Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Speed, velocity, kmph, time dilution, theory of realitivty,light speed

What would it be like to travel a distance of a hundred and sixty kilometers ( or a hundred miles if you like ) to a stop in a second? If we do the math's on this a hundred and sixty kilometers in a second pans out to the equivalent of a  three thousand six hundred kilometer per hour take off. It's not a constant velocity. It is to a immediate stop in the distance in a second amount of time. We should experience a total of  a hundred and sixty kilometers in a second.

Would we experience Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity time dilution at that take off? Would we experience only a second  latter when we stopped? At take off would we experience accelerating eighty kilometers in half a second?

Would we experience slowing down to a stop in the same distance and time? Would we experience light ( in the zero resistance of open space ) travel just under a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers in the same amount of time when we accelerated and stopped in the same amount of time?

What would an observer see of us? We may appear to stretch a hundred and sixty kilometers long and snap back to normal in that distance in a environment second. Or just disappear and reappear a hundred and sixty kilometers away in that environment time. What would we observe of it's time during acceleration then during deceleration?

According to Einstein theoretically the faster we go the slower time goes we should observe the environment's time going slow at the point of braking. Is there any reason why not the slower we go the faster the environment's time will go we would observe the environment's time start to accelerate as we start to decelerate?

Theoretically we should observe the environment's time start to speed up as we slow down, slowly at first getting faster and faster until stops at a second after we took off a hundred and sixty kilometers away. Do we observe the environment's time constantly slow down then constantly speed back up in a environment second of time?

What about light speed? It is said when Albert Einstein was sixteen a thought crossed his mind. What would it be like to ride a beam of light. If we could we'd be traveling the same speed. We'd be in parallel with it. If we could we would be viewing the speed of the universe from a light speed point of view.

Algebra teaches us the laws of mathematics can extrapolate from the reciprocal light speed travels a kilometer three hundred thousandth second. If the standard metric system says there is a thousand meters in a kilometer Algebra tells us from the laws mathematics we can extrapolate three hundred thousand, thousand meters in three hundred thousand kilometers. If we walk on average a meter per second extrapolates light is three hundred thousand, thousand times faster that a second.

To travel in parallel with light we need to accelerate up to a speed of three hundred thousand, thousand times as fast as we walk a meter. That velocity is equivalent of superman running the round the entire circumference of earth seven times in a second.

Some of us believe if we travel the speed of light time stops. Others believe if we exceed it we travel back in time. Others believe we cannot exceed it. We would be traveling in parallel with it. So what happens when we slow down?

If we we're to observe the environment's time on earth at light speed a the everybody should walk a meter three hundred thousand, thousand seconds of our time. Those into challenging mathematics will know Algebra had taught us how to use the law of mathematics to extrapolate just over a couple of days short of a month short of a whole year. In other words an environment second is slowed down to three hundred and ten days of our time perception.

If a visitor from the future showed off technology of a hundred years time to you, from your point of view they are from the future but from their point of view you are from their past. The same perceptions if you was showing off today's technology to someone a hundred years in your past. They will see you from the future and you will see them as your past.

Getting their from our time is a complicated science. It often involves light speed and balck holes to do it.

According our math's from the environment's point of view we would be traveling a constant three hundred and ten days in the future every second. From our point of view we may observe every environment second will equal an agonizingly slow three hundred and ten days to get to were you want to be.

But from the current time perspective the environment's point of view will see us disappeared a three hundred and ten days into the future their every second.

From our point of view to speed up the environment's time we have to slow down three hundred and ten days. From the environment's point of view would observer us frozen in time every three hundred and ten for every our second perception of what time is to us.

From the environment's point of view time does not stop. But from our point of view it will appear to be. We are actually observing the environment's time slowed down too slow to be moving. We only need to look at clock arms of analogue clocks to observe the effect.

When we look a the second hand we can trace with our eyes sixty seconds every division a full circle. But the minute hand is to slow to observe moving a single division of that minute. We certainly never observe the minute hand move a full circle we let a lone the hour hand move division. Both the minute and hour hands are frozen in time every as we observe the second second hand sweep round the circle of the clock.

Our mathematical instinct aggress the minute hand is sixty times as slow as the second hand. The hour hand is three thousand six hundred times as slow as the second hand and sixty times as slow as the minute hand respectively.

