behind the shed's. The more George pushed the machine the more shed's time was shifting into the future. Hours now past in seconds. The machine was traveling 3,600 times as slow as the shed's time.

Night and day moved across in the skylight above him like a fast forward video. Soon he was moving a day into the future every second. Mathematics projects all the seconds in a day was traveling 86,400 times as slow as the shed's second. From Georges point of view he was already a month into shed's future where he started a moment before.

At this point George was starting to notice a natural consequence of time travel.

Squinting in puzzlement he notice something rather odd about the shed's environment. It was starting to look as if squeezed in all directions. He begin feel as if he was being squeezed with it by a pressure of the confined space of a bottle. Everything was starting to look and feel heavy feeling squashed and crushed.

Little did he know it was the shorter time period of the machine compressing the shed environment to fit the shorter time. It will be predicted by Albert Einstein within the next 10 years objects shrink in the direction of travel. In this case George was feeling the consequence of it in all directions. Einstein was going to expressed this as a gravitational equivalence velocity produces. He was starting to feel very uncomfortably heavy by now.

Soon our traveller noticed it was getting strangely warm sniffing smelling something's burring. He tried with some difficulty to look round and behind. He was too heavy. He was starting to feel several G's pressing on him. One G is the weight of our normal body weight.

In front of him the red light was flashing. His wonder soon turned to the panic realizing it was his machine that was doing this.

Little did George know the heat he was experiencing was another natural consequence of physics of time travel. The heat you feel pumping up a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It is compressed hot air from you're compression strokes. If you compress something hard enough heats up. In the case of the machine compressing time was heating his cocoon environment.

Just as he was about to reach out and try to stop he was distracted momentarily by curious site. Watching curiously one by one a second at time the window panes of the window in front of him clinked and less light in seconds. So to the skylight above him.

He was feeling very desperately weighed down by the time he got round to acting. Sweating like a pig he desperately  tried to pull back on the lever. Every limb of his body was far to heavy to lift. It was as hot as an oven feeling waves of psychological panic feeling the life being squeezed out of him. It was as hot as an oven now. His heart was protesting in his chest. He was gaping for air struggling to breath close to loosing conscious.

All of a sudden there was a release in pressure the heat disputing. The giant wheel behind him wound down slowing to a stop. The environment's time slowed down the image expanded outwards as the extra weight dissipating from his body. The dark environment's time got slower and slower finally winding down to normal time.

The quiet shed environment. The spooky green mid air fog as before opened spreading apart revealing the hallo edged machine fading away to normal and winding down disk appeared from mid air clearing the green fog away. George rested back into the back seat swab all sweaty painting for breath heart still protesting madly in his chest and choking and sputtering for breath.

He reached for his tie ripping it off undoing his top buttons for air.Still panting he looked exhausted to the main window. He could just make out what was causing the dim light. Each pane looked boarded by timber blocking out over fifty per cent of light.

After he stopped shaking from his ordeal and heart settled down he step out to investigate. He felt week balancing himself on the machine from collapsing. He felt the way everything felt god knows what kind of damage could have been done to the machine. The machine may have suffered so much weight something had to have given up and failed stopping the machine saving his life.

He felt his cloths all damp and sticky. Unsteady on his feet for the next few minutes he found he had to break his way out of the nailed shut shed door to the outside world. What a cool breeze it felt.

Finally he saw the rest of the house windows were boarded up too and the property overgrown looking very abounded as too the properties apple and willow trees.

There was now a three meter high wooden fence surrounding the house he had to negotiate out into the street. Recovering from his ordeal he managed to brake though fence squeezing a gap he made stepping out into the path

The neighborhood corner store was across the road. He crossed the road passing the dress shop still feeling a bit groggy amused he just seen sped up a moment ago intent on investigating what happened to the occupants of his house and why the property was that way. The shop door bell tingled swinging open as he entered, a customer being served by a shop keeper closing the door behind him.

The woman noticing the figure entering cloths a bit worse for ware turned to face him. "Mam" tipping his head slightly

He made enquires about his friends and asked what had happed to them and the house across the road. He thought the woman customer a bit exocentric given she seemed carried away with gossip about all sorts of rumours of ghostly happenings across the road.

