Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Prime numbers

Take the numbers 1, 3,  5, 7 and 9  leaving the remaining numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. We can arrange theses in a column of the uneven numbers on the left and a column of even numbers on the right rather like street address arrangements even numbers on one side and uneven numbers on the other.

Left side of the street 1,  3,  5,  7, and 9, and on the other side,  2,  4,  6,  8,  and 10 respectively.

Primes are the uneven numbers of the street and the even numbers called composites on the other. They always divide with fractions remaining with the exception of 1,   2 and 9.

Checking our arithmetic 1 divided by 1 is asking ourselves how many 1's go into 1. Our mathematical instinct agrees of course there is 1-  1 in 1.  2 divided by 1 is dividing 2 in half, which of course is 1 that has no fractions over. But 9 is different.  9 divided by 3 is 3 with no fractions.

Our mathematical instinct agrees 9 can't be a prime because  of course 3-  3's are 9. This makes 1 seem like a prime and a mathematical check tells us  2 divided by any other number than 1 has fractions remaining a prime and  9 is definitely not a prime. In a true sense prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, and 7.

The two columns with the exception of 1,  2,  and 9 make it clear all the numbers of the left column cannot be divided evenly. There will always be fractions remaining. If we are curious enough we learn our mathematical instinct asks us how many 4's go into 5. It will agree of course there is only one 4 with  a 1 over. 5 is an example of a prime.

No mater what number the left uneven column ( or the prime number side of your neighbourhood  street numbers except of course 1,  2  and 9 if you like ) always has a fraction remaining. Some of us would prefer to include 1 as a prime because it is noted when 1 dividing any number ends up with a fraction over. Others disagree because it is noted if we ask ourselves how many 1's go into 1 of course there is only 1-  1 in 1.

Our mathematical instinct agrees there is 1-  1 in 1 and 4- 1's in 4 and so on. It there are 9-  1's in 9 and 1-  9  in 9 respectively. Our mathematical instinct observes there is a dominating facture 1.

Primes ( of course with the exception of 1, 2, and 9 ) can be double, triple, 4-  5,  to as many big number digit we like. We see 11, 13,  15,  17  and 19 can't be divided evenly just as 21, 23, 25, 23, 27 and 29.  3 digit numbers like, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, or 4 like 1001, 1003, 1005 are primes.

Primes can be any number of digits long. There is so many there are literally an infinite number of to account for. A mathematical sequence only involving primes can be a part of computer encryption. But a good computer encryption includes up to 6 digit or more number long mixture of letters and common computer keyboard symbols.( 6#37R&........ password respectively ).

If we check our math's 10 divided in half is dividing by 2 ( a composite divided by a prime ) giving a prime 5. That is far as we can dived evenly. Dividing in half again  results in 2 and a half equal to a quarter of 10  which is just as we divided 10 by 4 resulting in composite divided by a composite. Note in typical  children's time tables every answer column are composites The law of mathematics don't allow any primes.

Finding primes are in any number are called prime factors. Take 30 for example. 30 divided in half ( by 2 ) is 15. If we apply the laws of mathematics 3-   5's are 15,  15 is a  prime factor. Adding 15  together is 30 that equals to  6-   5's are 30,   5- 6's is 30.  30 divided by 5 is 6 and 30 divided by 6 equals 5 respectively. Mathematics can't lie you know.

We can ask ourselves how many 5's go into 30-  5 being a prime is the prime factor. If we divide the composite 6 in half  gives us 3 a prime. In other words  3 and 5 are  prime factors of 2-   3's  are 6. By breaking down any large number like that we can find many of prime factors like 5-  3's are 15  and if we double 15 ( times 2 a composite ) is 30, 15 and and 3  are the prime factors of 30 Respectively.

Operating on the principle we can deduce an infinite number of prime factors out of 100's, 1,000's , millions, billions even tens of 1,000's of billion digit long numbers. We can abstract prime factures from light speed which is just under a number of 300 thousand kilometers per second  or in terms of kmph 10 thousand and 80 million kmph velocity number of digits long number if you like.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Newton's laws of force and motion in out of space

Newtown's first law is a two part sentence. The first half appliers to a stationary body such as the surface of planets that states an object at rest tends to stay at rest indefinitely. They only move when an external force is applied.