A day is a date change every twelve midnight. If we do the math's on this every second is eighty six thousand four hundredth of a day. Military mode digital time pieces tell us a day begins with no seconds, no minutes and hours ( 00:00:00 ) for a second. It completes twenty three hours, fifty nine minutes, and fifty nine seconds resetting to zero at dead on every date change. repeating the cycle. There is no such thing as twenty four number to digital time pieces.

The zeros indicate the first second of the new date. A date change is eighty six thousand four hundred times as slow as every second. As reciprocals tell us a second is eight six thousand four hundredth of a day.

The western calendar tells us a week can be the first second of a twelve midnight date change any day of the week to the last second twelve midnight night seven days latter respectively.

The western calendar also tells us there is variation of a couple of days between each month, twenty nine the smallest to a maximum of thirty one. Our mathematical instinct agrees all the seconds in a year is equal to all the seconds of a date multiplied by three hundred and sixty five for a normal year and for the extra day at the end of every February leap year three times every ten years ( decade )  three hundred and sixty six.

Taking into account of the of the leap years we can calculate all the seconds of a decade, a century ( hundred years ), a millennia ( thousand years ),a million or billion years respectively.

We don't have to stop there. Taking into account of the leap years We can calculate every second in a trillion years even a trillion centuries and beyond.

Light from the moon is a mere reflection of the suns rays that takes less than a couple of seconds to reach our eyes. The distance of the moon varies. The moon is a cosmic body less than a couple of light seconds away.

Light from the sun takes just under eight minutes to a reach our eyes from the sun. Our sun is the nearest star to earth a mere eight light minutes away. Light that just left the surface now is just under three hundred thousand kilometers from the surface by the time you finish this sentence. We don't see this light until eight minutes in the future.

Meanwhile the light we see with our eyes now is only an image of the sun as it was eight minutes ago and is now three hundred thousand kilometers away from the earth by the time you finish this sentence.

Light is a fixed constant. Despite no resistance in space it is at it's maximum coasting speed limit. It just doesn't go any faster. We can use the constant ( lower case c ), to calculate any given distance from the moon to our eyes to the distance of trillions centuries into our future.

We can can calculate the distance in terms of kilometers ( or miles if you like ) in a light minute to a light century. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of calculating the seconds in any given time multiplied by c giving us the distance it traveled ( Miles or kilometers which ever preferred ). The sun is about ninety three million miles form earth and can easily converted to kilometers equivalent terms. 

When light enters the earth's atmosphere it is slowed down some what before reaching our eyes. Children's science and technology library book racks have plenty of educational books for the little ones on what light is and how it works. There is plenty of illustrations explaining the effects of how light reflects and bends in clear water and curved mirrors. The adult rack books make things very complicated. They are harder reading than the children's books but they all say the same thing.

Sold mass stops light dead in it's tracks. Less than a fraction of a second it reverses direction ( or bounced back if you like ) reaccelerating back though the earth atmosphere. Once clear it immediately accelerates back to it's maximum coasting speed limit.

Books describe the effects of reflection as refraction physics showing incoming rays bouncing back into reverse going rays. Light is not rays but one big sheet. The angles of the illustrations involves trigonometry math's in two dimensional angles involving triangle solutions. In reality being a single sheet is in a three dimensional volume. But the basic principle holds true.

We only need to reflect on the powerful gravitational pull of black holes how the earth's mass pulling in light ( or the gravity term if you like ), must have an effect on slowing light as it enters the earth's atmosphere.

This must effect the earth's mass must effect the environment's time. It is slower at sea level than the borders of the earth's atmosphere above us. The difference is clearly seen if we use the standard metric system milli for a thousandth of seconds slower.

For example in out of space the environment's second at sea level on earth is a little faster by a millisecond.

When we ascend to the top floor of a tall sky scrapper we are commonly many meters/stories away from ground level gravity. We age faster by a mere couple of milliseconds each second we ascend. 

When we descend back down we are approaching the stronger gravitational field at street level aging slower and slower as we go. The earth's gravity at sea level is trillions of times weaker than the pull of a any black hole. The earth's gravity don't stop time.

