Monday, July 27, 2015

Theoretically the mechanics of velocity should be the master of the universe. Despite the zero resistance of out of space earth and our neighbouring planets coast at maximum speed limits. They just don't go any faster.

Theoretically the mechanics of velocity should be the master of the universe. Despite the zero resistance of out of space earth and our neighboring planets coast at maximum speed limits. They just don't go any faster.

Stars of the night sky we see as the milky way is a spiral galaxy coasting and free spinning beyond bullet speeds dragging the sun with it in turn the sun dragging the solar system round with it. By the end of the dinosaur era our neighboring star ( our sun ) completed dozens of circles since birth.

Since the 1920's it is observed galaxies traveling further and further away from each other. In such a case may include stars and planets in solar systems including our moon would be expanding their orbits as the universe keeps expanding.

To my mind Albert Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity tells us there is no such thing as stationary in out of space. If we take all the light out of the universe we would be left with a black void completely isolating us from any sense of motion. We would never be able to tell we were moving.

The black void enhances the illusion of stationary. In fact distance can create the illusion of motion. Each star in the night sky appears to be stationary in reality velocities faster than bullets.

Anther prediction I noted Einstein's theory predicts the consequence of motion I feel direct consequence to the universe as a whole.

A case in point. Take the point NASA has been using to train austronuaghts in the effects of weightlessness for decades. If a plane nose dives fast enough trainees lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun. In fact the plan has become an anti gravity device. Putting it in Einstein's own words motion cancels gravity. If fast enough pull the trainees to the roof. The right conditions they can walk upside on the roof as normal.

The unit of of force including includes gravity has been set for the earth's unit as Isaac Newton put it, the the earth's mass pulling us to the surface, nine point eight Newtown's of force. ( 9.8N ). If we reference this in terms of the Standard International ( SI ) units equivalent to the entire circumference compressed a kilogram per cubic meter.  ( One cubic Kilometer circumference earth, Or in terms of pound force per square foot term if you like ).

9.8N is is supposed to be a set constant value for the earth's gravity no matter how big or small the body is. If we know the mass ( the force of the earth's gravity in terms of weight in the SI unit terms ) the earth's mass ( it's gravity if you like ) is always 9.8N. However as weather reports tell us there are high and low pressure systems in our weather patterns. 

High pressure brings fine stable hot weather. If to long creates droughts. We'd think the drought on Mars would be due a high pressure system covering the whole planet.

Low pressure brings severe storms. Air is sucked in from high a pressure zones into a low pressure zones creating the high winds. We'd think the storms on Jupiter is operated by one low pressure system the entire planet. But the pressures there are by no means low.

The earth's atmosphere is pot marked with such high and low pressure bubbles all over the planet. The air pressure is not constant. We have all experienced popping of our ears as our body adjusts to air pressure on a fine day at see level.

Forecaster use bars for high and low pressure measurements. Theoretically 9.8N an intermediate where a high is plus 9.8N and lows minus 9.8 Newton's or only as the maximum high pressure respectively. The earth's atmosphere is constantly alternating in low and high pressure bubbles all over the world.

Einstein felt the same force we experience weighing to the ground was the same force we experience pulling us back into our seats in Rolla coasters rides. In this case generated by motion on a sideways plan.

We feel a weighing back into our sets we often express as G's. An ideal source of reference to the SI units is motor vehicle workshop manual conversion tables listing all the units used we find in science books found either in the front or back pages. The forces we feel at acceleration take offs is expressed as a torque including acceleration in nature.

As a unit of reference in terms of our normal body weight pulled to the surface by the earth's mass  is one gravity unit, or G. We certainly feel an increase in our body weight riding accelerating Rolla coasters. The maximum level of comfort for enthusiasts is four G's. If compeering our body weight is anything to go by equal to feeling an increase four times our weigh no mater how light you are.

For more information we can Goggle record breaking Rolla Coaster speeds. Some have been documented up six and a half G's. At four G's an 80kg person can weigh as much as 320kg hitting a tight curve when a coaster doesn't slow down. Imagine six and a half times. Noting the kmph ( or mph ) certainly gives us a rule of thump of how fast we need to go to experience a given G's.

Newtown discovered this force could be generated by the motion of a swinging bucket over our heads with a little water in it expressed as circular and has some laws of it's own. When we try this as Newtown discovered we feel the increase of the water weighing the bottom of the bucket even though the upside down arch never spills a drop.

The principle describes how spinning space stations generate artificial gravity. Too my mind as Einstein projected in 1905, what we informally express as G's ( as in Rolla Coaster accelerations ) is essentially the same as the compression we experience gravity compressing us.

It is the nature of moving bodies I find interesting Newtown's second law of motion, ( considering a straight line ) telling us where there is a force, ( driving the body ) there is a equal and opposite force in this case interesting how we feel weighed back in Rolla Coaster accelerations.

