Monday, April 22, 2013

The psycholgy of entreprenures and marketing gurus

They say we can do anything when we put our minds to it. There is something more powerful than that. Habits. The real secrete to successes when we habitually talk too ourselves about the things we dream of. The habit of roll playing in our heads all week about the positive things happening in our can show us how powerful they can be at coming true.

Entrepreneurs and marketing gurus and rags to riches story millionaires had started off with the habit of roll played their goals in their heads a long time ago. The habit of self talk thousands of ways to raze money have has crossed their minds over the years. In the habit of it have done that sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times by now.

If we give a criminal mind a questionnaire on justice and fair play they will surly show bellow average intelligence in empathy and ethics. Bellow average tend to have no problem cheating their way is razing money dishonestly rubbery and  frawed. Most of us taking the same questionnaire will probably show high degree empathy and ethic scoring. Anybody with a reasonable empathy IQ can't do any injustice and sneaky actions to obtain their goals.

A good example is dreaming of living our perfect day every day. Once a habit gets a hold of us both positive and  negative  won't let us go. Self talk habits start and roll playing follows we have. With out the habit our imaginations won't work property. Once in a while doesn't cut it.  The a habit of roll playing in our heads, all the health, wealth, power, and romance will soon come to pass.

Habitual self talk is a treasure house of inspirations within us all  The habit of roll playing in our heads we can't help ourselves with some form of inspirational idea popping into our heads all the time. With a high empathy and ethic IQ level we can look to the habit of self talk in our heads for all our hearts desires.
A high empathy intelligence exclusively involved with romance and love successes. It is known as emotional intelligence formally known as sensuality. A high IQ in this area gauntness successes in relationships.

Habits builds experience. Our brain never lets us forget we have done something hundreds and thousands of times before. A car wont start for example. Many have tried to get it going but can't find the fault. Someone who has gotten cars running smoothly again hundreds and thousand of times before has seen it all before. Inspirational talk like "I've got an idea" and " Let me try something"  "Can I try something" or " I just though of something" With the nod of the owner's approval the person digs into his tool box looking like he knows what he's doing looks like he'd done that sort thing hundreds and thousands of times before brings hope an tears of joy to anybody.

With a high emotional  IQ coupled with self talk habits can forge the ability to be able to establish friendly relation with strangers literally the ability to establish a rapport of them likening well enough to trust and support.

Success at gaining trust of the owner of the stubborn starting car, or applied to sales to picking up men or girls, anything, is due to experience, gained from doing that sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before because of the habitual roll playing in the mind in the first place. A warehouse manger wasting a motor mechanic degree shows he doesn't care about mechanics. What about a back yard mechanic who has reputation gotten hundreds of cars running smoothly again hundreds and thousand of times before. Done hundreds and thousands of times before our brains want let us forget any of it which self counteracts any negative ideas.

To be outstanding at anything there must have always been an affinity drive, an extra pride in going to the trouble for that extra mile for the thing interested. We must have a affinity with what we do. A sports hero is not interested in acting, nor a successful actor interest being a sports hero. A salesman is not interest in those things let a lone being a mechanic. In other words each of us have things we know we are not into and know what we are. The habitual inspirations of a habitual roll playing of our perfect days see's to that.

Going the extra mile at what we do may appear extreme but their is psychology disorder what psychologists term Occupational, Compulsive Disorder,( OCD ) lay people relate to work dedication we express as a workaholic .OCD is a description of the habit everything must have it's place. Fussiness is taken to extremes. Motor mechanics with this tendency tend to adverse to the that will do that will do attitude. They have an obsession with details before they can relinquish delivery. OCD mechanics can drive bosses to frustration fussing about not being happy to release the car not finished with minor details yet. OCD attitude in rebuilding vehicle chassis body work is a very good safety attitude.

We can all tell a when a shop assistant is just there as a job noticing a lack of interest when we ask straight forward questions about a product. OCD is a potential good sales rep who has a driven affinity of the product but not interested in cars or anything else.

They will talk like an enthusiast selling who can't stop shearing experiences showing how the products works tips and hints in choosing the product and arranges the best brand suited for the customer needs. Done hundreds of thousands of times before have pick up body language cues taking opportunities with well place conversation opening  instead of "Can I help you?"  to establish what customers really don't want as much as want they really want.

Done hundreds of thousands of times before is a valuable asset. Rapport building is easy when done it all before in our head specially with a high empathy IQ. It is the first rule of a police force work specially negotiators. Front line police personal are the type of people who have the ability to remain cool calm and collected handling lashing out troublemaking drunks. The best have handled these sorts of people hundreds and thousands of times before in their heads driven by the desire driven by an affinity for their work.

To show you how far the potential of rapport building is police detectives for example have the ability to get on good terms with mean spirited and spiteful suspect towards them. The biggest challenge is knowing committed a harness crime unable to prove it because of lawyer egos pushing for political correctness demanded by law while the suspect shows no remorse knowing full well by the suspect mockery letting detectives know they are getting away with it. It boils down to the detectives abilities to show the suspect are cool about the suspects attitude.

Remaining cool about any bad attitude is important skill in getting at truths otherwise can easily set up brick walls with evasive nonsense answers, spiteful resentments, bullying silent treatments to arrogant mockery. This is what detectives try to avoid drawing on their truth by the ability to making friends on a mean spirited suspect's terms.

Imagine how far you will allow your patience to be tested like that just to establish a rapport on a surly bully's terms. Although for the wrong reasons the ability to take charge is present in crime bosses, gang leaders and convicts  We all can tell a leader in action establishing handling of their subordinate followers  ability to gain cooperative attitudes and issuing orders like a general in charge. We see it all the time in sports teams, coaches, news media, political leaders and directors and the armed forces all the time.

In civilian leadership the enjoyment  of the company of others establishes rapport is important. Never the less leadership shows especially if it shows done hundred and thousand of time before because of the habitual roll playing  in his head hundreds and thousand of times before.

Very Important People ( VIP ) support was how Adult Hitler came to power because these people were charmed by his charm in their company. His intelligence to pick upon what they wanted was high expressed as sensuality today  known a emotional intelligence his habitual ability at being whipping up crowds resulting in responded in kind to him. VIP's saw for themselves he was not afraid of public speaking even in front of them. People not afraid are seminar experts who have no problem in front of a huge crowed even flanked by surly looking VIP's beside them. It shows they have done that sort of thing in their heads hundreds and thousands of time before.

