Wednesday, February 19, 2020

What's a Narcissist

A narcissist is a person who plays mind games with you. They keep you guessing what they are thinking. We all find ourselves constantly entangled with mind set arguments correcting rumors and gossip specially if concerns you. They are dishonest with you feelings. You are constantly explaining yourself not believing you. It only makes things worse when you let them know how you feel. Inside they are laughing in your face.

They defend themselves blaming you constantly arguing it's not their fault. The silent treatment game is often employed not telling you pretending you know exactly what you did wrong game. They are dishonest to a point they don't have to communicate anything. It's always your fault.

There is basically two types. Those that keep the above characteristics to themselves about you. They are the ones that are experts at the silent treatment mind game called covert (covered over) hostility. Covert narcissists are dishonest with your feelings though keeping their mean options of you to themselves pretending all is well as their friend.

We often find out how bad when we discover hurtful rumors about us from friends. Covert Narcissists skill is covering their tracks with lies so nothing can be traced back to them. If you do trace it back to them Narcissists are dishonest despite caught out red handed. They tend to play the incident game arguments it's all you're your fault not theirs. Typical effect they have on people like the feeling we have in courtroom drama defense and prosecution with ruthless cross examination making us feel fools discrediting us as reliable witnesses.

Then there is the overt types outwardly playing the mentioned mind games with you to a point of an uncaring monsters. It is particularly prevalent in bullying. Narcissists make perfect business bullies because of the ability to be ruthless at carrying out unpopular decision weather we like it or not attitude without any consciences of the consequences.

They are attracted to low self respect in others when they see. They spot drama queens and timid ness miles away. low self respect tolerates and plays their mind games. Narcissist meat their match in self respect individuals. Self respect instinctively shows Narcissists they have more important things to do then play their games.

Self respect is cool, calm and collected in the face of mean criticism. They instinctively don't respond. The non response is a bit like a trying to play mind games to a piece gray Rock to a Narcissist. They give up and move on.

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