My feelings motion governs the speeds of stars and planets. An accelerated body eventually weighs so much the driving force can not accelerate it any faster. A Rolla Coaster reaches a terminal acceleration point to a constant velocity where it just doesn't seem to be able to go any faster. Motion generates what we informally describe as G's, a resistance to motion Newton expressed as an inertia. In other words the inertia of the Rolla coaster car, earth, to the starts and galaxies in the universe.

When we brake bodies resist it trying to continue forward is the same inertia, a resistance to braking. Depending on the original velocity we experience a force of the forward motion pull us forward in the direction of the motion against the resistance of the braking.

Mathematics describes acceleration ( and deceleration a minus acceleration ) is always a meter per second per second increase ( or decrease ) in speed every second. The mechanics tells us for acceleration until terminal velocity is reached. Minus acceleration is the property of resisting slowing down, in other words G's at acceleration and equally intense resistance to braking.

If feeling weighed down four times our body weight in Rolla Coasters is anything to go by we know how it feels experiencing the force of the coaster's inertia on us without slowing down into those sharp twist and bends. The relative record braking speeds of coasters in terms of kilometers and miles per hour and the G information can be found all over the internet.

Our mathematical instinct agrees we should be able to figure out from the information formulas for given speed that calculates the G's or a given G's that calculates speed referencing Rolla coaster specifications. The maximum speed limit and G information on the record braking coasters easily provides a basic rule of thumb measure we can apply our mathematical skills.

The orbit and velocity information of the earth ( and all the other planets in the solar system ) will be provided too. The numbers given will confirm they race faster than a bullet but maximum speeds in out of space interesting where the don't go any faster despite the zero resistance.

Cosmologist believe the universe is a strange gravity expressed as some kind of dark matter attraction that seem to rival black holes in the shear gravitational control over the velocity of the universe. They also believe there must be some sort of strange energy overcoming the gravitational pull of the dark matter to accelerate the universe apart expressing that as some sort of dark energy. 

One way to put forward the increase in expansion is a case of a steady rise of costing levels of the universe we'd almost think, a decline in dark matter allowing this to happen.

Motion plays an important part of the earth's geology. According to Einstein's 1915 general theory of relativity the earth's mass bends space. The pressure of distorting it compresses the entire the atmosphere round the circumference of the earth, Einstein's version of gravity. Space is effectively shrunk pinched by the mass of the earth. The pinch greats a troth round it where the moon orbits.

The shrunk pinched space is compressing the earth's atmosphere us, our neighborhoods and our own back yards, as much as the neighborhoods the other side of the world is.

The earth unlike the other planets has a thin crust cracked like a cracked egg shell. The pieces are riding like raffs on a molten magma ( lava under the crust ) rather like the yoke of a fresh farm egg. The pressure of the shrunk pinched space pressuring the earth is a constant pressure on the atmosphere and plates.

The entire surface including all the seas and ocean's is a enormous weight on the magma under our feet. The total mass of the earth is roughly estimated to be around eighteen trillion tones ( Or in terms of tons ) shrink pinching space surrounding it pressuring the earth.

The heat you feel when pumping air into a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. Pressure produces heat. The enormous weight of the crust pressing down on the magma is what keeps it molten thus keeping it fluid. The fluid magma acts like an oil slick the plates slide on. 

The spinning of the earth must have a lot to do with it as well. Theoretically the momentum of the earths spin should have some drag influence on the plates.

The whole earth is rich in iron and iron is magnetic. The earth's spin dragging the fluid magma rich source of iron scraps hard against the underside of the rich source of iron acting like a bicycle dynamo generating the earth's magnetic field that arch each end of the poles, giving rise to the North and south magnetic poles of the earth.

In theory without the motion of the spinning earth there will be no drag on the underground magma, no movement so no magnetic filed to protect us from the ravagers of the electromagnetic radiation from the universe particularly from the closest star our sun. 

The sun is a ball of supper thermal nuclear energy like all the rest of the stars of the universe of immense power. Classical physics describes heat is nothing more than vigorously vibrating molecules in this case atomic particles of the atom including the light we see called photons.

The heat energy of supper massive stars are capable of incinerating solid rocky planets the size of Jupiter in less than a second from the distance light travels in an hour. With out the earth's magnetic field to deflect radiation from our tiny sun by comparison, the radiation can instantly give a population of a large city massive amount of deep sunburns a hundred percent their bodies even though full winter clothing in less than a second.

We may owe our existence to the spin motion of earth and it's crust.

Out of space is not an empty vacuum. It is full of this intense radiation from all the galaxies of the universe. The light we see is a sheet of vigorously vibrating particles every star we see in the night sky. The vibrating particles travel in a great sheet the size of the universe moving a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers by the time we say one thousand and one, a second. ( Or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles if you like in that second if you like ).

The sheet doesn't travel any faster. In the zero resistance of out of space it is at it's maximum coasting speed limit. Einstein's 1915 general theory of relativity tells us light is slowed down and by gravity, and planetary atmospheres passes though our solar system's gravitational field.

The sunlight we see now had taken eight minutes to reach our eyes from the sun. It is an image of the sun as it was eight minutes ago. Light that left the sun now won't reach our eyes till eight minutes into the future. We see this bright sheet as an eight minute old sunlight image of the sun every second.

