Inventions and discoveries are discovered by accident experimenting with inventions all the time. A science fiction TV series called the sliders about a university student, Quinn Mallory experimenting with antigravity in his basement in an
attempt to invent an antigravity lifting device. ended up creating the holly grail of cosmology known in
scientific circles as an Einstein/Pulaski/Rosen bridge familiar to us all as a wormhole.
Another parallel with the
series was star gate one a spin off of the science fiction movie of the discovery of a abandoned wormhole gate on earth.
Haven to Betsy if only cosmologist knew of Mallory's experiment they and physicists can only dream about. They would have wanted to meet
this Mallory
stoked with excitement of the news of conquering
the laws of the universe the way Mallory's experiment did. How could it have happened?
The answer to some of the physics was recorded why back in 1935 two prominent physicist Nathan Rosen and Boris Pulaski
sharing Albert Einstein's dubious believe of the
claims of an emerging Quantum Physics started way back in 1900 by a German Physicist Max Planck. Einstein's collages
banded with Einstein to write a paper to discredit quantum physics as
incomplete once and for all. The final report only ended up opening the lid off Pandora's cosmology box.
According to Einstein extreme weight of the center of the dark star (a singularity of what we call today black holes ) one part of the universe
a deep shaft in the fabric of space. It was entirely a feasible idea could link with another doing the same on the other side of the universe.
Theoretically the two sink wells would link together to form the legendary Einstein/Rosen/Pulaski bridge or to us a
Einstein never excepted quantum physics explanation of same of the quarks of cosmological nature because a lot of it required faster than the speed of
light. More proximately the spooky action at a distance he himself coined.
The trio felt the alleged infinitely dense and zero volume of the singularity ( the very center of black holes ) had to be far to overwhelming that
could not happen. It was to much of a compromise on the laws of ordered classical physics and mathematics as we know it for the trio's
taste. The best they could could come up with is the conclusion quantum mechanics at lest was very much incomplete.
Never the less the sliders series portrays Mallory's experiment only intended as an antigravity experiment jump
started an on going adventure involving himself and three of his companions caught lost sliding his artificial wormhole
landing in all sorts of alternate earth's in parallel dimensions with ours in a vain attempt to find their back their
prime home world. In the meantime there was many adventures throughout each visiting each world exploring some of the physical
characteristics of the universe..
The definition describes wormholes as the legendary cosmosic tunnels quantum mechanics describing tunneling through the fabric of space we have all
heard about.
Cosmologist believe are driven by the origins of the gravitational forces of black holes. The gravity is renowned to be so strong not even light can escape. It's
supposed to check in but never checks out.
Black holes once believed contrary to we were all taught at school matter cannot be destroyed. The belief matter crushed
out of existence, not
to a black hole it wasn't.
It was believed spinning black holes black holes called now seen as Pulsars spewing out jets of matter contrary to the believe nothing can escape the gravitational
pull of the hole. It was once thought there was enough centrifugal forces at light speed to throw out matter before it passes
the point of no return. There have been reports of the theory of white holes and pulsars can provide another explanation
and show strong evidence resolving the question if parallel universes really do exist.
Think of an astronaght caught up in the inside of the edge of a black hole ( the event horizon ). The last thing he obviously may see if he was
looking back outwards out of the hole a blinding white light of light falling in with him. White holes in this universe could
easily fit the criteria observing light entering a black a black hole clear across the other side of the universe
emerging out this side.
What if cosmologists are observing the jets of matter exiting a pulsar is merely matter entering a black hole
in another universe emerging out of the same black hole in this universe? If these are true it is certainly a logical assumption
why matter cannot be destroyed where it goes to and supporting the possible existence of wormholes to evidence
of parallel universes.
experiment was like this traveling the vast distance across the universe in a moment linking up with a multitude of parallel reality
earth's. Cosmogonists would have been mesmerized how Malloy's experiment could have turned into a actual wormhole. Can we learn from Mallory's experiment to make one of our
own in our back shed? What do we need to know to build one?
Well.....the story it seems begin in the second year of world war one when Albert Einstein's second theory of reality,
the general theory, was published. It contended space is rubbery, bents, twists, and ripples by the mass and motion of stars and planets. The
earth's mass for example shrinks a portion of space round the entire circumference compression us to the surface as it
moves in motion orbiting round the sun.
shrink forms an indentation round the entire circumferences the moon follows in orbit motion round the earth shrinking
space coursing indentions round both bodies moving though space as they go. The same can be true with the sun and
our solar system planets and moons, asteroids to specks of dust.
Considering the tilt angle of the earth both poles are pulling space inwards on themselves as the streets of our neighbourhood is, just as the neighbourhood streets on the other side of the
globe is.
The closest analogy would be under water pressure. Bodies are subjected to a force compressing them inward from all
directions. In the case, space itself. There is a theory of gravity waves caused by stars and planets traveling though
the fabric of space like ships creates wakes as they plough though surface of oceans.
Einstein Rosen, and Pulaski's bridge ( or wormhole if you like ) are believed to be created by the physics of black
holes. Today it is beloved black holes are created by the death throws of only super massive stars. Stars the size of our
sun just won't cut it. The mass is to small. When they die in a supernovae their cores only end up as a neutron
stare. Neutron stars shrinks, bend and twist space ( or gravity if you like ) compressing what was left of the core to roughly the size of our inner
planets. Just a sugar cube weighs as much as the same gravity as the original star once was. Incredibly dense for size.
Cosmologists believe observed search light bacon like pulsars are the results of the exploding death throws of stars
a little bigger than the latter. The jets of matter streaming from a spinning pulsar looking like a rotating
search light beam in the distant horizon could actual be matter that fell in a black hole horizon across the other
side of the universe or from a parallel universe. It would indeed explain the contrary matter should not be able to do
that in a black hole.
Black holes are believed to be created by the mother of all stars almost the size of our solar system right up to Pluto. There sizes
compared to our sun is off the charts. Our sun is a tiny molecule compared to a basket ball.
Energy of expanding heat is the key holding the outer layers of all stars from collapsing from under the weight of
compressing space. In terms of Weight several hundreds of thousand of millions of billion of trillion of tones per square micro
Inch of crushing inward pressure all around the star tying to crush it. The outward expansion of temperature is equal
proportion pushing against the powerful shrinkage of space. Tempters are as hot
as several hundreds of thousands of degrees Fahrenheit. It is so hot it is pure heat energy called plasma.
Thus with enough temperature there will be enough energy keeping the star from imploding actually caused by the compression of space causing heat build
up in the first place.
A case in point. The heat you feel from a bicycle pump pumping up a tire is
not from friction you know. When we compress somthing we drive the temperature up creating expanding energy. When space compresses a star heat builds up because of the Wight of the compression. Keeping up compression
keeps heat going. The law of star thermal dynamics tells us if you keep compressing matter keeps driving temperature up.
All stars including our own small star ( the sun ) was created by the simple relentless compression of space. Nebulae
debris ( gas fields were stars are born ) are compressed together. In time builds up so much
mass in turn builds more compression pressure. Finally hydrogen atoms are squashed together with so much force they fuse
together turning into another atom helium called
Most people are confused between the difference between fusion and fission. Fission is the opposite of
fusion tearing atoms
apart. In other words the energy released from splitting the atom as in thermal nuclear explosions. The act of
compressing hydrogen atoms together is fusion not fission. And the act of spiting atoms apart is fission not fusion.
Physicists believe when hydrogen atoms are crushed together a light particle called a photon explodes into existence.
Putting this another way when a photon bursts into existence is when a hydrogen is fused into a helium atom. A helium
atom is born. When a run
away of billions of trillions occurring simultaneously every second a swelling of the outer layers occurs enough to
start a star. In other words a star is born.