Otherwise the second half applies to bodies traveling in space, meaning everything from galaxies to specs of dust. Text books and web page confirm our sun, earth and moon as with the planets in our solar system confirm velocities are coasting speed limits faster than bullets. They don't go any faster.

Before the 1920's the universe was thought of as a fixed constant gravity of the universe holding it all together. Observations showed closer blue stars where closer while more distance stars red. Attention was suddenly focused on blue stars shifting to redy colors. This was clear evidence blue stars were moving away.

Not only that to their astronomers surprise math's doesn't support the fixed constant. The number crunching showed there was not enough gravity in the universe. ( Including all allowing for black holes ). According to the numbers the entire gravity of the universe isn't enough to hold the universe together. The universe isn't coasting at a fixed speed. Red shift and the math's convinced astronomers the universe is accelerating.

It is assumed the observed increasing speed must be somthing to do with a presence of some sort of energy pulling on the universe that means galaxies have accelerating escape velocities greater than the combined gravity of the whole universe. Astronomers emit to a mysterious force they know nothing about calling it a dark energy pulling the galaxies apart against the pull of gravity.

Never the less when we launch an object from a space station hatch it will accelerate in the first second. Once it reaches a certain speed it stops accelerating to a constant. In out of space faster than bullets. In other words the acceleration is terminated to a maximum coasting speed limit expressed as a terminal velocity. Bodies in space coast at a maximum terminal velocity speed limit. Some people may argue a legitimate point could be accelerating with the expanding universe.

The universe may have never had stopped expanding since the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe including the coasting and even light itself has to be increasing speed by dark energy.

Other wise we can think of the expanding universe like a run away freight train under power with no brakes. Once maximum speed is reached it slowly creeps faster and faster in time. Never the less Newton's second half of the first law applies to out of space bodies from galaxies to specks of dust. If out a space was known as we know it today at the time Newton would have probably proposed 4 laws one of which would have been a coaster law.

It would have stated bodies in motion in a vacuum has a maximum speed limit where they can't go any faster. Obviously since light doesn't coast any faster then just under three hundred thousand kilometers per second obeys the second half of Newtown's first law of motion. In other words light in a zero resistance environment continues to coast at it's top speed limit. The total gravity of the universe may be responsible for it's maximum speed it can coast at.

Albert Einstein's paper headed on the electrodynamics of moving bodies -known today as the special theory of relativity- confirms light is bent by the dynamics of it's velocity. During the second year of world war one he published a paper the general theory on similar lines gravity is nothing more than space distorted by the mass of stars and planets bending light and slowing it down.

It is now text book gravity ( or Einstein's distortion of space ) slows light and time by the distortion of space a reflection of the maximum coasting speed limit of light.

Newton's second law expresses this as a body resists change in motion the property of matter called inertia expressing limiting to the maximum speed limit that can't go any faster what laypeople express as G's. Einstein's special theory tells us moving bodies expresses G's as a gravitation equivalent weighing it down to a terminal velocity.

A classic example analogy is a Roller Coaster ride. We experience a few kilograms of weight pulling us back into our seats during acceleration to it's maximum speed. Hitting those tight bends and curves without slowing down we feel heavier than normal. It is obeying Newtown first law bodies tend to move in a straight line. The weight we feel is the cars energy trying send it in a straight line but forced to curve at high speed.

If Einstein was alive today he would agree NASA using aircraft training austronuaghts in weightlessness is in a effect of velocity producing antigravity. If the plane nose dives fast enough the austronuaghts lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun. In effect the earth's gravity is canceled inside the fuselage

The reverse is true. If the plane climbs fast enough the austronuaghts will also experience the antigravity effects of the plane. Einstein stated clearly in his special theory motion cancels gravity. We all know the faster we go in a straight line the more G's we experience makes us heavier and heavier.

Einstein expressed the G's at light speed as infinite. But considering the maximum speed limit the G's can also be equally limited to it.