Every second on earth every second in out of space is a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers a constant number "c" or as we express it as light speed, or a light second, the distance light travels in a second. Our mathematical instant agrees we can project the distance from the sun to us using the light speed constant.

Algebra teaches us it is only a matter of adding up all the seconds in eight minutes ( pans out to four hundred and eighty, ( eight sixties ), where every second just under three hundred thousand kilometers. We have a mathematical formulae that tells us distance ( d ) of the sun from earth equals eight times sixty times c. ( d  = 8  60  c ). c = 8  60 over d

Note how Algebra teaches us we can do d equals eight times sixty over ( dived ) distance, ( c = 8  60/d ) respectively. 

Cosmologists use the distance light travels in all the seconds of a year a light year. Algebra teaches us to add up all the seconds in a year pans out to sixty multiplied by itself ( squared ) giving all the seconds of an hour, times twenty four giving us all the seconds of a day, times three hundred and sixty five days of a year, times c. It is the distance in kilometers ( or worked out in miles ) of a whole year. ( Distance equals sixty squared, twenty four, three six five   d = 60 squared 24  365 ).

All in all. we can appreciate the G's would be on a light speed scale equal to the equivalent of an acceleration to a stop in a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers in a second. Einstein do remind us the stress of light speed is equal to infinite. If we do the math's on this we find it is not quite as what it seems.

Algebra teaches us doing the reverse to sums is a reciprocal. For example three hundred thousand is three with five naughts. The reciprocal is the three relocated on the right of the same five naughts fraction of a second light travels a kilometer in that time. In other words three hundred thousandth second equal to naught point, naught, naught, naught naught, three second per kilometer.

The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer. Our mathematical instinct aggress pans out to three hundred thousand, thousand meters in three hundred thousand kilometers. In other words nine decimal naughts and three, second per meter. ( Or three hundred thousand thousandth second per meter ).

When we stroll casually we walk a meter per second. To prove this when walking count one thousand and one. By that time light had traveled three and nine naughts meters. ( Or three hundred thousand kilometers in the same second if you like ). This means light travels three hundred thousand, thousand meters we walk one meter in the same amount of time.

From a light speeds point of view the universe second is three hundred thousand thousand times as slow we view the universe in a second. According mathematics If we do the math's every second light speed the universe takes three hundred thousand seconds to travel a distance of three hundred kilometers. In other words the universe travels now slower than a kilometer per second when traveling on light speed scale

If we do the math's on this pans out to just under a long weekend worth of seconds to travel the same distance we see light travel in a second.

According to my math's time shouldn't come to a stop at light speed. It may only appear the illusion of a thousand meters per second to slow to observe moving as slow as a three hundred thousand thousandth of a meter per second to appreciate as time is to us is. If we view the universe on this scale we should observe it moving a long week end to travel three hundred thousand meters.

We can only imagine the G's on a light speed scale according to me the maximum speed limit due to the inertia at that velocity. The G's would be considerably different in out of space than here on earth.

Einstein did tell us bodies shrink in the direction of travel. It is easy to see why when we think of the amount of G's pulling back on a body. Note only that also the compression forces generates heat. 

Except perhaps there may be some friction of the radiation filling space, the heat generated by the share force of the G's can likely rival that of heating matter before entering the black void of a black hole. Temperatures there are rewind to rival that of the core of the sun which may equal to the temperature build up on a light speed scale compression.

In other words nothing can travel faster than light with out the consequences of the amount of power from the G's and compressed heating.

When the TV series star trek started fifty years ago NBC scientific advisers came up with a plan for the Enterprise to travel faster than light. In my mind illuminating inertia from the Enterprises mass might do it.

Light is renowned to be weightless. But Einstein did prove it weighs curving in a gravitational field. If the inertia of a body is illuminated the body might have the same mass as light itself. Theoretically the slightest kick start may set it off to light speed.

How the plan worked was the introduction of matter and anti matter control mix. To understand how this works we need to understand what matter and anti mater is.

It is common school boy knowledge matter is made up of mulches made of elements all the lighter ones created in the heart of dying stars. The heavier ones such as gold, silver and plutonium when the star finally goes supernova.

Both matter and anti mater are made of the same elements all made up atoms believed to come from the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe. Atoms are made up of a cloud of orbiting particles called electrons racing on a light speed scale round and round a inner core made that is made up of much larger particles stuck together called called Protons and Neutrons.

The only difference between matter and anti mater is the electrical charges of the particles. In matter the electrons are negative and in anti mater they are positive. In matter protons are positive and anti in mater negative while the neutron the neutrons are neutral.

The Key to all this is a universe law that dictates like charges repel and unlike attract. When mater and anti mater come together positive electrons and positive protons and negative electrons and negative protons all occupy the same space. The positive protons immediately repel the positive electrons and the negative protons repel the negative electrons with a force of a light speed scale explosion.

