Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Is time travel possible? Or parrelle univsers instead.

Some of us believe time travel is possible. They believe Albert Einstein had opened the door to traveling back though time. Some of us have even become romantic about meeting ourselves, parents or grand parents when they were little. Can we do that? Is there any consequences if we alter the tiniest things in the tiniest moment?  It opens the door to all sorts of strange possibilities for the present. One of theses is the famous grandfather paradox.

What if we go back in time and killed our grand parents? Would we be able to exist to do it in the present?  Could there be a time loop created?  Imagine the present if events the lead ups to the Titanic disaster was altered.

I'm reminded of the butterfly effect in quantum physicist chaos theory. Can a butterfly taking off in our own back yard really create ripples of events the other side of the world in the present? If so can this apply to time lines? Can people in the past be saved and live when they died in this timer line? Could a person in this time line that died in the past resurrected by a time traveller alter the present?

What if a time traveler from the present decided to back over 200 years to the time of Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Russia in 1812 only intending to alter a insignificant moment. Can there be a butterfly effect though time on the present? Can the ripple effect get so wide by 1900 the time line is altered so much the Titanic couldn't exist as we know it today.

What if a boiler stocker crew member with advanced knowledge of what was about to happen when and where? Could he alter events saving the ship from the stern overwhelmed by the weight of the water pulling the boat under? Could he still be able to manage to save the ship despite the design flaw?

What he if after it happened desisted to scratched that and tried again this time being the radio room operator Capathatha?

What if things didn't go according to plane there? Could he try again this time targeting the original crows nest look out that warned to late of the disaster. Could he alter the chain of events altering the crew nests shift schedule taking over with advanced knowledge of what was about to happen when and where to issue a more advanced warning saving the ship from the glancing blow on the iceberg?

Could he try again this time with the advanced knowledge of what will happen to the ship back to the design and construction days. Could his inference alter the original plan differently? There certainly would be a different construction. Could that initiate a bitterly effect ripple on the construction workers?

Will the interference alter the destiny though altering the individual lives involved in the design and construction causing the effect ripple though time altering events in the present?

What if he tried again this time being the radio operator of the Capatha? Could he make sure the captain curious enough to fully investigate the Titanic rocket distress signals properly. Could any one of those alone act like a butterfly effect altering the present? It seems Is it possible to experiment to see what happens to the present?

What if it works out as opposed to the present?  I can think of a result. A TV documentary in the present about the Australian New Zealand Army core ( ANZAC ) solders walking the gang gates boarding the Titanic and her sister ship the Olympic in Sydney harbor in world war one. A couple of alternative time lines I can think of either successfully arriving safely in Europe or torpedoed by a German submarine in route either the Olympic or Titanic alternative.

Could a time traveler on a mission to save the lives of soldiers meant to be casualties for the sake of relations today? What about those not meant to die in battle like Adolph Hitler a corporal during the war was made sure he was a causality by a time traveler to prevent the events leading up to world war 2 possible?

There is a not a well known incident of an Austrian sniper had the corporal's head in the cross hairs of his scope. The Australian hesitated for a moment then relieved his finger from the trigger because there was a some empathy. What if the Australian didn't care?  He certainly could do his job. What would the butterfly effect do to the time line?

What about an anti communist time traveler interference preventing the Russian Revolution during the war? Would the butterfly effect cause many lives that destined to die when supposed to and not supposed to had died? Could the butterfly effect flow on effect cause Stalin couldn't come to power?

Can time travelers introduce current technology to the past? Could they prevent the Hindinburg disaster? The disaster could easily be delayed because of the dangerous inflammable hydrogen? Could the incident only had been delayed for another date in history.

In the early days of world war 2 Hillier ordered a halt of the invasion of Dunkirk to contemplate things to see how they are going. This give the British some time to evacuate. What if Hillier was meaner insisting in stopping the British escape at all costs? Could a time traveler Nazi sympathizer change things?

Could a time traveler inference cause a Nuclear Holocaust on Briton the first year of world war 2? If Hitler was a casualty of world war one, could there only been a Pacific war?

Obviously if altering history is possible can it be altered over and over again indefinitely? To do this we need to travel back in time with no loss of memory of any of the events that happened one after another. Can time travelers take their memories of the present back into the past with them?

Try to explain were you was when your parents ( or grandparents if you like ) were little. Explain where people not born yet are not living in the present. Explain why we can't be the age we were several years ago or several years older we are now in the present?

Or imagine if you could remember when you were little a stranger grown up befriended you. A vehicle accident involving both of you blood tests turned out the stranger had your exact DNA? Can we travel back in time to meet ourselves? If so what was meant to be in the past and for the future irrelevant to time traveling in to the past?

