Sunday, January 12, 2014

How we study

Many parents have difficulty with their students to do homework. Neglected homework is often a reflection of resenting it. Some students do a good job of hiding their resentment but often not for long. It comes out eventually. In the mean time can go unnoticed. A victim of bullying at school will do it. Students are often chastised by parental agendas and school policy. Resentment starts with a sense of no point to homework. It's not a specific goal. It is only a revision excessive to teach students to learn what they learnt from the day's schooling. Students often just drift into just going though the motions just to avoid parents and school pressure.

This makes relevancy important. We all know how it feels made to do any assignment that has very little relevancy. Students who feel there is no relevancy tend to be resentful at the general policy of doing homework. "What am I really doing this for? There's no point". It's just stupid homework" Bulled into any assignment we experience an all too familiar effect of resentment. Assignments that mean little the order is often challenged and trashed aside in defiant frustration. No choice inevitably rush and hurry under a cloud of resentment to get it over and done with. It won't be long before the resentment eventually comes to a head. With out any relevance only delays the inevitable. In other words asked to do any assignment with relevancy we tend to be all to pleased to help out.

General homework assignments cover far to much of a broad range of general knowledge for useful relevancy. There are times, when  just one single subject seems to take a students interest. It seems to stand out to them. When that happens it is only the specific subject that will be relevant. The rest is ignored. This is what happened to Albert Einstein. He showed defiance at everything except mathematics. He seemed to be very intelligent at number crunching as a little boy getting some favourable notoriety attention for it encouraging him. Number crunching was good fun to him. He was incorrigible in that area. The rest of his schooling  was never really up to expected scratch.

Often students miss the point sending their talents in the wrong direction. About the same time Einstein was practicing math's Adult Hitler was a teenage drifter living in Vienna. He concentrated all his energy on being a famous artist art teaches noticing an impressive talent for perspective drawing of buildings but no talent for people. Hitler could draw direct with his eyes with out any drawing aids. The prefect lines was ideal for architect building illustrations. Some of the perspective details in his buildings were quite impressive. If he wasn't so focused on being a famous artist could have channelled his talent in that direction. Unfortunately so focused he resented any suggestions of taking up architecture he could have been worth a lot of money to drafting companies or as a patent office drawer. Hitler didn't see the relevancy of architecture in  his dream.

Recognizing the relevancy of homework only comes with a single subject that jumps out at a student. A subject they are interested in will have no qualms about  not knowing enough with a thirst to wanting to know more. They will be bad as collectors collection books and information on the subject they find good fun. In their curiosity they will go that extra kilometre finding their own way in learning on their own how to research naturally. They will be driven by what interest them the most. There is a motive to do more learning as they go. They end up  teaching themselves. We know what it's like with a assignment that means something to us. The first instinct we all think of is to check out libraries for what books on the subject are available to us has to offer for answers. Another sign students can't stop discussing, and lecturing what they leant about their pet subject. Added excelling in that one particular area clues parents often miss. A keen Interest in any subject is a great motivator. The subject of interest is real to them. It means a lot.

A hurdle students often overcome on their own though their pet subject is the gradient of the text. Under the guidance of a strong interest students soon discover on their own to recognize the contents is to hard to understand. They had reach a point were they recognize to discard the books that confuses them moving on searching for books that jump out at them in every sentence. If a student is interested enough curiosity will guide them in finding the right gradient they can cope with.

Pet subjects often teach student's to notice authors who seem to go on and on and on with out really coming to the point. We all appreciate text  that comes to the point in every sentence. A students experience will soon pick up on the clue noticing the confusion is in the rambling on long mouthful sentences. Long mouthfuls are often composed with two or more sentences each sentence called a clause. Each clause is linked by linking words. It is the link words between causes that often trips up our brain. This is because the human brain is hard wired to fill in details. Mouthful sentences are a curse for it. We all loose sight at what the author is going on about very quickly because of our brain filling in the details for us all the time.

Familiar words linking clauses our brain knows well, such as "a.... the...... so.....well.....therefore.....ect" are often interoperated by our brain's understanding  filling in the context automatically. We are not thinking of context. Link words are often misinterpreted leaving the whole sentence confusing. Another cause is words students are intermitted enough to know the meaning well passing on causing the same problem. A pet subject is often a motive not to give up in encountering confusing text soon learns on their own to discard long mouthfuls sentences searching for coming to the point sentences in the next paragraphs.

