Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hypnotists, believe we have two parts to our mind an conscious and subconscious. A clear demonstration is stage hypnoses. Who's to say subconscious is our unconsciousness. It is a part of the human genome often demonstrated in the movies and TV.

Some time or another someone receives a nasty upper cut to the chin sneaked up from behind with a nasty wacky across the back of the shoulders or in boxer knocked out cold. Paramedics fight hard to prevent someone going into shock.

Who's to say we born unconscious only hidden behind a conscious vial that keeps us aware of being conscious. Think of  your computer's desk top hidden behind this page reveling a fixed in background of any open document.

Our unconsciousness doesn't think like us. The ability to distinguish the many gray areas in our grammar doesn't exist. Think in terms if one plus one. If one plus one is two, one plus two is three, equals one plus one equals one plus two that equals three, that equals two, that equals one plus one, that equals one plus two and so on. Everything is strictly black and white equals.

Because of the literal way our unconsciousness interoperates syntax and grammar in spoken words can have it's consequences. Thoughts of feeling safe are words telling ourselves we are. Our unconsciousness is convinced too. But if we ruminate to face the realities of the real world we have second thoughts. The second thoughts influences our unconsciiness adjusting to our ruminate convincing us.

When we are fully conscious we habitually don't pay attention to any back ground activity round us. Most of it becomes unconscious. Our unconsciousness is constantly monitoring it. When we put something down for a free pair of hands for example we habitually don't concentrate where we put down our items. The worst when distracted and pre occupied in dealing with something else at the same time we consciously forget the item we put down.

We often forget about it until it's needed. "How where did I put my........."

Our unconsciousness treats time the same way even when fully conscious. A second is the conscious time we say "One thousand and one" It is the conscious time analogue wall clocks and wrist watch second hands move a division, stop watch seconds, and the pause the second of digital time pieces. To our consciousness 50 life time is actually that, to our unconsciousness a second is the same amount of time.

You only need to think of how time passes the last time remembering conscious coming to from unconscious. Many hours during an operation will seem like a mere moment of time. A whole day can pass which would seem like a few seconds ago you last remember being awake.

To us a twenty year old memory is perceived as a quite a while ago. But who's to say not to our unconsciousness. Twenty years ago may be just as real time as every second in the now as all the seconds of 50 years of a person life in time of memories in a fixed second. Every cumulated second of all that time is a real time every even the current second as equal to every future second.

The dual function of our unconsciousness and conciseness together is a multitasking team one conscious and the other unfortunately for our conciseness consequences our unconsciousness. Our unconscious always knows exactly where any item last put down we consciously unaware of.
We consciously know we put down an item a minute ago searching consciously exactly where.

Hunting in frustrated for a few minutes then......."AHH. There they are".

You'd think you'd accidentally laid your eyes on them hunting randomly or consciously aware you will eventually find them if you keep hunting  for the place you thought you'd left them.

Who's to say since we unconsciously put items down we were directed by our unconsciousness to where it knew where all the time. During the search we often rehearse alternative places where we could have left the item. When we eventually find what looking for we were reminded. "OH. That's right. I thought I left them there". We were never really consciously aware where to look for some time until we spotted the item where we left it found under some papers were we searched over and over before. We were constantly looking in the wrong places.

Not quickly finding what you are looking for will not work with out the habit of consciously being aware of your unconsciousness. It goes back to the time you put the item down. The habit of concisely making a conscious note of when and where we put an item down every time is the key.
At first a conscious effort is required. If practiced enough it will soon become a habit. It will come to pass with out thinking we make mental note of where we are putting down any item. This habit is programs our unconsciousness. When we come to collect the item we put down we put our hands on it straight away without thinking, straight from our unconsciiness.

Habits are hard to start consciously but the more you do the the more they seem less of a conscious effort. When it starts becoming automatic our unconscious has finally taken over following our unconscious instruction to direct us to exactly when and where we last put down the item every item time we put them down is the ultimate power in solving the problem of constantly looking for things this way. It won't work with out the conscious start to turn into unconscious habit.

Our unconsciousness is like an open computer on stand by waiting to be programmed in though thinking. We all know about hypochondriacs people who talk themselves into illnesses. It equally works when we talk ourselves well. But using mind over matter as a tool doesn't work. Only habits.
We all talk to ourselves in our heads. The habit is picked up by our unconsciousness as instructional programming. If we tell ourselves something consciously over and over long enough soon becomes a habit. Taking the habit as programming instructions our unconsciousness is obligated to program us to make it true where habits towards the instruction is formed the source of the related habits we form of it.