Time is described by a term called Entropy. It  tells us any good condition abandoned house and property eventually falls to pieces into an uneconomical junk yard wreck in an overgrown vegetation in time. Entropy can be less than a second, such as a glass smashing on the floor, to many thousands of years like the abandoned nuclear disaster site at Chainable to a time habitable again. Time seems to flow in that direction from perfect good order to a deteriorated chaos. Can a wrecked old house turn into a brand new condition to a time when first built? Can it disappear altogether if time continues going backwards?

If time travel influence is possible try to explain why tanks could never fit Napoleon Bonaparte invasion of Russian in 1812 or today's computer technology introduce to the America's wild west cowboy period or jet aircraft in world war one would ever fit.

Try to explain why Microsoft's Windows 8 personal computer operating system could never belong 25 years ago. Try to explain why future technology 25 years in the future won't fit with the present technology. We'd think people and technology fitting the proper eras tells us there is a distinction between the past, present and future.

If time could go go backward obviously all the recent technology would disappear piece by piece as the further back time we travel arriving at the period of our choice technology left.

The paradoxes leads us to an alternate solution satisfying this kind of rule. It has been suggested the paradox altering history all in parallel universes dictated by quantum mechanics. ( Quantum physics if you like ).The word Quantum means the very small meaning the physics beyond the atom explaining the behavior of the particles that governs time and matter.

Let's say this time line is only one of many alternate realities that exist in the universe. Instead of a time line, think of this world as merely a parallel earth world not by the distance of the vastness of the universe but as a parallel dimension with well over hundreds of trillions upon trillions of other reality earth's.

Lets take it this world is just one of trillions of parallel dimensions. In this world quantum physics began in 1900 by a German Physics max Planck working on a solution to what is called the black body radiation problem.

It is thought black bodies work a bit like this. Consider a dark steel bar in the black void of a dark night. It is so dark in the shadows is invisible to the naked eye. When heated an eerie blue glow appears as an eerie inland in the middle of a black void of the dark night.

The bar is radiating heat called the black body radiation radiating from the steel bar our eyes detect only inferred cameras can see.  If allowed to continue we begin to see observe the beginning of a growing orange intensity then an eerie red in the black void of the dark night. The spooky effect is appreciated by a orange and oozing river of molten lava moving down from the mountain in the dark night.

The glow stops at white where it doesn't change any further. The temperature seems to be maxed before melting into a pool of molten steel.19th century Physics where puzzled why the temperature maxes out this way when it should be free to go infinite. Theoretically the molten pool should radiate an infinite amount of ultra violet ( UV ). It proves temperature is not infinite but at finite maximum limit.

Thankfully for that or ordinary scrub fires would reach temperatures comparable to our sun's radiation incinerating the environment even the whole earth called the ultraviolet light catastrophe. The problem for physicists what causes temperature to stabilize to a point it can't get any hotter no matter how much heat is applied.

In school physics heat is merely the vibration of molecules. In the case of the steel bar hidden in the shadows of the dark night shows us to our eyes still invisible to us  but extremely hot we drop like a hot potato before any sign of a purple glow. As it gets hotter the black void glows an island of purple in the dark changing into a yellow, orange and finally red. The problem is our eyes see purple as a high frequency vibration and red as a low frequency. As it turns out the bar doesn't go beyond red melting in a reedy orange pool of molten steel.

Planck relied heavily on a mathematical solution that would account for the vibrating frequency discrepancies in the temperature variations of each color to describe the effect. He was frustrated for some time. In desperation he literally turned to invention inverting a mathematical model to fit.

The resulting arithmetic showed an idea radiation is quantum sized a bit like a digital saying a pixel analogy in digital electronics. Our video and audio entertainment is made up of digital pixel elements just like a computer video game is constructed of.

Physicists must have loved the resulting number ( and I'm sure they did ) he came up with because it turned out to be a perfect constant that eliminated math's habit of always predicting zero for infinity all the time. This figure turned out to be  6  2  6 on the right of 40 zeros a total of a 44 decimal number, After the first decimal zero 43 decimal places expressed as 6 point 2  6 times 10 to the minus 43 representing the smallest unit of matter, time and energy of the universe called the Planck constant.

Comparing a quantum unit to a commuter pixel I'm sure anybody into challenging mathematics can work out the equivalent GHz processing speed and memory equivalent. There are plenty web pages you will find on the internet the Planck constant such as Wikipeadia.The symbol if h.