When the first paragraph is confusing we tend to move on looking for answers in the second. We tend to scan the next paragraphs looking for key points that might explain the rest of the text only making things worse. The trick is to recognize we are tripped up by one of two link words linking the clauses in a long winded sentence somewhere in the first couple of paragraphs. When we recognize that, we tend to instinctively to go back and double check what we have missed. If we recognize it is caused by couple of clause linking words we can recognize the key is to carefully look at the clauses properly searching for the link works with more scrutiny linking the clauses properly.  Anyway long winded sentences should be recognized as a gradient that is to high and discard in favour for a gradient with much shorter sentences we can be handled.

The key point is when we have a pet subject driving us we tend to learn on our own to recognize words we thought we where familiar interpreted wrongly in the first place intended for the context of the sentence by the author. We can appreciate with out any resentment the clue to the meaning is in the link words between sentences. We tend to feel necessary the meaning needs to be double checked in a dictionary to be sure. Often we learn all sorts of discoveries learning tricks to our study on our own all the time. Extreme interest in a pet subject students often discover how to study developing the value of dictionaries on their own.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bullying problems

Many parents have difficulty with their students to do homework often a reflection of a victim of bullying at school. Either that, or a  slow learner where lessens at school is way-way out of their depth will do it. If homework it is not easy to do will cause resentment towards it and schooling in General. Although well meaning protection and advise form teaches and parents to ignore bullies never learn to look after themselves. It's the real world out there where there it is always inevitable times where there will be no support but left to themselves. It's inevitable they have to look after themselves.

Inexperience won't known know what to do consequently during any quiet periods when not  bullied worry about the next time being picked on all the time on constantly on edge specially keeping an eye on known suspects avoiding them like the plague. Inexperience, meek and mild, conscientious objectors and pacifists often attract a lot of attention from those who openly resent anything meek and mild.

Hesitation, confusion though panic shows attracting a lot of it. These students can be bullied by a 10 year old playful teasing pulling their strings. The playful teasing can be full of inconsiderate embarrassing revelations, or nasty put when downs directed at them.  If we all discover we can pull someone's strings like a puppet we all can become pretty well an experience puppeteer.

loners have inevitably shown be very slow at social mixing specially if with the opposite sex. Consequently it shows as inexperience specially problematic for their age. Symptoms include hesitation confusion and panic on what is expected to do. It is often seen in faces. Quite often at some stage showed some signs of normal interest and attempts at mixing but often in there inexperience got rebuffed.

Experience tends to have no patience for inexperience special vulnerable for an age tending to rebuff and often made a mockery and example of. The inexperienced wondering what they did wrong will be almost immediately be a laughing stock. Panic and confusion sets in often expressed in their faces which often didn't helped in social gatherings. Experience can see experience kilometres away. The pair will experience the same wave length because they both see in each other have shown they have done that sort of thing before to each other It goes without saying a loner will identify noticing another with signs of similar experiences.

Been though done that sort of thing hundred and thousands of times before can develop a jealous resentment for others. If a man ( or a  woman ) doesn't respond to their conversation openers has developed a sensitivity to the quiet treatment taking it is a clear message to get lost ,develops a promise it is a sign of unwelcome attention  promising they will get lost promising never to make the mistake of speaking to that person again.

Victims of bullying have leant to experience stress from the anxiety of constantly worrying about where that next derogatory remark is going to come from or if going to be bullied today. Looking forward to be being teased at school all day long is no fun. The slow and inexperienced are particularly vulnerable to the worry of how they are copping.

What hurts the most are derogatory remark directed at them designed to do just that specially planed for everybody nearby to hear. It can be a nasty to playful skit that feels more like an embarrassing put down than anything else. Inexperience will seem slow and confused on what they are expected to and did wrong being embarrassed and ashamed not knowing what to do about being hurt like that. To the inexperience and slow all they can think of is finding a place to quietly hide inside their minds promising themselves what ever they have done wrong or promise themselves never make that mistake again.

We are not actors. We can't hide anything from anybody. The latter symptoms kept up for long enough will eventually get some attention. Most of us are not really impressed with a meek and mildness manor. Some can be quite resentful to it including teaches. The result can be quiet neglectfulness from teaches who are fully a aware of a potential victim of bullying if they kept up with that meek and mild withdrawn manor attitude for long. Constricting so much on that recognizing a surly angry withdrawn attitude as sign of being bullied is neglected. So to the possibility of a slow leaner having difficulty. Without bias we all tend to notice and offer help. Free from bias careful we tend to help with careful questioning often reveals true facts including uncovering a medical conditions like dyslexia. ( A visual brain interoperation of letters and number sorting problem ).