Gravity is a force. The next time you are at a supermarket weigh a packet of wheat, tea, or sugar anything labeled as net 1kg.

According to Newton you experience the earth's mass pulling it to the floor. According to Einstein the distortion of space. If the supermarket scale was calibrated with the scientific term in Newtown's as well the 1kg marker will equal 9.8N marker. It is the scientific unit of the force of the earth's gravity pulling the 1kg mass the scale reads. Scale are properly celebrated will be accurate enough despite the extra weight of the pan. In other words feeling the Wight of a 1kg packet of sugar is the force of the earth's pulled to the floor action of 9.8N.

Everybody weighs differently. One G is the force of the earth's gravity we normally experience relative to we feel we normally. If we experience 2G's on a roller coaster we all feel as if we are twice as heavy as we normally. If we feel three times as heavy is 3G's respectively. 

If everybody experience 4G's we feel 4 times as heavy the maximum for Roller coaster safety limit. Any more we will feel more than just the entertainment stress. Above that even resting we'd would experience a hard and painful panting like a non stop marathon on our hearts. Coming to a stop from 100's of kmph ( or mph if like ) in less than a couple of seconds be as as much as 10G's and more.

In out of space everything is not only moving faster figures given by text books and web pages show faster than bullet velocities yet we don't feel like it. Lets assume we lunch ourselves out of a space station hatch for a space walk. We will experience only our normal body weight accelerating faster than a bullet. Try stepping out of a car traveling less than a kmph on the surface of earth at sea level.

Aircraft passengers will agree even when they know they are traveling at up to 600kmph an overcast cloud outside a window and bellow only appears to travel a couple of kmph relative to the 600kmph comparison.

You will observe this from a airport landings at a distance. We know planes can't fly less than stalling speed. Yet a far away distance planes can seem stationary. We can see for ourselves distance tends to distorts the reality of velocity. Distinct stars are so far away they appear stationary even though they are traveling the universe way, way faster than a bullet can fly on the surface of earth.

The second law is a reflection of the second half of his first law traveling bodies resists change in motion expressed as inertia. In the zero resistance of space terminal velocity is the effect of the faster a comet or a asteroid travels the more the G's pulls back on the comet in equal proportion. It becomes so over whelming ends up terminating the acceleration to a point it is too heavy to coast any faster. Text book and web pages speeds testify to that. 

Einstein working on what happens to matter on a light speed scale pointed out is infinite at the speed of light. Nothing we know of has a terminal velocity matching anywhere near the speed of light the famous nothing is faster than light speed.

Newton realized there is a force required to repel a velocity equals mass times acceleration. It equally applies in the stored force in the constant velocity. In other words the force in the G's at impact testify to that. Officially the unit is in Newton's. But considering celebrated to a supermarket scaling tell us equal to the force of gravity equal to a 1kg mass is known as kilograms-force shorthand notation kgf; kg ).

To make this clear if we drop a 1kg mass from the top floor of a tall sky scrapper it will accelerate a meter in a second reaching terminal velocity at a constant meter per second free fall all the way down the side of the building impacting with the immovable body of the earth in the form of the street bellow. If we do the math's on this a meter per second equals 3.6kmph terminal velocity. The law of terminal velocity tells us the earth's gravity ( or the distortion of space ) can not accelerate it any faster. Finally it is a 3.6kmph;1kg impact on the street bellow. In other words 9.8N equals a force of a 1kg 3.6kmph impact force.

If full of air will bounce severely. If solid will absorb the impact rather than bounce. The energy of the instant stop will travel though the mass for a second. The human body colliding with the street doesn't bounce but absorbs the energy though it. Everybody weighs different but there will only be a maximum terminal velocity of a heavy weight person will absorb the energy of a couple of 100kmph impact to the street.

The formulae requires us to know the mass of a body and the acceleration to project the force. What if we know the force and mass but don't know the acceleration or knowing the force and acceleration but not knowing the mass.

We can can multiply the known mass by the known acceleration ( 1kg or the weight of a human body ) as equally as well as turning the mass and acceleration figures round multiplying the known acceleration by the known mass. ( Force equals acceleration times mass and force equals mass times acceleration respectively ) The answers to the two equations will always be the same.