For example a person has a dream of taking part and winning important marathons. Dreaming enough the person's unconsciousness takes over trying to make it true to us though habit forming programs in the case of the runners dream turning into habitual training. Once a habit gets a hold of us we'd done the thing over and over hundreds and thousands of times before.

At first a 1km run consciously seems daunting. But after a full days it doesn't seem as daunting as it used to be any more. Adjustment is made in the person's mind maybe it wasn't enough any more to making it a goal to do a half km extra or maybe a little confident in doing 2 who knows.

Yet after the person got use to the extra distance that too seems not to be any distance as it used to be any more. So another adjustment decision is made to increase the distance per day, wondering why on earth did they feel a km was along way.

And once again once the person got use to that distance it too soon apparent even that seems over to soon. So another adjust adjustment commandment is felt necessary. Then once the person got used to that increase there commitment for more distance is made just keep up with the changing getting to the each adjustment distances.

Soon 5 or 6km doesn't feel as long as what they thought it would be beginning feel the distance is nothing.

The distance gets longer and longer every few trying to keep up with finding the right distance that do they don't feel is over too soon because every day the person is getting used to each new distance. The habit of it all 10km will seem like nothing at let a lone 5 for a day seriously thinking of a greater and greater challenges.

Habits is the key to familiar experience which is driven by the unlimited resourceful stubbiness of a habit making any dream come true. If it's not a habit it was never a dream in the first place.
Self made millions, the rags to riches stories was most likely been driven by the power habits straight from their unconsciousness. The habit of a interest turns in a habit turning into a currier. Self made millionaires have never been afraid to talk to entrepreneurs and marketing gurus what they have got to offer. The habits of their hobby done hundreds and thousand of times before can be worth a lot of money even to wealthy corporations they could use.

The habit of a hobby makes a person believe in it talking to hundreds of entrepreneurs and marketing gurus thousands of times before the key in gaining experience in wheeling a dealing experiences razing the money for their projects straight from their unconsciousness habit of trying to make it true.
In an effort our unconsciousness to make anything we tell it make us believe it we eventually have presented their ideas to entrepreneur and marketing guru hundreds and thousands of time before. because of the habit. In effect letting the habit do all the work for us. Once a habit gets a hold of  us it resists change. It be a conscious challenge to change to a new or modify.

Our unconscious revisits change. It will make us miss the old way before it will except the new or modified version. This is why smokers have trouble to stop smoking. IT is better to get into the habit of missing a smoke or too. Modifying the habit will seem missing the old way fro a while.

Instead of loading packets with spare cigarettes it is better to consciously leave at home or neglect stocking up. These days with anti smoking we can't smoke in public buildings and restaurants.
Consciously starting the habit of inconveniently caught out we can't have a smoke right away making a point for the next covenant time will eventually done that sort of thing hundreds of thousands of times before experience will eventual morph into an unconscious habit of putting off having a smoke. Our unconsciousness will adapt modifying the smoking habit change for itself into procrastination smoking habits. The more frequent the inconvenient times the more we become experience at smoking procrastinating the easier it will be to stop smoking.

In other words we use the power of our unconsciousness to work for us to stop smoking. We get into the habit of not smoking

Because grammar rules don't exist to our unconsciousness self talk is tricky in programming your unconsciousness. Hypnosis works because of the lowering of our conciseness. Fully aware and alert is a 100%. We can control our emotions with self talk reason. But  day dreaming reviver is 90% less efficient.

"You who, are you there. Hollow......"

"Oh. Sorry. I wasn't with you for a minute. Where were we. Ah that's right"

Below 90% and is a concussion. We are consciously aware of the environment round us seem slightly unreal. Mental faculties gathering our wits and memory is slightly off but we can functional well in a conversation. Paramedics at road side accidents encounter this sort of behavior hundreds and thousands of times before so to them it's easy to spot the signs straight away.

Another level we are aware of our surroundings during the aftermath of the sudden shock of a crash or disaster. We can't stop shacking due to adriliumn. Paramedics recognize concision and shock straight away the shacking is adriliumn pumping hard in the person's system due to shock.

Our unconscious is reciprocally the same proportion. If our consciousness is a 100% down then we are equally a 100% unconscious. If we are 50% conscious we are 50% unconscious respectively. And f we are 25% conscious we are correspondingly 75% unconscious and so on.

Any hypnotist will tell you when you drift off into a trance you are in what is called a state of reviler. We've all been there. The power of our brain we don't notice the environment round. It seems to drift away quietly in the back ground.

We see the same thing in them movies For a while a person  isn't consciously aware of the surrounding environment everything is a dead silence deep in thought.