Incorporating pi ( pie ) with Planck's constant can theoretically build a spherical 3.D model of all the gravitational center of black holes called the singularity. Pi should  indicate the Planck constant should represent the radius ( from the center of the sphere to the outer edge ) as the smallest length of the universe. telling us the radius, cannot be any larger than the Planck constant telling us the overall circumference.

As Wikipeadia points out math's expresses light crossing the distance of a singularity represents the smallest amount of time of the universe Theoretically we can  incorporate all the  pi formulas as a thought experiment with a scientific calculator ( your own computer if you like  or pen and paper ) thinking the radius of the singularity as a Planck constant equal to a single quanta,( or as imagining as one bit of digital data or pixel if you like ).

Physicist believe the Newton's laws of force and motion doesn't apply to the extreme gravitational pull inside any black hole. The ultra strong inward compression collapse changes the laws of physics to somthing else. This must include the break down of Isaac Newtown's inverse square law for gravity. The inverse square law also applies to the brightness of candles including the brightness of stars. Latter the forces of magnetic fields as well as charged bodies in static electricity behavior.

An experiment with a couple on a couple bar magnets demonstrates this. Even a pair of pen triple A light touch cells. Hover a millimeter distance each end. You will experience the forces of live voltages of the batteries the repel and attract forces fell the same like the magnetic field of a pair of a magnets. Move away and the forces grow weaker.

For a thought experiment the gravitational pull of black holes should work out the mass in terms of  kilograms per square millimeter or pounds per square inch or in terms of tons, or metric tones. What about adding the speed of light to the equations to see what happens? What would happen if we experimented with Albert Einstein's famous E equals M C squared and Newtown's inverse law the mix?

Such vast numbers of the Planck constant, speed of light and pi ( we can allot a decimal place value such a total 43 decimal place for pi ) arithmetic calculations  should be able to project somthing of dark matter even though it may not tell us what it is except what cosmologists already suspect is a mass of some sort. In other words can dark matter simply be defended as dark matter equals h, pi, c squared?

Physicists believe there is some sort of energy responsible for expanding the universe they don't know anything about whey the call it dark energy. We can apply a mathematical thought experiment  experiment on the Planck scale in the plus ( 6  2  6 times 10 to the 43 in terms of tones of pulling or pushing away to see what the math's makes of it. A symbol for Dark energy ( de ) equals h c squared?

Our mathematical instinct aggress considering by the time the second hand of analogue clocks and digital time peace seconds multiplying the minus Planck constant by the Planck constant in the positive value occurred every second. Apart from the speed of light crossing the diameter of a singularity the smallest amount of time in a second. Our mathematical instinct aggress it's easy enough a second divided up in 6  2  6 times 10 to the 43 Planck constants equals 1 second.

In other words there is  6  2  6,  40 zero number minus Planck constants in a second. The bottom line the arithmetic tells us time, matter, mass and energy of the universe is on a positive as well as  minus Planck constant including in the speed of light and pi scales. The condensed idea the universe is on a Planck constant scale.

Quantum physics tells us the forces holding the center particles of the atom rival that of black holes. The distance of the forces may be no more than a Planck length in circumference round the nucleus particles. We can apply Quantum physics to the particles of the atom in the minus minus Planck constant scales and apply the laws of the universe in the positive value scale.

We can say a distance across the universe one Planck positive value unit. Imagine 6  2  6  40 zeros year number  to a distance point. Those into challenging mathematics can work out in light years. If we work out in centuries is the time passes on earth one Planck constant travels a distance same amount of time.

The standard model of the atom is a cloud of particles called electrons orbiting a cluster of central particles called Neutrons and protons. The particles are believed to vibrate maybe on a Planck constant scale. The Planck constant tells us no faster the the positive value. Today's particle accelerators have pick up the central nucleus particles are made up of particles held together by a nucleus force that rivals the gravitational pull of black holes. Physicist believe the have found the particle responsible for this force called the Higgs boson that gives matter it's mass.

In the 1920's physicists lead by a Danish physics Niles Bore believed particles of the orbiting electron orbited in fixed fixed positions. Think of several child's railway track circles inside each other representing the electron orbits and an engine on each track representing electrons circling round and a cluster of tennis balls in the center smallest circle representing the nucleus.

Bore was the first physics to teach first year university students electrons change orbits by jumping from orbit to another. In other words they disappear from one orbit and pop into the other. It is like saying each toy engine without warring changes tracks with out any switch link. We think it is inconceivable and fantasy full anything can jump from one spot to another with out transferring though any gap. But that's what Bore believed. It was believed some form of energy and light was created in doing so.