We can divide the known acceleration by the known force to get the unknown mass or divide the known force by the known mass to get the unknown acceleration respectively. The unknown force equals the known mass times the known acceleration. Mass is the force of the earth's gravity in terms of either Newtown's or kilograms. We know this because of the the 1kg equals 9.8N.

Our mathematical instinct aggress it is only a matter of converting from Newtown's to kilograms and kilograms to Newtown's knowing any value.

Related to science motor vehicle workshop manual weights and measures unit conversion tables either the front or back appendix pages covers everything you need from mass to pressure figures. A figure example of 50N of force resting in supermarket scale celebrated to kg is a rest mass of 50kg. But in motion Newtown's force equals mass times acceleration will give a different result.

Acceleration is a number of meters per second every second ( expressed as per second per second ) identified in shorthand notation m for a meter a slash a little razed two just to the right of the slash. The force that accelerates bodies is torque such as the torque of an accelerating roller coaster. Looking up torque, acceleration and mass units calculators prove Newtown's second law the following.

We can calculate a torque ( force ) figure entering an acceleration - meters per per second per second figure- multiplied by a mass figure. It is also know in Newtown's. The workshop manual will tell you how to convert one to the other.

The same torque figure equals entering the same mass figure multiplied the same acceleration figure results in the same answer.  In the other words torque equals mass times acceleration or acceleration times mass.

The same acceleration figure equals entering the torque figure divided by the same mass figure

0r the same mass figure equals entering the same torque figure divided by the same acceleration figure respectively.

Newtown's third law tells us a body at rest on the surface of earth has an energy. Your computer for example at rest has the energy in it's  weight ( technically the force of the earth mass pulling on it ) to collapse a flimsy cardboard box.  We can feel the energy of a heavy objects resting on us and so on.

The earth's motion pushes back on the desk and on your computer in this case every millimeter the circumference of the earth. In other words the direct statement of Newton's third law tells us where there is a force ( such as gravity in this case on a stationary object ), there is a equal and opposite force pushing back.

In the case of motion the third law applies to collisions. The inertia in the G's resists the stopping power of the stationary body. The the colliding velocities destroys the bodies smashing them to smithereens scattering the remains in all directions like a pair of colliding asteroids in space or deflect each other in different directions like a billiard ball slamming the another. Mathematics is capable of tracing the scattering of each piece in the angles deflected used by computer software programs

Slow motion cameras supply the data in the image of the scattering debris converting to lines using trigonometry math's tracking the trajectory angles of the pieces. The roots of trigonometry is two dimension but computers create 3-D models from the same principles.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Pythagoras theorem


You have your mathematical instinct. All you will need is your operating system's paint or image editor program, calculator and a geometry set.

In the line drawing mode select the right angle triangle from the shapes menu. Using your mouse, ( or the touch screen )  the software will allow you to drag a copy into the canvas. The program allows to adjust any size you like. Holding down the mouse button and dragging round the canvas or the touch  screen illustrates the various options of the triangle can be, from tall, wide, top, bottom, left or right pointing options.

Set the vertical and horizontal lines equal lengths.

Using the insert text click opaque and type in the center of the angled line the letter h for hypotenuse.

 Do the same with  the vertical side, typing o for the opposite side and in the horizontal line a for the adjacent side.

With a ruler measure each line using insert text type a list under the illustration o equals ( o = ) a equals ( a = ) and h equals the measurements you recorded each line. This is for safekeeping.

Note multiplying numbers by themselves are called squares. The shorthand arithmetic notation is a little razed 2 just to the right of the number. The next step involves a squaring processes on each measurement you recorded. Unless you have a genus memory we need to write results down for safe keeping.

Using insert text type in a reserved space o squared equals the recorded measurement , a squared equals the recorded measurement and h squared equals the recorded measurement respectively. Make another list, but this one a squared equals, o squared equals and h squared equals respectively.

Now add them typing in the total addition equals, recording down for safe keeping.

