Friday, June 29, 2018

Mathmatics and time

There are library books, web pages including youtube about light and time including one yuotube clip what happens if an asteroid hits earth at light speed. Some of us assume we can time travel at a light speed scale and travel back in time. What is the mathematics on this?

Albert Einstein is a popular reference to time travel theory. In 1905 while working at a Swiss patent office in his spare time he worked on a paper called the dynamics of moving bodies we call today the special theory of relativity. He submitted it to a German science magazine Annalen der Physik who publish his work in the next issue.

Applying arithmetic Einstein found space and time had a symmetrical quality. An example is our wrist watches and clocks including digital seconds. Every time the second hand moves a division is a now moment of time. Said light travels a 186 thousand miles per second means light travels a 186 thousand miles every time the second moves every division. If we do the math's on this in kilometer terms every mile is 1.609km. 1.609 times 186 thousand pans out to 299 thousand 274kmps respectively. When it comes to multiple additions given 300 thousand creates wide errors.

If we dived 299 thousand 274kmps by 1.609 pans out to186 thousand miles per second. Proof of this a 186 thousand multiplied by 1.609. The math's tells us given in kilometers or miles doesn't matter as light speed is  aways 186 thousand times as fast as every second on earth. Math's can't lie you know.

There is very little reference with respect to what nor how light travels though space mathematics can always solve. For example light is a single bubble radiating every direction from every star in the universe. The second point despite the zero resistance of space it is at a maximum speed in relation to us on the surface of earth the key to Einstein's special theory.

When Einstein applied his math's he realized the reciprocal of light speed (1 dived 186 thousand) paned out to every mile (or every 1.609km) every 186 thousandth of a second. Proof of this every 1 mile (or 1.609km) multiplied by a 186 thousand in a second. Once again mathematics can't lie you know. The law of mathematics tells it doesn't matter whether given in miles or kilometers light speed is the same 186 thousand times as fast as every second on the surface of earth. It is always the distance ahead of us every second.

It is what we see of the distance light travels whether given in km or miles in the time the second hand of our watches and clocks move a division. It just doesn't coast the distance any faster than that than every division tick including every digital tick. Every division equates to the distance every now moment of time the 4th dimension we express as space time or light speed time if you like. We can apply the definition of the 4th dimension every 186 thousand miles (or every 1.609km) every division of our clocks and wrist watches we travel though time.

In quantum physics time is seen differently then we see it classical physics. There are lots of books and web pages including youtube clips how analogue signals are converted to digital. If demonstrating electrical signals in analogue sine waves just as science book describes light waves is anything to go by their digital sampling rate description of analogue electronic signals is remarkably simmer to describing time as digital square waves. In the case of the universe made up of a Planck constant time scale.

A Planck constant is a decimal fraction of 29 zeros 6262 a total of a 34 decimal fraction. If we do the math's in your phone, your computer calculator in the scientific mode or a scientific calculator points out 1 divided by10 over and over forty-three times, then multiplied by 6.262 expressed as 6.262 times 10 to the minus 34 of a second called a Plank time. (Sometimes a Planck second), called powers. In your computer's scientific calculator mode enter 10 pressing the exponent (EXP) and the minus key entering 34 pressing the equals (=) key.

Math's also tells us we can 1 multiply by 10 forty-three times, (or 1 with 29 zeros) then multiplied by 6.262 that pans out to 6262 twenty-nine zero number expressed as 6.262 times 10 to the 34. In scientific calculators the same procedure as the minus without the minus called a positive power. The minus is the smallest amount of time, in the universe. The reciprocal of the minus power tells us the positive value is the number of  Planck times in a second called a Planck frequency.

Every Planck time is liken to a digital freeze fame of time 6.262 times 10 to the 34 times per second plank times amounts every division of our clocks and whist watches a Plank time in a Planck frequency. If we work this out in the equalivalent of a computer processing power pans out to 6262 twenty-three zero GHz (Gigahertz. 6.262 times 10 to the 23GHz) respectively. It is 29 zeros take away the 6 zeros of the 1GHz otherwise 29 zeros Hertz (Hz).

If it is true light travels a 186 thousand miles per second from our perspective point of view light travels a 186 thousand times as fast as a second on earth. Most of us believe time stops at light speed. But according to our math's projects if we could observe time on earth from light speeds point of view see every second on earth slowed down 186 thousand times. According to Einstein's special theory if we look to our wrist watch we'd observe it tick away as normal in relation to to time on earth.