He leant of a mystery about a mysterious disappearance of the owner called George wells. Gorge couldn't get a word in edgewise. She told gabbled on about stories of the latest ghostly goings on particularly the shed. She seemed positively ecstatic about such matters. People are afraid of it you know she said. When Gorge looked to the shop keeper for help he got a "Don't look at me" shrug.

George learnt the occupants moved out soon after bordering up the place. Full of excited gossip George was amused to learn his own home was seemly haunted presumably by himself.

The woman took it lightly a typical man's disbelief in such matters but was positively ecstatic it was true the place was haunted even if he didn't believe her. You'll see she said. She noted his damp sweaty clothes remarking his attire was such yesterdays fashion going on how it made him look like an old fuddy-dudy asking where had he been.

He was about to tell who he was when he thought better of it, given her and the keeper may not believe him specially how he got here in this condition with such a fantastic claim given they the circumstances the place was hunted. He thought it prudent to keep that to himself for the time being avoiding the question.

He spotted a news paper pile with bold headlines about a pair of American, brothers had just made the worlds first lighter than air  powered flight. He noted the date December 1903. Apparently he had traveled 3 years into the future.  Mathematics projects statistically every second moved a month into the future - 3 whole years in less then minute.

He thanked the woman and shop keeper for taking up their time checking the headline again as he departed out the door. He heard the woman attempt one last communiqué as the door closed behind him.

Out in the street his thoughts turned to the ordeal he went though of avoiding going though that hell again. A thought then occurred to him. Maybe news papers could help shed some light in what had happened while he was a way. He made a mental note of a plan to search the nearby park bench trash bin in the hope of finding a discarded news paper. In the meantime his priority was checking on the condition of his machine.

He negotiated his way though the surrounding fence across the neglected and overgrown lawn past the overgrown willow tree. Looking back over his shoulder he made a passing remark to himself.

"Somebody should do somthing about this lawn".

He squeezed though the boarded shed door into the dark shed to his now cooled down machine. He seated in feeling a exhausted form his ordeal promising himself he would inspect the machine when rested.

Suddenly he woke with a start. Rubbing his eyes feeling a bit refreshed "I must've fallen asleep"

George pounded on his next move which was to inspect the machine for signs of any damage. Getting out he when round closely examining what he could find. To his unsure feeling he returned back into the seat.

Settled in, this time very nervous to start the machine since he didn't what to go though that terrible ordeal again. Gingerly he took the plunge moving the lever gently forward his eyes glancing at the counter and the shed environment.

The machine done it's spooky thing again leaving the shed environment deserted once again. George squinting to see saw in what little light there was very little to go by.

He kept the machine below a second per minute. He dear ant go any faster in case the shed tried to crush and incinerate him again. After several minutes to his scare things started to get noticeably warm again. This time it was a constant. He didn't want to take any more risks so he decided to stop to give the machine a rest.

The environment deserted and quiet. The boarded back door partially broken open from Gorges previous escape in a dark silence. A ghostly green mist appeared out of mid air spreading apart followed by the hallo figure of the machine and George in the seat coming into life.

From Gorge's point of view time was slowing down. The machine faded into full view the green mist clearing away. From Georges point of view the the shed's time settled down to normal.

There was nothing else to do let the machine call down again and adventure out into the street and possibly take the opportunity of time to investigated rubbish bins.

He looked at the control panel counter.1908. His thoughts turned to the papers. They may be a few days even a week old but at lest he could find out about the years so far and further investigate what had happened to his friends at the shop.

He negotiated out of the property past the fence onto the street to horse drawn and rather advanced looking horseless carriage traffic. He marveled at the art deco of a parked vehicle outside the shop for a moment before going into the store.

Scanning for the News Paper pile, a reference to the fourth dimension a new look at light speed on the front cover of a  science magazine caught his eye. There was an index reference to a paper called the dynamics of moving bodies. He picked up the magazine. He flipped though to the pages finding an article by Albert Einstein saying translated in English.

George didn't understand much of the details but what he did understand the paper had remarkable insight into the physics he was the same laws he was personally learning of time travel physics.

Soon he became aware of scrutinizing eyes of the shop keeper a blank expression looking right though him. The keeper asked if he was going to read that here or buy it. Apologizing George placed the magazine back on the pile humbly apologizing. The keeper subspecialty watched him leave. Feeling humble he apologized once more stepping out of the door into the street again.