NBC scientific adviser's theory was hoped the result of the energy should create a deceleration inertia on the forward accelerating Enterprise pulling it forward instead of pulling back at take off.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Physics is full of suppressing illusions. Most of us have toyed with the illusion eying a full sized car far enough away fitting inside a door keyhole. A distortion of time is seen by distant aircraft seemingly move very slowly almost agonizingly suspended in mid air.

Another illusion is the still appearance of an overcast but in reality cruising at a bicycle speed. They drift over our heads about five and a half meters per second traveling a distance of 20km by the time a one hour long TV program.

Distance on a clear night is what makes the milky way stars seem motionless. The stars traveling faster than bullets and the earth is no exception. Despite that, it never feels like it. We also observe the night sky doesn't move a millimeter. We don't even observe the changing transition of day into night and night into day at any given moment of time move. Motion of the heavens look stationary despite the reality everything is faster than bullets.

It takes several nights observation to notice a bright star ( or a planet if you like ) a new position even a slight change despite in orbit round the sun faster than a bullet. The further away the shorter the distance appears the longer the time appears to move mere millimeters across the sky.

Illusion of motion is everywhere. Horizons for example appear to travel slower than foregrounds. They move agonizingly slow while the immediate road side flashes by in a blur. Where the foreground meets the horizon there is a distortion difference between one traveling fast and the other agonizingly slow.

Flat plains meeting the sky are an illusion of the curvature of earth. Take the middle of the Pacific. Where the vast ocean meats the sky we can barely observe a hint of the curvature of the earth's surface. So too the vast horizons of the Sahara deserts, the plains of Africa and the country  fields of vast Russia.

The curvature of earth becomes apparent from tourist observation post of tall sky scrapers. From the advantage point we can clearly observe a concave mirror like bulge with our naked eyes of the stretched out city landscape.

The navigation lines crisscrossing continents and oceans of the models of earth are curved. To calculate the curving orbits of the planets of our solar system Isaac Newton invented a mathematics he called calculus. It is the sort of math's needed to plot curved squares, and triangles drawn on basket balls.

The feel of motion to is an illusion. An astronaut stepping out of a space station hatch doesn't feel traveling faster than a bullet. Try stepping from a car traveling less than a kmph on the surface of earth. Notice we feel a force pulling us the direction of the moving car. ( Inertia ).

Space walks in orbit round earth don't notice a thing any more we notice the earth's rotation on the ground. Our galaxy is traveling well over bullet speeds dragging our sun with it. The sun in turn is dragging our solar system with it. The special theory of relativity tells us nowhere in space is there absolute stationary. Everything is a permanent state of motion way-way beyond we normally experience on the surface of earth.

According to Isaac Newton the earth's mass attracts. In other words, the earth's gravity. According to Albert Einstein expressed space distorted by the earth's mass. Spaces is pulled inward all directions round the entire circumference of earth comparable to the analogy of what water pressure does to a deep sea submarines.

It took Einstein to express the stress of a weighed down feeling we call G's we experience in fast acceleration take off's. Newtown described this as the inertia of a moving body. They generate a gravitational pulling back force. We experience as much as four G's equivalent to four times our body weight weighing us back into our seats in high speed Rolla coaster rides.

Another example are high speed nose diving aircrafts.

Einstein described in his 1905 special theory of relativity what NSA use's today training austronuaghts in zero gravity. He predicted the principle we understand toady when a plane nose dives fast enough the motion causes the traness to lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun.

He predicted the opposite holds true. If a plane accelerates upwards fast enough austronuaghts fall to the roof and walk about upside down just as they would normally do on the ground. We feel the same motion in a rotating round and round theme park drum. The rotation press people to the sides like gravity. Conditions just right we can even stand and walk on the walls as normal. This demonstrates how rotating space stations create artificial gravity.

Newton discovered the forces with a bucket of water. He documented his experience explaining in the scientific jargon of the times when we rotate a bucket of water over our heads. The velocity pulls the water to the bottom never spilling a drop traveling though the upside point of the circle.

We can try the historic discovery ourselves. It only needs common and cheep light weight plastic bucket with a little bit of water in it. As we circle the bucket round our heads we feel the weight of the bucket increase by the increase of the weight of the water pulled to the bottom. We won't spill a drop unless we spin slow enough. It is proof how spinning space stations create gravity.

Motion fast enough can be dramatic. Imagine the stress we feel from a standing start accelerated to a distance of a160km ( 100 miles if you like ) to stop in a second on the surface of earth superman and the flash routinely do in the marvel comics and movies. The same acceleration is not notice in out of space. Particularly on the surface of earth we weigh heavier in fast acceleration by the pulling inward force of our inertia.

Einstein realized enough motion has a profound effect on space and time. What would we observe of the environment on earth at sea level? To travel a 160km to a stop in a second we accelerate and brake to a immediate stop before the second ends. Theoretically we should find ourselves stationary a second in the future a 160km away from where we started a second a go.