The law of mathematics tells us if we divide the total by itself we will get the root of the square called the square root. Calculators have a tick like key in the key pads. Enter the total of the addition pressing the square root key.

When you come to measure the h line with a ruler it will agree with the calculator.

In mathematical syntax expression h equals the square root of a squared plus o squared.

Turning your attention to the geometry kit use a full circle or better if a half circle protractor lining up the vertical line (  the 90 degree centre of the protractor line ) with the vertical  line of the triangle and the horizontal line of the protractor with the horizontal line of the triangle. Mathematics tells us horizontal lines are not angles. The protractor agrees a is 0 degrees , o a 90 degree angle and measures the angle of h.

If the o and a lines are equal the protractor will agree h equals half of  90 degrees ( a 45  degree angle ). Because of the effects of changing the triangle effects the text  so fresh diagrams may be required. Operating on the principle you can apply the latter to many different wide or tall triangles. Applying the Pythagoras theorem agrees it can be applied to a infinite number of right angle triangle options.,

The theorem allows us to to use the square root calculate the length of the h line. To put into perspective using numbers suppose 3 ( representing units in centimeters or inches if you like ) for a and 4 for o. Your mathematical instinct agrees a is three 3's is 9 and o is four 4's is 16.

We have a equals 9 and o equals 16. Then 16 plus 9 equals 25. The square root of 25 is 5. This is the famous 3-4-5, c squared equals a squared plus b squared formulae. Thus h ( c or h if you like ) equals 5. The square root of 25 projects c as 5. In other words c squared equals the square root of a squared plus b squared. If you draw up a triangle 3 centimeters ( or in inches if you like ) for a and 4 for o checking with your ruler ruler will agree c equals o plus 1. The law of mathematics tells us h minus 1 equals o.

If we use double 3 to 6 for a and double 4 to 8 for b 6 squared plus 8 squared equals 100. Of course when we square root it equals 10. When you measure a 6 centimeter high by 8 centimeter long right angle h line will agree. Your mathematical instinct spots an interesting paten the triangle is exactly a scaled double the size of the 3-4-5 triangle.

Other examples include a 5 centimeter tall and 12 centimeter long right angle expressed as 5-12-13. Five 5's is 25. Twelve 12's is a144. A 144 plus 25 is a 169. The square root of 169 is 13. Our mathematical instinct spots an interesting coincidence where h happens to equals 12 plus 1 and 12 equals h minus 1 respectively.

You will find there are a infinite number of examples.

We can apply the theorem  to a flag pole. Fine days cast's a shadow. The protractor aggress with mathematics telling us the vertical up right angle of the pole is a 90 degree angle while math's tells us the shadow as in all horizontal lines is not an angle, thus a 0 degree, and an imaginary line at the tip of the shadow straight up to the top of the pole the hypotenuse line.

The same triangle theme of a board leaning against a wall in this case the wall a, the floor at right angles to it o and the board represents h.

The flag pull is the tall of a right angle and the shadow the length. The pole's shadows is the shortest in the early morning, the longest midday and late afternoon shrunk back to the shortest an example of the infinite variations to the right angle. Thus as the shadow varies the length at different times of the day thus varying the angle of h. If a pole is telescoped it to effects o and h. This can be equally applied to a tall buildings and engineering right angle braces such as supporting beams of bridges and other structures. Right angle triangle braces are commonly seen in right angle truck chassis beams.

When the shadow of flag poles equals the total length of the pole the h angle is half of 90 degrees. If the shadow is shorter changes the angle. can check adjusting a simple triangle uneven 0 and a measuring h with a protractor.

Your mathematical instinct easily spots a pattern protractors confirming vertical lines are always 90 degrees and the horizontal lines not angles ( 0 degrees ) both left and right of the vertical line reference. Your instinct will recognizes two 90's equals a 180 degrees a half circle. It will recognize two more 90 degree right angles that pans out to four 90 degrees equals a full 360 degrees circle. It easily spots a pattern of  90 degrees is a 1/4 circle, plus 90 equals 180 a 1/2 circle plus another 90 degrees 270 degrees 3/4 circle, plus another 90 degrees a full 360 degree circle.