As one engine magically disappears leaves a gap where one of the other engines from any one of the other tracks magically fill in without any switch links. The engines play a random filling in checkers game. This spooky action at a distance is on a quantum physics scale may be on a minus Planck constant time. In other words electrons quantum leap's. To Bore the smallest ring solved the question why the electrons didn't spiral in collapsing into the nucleus particles.

It is believed electrons have an anticlockwise and a clockwise spin to them. The magical popping out of existence and popping back into existence again in another orbit may effect the electron spins by changing directions. It seems electrons tell each other when they are clockwise or anticlockwise instructing each other to do the same or opposite at random. It seems like lala land dancing with the ferries fantasy idea electrons are a live and sentient to us.

This communication is believed to occur in the vast distance of space. Electrons seem to communicate what orbit they had just jumped into and what spin the are doing in this part of the universe acknowledged by electrons clear across the other side of the universe following the instructions given.

"Please jump to orbit number two and spin clockwise"

In less than a second several million light years away...........

"Jumping to orbit two and spinning clockwise. Acknowledged" the message passed on..........

"Please jump to the opposite orbit and spin"

In less than a second several million light years away.

"Jumping to opposite orbit and spinning the opposite direction. Acknowledged" passing the message on.

It appears electrons pass on each instruction every other electron every corner of the universe no matter how the distance may be in the amount of time we exchange communication with each other face to face.

Albert Einstein didn't believe such a magical spooky action at a desistance as he called it could ever be possible. Who ever hear of that sort of thing? He thought it was a fantasy full dancing around in lala land with the fairies idea.

Besides communicating clear across the universe like that in a instant is like saying infinitely faster than light speed. Here is a  case in point is it plausible when we consider the sun's gravity?

The sun seems to instantly hold Pluto in orbit round it the vast distance across the solar system in an instant that begs the question how fast is gravity? Faster than light?. Sometimes we just don't know what to believe with the universe anymore.

This action at a distance concept is expressed by the term entanglement. It tells us every electron ( including the nucleus particles ) are all entangled with each other every whether from a minus Planck length on a quantum physics level or the Planck positive constant on the vastness of the universe level.

The the changing of history time lines and spooky action at a distance combined set the persistence for parallel universes, solving the changing of history in a single time line. In theory all the circumstances I had outline for the Titanic had already happened in another parallel worlds and in many other ways. What happen the ship in this world is just one of many alternative realities.

In many worlds the the construction of the ship save it scraping the iceberg as in this one, but didn't sink for many circumstances. In some worlds the ship only succumbed after many more hours than in our world even days in many others worlds.

There is just to many alternative history time lines in an infinite number of combinations in one incident in this world. It is safe to propose Albert Einstein and Adolph Hitler's lives intertwined by the quantum action at a distance their family live played out very different from world to world. In many worlds Hitler and Einstein where mere acquaintances in many worlds and many others close friends.

Bazaar in our world but for this world but not for many many things played very out differently from each other. Bazaar in this world Hillier's theory of relativity and Einstein the Nazi dictator variations between many-many outcome alternatives. Equally bazaar in this world their families immigrating to America on their way got caught up in what titanic struggle the ship went through. Any one of their doubles could have survived and gone down with the ship at the same time.

As far as the universe is concerned many of Hitler and Einstein doubles in many worlds are alive while many others are dead. The many living doubles and the many dead doubles of Hitler and Einstein including Churchill and many other famous names too you can think of in history and today  are dead and alive at the same time. It reminds me of the dead and alive thought experiment dreamed up by a German physics Erwin Shrodinger involving a quantum cat.

In many-many worlds our doubles are living many-many different lives at the same time than the lives we live in this one. In many other worlds we were never born and many others we didn't survive the close calls we had in this world as in many other worlds unrelated fates bestowed on us that past us in this world.

For the living doubles of ourselves there are many-many singles of our selves with no children and many married with children and family of their own at the same time. For those of us single we have sons and daughters in other worlds that don't exit in our world. 

For those married with children they don't exist in the worlds of our single doubles. In an infinite parallel universe law relationships are currently playing out in many-many different alternative ways including guy and straight doubles of ourselves all at the same time. It is not distance of the vastness of space but same people in different dimensions

It is school boy knowledge our bodies are made of origins, every organ made of cells, the cells made up of molecules made of elements made of electrons and the nucleus of the atom. 

