Saturday, May 2, 2015

In 1898 Jules Vern write a science fiction novel titled round the world in 80 days. This post is about round the world in 7 seconds. Light is fast enough to do that. But motion plays an important part traveling round the world on  a light speed scale. Light doesn't travel in the sense of travel. It coasts.

Everything in out of space obeys Newton's law of motion. In the zero resistance of space once set in motion will coast at a maximum speed limit indefinitely. Apart from the acceleration their velocities by gravity would be considerable reduce in any  planetary atmospheres.

The zero resistance of out of space velocity light coasts just under a maximum distance of 300,000km, ( Or a 186,000 miles if you like ) every second. It just doesn't coast any faster than that. If we do the math's on this in terms of kmph pans out to  about 10,080,000.000 the distance light coasts in an hour long TV program. Nothing covers that distance as fast in that time.

Math's tells us a light second is a constant called c. Every second on earth is a distance of just under constant just under 300,000km in the zero resistance out of space cosmologists use to measure the distance of stars. Our mathematical instinct agrees a light year is only a matter of the distance of adding up all the seconds of a year. Every second 300,000km the total in a year's worth is multiplied by c. ( Speed of of, or a light second if you wish )

Because it doesn't go any faster in the zero resistant of space everything has a maximum costing speed limit due to the inertia of their mass. They all just don't travel any faster including galaxies, stars, planets asteroids to specks of dust including light. Their velocities are considerably faster than the top speed of a bullets can ever travel. A law of the universe tells us there is no such thing as stationary. The seemingly stationary imitational space station orbiting earth and a stationary space ship is an illusion because they are still in costing in motion of space faster than bullet can travel at sea level on the surface of earth. 

Shooting stars are merely tiny specks of dust accelerated by the earth's mass ( or gravity if you like ) and even then there is a maximum velocity limit incinerated by the friction of the atmosphere, faster than artillery shells and bullet speeds. Stones the size of apples create blinding balls of light. They hit the ground with all the power of the mother of bullet strikes.

The neighborhood sized asteroid that supposed to have existent the dinosaurs was a several trillion tone missile accelerated by the earth's mass making the mass of the asteroid even heavier with G-forces. It zeroed in striking ground zero with as much force and velocity as a bullet at maximum velocity sticking the corner of a brick wall.

In terms of force knowing the velocity and weight Newtown's law of force equals mass times acceleration in constant motion in out of space but accelerated by the earth's gravity pans out to have been a couple of  trillion ton traveling 10's of 1,000's of kmph zeroing down on ground zero. The asteroid obeys Newton's inertia law that all bodies resist acceleration and the resistance of slowing them down called inertia. All that weight of the huge bolder and G's and friction compressed the air we breath in front of it supper heating it in a head long race to the ground. 

The G-forces and friction compression of the air in front of it inertia glowed the asteroid brighter than a million times the intensity of our sun trailing a burning trial behind it. When it hit ground zero the G- force\s in the inertia accounting an immovable object of the earth, the law of motion dictates the inertias of any that kind of weight and velocity would not be allowed to come to an instant stop. In less than a second the asteroid disappeared into the earth. The G-forces in the inertia acted like a bullet strike on the ground zero.

Every little particle ( photons ) of light are believed to be weightless. But Albert Einstein showed in his General theory of relativity published in the first year of world war one, photons weigh in a gravitational filed. It was proved as a fact by a British astronomer a year after the war.

The accelerated velocity from the earth's mass caused the inertia to compress the air ahead of it. The heat we feel pumping air into a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It's what we feel compressing air into the tire. In the science of thermal dynamics compression cause heat. Compress something we drive the temperature up.

The inertial compression of the asteroid at that velocity would have been in the order of several trillions of tones per square inch just from the weight of the bolder alone let a lone from the forces of inertia involved.

Einstein's general theory tells us space is elastic and flexible. It bends, twists and flexes from motion including light. Renewed for it's witlessness the inertia  pressure would be  a little as a microscopic scale.

Traveling in the earth's atmosphere heats it due the inertia building up heat a little heat from friction, and compress, slowing light down. When its hits a sold it is stopped dead in it's tracks. In less than a second reflected back the opposite direction all kinds of angles accelerating back out of the earth's atmosphere. As soon as it clears it,  light instantly accelerates back to it's maximum costing velocity.

Imagine the friction and compression on the air we breath traveling the world the surface of earth at sea level on a light speed scale. It is possible provided we eliminate inertia from our bodies and the compression on the air we breath from our bodies traveling at light speed..

If we could eliminate both those things what would we see of the world traveling round the earth 7 times in a second? Some mathematical figuring can provide some answers.