There is so much of a store of hydrogen even in tiny stars let a lone gigantic ones the conversion to helium is a slow
and steady processes in small and medium stars like our sun lasting many millions of centuries of earth time. The sun pea sized compared to a basket ball size star
the conversion in the core is quick and furious only lasting a
few thousand of centuries on earth.
When the cores of supper giant stars start running out of hydrogen, before pressure drops space's relentless compression
on the outer layers compressing the core keeps the cores temperature
up. In fact it is adjusting every time there is a loss of temperature. By this time the compression is much greater than before crushing
helium atoms harder together. After creating hydrogen
into helium, one by one the core starts creating the elements of the parabolic table in the outer layers.
Once the stars reaches the stage of creating the heaviest element iron the expanding outer layer pressure is grater than than the compression of space
swelling the outer layers as far away from the core matching across our solar system right up to as far as Pluto, in a
mother of all red giant stars. The compression of space in a loosing battle again the energy of the temperature of the bloated
outer layers.
Meanwhile what is happening in the core every time Iron is created absorbs close to a hundred percent of the cores
energy. The robbery of so much energy manufacturing iron keeps loosing temperature thus energy. Temperature of the core is dropping all the time. Finally
iron has absorbed the core energy it cannot hold itself from the great
weight of the outer layers.
In less than a second the core collapses
under the crushing pressure of the outer layers. The core goes from our sun size core to a smaller than a particle of an
atom. With the core gone the outer layer is free to
burst wide open like an exploding balloon not even the compression of space can hold back. These hyperpnoea produces
more energy
less than a second our sun ever will.
The last of the heavy elements such as gold, silver and lithium are created in the actual explosion not in the core. The outer layer
spreads out
on a light speed scale seeding space the parabolic table of the elements.
like the debris of a quarry blast falling back to ground, the compression power of space on the core ( often as large as our entire sun ) collapses the remaining debris like a house of cards.
Less than a second the core disappears out of sight as small as a particle of the atom leaving pure gravity behind. It
is so powerful is like a incredibly dense solid called a singularity the same color as the back drop of space hiding it. A black hole is born.
The outer edges is called the event horizon that can be millions of kilometres that even the seeming weightless
light is heavy enough the velocity is not fast enough to escape the seeming trillions of kilometers deep vertical
well of the singularity. They left behind a legacy for astronomers to ponder. Since the invention of the telescope they
had tracked mysterious pin lights seemingly orbiting nothing. Today we know the atomic particle size mass in the very
center ( or the singularity if you wish ) of black holes are orbiting stars.
According to the four sliders were never suffocated, crushed burnt to a cinder landing in parallel dimensions
unharmed with exactly the right mixture of oxygen, and
an earth with identical graviton and atmospheric pressure. The only explanation I can think of somthing to do with
Mallory's antigravity experiment like repel and and unlike attract magnetic and electricity laws prevented the tragedy
of sliding a wormhole. Or some exotic way of protecting them.
In the case of Quinn's wormhole like attracting and unlike repelling passed over earth's that wasn't a match
to it's origin home world it was created. Information created in it's own environment repel away from environments that wasn't a match and attracted to those that were.
All done by the like attract and unlike repel law. Once a match was found it opened a link to a
perfectly matched environment.
When the portal found a match the gravity of that world pulled on the what every contents was sliding inside. When the
four dived headlong
into the portal the gravity at the opposite end pulled them though like falling down the side of a tall sky scupper
depositing one by one in that world the portalclosing behind them.
In Mallory's earlier episodes with his experimenting cranking it up his experiment he observed spread from a small point opening
several meters wide looking like some midd air water whirlpool roaring and sucking at the basement atmosphere like a
giant air conditioner. He stood for a moment before walking round behind it.
He passed behind doing a complete circle checking where the tunnel was disappearing to. What was his
antigravity experiment doing? The roaring midd air vortex collapsed in on itself with a Shawormph! leaving a
normal and quiet basement environment behind. His experiment had somehow managed to reproduce something else than anti
gravity or using it somehow to keep it from collapsing so easily.
He started it
again. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went expanding wide open pulling in on the air.
Quinn had done running video diaries reporting what was happening before collapsing
inward on itself again.
After a while he began realizing what this midd air vertex might be. It was a quite a surprise. Had Quinn's antigravity
experiment had somehow created a singularity in his basement here on earth? Had it mysteriously over come the inherent overflowing
forces of a black hole?
Mallory excitedly cranked up his machine again. With a chuuoorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! produced the vortex
roaring like a hurricane. Studying it he observed as much as he could before the vertex collapsed with shawormph! on
itself again. He considered testing the stable entrance placing objects through it.
Placing a beach ball at the foot of the mouth it snatched it disappearing into the center closing on it with
shawormph! After a few minutes waiting while he studied scientific filed equation blackboard he started the machine
again. With a chroorarrrrrr on opening the hole in mid air roared away like a tornado. The ball soon shot
back across his basement. Retrieving it he reflected what he was holding. He reflected.........
"Where had theses objects been"?
Some investigative thinking staring at the scientific formulae scribbled blackboard again. He began seeing pattern
written in the mathematics emerging.
"What was holding vertex so stable? How was it overcoming the inherent instability problems associated with
wormholes. Antigravity..... antimatter rearrangement maybe? Power!! But why not for long?"
He soon realized their was a drain while holding the hole the roaring vertex open quickly running down until it could
not hold it open any longer. Anybody familiar with on the road with laptop batteries know the feeling as they
automatically shut themselves down when the batteries are too flat to power them any longer. Observing the behavior of the
mathematical formula he
realized there was a timing pattern.
Quinn soon realized his machine was automatically recharging back enough power he could restart the vortex again. At
this point designed and built a a remote control timing device.
considered sending his believed cat but though again reluctant in case his feline panicked on the other side never
seeing her again. Eventually he considered trying it himself. Soon his confidence in taking the plunge was growing.
Taking his timer Quinn took the plunged. It unexpectedly yanked him in closing behind him.
To cut a long story short short after he had been to a parallel reality earth and back and after showing his university professor
and coworker, getting over their initial shock at what they were witnessing before their very eyes Quinn asked what would
they do with this opportunity to see what's on the other side.
Wade beside herself exclaimed "You mean we can just like, slide though this and BOOM! we're on another
As Quinn eloquently put it........
"No"! He exclaimed. "Same planet! Different dimension"
What would you do if you had the opportunity to slide a wormhole to explore a different dimension? The professor was
a very reluctant and unsure holding back. Wade was beside herself with excitement convincing them of the adventure of
sliding the mid air whirl pool rearing in front of them. When all three finally took the vertex snatched at them closing
Unfortunately some unfortunate events in that world they landed in a premature activation of the timer corrupted the coordinates to their
original prime world. They were trapped
in parallel earth realties unstill the wormhole recharged it could be open by Quinn's remote control to carry them back to the next
world to try again.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
There is a distinction between the past, present and future. A case in point asking this question. Where were you when your parents ( or grandparents if you like ) were little? Everybody answers with the same conclusion. How could they exist at the time.
We all can not exist several years younger than we are now nor several years older we are going to be several years into the future. We can only exist at our current age in the now. The same could be said of our future children not born yet can not exist in the now until several years into the future.
The same point with technology. In all of history technology today could not exist in the past. Take Microsoft history of the windows operating system. Windows 8 could not exist when windows 3x ( 3.0 ) was the latest system in the early 90's. Computer technology as a whole, in the now is drastically different ( or advanced if you like ) since then. And the technology to come doesn't exist now until the future.
The future second has become the now and past second by the time you finish this sentence. It is clear every second travels from the future, present to the past. We measure clocks ( including digital time pieces ) in the present minute even though they are really only 60 second periods in the present minute. The same with the future, past and present, hour, day, month, year, century, milliner,( thousand years ) million, or billion years. in fact period is made up of seconds of time.