Hitler must have habitually self talked getting into his head how he was the best.Done hundreds and thousands of times before in roll playing in our heads we tend to act it out showing  influence and power like Hitler did. Anybody can show it, walking into a place never been in before as if we'd been in there hundreds of thousands of times before. Police detectives investigating crimes at a crime scene seen by subordinate officers like he's has habitually been there, done that, seen it all before, can command authority. 
It is important to bear in mind of a trap of being becoming artificially charming, nice and friendly to peoples faces but underneath not caring to much for the person. But most of us are not cowboys. The average person we feel some degree uncomfortable playing the game of secretly not impressed with the other person anyway.

All this ability is the potential right stuff for self made millionaires. The habitual roll playing in our heads we develop a transfer ability not to  panic in the company of surly looking hard to empress  company executives officers ( CEO's ) for support. This is a high emotional inelegance IQ. We can treat the strangers as if we have done this sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before because it is in our habitual roll playing in our heads. Experience is always a decisive advantage and it shows.

A high emotional intelligence IQ can sense other peoples moods. Wheeling and dealing with surly CEO's  hundreds of thousands of times before has recognized the habits of a low emotional indigence from facial expressions and body language signs CEO are not really into. Experience recognizes the habitual no sympathy for inexperience straight away by recognizing the surly and unimpressed attitude.

The ability to recognize wasting time with a poor sensuality bullying we have the ability to turn our attention to a compensation tactfulness developing a rapport on their level we are happy with their attitude or avoid approaching anybody who are not into what we have to offer.

A strategy is to seek out companies who shows signs of high emotional intelligence behavior that makes it a lot easier to establish rapport. We don't have to Einstein's to realize even before we shake hands with a CEO on the first meeting if we know a CEO  has the ability to recognize and appreciate our inexpedience is not a big deal as well as into the product or idea we have to offer.

Inexperience  can get carried way over doing the enthusiasm high intelligence IQ can handle. Low emotional intelligence responses would show no sympathy to any inexperience while a high emotional indigence will be encouraging. The decisive advantage of wheeling and dealing with a high emotion intelligence IQ  CEO's and already sold before we open your mouths is a decisive advantage.

To be able to recognize high and low emotional intelligence lQ we have to have the habitual history of seen the behavior in interviews hundreds and thousands of times before. A high emotional intelligence sign we'd sense the CEO senses and understands and feels for us has there is no problem at putting us at ease with high rapport building applied to us to the business at hand. Selling to CEO's hundreds of thousand of times before we can recognize poor emotional intelligence ( or sensuality ) by the very little rapport building directed to us.

Experience will tell us when we know a CEO is into the same thing we are will have the habit of building a rapport with us. Poor sensuality ( poor emotional intelligence ) is often a challenge on our behalf. These CEO;s habitually wary of subordinate salesmen keeping enthusiasm to themselves. This is why it is still important to to have done this sort of the hundreds and thousands of times before to establish counter rapport pleasantries with the stranger before we get to businesses.

If we can believe familiars are only due to inexperience we can cope with mistakes easily moving on. This is achieved by the habitual roll playing fixed idea in our heads mistake are not a big deal because it is  only inexperience and nothing more.

It's a natural instinct our comfort is challenged in the face of a CEO displaying poor emotional intelligence watching us very carefully. Nerves happen to inexperience who hasn't yet recognize the sighs not into the product as well a deliberate test us for our experience easement specially when they have no pertinence for it.

Both poor and high emotional intelligent CEO's will notice all the signs of inexperience just a much will notice experience. An experienced CEO with poor emotional intelligence skills CEO is a potential for a uneven playing field. We can imagine the confidence when we have dealt with steely eyed surly company bosses hundreds and thousands of times before. We recognize al lt he signs of stranger CEO meeting us for the first time is a poor emotional intelligence struggling to a establish a rapport with us . The habitual roll over the years playing in our heads potentially see us though in actual practice.

Break downs in selling ourselves is often based on not really interesting ourselves. In our uncomfortable ness we potentially miss the signs. Experience CEO's can spot this sort of nervousness straight away acting accordingly. Experience recognizes when some is not showing all their heart in it acting accordingly. An experienced CEO  will recognize a subordinate has done this sort of thing hundreds of thousands of times before confidence but will still be weary it may be an act . This means success is always ours when we have wheeled and dealt with CEO with our our heart in support hundreds and thousand of times before and shows.

Operating on the principle an inexperienced subordinate can even the odds gaining experience by bearing in mind approach the CEO is  experienced at noticing signs inevitably noticing our inexperience mistakes.
With that attitude in mind we can plan a strategy. We approach with not only that in mind but also armed with the idea or product the CEO is exactly into. What will help calm nerves too is recognizing the surly mood of the CEO can be a sign of testing our experience giving us an incite into the CEO aware sense we can keep a positive attitude because we can see what's coming ahead of us.

Experienced entrepreneurs and marketing gurus are the ones who create our infrastructure often worth a lot of money to us we take for granted every day. Think of what it takes to run our local supermarkets, fast food restaurants and local takeaways, to diaries. Think how grateful we are when a place is always open just when we need something.

Think of the jobs of bar tenders serving drinks in drinking establishments. Think of what it takes to run night clubs for our benefit. And what about our telecommunication companies we all depend on so much for our phone services twenty four seven. What about our television and movie entertainment institutions. And what about our computer and internet services providers and other high profile companies we depend on every day. What about our power supply and maintenance. What about those who depend on public transport.

Who do you think has to keep the businesses functioning we all depend on so much for their services?
Lets use a reverse psychology to make a point. Think of how much we learn at school  if we feel there is no need to. What's the point? A case in point. To kids old enough to drive legally on the road swatting the road code is just a drudgery means an end. They really don't care so long as their means gives them the right to drive legally.

Only a few have a passionate mind set and it's specific subject there into not general.
Other pupils are have a passionate state of mind at being prefix, team leaders or sport captains all by themselves. For some reason it just comes naturally to them. They don't need any encouragement. They just go for it naturally. This often applies in criminal gangs that have always been the leader. They just do what it takes naturally. A student team leader that has passion and empathy for a team leading my be a two bit looser at math's because they have no passion for that.  A student with a passion for spelling may have no empathy for English. A student that has empathy for science has a motive for the study of mathematics. Another student has a passion for writing for their school news paper while their class mates tend not to not that startling.

Business is always got something worth a lot of money to the public that we all want as above. A golden rule to successful riches is into something something that gives you a good buzz.
is having no problem with establishing rapture with others. Some individuals enjoy wheeling and dealing persuasion negotiation. They are successful because they have a close affinity with it. When two wheel and deal  the one who understands the psychology behind it the most holds the greatest power. The one that doesn't gives the other the power to say no.

A scientific view of what's involved tells us of a fundamental aspect of our personalities called extroverts and introverts that play key rolls in shaping our personal preferences of how we go about doing things. An extrovert seems to have a smaller personal bubble  space then the rest of us a reflection of high tolerance to people close and personal round them showing an outward personality they generate round others. They have no problem establishing rapture with the company they keep. In contrast introverts seem to show others they have a larger personal bubble space a reflection of a low tolerance to to many people in their company.