If we do the math's right it projects projects we observe a person at light speed travel 7 times round the circumference of earth every second. Proof of this if we open up the circumference of the earth to a straight line multiplied by 7 measures the distance light travels in the straight line every second earth time.

Some of us hypotheses time slows down approaching light speed completely stopped once we reach light speed. What time? Light speed itself or time on earth? We'd think from a person's point of view traveling on a light speed scale round earth should observe time on earth stopped.

Mathematics projects every second on earth should be slowed down every 186 thousand seconds of their time. According to Einstein their wrist watch should tick as normally passing a186 thousand seconds for every second on earth passes. Our arithmetic projects time on earth should be passing a mile (or 1.609km) every second of light speed time. If we do the arithmetic properly the reciprocal (1 dived 186 thousand) amounts to every second a person traveling round the earth on a light speed scale is traveling 186 thousandth second of every earth second every their second.

Our mathematical instinct aggress we can prove this by multiplying 1 mile or 1.609km by a 186 thousand pans out to 186 thousand times as fast as a second on earth. We observe proof of this a 186 thousand miles per second pans out to 1 mile per second or 299 thousand 247kmps divid by 1.609km per second respectively. Told you mathematics can't lie.

According to our arithmetic every 186 thousand miles in every second time on earth is not stopped when we are at light speed. We can see the constant tells us time on earth is only the illusion of viewing time on earth point of view appearing stop is only traveling so slow we can't observer moving any more.

From a person traveling on a light speed scale round the earth point of view perspective 1 second on earth moves every 186 thousand seconds of light speed time to earth second on earth. They will see the proof of this their wrist watch ticking away normally as their normal time for them. For people on earth every second. Either way time is not stopped from both perspectives.

Light is always above the sun's surface every now moment (or second if you like) of time. Our mathematical instinct agrees light speed at a constant 186 thousand miles per second projects It takes at lest a minute to coast a distance of every 11 million and a 160 thousand miles every second.(60 times 186 thousand respectively) It is said at that velocity it takes a fraction under 8 minutes to reach our eyes from the sun. Our arithmetic will indicate a distance of 89 million 280 thousand miles. (60 seconds in every minute times 8 then times 186 thousand. And then in kilometer terms times 1.609)

The arithmetic indicates the sunlight we see now had left the surface of the sun every 8 minutes ago every second. It tells us what we see of the sun now is only an image of what it was 8 minutes ago every second. It tells us we don't see the sunlight until eight minutes into the future. The math's spells out perfectly the constant velocity of light speed pans out to a distance of 669 million 600 thousand miles in a 1 hour TV program in terms of mph.

Our math's tells us despite the zero resistance of space it doesn't coast the distance any faster than that. Our arithmetic tells us 60 seconds in every minute, sixty minutes in every hour is 60 times 60 (sixty squared) pans out to 3 thousand 600 now moments of time (seconds if you like) in an hour. The distance traveled in that time times a 186 thousand converted to kilometer terms times 1.609. In retrospect traveling at sub light speed light is always every 186 thousand miles ahead of us on earth every second.

Assuming we travel up to 100% of light from a sub light speed we'd never catch up with light speed. Einstein realized math's told him traveling on a light speed scale we would be traveling in parallel with light speed. It was the core of his special and General theories.

Think of traveling in parallel with anther vehicle on a state highway. Our math's tells us we are traveling at the same speed. Can mat's tell us how fast we are going relative to the other vehicle? If we do our authentic right dictates both of us are traveling the same speed amounts to panning out to no distance and time with respect to traveling beside each other. Applied to traveling at light speed tells us we are traveling in parallel with respect to 100% of light speed itself.

Einstein was able to predict the startling results in the special theory. According to the math's predicting zero space and time light accelerating from sub light speed time and space are compressed up against light speed like a car crumples up against a solid brick wall at high velocity. As we approach 3/4 (75%) light speed say, we can look to our wrist watch observing it tick away as normal in relation to traveling faster and a faster than sub light speed.

Time for us is flowing as normal as our space and time is crumpled up tighter and tighter towards the maximum speed of light. Finally when we reach a 100% we'd think traveling the same speed our space and time should be crumpled up to zero. We would think means we should be equally infinite. We'd think zero distance and zero time relative to traveling in parallel to light speed we should be crushed out of existence by space and time itself. I told you mathematics can't lie specially when it comes to traveling in parallel with respect to the same speed as another body. Our mathematical instinct aggress with a comsic law traveling at the same speed as another cancels out each others relative velocities to the same speeds as each other.