The future second has become the now and past second by the time you finish this sentence. It is clear every second travels from the future, present and past. We measure clocks ( including digital time pieces ) in the present minute even though they are really only 60 second periods in the present minute. The same with the future, past and present, hour, day, month, year, century, milliner,( thousand years ) million, or billion years. in fact period is made up of seconds of time.
Science and sports coaches make athletes win or lose by fraction of seconds in the now time while the rest of us tend to dismiss as to quick nick picking accuracy. We all hear TV motor sport commentators and car shows announce lap times and nose to tail following distance dramas less than a second pronounced in decimals fractions. 0.25 is a quarter second, 0.33 is a third, 05 a half and 0.66 is two thirds and 0.75 is three quarter second considered quite critical.
Light is a time factor we measure the distance it travels in a second. It obeys Newton's first law of motion once set in motion continues in that motion indefinitely in light's case in the zero resistance of out of space coasting at a maximum speed limit that doesn't travel any faster.
It is a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers ( or a hundred and eighty thousand miles if you like ) by the time we say one thousand and one, the hand of analogue clocks moves a division, the second of digital time pieces and the time we walk a meter.
In other words every one of those periods equals by the time light travels just under three hundred thousand kilometers we can honestly call a light second: the distance light travels in second. Our mathematical instinct aggress in principle the maximum speed limit is mathematical constant which is symbolized c.
Despite the zero resistance of space it coasts no faster than the distance it travels per second. In out of space it just doesn't the distanced any faster that amount of time every second. No matter how fast we travel light in out of space is always maxed out to three hundred thousand kilometers. ( Just under to be precise ).
In 1905 Albert Einstein realized star and planet gravities, ( as the atmospheres, the clouds of dust of nebulas and gas planets ) slows the passage of light. It takes longer to travel the same distance in the zero resistance of a vacuum. ( Deep space if you like ). The slower it goes the longer it takes to travel that distance. In other words if light was twice as slow it would travel three hundred thousand kilometers in two seconds ( Or a hundred and fity thousand kilometers in a second ).
When free of from resistance of the earth's gravity and atmosphere the distance traveled though the atmosphere closes. If twice as slow is anything to go by light accelerates and stops accelerating to its constant three hundred thousand kilometer per one second . In other words the faster light goes the faster it travels a distance and the slower it goes the slower covers a distance.
In other words entering the gravitational filed of earth's atmosphere slows light. Enough solidness stops dead in it's tracks. In less than a second it reverses direction traveling back out of the earth's atmosphere. The resistance gets less and less at more and more altitude. The distance becomes to maximum becomes shorter light speeding back up finally reaching the maximum distance constant in out of space.
Light from the moon we see is nothing more than the origin of the sun's light deflecting an image of it like a straight mirror in the direction of earth. Although the moon varies in distance it is over a light second away. Our mathematical instinct agrees if we do some arithmetic on this taking less than a couple of seconds multiplied by c gives the us the distance. Our mathematical instinct recognizes the law of mathematics allows us to project with a known distance and c the seconds away.
Our instinct agrees at maximum coasting since there is sixty seconds in a minute traveling at a fixed distance every second the distance light travels in a minute is merely a simple calculation of sixty times c every second. We can honestly say the distance light travels at maximum velocity in a minute is a light minute: the distance light travels in a minute. Our math's instinct will agree sixty light seconds of distance.
Light takes eight light minutes to reach our eyes from the sun. This means the sun is a distance of only eight light minutes away. In real time light is three hundred thousand kilometers above the sun's surface by the time you finish this sentence. We don't see this light till eight minutes into the future. Our mathematical instinct agrees the distance from the sun to earth ( in terms of kilometers or miles what ever you prefer ) is sixty times eight times c.
Current light we see every second is nothing more than light's image of the sun as it was eight minutes ago every second. It is three hundred thousand kilometers ( or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles if you like ) away from earth by the time you finish this sentence every second of time as well.
Our mathematical instinct agrees the fixed constant is sixty times sixty ( or sixty squared ) equals three thousand six hundred seconds times c the distance light travels travels by the time a one hour TV program.
Clocks change the western calendar date every twelve midnight. Our mathematical instinct agrees if we start with the first second past midnight to the date changes again is sixty squared times twenty four giving us a total of every eighty six thousand four hundred seconds the date changes. The distance light travels in that time is all those seconds times c.
In other words every time clocks changes the date is eighty six thousand four hundred periods additions of a fixed distance distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers of time.
Mathematics tells our math's instinct the reciprocal of c every second is eighty six thousand four hundredth of the date change period. Our math's instincts agrees proof when we muiltiply a hundred and eighty six thousandth by a hundred and eighty six thousand equals one a date change period. In other words a light day.
We can project from known distances the planet of our solar we can project them in light days away at light speed.
Operating on the same principle we can add up the first second twelve midnight Monday morning though every day of the week to the first second of the following twelve midnight Monday morning times c the distance light travels in a week. In other words a light week. We can project from known distances planet of the our solar system in terms of weeks away at light speed.
The western calendar divides up mouths into different days. They vary from as little as twenty eight to as much as thirty one. We are open to project how many moths a planet of our solar system is away at light speed.
However our mathematical instinct whole heartily agrees we can project all the seconds in a year by sixty squared times twenty four times three hundred and sixty five days of the year. Times c projects the distance. ( In terms of kilometers or miles which every is preferred ).We end up with a figure over thirty one million seconds the distance light travels familiarly known to all of us as a light year.
Calculating for the distance light travels in a decade we need to take into account of the extra day at the end of every February every third leap year. Taking into account of all the leap years in a decade we can deduce the distance in years the equivalent light years, light travels in a period of a decade.
Operating on the principle we can deduce the years equivalent of light years the distance light travels in a century, a milliner ( a thousand years ), a million years, a billion even trillions of centuries of time passes on earth. The earth is only a little more than several million centuries old. Those into challenging mathematics can convert years to centuries and vice versa centuries to years of time passes on earth.
The point of the first light from the big bang that has supposed to have created our universe is only just over fourteen and a half light years away from earth. Those into challenging math's can challenge themselves to work the time of the big bang in terms of in simple equivalent years converting to centuries to the astronomical unit parsecs.
In the meantime we can only ponder on how far away from earth the opposite direction away light has traveled from earth. For all we know it may have already reached equal distance away ages ago.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Bellow is a sample of a basic skeleton all browser of all vintage instantly recognize. Your operating system cut, copy and paste system is always available you can make a copy pasted to any basic word and word processor. Name the file html table template and save in your system.
Different vintage operating systems and different operating systems have different ways to convert word pads to a html web page document
When you open the web page you can view the source code your browser will display exactly whet you see there. It consists of the basic html, head, and body tags. I included the word text in two places one displayed outside and one inside the table arrangement. Elements with no slashes begins new elements and with slashes ends them.
For example browsers read any declarations ( not shown in my basic skeleton ) followed by the html, head and body. No slashes begins new tables: new table rows: new table data's respectively. Slashes end table data's, ends table rows, ends tables, ends the body, ends the head and finally ends the html sequence respectively. When typing by hand think no slashes begins each element and the right leaning slashes end each one.
Any right leaning slash typed in the wrong place such as in a begin element or left out at of an any end element makes a mess of the intended layout. Another important factor to bear in mind is the left and right pointing brackets.
Everything typed between the inward brackets is displayed on screen and correspondingly typed between outward pointing brackets is not displayed. ( or hidden if you like ). Operating on the principle everything that is displayed. ( including image attributes ). This method is a in line system here applied to tables. Today's browsers only recognize Cascade Style Sheet ( CCS ) formatting of text. In line CCS is favourite of bloger site scripts.