Anybody into challenging mathematics will find math's will be at a loss ( even calculus ) to know where to start to project kmph ( or mph if you like ) velocity. Under the circumstances there is none. Never the less if we ignore the braking to a stop point, pans out to the equivalent of a 3,600kmph take off in half second. The braking should be equally as intense 3,600kmph velocity to a stop in another half second. If Einstein's special theory of relativity is anything to go by we may observe a wired difference of acceleration on the environment's time to our point of view.

As we take off we are accelerating. According to Einstein's theory as we go faster and faster the environments time should appear to slow down getting slower and slower at first because we are accelerating an extreme motion. Mathematics projects should be an equivalent of an 80km distance in half a second. However we are braking at this point the equivalent of another distance of 80km in half second to a complete stop. In the braking circumstance we are slowing down.

According to the special theory as we decelerate we should observe time slowly speed back up. When we brake the environment's time should get faster and faster till we find stopped increasing a second into the future we started a 160km away. In effect the combined acceleration and deceleration moved a distance of a 160km in a second into the future.

Most of us assume only light speed can alter time. Considering accelerating 160km to a stop in a second at declaration the environment's time should speed up as it equally it slowed down when we were accelerating.

Light speed has always be a pivotal property of time travel. It travels a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers ( or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles if you like ) in out of space by the time we say "One thousand and one" the distance light travels in second, a light second. It is the maximum distance it travels in that time. It does not travel any further.

Light is a coaster. Despite no resistance in vacuum it is at it's maximum momentum. The momentum does not travel any faster. It takes just eight minutes from the sun to reach our eyes. In other words our sun is the nearest star to earth as far s cosmological distance is concerned only a mere eight light minuets away.

The costing velocity is terminated by inertia we often express free falling sky divers maximum speed limit. In effect sky diving terminal velocity is earth's gravity that cannot accelerate any faster.

The speed of light the light we see now is the sun as it was eight minutes ago. We will not observe light that just left  the sun this very second until eight minutes into the future. In other words that light doesn't exist yet. The sunlight we see now is what the sun was eight minutes ago every second. Those into challenging math's I'm sure the time light reaches the other planets can be projected.

If we compare a distance of 160km to a stop in a second light speed is the equivalent of a distance of a 300,000km to a stop in a second. On the surface of earth perspective the same amount of time. If a 160km distance to a stop in a second is anything to go by then accelerating to light speed in a second we'd find ourselves a second into the future 300,000km away from were we started.

If zero to a stop a distance of 160km in a second is anything to go by theoretically since most of us believe the faster we go the slower time travels there is no reason why not time should speed up equally when we slow down from light speed. In other words slowing down from light speed tells us the slower we go the faster time speeds up.

Mathematics projects a reciprocal is the three of the light speed value relocated to the right of the same number of zeros ( the five zeros ) fraction of a second light travels a kilometer. In other words a kilometer three hundred thousandth second or referencing to the standard metric system prefix unit mili for a thousandth, thirty milliseconds per kilometer. ( 30m/lm or in terms of scientific notation three times ten to the minus five K if you like ).

We walk on average a meter per second of time. It is easily demonstrated when we say "One thousand and one "as we walk. It is the time we walked the total distance.

If we apply the time light travels a meter the standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a Kilometer. This means mathematics pans it out to three hundred thousand thousand meters equals three hundred thousand kilometers.

If we apply in terms of scientific notation tells us ten to the five kilometers equals ten to the nine meters. If we apply the reciprocal three hundred millionth or according to the standard metric system prefix unit 30 microseconds. ( Or if we refer to the scientific notation three times ten to the minus nine second per meter ).

Each time we walk just one meter light ( in the condition or in any vacuum ) light had traveled three hundred thousand thousand meters. Thus mathematics projects the reciprocal tells us light travels three hundred thousand, thousand ( or in scientific notation terms thee times ten to the nine ) times faster than we can walk a meter.

Some of us believe time slows down at light speed which means we need to accelerate beyond the second to light speed to get to the velocity. This must mean a decreases in the environment's time. To travel at light speed we have accelerate up to three time times ten to the nine ( or three hundred thousand thousand ), times faster than the environment second.

Children old enough can understand by the time we say "One thousand and one" is the time of a second. They soon become pretty good at judging they walked a meter in that time. If we do the math's on this pans out to 3.6kmph walk is a light second a three hundred thousand thousand meters to one meter ratio.

Our sub light speed may be the slowest time can go. It doesn't go any slower. If we look at a analogue clock face we can observe the second hand move every division every second a complete full circle in a whole minute. Mathematics tells us from the center to the edge is a radius mathematics dividing circles into three hundred and sixty divisions called digress projecting six digress every second.

When the second hand makes a full circle the minute hand has only moved a division. When the minute hand makes a full circle the hour hand has only moved a division. When we do the math's the hour hand is three thousand six hundred times as slow and the minute hand and six times as slow as the second hand. In other words every hour of time is three thousand six hundred times as slow as a second and the minute hand sixty times as slow respectively.

The hour hand moves round the clock face twice every date change every twelve midnight to the next during a light second. Digital clocks clearly represent twelve midnight as 23:59:59. When the digits change to zeroes changes the date into the next day.

