Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bullying problems

Many parents have difficulty with their students to do homework often a reflection of a victim of bullying at school. Either that, or a  slow learner where lessens at school is way-way out of their depth will do it. If homework it is not easy to do will cause resentment towards it and schooling in General. Although well meaning protection and advise form teaches and parents to ignore bullies never learn to look after themselves. It's the real world out there where there it is always inevitable times where there will be no support but left to themselves. It's inevitable they have to look after themselves.

Inexperience won't known know what to do consequently during any quiet periods when not  bullied worry about the next time being picked on all the time on constantly on edge specially keeping an eye on known suspects avoiding them like the plague. Inexperience, meek and mild, conscientious objectors and pacifists often attract a lot of attention from those who openly resent anything meek and mild.

Hesitation, confusion though panic shows attracting a lot of it. These students can be bullied by a 10 year old playful teasing pulling their strings. The playful teasing can be full of inconsiderate embarrassing revelations, or nasty put when downs directed at them.  If we all discover we can pull someone's strings like a puppet we all can become pretty well an experience puppeteer.

loners have inevitably shown be very slow at social mixing specially if with the opposite sex. Consequently it shows as inexperience specially problematic for their age. Symptoms include hesitation confusion and panic on what is expected to do. It is often seen in faces. Quite often at some stage showed some signs of normal interest and attempts at mixing but often in there inexperience got rebuffed.

Experience tends to have no patience for inexperience special vulnerable for an age tending to rebuff and often made a mockery and example of. The inexperienced wondering what they did wrong will be almost immediately be a laughing stock. Panic and confusion sets in often expressed in their faces which often didn't helped in social gatherings. Experience can see experience kilometres away. The pair will experience the same wave length because they both see in each other have shown they have done that sort of thing before to each other It goes without saying a loner will identify noticing another with signs of similar experiences.

Been though done that sort of thing hundred and thousands of times before can develop a jealous resentment for others. If a man ( or a  woman ) doesn't respond to their conversation openers has developed a sensitivity to the quiet treatment taking it is a clear message to get lost ,develops a promise it is a sign of unwelcome attention  promising they will get lost promising never to make the mistake of speaking to that person again.

Victims of bullying have leant to experience stress from the anxiety of constantly worrying about where that next derogatory remark is going to come from or if going to be bullied today. Looking forward to be being teased at school all day long is no fun. The slow and inexperienced are particularly vulnerable to the worry of how they are copping.

What hurts the most are derogatory remark directed at them designed to do just that specially planed for everybody nearby to hear. It can be a nasty to playful skit that feels more like an embarrassing put down than anything else. Inexperience will seem slow and confused on what they are expected to and did wrong being embarrassed and ashamed not knowing what to do about being hurt like that. To the inexperience and slow all they can think of is finding a place to quietly hide inside their minds promising themselves what ever they have done wrong or promise themselves never make that mistake again.

We are not actors. We can't hide anything from anybody. The latter symptoms kept up for long enough will eventually get some attention. Most of us are not really impressed with a meek and mildness manor. Some can be quite resentful to it including teaches. The result can be quiet neglectfulness from teaches who are fully a aware of a potential victim of bullying if they kept up with that meek and mild withdrawn manor attitude for long. Constricting so much on that recognizing a surly angry withdrawn attitude as sign of being bullied is neglected. So to the possibility of a slow leaner having difficulty. Without bias we all tend to notice and offer help. Free from bias careful we tend to help with careful questioning often reveals true facts including uncovering a medical conditions like dyslexia. ( A visual brain interoperation of letters and number sorting problem ).

Withdraw confusion can potentially turn into antisocial resentment. We often see this in a surly withdrawn quiet and sulky keeping to themselves behavior, not mixing well domineer or the outward swaggering bombastic gang banners loitering and patrolling the streets displaying themselves in public. Withdrawn can be a result of a conflict ress sill between resentment and sense of duty to moral right and wrong thinking missing in lawless gang banners. Gang banners have no remorse to the injustices they often inflict on law abiding people.

A dust up between two individuals breaking it up to much attention is often paid in asking who started it instead of closely questioning who has been saying things to whom. A third person is often involved that has planted the seeds of discontent between a pair for some time making sure they can never be traced back to them. Nobody suspecting  a thing works perfectly in their favour. Without bias is needed for effective questioning of both parties. Unwelcome investigation bias or favour towards one or the other is often the cause of quick dismissal sending pairs on their way only leaving the fight unresolved to be continued latter.

Proper investigation will uncover lots of hidden causes. Psychologists are trained in the art of human behaviour investigations. They are the proper professionals interviewing bullies in unmasking the psychology of bullying in revealing what it is and how it works on us can be very revealing.

Antisocial personalities tend be bullies. They mix well on the outside but we all can generally hear advice we feel more like we are fools than anything else most of us have never really learnt not to take so seriously. This is because most of us don't recognize people speaking to us with advice as if they don't believe in us. Those that recognize it see how transparent these people are showing themselves. Recognizing them for what they are we can take their advice under advisement letting ourselves be the judge. We can say our pleasantries raping up the interview, make excuses to leave and move on promising to avoid that person like the plague. We are all capable of  finding others on the same wavelength becoming successful despite the advice we were not quite adequate. In other words we can all recognize poor advice when we hear it able to dismiss it and move on happily with our dream.