Extroverts have the advantage of having no problem with lots of attention spending a lot of leisure time with others. They are best at establishing rapture. They are the popular school student. They seem to thrive with people round them. They are the team leader. They are the first to be comfortable at taking charge of cheering meetings and the first to volunteer for leadership. They are people with an inexhaustible energy. Some famous movie, sports and music stares show this by lapping up the attention enjoying a maximum fanfare environment. They are the party animal type.

These are the stars we see so much of and so often.
Introverts on the other hand can be as much as a successful at being a millionaire, music or sports hero, but basically little seen in public and behind the scene millionaire. They were often people that had the help in their personally of understanding the psychology of wheeling and dealing. However they are not people oriented though. Although they can establish rapture, it is as formal affair as you can get. Being with to many people soon becomes a bit of drudgery. Strong introverts have a very large personal bubble space needing a lot of time on their alone.

The strongest characteristic avoids cheering meetings and the last to volunteer and very reluctant to be a leader. They are the best at avoiding attention just getting on with the job quietly with minimal fanfare. Some famous movie and music stares are very conservative and formal at Oscars avoiding to much attention. They are content with a minimal amount of fanfare environments. These are the stars we don't see or hear of very much in public..

There has been other ways some people have become millionaires overnight. We often from time to time the phrase “luck has nothing to do with being a millionaire” Mind you take the news media from rags to riches stories of poor families winning first division lottery prizes that are now millionaires. When it comes to breaking stories of a big lottery win attention from the media luck is every to do with becoming a millionaire in such a case. To be a millionaire without waiting to win a huge lottery you need leadership qualities of an extrovert introverts have in very short supply.

Where the luck came into it was often to do with the habit of regularly buying a ticket getting nothing back for many years. It may have cost a lot not saved over many years but news media coverage will rave how lucky they are to get well over a 100% return from their investment they put into their habit. As news media coverage tells us interviewing the major prize winners splashed all over TV were habitably patient buying a lottery ticket every week were humble enough with only the money they doesn't miss for as long as it took to win something. The attitude paid off big time.

The point to remember its gambling and loosing if we start the habit of using "money we'll miss" in hit and miss desperation chance of getting rich on the spot.

Some of us have a philosophy about sticking at something even if we don't like doing it. I've come across many who say there’s no such thing as a dead end jobs. I've found more than my fear share who begged to differ on that one too. I'm sure extrovert entrepreneurs and marketing gurus believe it's a negative outlook if we get stuck with that philosophy all our lives. If I'm any example, of being an introvert I personally wont stick at anything unless I have an agenda and want to," and not before!" I'm sure that's the same psychology of entrepreneurs and marketing gurus have. If there's no such thing as a dead end job there’d be no point in moving on to better and more satisfying careers.

I believe individuals who stick at dead end jobs are missing the point since they think they don't think there job is anything like a dead end job to them anyway. Bear in mind entrepreneurial minded individuals are not employed. There self employed business people. If you don’t believe you are I a dead end job

Extrovert and even introverted entrepreneurs and marketing gurus are experts at razing money. Larry and Sergey are unemployed owners of their rich internet search engine Goggle company. So too Bill gates the founder of Microsoft. There are many other unemployed people making millions a day on the internet. These guys are good rags to riches stories. Larry and Sergey were just ordinary university graduates. Bill Gates just an average law student.

Their passion for making things happen was "only in the area they were interested in" was legendary. Everything else was irreverent. Social mixing at party's was often the key to their success. They had the extrovert social mixing behavior noticed by many wealthy cooperation computer company executives in that field at parties. Partying is not considered a drudgery to extroverts. They thrive on them. Party time was often were deals were created. Introverts will find the responsibility to tend parties and meetings and meeting people an energy draining drudgery and it shows.

Because of Larry and Sergey passion was a help gaining a formable reputation at party functions prompting help from their university setting up a dorm with a few common PC's to work with for a while. They were happy with all they had. It was a exciting adventure. That was the only thing they cared about. As with all entrepreneurs and marketing gurus Larry, Sergey and Bill Gates got reputations as potential hopeful though attending important social functions. Word got round. As their reputations crew important businesses bosses started listening to their marketing straties.

In true entrepreneur and marketing Guru style Larry and Sergey's passion for their search engine wasn't afraid to market it to the big wig owners and share holders of Yahaoo. They marketed their search engine to other portals as well. Having no takers prompted them to take the standing they must be taking the wrong approach, moved out of the dorm and began writing a plan of action. They weren't afraid to approach big businesses bosses with their business plan. The founder of Microsystems Andy Bechtolshein found their passion for their search engine contagious ending up supporting them by handing over a 100.000 dollar check to invest with.

Extroverts who make things happen are worth a lot of money supporting the rest of us running their companies we take for granted for the services. Our telecommunication companies come to mind for one. Humble workers keep our telecommunication and entertainment systems running smoothly we'd rather keep quiet about the fabulous golden hand shake wealth handed out to the company directors that keep the system running smoothly from board room to their humble office cleaner pay roll at keeping the services running for our own benefit. Telecommunications is worth a lot of money to us users.
Introverts find a tough world being responsible for millions of dollars their company is worth to us.

Unpopular decisions are made all the time. Entrepreneurs building up empires though countless important party attending eventually rub shoulders with the powerful often sufferer a tremendous amount of criticism and incriminations reforming their business to make them survive and caught up in news media scandals. This is a nightmare to introverts. Rock. sports and movie stares can't afford to misbehave in public like we can get away with. The humble can get drunk, start fights in public, arrested for drink driving, obscene drunken sex overtures and nobody would want to know ideal for introverts.

Founding fathers of a company resulting in the company eventually worth a lot of money to us requires a mind that's almost to the point of obscenely mean to make powerful up top executive company director decisions. Stubbornness is often a shield against equally stubborn agendas working hard in the background to undermined their companies. There's a lot of mean hidden agenda attacks directed at some of our founding fathers of the various companies in this county. Entrepreneurial minds tend to be strong and firm in texture, flexible, can yield to force without breaking and capable of resisting great strain resulting from their decisions without coming apart. Does this responsibility come easy for you?

Entrepreneurs and marketing gurus don't have any job skills and jobs we have. They are self employed salespeople. Adults tended to be entrepreneurial minded respectable school prefect leaders that seem to enjoy the responsibility while the rest of us are not so sure about ourselves being a leader. Do we want to? Reminds us of the cliché not everybody's cut out to be..........or what ever. Entrepreneurial and marketing guru spirits tend to be great leader potential in politics and worth a lot of money to industry the rest of take for granted not particularly carrying much about the business side to set up the company for our benefit, such as the big news paper and magazine and TV station moguls we buy their products and read at liberties on a daily basis.