I'd remind you of Isaac Newtown's third law of motion in a straight line their is a force (an acceleration force) there is an opposite equal force applied. Albert Einstein realized when we accelerate to high speed in a very short time we experience a gravity like force pulling us back. The shorter the distance we accelerate in a shorter and shorter amount of time the stronger it becomes we express today as torque familiarly known as G-force to a lot of us commonly expressed as "G's" It is the property of matter in acceleration called inertia.

In terms of the standard system international (SI) units 1G is the pressure of the earth's gravity (9.81 Newtown's the scientific term to be exact) of 2.2 pound force per square yard (or in metric term 1kg per meter of squeezing pressure). We experience the entire volume of the earth's mass force exerting on the mass of our body at rest.

If we accelerate we feel the sensation of our body weighing twice as heavy we experience twice the force of the earth's gravity, 2G's proportionally. 3 times 3G's 3 times the earth's gravity and 4 times 4 times the earth's gravity respectively.

A common family SUV station wagon can only pull up to a G in several seconds at most. Powerful drag racing cars can pull up to twice that in less than a second. When Einstein said gravitational equivalence termed acceleration is a gravitation pull back force. Have you ever tested the performance acceleration how many times you car can pull the earth's gravity? Rolla coasters is a popular example of thier acceleration torque. The acceleration toriue can pull up to 4 times the force of gravity in several seconds.

There is a maximum speed limit to everything and light speed is no exception. Tje special theory tells us there is no such thing as stationary in the universe. Asteroids and commets drift though space at their maxim speed limits.

The planets of our solar system don't travel any faster than their spin and orbital speeds. The sun drags the solar system with it at a maximum speed emit orbits round in our galaxy. All galaxies travel no faster than their they do. Everything travels no where near light speed.

Once a Roller coaster reaches maximum speed acceleration is terminated to a constant velocity where it can't go any faster. We don't feel any G's at constant velocities. In fact we actually feel the sensation of feeling lighter expressed as negative G's.

We feel the sensation as if without the straps holding in us place we feel as if we would drift off our seats in weightlessness. Any sky diver will tell you when they leap from hatch of their plan they feel the earth's gravity snatching at them accelerating away from the plane. It takes about a couple seconds of free fall acceleration to fall about 120 meters before the acceleration is terminated to maximum free fall velocity.

Imagine the G's we feel on the surface of earth if we accelerated a straight line 0 to a 100mph (a 160k if you like) in a second let a lone 669 million 600 thousand mph in that time. (7 times round the earth in that time). We don't feel any acceleration in out of space bellow light speed. Just look how high in orbit an astronaut can step out of a space station hatch traveling way-way faster than a bullet can travel at sea level without feeling a thing. Gravity dampens velocity and the earth's gravity is no exception. The instant take off of bullets and artillery shells experience a significant amount of G's. The stronger the gravity the more G's we feel at lower take off velocities. Bullets would not be able to accelerate very fast and far with a high G inertia of Jupiter's gravity let a lone the sun's.

The inertia of a body on earth's surface reaches a maximum speed limit where it can't go any faster we express as terminal velocity. Riding a 300mph rocket sled take off for example we experience well over 10 times the force of gravity in that second. The acceleration is terminated traveling 300mph at that constant velocity. After traveling 300 miles in an hour when we apply the brakes we feel the deceleration as a 300mph instant stop. We would experience the same G's pull us forward coming to a stop in that time. Imagine coming to an instant stop. We can imagine an asteroid hitting the earth 669,600,000mph.

In the zero resistance of space we experience very little G's at 1/2 (50%) light speed. We would experience a significant amount up to about 3/4 (75%). It is up 90% before we experience some drastic G's crushing in us. We are all taught at school the conservation law of energy applied to matter cannot be created or destroyed. it is only changed from one form to another. We tend to believe our math’s predicting zero time and space matter must be crumpling space and time to zero. As Einstein put it the G's of light speed inertia becomes infinite.

But we are reminded of the conservation law mater crumpled by space and time at light speed scales should not crush matter zero. It is proven in particle accelerators only 90% of light speed is possible telling us the conservation law may be preventing matter from reaching true 100% of light speed. The particles don’t travel any faster than that. We'd think the maximum speed of 90% of light speed means the crumpling of space and time crumpling up mater appears not zero so is self defeating to reach the maximum speed limit. The particles not traveling any faster than that are not lying you know.

As the youtube clip on what if the earth was hit by and asteroid at light speed demonstrates the inertia on the particles heat them to temperatures comparable to the core of the sun even in the zero resistance of a vacuum.

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