All that is to do was to find a park bench hopping a waste paper basket had a discarded new paper. Changing his mid he decided it was a priority to check on any damage further damage done to his machine.

He started his journey in the hope he could find some trash bins with discarded news papers to bring him up to speed the next time he had to stop.

At his next stop he soon found somthing resembling the pages of a news paper. There was only pieces but enough to piece together some news. There wasn't much information only a bit of news indicating the life style of 1910. Discarding the pepper he headed back back to his machine still warm but cooler machine. While he waited he did some adjustments. Feeling a bit tired he sank back into the back swab and closed his eyes.

The next second he was startled awake.

"Good God. How long was I asleep"

He sat up. Recovering from the sleep the machine was cold moving the throttle forward. The ghostly hallow appeared and the green mist engulfed the machine once more disappearing out of site clearing the air. George could no longer see the outside world because being so dark from the boarded up windows, He could  only travel as far as the heating up problem would allow. Soon he had to stop.

When the machine came to a stop reflecting on the dark ride he stepped out navigating his way though the boarded up door. He negotiated into bright daylight across the now looking like an overgrown jungle to the street out side. Out in the street world war one motor vehicles chugged about in numbers in a now busy street. With a razed impressed eyebrow observed how incredibly advanced these horseless carriages where becoming every time he stoped.

One pulled up top the curve and parked, George marveled at it's art deco before stopping what looked like from his point of view a very advance army officer uniform getting out of the car. The officer rather dubious with the interrogation our traveler learnt there was a major war on with Germany. George asked the officer about the boarded up house across the road.

The officer could only tell George what George had already learnt from the woman the last time he was here except to learn nobody can get near the house for a particular kind of evil present.

"Evil. What do you mean"

"There's somthing very wrong about the place. Anybody who dears adventure within a few yards of the shed start experiencing shear terror. Workers there to reclaim the house describe the closer get the worse it got. To close it becomes like a brick wall. They just can't get close for the shear terror the experience. Some evil presence gripping at peoples throats. The officer described it people who have been there describe it as unbearable panic.

George was left thinking. "Surely it's not me"

It was a fresh piece of information. Further questioning he learnt he was his friend David's son James, who tells him of his fathers death. Saddened George spotted the familiar corner store. Reflecting on the new information he thanked the officer turning his attention to the shop leaving the officer to go on with his with his businesses.

Entering the store he searched for the paper pile. Checking the store keeper seeing him busy with a customer picked up the top paper noting the date. It was June 1915. The headlines told of a current amphibious assault going on, on the beaches of the Dandernelles straight on the coast of Turkey.

George returned back to his home couldn't help thinking about the great fear everybody experiences near his home. He seats himself in the seat and moves forward the level settling down pondering what he will find in the future.

"In one stop he witnessed an Zeppelin floating above the town. George could only describe it as an enamors ocean going  cigar. In one incident what he could describe as highly advanced flying machines buzzed one looking like mid air bird fights in slow motion shooting at the balloon with what appeared to be a Gutting guns. One stop he was in time of great joy dancing in the street that was the armistice.

From scrounging of discarded news papers he learnt of a German political party called the Nazis. Latter when he returned home to his home time at the dinner party he personally thought this Hillier chap was responsible for the coming apocalypse of Europe's Jewish population and the next great war greater then the first involving even like the first involving America and Russia.

"If it was any consolation that war ended in Britons and Amerces favor too. The Russians didn't fair well pulling out of the war first war. From what I could gather a developing crises in Russia turning into a communistic state consequently too disappearance of their monarchy. Not only that the face of Europe had changed.

Each stop was full of technological advances in air land and sea transport. Every time I jumped a few years horseless carriages were lower and sleeker covered steel boxes on rubber wheels reaching speeds of over a hundreds of miles an hour on some beaches. It was common twenty miles an hour in the open roads as much as 10 in the city streets.

This is not to mention flying machines that reached incredible heights as high as a mountain and could travel miles at a time at that. Not to mention incredible moving pictures. I once saw photos of a theater house of a funny in an artificial moving picture show some chap called Charily Chaplain. And as for sound there were disc inventions that records music and voice people played on somthing call gramophones a box with loud speaker horn.

By the time I arrived early 1932 I found some big economic meltdown of the worlds banks had accrued in 1929. I saw  lines of people waiting in line for food hand outs and people living in the streets everywhere.