Typing html manually operating system cut, copy and past systems allow you can past the template into you operating system word pad. word or any other word processor. Different vintages and operating systems have different ways of converting words into html documents. See manuals on you operating system converting a word to html web page.
Remember to keep all text and image attributes between the inward pointing tags. Anything between the out ward pointing brackets browser treat as layout information only not displayed. Keep the CCS text formatting in line at first word of every sentence.
The sample bellow shows 5 table data cells.
However 3 is ideal to represent an on line like a open book. The begin table row tag tells browsers to display the top table data the as the left page the center table data left blank for the spine effect and the bottom table data displaying the right hand page. All that is required is the addition of the typing between the outward pointing tags the table spacing attribute instructions. Set the text cursor and make a space on the right of every table data between the outward pointing tags the table spacing attributes in CCS script .
<td>Left page</td>
<td>blank center for the spine effect</td>
<td>Right page</td>
Filling in the details in word when you convert to an html web page browsers automatically fill in the cell size attributes. HTML editors fill in the specified details as you type,
You can take advantage of the center blank to fill in with your imagination images attributes representing the spine of the open book style. Or the top and bottom table data cells the left and right text of the image image effect in the center. It is a help in laying out professional looking page the top table data the left navigation bar, the bottom table data the main body, or if you choose to go for 3 the bottom table data cell for additional side bars bars. Keeping all text and image attributes between all inward pointing tags and the htmll attribute hidden between the outward pointing tags you should have no trouble with page layout. The begin and end table row tags rearranged as shown here browsers display the table data cells left to right across the screen. The set shows end table row top of every begin table data between every begin and end table data cells <table>
</tabl> Editing the basic skeletons insert the text cursor between the inward pointing tags of the table data's and start typing
Paragraphs are formed by inserting a pair of inward pointing brackets one without a slash begins a new paragraph and the other a slash ending the paragraph like this <p></p>. The lustration bellow shows the begin table data top of the list end table data at the bottom. Once again your operating system cut copy and past system you can make multiple copies of the table data cells like this
When you hit the enter key in html editors they automatically create paragraph tags. They have settings that you can change the way they create single or double spaces automatically. Doing html manually keeping your text and html attributes Including ( image attributes ) between all the inward pointing tags you will have no trouble with page layout.
Missing a line separating paragraphs manually can be created by using blank paragraph tags. Alternatively the break tags exactly as you would the paragraph tags Incorrectly placed break takes your browser will make a mess of your layout.
You can create a entire table pasted between the inward pointing brackets called nesting as shown here. In other words it is a table inside a table.
As you can see at this stage tables have become time consuming and completed specially with the addition of image and table spacing formatting. The trick is to observe the inward and outward pointing of the brackets. Anything typed between the inwards is displayed and anything between the outwards is not.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Inventions and discoveries are discovered by accident all the time by from experimental inventions all the time.
A science fiction TV series called the sliders about a university student Quinn Mallory experimenting with antigravity in his basement in an attempt to invent an antigravity lifting device. Instead it ended up creating the holly grail of cosmology officially known by the scientific term an Einstein-Rosen bridge familiar to us as a wormhole
Our story begins Quinn waking up one morning reflecting on a antigravity experiment he was running the night before. Wondering into the kitchen his mother was up pottering round with breakfast.
A conversation about his father revealed he was very close that had died when Quinn was only seven missing his father very much. After motherly fussing Quinn wondered down stares to the basement that looked more like a science lab the a typical student's study. He reached for a video cassette pushing it into the machine sitting in an armchair.
The TV screen reveled a video diary of his antigravity experiment working watching his own descriptive chronology of his experiment. The TV screen showed a roaring midd air whirlpool watching himself and listing to his video dairying of his experiment with a camcorder in a hurricane force winds
Pondering on his antigravity experiment he reached out and took a framed photo pose of himself and both parents reflecting how much he missed his father.
Realizing he was going to be late for his lecture he replaced the photo and hurriedly shut down the video replay and and went back up stares, hurriedly snatching a bite to eat from the breakfast table. Down the front walk he went opening the front gate that squeaked closing it. He jumped into his car and set off to campus.
At the campus Quinn paused by a well known and harmless homeless guy raving on about the end of the world coming pointing a accusing finger at him. Quinn was in to much of a hurry to stop telling him was as he ran off running past the familiar statue of President Lincoln.
In a lecture room a professor at a scientific scribbled math's formulae blackboard one of the stares of the New Zealand movie Lord of the Rings John Ryes-Davies, playing the part of, Maximilian Arturo, showing his annoyance Quinn was late for class "again". Quinn humbly apologized seating in his chair.
When he explained he was onto something interesting Mallory's co-students were dubious much to the annoyance of the professor constantly trying to keep his students focused on his lecture.
After scolding Quinn and trying to keep his student in check in van for ten minutes the school bell ring Arturo dismissing the class. As the class broke up Quinn headed off to his part time Job at a PC store
There he discussed with his best friend and coworker wade wells and with much dubious belief by coworkers about his antigravity experiment. When his time was up he made tracks back home to his basement.
There he settled down to more reflecting, studying and pondering staring at his scientific scribed blackboard full of scientific formulae trying to see a Patten that could describe his experiment.
He cranked up his experiment once more. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went spreading from a small point opening several meters wide looking like some midd air water whirlpool roaring and sucking at the basement atmosphere like a giant air conditioner. He stood for a moment before walking round behind it.
He passed behind doing a complete circle checking where the tunnel was disappearing to. What was his antigravity experiment creating ? The roaring midd air vortex collapsed in on itself with a Shawormph! leaving a normal and quiet basement environment behind. His experiment had somehow managed to reproduce something He started it again. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went expanding wide open pulling in on the air.
Qunnin did some more running complementary though his video view finder reporting what was happening. It collapsed inward on itself closed with a shawrrrrrrmph.
After a while he began realizing what this midd air vertex was. It was a quite a surprise. Had Quinn's antigravity experiment had somehow created a singularity in his basement here on earth?
Mallory excitedly cranked up his machine again. With a chuuoorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! produced the vortex roaring like a hurricane. Studying it he observed as much as he could before the vertex collapsed with shawormph! on itself again.
He considered testing the stable entrance placing objects through it. Placing a beach ball at the foot of the mouth it snatched it disappearing into the centre closing on it with shawormph! After a few minutes waiting while he studied scientific filed equation blackboard he started the machine again. With a chroorarrrrrr on opening the hole in mid air roared away like a tornado. The ball soon shot back across his basement. Retrieving it he reflected what he was holding.
"Where had theses objects been"?
Some investigative thinking staring at the scientific formulae scribbled blackboard again he soon saw a pattern written in the mathematics
What was holding open the vortex? Antigravity maybe? Power!! But why not for long?"
He soon realized their was a drain while holding the hole the roaring vertex open quickly running down until it could not hold it open any longer. Anybody familiar with on the road with laptop batteries know the feeling as they automatically shut themselves down when the batteries are to flat. Observing the behaviour of the formula he realized there was a timing pattern.
Quinn soon realized his machine was automatically recharging back enough power he could restart the vortex again. He considered sending his believed cat but though again reluctant in case his feline panicked on the other side never seeing her again. Eventually he considered trying it himself. Soon his confidence in taking the plunge was growing.
With much reflection and self arguments for the pros and cons of jumping into the wormhole, to satisfy his curiosity he set to work on a electronic hand held trimming device to count down when the time was right to open the vertex to get back home. With the timer in his hand he pressed the timer bottom. With a chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! the vertex opened expanding to full size in front of him.
Finally he took the plunge. He dived into the vortex disappearing into the center. It collapsed behind him a shawromph! The basement quite and deserted, then the chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! went the vertex expanding open from a point of light to full size. Out shot Quinn yelling at the top of his lungs somersaulting landing on his back on the floor.