The unit of gravity in general is named of after Isaac Newton. The earth's value is nine point eight. In terms of the pressure holding us to the surface equivalent to a kilogram per cubic meter at sea level pressing the earth atmosphere compressing the air we breath on our bodies. It is the inward squeeze on us holding us to the ground our normal body weight at sea level. And it is well documented the earth's mass doesn't pull evenly. There are places in the earth where the pull is stronger bulging corners of the globe.

The pressure on the earth's core is several thousand times more than the above the crust. If we experience the core first hand we would feel several hundred times our body weight ( a small child would weigh a tone of so ) crushed to smithereens less than a second. The gravitational inward squeeze down there time is slower than above the crust. The gravitational pull of core is over several million times weaker than our sun let a lone black hole gravity.

If the gravity of black holes is anything to go by, time on the surface of the sun should be dramatically different than in the earth's core let a lone the sun's. Even more dramatic with some of the monster stars in the universe. The stronger the gravitational field the more it seems time is slowed down.

Time on the surface of earth for us, is the time we say one thousand and one. It is the beginning and end of every second. It is the time the second hand of analogue clocks and wrist watches move a division, the digital second pauses before changing, we walk a meter, and light we see now three hundred thousand kilometers away from earth.

With a bit of mathematical gymnastics we can find a solution to how fast we need to go to observe the environment second of the surface of earth to be twice as long. An example of this the second hand of an analogue clock moving a division twice as slow or the second of a digital time piece pauses twice as long.

Twice as slow everything to do with the environment's time will be twice as slow. To observe the effect we would be traveling though time twice as fast as the environment second. To environment observers we would be a constant two seconds into the future every second. From our point of view every second two seconds as slow. The environment's second is stretched twice as long.

Twice as long makes the minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century, millennia all equally twice as long. Every second being twice as long, every sunrise, day, sunset, and night all equally twice as long. We are not speeded up we are slowed down independently. The independently fixed environment's time appears to move faster. From our point of view the slower we travel the faster the fixed environment's second appears to go.

If we observe the environment's time slowed down we are not slowed down we are speeded up independently. From our point of view the fixed environment's second appears to take longer. The faster we travel the slower the environment's second.

No matter how fast or slow we go to environment observers point of view of the environment's time is fixed. From our point of view traveling faster or slower according to us the environment's time travels slow or fast according to how slow or fast we are.

What if we observe the minute hand of an analogue clock ( or a digital time piece minute the same speed as we normal see the second if you like ) travel round the clock face equally as fast as we normally view the second hand. We would be slowed down in the fixed environment time by a whole minute. For every second of the environment's second is a minute as slow to us.

We would be traveling though the environment's time sixty times as slow. The environment's second would would appear to be sixty times as fast. From our point of view every minute, every hour, day, week, month, year and millennia will travel sixty times as fast. From the environment's point of view we would be sixty times as slow as a second. Every second to the observers would be a whole minute for us.

From our point of view the environment observers would be sped up a minute into the future every second of every minute every hour every day, week, month, year, and millennia sixty times as fast.

If we were to speed up by sixty times, this would be what the observers observe us, but from our point of view the environment's fixed time seem to go sixty times as slow.

An electrical point with the Alternating Current of the mains cycle in some contrary's is a back and forth electric current sixty times a second. We normally view the mains lighting as a steady light. In reality all electrical mains lighting throbbing from minimum to maximum brightness sixty times every second. Much to fast for our eyes and brain. One cycle ( Hertz Hz ) is sixtieth environment second.

If we are traveling sixty times as fast as the environment's second we would be traveling in parallel, in time with the environment's cycling mains. In other words from our point of view sixtieth environment second would become as long as our second. 

We would observe a bed lamp throw a yellow color cast throbbing slowed down to a in and out of maximum and minimum brightness once in our every second. Instead of viewing sixty hertz a second as steady white light we would observe the environment bed lamp throb as slow one hertz. In other words if we are sped up sixty times as fast as the environment's second from our point of view of the sixtieth environment second white bed lamp, is slowed down to a whole second of yellowish color cast to us.

Our mathematical instinct agrees proof of this sixty times sixtieth second equals a whole second. We will observe the sixty hertz cycle of the mains frequency in the throbbing lighting slowed down to a Hertz per minute frequency. In other words from our point of view sixty hertz per minute.