The time we say one thousand and one tells us each second has a begging and end that is divided up into the time it takes light to travel a distance of meter. The seconds column is the start of the next 300,000km and when the digit changes to one is the end, the start of the next three hundred thousand thousand meters. When it changes to two it is the end of the distance and the binning of the next and so on.

In other words the smallest unit of time so far is a light meter every thirty microseconds. Math's points out three hundred thousand thousand meters of thirty microseconds equals three hundred thousand thousand meters the same time we walk one meter.

The point is the minute and hour hands appear to be frozen in time at any given moment the second hand is moving. They are to slow to observe moving. Like wise the reciprocal of light speed tells us viewing from light speeds point of view& the universe should be traveling three hundred thousand thousand times as slow a light second.

Correspondingly we are viewing the universe at sub light speed is speeded up in relation to viewing it at a light speed point of view. If we reference from a light speed point of view the slower we go the faster time speeds up.

From our point of view a clock our environment's second cannot go any faster than the moving hand past every division where light cannot travel faster than a meter in thity microseconds because light cannot travel faster than three hundred thousand thousand  meters in a second.

If we were to view the second hand slowed down in time we'd normally observe the minute hand math's projects we would be sixty times faster than the environment second. From a observers point of view we would be a minute into the future every second.

From our point of view the environments second would be a minute  long. In other words for every minute we observe the  environment only a second. In other words a minute as fast as the environment the second has been stretched into the minute.

The reciprocal of a minute is a minute divided by sixty seconds. In other words we would be traveling in parallel with 60th environment second. This is the relative time of the electric alternating current of mains power lines.

An electric current moves back and forth sixty times a second. One motion is a wavelength every second. We would observe the mains lighting throb from minimum to maximum  brightness once every second or sixty times in a minute as exactly as the mains frequency is in each environment second.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Mostly empty space

Our body physiology is a direct consequence of the laws of quantum physics. Most of us thick quantum physics is the study of atoms. More to the point the study of the particles. In terms of size our brain cells says it all. Our brain alone has several billion (  neurons ) compressed in a space as small as a cubic centimetre. If we zoom with an expensive microscope they are like winter trees, trillions of them all sparkling with a constant flow of electrical signals traveling every route.

The gaps between the interconnecting neurons are thousands of times smaller than one hair strand. Our body heat is a the direct result of all the cells of our entire body vigorously vibrating going about their daily metabolism. If we could see our body heat we would observe shimmering waves radiating from us like the simmering sands of a desert only inferred cameras can see.

When we look up to a star in the night sky we can be forgiven in thinking is a single solitary solid star. But as we zoom in for a closer look with a telescope we discover it is mostly made up of a vast empty space between millions of stars of the Galaxy. Distances distorts the reality.

If we zoom in for a closer look on a star the vastness of space gets bigger and bigger. As we zoom in we start to see a cluster of dots in a ring we discover it is a solar system of planets orbiting in the vast empty space beam them.

From a distance what looks like a star is a galaxy of vast empty space of many stars. The stars themselves are in vast empty space between them. In turn stars with planets is a vast empty space made up of solar systems, every planet in a vast empty space between them also.

When we land on a planet we land in a vast plan of empty space spread out as far as the we can see. Our bodies are made of the same way. Every cell is a galaxy of atoms in a vast empty space.

Common how our body work library books show us we are made of various organs describing how each one works on a microscopic level.

If we zoom in on any organ we find just like zooming in on a galaxy made up of molecules. about a hundred the size of a millimetre. If we zoom in father we see the molecules are made up of cells vibrating with energy going about their daily metabolism. The closer we zoom in the more vast empty space appears.

If we zoom in further the cells disappear into a fuzzy mountain range like structure the chemical elements of the earth's crust our cells are made of.

As we zoom closer the fuzzy mountain range changes into mostly empty space. We observe dots that look like particles. When we zoom in for a closer look at one of these the space between them gets bigger the particle now appears like the rings of in the mostly empty space like the empty spaces between the rings of planets in empty space of a galaxy. We are observing the orbiting rings of what are called electrons.

As we zoom in further we see in the vast distance what appears to be a central particle the electrons are orbiting. As we zoom in for a closer look the already vast empty space has just got larger leaving between the surrounding vista of the inner electron orbits.

As we zoom in we find the central particle is made of huge particles sandwiched together like ball. These two particles are called protons and neutrons in the vast empty space in the core of the atom the inner electron ring invisible because of the vast distance of the empty space.

According to quantum physics the particles of the atom quantum leaps. Quantum leaping is when a subatomic particle like electrons disappearing and reappearing somewhere else at random.

If we zoom in closer we discover the core particles are made of a whole zoo of particles from leptons to quarks. If we zoom in for a closer look we discover these particles are like vibrating strings of a musical instrument. The combined different variations of their theories put forward particle physicists labelled "M" theory.

String theorists compare an analogy to the way musical string instruments strings generate the different sounds each string makes.

Correspondingly the different sounds ( vibrations of the cosmic strings ) generate different particles of the atom. One vibration generates neutrinos a member of the electron family while a different vibration generates a lepton.

