Monday, March 3, 2014

A simple xhtml stylesheet template

Below is a basic skeleton of html 4's  xhtml's  Cascading Style Sheet ( CSS ). It consists of  html, head style type, a p ( paragraph ) next to paralyses, body and the p between inward pointing brackets. It is quick and simple template anybody can mark up in a note pad in less than a few minutes.
< head>
< style type="text/css">
p   {   }
< /style>
< body>
< p>Paragraph</p>
< /body>
< /html>
Note the right leaning slashes. An important rule tells us anything typed inside any of the outward pointing brackets and the paralyses are not displayed. The only things that are, outside and between the inward pointing brackets as shown by the paragraph tags in the body section. The template begins with an html declaration begins body, begins style type, ends style, begins body, begins paragraph ends paragraph, ends body and ends html and so on.
The style type is a declaration of an embedded style sheet. With out it browsers ignore all formatting. An option the old style html 4 in line style using CSS formatting inside the paragraph brackets on the right of the letter called in line.  Another option is a link to a separate a note pad where  the same formatting format formats dozens pages all the same time called external style sheets. In the eternal type embedded declaration is replaced with a link declaration like this <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Stylesheet.ccs.txt"> The name of the note pad is named Styleheet.CSS.txt.
Formatting and layout is inserted between the paralyses (   {  }  )  in the  head section and the display element inserted between outward pointing brackets inserted bellow body in the body section. If formatting and layout doesn't work properly examining your code you will find layout attributes brackets typed in wrong places, a right or left pointing bracket or a couple of slashes where they should not be. So long as the slashes are all in the right places and nothing between the inward pointing brackets other than the paragraph brackets displays no messy layout.
The paralyses formats the displayed element in the body. These can be  done separately at anytime. Following the rule of thumb about avoiding the slashes in the wrong places and outside the brackets or between the inward pointers we can type text between the inward pointing brackets of the paragraph elements. Note if formatting doesn't work properly the paralyses have probably been confused because they  look the same as the braces ( ) during typing. If formatting doesn't work properly check they are the proper paralyses.
The best part about our operating system's both old and latest is their cut, copy and past system's cutting time typing html scripts. We can  learn how to write any scripted by creating a folder saved anywhere we like in our file collection named HTML templates. We can create another folder inside it named CSS. The operating system note pad can be saved in the CSS folder named template. Turning your attention to the basic skeleton we can past a copy to the clipboard and past into the open note pad and save.We can create a copy by copying the same note pad into the same folder. Operating system's rename copy off the same name. The copy can be converted to a web page just by renaming the note pad copy file extension to html. We could rename the web page copy. The create thing about our operating systems we can past as many copies we like even in the same folder. When you open the web page only anything typed between the left pointing brackets will be displayed. If you manually typed and shows a messy display is a sign you typed the right leaning slashes in wrong places and the text inside the wrong pointing brackets. Examine the html you will find places where where should not have been or if missing where it should have been in the scripted.
Your operating system allows you to edit the page. If open, close and right click the icon. When the properties dialogue box displays click view source and start correcting any mistakes or developed the page layout inside the inward pointing brackets. If your operating system doesn't allow you to, in the dialogue box click open open with. If an option tick box displays click out the tick will turn on the right fly out menu where you will have options to open the file with you can develop the page. Clicking note pad the web page file will open in the note pad where you can carry out editing or correcting typos, changes and developing the page. When you save will revert back to the web page icon. When you open the file you will observe the changes.

The formatting attributes. 

Notice the dash, semicolon and colon positions. There is a alternating colon ( : ) and semicolon ( ; ) paten always in relation with the dash. These elements are typed in line between the paralyses separated by each alternating colon or semicolon paten. If formatting doesn't work properly check the paralyses rules
The font family was designed for web masters to cover their bases with different letter styling browsers find in visitors computer font files. If one style is not available the browser can use the nearest a option. The Font names are typed in following the colon and semicolon rule
Pt is point the number between colon and letters
Font weight is bold, italic underline ect
CSS recognize the names of colors
px is the pixel elements that make up computer monitor screens. In the case of text display the space between words is one pixel. 
:font-size: pt;
:word-spacing: px;
:letter-spacing: px;
:line-height: px

The layout attributes

HTML 5's new page layout elements includes a navigation attribute ( nav ) top menu bar option. The header attribute is the displayed banner artwork bar.  Aside is the left or right link navigation boxes. The section is the main box, the footer attribute bar is used as foot notes and other miscellaneous and article if for any syndication information option These attributes go in the head section.
:padding: px
:padding-top: px
:padding-bottom: px
:padding-left: px
:padding-right: px
:margin: px
:margin-top: px
:margin-bottom: px
:margin-left: px
:margin-right: px
:border-width: px'
:border-height: px
Here is a example of a set up. You can modify with your own colors, sizes, and font styles by deleting and inserting your own. The same with the headings and paragraphs.
< head>
< style type="text/css">
h1 { color:black;font:21pt arial black;text-align:center;letter-spacing:25px }
H2 { color:black;font:18pt arial black;text-align:center }
h3 { margin-left:50px }
p { color:black;font:12pt arial;margin-left:75px;margin-right:75px }
< /style>
< /head>
< body>
< h1>Title banner</h1>
< h2>heading</h2>
< h3>Sub heading</h3>
< p>First paragraph</p>
< p>second paragraph</p>
< p>third paragraph</p>
< p>fourth paragraph</p>
< p>fifth paragraph</p>
< p>sixth paragraph</p>
< h3>Sub heading</h3>
< p>First paragraph</p>
< p>second paragraph</p>
< p>third paragraph</p>
< p>fourth paragraph</p>
< p>fifth paragraph</p>
< p>sixth  paragraph</p>
< /body>
< /html>

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