For example we are bags of mostly water. Water is made up of one hydrogen and two oxygen atoms, made up of electrons, protons and neutrons. The air we breath is mostly oxygen with a few other elements made up of electrons and the nucleus particles in our blood stream. Our skeleton is made up of calcium made of electrons and the nucleus particles

In other words we are all made of electrons, and the nucleus particles including the strong force that keeps the nucleus together

The curious thing the elements we are made of can be seen in the parabolic table of the elements telling us how many electrons and protons each of the  elements our body is made has. For example Calcium of our skeleton and  Iron present in our blood tells us how many electrons, protons and neutrons of the nucleus. Vitamins are substances also present in our blood stream,Vitamin cell must be a chemical reaction containing electrons and the nuclides particles like all the other vitamins

The electrons in our bodies are in a constant state of the magical spooky action at a distance dance. If electrons are communicating instructions with each  other at great distances our bodies behavior on a quantum physics level might be the source of most of our ESP and hunches and gut feelings everybody experiences. The random action at a distance of the atomic particles can also be responsible for the wired or what bazaar consciences out of the entire population of the earth number over many centuries of time.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Some of us believe time travel is possible.  They believe Albert Einstein had open the door to traveling back though time we can change history. It opens the door to the possibility of the famous grandfather paradox. What if we go back in time and killed our grand parents? Would we exist?  Could it be possible time loop of the situation exist?

Try to explain were you was when your parents ( or grandparents if you like ) were little. Explain where people not born yet in the present. Explain why we can't be the age we were several years ago in the present or several years older we are going to be in the present

Explain why jet aircraft can't fit in with world war one. Try to explain why Microsoft's Windows 8 personal computer operating system could never belong 25 years ago. Try to explain why future technology won't fit the present. People and technology that fit past eras, present and future tells us there is a distinction between the past, present and future.

So how is the present measured. If you thinking our brain, sure it has the ability of measuring time. We can appreciate fully alert knows the passing of every second. It is true brain injury patients time has a limited distinction. Memory often reduces minutes to hours, days even weeks mere moments. Time is meaningless in a coma. A long time unconscious is a state of the last time remembering being conscious seems a moment ago. The point is a alert brain knows all about every second of time passing.

Lets see how an alert brain measures time. Being alert agrees  the next second to come is shifted into the present by the time you finished this sentence now the past second. It is clear every second travels from the future, present and past to an alert brain.

Our brain is pretty good at measuring a meter taking a step and a half forward. It is the time we say one thousand and one, the time second hand of analogue clocks moves a division, the time second of digital time pieces tick and light travels a distance of just under 300,000km. ( Or a 186,000 miles if you like ).

A light second is the distance light travels. Alertness agrees a minute is really 60 second  periods in the present minute. Our brain recognizes a minute is only a matter of traveling a distance light travels sixty light seconds. Our mathematical instinct agrees light travels distance of light seconds in an hour, a day, month, year, century, milliner, ( thousand years ) million, or billions of years.

Our brain recognizes the distinction of science and sports coaches making athletes win or lose by fraction of seconds in the present time. We all hear TV motor sport commentators and car shows announce lap times and nose to tail following distance dramas in less than seconds  pronounced decimals points.  For example 0.25 is a quarter second, 0.33333......... is a third,   0.5 is a half,  0.666666........ is two thirds and 0.75 is three quarter second considered quite critical.

Light traveling a fixed distance every second is a time factor measures distances in time. It obeys Newton's first law of motion once set in motion continues in that motion indefinitely in light's case in the zero resistance of out of space coasts at a maximum speed limit of just under a distance of three hundred thousand kilometres ( or a hundred and eighty thousand miles if you like ) by the time our time measuring our devices records every second.

Our brain recognizes the amount of time the second hand of analogue clocks move a division the seconds of digital time pieces, we walk a meter and we say one thousand and one. In other words to our brain agrees every one of those periods equals the distance light travels we can honestly say a light second: the distance light travels in second. Our mathematical instinct aggress in principle the maximum speed limit is indeed a perfect mathematical constant symbolized c.

Despite the zero resistance of space it coasts no faster. No matter how fast we travel the constant velocity in out of space is always maxed out to three hundred thousand kilometres every second no matter how long any other period. If we are to chase light to catch up with it The constant ( c ) remains the maximum speed limit. It is always a distance of three hundred thousand kilometres ( or a hundred and eighty thousand miles if you like ).

In 1905 Albert Einstein realized if we are to catch with light is closing the distance we travel. The second is altered with us. If we reach light speed we would be traveling in parallel with it. Our mathematical instinct agrees If we do the math's on this tells zero distance. Math's indicate if we travel faster light would be be behind us. We would be in a dimension of space and time light does not yet exist in yet.