Picking himself up he examined his surroundings the vertex still roaring away open. Then it collapsed in on itself with a shawromoph He studied where he was for some time taking in the very familiar surroundings. Looking back at the point where the vertex opened although he experienced sliding something incredibly unique apparently he never left this world.
Considering linking to another world was a failure he tidied up before setting off back to university. Outside he looked back to his front porch were everything about his house exactly the same as he remembers it, even his own car parked on the curb. As he opened the gate he paused with a curious frown. Strange, there wasn't the familiar squeak when he opened it. Oh well, dismissing their hired gardener may have fixed it he closed the gat jumping into his car.
Approaching an intersection deep thought he ran a green light.
To his suppressed motorists reacted the way we do when some one runs a red light on us at a intersection. With screeching of tires cars nearly collided pulling up to sharp stops all over the intersection inches from each other.
Scratching to a stop himself avoiding an accident he looked out the window in amazement at the behavior of the other motorists road raging abuse at him and driving round tooting their horns as they drive on though red lights and waited at green lights.
It was then he realized he must have landed on another world after all. It was a mirror image of his own world. With excitement he realized he'd just slid an singularity or the holly grail Einstein/Roseburg bridge. After getting over the shock he excitedly u-turned careful to stop at green lights and run red lights back to his parallel world home.
Waiting at a green light he happened to spot a billboard advertising a current Elvis Presley gig. In his world Elvis had died nearly 27 years ago. He hug the wheel amused wonder peering though the cars windscreen. His radio was blaring a talkback show host interviewing John Kennedy.
Shaking his head in wonder he drive on. Quinn pulled up to his parallel world home. Opening the gate he stopped short at the sight of his mother arm in arm escort style with the hired Gardner.
It appeared as his mum was married to him for some time. During a confused conversation he heard a quiet beeping in his pants pocket.
What's that?
Realizing it was him he whipped out the timer seeing the sixth digit was counting down to zero 00.00.05, 00.00.04, 00.00.03, 00.00.02, 00.00.01 then all six 0's blinked a couple of times
With a chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! the vertex opened behind him snatching him disappearing backwards into it closing with a Shawormoph!
The next thing he lands flat on his back back in his basement the wormhole collapsing closed with Shawromph! much to the frightened astonishment of his cat.
It took him a minute to gather his bearings before he realized where he was back home. With great joy he bounded up stares to check his mother wasn't married to the gardener kissing her on the forehead racing outside.
In euphoria he hug the grader who was suppressed, and oh joy the gate squeaked when he opened it. He Jumped back into his car and raced off to campus to tell everybody what happened to him. After all not everybody gets to ride an Einstein/Rosenberg's bridge to another world.
Arriving late again he eagerly interrupted the professor in the middle of a lecture. The professor angrily told him he had a nerve to show back at class. Quinn stepped back a bit not understanding. Still, he was eager to talk to him about his discovery and eagerly persisted. Now the professor felt Quinn was mocking him and his theories.
Quinn desperately tries to explain he wasn't. Quinn finally got though enough of the professors resistance to come to his house and see for himself. The Professor dismisses the class and storms out of the lecture hall for the second time.
Not fully understanding what was going on with the professor, he heads off to his part time job. Arriving for work, Wade confronts him at what he's doing back here.
A surprised Quinn replies he works here. She informs him the manager fired him a little while ago when he told him off. Quinn claims he didn't remember. Then Wade asks if he doesn't remember the kiss either?
Quinn was astonished wondering why he do that to his best buddy not believing the accusations thrown at to him. First he successfully created a Einstein/Rosenberg bridge then rode it to another world and back and then this.... all in one day? Wade walks off huffily on him leaving him flabbergasted. Quinn, still not understanding what's going on and since he'd been fired from his job he doesn't remember decides to head home.
Quinn returns to his dark scientific lab. He switches on the light reflecting on the machine consoling himself nursing his cat surrounded by electrical coil windings. He wonders over to the formula scribbled blackboard and studies it for a minute. Then his face changed into a curious frown.
He discovers his Einstein/Rosenberg bridge formula he was unable to finish altered. He doesn't understand it. At this point Quinn hears a slight stir and turns to look straight into the eyes of himself. Getting over the initial shock, Quinn's double seemed to be a bit of a brag revealing he was from a parallel world showing off he too experimenting with an antigravity machine turned into an Einstein/Rosenberg bridge.
Quinn's double revealed he'd visited his university and admitting he was the caused of the stir with his professor. Quinn learnt he was the one also responsible for kissing his wade as Quinn's double was married to Wade's double. To Quinn's relief it reveled why he was in so much trouble.
Both spent ten minutes discussing and comparing their inventions, Quinn's double showing off and pointing out were this Quinn went with his formulae. Then it was time for Quinn's double to leave. Quinn's double opened the vertex. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went, spreading from a small point to wide open.
The noise was defining like the middle of a hurricane. Quinn's double tried to speak over the roar. But all Quinn could yell back pointing to one ear.
"I can't here you".
At that Quinn's double was snatched away disappearing into the vertex and was gone.
Meanwhile Wade and the professor on Quinn's door step were concerned about his strange behaviour and obsession with his invention.
The professor rang the door bell. The door opened to revile Quinn's mum. The professor explained they were her to see Quinn Invited inside there was much introduction pleasantries the professor meting one of his student's and Wade her co-worker's mother.
Meanwhile A washed out 1960's black rhythm blues singer an X-member of a pop group getting ready for an expected solo come back. His manger hovering in the background was advising him of the potential disappoints if it was a failure and the consequences of going solo from his band.
Rembrandt Brown liked to think he was renowned for one of his particular favourite sad songs he was obsessed with he could bring tears to everybody's eyes when singing it calling himself Gyring man brown.
Meanwhile Quinn was engrossed an electronic assembly of his trimming device while Wade and the professor were coming down the basement stairwell still concerned about Quinn's odd behavior.
When Quinn looked up from his job he was pleased to see them excitedly welcoming them in turning back to the finishing touches of his timer.
When the professor saw Quinn's formulae scribed blackboard complete with the solution to the Einstein/Roseburg bridge he was beside himself with admiration dismay.
Quinn put on the finishing touches and excitedly showed the processor what he was holding was the key to get back home when visiting the other side of his Einstein/Rosenberg bridge.
Rembrandt comes out of his San Francisco apartment building to his big bright red Cadillac getting in and drive off down a San Francisco street.
In Quinn's Basement Quinn was eagerly ready to open the vertex much to the professors reluctance pausing a bit while the professor wasn't sure about it Quinn pointed and pressed the timer button. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went spreading open.
Wade and the professor blinked with surprise at a roaring, quivering vortex hole in mid air in front of them that seemed to be sucking the hole of the earth's atmosphere into it like some giant air conditioner.
Back to Rembrandt he comes out of his San Francisco apartment building to his big bright red Cadillac getting in and drive off down a San Francisco street.
In Quinn's Basement Quinn was eagerly ready to open the vertex much to the professors reluctance pausing a bit while the professor wasn't sure about it
Quinn pointed and pressed the timer button. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went spreading open.
After they got over the initial shock at what they were witnessing before their very eyes Quinn asked what would they do with this opportunity to see what's on the other side.
Wade beside herself exclaimed "You mean we can just like, slide though this and BOOM! we're on another planet"!!
"NO"! exclaimed Mallory. "Same planet! Different dimension"
What would you do if you had the opportunity to slide a wormhole to explore a different dimension? The professor was a very reluctant and unsure holding back. Wade was beside herself with excitement.
As giddy as a little school girl over puppy love she talk them into jumping much to the professors arguments against it. The pair argued for and against to the backdrop of the roaring vortex.