The study of the physiology of entrepreneurs and marketing gurus strengths can be beneficial learning how they pull off their successes. One of these is a leader of men. Anyway though anybody that seems to be a natural leader doesn't need this article anyway to learn how to attract investor backing. Most of this is the ability to make friends. There's no secretes to them. It just comes natural to them as the air we breathe. It’s what they do unconsciously the rest of ponder if we’re cut out for that sort of life of always selling ourselves to new investors to support our business. Entrepreneurs and marketing gurus have the passion to make things happen not only for themselves but for the investor clients too. For rest of us we shake our heads in amazement at how they do it. It’s what they unconsciously do. It’s what they live for.

These individuals although not gamblers have a psychologically skill at risk taking. It's not the relying on the blind hit and miss luck you're thinking of. These are strategies that are sound with risks involved often controlled by popping up opportunities from time to tem.
On clients wavelengths

For example this scenario of a entrepreneur is faced with. A entrepreneur spirited person learns a potential client shopping round for the best deal has particular passion and is considering proposals wowing the person away their competitor. The gamble is, theoretically the competitor may not have learnt of the client has a particular passion that could help this entrepreneur secure the client off the competitor, as heard, the client shouldn't be able to resist his favorite passion. Unlike trusting blind luck, there's still the risk of the competitor already knowing that could secure the client to them. As you can see the strategies is quite sound. It's not going to be luck that secures the deal. On the same wavelength as the client this entrepreneur could secure the client though working on the client's passion in doing the deal.

That's the kind of risk taking entrepreneurs and marking gurus have no trouble in tackling. Being on a clients wavelengths is entrepreneurs and marking gurus most popular tools. Their psychology understands the value all to well. There's no secrete. It just takes the psychology in you already know to cut deals with very important business people involved with the same idea product or service you're into the company's into too, getting what you want from each other.

Wheeling and dealing comes naturally with two people who have the same interests. Good authors write what they know best entrepreneurs psychology. They do deals with with company's they are both into. Entrepreneurs and marking guru psychology can be applied to anyone with a new product idea or service on offer cutting deals with the company directors with the same passion and vision of the same product

If someone has a passion about supplying knowledge service or product something to do with bicycle performance for example can cut deals with a bicycle company that's striving to develop the same thing. The founder of Microsoft Corporation is a good example of how entrepreneurs think. He had the balls to wave his computer programming skills right under the noses of powerful computer company bosses who needed someone like bills skills. He done deals with them understanding all to well the meaning of the cliché' You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Another is the founder of dick Smith Electronics Dick Smith who made what the powerful electronic store into what it is today.

Passion is described as a very strong feeling specially associated with love and romance. Another word 'affinity' meaning a degree of liking or passion if you like. You can be passionate about your car, bike, music, anything that gives you a good buzz. It makes anybody become joyfully busy and skilful at what ever you like to do. The feeling makes it good fun whether wasting time playing round on the internet to people like the founder of Microsoft Corporation Bill Gates who seemed to live for cutting deals with the very important International business machine's ( IBM ), very executives to help him develop his operating system software for his company. What ever gives anybody that buzz in life, is what all they can think about. It's very important to them.

They have a do or die philosophy to shear with the world their passion like Bill Gates did. His example resulted in finances leading to Microsoft credited in the history of PC operating systems as the first in the world with built in features for operating systems we take for granted in PC's today. This is thing entrepreneurs and marketing gurus have that keeps them alive, wheeling and dealing with promotion ideas and projects with very important business communities.

It's not that they understand business, it's because the passion for it gives them the excitement about it that gives them the understanding doing deals with important business people gives them what they want out of life. They love it.You know what it's like with a passion of your own amazing friends with a knack at what you're good at, but you don't understand how they can see it that way since what ever you're into is so routine to you.

Passion about doing business deals gives anyone the confident balls at the challenge of borrowing money from money brokers with no securities, seceded in getting it and do the same with very important business people making everybody else including him ( or herself ), a lot of money in the process.

You'll find anybody who has a reputation of making lots of money not only for themselves but others as well can secure financial deals and praise for any kind of project you like at a drop of a hat.Making money for others specially very important business people one can secure a secure income even for a useless charity trust when you're wheeling and dealing will make others rich and famous at the bargain. Passion is needed for what if dealing for. Without it, everything seems rehearsed to much. You know it feels like talking to a stranger talking to you with a passion about something even when your not interested in it.

And you also know what it's like someone selling you something sounding rehearsed. Entrepreneurs and marketing gurus have a this psychological passion about business as much as someone who's cars or internet mad. They are business deal mad individuals. Doing deals with very important business people gives them a good buzz. They even have balls to do it with only a few dollars to spend. Very important business people can tell business owners are not quite passionate about their if business for their taste. They can see from the less than perfect deduction will dealing. They can see for themselves just enough just to run it traditional way is no getting stuck in there. That's why ninety percent of of business get ignored.

There's no impressive aggressiveness in the business. Bill gates for example had the balls to wheel and deal with the very important business computer companies and internet communities including doing deals with the controllers of the hypertext mark up language ( html ),for web pages the world wide web consortium ( w3C ) to suit his Web browse It's all in doing deals. Passion gives theses individuals the understanding doing deals gets what ever they want from their company of individual achievements from life. Market gurus and entrepreneurs are passionate with if marketing strategies often hired by ordinary business owners to do job for them. Passionate marketing guru and entrepreneurs are real real owners. Passion often leads to an obsession advantage in anything one can do. There's no secrete to business success if your are into wheeling and dealing with very important business communities.

Passion is like a PC hardware device driver that communicates the hardware device with the machines operating system. Entrepreneurs and marking gurus have a joyful experiences imagining outside square box approach cutting deals with very important business people who admire their balls at their ingenuity.Not passionate nobodies obsessed. This lack of obsession tends to neglect business for family and relaxation first. Lack of the later doesn't make thins happen.

Often computers shake heads in dismay how they managed to pull of your dream with all those lucky breaks. They didn't have any breaks at all. They created their own success by the passionate drive to cut deals with very important high profile business organization people.It's this inner passion in Entrepreneurs and marketing gurus that create joy in experiencing new ways of seeking to satisfy their passion for securing business deals.

With a passion at selling too anybody is impressed it's not a rehearsed trick but a genuine instinct key to success. Being passionate about anything it's on your mind 24 hours a day partners often complaining your a workaholic. But firm your passion not from your point of view it's not.

