Monday, March 16, 2015

Newton's laws of force and motion in out of space

Newtown's first law is a two part sentence. The first half appliers to a stationary body such as the surface of planets that states an object at rest tends to stay at rest indefinitely. They only move when an external force is applied.

Otherwise the second half applies to bodies traveling in space, meaning everything from galaxies to specs of dust. Text books and web page confirm our sun, earth and moon as with the planets in our solar system confirm velocities are coasting speed limits faster than bullets. They don't go any faster.

Before the 1920's the universe was thought of as a fixed constant gravity of the universe holding it all together. Observations showed closer blue stars where closer while more distance stars red. Attention was suddenly focused on blue stars shifting to redy colors. This was clear evidence blue stars were moving away.

Not only that to their astronomers surprise math's doesn't support the fixed constant. The number crunching showed there was not enough gravity in the universe. ( Including all allowing for black holes ). According to the numbers the entire gravity of the universe isn't enough to hold the universe together. The universe isn't coasting at a fixed speed. Red shift and the math's convinced astronomers the universe is accelerating.

It is assumed the observed increasing speed must be somthing to do with a presence of some sort of energy pulling on the universe that means galaxies have accelerating escape velocities greater than the combined gravity of the whole universe. Astronomers emit to a mysterious force they know nothing about calling it a dark energy pulling the galaxies apart against the pull of gravity.

Never the less when we launch an object from a space station hatch it will accelerate in the first second. Once it reaches a certain speed it stops accelerating to a constant. In out of space faster than bullets. In other words the acceleration is terminated to a maximum coasting speed limit expressed as a terminal velocity. Bodies in space coast at a maximum terminal velocity speed limit. Some people may argue a legitimate point could be accelerating with the expanding universe.

The universe may have never had stopped expanding since the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe including the coasting and even light itself has to be increasing speed by dark energy.

Other wise we can think of the expanding universe like a run away freight train under power with no brakes. Once maximum speed is reached it slowly creeps faster and faster in time. Never the less Newton's second half of the first law applies to out of space bodies from galaxies to specks of dust. If out a space was known as we know it today at the time Newton would have probably proposed 4 laws one of which would have been a coaster law.

It would have stated bodies in motion in a vacuum has a maximum speed limit where they can't go any faster. Obviously since light doesn't coast any faster then just under three hundred thousand kilometers per second obeys the second half of Newtown's first law of motion. In other words light in a zero resistance environment continues to coast at it's top speed limit. The total gravity of the universe may be responsible for it's maximum speed it can coast at.

Albert Einstein's paper headed on the electrodynamics of moving bodies -known today as the special theory of relativity- confirms light is bent by the dynamics of it's velocity. During the second year of world war one he published a paper the general theory on similar lines gravity is nothing more than space distorted by the mass of stars and planets bending light and slowing it down.

It is now text book gravity ( or Einstein's distortion of space ) slows light and time by the distortion of space a reflection of the maximum coasting speed limit of light.

Newton's second law expresses this as a body resists change in motion the property of matter called inertia expressing limiting to the maximum speed limit that can't go any faster what laypeople express as G's. Einstein's special theory tells us moving bodies expresses G's as a gravitation equivalent weighing it down to a terminal velocity.

A classic example analogy is a Roller Coaster ride. We experience a few kilograms of weight pulling us back into our seats during acceleration to it's maximum speed. Hitting those tight bends and curves without slowing down we feel heavier than normal. It is obeying Newtown first law bodies tend to move in a straight line. The weight we feel is the cars energy trying send it in a straight line but forced to curve at high speed.

If Einstein was alive today he would agree NASA using aircraft training austronuaghts in weightlessness is in a effect of velocity producing antigravity. If the plane nose dives fast enough the austronuaghts lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun. In effect the earth's gravity is canceled inside the fuselage

The reverse is true. If the plane climbs fast enough the austronuaghts will also experience the antigravity effects of the plane. Einstein stated clearly in his special theory motion cancels gravity. We all know the faster we go in a straight line the more G's we experience makes us heavier and heavier.

Einstein expressed the G's at light speed as infinite. But considering the maximum speed limit the G's can also be equally limited to it.

Gravity is a force. The next time you are at a supermarket weigh a packet of wheat, tea, or sugar anything labeled as net 1kg.

According to Newton you experience the earth's mass pulling it to the floor. According to Einstein the distortion of space. If the supermarket scale was calibrated with the scientific term in Newtown's as well the 1kg marker will equal 9.8N marker. It is the scientific unit of the force of the earth's gravity pulling the 1kg mass the scale reads. Scale are properly celebrated will be accurate enough despite the extra weight of the pan. In other words feeling the Wight of a 1kg packet of sugar is the force of the earth's pulled to the floor action of 9.8N.

Everybody weighs differently. One G is the force of the earth's gravity we normally experience relative to we feel we normally. If we experience 2G's on a roller coaster we all feel as if we are twice as heavy as we normally. If we feel three times as heavy is 3G's respectively. 

If everybody experience 4G's we feel 4 times as heavy the maximum for Roller coaster safety limit. Any more we will feel more than just the entertainment stress. Above that even resting we'd would experience a hard and painful panting like a non stop marathon on our hearts. Coming to a stop from 100's of kmph ( or mph if like ) in less than a couple of seconds be as as much as 10G's and more.

