Sunday, August 21, 2016

Our brian

Quantum physics tells  our brain is made up of orbiting particles of the atom called electrons racing round a couple of particles called protons and neutrons, made up of quarks and a whole zoo of particles from Higgs Boson to neutrinos made up of strings like entities. In the case of string (or Membrane) theory think of vibrating rubber bands strands.

Particle of the atom are only a question of scale. Imagine a meter divided by ten many times. Every time you divide 1 by10 in any basic calculator, a decimal zero is added giving 1 and 6 zeros a total of a 7 digit number of a meter. That is far as basics calculators can go. Any more dividing we have to turn to calculators with a capability of many more zeros like scientific calculators.

For such a large number of zeros is expressed by, times 10 to the minus what every the number may be. In the case of our brain cells on a scale of 10 to the minus nine, 1 and 9 zeros of a meter, a 10 digit number.

It pans out in the case of a millimeter scale our brain cells are a millimeter divided by ten 6 times as small in size. (10 to the minus 6 of a millimeter). In the case of the particles of the atom are 15 times of a meter or 12 times of a millimeter as small scale.

The absolute smallest of the universe is 6.262 divided by 10 forty-three times of a meter, or 37 of a millimeter scale called a Planck constant representing of a second, or of a meter, or of a kilogram.

Our brain's mathematical instinct agrees by rearranging the 6.262 to the left of the same number zeros (39 in fact) pans out, per second, meters, kilograms, kilogram forces to compression to torque measure of the universe. Reference to tones pans out to 6.262 multiplied by10 forty-three times. In other words the gravitational pulling power of a black hole scale.

The diameter of our brain's electrons is in the order of 10 to the minus 15 of a meter scale. (or 10 to the minus 12 millimeter scale if you like). At that scale distances across the expanse of the electron orbits and between each electron is mostly empty space.

Quantum physics tells us each electron disappears and reappears inside their orbits on a Planck scale. Time for each electron exists in each orbit the minis value. On this scale our brain's electrons are quantum leaping back and forth their orbits per second.

Our brain's electrons characteristically exist in space and time two places at the same time. They communicate with each other at a distance believed to be no limit. In the quantum physics world our brains electrons are entangled with electrons clear across the other side other side of the universe in an instant.

On an whole organ scale it understands and follows decent conversations. It follows with ease adults only TV and movie dialogues. It not only follows but appreciates and understands all the types of dramas in perfect context.

It can share and relate to drama and reality TV shows in perfect context. It can share and appreciate opinions perfectly. It's capable of taking natives, and appreciates hunches and ideas. It can pick up and read between the lines of spoken word as well as body language. It can tell the minimal the maximum amount of commutation.

It is a sexual organ hard wired to love and romance. It is hard wired to procreate attracted to matting and dating razing and families. It is all theses tings and more. It is alive and living organ operating on a a ten to the 15th scale.

Made from star dust we are beginnings (or children of the universe) Chemical reactions from the food we eat and the thoughts are basically the same electric power energy of the stars.

A substance called electrolyte is a moist chemical that conducts the electrical impulses our thoughts generate. On a large scale the cells of our brain is like entangled interlocking branches of the forest heads of trees in a huge forest. Each branch of every branch is an electrical arc gap.

When we are fast asleep our brain keeps our whole body alive with electric power sparkling all over in electrical activity. Without the air we breath when asleep our brain cells die. It only takes a few minutes to damage our brain. If awake a damaged brain gets a sleepy swooping feeling pass out and die.

During sleep our conscious and subconscious minds are on the same wavelength talking to each other on the same level. Deep conversation is deep level dreaming where our eyes rapidly following the action sequence our brain plays out to us in a Rapid Eye Movement  (RE) sleep.

Our subconscious mind is the key to who we are. Our brain's electrons are constantly quantum whether fully awake, concentrating, physical activity, relaxing, asleep, unconscious  even when dead communicating with the action at a distance thing with electrons in the whole universe.

Density is the key our brain's intelligence. A small area packed tightly with lots of neurons, (our brain cells). The mass compresses closer together able to fire more efficiently and faster closer together. The more packed into a confined space the better.

