Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Physics is full of suppressing illusions. Most of us have toyed with the illusion eying a full sized car far enough away fitting inside a door keyhole. A distortion of time is seen by distant aircraft seemingly move very slowly almost agonizingly suspended in mid air.

Another illusion is the still appearance of an overcast but in reality cruising at a bicycle speed. They drift over our heads about five and a half meters per second traveling a distance of 20km by the time a one hour long TV program.

Distance on a clear night is what makes the milky way stars seem motionless. The stars traveling faster than bullets and the earth is no exception. Despite that, it never feels like it. We also observe the night sky doesn't move a millimeter. We don't even observe the changing transition of day into night and night into day at any given moment of time move. Motion of the heavens look stationary despite the reality everything is faster than bullets.

It takes several nights observation to notice a bright star ( or a planet if you like ) a new position even a slight change despite in orbit round the sun faster than a bullet. The further away the shorter the distance appears the longer the time appears to move mere millimeters across the sky.

Illusion of motion is everywhere. Horizons for example appear to travel slower than foregrounds. They move agonizingly slow while the immediate road side flashes by in a blur. Where the foreground meets the horizon there is a distortion difference between one traveling fast and the other agonizingly slow.

Flat plains meeting the sky are an illusion of the curvature of earth. Take the middle of the Pacific. Where the vast ocean meats the sky we can barely observe a hint of the curvature of the earth's surface. So too the vast horizons of the Sahara deserts, the plains of Africa and the country  fields of vast Russia.

The curvature of earth becomes apparent from tourist observation post of tall sky scrapers. From the advantage point we can clearly observe a concave mirror like bulge with our naked eyes of the stretched out city landscape.

The navigation lines crisscrossing continents and oceans of the models of earth are curved. To calculate the curving orbits of the planets of our solar system Isaac Newton invented a mathematics he called calculus. It is the sort of math's needed to plot curved squares, and triangles drawn on basket balls.

The feel of motion to is an illusion. An astronaut stepping out of a space station hatch doesn't feel traveling faster than a bullet. Try stepping from a car traveling less than a kmph on the surface of earth. Notice we feel a force pulling us the direction of the moving car. ( Inertia ).

Space walks in orbit round earth don't notice a thing any more we notice the earth's rotation on the ground. Our galaxy is traveling well over bullet speeds dragging our sun with it. The sun in turn is dragging our solar system with it. The special theory of relativity tells us nowhere in space is there absolute stationary. Everything is a permanent state of motion way-way beyond we normally experience on the surface of earth.

According to Isaac Newton the earth's mass attracts. In other words, the earth's gravity. According to Albert Einstein expressed space distorted by the earth's mass. Spaces is pulled inward all directions round the entire circumference of earth comparable to the analogy of what water pressure does to a deep sea submarines.

It took Einstein to express the stress of a weighed down feeling we call G's we experience in fast acceleration take off's. Newtown described this as the inertia of a moving body. They generate a gravitational pulling back force. We experience as much as four G's equivalent to four times our body weight weighing us back into our seats in high speed Rolla coaster rides.

Another example are high speed nose diving aircrafts.

Einstein described in his 1905 special theory of relativity what NSA use's today training austronuaghts in zero gravity. He predicted the principle we understand toady when a plane nose dives fast enough the motion causes the traness to lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun.

He predicted the opposite holds true. If a plane accelerates upwards fast enough austronuaghts fall to the roof and walk about upside down just as they would normally do on the ground. We feel the same motion in a rotating round and round theme park drum. The rotation press people to the sides like gravity. Conditions just right we can even stand and walk on the walls as normal. This demonstrates how rotating space stations create artificial gravity.

Newton discovered the forces with a bucket of water. He documented his experience explaining in the scientific jargon of the times when we rotate a bucket of water over our heads. The velocity pulls the water to the bottom never spilling a drop traveling though the upside point of the circle.

