Saturday, April 25, 2015

How wormholes work. The thoery of wormholes.

Inventions and discoveries are discovered by accident experimenting with inventions all the time. A science fiction TV series called the sliders about a university student, Quinn Mallory experimenting with antigravity in his basement in an attempt to invent an antigravity lifting device. ended up creating the holly grail of cosmology known in scientific circles as an Einstein/Pulaski/Rosen bridge familiar to us all as a wormhole.

Another parallel with the series was star gate one a spin off of the science fiction movie of the discovery of a abandoned wormhole gate on earth.

Haven to Betsy if only cosmologist knew of Mallory's experiment they and physicists can only dream about. They would have wanted to meet this Mallory stoked with excitement of the news of conquering the laws of the universe the way Mallory's experiment did. How could it have happened?

The answer to some of the physics was recorded why back in 1935 two prominent physicist Nathan Rosen and Boris Pulaski sharing Albert Einstein's dubious believe of the claims of an emerging Quantum Physics started way back in 1900 by a German Physicist Max Planck. Einstein's collages  banded with Einstein to write a paper to discredit quantum physics as incomplete once and for all. The final report only ended up opening the lid off Pandora's cosmology box.

According to Einstein extreme weight of the center of the dark star (a singularity of what we call today black holes ) one part of the universe sinking a deep shaft in the fabric of space. It was entirely a feasible idea could link with another doing the same on the other side of the universe. Theoretically the two sink wells would link together to form the legendary Einstein/Rosen/Pulaski bridge or to us a wormhole.

Einstein never excepted quantum physics explanation of same of the quarks of cosmological nature because a lot of it required faster than the speed of light. More proximately  the spooky action at a distance he himself coined.

The trio felt the alleged infinitely dense and zero volume of the singularity ( the very center of black holes ) had to be far to overwhelming that could not happen. It was to much of a compromise on the laws of ordered classical physics and mathematics as we know it for the trio's taste. The best they could could come up with is the conclusion quantum mechanics at lest was very much incomplete.

Never the less the sliders series portrays Mallory's experiment only intended as an antigravity experiment jump started an on going adventure involving himself and three of his companions caught lost sliding his artificial wormhole landing in all sorts of alternate earth's in parallel dimensions with ours in a vain attempt to find their back their prime home world. In the meantime there was many adventures throughout each visiting each world exploring some of the physical characteristics of the universe..

The definition describes wormholes as the legendary cosmosic tunnels quantum mechanics describing tunneling through the fabric of space we have all heard about.

Cosmologist believe are driven by the origins of the gravitational forces of black holes. The gravity is renowned to be so strong not even light can escape. It's supposed to check in but never checks out. Black holes once believed contrary to we were all taught at school matter cannot be destroyed. The belief matter crushed out of existence, not to a black hole it wasn't.

It was believed spinning black holes black holes called now seen as Pulsars spewing out jets of matter contrary to the believe nothing can escape the gravitational pull of the hole. It was once thought there was enough centrifugal forces at light speed to throw out matter before it passes the point of no return. There have been reports of the theory of white holes and pulsars can provide another explanation and show strong evidence resolving the question if parallel universes really do exist.

Think of an astronaght caught up in the inside of the edge of a black hole ( the event horizon ). The last thing he obviously may see if he was looking back outwards out of the hole a blinding white light of light falling in with him. White holes in this universe could easily fit the criteria observing light entering a black a black hole clear across the other side of the universe emerging out this side.

What if cosmologists are observing the jets of matter exiting a pulsar is merely matter entering a black hole in another universe emerging out of the same black hole in this universe?  If these are true it is certainly a logical assumption why matter cannot be destroyed where it goes to and supporting the possible existence of wormholes to evidence of parallel universes.

Mallory's experiment was like this traveling the vast distance across the universe in a moment linking up with a multitude of parallel reality earth's. Cosmogonists would have been mesmerized how Malloy's experiment could have turned into a actual wormhole. Can we learn from Mallory's experiment to make one of our own in our back shed?  What do we need to know to build one?

Well.....the story it seems begin in the second year of world war one when Albert Einstein's second theory of reality, the general theory, was published. It  contended space is rubbery, bents, twists, and ripples by the mass and motion of stars and planets. The earth's mass for example shrinks a portion of space round the entire circumference compression us to the surface as it moves in motion orbiting round the sun.

The shrink forms an indentation round the entire circumferences the moon follows in orbit motion round the earth shrinking space coursing indentions round both bodies moving though space as they go. The same can be true with the sun and our solar system planets and moons, asteroids to specks of dust.

Considering the tilt angle of the earth both poles are pulling space inwards on themselves as the streets of our neighbourhood is, just as the neighbourhood streets on the other side of the globe is.

The closest analogy would be under water pressure. Bodies are subjected to a force compressing them inward from all directions. In the case, space itself. There is a theory of gravity waves caused by stars and planets traveling though the fabric of space like ships creates wakes as they plough though surface of oceans.