The most important thing to remember the fact alone someone done something hundreds of thousands of times before experience with no marketing degree qualifications becoming a state of a routine is worth more money than someone who hasn't done very much relying on a important marking degree as proof of professionalism. You can take a A grade technician barely doing a job compeered to some,( theatrically on paper at lest ), non technician doing a top rate job at keeping his machines running smoothly.Not done very much holding a important marketing diploma is not very professional.

A person with a passion for fixing things has done it hundreds and thousands of times before: been there, seen that, done that, all before becomes very familiar with lots of strange quirts by a lot machines developed in their later years unfamiliar to qualified technicians. On paper these enthusiastic non technicians having no business being one, but because of their know how and knack developed a talent over the years with their hobby the their experiences are often worth a lot more money to companies than their own technicians with a degree diploma bluffed by a troublesome machine these people had dealt with thousands of times before.

There are lots of success stories of ordinary untrained lay-people. Take a very unscientific school drop passionate and obsessed about marketing knows what he ( or she ),is doing scenario, That same kid can become crackerjack at making things happen, boosting sales and promotion for any owner of a business sets out to do for himself founding his own business People with a lot of passion find planning a little slow for their blood to be delayed by that. There marking gurus.

What do you expect It's in their blood. Excuse for detail planning is irrelevant to passion. It spends the minimum amount of time planning and maximum amount getting the idea or product launch as soon as possible. Some gurus are so passionate they tend to exile at wheeling and dealing with very important business people. hey have joyful time at challenges of launching an idea never planed, with no marking strata gee to get it off ground the rest of us wondering how he,( or she ) did it.

Keeping an idea to yourself and planning first is often not a good idea. Take this scenario and it's happened dozens of times. A good idea born years ago. A marketing guru discovers someone else tinkering with the same idea and launched it as a sensational new invention nobody realizing someone else kept to themselves years ago waiting till he was ready.

There's lots of regrets for the past and no time like the present. Think of the regrets world leaders would have if they allowed nuclear strikes to our world to happen, instead of working to prevent the threat of that madness in the present. If you've got the opportunity to offer something to the world unfinished don't neglect it as a hobby. Allow the opportunity to help you finish it in the present not dreaming about it would be like in the future. I once read about about web page design, once first impressions of a web site count's. You don't get a second chance with the presentation of poor quality spelling styling of grammar and layout. I beg to differ.

Someone once told me if every person in the whole world was in a line ( there's a few billion in the world ),greeting every one with a hand shake you'd never reach the end of the line in your life time. I believe it applies to developing a web site when you're not ready. Just because one visitor gets a negative impression from your poor first attempt doesn't necessarily mean the next visitor viewing your much improved version will.

A visitor in Britain less than impressed with your spelling and grammar, one week with improvements in the second attempt viewed by another in the United states weeks latter. Weeks later another visitor discovers your site for the first time much much improved over the first attempt. With the internet there's a infinite amount of second chances because there is so many new visitors who have never heard of you will discover your site for the first time for years to come. Marketing gurus are public people. Some people are drive by it. That gives them enthusiastic passion with public promotion than traditional planning stages.

The public can be shocked and amazed to discover the latest sensational ideas or inventions was actually thought up and on the drawing board years ago by another person. If you have an idea neglecting it on back burner you'll get round to it as a week end hobby you are not really that passionate about it can be seriously neglected in promotion never really getting off ground because of procrastination.
Putting it off because you think you are not ready, to gain experience anyway you have to start. You need to. We all quote cliché when it suits us ready or not here I come is a characteristic of passion. It was this attitude I took when I came into a fortune to afford the equipment to launch this site. This is marking gurus passionate risk philosophy we find hard to do to promote our ideas or inventions. You say Hey hang on I'm not ready yet. I've got a lot to do. Passion doesn't see it that way.

It takes two attitudes. One he ( or she ),will reply do you do you won't to lunch this or not? If you insist your not ready he ( or she ),will say well I'm off for someone else I can progress with. You're on your own, or convince you to go ahead wear your ready or not. A case in point with myself. As you no doubt seen from my spelling and constant updating of my files I wasn't ready for publishing on this site when I first started. Ready or not poor spelling and grammar and all I wasn't prop eared to waist time brushing up on it just dive in ready or not.

That's beauty with internet, specially free web publishing wizards from ISP's and that come with your operating systems. Amateurs won haven't a clue ready or not can publish articles world wide saying goodbye to main stream publishers who won't support the attitude won't support anybody like internet will will be if down fall. internet can be your personal marking guru. Nobody owns internet to put a stop to this practice people who haven't a clue publishing world wide if ideas like me on this site.

Very similar passionate marketing strategies if passions are crackerjacks at launching businesses are business owners passionate about it obsessed with if business. Hiring any person who passionately believes in your idea, product or business you will be very pleased at pace in which every thing gets done even when your not ready and not planed. Passion is psychology behind entrepreneur and marketing not making it seem rehearsed that is genuine of you and your idea before money because person is passionate about your ideas or products than money that tends to attract money not for money.

Those who are only in it for money will seem rehearsed expecting a retur or not allow you development spending like someone who believes in your and you ideas. They are not your friend when it comes to hard times. With no passion for your idea or product they'll let your down. Don't be lead by financial support by those who keep harping on and on about a return.

You cannot be successful with financial support from someone who really doesn't believe in product or idea only for fact it's making money at time. You can't take risks in developing your idea if that person is not just as obsessed as you are over it. Obviously passion breeds obsession only motivator anybody needs. If you are passionate you are obsessed with a product or idea you'll soon know this yourself. Passionate obsession drives you into joyful experiences.

Anybody with no confidence in selling but is actually passionate abut it will forget haven't confidence automatically, their passionate obsession more than enough motive driving m.If you disagree you're not passionate with your project ,bear in mind you will change your mind on what can be done if you are passionate with it.

Passion obsession is abut psychology feeling about being very comfortable with strangers. I'm using this term to remind you of importance of feeling comfortable in company of important business bosses, high profile politicians, movie and rock stare legends to riches people in world because that's who your passion drives you to target for support as y are best people in positions to do so. To give an idea of how comfortable you should be follow with me with this scenario.

Lets say for argument sake, you unexpectedly happen to be caught up in. growled in a shopping mall. A celebrity of your dreams makes a conversation opener to your.

How would you feel if celebrity makes opening conversation to you as if enjoying you company, trying to bring you out of your shell insisting on more than a passing conversation opener? Sounds to good to be true doesn't it. It serves as a example how entrepreneurs genuine passion make important people feel important person never meat before. Passion sets mood with appointments days ahead to suit important persons time rather than on spot selling's use it to relax strange important boss and who has never meet entrepreneur before. On appointment entrepreneur's genuine passion makes important person honored with a charming personality enjoying important person's company over lunch.