Of the flip side the less number of cells in a large area will be spread apart with longer distance gaps between the interlocking neurons. A tightly pack lost of cells in a small heavy brain can be more intelligent than a lightly packed number of cells of a large brain.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


In 1995 a science fiction TV series called the sliders about a university student called Quinn Mallory experimenting with antigravity in his basement managed to create the holy grail of cosmology, an electric turbine in his basement capable of opening a stable gateway though space and time joining parallel universes. CD movies at local libraries and video move shops have copies of TV series available including the sliders.

In 1960, and as in a remake in 2002, of the movie based on H.G.Well's 1896 adventure of a time machine about an adventure who whisked himself away into the future.

If you had a friend who had such machines with the an opportunity to slide a portal to parallel universes or ride a time machine would you take it?

Could Quinn Mallory's antigravity experiment and H.G. Wells machines really be recreated? What would it take to build a portal controlling an artificial wormhole or a time machine?  And what about traveling to the past?

It is a common perception we are made of star dust where most of the answers lay. Our bodies  are all the same atoms as our sun.

We are made of a orbiting cloud of particles called electrons round a central core (nucleus) made up of a couple of particles called protons and neutrons made up of elementary particles called quarks and a whole zoo of other particles from Higs Boson to neutrinos

Today, there is some question about electrons. It turns out the planetary model appears to be out dated. A cloud of electrons (including the nucleus particles) is something of a negative electrical charge of some sort existing in space and time surrounding the positively charged nucleus.

Common torch cells (or battery's if you like) show this, one end marked with a plus sign, and the other end with a minus sign or unmarked for the negative end. When you bring together the two ends millimetres apart and gently move side to side you can feel the force of the battery's live voltage. you are feeling the forces of the negative (-) and positive ends attracting each other.

You are also feeling the forces of the two positive ends repelling each other. So too, the negative ends, In essence the like repel and unlike attract law were electrons repel electrons attracted to the positive charges of the core of the atom.

The negative terminal is a store of atoms with excess electrons. Making that end live with domineeringly negative energy and an equal number of atoms with missing electrons orbits in the live positive terminal making that end domineeringly positive.

Voltage doesn't flow only the live energy you feel each end of the battery. When the electrons see a connecting circuit electrons are repelled by all the nearest negative voltages and attracted by all the nearest positive voltages in a steady direct electron current flow direction called amperage the essence of a electric current flow.

The combined forces of the live voltages and the electron current flow is the power in Watts. These forces are the key to the forces of the week forces of the universe. At first it was thought the neutrally charged neutrons in the center of every atom isolated the positive charged of the protons.

A recently discovered particle called the Higs Boson was discovered responsible for the strong nuclear force holding the positive forces together from repelling the atom apart.

According to string (or Membrane) theory these particles are made of vibrating like rubber band entities called strings. Stings are so tiny, they introduce us to the Planck scale.

A Planck constant is a decimal fraction, 6.26 divided by 10 forty-three times giving a total of a 43 of number of a meter.(40 zeros 626). Such a big number like that is expressed in scientific notation, as 6.26 times 10 to the minus 43. It is the smallest length, mass (amount of matter equivalent of the fraction of a kilogram in earth's gravity) and time of the universe. A Planck length, mass and second.

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal tells us the same number in the positive value (626 forty zero number, 2.62 multiplied by10 forty-three times, 6.26 times 10 to the 43 respectively) representing the of number of Plank seconds in 1 second.

Quantum physics tells us the particles of the atom we are made of are entangled with the particles of the atom clear across the other side of the universe, the so called, as Albert Einstein put it in his own words, a spooky action at a distance rule.

It is believed electrons (including the nucleus particles) disappear and reappear somewhere else expressed as quantum jumping in space and time, on a Planck scale, a Plank length in a Planck second expressed in text books as tunnelling.

It tells us electrons can only jump between the electron orbits, they can't collapse into the positive centre. The Planck constant in the positive value means number of times in a second representing the maximum frequency of the jumping including the electrons of our bodies.

The process is totally random. We have as much chance of predicting when and which orbit electrons will jump to as predicting all the numbers of a lottery draw in one guess. The only way to know which orbit they are in at any given time is the act of observing. The quantum jumping electrons in our bodies make us quantum lepers.

Physicists didn't like the unpredictable just can't tell sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't behaviour. Albert Einstein specially despised it, especially the claim instant communication with other electrons at infinite distances, obviously faster than light speed. The fact is physics insist that's the way the particle of the atoms is.