First of if light travels in the zero resistance of a vacuum a distance of just under 300,000km in a second then hoe much time does it travel in a kilometer? The reciprocal of c is 300,000th. ( One divided by a second or one over c if you like ). Since c is a constant light a every kilometer is covered in a constant 300,000th second. Our mathematical instinct agrees proof of this is a matter of 300,000th multiplied by 300,000, 0r 300,000 multiplied by 300,000th equals a second. The standard metric prefix ( mill lee ) mili- for a thousandth is 300 milliseconds of time. 

By the time light in the zero resistance of deep space travels a distance of 300,000km we casually walk a meter. If we do the math's on this in terms of kmph only a matter of 60 seconds in a minute times 60 minutes in an hour ( sixty squared in other words ) times c, giving us a grand total of 3,600 meters in an hour, 

The standard meter system prefix K  for ( key low ) kilo for a tho3 million times faster than we can causally walk a meter per second sand tells us 3.6kmph walk. In other words we causally walk 3,600 meters by the time an hour long TV program.

Operating on the principle our mathematical instinct can work out how much time light travels in the same amount of time we walk a meter. The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of a 1,000,000 ( or a million ) meters in a km. In other words there is 30,000,000 meters in 300,000km. 

The standard metric system micro for a millionth tells us light travels a meter in 30 millionth of a second we travel the same distance in a second. Nobody can disprove it because math's can't lie you know. Note the great particle accelerator CERN in Switzerland produces particles of the atom popping in and out of existence in same amount of time light travels a meter.

What this is saying the 30 millionth of a second by the time we walk the same distance in a whole second. In other words light is 30 million times faster than we can causally walk a meter. In other words from c's point of view every second of the environment is slowed down by 30 million times. Because light doesn't mathematics projects from c's point of view time doesn't travel any slower than 30 million times. 

Time on earth is view as a maxed out slowness. Time does not stop because from out point of view light is traveling 30 million times faster than we can causally walk a meter.

If we could view a person walking a meter per second ( 3.6kmph velocity ) from c's point of view we would view the person walk as slow as 30 million times slower every second we travel round the world.  In retrospect we would observe the person only move a meter the same time we race round the entire circumference of earth 7 times.

 Time on the surface of earth at sea level is as flexible as space itself. Think of accelerating a distance of a 160km ( or a 100 miles ) to a stop in a second. When we accelerate we take off to distance of 80km in half second. When we apply the brakes to come to a complete stop again in another 80km in another half second.

Two things could happen from a observers point of view. Either we disappear point A and reappear point B a160km away in a second, or stretch like a rubber band all that distance snapping back to normal that distance away in a second. In other words we'd travel a distance of 160km the same time a observer strides only a meter.

What would we observe of the environment's time? Most probably we'd observe the environment's second slow down or stretch longer in time. It will get longer and longer the faster we go until the time we reach a distance of 80km.

When we hit the brakes at this point we would observe the environment's time compressed shorter and shorter slowly at first getting faster and faster until we find ourselves stopped a second into the future we left off a160km away

In other words the faster we go the faster time slows down and the faster we slow down the faster time speeds up again. This would probably also happen when we slow down to a stop from traveling round the surface of earth at sea level from light speed. In other words once we slow down time environment's speeds up getting faster and faster until we find ourselves a second in the future where we started.

Mass ( it's gravity if you like ) slows time as we know from the mass of  black holes and the earth's mass is no exception. If we go up a tall sky scrapper we are leaving the strongest gravitation pull at the bottom at sea level. In this instance we only age a few microseconds slower on the roof than the ground as long as we stay there.

When we ascend back down again we are returning back down to the strongest gravitational pull at the bottom of the building again were the earth's mass retards our ages. By the time we reach the bottom the difference may be less than a picosecond ( Pico from the standard metric system for a billionth of a second ) than we where at the top.

The same applies to passengers in aircraft travel. While they are aloft higher than record breaking man made structure, they are younger than everybody else at see level.

However when returning back to landing on the tarmac of the air port their age is retarded the faster and faster as they return back to sea level because of the stronger gravitation of the mass of the earth is stronger. The same applies to astronoaghts orbiting the earth. When they return back to sea level they are returning back to the strongest gravitational pull of the mass of earth again. The only difference would probably be less than a picosecond younger because where the gravity is strongest than aloft orbiting the earth.

My guess is the same effect returning back into the strong gravitational field of the solar system from a adventure far outside it. A twin may return no older than his twin because  coming back to the stronger gravitational fields retarding his age. They arrive on the surface of earth no older than everybody else.

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