Ten years latter during the second year of world war one star and planet gravities, ( as the atmospheres, the clouds of dust of nebulas and gas planets ) slows the passage of light. It takes longer to travel the same distance in gravity than in a lot shorter time  in the zero resistance of a vacuum. ( Deep space if you like ). The slower it goes the longer it takes to travel the  distance it travels at it maximum. In other words if light was twice as slow it would travel three hundred thousand kilometres in two seconds ( Or a hundred and fifty thousand kilometres in a second ).

Light has to travel though the resistance of the atmosphere slows it down. Enough solidness stops dead in it's tracks. In less than a second it reverses direction traveling back out of the earth's atmosphere. The resistance of the earth's atmosphere gets less and less at more and more altitude speeding  back up finally reaching the maximum distance constant in out of space.

Children's science and technology library books on light  is perhaps the simplest explanations of how light deflects. Think of a shop window pane reflection. Observations of a street reflection can be a right angle.

Light from the moon we see is nothing more than the origin of the sun's light deflecting an image of it like a straight mirror in the direction of earth. Although the moon varies in distance it is over a light second away. Our mathematical instinct agrees if we do some arithmetic on this taking less than a couple of seconds multiplied by c gives the us the distance. Our mathematical instinct recognizes the law of mathematics allows us with a known distance and c we can protect how many light seconds away from earth.

Our instinct agrees at maximum coasting since there is sixty seconds in a minute traveling at a fixed distance every second the distance light travels in a minute is merely a simple calculation of sixty times c every second.  We can honestly say the distance light travels at maximum velocity in a minute is a light minute: the distance light travels in a minute. Our math's instinct will agree sixty light seconds of distance.

Light takes eight light minutes to reach our eyes from the sun. This means the sun is a distance of only eight light minutes away. In real time light is three hundred thousand kilometres above the sun's surface by the time you finish this sentence. We don't see this light till eight minutes into the future. Our mathematical instinct agrees the distance from the sun to earth ( in terms of kilometres or miles what ever you prefer ) is sixty times eight times c.

Current light we see every second is nothing more than light's image of the sun as it was eight minutes ago every second. It is three hundred thousand kilometres ( or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles if you like ) away from earth by the time you finish this sentence every second of time as well.

Our mathematical instinct agrees the fixed constant is sixty times sixty ( or sixty squared ) equals three thousand six hundred seconds times c the distance light travels by the time a one hour TV program.

Clocks change the western calendar date every twelve midnight. Our mathematical instinct agrees if we start with the first second past midnight to the date changes again is sixty squared times twenty four giving us a total of every eighty six thousand four hundred seconds the date changes. The distance light travels in that time is all those seconds times c.

In other words every time clocks changes the date is eighty six thousand four hundred periods additions of a fixed distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometres of time.

Mathematics tells our math's instinct the reciprocal of c every second is eighty six thousand four hundredth of the date change period. Our math's instincts agrees proof when we multiply a hundred and eighty six thousandth by a hundred and eighty six thousand equals one a date change period. In other words a light day.

We can project from known distances the planet of our solar we can project them in light days away at light speed.

Operating on the same principle we can add up the first second twelve midnight Monday morning though every day of the week to the first second of the following twelve midnight Monday morning times c the distance light travels in a week. In other words a light week. We can project from known distances planet of the our solar system in terms of weeks away at light speed.

The western calendar divides up mouths into different days. They vary from as little as twenty eight to as much as thirty one. We are open to project how many moths a planet of our solar system is away at light speed.

However our mathematical instinct whole heartily agrees we can project all the seconds in a year by sixty squared times twenty four times three hundred and sixty five days of the year. Times c projects the distance. ( In terms of kilometres or miles which every is preferred ).We end up with a figure over thirty one million seconds the distance light travels familiarly known to all of us as a light year.

Calculating for the distance light travels in a decade we need to take into account of the extra day at the end of every February every third leap year. Taking into account of all the leap years in a decade we can deduce the distance in years the equivalent light years, light travels in a period of a decade.

Operating on the principle we can deduce the years equivalent of light years the distance light travels in a century, a milliner ( a thousand years ), a million years, a billion even trillions of centuries of time passes on earth. The earth is only a little more than several million centuries old. Those into challenging mathematics can convert years to centuries and vice versa centuries to years of time passes on earth.

The point of the first light from the big bang that has supposed to have created our universe is only just over fourteen and a half light years away from earth. Those into challenging math's can challenge themselves to work the time of the big bang in terms of  in simple equivalent years converting to centuries to the astronomical unit parsecs.