We can try the historic discovery ourselves. It only needs common and cheep light weight plastic bucket with a little bit of water in it. As we circle the bucket round our heads we feel the weight of the bucket increase by the increase of the weight of the water pulled to the bottom. We won't spill a drop unless we spin slow enough. It is proof how spinning space stations create gravity.

Motion fast enough can be dramatic. Imagine the stress we feel from a standing start accelerated to a distance of a160km ( 100 miles if you like ) to stop in a second on the surface of earth superman and the flash routinely do in the marvel comics and movies. The same acceleration is not notice in out of space. Particularly on the surface of earth we weigh heavier in fast acceleration by the pulling inward force of our inertia.

Einstein realized enough motion has a profound effect on space and time. What would we observe of the environment on earth at sea level? To travel a 160km to a stop in a second we accelerate and brake to a immediate stop before the second ends. Theoretically we should find ourselves stationary a second in the future a 160km away from where we started a second a go.

Anybody into challenging mathematics will find math's will be at a loss ( even calculus ) to know where to start to project kmph ( or mph if you like ) velocity. Under the circumstances there is none. Never the less if we ignore the braking to a stop point, pans out to the equivalent of a 3,600kmph take off in half second. The braking should be equally as intense 3,600kmph velocity to a stop in another half second. If Einstein's special theory of relativity is anything to go by we may observe a wired difference of acceleration on the environment's time to our point of view.

As we take off we are accelerating. According to Einstein's theory as we go faster and faster the environments time should appear to slow down getting slower and slower at first because we are accelerating an extreme motion. Mathematics projects should be an equivalent of an 80km distance in half a second. However we are braking at this point the equivalent of another distance of 80km in half second to a complete stop. In the braking circumstance we are slowing down.

According to the special theory as we decelerate we should observe time slowly speed back up. When we brake the environment's time should get faster and faster till we find stopped increasing a second into the future we started a 160km away. In effect the combined acceleration and deceleration moved a distance of a 160km in a second into the future.

Most of us assume only light speed can alter time. Considering accelerating 160km to a stop in a second at declaration the environment's time should speed up as it equally it slowed down when we were accelerating.

Light speed has always be a pivotal property of time travel. It travels a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers ( or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles if you like ) in out of space by the time we say "One thousand and one" the distance light travels in second, a light second. It is the maximum distance it travels in that time. It does not travel any further.

Light is a coaster. Despite no resistance in vacuum it is at it's maximum momentum. The momentum does not travel any faster. It takes just eight minutes from the sun to reach our eyes. In other words our sun is the nearest star to earth as far s cosmological distance is concerned only a mere eight light minuets away.

The costing velocity is terminated by inertia we often express free falling sky divers maximum speed limit. In effect sky diving terminal velocity is earth's gravity that cannot accelerate any faster.

The speed of light the light we see now is the sun as it was eight minutes ago. We will not observe light that just left  the sun this very second until eight minutes into the future. In other words that light doesn't exist yet. The sunlight we see now is what the sun was eight minutes ago every second. Those into challenging math's I'm sure the time light reaches the other planets can be projected.

If we compare a distance of 160km to a stop in a second light speed is the equivalent of a distance of a 300,000km to a stop in a second. On the surface of earth perspective the same amount of time. If a 160km distance to a stop in a second is anything to go by then accelerating to light speed in a second we'd find ourselves a second into the future 300,000km away from were we started.

If zero to a stop a distance of 160km in a second is anything to go by theoretically since most of us believe the faster we go the slower time travels there is no reason why not time should speed up equally when we slow down from light speed. In other words slowing down from light speed tells us the slower we go the faster time speeds up.

Mathematics projects a reciprocal is the three of the light speed value relocated to the right of the same number of zeros ( the five zeros ) fraction of a second light travels a kilometer. In other words a kilometer three hundred thousandth second or referencing to the standard metric system prefix unit mili for a thousandth, thirty milliseconds per kilometer. ( 30m/lm or in terms of scientific notation three times ten to the minus five K if you like ).