It took quite a bit a bit of persuasion to the reluctant Quinn and the professor, but she finally persuaded Quinn to let them try. try.
Rembrandt drive his a bright a red Pontiac convertible happily rhythmly beating to his favorite crying man Brown song at the wheel.
"Oh yeaaaar baby. It's gona be good"!
The trio prepared themselves ready ride the vertex. Quinn had originally set the vertex to carry only one person. He had adjusted the power for three more people. Then at a one, two, three, count they let the vortex snatch them into it and they were gone. The vortex collapsed with a Shawormph!! and all were gone.
All that was left was the scientific formulae scribbled blackboard in a deserted and silent basement. Outside the side of Quinn's house, the roaring vertex expanded open to full wideness outside it's designated area. Rembrandt Brown at the wheel of his car stiffened with a curious frown at a specter like circle at an intersection in front of him.
In shocked surprise he saw as if the whirlpool spotted pray changed directing turning straight towards him. Over the front of the car bonnet he saw the roaring whirlpool mouth like a horror movie scene glide straight toward him.
Yelling at the top of his lungs, frozen with fear at the wheel the car drove straight into the roaring mouth closing behind him with a Shawormmmmmph!! leaving a normal and deserted street behind.
Inside the vortex Quinn, the professor and wade sailed along in a sideways plane like falling from a high sky scraper at high velocity. The bright red convertible sailed pasted past with the screaming crying-man Brown at the wheel narrowly missing them by inches. The Einstein/Rosenberg bridge was taking them on a wild twisting and snaking Rolla coaster ride.
A basement looking like something out of the a frozen scene from the day after tomorrow movie set. Chuaorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a vertex expanded opening spreading wide from from a tiny spot in midd air. Out flew Rembrandt's red Cadillac convertible Brown yelling at the top of his lungs skipping across an ice frozen yard banging to an abrupt halt into a ice wall.
Finally the professor and wade next. A moment later Quinn shot out just as the vertex collapsed inwards closing behind them with a Shaworrrrrrrrrrmph. Rembrandts car was quite for a moment. Then the cardiac door opened and out stepped brown into freezing snow.
The professor, Quinn and wade, recovering their wits, could see they were not in a familiar environment. Wade had got her wish. The trio began exploring the parallel reality surroundings. Some candles were found lighting little islands of flickering light in the near darkness. For some time an interesting discussion about what could have happed and to all the occupants for about ten minutes or so. Wade found a crumpled photograph handing it to Quinn.
He took the photo showing the same shot he had at home only with a strange girl and his pet dog he recognized. He explained the pet had died a while ago and didn't know anything about the girl in the picture. Quinn and the professor discussed some scenarios of what could have happened to his familiarly considering this frozen world. Shivering Rembrandt blowing mist of warm air into cupped hands spotted an island of flicking candle light in the porch doorway of an ice covered house just ahead of him.
When the professor, Wade and Quinn stepped out onto the porch they were shocked at the spooky panoramic view of San Francisco harbor complete with the Golden Gate bridge locked in ice with spooky dark storm clouds hanging over the whole city. Getting over the shock their attention was brought to the dazed forth traveler gathering his wits out side the house beside his car in an the snow yelling confused obscenities at the trio.
They joined Rembrandt who was demanding answers to what the hell was going. To keep warm it was suggested the canvas roof to be razed in place. As soon as canvas roof settled on the rim of the windscreen they all got into the car completing the four travelers. He was by now raving mad demanding to know who the hell these strangers where and what ever's happing to be returned home immediately. A discussion amid snapping tempers specially from the processor, trying to analyses the situation ensued.
Soon they felt and heard something in the air by the change in air pressure. To their horror they discovered the place was also full of tornados, the one they felt coming in screaming a whirlwind precariously close to the little group huddled in the convertible. The roof was lowered back everybody scrambling to stand on the back seat in the snow storm snapping at them so the vertex gravity could snatch them away to safety.
Quinn fumbled at the timer pointing to the sky initialized it. Chuaorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr went the vertex opening wide above them.
One by one they got into position letting the gravity snatch them up into the roaring hole in the air. Again like falling from a high sky scraper velocity.
The deep depth of a blue sky above. Chuuarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr went the vortex spreading open.
Out fell the professor landing heavily on his side rolling face up when Wade landed on him face down steering into each other eyes. Then it was Rembrandts turn. landing on his backside nearby. Picking themselves up there was a long pause as the vertex continued to roar still wide open above them. Where’s Quinn?
There was a frightening long wait expecting the vertex to close any second without depositing him. The wait was becoming excruciating. Still the vertex remand open
Just when Wade was in tears at the shock of loosing Quinn to god knows what, not seeing him again. Then out fell Quinn, the vertex collapsing with a Shaworrrrrrrrrrrrph even before he hit ground landing hard face down on the grass All members were glad he was safe, specially wade.
Quinn and wade hugged each other gratefully Rembrandt smiling like an ape in the background. Assuming they were all back home Rembrandt was still angry telling them off. He reminded Quinn he'd lost his car and not going to hang around and miss his singing appointment. Spotting a taxi coming down the street he hailed down the cab promising to get bak to Quinn about his favorite conedrtable.
Meanwhile Wade said she was off to find a phone box to ring home to tell them about the adventure she had. She had no problems with her family not believing her as Rembrandt Brown the crying man, Quinn and the professor would collaborate her story. So off she went.
Quinn and the professor set off discussing their next move when suddenly the professor pulled Quinn up short pointing up to the park statue of the historic Russian figure of Joseph Lennon of the Russian revolution fame during world war one.
It was then they realized the truth of were they were. Wade inserted a coin in the phone booth trying to contact her family number witch didn't exit. Strange. When she came out she saw to her surprise the well known Russian hammer and cycle symbol above the door and the words in bold red capital letters in English
Meanwhile Rembrandt was telling the cab driver who he was and going too, while spotting the strange cab drivers identification passport which seemed a bit odd for a taxi cab driver. Still. The cab driver said he'd never heard of him. Then Rembrandt frowned in indignation and puzzlement at the strange behavior of the cab driver specially when he suddenly pulled up abruptly and saluted stiffly in Russian military salute.
Rembrandt looked curiously to the direction out the cab window to a political rally of the suited homeless guy of his world shouting and ranting politically, flanked either side by two Russian solders. Although Rembrandt didn't recognize him, Quinn, Wade and the professor passing by sure did. Still indignant He had a few words to say puling out a dollar note from his trouser pocket flicking it handing it to the driver. The driver took the note examining it like someone spotting a countrified note when they see one.
The driver hailed over a tough looking woman officer who's face peered in the window. The driver showed the note. The officer taking one look at it, Rembrandt found himself cringing in the back seat of a Taxi cab by a armed gang of Russian solders pointing guns menacingly at him though all windows.
Nearby wade had quietly disappeared and Quinn and the professor found themselves surrounded by what looked like a gang of menacing civilian detectives.
Our group meet an ungrounded resistance movement. Meanwhile Quinn and the professor was chained hanging from a wall by their wrists unshackled and marched off under escort. They found wade unharmed and learnt wade's double was a martyr hereon leader killed in action in this world against Russian authority. It turned out in this world America was a communist country, a Russian Domain.
Quinn, felt it strange seeing one of his part time coworker there even though he knew he was only his double as one of the resistance fighters who had a crush on wades double monitoring a live court room TV program in progress. Wades double had a lover the resistance leader who missed her dearly.
Wade had convinced him where she and her group had come from. Quinn insisted Rembrandt be reunited with the group. Casually watching the court room drama on the telley, she recognized the cab driver thinking nothing of it. Wades eyes pop out of her head in shock at who she saw in court. She cried out to Quinn and the professor to come and have a look at this. Quinn and the professor came over just in time to see Rembrandt stepping into the defendant stand.