In the meantime we can only ponder on how far away from earth the opposite direction away light has traveled from earth. For all we know it may have already reached equal distance away ages ago.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

In 1898 Jules Vern write a science fiction novel titled round the world in 80 days. This post is about round the world in 7 seconds. Light is fast enough to do that. But motion plays an important part traveling round the world on  a light speed scale. Light doesn't travel in the sense of travel. It coasts.

Everything in out of space obeys Newton's law of motion. In the zero resistance of space once set in motion will coast at a maximum speed limit indefinitely. Apart from the acceleration their velocities by gravity would be considerable reduce in any  planetary atmospheres.

The zero resistance of out of space velocity light coasts just under a maximum distance of 300,000km, ( Or a 186,000 miles if you like ) every second. It just doesn't coast any faster than that. If we do the math's on this in terms of kmph pans out to  about 10,080,000.000 the distance light coasts in an hour long TV program. Nothing covers that distance as fast in that time.

Math's tells us a light second is a constant called c. Every second on earth is a distance of just under constant just under 300,000km in the zero resistance out of space cosmologists use to measure the distance of stars. Our mathematical instinct agrees a light year is only a matter of the distance of adding up all the seconds of a year. Every second 300,000km the total in a year's worth is multiplied by c. ( Speed of of, or a light second if you wish )

Because it doesn't go any faster in the zero resistant of space everything has a maximum costing speed limit due to the inertia of their mass. They all just don't travel any faster including galaxies, stars, planets asteroids to specks of dust including light. Their velocities are considerably faster than the top speed of a bullets can ever travel. A law of the universe tells us there is no such thing as stationary. The seemingly stationary imitational space station orbiting earth and a stationary space ship is an illusion because they are still in costing in motion of space faster than bullet can travel at sea level on the surface of earth. 

Shooting stars are merely tiny specks of dust accelerated by the earth's mass ( or gravity if you like ) and even then there is a maximum velocity limit incinerated by the friction of the atmosphere, faster than artillery shells and bullet speeds. Stones the size of apples create blinding balls of light. They hit the ground with all the power of the mother of bullet strikes.

The neighborhood sized asteroid that supposed to have existent the dinosaurs was a several trillion tone missile accelerated by the earth's mass making the mass of the asteroid even heavier with G-forces. It zeroed in striking ground zero with as much force and velocity as a bullet at maximum velocity sticking the corner of a brick wall.

In terms of force knowing the velocity and weight Newtown's law of force equals mass times acceleration in constant motion in out of space but accelerated by the earth's gravity pans out to have been a couple of  trillion ton traveling 10's of 1,000's of kmph zeroing down on ground zero. The asteroid obeys Newton's inertia law that all bodies resist acceleration and the resistance of slowing them down called inertia. All that weight of the huge bolder and G's and friction compressed the air we breath in front of it supper heating it in a head long race to the ground. 

The G-forces and friction compression of the air in front of it inertia glowed the asteroid brighter than a million times the intensity of our sun trailing a burning trial behind it. When it hit ground zero the G- force\s in the inertia accounting an immovable object of the earth, the law of motion dictates the inertias of any that kind of weight and velocity would not be allowed to come to an instant stop. In less than a second the asteroid disappeared into the earth. The G-forces in the inertia acted like a bullet strike on the ground zero.

Every little particle ( photons ) of light are believed to be weightless. But Albert Einstein showed in his General theory of relativity published in the first year of world war one, photons weigh in a gravitational filed. It was proved as a fact by a British astronomer a year after the war.

The accelerated velocity from the earth's mass caused the inertia to compress the air ahead of it. The heat we feel pumping air into a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It's what we feel compressing air into the tire. In the science of thermal dynamics compression cause heat. Compress something we drive the temperature up.

The inertial compression of the asteroid at that velocity would have been in the order of several trillions of tones per square inch just from the weight of the bolder alone let a lone from the forces of inertia involved.

Einstein's general theory tells us space is elastic and flexible. It bends, twists and flexes from motion including light. Renewed for it's witlessness the inertia  pressure would be  a little as a microscopic scale.

Traveling in the earth's atmosphere heats it due the inertia building up heat a little heat from friction, and compress, slowing light down. When its hits a sold it is stopped dead in it's tracks. In less than a second reflected back the opposite direction all kinds of angles accelerating back out of the earth's atmosphere. As soon as it clears it,  light instantly accelerates back to it's maximum costing velocity.

Imagine the friction and compression on the air we breath traveling the world the surface of earth at sea level on a light speed scale. It is possible provided we eliminate inertia from our bodies and the compression on the air we breath from our bodies traveling at light speed..

If we could eliminate both those things what would we see of the world traveling round the earth 7 times in a second? Some mathematical figuring can provide some answers.