Important thing to bear in mind with entrepreneurs are genuinely passionately are not unmindful about dangers of rehearsed enthusiasm coming though making ors feel uncomfortable with a phoniness.
If passion is genuinely relaxed in company without rehearsing and without thinking to rehearse avoided hard sell tactics. Simply relaxed in company strangers important business bosses company. important person see's that by relaxed and cordial atmosphere aided by imperilment arranged days ago.

Selling comes from passion of being charming in presenting his or her idea. If you have problems with being intimated being in company of important people in and ultra rich is quite normal as re are millions who feel uncomfortable surrounded in luxury and impotent business people. Mixing with theses people is not for everybody.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hypnotists, believe we have two parts to our mind an conscious and subconscious. A clear demonstration is stage hypnoses. Who's to say subconscious is our unconsciousness. It is a part of the human genome often demonstrated in the movies and TV.

Some time or another someone receives a nasty upper cut to the chin sneaked up from behind with a nasty wacky across the back of the shoulders or in boxer knocked out cold. Paramedics fight hard to prevent someone going into shock.

Who's to say we born unconscious only hidden behind a conscious vial that keeps us aware of being conscious. Think of  your computer's desk top hidden behind this page reveling a fixed in background of any open document.

Our unconsciousness doesn't think like us. The ability to distinguish the many gray areas in our grammar doesn't exist. Think in terms if one plus one. If one plus one is two, one plus two is three, equals one plus one equals one plus two that equals three, that equals two, that equals one plus one, that equals one plus two and so on. Everything is strictly black and white equals.

Because of the literal way our unconsciousness interoperates syntax and grammar in spoken words can have it's consequences. Thoughts of feeling safe are words telling ourselves we are. Our unconsciousness is convinced too. But if we ruminate to face the realities of the real world we have second thoughts. The second thoughts influences our unconsciiness adjusting to our ruminate convincing us.

When we are fully conscious we habitually don't pay attention to any back ground activity round us. Most of it becomes unconscious. Our unconsciousness is constantly monitoring it. When we put something down for a free pair of hands for example we habitually don't concentrate where we put down our items. The worst when distracted and pre occupied in dealing with something else at the same time we consciously forget the item we put down.

We often forget about it until it's needed. "How where did I put my........."

Our unconsciousness treats time the same way even when fully conscious. A second is the conscious time we say "One thousand and one" It is the conscious time analogue wall clocks and wrist watch second hands move a division, stop watch seconds, and the pause the second of digital time pieces. To our consciousness 50 life time is actually that, to our unconsciousness a second is the same amount of time.

You only need to think of how time passes the last time remembering conscious coming to from unconscious. Many hours during an operation will seem like a mere moment of time. A whole day can pass which would seem like a few seconds ago you last remember being awake.

To us a twenty year old memory is perceived as a quite a while ago. But who's to say not to our unconsciousness. Twenty years ago may be just as real time as every second in the now as all the seconds of 50 years of a person life in time of memories in a fixed second. Every cumulated second of all that time is a real time every even the current second as equal to every future second.

The dual function of our unconsciousness and conciseness together is a multitasking team one conscious and the other unfortunately for our conciseness consequences our unconsciousness. Our unconscious always knows exactly where any item last put down we consciously unaware of.
We consciously know we put down an item a minute ago searching consciously exactly where.

Hunting in frustrated for a few minutes then......."AHH. There they are".

You'd think you'd accidentally laid your eyes on them hunting randomly or consciously aware you will eventually find them if you keep hunting  for the place you thought you'd left them.

Who's to say since we unconsciously put items down we were directed by our unconsciousness to where it knew where all the time. During the search we often rehearse alternative places where we could have left the item. When we eventually find what looking for we were reminded. "OH. That's right. I thought I left them there". We were never really consciously aware where to look for some time until we spotted the item where we left it found under some papers were we searched over and over before. We were constantly looking in the wrong places.

Not quickly finding what you are looking for will not work with out the habit of consciously being aware of your unconsciousness. It goes back to the time you put the item down. The habit of concisely making a conscious note of when and where we put an item down every time is the key.
At first a conscious effort is required. If practiced enough it will soon become a habit. It will come to pass with out thinking we make mental note of where we are putting down any item. This habit is programs our unconsciousness. When we come to collect the item we put down we put our hands on it straight away without thinking, straight from our unconsciiness.

Habits are hard to start consciously but the more you do the the more they seem less of a conscious effort. When it starts becoming automatic our unconscious has finally taken over following our unconscious instruction to direct us to exactly when and where we last put down the item every item time we put them down is the ultimate power in solving the problem of constantly looking for things this way. It won't work with out the conscious start to turn into unconscious habit.

Our unconsciousness is like an open computer on stand by waiting to be programmed in though thinking. We all know about hypochondriacs people who talk themselves into illnesses. It equally works when we talk ourselves well. But using mind over matter as a tool doesn't work. Only habits.
We all talk to ourselves in our heads. The habit is picked up by our unconsciousness as instructional programming. If we tell ourselves something consciously over and over long enough soon becomes a habit. Taking the habit as programming instructions our unconsciousness is obligated to program us to make it true where habits towards the instruction is formed the source of the related habits we form of it.

For example a person has a dream of taking part and winning important marathons. Dreaming enough the person's unconsciousness takes over trying to make it true to us though habit forming programs in the case of the runners dream turning into habitual training. Once a habit gets a hold of us we'd done the thing over and over hundreds and thousands of times before.

At first a 1km run consciously seems daunting. But after a full days it doesn't seem as daunting as it used to be any more. Adjustment is made in the person's mind maybe it wasn't enough any more to making it a goal to do a half km extra or maybe a little confident in doing 2 who knows.

Yet after the person got use to the extra distance that too seems not to be any distance as it used to be any more. So another adjustment decision is made to increase the distance per day, wondering why on earth did they feel a km was along way.

And once again once the person got use to that distance it too soon apparent even that seems over to soon. So another adjust adjustment commandment is felt necessary. Then once the person got used to that increase there commitment for more distance is made just keep up with the changing getting to the each adjustment distances.

Soon 5 or 6km doesn't feel as long as what they thought it would be beginning feel the distance is nothing.

The distance gets longer and longer every few trying to keep up with finding the right distance that do they don't feel is over too soon because every day the person is getting used to each new distance. The habit of it all 10km will seem like nothing at let a lone 5 for a day seriously thinking of a greater and greater challenges.

Habits is the key to familiar experience which is driven by the unlimited resourceful stubbiness of a habit making any dream come true. If it's not a habit it was never a dream in the first place.
Self made millions, the rags to riches stories was most likely been driven by the power habits straight from their unconsciousness. The habit of a interest turns in a habit turning into a currier. Self made millionaires have never been afraid to talk to entrepreneurs and marketing gurus what they have got to offer. The habits of their hobby done hundreds and thousand of times before can be worth a lot of money even to wealthy corporations they could use.