In out of space everything is not only moving faster figures given by text books and web pages show faster than bullet velocities yet we don't feel like it. Lets assume we lunch ourselves out of a space station hatch for a space walk. We will experience only our normal body weight accelerating faster than a bullet. Try stepping out of a car traveling less than a kmph on the surface of earth at sea level.

Aircraft passengers will agree even when they know they are traveling at up to 600kmph an overcast cloud outside a window and bellow only appears to travel a couple of kmph relative to the 600kmph comparison.

You will observe this from a airport landings at a distance. We know planes can't fly less than stalling speed. Yet a far away distance planes can seem stationary. We can see for ourselves distance tends to distorts the reality of velocity. Distinct stars are so far away they appear stationary even though they are traveling the universe way, way faster than a bullet can fly on the surface of earth.

The second law is a reflection of the second half of his first law traveling bodies resists change in motion expressed as inertia. In the zero resistance of space terminal velocity is the effect of the faster a comet or a asteroid travels the more the G's pulls back on the comet in equal proportion. It becomes so over whelming ends up terminating the acceleration to a point it is too heavy to coast any faster. Text book and web pages speeds testify to that. 

Einstein working on what happens to matter on a light speed scale pointed out is infinite at the speed of light. Nothing we know of has a terminal velocity matching anywhere near the speed of light the famous nothing is faster than light speed.

Newton realized there is a force required to repel a velocity equals mass times acceleration. It equally applies in the stored force in the constant velocity. In other words the force in the G's at impact testify to that. Officially the unit is in Newton's. But considering celebrated to a supermarket scaling tell us equal to the force of gravity equal to a 1kg mass is known as kilograms-force shorthand notation kgf; kg ).

To make this clear if we drop a 1kg mass from the top floor of a tall sky scrapper it will accelerate a meter in a second reaching terminal velocity at a constant meter per second free fall all the way down the side of the building impacting with the immovable body of the earth in the form of the street bellow. If we do the math's on this a meter per second equals 3.6kmph terminal velocity. The law of terminal velocity tells us the earth's gravity ( or the distortion of space ) can not accelerate it any faster. Finally it is a 3.6kmph;1kg impact on the street bellow. In other words 9.8N equals a force of a 1kg 3.6kmph impact force.

If full of air will bounce severely. If solid will absorb the impact rather than bounce. The energy of the instant stop will travel though the mass for a second. The human body colliding with the street doesn't bounce but absorbs the energy though it. Everybody weighs different but there will only be a maximum terminal velocity of a heavy weight person will absorb the energy of a couple of 100kmph impact to the street.

The formulae requires us to know the mass of a body and the acceleration to project the force. What if we know the force and mass but don't know the acceleration or knowing the force and acceleration but not knowing the mass.

We can can multiply the known mass by the known acceleration ( 1kg or the weight of a human body ) as equally as well as turning the mass and acceleration figures round multiplying the known acceleration by the known mass. ( Force equals acceleration times mass and force equals mass times acceleration respectively ) The answers to the two equations will always be the same.

We can divide the known acceleration by the known force to get the unknown mass or divide the known force by the known mass to get the unknown acceleration respectively. The unknown force equals the known mass times the known acceleration. Mass is the force of the earth's gravity in terms of either Newtown's or kilograms. We know this because of the the 1kg equals 9.8N.

Our mathematical instinct aggress it is only a matter of converting from Newtown's to kilograms and kilograms to Newtown's knowing any value.

Related to science motor vehicle workshop manual weights and measures unit conversion tables either the front or back appendix pages covers everything you need from mass to pressure figures. A figure example of 50N of force resting in supermarket scale celebrated to kg is a rest mass of 50kg. But in motion Newtown's force equals mass times acceleration will give a different result.

Acceleration is a number of meters per second every second ( expressed as per second per second ) identified in shorthand notation m for a meter a slash a little razed two just to the right of the slash. The force that accelerates bodies is torque such as the torque of an accelerating roller coaster. Looking up torque, acceleration and mass units calculators prove Newtown's second law the following.

We can calculate a torque ( force ) figure entering an acceleration - meters per per second per second figure- multiplied by a mass figure. It is also know in Newtown's. The workshop manual will tell you how to convert one to the other.

The same torque figure equals entering the same mass figure multiplied the same acceleration figure results in the same answer.  In the other words torque equals mass times acceleration or acceleration times mass.

The same acceleration figure equals entering the torque figure divided by the same mass figure

0r the same mass figure equals entering the same torque figure divided by the same acceleration figure respectively.

Newtown's third law tells us a body at rest on the surface of earth has an energy. Your computer for example at rest has the energy in it's  weight ( technically the force of the earth mass pulling on it ) to collapse a flimsy cardboard box.  We can feel the energy of a heavy objects resting on us and so on.

The earth's motion pushes back on the desk and on your computer in this case every millimeter the circumference of the earth. In other words the direct statement of Newton's third law tells us where there is a force ( such as gravity in this case on a stationary object ), there is a equal and opposite force pushing back.

In the case of motion the third law applies to collisions. The inertia in the G's resists the stopping power of the stationary body. The the colliding velocities destroys the bodies smashing them to smithereens scattering the remains in all directions like a pair of colliding asteroids in space or deflect each other in different directions like a billiard ball slamming the another. Mathematics is capable of tracing the scattering of each piece in the angles deflected used by computer software programs

Slow motion cameras supply the data in the image of the scattering debris converting to lines using trigonometry math's tracking the trajectory angles of the pieces. The roots of trigonometry is two dimension but computers create 3-D models from the same principles.

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