On the telley Rembrandt was made to swear the oath of truth and the cab driver did the same. Rembrandt was accused as criminal counterfeiter much to the shock of the Quinn wade and the professor. The group watch the proceedings unfold till the next case while outside the court room doors Rembrandt was intervened how he felt.
That was all it took for Qunnin, backed by the professor and Wade they now had to rescue Rembrandt. A plan of action was hatched. The professor looked the type to be General, while the others discussed themselves in various army officers and solders. They marched off to rescue Rembrandt from the caught room holding cell.
At tense one point the rescue group was challenged by a army unit where the professor bluffed his uniform authority to an officer which wasn't sure it was going to work until the intimated officer allowed them on. Rembrandt was lead out of the cell pleading with a heartless officer when their was a attack. A major gun fight followed. After rescuing Rembrandt from the cell, Quinn though Wade had been killed. It was OK as wade appeared behind him. Turning round they immediately hug at each other.
When it was all over with much somber fanfare, a somber remembrance of their brave martyr was held while Quinn and the professor attended to the damaged timer. News of binning wanted now reached the resistance a renewed urgency to escape. Quinn and the professor picked up the pace fixing the timer. Once ready to go they needed to be at the right coordinates which was Lennon’s statue a quarter kilometer away.
The resistance leader offered to hold up the search team to buying time. Soon our little group was on their way passing a homeless guy swigging at a bottle of cheep wine. With shock they recognized Quinn and Wades part time job boss sucking at a stubby cigarette. Getting over the shock they resumed their walk
They heard the sound of the posy after them not far behind. Our group quickly broke into sprinted haste the pursuing squad gaining ground behind them. Reaching Lennon’s statue Quinn checked the timer finding it wasn’t quite timed out yet, only a matter of a few seconds left.
They Checked the pursuers behind them appearing only yards ahead. They weren’t going to make? Finally the timer could be initiated. Quinn hastily pressed the button pointing to a hedge.
Chuarorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr went the vertex spreading open. There was no time to wait. One by one the sliders dived disappearing into the vertex.
Wade and the professor laid sprawled in roses, with Rembrandt on his backside close by. Quinn come out head first as Shawormmmmmmph when the vortex closing behind him. When everybody picked themselves up they had landed at the feet the President Lincoln statue. There was great rejoicing and laughing. Then they were ready to move on. Quinn stopped short the group. There sleeping under the Lincoln Statue was the homeless guy Quinn knew all to well.
"Nice to see you man" he said.
They saw a pair of headlights coming up the street a taxi they hailed down. Getting in was the same taxi driver that dubbed Rembrandt in the Russian American Domain world. In the corner of the back seat Rembrandt cringed panicky saying a few aggravated words at seeing who the taxi driver was. The driver wondered what was wrong with their friend to the rest of the Group. The professor looked at the diver as if to say that's a long story. Rembrandt check to see if the driver had heard of crying man brown.
"Year Sure! I know crying man brown!"
Rembrandt was happily pleased to hear that. Arriving at Quinn's address they got out, the professor paining off the driver the cab pulling away. There was tension when Quinn was about to check to see if his front gate squeaked. To all there relief it did. Wade and Rembrandt hug each other at the delight of Quinn and the professor behind. They went up the front porch stares Quinn opening the front door calling his mum announcing he was home.
He didn't realize till a few episodes latter, prematurely initializing the timer before it was fully charged was a mistake. It wasn’t until then he realized it was his double's warning he couldn't hear when he disappeared into the vertex in his world. Operating the remote control before it was fully charged corrupted original coordinates to their home world.
When his mum came down the stares, he gave his mum the biggest cuddle he could please to see her. They went into the lounge where to reflect and disused the adventure they had riding Einstein/Rosenburg over drinks. Finally Quinn razed his glass of red wine in toast of his antigravity experiment. Just then there was the sound of the classing of the front door.
Everybody looked over to a man coming into the lounge. Quinn stood face solemn recognizing his father. His mother welcoming him in. Wade looked at Quinn with a Ohu-oh opps look on her face. Rembrandt and the professor's looks of disappointed realization.
Quinn in shock just closed his eyes as if to block out the site, letting the the glass of red win fall crashing to the floor. To round of a TV screen displaying Rembrandt browns doing a live show on television. That was how the pilot ended. The pilot showed the vortex was controlled by Quinn's hand held TV like remote control device.
When fully charged quad could open the vortex. Just pointing and pressing of a button sent opening the vortex. Each time the portal was opened the self rechargeable was DC power supply battery arrangement source discharged flat. This left the quad forced to hang around each world until the power supply was charged enough to open it again.
Quinn didn't realize until a few episode latter, what the warning of his double was. If the timer was prematurely incited it would corrupt the coordinates to get back home. This was what happened when trying to escape the approaching tornado in the Ice world.
Thus began the on going adventures of the sliders sliding from one world to the next hopping the next one would take them back home all throughout the series.
One episode the portal to parallel words was referred to as an Einstein Pulaski Rosenberg bridge, presumably a discussion between Albert Einstein and a fellow physics called Pulaski and Rosenberg predicting gravity strong enough.
A few episodes later the series introduced to alternate world beings called Crowmags illustrating different life forms evolved from any number of the combinations including us and our entire history on earth of our ancestral brothers the Cro-Magnon men that once lived along side us humans.
Theory goes billions of alternate realties these Crowmags evolved along side humans on one earth that was at constant war with these humans for centuries. In the sliders program Crowmags where also sliders bent on enslaving humans in the different worlds they traveled to. If you saw the series one can only imagine what it would be like to travel to parallel human worlds for ourselves.
The curious romanced by the exciting possibility of creating a home grown wormhole in their bedroom or even the right conditions for time travel, turn to library books.
They soon uncovering vast amount of data about the Great German Scientific thinker Albert Einstein, becoming vary familiar with his theories curious if Mallory's machine could have duplicated. The sliders TV show showed implications of doubles that exist in the same space and time as us living different life because of the infinite amount of decisions we make alternately deciding our doubles and us outcome.
The curious discover Quantum physics getting more and more intrigued become very familiar with what it is and how it works in relation to explaining how our doubles could exist in other parallel earth's.
The intrigued have so far been introduced to gateways to these double earths though the legendary wormholes though swatting up on black holes familiar with the books describing how how Einstein's matter bending space believed to created by the massive gravitational pull of the center supposed to great create infinitely deep sink wells in the very fabric of space.
According to the sliders TV show the intrigued wish's they to can visit parallel earth's sliding inside one of the deep wells landing in worlds expecting to find slight but differences in Geological features almost identical to their our own
What causes bicycle flat and repair failures? There is two types of punctures. One is a picked up road debris, a sliver of glass, tax, hair wire or a stone imbedded in the tire to leaking previous patch repair.
A cause is often old tires. Wrong tire for the rim will do it. They tend to pinch pin holes in the inner tube. Inner tubes rely on the effectiveness of the tire to hold in air. When you observe marks on the inner tube is a sign of an old budget tire and a wrong type for the rim giving only a few kilometers of reliability at a time. What do I mean by wrong type?
When you look at the inside edge of any bicycle rim there will either be a hook or flat edge. Correspondingly there will be a hook or flat edge in tires rims.
If a hooked tire assembled on a flat edged rim will leak like a sieve. If a hooked rim assembled with a flat edge tire will also leak like a sieve. Hooked rims need hooked rim tires and flat edge rims need flat edged tire rims. There will be obvious hook or flat edge, a couple of size of hooks between. Some rims are hard to decide if a hook or flat rim edge.
Miss match fittings gives you endless frustration of ever softening tires. A water test in a bath tub, the whole wheel pumped up bubbles come out between the rim and tire wall showing how badly the tire is quickly leaking. It is a sign of a miss match tire for the rim.