Everything else with the environment including sunrises, days, sunrises, and night's appear sixty times as fast we will every be used to. From observes point of view us speed up sixty times faster than their second we would be a minute into the future every their second. From our point of view every minute and hour is sixty times as fast we normally observe.

What would we observe if we observe the hour hand as fast as we normally view the second hand?

Algebra projects there is three thousand six hundred seconds in an hour. It is only a matter of sixty seconds one minute multiplied by sixty minutes equals sixty sixties or sixty squared. It tells us we if view the environment sped up we would be traveling every environment second three thousand six hundred times as slow or if slowed down we would equally be traveling that much as fast.

When we travel that much as slow from the environment observes point of view we would be that much times as slow as their second. But, from our point of view we would observe environment an hour into the future every our second. If we travel that much as fast we would observe the environment second as slow as an hour. As Einstein pointed out the perception of time between different velocities of each view points is only relative.

If viewing fast we would view mains lamps throb minimum to maximum brightness as slow as a minute. We would observe people in an office appear frozen in time and desk top fan blades slowed full circles a couple of seconds or so. Any faster the blades will grind to a stop.

Beyond an hour into the future every environment second we would be traveling so fast we would be acceding the speed of the desk top fan blades. From environment observers point of view we would be disappeared into their future every their second.

If we were as slow environment observers would observe "us" frozen in time while from our point of view the environment would be and hour into the future every our second. We would observe desk lamps casting a steady blue color cast environment and desk fan blades disappeared into a burr.

We would observe the sky a purple blue ( Violet ) color cast reminiscent of the colors of alien skies we see in sci-fi movies. This is because we are viewing the environment's time surpassing the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation frequencies of the environment our eyes can see.

Our eyes can only detect the colors of the rainbow. Red is the minimum frequency while the purple blue violet the maximum, the rest is invisible. Frequencies lower than red is inferred, only inferred cameras can see. Higher then violet we see are the ultra violet and x-rays radiation.  

Traveling faster than the environment's time we would observe no more violet, blue and greens in because they have become red, yellow and orange. The original red, yellow orange bodies had already disparaged into inferred our eyes can not detect. These bodies would be invisible to us. This is because of we are observing traveling the same speed as the high frequency range of the cool colors.

For example using the standard metric prefix system megahertz ( MHz ) of the blue sky in the normal environment second is the color that is a few million times faster than the environment second.

If we travel the same speed as the frequency of the blue sky we would be in traveling in parallel with it in time. In other words resonance with the color if you like. When this happens the color is canceled replaced with a lower frequency red color.

If we travel fast enough we would surpass the frequencies of the colors beyond our eyes can see. Eventually all the colors of the environment would disappear all together into the frequency range invisible to us. As a result we may observe the environment as a black valid.

If we were traveling slow enough the opposite direction of the colors we see. We would observe the reds, yellows and oranges of nature change into violets, purples, blues and greens respectively.

In turn we would be traveling in parallel with the frequency of each color. We would be in resonance with them observing them disappear into the frequency range we can't see such as Ultra Violet light ( UV and UVA ) radiation. UV is the invisible frequency range that normally tans us. 

We would observe the last of  the red orange and yellow low frequency colors of nature change into the violet colors finally the whole environment becomes invisible to us in the invisible ultra violet light range. The slower we go the more blue of nature's low frequency colors become the higher frequency colors.

From our point of view the black void of the environment would be radiating harmful UV and x-rays particularly the ultimate frequency of the universe gamma rays. The sun is capable of producing severe gamma ray storms. Less than a week before Christmas 2012 a major storm billons of tones heavy, traveling on a light speed scale millions of digress centigrade hot was expected to hit the earth.

If we travel slow enough the environment's time would be what it would be like for us. From our point of view of traveling an hour as slow would be all over for us less than a second of our time. But for environment observers would be an hour.

This is what park statues observe of the environment round them. By the time an environment hundred years of whether beaten falling to pieces by this time would only be a time of less than a second let a lone a second to it. From our point of view a couple of generations have crown up.

An environment year would be equivalent to a few microseconds of it's time. Not even a second could be few million years of the environment's time.

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