Homeless were everywhere. The economy a real mess. Poverty was rife. They called it a depression. From discarded news papers it seamed Germany was doing better though, under this Hillier chap that was to later to become the Chancier  although I heard rumors the Jews being singled out for miss treatment and deliberate detention and neglect. And I'm ashamed to say it, by the time I arrived in my next jump in 1937 there was an adduction of the king a few years before I arrived.

I learnt to catch news of the years from discarded news papers. lighter than air cigar shape balloon tragedies had accrued from our point of view of the future going to an end to the British balloon industry in the near future. A crash Landing and burring of a German air ship called the Hiindenburg finished off the German industry for good and for the rest of the world for the next seventy years.

There was great leaps in flying machine achievements. A flying machine is going to fly across the Atlantic ocean by a machine called the Spirit of St Lewis. Every time I stopped to cool down my machine horseless carriages where more numerous and advanced in design.

By the time I jumped to nineteen forty there was another war on with Germany. That's the second one I told you about. A few years before a piece deal between our future a Prime Minster, some chap called Neville Chamberlain,  with the German dictator was signed. It actually backfired helping to start this more terrible war than the first.

The last time I stopped when I was outside in the street the first thing I noticed the south east was glowing like a sunset. Asking a few questions from passers by I learnt of this was a second war with Germany. France had fallen to the Germans and our army had been kicked out of Europe at the French village of Dunkirk.

The south eastern districts had been suffering nightly attacks by German flying machines raining down devastating high explosives for the last several days before I arrived. I then realized I had arrived at the beginning a future air war siege of our country by the Germans. I couldn't help thinking what happened to the war to end all wars moto.

Soon after I learnt how important it is to keep close to the machine at all times specially in a time like this. I almost got separated by directions of a couple of constables with steel helmets that looked very military. It was a lucky escape.

I heard a mechanical whaling that sounded very much to me very ominous. It prompted the constables to issue orders on the run. I decided to get away in the machine to hell with orders.

The drone of the German flying machines overhead and a series of explosion that sounded like they were coming in my direction. Sounding like they we coming for me I ran back Jumped into the machine. I found myself in the middle of a burst of flames all round and then open air all over in seconds. This house is gone totally destroyed.

In the open air I observed days and nights going by in minutes flashes of showers racing over me between fine period of of horizontal shooting star like blurs. At the time it didn't occurred to me they were people going about their businesses in a open park at high speed.

Dam and blast the machine's over heating. I had to slow down to a stop again. Time slowed down as the machine came to a halt in an open park in the middle of the night.

Before I stepped out  I saw a wondrous aircraft sight. I ducked as a monstrous flying cigar wings with lights roared and whistled with wheels underneath passed overhead. It was so low and loud I thought I could touch it. It had gapping stingray ray like gapping mouths in each wing. I could just make out the cigar body with a line of lighted ships window port holes. It is one of the most incredible sights I ever saw"

Little did George know it he was describing the late forties and into the early fifties famous British passenger aircraft of the time called the Comet landing at Heathrow airport.

Watching in amazement at the scary sight he pondered on what to do next. Still not gotten over the shock of his surroundings everything around him was a scary culture shock. The bright lights everywhere in the dark night lit up like a Christmas tree. Street lighting was all electric. The architecture was way-way alien and out of this world to him.

It was a cool night pulling the collar of his shirt up to his ears nothing for it to wait for the machine to cool down enough to resume his journey pending on what his next move might be. This was the beginning of a drama that separated him from his machine. The machine was exposed in the open where everybody can see it.

He was asleep in the seat when suddenly startled by a ring of military solders surrounding his machine firles pointed pointed at him.

"What the hell is this?"

Gorge curiously looked about seeing military activity boarding off the scene like a police crime scene. He was asked to step out, by an impressive VIP Government official suite while a flat deck brake down van backing up to the machine.

Protesting with questions George was handcuffed almost manhandled like a criminal to a waiting police car escorted by the suite. Over his shoulder he saw military personal draping a tarpaulin over the machine getting ready to crane onto the back of the deck of the van.

Gorge was driven a couple of kilometers to a military base where he found himself waiting in a police precinct like interviewing room guarded by a military guard guarding the door.

He didn't have to wait long. There was a rap at the door the guard letting in and the VIP suite. Dismissing the guard the VIP pulled up a chair and sat down at the table.