Standard and budget tires and inner tubes are not flat proof. Old warn out ones leak like sieves and if a miss match on the rim only adds to the problem. Expensive ones cover cyclists bases made of flat resistant material. They are made clearing pins from the inner tube. In other words heavy duty flat proof specially when the right match fitting of the rims.
Cyclists can expect brand new standard and budget tires tend last several hundred kilometers or a year of trouble free service but expensive flat proof tires will stand the test of a long time still good for many-many more kilometers than standard budget types.
Sudden and immediate flats is a sign of just picked road debris. But there are times when the tires take it's time slowly getting softer and softer a sign of miss match. leaking like a sieve caused a pinch holes or a leaking patch. Odds are high a miss match tire and rim. They are are often the cause of slow leaks.
Miss match and previous patch repair patches or a pin hole are a curse for letting cyclists down constantly. Properly inflated tire pressures often adds pressure causing. the toped up to to go soft again within a few meters to a kilometer.
Continuing softening tire ( a sign of miss match tire and rim ) doesn't help to well because your weight disperses tire. The pressure widens pin holes and holes under patches the characteristics of slow leaks. Neglecting the right type of tire for the rim and proper inflation is often the cause of habitual puncture repairs. Running soft only hasten the life of the tire brand new tires.
You will feel a road rolling resistance in your peddling. Think of an extreme case pushing a heavily loaded wheel barrow with an almost flat tire. You can imagine the push when pumped as hard as a rock. We all feel the same with our bicycles. You will notice a vast improvement if you reassembles another tire with right match for the rim.
When you experience an instant flat examining the circumference the picked up road debris is often spotted immediately before the wheel is even removed.
They are easy to find when you turn you bike upside down resting on the seat and handle bars turning the wheel round before you remove the defending object. If it is not removed every time you inflate the picked up debris punctures another hole in the inner tube you just fixed.
If the tire takes it's time to go flat after you toped up with air and can't find any road debris in it odds are a pinch mark had finally popped into a tiny hole or a previous patch has started leaking like sieve a sign to consider investigating if you have a miss match tire and rim.
Miss match tire and rim will cause pin holes to appear anywhere, between the inner tube and the roof of the tire or the under side of the inner tuber on the rim. The rubber strap of the rim in poor condition can do it.
Budget repair kits is often a source of a patch repair frailer. Once the glue ( cement as it is called ) is opened. used then stored ready when needed again the cement and patches don't seem to keep. The cement doesn't seem seal the patch properly rendering patch useless.
It is a common cause of patch repair failure. Reasonably priced patchy kits covers your bases in the quality of the cement and patches. Allowing any cement to get damp during wet weather conditions often causes the cement to be contaminated with moisture to a point of failing to stick the patch altogether.
Another failure with cement is haste. Sticking patches on wet cement will cause problems. The cement should be let dry like sticky side of taps
Old inner tubes can help shawl up budget and well worn tires for a while. Road debris has to penetrate the thickness of the old tube protecting the main tube effectively a poor man's temporary flat proofing standard and budget tires. It works good for several more dozen kilometers. But by the end of the day the tier will soon start the habit of slowly getting soft again.
When fitting a make shift flat proof bandage one side of the tire is off the rim. Start with stuffing the old tube fingering, prodding, poking and pushing nicely flat into positing the inside roof of the tire on top and inner tube. On the udder side of the inner tube rim side is perhaps not very helpful.
Pinch holes are notorious to find. No hole can hide from an under water test. This of course requires a basin or bath tub of water. First pump up the inner tube. If you are lucky enough at a petrol station you can use the free air station to do you repairs but if on the side of the road you can only make do with your hand pump can do.
If there is no accesses to water the only option is to pump the inner tube out of the tire by hand with your hand pump as full as you can. Pin holes tend to keep the tube deflated as fast as you put air in a sign of one. Working hard it is possible you can eventually feel a column of air locating the hole.
Pinch holes are notorious for hiding very small columns. They are hard to feel. They can be so tiny it will take a lot of effort to expand the hole enough to feel a column.
Cyclists are often forced to consider if is the valve. If the valve proves OK keep at expanding the inner tube till you feel the column of gushing air. The valve should be the first thin checked.
If you have accesses to same sort of water troth like a sink or bath tub immersing the inner tube eventually you will come across a bubbling column. Pinch holes are very tricky. They are so tiny as soon as you you remove the tube out of the water you will loose site of the hole.
It may take several attempts at re-immersing to keep track of the hole every time you dry the concerned area. You can only do the best you can. Once you have site of the tiny pin prick, with ball point pen circle it before you loose site of it again.
If there is no pin hole bubbling you would have bound to have found a previous patch leaking. It is important to wait for several seconds under water for any sign of a single bubble struggling to come out from under the patch or scan closely bubble fluff found the edge. This would apply to the valve. Bubbles resting on the surface of the tube is a dead give away the tube is leaking like a sieve.
If you fully inflate a good or brand new inner tube with a good tire and rim match checking a water test you will note no bubble fluff is an good indication of what inner tires should be. Going by that any bubble fluff is a strong indicator of a inner tube leaking a big contributor of slow leaks. Time to investigate double checking once and for all the rim and tire match.
In the case of pinch hole examine the rest of the tube for evidence of similar scuff marks that look like they are about to go into a pin hole. Theses are all the more reason to make doubly sure you have the correct rim and tire match.
With a pen circle and look for any others and circle those as well. Then you have the option of patching those before they go or at lest aware the potential flats are in the future of by a new inner tube.
Noting the position of the hole if on top or underside of the inner tube indicates if the tire or rim is causing the pinch mark problem. Again a double check incentive for tire and rim matching. That should give a clue on the next logical step covering your bases protection.
Before you patch the tube hole deflating the tube vacuum flat helps eliminate the roundness of tube that tends, Roundness tends to lift the edges where they tend not to stick creating the edge leeks often the cause of puncture repair familiar.
In the case of the car like shredders type valve a technique is to roll up the tube into a ball to you chest and pressing the inner core of the valve in. The pressure will insure a nice vacuum flatness.
Don't remove the silver backing of the patch just yet. Ink of pens seem to interact as a bond with cement acting as a seal. In a dry run line the patch so the hole is right in the center and trace an outline. The resulting template insures you can see what you're doing aiming the patch so the hole is dead centre when your ready for the cement process.
With a scrapper such as a cheese grater like scrapper provided in the repair kit or some sand paper scrap the surface of the template cleaned to a dull mat finish. Now your a ready to apply the cement.
If you're using a brand new kit, unscrew the cap. In the top is a little pin. Turn over and pierce the silver seal. Don't empty the container or you will end up purring a messy glob. Squeeze a glob right on the center of the ink circle.
Spread the rubber of the tube to widen the hole letting the cement drain into it to help plug it. Screw the cap back on the container using it to spread the wet cement covering beyond the perimeter of the template.
Don't spread a thin layer or you will have a puncture reaper failure problem the patch won't stick. Spread the past spreading a layer from the center. To help cover your bases of the edge of the patch spread outwards over the template outline. Make sure you allow the cement to dry sticky. Now you can tear off the silver backing of the patch.
It is not really necessary, but a helpful option to spread some cement on the underside and edges of the patch to insure you have covered your bases. Let both the patch and inner tube dry tacky. When sticky enough it is like sticky tape.
Eye up a line of site the center pen mark circle to the center of the patch and press on. You will only have one shot at this because the cement will stick fast.
Watch your eye angle coordination is squaring the patch exactly to the perimeter of the template. Use a round edge of your pen smoothing round the edges. Don't Concentrate so much on the center but the edges of the patch. Now the the inner tube can be reassembled back into the tire and rim.
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