Einstein Rosen, and Pulaski's bridge ( or wormhole if you like ) are believed to be created by the physics of black holes. Today it is beloved black holes are created by the death throws of only super massive stars. Stars the size of our sun just won't cut it. The mass is to small. When they die in a supernovae  their cores only end up as a neutron stare. Neutron stars shrinks, bend and twist space ( or gravity if you like ) compressing what was left of the core to roughly the size of our inner planets. Just a sugar cube weighs as much as the same gravity as the original star once was. Incredibly dense for size.

Cosmologists believe observed search light bacon like pulsars are the results of the exploding death throws of stars a little bigger than the latter. The jets of matter streaming from a spinning pulsar looking like a rotating search light beam in the distant horizon could actual be matter that fell in a black hole horizon across the other side of the universe or from a parallel universe. It would indeed explain the contrary matter should not be able to do that in a black hole.

Black holes are believed to be created by the mother of all stars almost the size of our solar system right up to Pluto. There sizes compared to our sun is off the charts. Our sun is a tiny molecule compared to a basket ball.

Energy of expanding heat is the key holding the outer layers of all stars from collapsing from under the weight of compressing space. In terms of Weight several hundreds of thousand of millions of billion of trillion of tones per square micro Inch of crushing inward pressure all around the star tying to crush it. The outward expansion of temperature is equal proportion pushing against the powerful shrinkage of space. Tempters are as hot as several hundreds of thousands of degrees Fahrenheit. It is so hot it is pure heat energy called plasma.

Thus with enough temperature there will be enough energy keeping the star from imploding actually caused by the compression of space causing heat build up in the first place.

A case in point. The heat you feel from a bicycle pump pumping up a tire is not from friction you know. When we compress somthing we drive the temperature up creating expanding energy. When space compresses a star heat builds up because of the Wight of the compression. Keeping up compression keeps heat going. The law of star thermal dynamics tells us if you keep compressing matter keeps driving temperature up.

All stars including our own small star ( the sun ) was created by the simple relentless compression of space. Nebulae debris ( gas fields were stars are born ) are compressed together. In time builds up so much  mass in turn builds more compression pressure. Finally hydrogen atoms are squashed together with so much force they fuse together turning into another atom helium called fusion.

Most people are confused  between the difference between fusion and fission. Fission is the opposite of fusion tearing atoms apart. In other words the energy released from splitting the atom as in thermal nuclear explosions. The act of compressing hydrogen atoms together is fusion not fission. And the act of spiting atoms apart is fission not fusion.

Physicists believe when hydrogen atoms are crushed together a light particle called a photon explodes into existence. Putting this another way when a photon bursts into existence is when a hydrogen is fused into a helium atom. A helium atom is born. When a run away of billions of trillions occurring simultaneously every second a swelling of the outer layers occurs enough to start a star. In other words a star is born.

There is so much of a store of hydrogen even in tiny stars let a lone gigantic ones the conversion to helium is a slow and steady processes in small and medium stars like our sun lasting many millions of centuries of earth time. The sun pea sized compared to a basket ball size star the conversion in the core is quick and furious only lasting a few thousand of centuries on earth.

When the cores of supper giant stars start running out of hydrogen, before pressure drops space's relentless compression on the outer layers compressing the core keeps the cores temperature up. In fact it is adjusting every time there is a loss of temperature. By this time the compression is much greater than before crushing helium atoms harder together. After creating hydrogen into helium,  one by one the core starts  creating the elements of the parabolic table in the outer layers.

Once the stars reaches the stage of creating the heaviest element iron the expanding outer layer pressure is grater than than the compression of space swelling the outer layers as far away from the core matching across our solar system right up to as far as Pluto, in a mother of all red giant stars. The compression of space in a loosing battle again the energy of the temperature of the bloated outer layers.

Meanwhile what is happening in the core every time Iron is created absorbs close to a hundred percent of the cores energy. The robbery of so much energy manufacturing iron keeps loosing temperature thus energy. Temperature of the core is dropping all the time. Finally iron has absorbed the core energy it cannot hold itself from the great weight of the outer layers.

In less than a second the core collapses under the crushing pressure of the outer layers. The core goes from our sun size core to a smaller than a particle of an atom. With the core gone the outer layer is free to burst wide open like an exploding balloon not even the compression of space can hold back. These hyperpnoea produces more energy less than a second our sun ever will.

The last of the heavy elements such as gold, silver and lithium are created in the actual explosion not in the core. The outer layer spreads out on a light speed scale seeding space the parabolic table of the elements.

like the debris of a quarry blast falling back to ground, the compression power of space on the core ( often as large as our entire sun ) collapses the remaining debris like a house of cards. Less than a second the core disappears out of sight as small as a particle of the atom leaving pure gravity behind. It is so powerful is like a incredibly dense solid called a singularity the same color as the back drop of space hiding it. A black hole is born.