Another generates a member of the quark family while another vibration generates one of the other quark members and so on. The quark family consists of up, down, strange and a few other names

The theorists contend it is the best theory so far explaining the workings of the universe.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Laptop, mini note book, keyboard, touch pads and USB not working

What can you do when your laptop. mini notebook keyboard or mouse pad is not working? You can use an external USB mouse or keyboard as tools to at lest accesses your computer. If the USB is not working see if the USB is not working sub title.

If one or the other is not working you won't need the other. If both you will need both the external mouse and keyboard. If you only need one item at lest the other on stand by as a precautionary insurance measure in case you end up do needing it too.

If you have one or the other working you can accesses your operating system password to accesses your operating system with it.

If the mouse only

Here you can accesses your operating system password and to accesses system preferences ( or control panel ) with the external USB mouse as normal. Accessing the control panel or system preferences look for mouse, and click to accesses the setting dialogue boxes. There are also ease of access settings that alters the behavior of the mouse to suit users taste.

Systematically read the tick box references to help determine the characteristics, which can help determine what's turned on and what's turned off that may be effecting the mouse pad.

If the keyboard only

Operating on the same principle as above with the external keyboard you can access your operating system password and to accesses system preferences ( or control panel ) and ease of access. A particular area to not is the sticky key settings.

Altering these doesn't harm any part of the computer only to alter the keyboard behavior to users taste  the behavior of the keyboard preferences using the working mouse pad as normal. Look for Keyboard, clicking to accesses the setting dialogue boxes.

Mind you don't get confused with the temporary external keyboard resting on top of the keyboard pressing on one of the keys underneath. If you have twinkled with ease of access settings the you may find the sticky key settings can confuse the situation.

Systematically analyze the tick box references to help determine the characteristics, which can help determine what's turned on and what's turned off and what needs to be on and what needs to be left off.

If both keyboard and mouse pad.

Operating on the same principles as above you can now access your operating system accessing the keyboard and mouse pad dialogue box settings from system preferences or control panel as normal to determine what are turned on or off effecting the mouse pad and keyboard.

If the USB is not working

USB memory sticks ( or flash drives if you like ) for the purpose of transfer or back up purposes there is a lot of wear and tear.  If flash drives get a lot of use they don't last for every. Signs on the way out start the habit of not working when we insert. We are often forced to remove and reinsert to get it going again. Soon this becomes a habit and once got working relatively unstable. Switching off and on.

Time tells. It soon becomes growing in frequency to a point of erratic and unstable to keep stable till finally won't work at all. If a known good or knew drive responds straight away and remains stable is always a welcome relief it is not the computer end. It is more likely the drive microprocessor has  finally gone.

Other sources

If  frequently Coffey lounges and fast food restaurants are food crumb environments. Eating and drinking with your laptop can potentially push crumb particles into the gaps of keyboard keys, and mouse pads and the ports of flash drives when inserting into USB effecting the rest of the computer.

If the computer end the inner contacts are likely be worn by constant inserting and pulling out by now. The inner contacts of either the mouse or keyboard end have probably reached a stage where the contacts have become a bit short for proper electrical contact.

If the early stages an effective way to get the USB working to at lest be able to get at the drive files use the external keyboard or mouse to gain access to your operating system and your files is to moisten the connecting tip with your tongue. When it works at lest the USB will be able to access your drive and computer's operating system.

Because of the wear and tear problem it may be an on going thing from now on always needing to moisten the tip of USB tips to get the USB to work. However if you are using an external keyboard across keyboard, from time to time lift it to make sure it's not just the bulk of the external board pressing on one of the keyboard keys of your computer.

Sipping at drinks the potential of reaching across the keyboard to sip, replacing the cup and eating is a paternal of spilling drips and dropping crumbs all over the mouse pad and keyboard keys. This should be a considered as a possible cause of your erratic mouse and keyboard erratic behavior problems of late.

There is always the potential risk of food and drink particles in the connections making it into USB ports, that and worn out slots and contacts. Sloppy drinking and eating habits over you computer drink drops can wet dry dust into a thin insulating film everywhere.

Shedding of of skin cells from your finger tips can get into is the gaps between the mouse pad, and keyboard keys not to mention between the grates of vents.

Inspect all vents found round the computer for trapped particles. Do not wipe down with a damp cloths or you will not be able to get at clearing the results of now a thin gunk between the vent bars. Professional workshop engineers us cans of compressed air to help blow out accumulated particles. A rather desperate and crude way is a bicycle pump or the free air at service stations used as a desperate compressed air substitute gamble will not harm your computer.

If dirty vents get damp you are in serious trouble, because it will be way out of  your reach to correct at home on your own. Laptops are notoriously built hard to work on.

They can be a nightmare. Inexperienced novas at home can easily render a good computer useless. Only workshop repair shop professionals who have done this sort of thing hundreds of thousands of times before experience with tools and spare part rersouse stripping down and reassembly experience may be the only recourse to clean up effected vents.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

designing a power supply for a electronic ciruit


Physically an amp is a flow of a few trillion negative particles of the atom called electrons on a light speed scale. The standard metric system prefix mill lee ( mili- ) for a thousandth denotes milliamps. 250mA is a quarter amp, 500 is a half and 750 is three quarters of the latter.