To proves this draw in a circle

Now draw a horizon through the center. This is the a line dividing the circle clean in half horizontally.

Draw in a vehicle line right down the center. This is 0 dividing the circle in half vertically

Your mathematical instinct easily spots a symmetry paten in two dimensional form o and a forms a cross in the circle forming equal upper left and right and lower right and left pointing corner right angle triangles. When h lines are dawn in concentrating where o and a lines intersect in the center of the circle your instinct should spot straight away an upper left and right and lower right and left pointing total of 4 ( equal later rule ) Equilateral triangles.

When you draw a vertical line thought the center of an equilateral triangle dividing it in half you will observe back to back right angle triangle.

The question is which are they right angles or equilateral? Your mathematical instinct will recognize can be both which ever point of view you work from. The illustration shows proof equals a right triangle when you test with the Pythagoras theorem formula can be applied to equilateral triangles.

If you divide o by h and take a protractor reading of h aggress called a sine angle. If you divide a by o by h is a cosine and if you divide o by a is a tangent angle. We have three angle equations, sine equals o over h, ( sine= a/h ), cosine equals o over h ( cos = o/h ) and tangent equals o over a ( tan = o/a ) respectively. You will note in scientific calculators sin, cos, and cosine keys.

Operating on the principle we can apply the law of mathematics we can apply arithmetic instead of checking with a protractor the formulas h times a equals the tan angle of the h line. h times o equals a sine of  and a times o equals the cosine of h.

The angles applies to navigation called a vector. In this case the right angle o line is a normally referenced as the north and south line ( n and s ) with arrow heads in each line showing direction of travel. The a line is automatically set east and west direction. ( e and w ). The angle arithmetic needs two known reference values. Any two the other can be found. Reference numbers for any of the the lines the third unknown can be projected. The letters a, b, c and x, y, and z is very common in in text books.

The h line expressed air current off setting airplane and water current on boats tending to drift off course. For example a swimmer crossing diagonally across a river is curried down street by a current ending up on the opposite bank further down stream. The h angle tells us how much by. Similarly wind drifting aircraft.

Distance units ( kilometers or miles if you like ) an a the length of time to cover the length of o ( hours units for example ) are number substitutes for o and a. Knowing o and a the angle h angle can be projected though the angles formulae. Vice versa knowing h and a, o can be projected just as knowing o and h. Algebra is a branch of a branch of mathematics that teaches us how manipulate the laws of mathematics using letters and symbols with out numbers applies to the right angle triangle calculations.

When you manipulate the triangle in your image editor you can visually see how this is done adjusting the angle of h. Your computer is calculating is tracking and calculating your every movement as you go as we do with the angles arithmetic.

The right angle triangle can narrow down pin pointing on maps expressed as triangulation. Reference two reference points are always required. Letters that look like English a, b, c and, x, y, z ( actually Greek letters ) are markers or coordinates at the tip of each corner of the triangle. The triangle is squared in to a square where the tracking object is somewhere inside that square.

Your image editor program will demonstrate this called vector graphics.

Draw a square.

Now draw in h ( a line from the top left or right corner or the top left down to the opposite bottom corner. Your mathematical instinct will recognize back to back right angle triangles.

By adjusting the h line making the line longer of shorter you're computer calculates the other four edges in equal proportion. If you double the h line the whole square is double the size proportionately.

If you half it the whole square is reduced in size proportionally.

We can apply percentage arithmetic on the h line calculating the percentage smaller or larger by lengthening or shortening with a reference percent number for the h line will automatically set the whole square proportionally. Checking all 4 lines of the square with your ruler will agree.

As you enlarge the right and triangle becomes clear. You mathematical instinct recognizes you can use the principle with just a right and triangle applying all the angle and Pythagoras theorem formulae guided by the laws of Algebra.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Once there was a TV news article about a seminar man teaching men how to pick up woman, a very countervail article. It's hard to imagine seminars for woman how to get your man. Teaching men how to pick up woman  is really a psychology of how to get a strange woman to flirt with them going trust allowing the women to be picked up.