The outer edges is called the event horizon that can be millions of kilometres that even the seeming weightless light is heavy enough the velocity is not fast enough to escape the seeming trillions of kilometers deep vertical well of the singularity. They left behind a legacy for astronomers to ponder. Since the invention of the telescope they had  tracked mysterious pin lights seemingly orbiting nothing. Today we know the atomic particle size mass in the very center ( or the singularity if you wish ) of black holes are orbiting stars.

According to the four sliders were never suffocated, crushed burnt to a cinder landing in parallel dimensions unharmed with exactly the right mixture of oxygen, and an earth with identical graviton and atmospheric pressure. The only explanation I can think of somthing to do with Mallory's antigravity experiment like repel and and unlike attract magnetic and electricity laws prevented the tragedy of sliding a wormhole. Or some exotic way of protecting them.

In the case of Quinn's wormhole like attracting and unlike repelling passed over earth's that wasn't a match to it's origin home world it was created. Information created in it's own environment repel away from environments that wasn't a match and attracted to those that were. All done by the like attract  and unlike repel law. Once a match was found it opened a link to a perfectly matched environment.

When the portal found a match the gravity of that world pulled on the what every contents was sliding inside. When the four dived headlong into the portal the gravity at the opposite end pulled them though like falling down the side of a tall sky scupper depositing one by one in that world the portalclosing behind them.

In Mallory's earlier episodes with his experimenting cranking it up his experiment he observed spread from a small point opening  several meters wide looking like some midd air water whirlpool roaring and sucking at the basement atmosphere like a giant air conditioner. He stood for a moment before walking round behind it.

He passed behind doing a complete circle checking where the tunnel was disappearing to.  What was his antigravity experiment doing? The roaring midd air vortex  collapsed in on itself with a Shawormph! leaving a normal and quiet basement environment behind. His experiment had somehow managed to reproduce something else than anti gravity or using it somehow to keep it from collapsing so easily.

He started it again. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went expanding wide open pulling in on the air.

Quinn had done running video diaries reporting what was happening before collapsing inward on itself again.

After a while he began realizing what this midd air vertex might be. It was a quite a surprise. Had Quinn's antigravity experiment had somehow created a singularity in his basement here on earth? Had it mysteriously over come the inherent overflowing forces of a black hole?

Mallory excitedly cranked up his machine again. With a chuuoorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! produced the  vortex roaring like a hurricane. Studying it he observed as much as he could before the vertex collapsed with shawormph! on itself again. He considered testing the stable entrance placing objects through it.  Placing a beach ball at the foot of the mouth it snatched it disappearing into the center closing on it with shawormph! After a few minutes waiting while he studied scientific filed equation blackboard he started the machine again. With a chroorarrrrrr on opening the hole in mid air roared away like a tornado.  The ball soon shot back across his basement. Retrieving it he reflected what he was holding.  He reflected......... "Where had theses objects been"?

Some investigative thinking staring at the scientific formulae scribbled blackboard again. He began seeing pattern written in the mathematics emerging.

"What was holding vertex so stable?  How was it overcoming the inherent instability problems associated with wormholes. Antigravity..... antimatter rearrangement maybe? Power!! But why not for long?"

He soon realized their was a drain while holding the hole the roaring vertex open quickly running down until it could not hold it open any longer. Anybody familiar with on the road with laptop batteries know the feeling as they automatically shut themselves down  when the batteries are too flat to power them any longer. Observing the behavior of the mathematical formula he realized there was a timing pattern.

Quinn soon realized his machine was automatically recharging back enough power he could restart the vortex again. At this point designed and built a a remote control timing device.

He considered sending his believed cat but though again reluctant in case his feline panicked on the other side never seeing her again. Eventually he considered trying it himself. Soon his confidence in taking the plunge was growing. Taking his timer Quinn took the plunged. It unexpectedly yanked him in closing behind him.

To cut a long story short short after he had been to a parallel reality earth and back and after showing his university professor and coworker, getting over their initial shock at what they were witnessing before their very eyes Quinn asked what would they do with this opportunity to see what's on the other side.

Wade beside herself exclaimed  "You mean we can just like, slide though this and BOOM! we're on another planet"!!

As Quinn eloquently put it........

"No"!  He exclaimed. "Same planet! Different dimension"

What would you do if you had the opportunity to slide a wormhole to explore a different dimension? The professor was a very reluctant and unsure holding back. Wade was beside herself with excitement convincing them of the adventure of sliding the mid air whirl pool rearing in front of them. When all three finally took the vertex snatched at them closing behind.

Unfortunately some unfortunate events in that world they landed in a premature activation of the timer corrupted the coordinates to their original  prime world. They were trapped in parallel earth realties unstill the wormhole recharged it could be open by Quinn's remote control to carry them back to the next world to try again.

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