An age old experiment focusing light particles (photons) shot to a double slit screen in front of a light sensitive film called the double slit experiment. The light sensitive film detector doesn't record light though the slits the parallel positions we'd expect it should. Instead we observe a digital bar code like pattern only waves can form.

The pattern has no fuzzy merging edges with symmetrically even spacing between each vertical line clear and sharp edges as a high definition photograph. Photons seem to go though the slits like bullets and come out as a wave.

The experiment was repeated over and over again. Evens shot though a single slit the light sensitive film insisted on registering a waveform. No matter what was done the experimenters could not make the film behave any different. The test was done with electrons with the same result every time.

It appears the chemical action of our living bodies electrons are quantum leaping the electron orbits of every atom of our bodies no slower than a Planck scale in the positive value number of times per second communicating with electrons clear across the universe. Every thought in our heads is a firing of synapses of our brain cell activity. String theory suggests the effect is upto10 dimensions

If this is true, then our body atoms are quantum leaping their electron orbits. If it's true electrons communicate the spooky action at a distance, our body electrons are communicating with the universe at large.

This includes the physical chemical action of the firing of all the synapse of all our brain cells. The electrical activity is generated by our thoughts all the time. The electrons of the atoms are quantum leaping their orbits as with the rest of our body cells. The quantum leaping of the electron obits makes our brain a quantum leaper. Being totally random the randomness is uncontrollable.

Mathematics tells us the number the popular internet search engine company Goggle is named after, is a finite number of 1 with a 100 zero number. If double the zeros, is still a finite number called a googolplex. ( 1 and 200 zeros) and is still a finite number. We can double the zeros again (1 with 400 zeros) and it is still a finite number.

If we multiply goggle by 10 is a 1,000 digit number still a finite value. In fact trillions of zeros with and end, is still finite. Even100's of trillions of zeros is an end point is still finite.

Calculating the odds of getting correctly a 50 digit lottery number game in one guess is finite. We will not be astonished with with any large number out of 100's of 1,000's of trillions digit number.

Mathematics tells us infinite is defined as a number with no end. It can never be reached because the end doesn't exist. If time in the universe is infinite then 100.000's of trillions of centuries pass on earth every second of all the seconds in trillions and trillions of centuries of time on earth still with no end.

Infinite tells us our body electrons are quantum leaping their orbit generating combinations of many worlds every second since all the seconds of the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe up to this point in time as possibly can be

Even a finite number of 100,000.000's of trillions of a digit number with end point combinations of parallel earth's is possible. There is many alternate universe and earth possibilities. There are trillions of ourselves living different lives on different worlds than ours and we are no exception to the many possibilities.

Infinite velocity

Mathematics tells us the powers of 10 can project the theoretical distance way-way beyond space time.

Powers of 10 is 1 multiplied by 10 many times. Any 2 dollar calculator demonstrates. Enter 1 X 10 = X 10 =, X 10 = X = respectively. 1 and 7 zeros is as far as they go. You would have multiplied 1 by 10 seven times. Any more you will need to turn to a scientific calculator or at lest a calculator capable of up to 1 and 12 or more zero digit read out.

When petrol heads talk of acceleration performance they include 0 as a base figure to a figure in so many seconds. The average family SUV can accelerate 0 to 80kmph (50mph) in several seconds. Formulae one racing cars in a second or so. In other words 0 stands in for take off readiness no distance.

If get set for take off is 0 meters. Multiplied by 1 results in 1 with no zeros. 1 multiplied by 10 results in 1 with 1 zero, is 1 multiplied by 10 once. Multiplied by 10 is 1 with 2 zeros, is twice. Multiplied by 10, is 3 zeros, 3 times and multiplied by 10 is 1 and 4 zeros, 4 times. 1 multiplied by 10, once, twice, three and four times. In other words 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and  6k zeros in 6 seconds respectively. A zero every second.

Multiplying by a 1 and 4 zero number by10 razes the number to 5 zeros. Multiplying by 10 razes the 1 and 5 zeros to 6 zeros. In other other words, starting with every time 1 is multiplied by 10 a 0 is added razing the number by times called powers of 10. A million for example is 1 multiplied by 10 six times.