For a moment the suite studied George's face with waiting eyes and George  studying his waiting expectedly too. Finally the suite introduced himself as British Inelegance MI6 special agent Douglas Filby.

"We have a machine out back. Is it yours"?

George didn't know whether to be up front of not. There was a stony silence

Filby repeated the Question.

There was still no answer.

"I had pictures of it taken and it didn't take us long to figure out what it is and how to work it. It's obvious from the simple lever."

George was relieved when the Filby assured him he didn't touch it, only an official examination. George decided it was better to be up front after all.

"And if it is" he replied.

"MI6 knows all about it"

Gorge could see from Filby's face waiting patiently for a more definitive answer. He decided it was better to cooperate. So he came right out with it.

"OK. Look. It's mine, OK. It's a machine I built that can travel the fourth dimension of time.".

He couldn't help noticed the cool calm and collected acceptance of his answers and questioning was, a bit calm given what he just told the special agent so far. The questioning was very routine almost as if the where humoring him or already knew who he was.

He was questioned on how the machine got him here. George told them the story so far from the beginning.

When George cam to the part the woman that told him about his house was haunted filby took a special interest.

"Does the name Albert Einstein mean anything you"

"Year. I found a magazine in the shop I'm telling you about. I only managed a bit about some theory on the dynamics of moving bodies before I got the impression keeper was thinking I was going to run off with it. I couldn't get it off my of mind the similarities of my fourth dimension afterwards"

"What do you know about the unified field Theory"

"Never heard of it"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I course I'm sure. What's this all about"?

"Einstein coined it. He was hunting for a single mathematical formula to describe all the physical laws of the universe in one statement"

"Quite a Challenge"

The fresh Information George knew who Albert Einstein's was and his special theory of relativity but not the way Filby expected got more of his attention. George could only admit though a reputation what he read from scavenging discarded news papers. He emphatically denied he knew him personally only from what he read. Filby informed George Einstein died of natural causes a couple of month's ago.

Then George was integrated about what he knew of science, physics, electricity, electronics, electromagnetism and magnetic fields. George replied he only knew enough from his time to get by to construct the machine.

"Then lets hear what you do know"

George could only explain he only knew what was knowledgeable at the time.

An integration began on what he knew of incident in the second war in Philadelphia in America.

Was the American fighting in the second war to? I rarely didn't know what you're talking about."

The questioning to reveal what Gorges might know was more intense now. George insisted he didn't know anything apart from what he had already told them.

Watching George reactions Filby was beginning to be convinced apart from his machine he only knew as much as he knew of the history of the twentieth century to date.

Fillby filled Goerge in on some details. He learnt the last time he stopped, had to be the Battle for Britain against the Germans Filby was telling him about. Briton had harnessed wireless radio technology that could detect mettle for some time before the second war broke out. By the out brake of the second war high steel pile lines was erected on the cost of Dover. In a enclosed hut control panel with circular glass screens registered lighting blips as attacking formation of aircraft called radar.

"To answer your question about the America, half way though the second half of the war with the Germans the Japanese launched an air attack on an American Naval base in the Hawaiian islands called Pearl Harbor that supported the Fight against Hitler in the European theater as well as fighting the Japanese in the Pacific."

"Why aer you telling me all this?"

"All will be reveled shortly. It's along and completed story."

Gorge was still confused as to what that had to do with him. After all he was a just visitor to an unfamiliar future.

Filby placed one by one a line of photos of the technology on the table telling him the Japanese and American navy had the technology using for military purpose to detect emery ships ships made of steel.

"It's all very fascinating. But what has this got to do with me"

"By October 1943 scientists found a way of making ships invisible to enemy radar. The US navy authorized a test ship called the Eldridge based at a Navel base in Philadelphia.

In the middle of testing a mysterious effect occurred. It seemed the ship experienced a ghostly green, electrical and magnetic phenomena surrounding them before rendered invisible. The ship had completely vanished. But it had reappeared in another port for a few minutes before returning back to the Philadelphia dock  They found some sailors half fused in various parts of the supper structure.

"Do you know anything about this?"

Beginning to realize he was investigated for any connection to the strange things in the future time he emphatically denied he knew anything of all this. All he knew he was traveling in his machine.