Critics were many, sceptical of the conduct, particularly  woman critics who were not impressed at all. What is the psychology of the dating game anyway? It boils down to the basic reproductive instinct inherited in our genes all the way back millions of years of human evolution. It is dramatically different in the modem world. We are the only species to make reproduction so such of a complex issue.

Mankind has developed complicated strict set rules of sexual conduct in our society where families often impose on their house pets on heat. They tend make out right under our noses in full view of everybody as if a normal thing. In contrast we have a complicated caring idea to our system and feelings about razing children. In contrast our house pets seem have no such issues. When on heat we'd think the females don't seem have any idea of a rape concept.

Our matting instinct has evolved into loss of on heat into a picky choose game who we matt with. You only need to ask yourself  your preferences and how you feel about razing children. Our house pets on heat don't seem to have any considerations like ours. We seem to be controlled by who we are attracted to and not attracted too instincts. A modem trend that comes to mind is speed dating.

In the western world at lest both sexes are strangers playing the same game. The stranger men play musical chairs with the stranger girls tables with only a couple of minutes to get to know each other before they have to change tables again. Every stranger gets the chance to meet a new stranger. We are so complicated in our picking and choosing strangers we are comfortable and not comfortable with. Because of the limited time at each table the strangers are all compelled to start a two way conversation as quick as possible before they it is time for the men of move on to the next table. It is not a practice our house pets do when on heat.

It is a psychology issue these days than an instinctive duty we have lost in the eons of the millions of years we evolved on this planet. If anything psychologists on the issue of picking up woman game a text book issue entitled the psychology of meeting strangers, a sub tilted what goes on in the sexes brains would be interesting reading to some. We are such a complicated species others would be complete skeptics there is more to life than that spouting the rules and ethics involved.

What causes men to practice picking up woman? What causes some women to be comfortable with speed dating clubs, hang out in pick up bars and pubs, stripers and prostitutes? What makes others feel  very uncomfortable about that sort of thing? There is no general rule for everybody. There seems to be everybody's different issue involved.

Over the millions of years of matting evolution we have lost the old on for males and on heat signals from the females. Since when is there session on heat for humans in general theses days? We have evolved a psychological control of our sexual conduct. We all have issues on what we are attracted to and put off our house pets when on heat doesn't seem to have.

The psychology of speed dating for women who play the game when it comes to all those strange men fears are dampened to somewhat relative trust knowing the purpose of being there specially when knowing everybody else knows what they are all there for anyway. On top of that under the protective protocol umbrella of the club. Bouncers in view security will is a help feel secure if their any problems.

In five minutes everyone has to communicate in a two way conversation and be on their best polite behavior before the men have to change tables. Likewise helps men's confidence they don't have to fear rude rebuff's from the women. Men who attend seminar training on how to meet women will be able to do well.

In this type of situation the fear of awkward rebuff's is virtually illuminated. In pick up bars men on their own is a different. If their are successful one night stands are couples who don't care about each but have to be on the same wavelengths of what they are after. A extreme theme is to and fro proportion conversation between a prostate and her prospective trick. Sometimes criminal conduct picking up men freely can be a man trap with criminal intentions. Other situations can be human science testing research we often see on video TV current affair or articles on the subject.

For obvious reasons nobody in informal speed dating is allowed to attend if they have had a few. Under the influence we make the same mistake over and over again. In a free flowing alcohol pick up bar practically anything can happen, and commonly does.

What would a man give to hit it off with a stranger woman like James Bond did with woman he only meat in a moment ago in his movies. It only happens between strangers by love story authors and Hollywood script writers. Can happen in the real world but never like the two way flirting echo exchange script writers put into the shows.

Internet dating is less of a challenge than live speed dating because we are picking and choosing profiles hiding behind the cover of our computers. Adds in papers with just a simple polite sentence often did the trick. Imagine the same with no profile on the internet. 