The habit of a hobby makes a person believe in it talking to hundreds of entrepreneurs and marketing gurus thousands of times before the key in gaining experience in wheeling a dealing experiences razing the money for their projects straight from their unconsciousness habit of trying to make it true.
In an effort our unconsciousness to make anything we tell it make us believe it we eventually have presented their ideas to entrepreneur and marketing guru hundreds and thousands of time before. because of the habit. In effect letting the habit do all the work for us. Once a habit gets a hold of  us it resists change. It be a conscious challenge to change to a new or modify.

Our unconscious revisits change. It will make us miss the old way before it will except the new or modified version. This is why smokers have trouble to stop smoking. IT is better to get into the habit of missing a smoke or too. Modifying the habit will seem missing the old way fro a while.

Instead of loading packets with spare cigarettes it is better to consciously leave at home or neglect stocking up. These days with anti smoking we can't smoke in public buildings and restaurants.
Consciously starting the habit of inconveniently caught out we can't have a smoke right away making a point for the next covenant time will eventually done that sort of thing hundreds of thousands of times before experience will eventual morph into an unconscious habit of putting off having a smoke. Our unconsciousness will adapt modifying the smoking habit change for itself into procrastination smoking habits. The more frequent the inconvenient times the more we become experience at smoking procrastinating the easier it will be to stop smoking.

In other words we use the power of our unconsciousness to work for us to stop smoking. We get into the habit of not smoking

Because grammar rules don't exist to our unconsciousness self talk is tricky in programming your unconsciousness. Hypnosis works because of the lowering of our conciseness. Fully aware and alert is a 100%. We can control our emotions with self talk reason. But  day dreaming reviver is 90% less efficient.

"You who, are you there. Hollow......"

"Oh. Sorry. I wasn't with you for a minute. Where were we. Ah that's right"

Below 90% and is a concussion. We are consciously aware of the environment round us seem slightly unreal. Mental faculties gathering our wits and memory is slightly off but we can functional well in a conversation. Paramedics at road side accidents encounter this sort of behavior hundreds and thousands of times before so to them it's easy to spot the signs straight away.

Another level we are aware of our surroundings during the aftermath of the sudden shock of a crash or disaster. We can't stop shacking due to adriliumn. Paramedics recognize concision and shock straight away the shacking is adriliumn pumping hard in the person's system due to shock.

Our unconscious is reciprocally the same proportion. If our consciousness is a 100% down then we are equally a 100% unconscious. If we are 50% conscious we are 50% unconscious respectively. And f we are 25% conscious we are correspondingly 75% unconscious and so on.

Any hypnotist will tell you when you drift off into a trance you are in what is called a state of reviler. We've all been there. The power of our brain we don't notice the environment round. It seems to drift away quietly in the back ground.

We see the same thing in them movies For a while a person  isn't consciously aware of the surrounding environment everything is a dead silence deep in thought.

Reviler, is genetic condition. Hypnotists link it to our positive and negative thinking and behavior. In the state of reviler we're about 90% conscious, or 10% unconscious. It's a peaceful psychological piece of mind relaxation state. It's a psychological bliss as close to yoga exercise we can get. Hypnotists say it's the genetic state most vulnerable to unconscious habit programming. They teach us the benefits of our unconsciousness to create relationships, wealth,  and well-being from this peaceful relaxation.

Operating on the principle specially stage hypnosis tap into this resource. However stage hypnosis are always dealing with strangers. So everybody are strangers. Participants are all on edge with the host hypnotist when first invited on stage. Thoughts of "could be anybody". The host recognizes this and so his job is to make everybody feel he is harmless and friendly though lots of introduction pleasantries charming small talk with hint of hummer chatter. Once we feel are convinced any stranger is harmless and friendly we are as relaxed with them as we are with our life time friends.
One of the biggest barriers of course is mental illness from Skitsafrenia and depression tendencies. Attitudes create an impossible barrier. We think stage hypnotists worked with audiences hundreds of thousand of times before should recognizes the signs when selecting participants.

Using hypnotists as a medical tool patients taped into our unconsciousness thinking. It is often used to encourage habits towards enhancing passion, profit and power. Hypnotists describe the benefits of our unconsciousness thinking to make us more passionate, create more profit and more power in our lives just from this state of reviler we all sometimes go into just from encouraging habit-forming goals.

A favorite analogy of our minds is the comparison to computers. In the case of your computer a brain that hasn't got a mind of it's own. It needs you, the interface at the control of a mouse and keyboard to tell it what to do. Our unconsciousness can be seen as such a computer where we interface instructions on a daily basis.

Habitual self talk is a set of unconscious programming often reparative getting embedded in our unconscious. There are skeptics out there that believe there is no such thing as unconscious reprogramming. If get into the habit of repetitious rehearsing will.

Our unconsciousness vocabulary syntax is unable to read between the lines like we can. We have hunches while our unconsciousness is unable to second guess. It will take all sentence structures to the letter quite literally. Consequently positive suggestions although meaning well we understand as perfectly clear is very tricky because our unconsciousness doesn't interoperated suggestions the way we see it, ending up the well meaning suggestion not as we meant it.

All the "Will's" and "Going "to's" in any suggestion are not interpolated the way you and I can can adapt to. Those "will's" and "going to's" are future tense instructions filed away in our unconsciousness interoperating them as stand by waiting instructions waiting indefinitely. Our unconsciousness relies on present tense commands for any suggestion to be effective.
If a smoker tells himself he is anon smoker every time he lights the action of lighting up will not fit to our unconsciousness and feels wrong our unconsciousness ignores it.

However once a smoker gets into the habit of it though lighting up does not fit the habitual suggestion and lighting up will feel start to feel wrong. The person can do two things. Be compelled by the contradictory illogic in both cases, looses the reparative habit or stab out the cigarette every time. One way or another they are both habits.

Anther tricky-dickey includes "Not's" included in any suggestion. Our unconsciousness focus on those "nots" as a significant instruction interoperating in context not the way it was really meant. "I will not" effectively turned into the opposite the suggestion was indented.

Hypnotists believe self talk is communicating with your unconsciiness. Everything we think is words in our heads talking to ourselves is absorbed by it. Scientology has a different philosophy. They tell us without auditing back to traumatic areas of your life freeing you from the unconscious bourdon that causes your problem in the fist place is only waiting your time. Never the less Scientology does agree self talk does play an important role in self esteem though

You just have to watch the grammar vocabulary syntax in contents. I've already discussed how to much use of future tense in grammar in positive suggestions will only cause your subconscious mind to wait till it happens which it doesn't know in it's thinking will never be able to come waiting, waiting .....waiting and still waiting for the future to arrive from the future tense crammer programming. It kind' a reminds me of our PC' s operating system's installed task scheduler tool not set times to execute the program.