There are bullies that secretly harbour secretive hostility. Communication is often dishonest. They are the ones that hurt and ruin the reputation of others they target by sowing seeds of gossip, and putting ideas in others heads hopping to plant suspicions that cause rowels between two people making sure nothing can be traced back to them, a kind of covert Hostility. These are the hidden third party that had secretly work at imitating a fights or break up. They let the chaos and confusion of an escalating shouting match between two to finish the job for them.

We often get so involved in carried away in a rowel we don't recognize various reactions to accusations. If we did we would quickly able to resolve the situation rather quickly. For example we can all tell from a nonverbal behaviour form a partner something's up . Confronted there is two reactions. One, nobody is a good enough actor at hiding withholds. We are all so very transparent at that sort of thing. The other reaction to accusations can be so intense we tend not to recognize genuine shock and surprise reaction to an accusation. Genuine shock and surprise is a tool police detectives watch for in interviewing suspects. Detectives don't give anything away only keep ask interviewing. They just listen and observe, letting the suspect give away information by denying they had anything to with a murder giving detectives clues  for next step for their investigation.

The greatest mistake we can make withholding from a partner is not recognizing we are all transparent at that sort of thing. We always give ourselves away when it comes to withholds. In other words the mistake in convincing ourselves other people are not very bright they'll never know is a mistake. We get into the habit of thinking our partner or parents are stupid and tend to unconsciously show it. It is equally true we can unconsciously show our parents are not silly. Unless a parent has issues parents we all appreciate being treated with honest communication. Partners, and parents specially seasoned detectives are capable recognizing the behaviour of withholds. This will be why pressure is applied to be honesty and we make ourselves worse by our withhold behaviour adding to suspicion giving handing detectives clues. The quiet withholds treatment is the most loudest of all give a ways. It is so loud and transparent we might as well just be forthcoming with the withhold and be done with it. It is the main reasons why we are no properly believed.

Concentrating so much on the intensity of a rowel we can miss the reaction of a genuine shock and surprise reaction to a accusation. If we pay close enough attention we can believe someone easily who displays genuine shock and surprise in rowel as seasoned detectives notice in interviews. The cause of an escalating  shouting match trying to get to the truth boils down to panic from both partners. Understanding the value of not panicking can help. It is amazing how keeping cool, calm and collected like detectives do with suspects we discover the truth. Consider the panic we feel when we see a life threatening danger coming.

We have all heard shouldn't be alive stories about those odds of being killed in their favour yet incredibly ended up alive to tell the tale instead. Individuals have described watching death coming in seconds but for some strange reason those few seconds was actually agonizingly slow. We often hear survivors declare the longest seconds of their lives, even telling us seem go on forever.

It may seem strange, but that does describe Albert Einstein's 1905 special theory of reality time dilution principle in this case by our own brain response to time in a emergency. Our brain seems to have the ability to speed up a bit. Running faster than the environment's time we observe the environment seems slowed down. Such an experience we feel we have a bit of time to think because everything seems slow. Everything slowed down we get a confident feeling  we have time to think and react.

Two words don't panic are magic words that can help put ourselves in reassurance control. Lets say you spot a potential assault coming. We can reassure ourselves with "Don't Panic! Don't Panic! It's OK. Keep calm. Please remain calm. Don't panic. Please remain calm"!. If we don't panic in the face of any emergency our brain seems to speed up faster we observe the illusion the environment has slowed down. Our brain will come up with brainstorm tips on how to handle the threat. The beigest hurdle to panic control is when we pay to much attention on how fast things are happening. This is often due to inexperience. Inexperience is the important point to bear in mind when it comes to actual practice.

Those that have encountered threats of this nature hundreds and thousands of times before have always felt confident when they spot potential trouble heading their way. These people have leant how seconds can always seem a long time. They have been there done that hundreds and thousands of times before not likely to be railed into panic so easily. Anybody learning first the time will likely find it hard not to panic because they have learnt to concentrate to much on how fast minutes can go let a lone seconds. They feel they haven't the time to think straight. They haven't experienced not panicking before. Keeping, cool calm and collected helps go a long way in preventing overwhelming shouting matches from getting out of hand clouding our thinking.

Most of us don't recognize razed voices the start of a soon to be out of control shouting match. Experienced cancellers are practically psychologists because they have seen this sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before. Been though this sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before they can remain cool, calm and collected diffusing the threat of a out of control shouting match before it begins. They can spot inexperience clients kilometres away. Most of us don't recognize the early signs. Those that have seen it all before detect them coming before everybody else just from the early signs. When ever you detect a razed voice remember the value of not panicking to help you keep calm.

When we habitually talk to ourselves in our heads we can talk ourselves into anything from health to prosperity including not panicking. Constant rehearsing of the value of not panicking roll play in hour heads we can hypnotize ourselves into a state of calmness every time we sense a panic attack. When we encounter an unexpected real threat our hypnotic rehearsal will pay off keeping us calm. In less than a second without thinking the first thing we think of the reputation of the words we have been repeating to ourselves flowing though our heads.

To sum up the habit of reversing practicing emergency scenarios in our heads we can learn to keep calm. It goes a long way of not forgetting the magic words when we are really unexpectedly need them.

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