Seminar speakers teaching audiences how to pick up woman should know by now they are teaching their students skills of two strangers meeting each other for the first time turning the strange woman round to trust enough to flirt back. It is all about the psychology of meeting strangers equally implacable to business wheeling and dealing and sales people. Image a title written by a psychologist main title the psychology of meeting stringers including sub titles of what goes on in our brains. It all boils down to how the human brain is turning over all the time working on the member of the opposite for the first time.

Picking up strangers in bars and pubs on a man's own is the hardest art to follow. James Bond script writers carefully avoided corny conversation openers writing in the situation in a few visual minutes of bonds powers of observation before he made his move. We all know the James Bond look and study when spotting a beautiful woman. Of course the movie situation is all planed. Never the less Bond was a class act at it.

The human brain both male and female can tell when it hears corny and pathetic conversation openers. Out brain is instantaneous. After all the gaps between the firing cells are a couple of hundred times as small as than a human hair with a electric charge on a light speed scale crossing the gaps millions of cells millions of times per second. The brain processes information to our thoughts and we think from there thoughts less than a second. Success can sometimes be an illusion. 

There are accessions woman overlook a man's corny behavior humoring him like the woman often did flirting back with James bond in his movies they just met. In the case of the movies of course written by the movie script writers. In real live there can be criminal agendas or otherwise.

In the latter years of Bond's movies the scrip writers decided it was time he was rebuffed from time to time. They wrote in cool calm and collected responses. Keeping cool with rude rebuffs especially blunt embarrassing ones can have a profound effect on confidences men. Taking rebuff so seriously. Keeping calm has a profound influence on our brains controlling our hormones. When we are cool with any rebuff our brain response has clear insights. We only need to be reminded of how Bond behaved when he was rebuffed using that as a guide for ourselves.

Terrified of rebuff's can have consequences if men tend to take personally. It can eat up men with jealousy. Upset and angry can lash out making things worse. Our brain is sensitive in recognizing a one way communication as a strong rebuff message. In other words the one way conversation is interoperated as a get lost I can't stand you to our brain. Some men back off immediately vowing never to make the mistake of talking to that woman ever again. Feelings will never be the same again. To many rebuff's like that can make a man quite bitter towards woman. It's often a motive in strong sex drives turning towards rape responses.

Psychologists are professionals to write a tilled how to met strangers or a title the psychology of meeting strangers. A book or video about what happens to us when communicating with someone we have just introduced ourselves to seconds we meet for the first time. Meeting strangers introduced in behalf of another is easy compared to picking them up with the intentions of getting them to flirt with on our own. 

Mistrust and suspicions is at it's highest level we all should be aware of when a man expects strange woman to flirt back. A man or woman attempting this sort of thing on their own in clubs and bars will raise all sorts of suspicions from a under cover cop sting even an extreme case a suspecting a serial rapist on the prowl.

A video, seminar or book on what happens to our brains when we are introduced from a stranger would be an idea manual for sales people as they are constantly dealing with clients browsing on their own in a premises like a used car yards and retailer shops.

There are books available with this approach can be useful are body language books found in the social sciences racks at any local libraries used as a tool in how to be aware of  stranger reactions and the habits in our body langue reactions that often gives ourselves away. There are lots of examples we can use as exercises in the images and text illustrious as if strangers meet for the first time during introductions and special insights attempting to pick them up on your own. 

There is two magic words that everybody should get into the habit of talking to ourselves constantly about the advantages of not panicking. James Bond keeping cool calm a collected with woman rebuffs was often impressive. It will leave a mark on any stranger in the real world. Any body language book illustration we can look to how Bond would behave in response we see of the images given introduced or picking up on his own.

The movie script writers wrote in their scripts he kept an eye on the body language reaction to strangers in his presence we don't have the advantage of unless we have done that sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before ourselves. If we keep cool calm and collected our own brain is quick to recommend what not to do as well as spotting cues that tells us to beware clues when to back off or to make a move and how. 

CSI teams are trained examples to look for hiding evidence. They don't know what they are looking but searching anyway they are looking on the basis they will know when they spot somthing of interest is a good example source of spotting clues in strangers. Looking for clues is always discrete specially attempting to pick up on your own if not we are guarantied to get a very bad impression the second they spot you observing them.