We walk on average a meter per second of time. It is easily demonstrated when we say "One thousand and one "as we walk. It is the time we walked the total distance.

If we apply the time light travels a meter the standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a Kilometer. This means mathematics pans it out to three hundred thousand thousand meters equals three hundred thousand kilometers.

If we apply in terms of scientific notation tells us ten to the five kilometers equals ten to the nine meters. If we apply the reciprocal three hundred millionth or according to the standard metric system prefix unit 30 microseconds. ( Or if we refer to the scientific notation three times ten to the minus nine second per meter ).

Each time we walk just one meter light ( in the condition or in any vacuum ) light had traveled three hundred thousand thousand meters. Thus mathematics projects the reciprocal tells us light travels three hundred thousand, thousand ( or in scientific notation terms thee times ten to the nine ) times faster than we can walk a meter.

Some of us believe time slows down at light speed which means we need to accelerate beyond the second to light speed to get to the velocity. This must mean a decreases in the environment's time. To travel at light speed we have accelerate up to three time times ten to the nine ( or three hundred thousand thousand ), times faster than the environment second.

Children old enough can understand by the time we say "One thousand and one" is the time of a second. They soon become pretty good at judging they walked a meter in that time. If we do the math's on this pans out to 3.6kmph walk is a light second a three hundred thousand thousand meters to one meter ratio.

Our sub light speed may be the slowest time can go. It doesn't go any slower. If we look at a analogue clock face we can observe the second hand move every division every second a complete full circle in a whole minute. Mathematics tells us from the center to the edge is a radius mathematics dividing circles into three hundred and sixty divisions called digress projecting six digress every second.

When the second hand makes a full circle the minute hand has only moved a division. When the minute hand makes a full circle the hour hand has only moved a division. When we do the math's the hour hand is three thousand six hundred times as slow and the minute hand and six times as slow as the second hand. In other words every hour of time is three thousand six hundred times as slow as a second and the minute hand sixty times as slow respectively.

The hour hand moves round the clock face twice every date change every twelve midnight to the next during a light second. Digital clocks clearly represent twelve midnight as 23:59:59. When the digits change to zeroes changes the date into the next day.

The time we say one thousand and one tells us each second has a begging and end that is divided up into the time it takes light to travel a distance of meter. The seconds column is the start of the next 300,000km and when the digit changes to one is the end, the start of the next three hundred thousand thousand meters. When it changes to two it is the end of the distance and the binning of the next and so on.

In other words the smallest unit of time so far is a light meter every thirty microseconds. Math's points out three hundred thousand thousand meters of thirty microseconds equals three hundred thousand thousand meters the same time we walk one meter.

The point is the minute and hour hands appear to be frozen in time at any given moment the second hand is moving. They are to slow to observe moving. Like wise the reciprocal of light speed tells us viewing from light speeds point of view& the universe should be traveling three hundred thousand thousand times as slow a light second.

Correspondingly we are viewing the universe at sub light speed is speeded up in relation to viewing it at a light speed point of view. If we reference from a light speed point of view the slower we go the faster time speeds up.

From our point of view a clock our environment's second cannot go any faster than the moving hand past every division where light cannot travel faster than a meter in thity microseconds because light cannot travel faster than three hundred thousand thousand  meters in a second.

If we were to view the second hand slowed down in time we'd normally observe the minute hand math's projects we would be sixty times faster than the environment second. From a observers point of view we would be a minute into the future every second.

From our point of view the environments second would be a minute  long. In other words for every minute we observe the  environment only a second. In other words a minute as fast as the environment the second has been stretched into the minute.

The reciprocal of a minute is a minute divided by sixty seconds. In other words we would be traveling in parallel with 60th environment second. This is the relative time of the electric alternating current of mains power lines.

An electric current moves back and forth sixty times a second. One motion is a wavelength every second. We would observe the mains lighting throb from minimum to maximum  brightness once every second or sixty times in a minute as exactly as the mains frequency is in each environment second.

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