"I don't see how my machine had anything to with the future apart from being here. If it had I'm sorry if it some how

interfered with time like that, I didn't know anything about'....... this Philadelphia incident".\Filby spoke as if ignoring George

"In the twenty five years time two sailors from the Eldridge are going to find themselves in the year 1984."

"Are you telling me all this has somthing to do with my machine?"

"Does the name of an American aircraft carrier called the Nimitz ring a bell."

"No. I can't say I can recall"

"About four years earlier an American aircraft carrier called Nimitz, on a routine patrol in the Pacific found itself in a time  a day before the attack on the American navel base at Pearl harbor in world war two. There was great technology advances in twenty-fives, you can well imagine. Did you know anything about this incident?"

"No I know nothing of that either. I swear. What? Is this going to happen. Are you saying my machine may be responsible?".

"One other thing. As you may have guessed, there were haunting stories of your house persisting and what caused the occupants to vacate the premises boarding it up. After the owner disappeared people began experiencing great paranormal like terror anywhere near the house particularly the shed. The Government kept the mystery low key as best they could.

There's more. I have reference by David Filby a letter to his wife recording a certain gentleman ( that's clearly you ) at a new years eve cocktail party in 1900 claiming to be able to travel the fourth dimension. Five days latter clamming his experiences of traveling into th future"

George was shocked by the revaluation.

"You're not telling me you're a relative of David's nephew"?

"Grandson. Ever since I learnt of the legacy you left behind with your ghostly disappearance it had become a private part time hobby to keep investigating on what really happened. I was kept busy during in the second war with the Special Operations Exertive called s.o.e  helping the French resistance, organizing espionage, sabotage and spying missions"

Filby produced a paper unfolding it placing it on the table sliding to George.

"What's this?"  Said Gorge taking the paper reading it.

"That is...... a copy of a last letter my father wrote in a battle of the French town of Marne a year after the first war started. As you can see there is a small reference about you and your claims. When mum died I was going though her things when I came across this letter. I'd didn't think much of it until the strange reference to you

A few years ago I was contacted by an American who called himself Tritman concerning your haunted house and mum's letter. We set up a meeting. It took time for the American to gain some trust to tell me something very important

He finally confided in me in me twenty five years time from now, this time I'm speaking to you right now, his ship the Nimitz will be a future aircraft carrier whey beyond our imagination of the time they shouldn't belong......the time of the Japanese were due to attack Pearl harbor.

According to Tidman after the the bridge had gathered its wits recognizing the period but unable to fathom how, the bridge crew discussed sensitive history altering decisions.

In the end the captain was convinced to prepare what would have been an unprecedented first for time. Future airplanes intercepting an armada forty years their past.

Time must have known somthing. Conveniently it intervened with the carrier disappearing it where history as I know it could resumed as normal, well at lest from his point of view anyway".

"I don't understand how he could tell such a story unless he was time traveler like me"?

"I thought this was a bit far fetched too only for the fact he explained unfortunate events caused him to miss the boat's disappearance. What ever had happened that took it there whisked it away before before it had the chance to destroy the Japanese armada to got knows some other place as far as we know."

"Are you investigating if my machine had anything to do with these two incidents?"

"Yes. Because of Tridman's testimony and mum's letter suggesting there was connection though space and time. We though perhaps you would be able to tell us how it worked that could help Tidman to return to his own time. Unfortunately your house was destroyed during the Battle of Briton leaving only an burnt out open property as the only legacy. However the strange paranormal terror persisted.

When your strange machine was reported to police sitting squarely in full view in a public with somebody sleeping or dead in it like that stirred up memories and rumors of it being haunted and the police where called."

"It's a wonder nobody didn't wake me up during the time"

"The police of course notified the local council who notified MI6 where I was notified. I knew by the description sounded like mum's letter but I wasn't sure until I came to see for myself. We had to get you and the machine out of there in case some egg attempted head to brave the fear to do somthing with it."

"Like souvenirs

"May even set it off taking the idiot with him in full view of witnesses. For all we knew it was some planed hoax about the place being haunted. Strongly we could get to the machine with no sign of paranormal fear. When you confided in me you could travel the fourth dimension of time I knew you had to have had a bit more knowledge than a common Hoaxer. I had to keep asking questions to determine if it was a Hoaxer with enough technical time travel knowledge to get by

You gave yourself away you were George Wells all right by denying in all the right angles. Besides your clothes are authentic for the time and your stories of how you got here didn't seem like that of a hoaxer making up a story as they go. Your story didn't sound rehearsed. Besides I was convinced enough to spot your story was too detailed for anybody to make up like that"

"So where to from here?"