The popular internet search engine company Goggle is named after, is a finite number, 1 multiplied by 10 a 100 times resulting in 1 with 99 zeros, a 100 digit number. Scientific notation for such a large number is 10 to the 100.

If we multiply goggle by10 results in 1 with 9,999 zeros a 1,000 digit number. It is a finite number because of a beginning and an end. Any trillions of zeros is a beginning and an ending number. Even 1 multiplied by ten 1,000's of trillions of times is beginning and an end point. It is still finite because of a finite number of digits.

Calculating the odds of getting correctly a 100 digit lottery number in one guess is finite odds. If we get used to such humongous numbers we will no longer be astonished with any number 100's of 1,000's of trillions digit number.

If numbers so huge have a beginning and and end, then what's infinite? Mathematics defines it as a number with no beginning and no end. The beginning can never be defined because there is none. The end can never be reached because there is none. 1 dived 3 has a beginning but no ending. So too, the well known geometry number for circles call pi.

When it comes to time, our clocks divide time into finite increments based on the cosmic spin and orbit of the earth round the sun. We all observe the second hand of clocks move every division a full circle in a minute. Every second is a finite amount of time. We all know there is 60 seconds in a minuet and 60 minutes in an hour making another period of of time we express as hour an, divided by 3,600 finite seconds. The law of mathematics tells the reciprocal of an hour pans out ever second is 1/3,600th of a one hour TV program.

The Gregorian calendar used by western democracies tells us a date change is every 12 midnight the equivalent of a total of 86,400 seconds. The calendar has 7 days starting with the first second 12 midnight of the first working day12 of midnight Monday morning every second to the following last second of Sunday night. Immediately the date changes to the next day starting the week again. It pans out every second equals 60 squared (multiplied by itself) times 24 times 7.

The Gregorian calendar has various days to each month, 29 to 31. We can calculate the number of seconds in a year with the formulae 60 squared (multiplied by itself) times times 24, times 365 days panning out to 12 midnight new years morning to 12 midnight New years eve the same year, well over 31 million seconds to a year.

Operating on the principle knowing the second you were born can potentially calculate how old we are in seconds. Only our birthday we can calculate how old we are in days.

If we take into account of the extra day every 3rd February leap year in a decade we an calculate every second of a century, a millennia, (1,000 years), a million, a billion even a trillion centuries is a beginning and an end.

What do this mean if there infinite velocity or should we say acceleration? Taking off is a beginning. Lets experiment with some numbers. Lets accelerate in a power of 10, a distance of 10 times every second starting with a take off a distance of a meter in the first second. Mathematically it is zero to a meter in a second.

By the end of the 2nd second we'd be a distance of 10 meters. 0 to 10 meters in 2 seconds.

By the end of the 3rd second we'd be a 100 meters. 0 to a distance of a100 meters in 3 seconds.

By the end of the 4th second we'd be a thousand meters. We know from the standard metric system there is a1,000 meters in a kilometer which works out to 100 times 10, equals an acceleration to a distance of a kilometer in 4 seconds flat.

This kilometer is the same amount of time the second hand of clocks move 4 divisions, 0 to a meter at take off in 1 second, 10 meters in 2 seconds , a 100 meters in 3 seconds and 1,000 meters in 4 seconds respectively.

By the end of the 5th second we'd be a distance of ten times that,10km. By the end of the 6th second we'd be a distance of 100km. And by the end of the 7th second we'd be of a 1,000km and so on.

By the end of the end of the 8th second a zero is added. (10,000Km). Another second another zero, and another second another zero and so on. For every second there is a zero added 100,000K by 10 seconds. At that acceleration we'd be less than 12 seconds we would reach Mars from earth.

Operating on the principle every second a zero is added means we'd be a distance of 60 zero kilometers away from the take off point in 1 minute spelt out as 10 to the 60k in that time. This pans out to 1km multiplied by 10 sixty.

For an hour o to a distance of 1 multiplied by 10 three thousand six hundred times, a scientific notation of 10 to the 3,600k in the time of an hour. For a day a distance of 10 to the 86,400k. Imagine the distance traveling a week a month, a year or a century of time on earth let a lone accelerating with no end. Just think of the distance covered 10 to the over 31 million k for a year.