Reviler, is genetic condition. Hypnotists link it to our positive and negative thinking and behavior. In the state of reviler we're about 90% conscious, or 10% unconscious. It's a peaceful psychological piece of mind relaxation state. It's a psychological bliss as close to yoga exercise we can get. Hypnotists say it's the genetic state most vulnerable to unconscious habit programming. They teach us the benefits of our unconsciousness to create relationships, wealth,  and well-being from this peaceful relaxation.

Operating on the principle specially stage hypnosis tap into this resource. However stage hypnosis are always dealing with strangers. So everybody are strangers. Participants are all on edge with the host hypnotist when first invited on stage. Thoughts of "could be anybody". The host recognizes this and so his job is to make everybody feel he is harmless and friendly though lots of introduction pleasantries charming small talk with hint of hummer chatter. Once we feel are convinced any stranger is harmless and friendly we are as relaxed with them as we are with our life time friends.
One of the biggest barriers of course is mental illness from Skitsafrenia and depression tendencies. Attitudes create an impossible barrier. We think stage hypnotists worked with audiences hundreds of thousand of times before should recognizes the signs when selecting participants.

Using hypnotists as a medical tool patients taped into our unconsciousness thinking. It is often used to encourage habits towards enhancing passion, profit and power. Hypnotists describe the benefits of our unconsciousness thinking to make us more passionate, create more profit and more power in our lives just from this state of reviler we all sometimes go into just from encouraging habit-forming goals.

A favorite analogy of our minds is the comparison to computers. In the case of your computer a brain that hasn't got a mind of it's own. It needs you, the interface at the control of a mouse and keyboard to tell it what to do. Our unconsciousness can be seen as such a computer where we interface instructions on a daily basis.

Habitual self talk is a set of unconscious programming often reparative getting embedded in our unconscious. There are skeptics out there that believe there is no such thing as unconscious reprogramming. If get into the habit of repetitious rehearsing will.

Our unconsciousness vocabulary syntax is unable to read between the lines like we can. We have hunches while our unconsciousness is unable to second guess. It will take all sentence structures to the letter quite literally. Consequently positive suggestions although meaning well we understand as perfectly clear is very tricky because our unconsciousness doesn't interoperated suggestions the way we see it, ending up the well meaning suggestion not as we meant it.

All the "Will's" and "Going "to's" in any suggestion are not interpolated the way you and I can can adapt to. Those "will's" and "going to's" are future tense instructions filed away in our unconsciousness interoperating them as stand by waiting instructions waiting indefinitely. Our unconsciousness relies on present tense commands for any suggestion to be effective.
If a smoker tells himself he is anon smoker every time he lights the action of lighting up will not fit to our unconsciousness and feels wrong our unconsciousness ignores it.

However once a smoker gets into the habit of it though lighting up does not fit the habitual suggestion and lighting up will feel start to feel wrong. The person can do two things. Be compelled by the contradictory illogic in both cases, looses the reparative habit or stab out the cigarette every time. One way or another they are both habits.

Anther tricky-dickey includes "Not's" included in any suggestion. Our unconsciousness focus on those "nots" as a significant instruction interoperating in context not the way it was really meant. "I will not" effectively turned into the opposite the suggestion was indented.

Hypnotists believe self talk is communicating with your unconsciiness. Everything we think is words in our heads talking to ourselves is absorbed by it. Scientology has a different philosophy. They tell us without auditing back to traumatic areas of your life freeing you from the unconscious bourdon that causes your problem in the fist place is only waiting your time. Never the less Scientology does agree self talk does play an important role in self esteem though

You just have to watch the grammar vocabulary syntax in contents. I've already discussed how to much use of future tense in grammar in positive suggestions will only cause your subconscious mind to wait till it happens which it doesn't know in it's thinking will never be able to come waiting, waiting .....waiting and still waiting for the future to arrive from the future tense crammer programming. It kind' a reminds me of our PC' s operating system's installed task scheduler tool not set times to execute the program.

As pointed out the other grammar you should watch is the content meaning with negative words in positive suggestions.

Albert Einstein once said imagination is more powerful than knowledge. If we apply the philosophy to grammar contents one can use any positive suggestion with imaginative solutions twisting the contents tricking our subconscious mind while leaving out,  "going to's,       "will's",     "not's"

There is a cliché that says "You are what you think" Clichés are subject peoples opinions. Some will agree with the latter and some will disagree and others will consider it in a rather loose dismissal attitude. Others will argue it is only athoery And yet any response can often be unconscious coming direct from the subconscious mind.

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