The huge rechargeable torch cells ( or batteries if you like ) have a current supply of up to 5A supply for about an hour called an amp hour ratting in this case a 5Ah. Any more drain the voltage will drop loosing power.

Throw away smaller ones are 50mAh ratings lasting 50 hours at a current drain of a mA. At their amp hour ratting should last an hour. Over the ratting the voltage drops loosing power.


It doesn't flow, only a live electrical energy each end of every source. One end is marked with a red cross for the positive terminal and the other not marked ( or with a dash ) the negative terminal. You can feel the voltage when you bring together the terminals of two torch batteries less than a millimeter gap slightly moving side to side.

Never try this with powerful automotive batteries. They are far to powerful for that sort of thing. There is a potential accidental shorting. The current supply can spark like fireworks with as much amperage as several tens of amps. A fully charged battery is so powerful they can weld but discharged low in a few minutes.

In physics voltage is a store of excess electrons making a battery terminal some what domineeringly negative. The other end is an equal lack of electrons making that terminal some what domineeringly positive.

When a load ( Any electronic device or circuit ) is connected is always in parallel ( across the two opposing voltages ) the negative electrons repelled by the negative voltage and attracted by the positive voltage where current flows. This is known as the electron current flow direction in one steady direct stream called direct current.


Taking a 1.5V torch battery if we muiltiply the amp hour ratting by the voltage gives the power ratting. For example 1.5V multiplied by a 50mA ratting pans out to 750mW source. The power drain is similar to the current drain. It will supply 1.5V at a current drain of 50mA supplying a power of 750mW in an hour or 50 hours at a current of 1mA respectively. The same voltage low power consumption is low current drain and high power supply high current.


When a load is loaded ( always in parallel ) across any DC source draws a current resulting in the power drain on the source. The conductance is in the resistance of the load in Ohms. A 1.5 ohms resistance will draw up to 1.5A from a powerful touch battery but will be a dead short for budge smaller ones.

A big rechargeable 1.5 torch cell with a load of 1.5 Ohms circuit will draw it's amp hour rating in terms of it's wattage. Knowing the amp hour rating multiplied by the voltage gives the equivalent of ohms in parallel with the battery. It applies knowing the total current drain of any voltage too.

Electrical engineers designing electronic circuits start with the power output requirements working out the power drain of the required power output that determines the power supply ratting of the circuit or device required. For audio circuits the total power drain from the source under the load  maximum volume.

The voltage is not critical chosen mainly based on economy and convince. It is the in power output choice under the maximum load conditions of the circuit or device in mind in ohms using ohms law formulae though an equivalent resistance in parallel with the source. Knowing the maximum power out of the load required we can deduce the maximum current drain requirements from any convenient voltage in mind.

For example a maximum of 5w required from a robot will require a DC power supply arrangement choosing say four 1.5V touch batteries for economy sake is 6 divide 5 giving a maximum current supply of 1.2A the amp hour ratting of the source. The robot should drain the batteries flat in an hour at that current drain. 

If we double the touch battery arrangement using the highest Ah ratting possible ( about 5A ) we have a DC power supply arrangement of 12 times 5 giving a wattage supply for 60W robot for an hour.

Four 1.5v 100mAh ratting torch batteries arranged in series makes a 6V 100mA source is a minimal power supply for building effective electric toy electric cranes for the little ones. There is enough power to teach them the basics of electricity and magnetism relationship.

The same four batteries arranged in parallel make one 1.5v 600mA source because the circuit is shearing the same voltage of all the batteries shearing the current drain between them. The expensive big 1.5V rechargeable batteries in series makes a powerful 6V, 5Ah ratting. The source will last an hour at a power supply of 30W. A 20W audio amplifier design at full volume is capable of up to a loud rock band volume for an hour.

The power drain of audio amplifiers depends on the volume. At minimal volume of about an amp or so should last 20 hours. The wattages pans out to 20W of power drain at minimum volume and 40W at full volume. The audio amplifier power supply specifications is drawn upon the full volume loudness aimed for.

Thus in choosing a power supply arrangement depends on the maximum power drain demand of the load in mind in the required lasting time of the battery. We work from the maximum wattage required at any voltage arrangement calculating the equivalent power drain of the load at full power drain of maximum power out of a device like a robot.

The current drain drawn from any source is relatively unstable. The device, or robot will perform erratically and unpredictable. The power output will wax and wan terribly.

A solution is an electronic circuit that stabilizes the voltage. The current supply is still a bit unstable so it's common both the current and voltage is stabilized in the same circuit. When the voltage is stabilized with a voltage stabilizer circuit another circuit a the output is designed as a current stabilizer is added.

When both voltage and current is stabilized the circuit, device, robot video or audio amplifiers will perform admirably. The stabilized circuitry is aimed to stabiles the constant lowering of power drain from the battery source.