As pointed out the other grammar you should watch is the content meaning with negative words in positive suggestions.

Albert Einstein once said imagination is more powerful than knowledge. If we apply the philosophy to grammar contents one can use any positive suggestion with imaginative solutions twisting the contents tricking our subconscious mind while leaving out,  "going to's,       "will's",     "not's"

There is a cliché that says "You are what you think" Clichés are subject peoples opinions. Some will agree with the latter and some will disagree and others will consider it in a rather loose dismissal attitude. Others will argue it is only athoery And yet any response can often be unconscious coming direct from the subconscious mind.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

One of the most important things with computers we take for granted is a multitasking ability. More than one folder can opened on the desk at the same time. We can use our operating system's drag and drop system to transfer documents from one to the other while a video is running and a media player playing music.

Gathering together and organizing half a dozen items with one pair of hands at the same time is a multitasking job on the human brain. A mental version too. How well a person is good at multitasking in the head may well depend on how well that area of the brain that controls it had developed in the womb. We can appreciate a well developed multitasking ability is highly suitable for gymnastics.

The human brain has the ability to recite tongue twisters without a faulter even under challenging distracting conditions. The ability to recite fluently has nothing to do with the mechanics of the tongue. It's all to do with the ability of brain multitasking juggling every word like a juggler juggles sticks.

The mistake is the anxiety of trying. Try these two tongue twisters. It will only take a few minutes to master. Take a few minutes to get a mantle orientation of the sequence. Say every word with a few seconds between each word repeating faster and faster each time you repeat until you can repeat fluently with out fault with a maximum amount of distraction.

Peter..... picked..... a...... pickled........ pepper....... while..........she.........sells........ sea...... shells......... on........the........sea..........shore.

Once you have mastered them It dispels the myth the why we can't use our tongue. We can even rock sing them even at a fast tempo.

There are other areas. IQ test questions are trick questions for one. Often it is in the way the grammar is sounded making them seem almost impossible to understand at times. If we don't understand any question trips us up in search for any answers. The problem is often looking in the wrong place instead of looking for clues for the answer in the manor of the grammar in the question give clues.

Let's say Jay went to the store to get 11 cans of coke. He could only carry 2 cans back home at time. People familiar with mathematics would assume 2's into 11 is 5 and half and pick from the multiple answer 5 and 1/2.

However the half part won't cut it because he has to make 6 trips to get the last one home. Therefore picking 6 from the multiple choices would be the correct.

The original question sounds like this. Jay was sent to the store to get 11 large cans of coke. Jay could only carry 2 canes at a time. How many trips to the store did jay have to make? The answer is disguised in the point of the uneven number of 11.

IQ tests are designed to test how well a testier can pick upon the disguised answers hidden in the questions. For example a hole is inside a doughnut as a page is inside a book. Here it is rephrased as an IQ test question. A hole is to a donut as pages are to: which of the five makes the best comparison, Story ,words, contents, index, or cover. Picking upon on the trickiness the tsetse realizes pages are inside books as holes are inside donuts. Cover is the choice they make. In physics the speed of light is given as 300,000 kilometers per second. Actually it can also be interpreted traveling a fixed distance of 300,000 kilometers every second. So what is the Speed of light per kilometer. Any body into mathematics will realize the reciprocal of light speed in a second is 300,000th of a second per kilometer. Operating on the principle mathematics projects the speed of light travels per meter 300, millionth second per meter. We see this sort of in multiple choice answer thing in IQ quest and games shows on TV. Their IQ's are tested picking up clues in the question, in the hope of selecting the right multiple answer but often as not stumped where they either make a lucky guess or have to pass. In education in English "I before e, except after c" is an example of the need of multitasking in understanding. An analysis describes the statement as almost two sentences "I before e" and "except after c". Each half of the sentence is a clause. The main clause is the main information and the second clause is the suborned clause. Under delivered mantle multitasking may not be unable to follow as easily as some one else. The subordinate clause has two clauses there "except". and "after c". The "after C" part can cause problems. Those with under developed mental multitasking skills are probably better off with learning one clause at a time. "I before e" first.

The next step is exploring words with the letter c in them.

We can appreciate how a well developed mantle multitasking makes for gifted mantle math's and responsible for memory because we all experience thoughts of "That reminds me": giving us a rush of associations the most famous tool in memory training.

Take this simple sum for example. 4 + 2 is 6.Then we have 5 times 3 is 15. And so 6 times 15 is 90. All that was done was a multiplication of the answer of two simple sums.

It's normally said 90 equals 4 plus 2 times 3 times 5.We can appreciate someone with a under developed mental multitasking skill will can find it very confusing and tiring to learn. Algebra teaches us to use the law of mathematics to write 4 plus 2 in brackets. To avoid the confusion between the letter x and the multiply sign 3 and 5 are separated by a couple of letter blank spaces to be reminded of multiply. So we do the sum in brackets first than complete the sum with the 5 times 3. 90 = ( 4 + 3 ) 3, 5.

We can also appreciate a person with a well developed multitasking skill can visualize with the help of associations saving the answer of 4 plus 2 in their head. Then with the answer for 3 times 6 saving that answer in their head.Then they can proceed multiplying the two answers to give the final answer. That is a typical of multitasking mathematical gymnastics mental skill.

It is the ability to memorize have a dozen things at the same time. Gifted has to be the luck of the draw developed more than normal in the womb. Slow learners must sufferer from under developed multitasking effecting their learning. And there there must be social consequences too. The better a person can juggle thoughts and ideas in their head at the same time the more they can handle complex incoming messages from others with ease.

If we recognize a quiet withdraw treatment can be an an indicator struggling to concentrate on a conversation. Taking shorts cuts introducing several ideas at once shouldn't help. It should only push them into a quiet panic making things worse. Inversely taking a step back and making sure one thing at a time should help better. Otherwise the subject the person was never interested in the first place. A multitask brain might be able to tell the difference easier than others. Thus well placed questions before the start may help.

The ability for the human brain to multitask must show up in busy surrounding conditions. Take for example the activity of a night club dance floor specially when most have had a few drinks. Take another example of all the noise of a busy airport example. Just think how the brain has to cope with busy shoulder to shoulder bustling coming and going crowds. Reception and departing areas tend to have bad echoing acoustics amplifying many voices sounding like razed voices arguing all at once while the landing and taxing aircraft and announcements going on at the same time.

Well developed multitasking brains must be able to take it all in their stride while signs of stress may be due to a lack of multitasking. Phobic signs may be just just that. Recognizing the need for quiet surroundings ruling a person life can be helpful in understanding the situation.