First of if light travels in the zero resistance of a vacuum a distance of just under 300,000km in a second then hoe much time does it travel in a kilometer? The reciprocal of c is 300,000th. ( One divided by a second or one over c if you like ). Since c is a constant light a every kilometer is covered in a constant 300,000th second. Our mathematical instinct agrees proof of this is a matter of 300,000th multiplied by 300,000, 0r 300,000 multiplied by 300,000th equals a second. The standard metric prefix ( mill lee ) mili- for a thousandth is 300 milliseconds of time. 

By the time light in the zero resistance of deep space travels a distance of 300,000km we casually walk a meter. If we do the math's on this in terms of kmph only a matter of 60 seconds in a minute times 60 minutes in an hour ( sixty squared in other words ) times c, giving us a grand total of 3,600 meters in an hour, 

The standard meter system prefix K  for ( key low ) kilo for a tho3 million times faster than we can causally walk a meter per second sand tells us 3.6kmph walk. In other words we causally walk 3,600 meters by the time an hour long TV program.

Operating on the principle our mathematical instinct can work out how much time light travels in the same amount of time we walk a meter. The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of a 1,000,000 ( or a million ) meters in a km. In other words there is 30,000,000 meters in 300,000km. 

The standard metric system micro for a millionth tells us light travels a meter in 30 millionth of a second we travel the same distance in a second. Nobody can disprove it because math's can't lie you know. Note the great particle accelerator CERN in Switzerland produces particles of the atom popping in and out of existence in same amount of time light travels a meter.

What this is saying the 30 millionth of a second by the time we walk the same distance in a whole second. In other words light is 30 million times faster than we can causally walk a meter. In other words from c's point of view every second of the environment is slowed down by 30 million times. Because light doesn't mathematics projects from c's point of view time doesn't travel any slower than 30 million times. 

Time on earth is view as a maxed out slowness. Time does not stop because from out point of view light is traveling 30 million times faster than we can causally walk a meter.

If we could view a person walking a meter per second ( 3.6kmph velocity ) from c's point of view we would view the person walk as slow as 30 million times slower every second we travel round the world.  In retrospect we would observe the person only move a meter the same time we race round the entire circumference of earth 7 times.

 Time on the surface of earth at sea level is as flexible as space itself. Think of accelerating a distance of a 160km ( or a 100 miles ) to a stop in a second. When we accelerate we take off to distance of 80km in half second. When we apply the brakes to come to a complete stop again in another 80km in another half second.

Two things could happen from a observers point of view. Either we disappear point A and reappear point B a160km away in a second, or stretch like a rubber band all that distance snapping back to normal that distance away in a second. In other words we'd travel a distance of 160km the same time a observer strides only a meter.

What would we observe of the environment's time? Most probably we'd observe the environment's second slow down or stretch longer in time. It will get longer and longer the faster we go until the time we reach a distance of 80km.

When we hit the brakes at this point we would observe the environment's time compressed shorter and shorter slowly at first getting faster and faster until we find ourselves stopped a second into the future we left off a160km away

In other words the faster we go the faster time slows down and the faster we slow down the faster time speeds up again. This would probably also happen when we slow down to a stop from traveling round the surface of earth at sea level from light speed. In other words once we slow down time environment's speeds up getting faster and faster until we find ourselves a second in the future where we started.

Mass ( it's gravity if you like ) slows time as we know from the mass of  black holes and the earth's mass is no exception. If we go up a tall sky scrapper we are leaving the strongest gravitation pull at the bottom at sea level. In this instance we only age a few microseconds slower on the roof than the ground as long as we stay there.

When we ascend back down again we are returning back down to the strongest gravitational pull at the bottom of the building again were the earth's mass retards our ages. By the time we reach the bottom the difference may be less than a picosecond ( Pico from the standard metric system for a billionth of a second ) than we where at the top.

The same applies to passengers in aircraft travel. While they are aloft higher than record breaking man made structure, they are younger than everybody else at see level.

However when returning back to landing on the tarmac of the air port their age is retarded the faster and faster as they return back to sea level because of the stronger gravitation of the mass of the earth is stronger. The same applies to astronoaghts orbiting the earth. When they return back to sea level they are returning back to the strongest gravitational pull of the mass of earth again. The only difference would probably be less than a picosecond younger because where the gravity is strongest than aloft orbiting the earth.

My guess is the same effect returning back into the strong gravitational field of the solar system from a adventure far outside it. A twin may return no older than his twin because  coming back to the stronger gravitational fields retarding his age. They arrive on the surface of earth no older than everybody else.