"While you were waiting I contacted Tidman who asked me to keep you on ice till he gets hear, In the mean time I am billeting you in comfortable quarters with plenty of material, news papers magazine and books to help bring you up to date from the war."

There was a brief period of relation small talking exchange before Filby arranged a guarded escort to a nice little room with a pile of News papers, and some books titled world war two. As George entered the room he couldn't help thinking if Filby will ever allow him any freedom.

If MI6 was upfront publicly what this machine and George really was how far will the public take it?

The machine was quickly hidden and and safe guarded. A plan was hatched to keep a low key as possible on what this machine really was. It is hoped there was enough skeptics believing the hoax story is a better explanation. There will be die hard conspiracy theorists who are really attracted by paranormal mysteries. Filby and his team has their work cut out for them.

Wondering if he will every get back to his machine and home to his own time or trapped here for ever he didn't want any more negative news. He was intrigued with auto magazines of the current time browsing over and fingering the images of the latest British cars available The history of Hitler's politics the holocaust during that war drew his attention.

He leant there was an invasion of Russia gathering orchestrated by this Austrian Hitler fellow, the parallel western desert war with Germany and Italy. He learnt of the beginning of the end for Germany and Japan that inevitably lead to the atomic bombs dropped on the two Japanese's cities ending the second war.

He was intrigued to learn a familiar name he encountered before Albert Einstein the inventor of a mathematical formulae that made the atomic bomb possible.

He learnt Britain was in financial ruin after the war relinquishing part of the middle east colony in 1948 the changing times creating a new country for the Jewish people called Israel. George was intrigued by a familiar name a second time Albert Einstein turning down a request to be the Prime Minister.

There was a certain amount of anti-Semitism left over from the German Nazis the Arab state of Palestine resentment constantly at Israel's throat. He learnt of the Korean war brake out and the current situation with the Cereuses cannel crises currently brewing.

Poring over a news paper there was a knock on the door. He looked up to a solder with some official cardboard box document case saying "These are for you sir."

George took the box and opened the lid the solder leaving Gorge alone

Inside were copies of records of the Philadelphia and Pearl harbor incidences he was told about. He was particularly interested about the conspiracy theories of the Philadelphia incident a familiar name that keeps popping up implicating Albert Einstein was somehow involved.

He noted what looked like a file had been added stapled to the existing files. He learnt the add on suggested the Philadelphia and Pearl harbor/Nimtz incidences where linked to him. These mysteries were now described their mysteries appear to go back turn of the 20th century to a British mystery. George of course was the center of this new revelation.

There was a knock on the door when Filby walked in.

"What's all this all about asked George"

"Isn't it obvious?" Said Filby pulling up a chair sitting across from  George.

"Because of my time travel"

"I intend to file details of your experiences. Perhaps we can learn somthing from you, compare and confirm  Einstein's special theory"

"You mean the dynamics of moving bodies"

"What ever"

"Why call it the special theory?"

"Einstein published a second paper after first war broke out generalizing the first. The second made the first look specific with respect to the relationship with light speed that has been known as the special ever since."

"What was, or should say, is the general about"

"Over turning Isaac Newton's ideas of gravity"


"By suggesting the mass of stars and planet's distort space and time or in layman's their gravity"

"I see. Because I time traveled you want to know if there is a connection and how it worked"

"Yes. But It's really about the the General. It suggests to support Isaac Newtown's gravity theory of a star so great actually capture a 100% of light. It was determined by Einstein and a couple of his science chums in 1935 sink could possible sink a massive deep well in space.


"A German astronomer serving as a field gunner, a chap named Karl  Schwarzschild read Einstein's paper. He applied some mathematical theories showing he thought it indicated if the earth’s gravity strong enough to capture a 100% of light the gravity would crush the existing mass of earth down volume of a centimeter.

"Good God!"

 "He also applied to the sun crushed down to 3cm somthing he called a singularity"

After Filby explained the technical details George shared his time travel theories. Then Filby had a announcement

Where does gorge go from here?