Withdraw confusion can potentially turn into antisocial resentment. We often see this in a surly withdrawn quiet and sulky keeping to themselves behavior, not mixing well domineer or the outward swaggering bombastic gang banners loitering and patrolling the streets displaying themselves in public. Withdrawn can be a result of a conflict ress sill between resentment and sense of duty to moral right and wrong thinking missing in lawless gang banners. Gang banners have no remorse to the injustices they often inflict on law abiding people.

A dust up between two individuals breaking it up to much attention is often paid in asking who started it instead of closely questioning who has been saying things to whom. A third person is often involved that has planted the seeds of discontent between a pair for some time making sure they can never be traced back to them. Nobody suspecting  a thing works perfectly in their favour. Without bias is needed for effective questioning of both parties. Unwelcome investigation bias or favour towards one or the other is often the cause of quick dismissal sending pairs on their way only leaving the fight unresolved to be continued latter.

Proper investigation will uncover lots of hidden causes. Psychologists are trained in the art of human behaviour investigations. They are the proper professionals interviewing bullies in unmasking the psychology of bullying in revealing what it is and how it works on us can be very revealing.

Antisocial personalities tend be bullies. They mix well on the outside but we all can generally hear advice we feel more like we are fools than anything else most of us have never really learnt not to take so seriously. This is because most of us don't recognize people speaking to us with advice as if they don't believe in us. Those that recognize it see how transparent these people are showing themselves. Recognizing them for what they are we can take their advice under advisement letting ourselves be the judge. We can say our pleasantries raping up the interview, make excuses to leave and move on promising to avoid that person like the plague. We are all capable of  finding others on the same wavelength becoming successful despite the advice we were not quite adequate. In other words we can all recognize poor advice when we hear it able to dismiss it and move on happily with our dream.

There are bullies that secretly harbour secretive hostility. Communication is often dishonest. They are the ones that hurt and ruin the reputation of others they target by sowing seeds of gossip, and putting ideas in others heads hopping to plant suspicions that cause rowels between two people making sure nothing can be traced back to them, a kind of covert Hostility. These are the hidden third party that had secretly work at imitating a fights or break up. They let the chaos and confusion of an escalating shouting match between two to finish the job for them.

We often get so involved in carried away in a rowel we don't recognize various reactions to accusations. If we did we would quickly able to resolve the situation rather quickly. For example we can all tell from a nonverbal behaviour form a partner something's up . Confronted there is two reactions. One, nobody is a good enough actor at hiding withholds. We are all so very transparent at that sort of thing. The other reaction to accusations can be so intense we tend not to recognize genuine shock and surprise reaction to an accusation. Genuine shock and surprise is a tool police detectives watch for in interviewing suspects. Detectives don't give anything away only keep ask interviewing. They just listen and observe, letting the suspect give away information by denying they had anything to with a murder giving detectives clues  for next step for their investigation.

The greatest mistake we can make withholding from a partner is not recognizing we are all transparent at that sort of thing. We always give ourselves away when it comes to withholds. In other words the mistake in convincing ourselves other people are not very bright they'll never know is a mistake. We get into the habit of thinking our partner or parents are stupid and tend to unconsciously show it. It is equally true we can unconsciously show our parents are not silly. Unless a parent has issues parents we all appreciate being treated with honest communication. Partners, and parents specially seasoned detectives are capable recognizing the behaviour of withholds. This will be why pressure is applied to be honesty and we make ourselves worse by our withhold behaviour adding to suspicion giving handing detectives clues. The quiet withholds treatment is the most loudest of all give a ways. It is so loud and transparent we might as well just be forthcoming with the withhold and be done with it. It is the main reasons why we are no properly believed.

Concentrating so much on the intensity of a rowel we can miss the reaction of a genuine shock and surprise reaction to a accusation. If we pay close enough attention we can believe someone easily who displays genuine shock and surprise in rowel as seasoned detectives notice in interviews. The cause of an escalating  shouting match trying to get to the truth boils down to panic from both partners. Understanding the value of not panicking can help. It is amazing how keeping cool, calm and collected like detectives do with suspects we discover the truth. Consider the panic we feel when we see a life threatening danger coming.

We have all heard shouldn't be alive stories about those odds of being killed in their favour yet incredibly ended up alive to tell the tale instead. Individuals have described watching death coming in seconds but for some strange reason those few seconds was actually agonizingly slow. We often hear survivors declare the longest seconds of their lives, even telling us seem go on forever.

It may seem strange, but that does describe Albert Einstein's 1905 special theory of reality time dilution principle in this case by our own brain response to time in a emergency. Our brain seems to have the ability to speed up a bit. Running faster than the environment's time we observe the environment seems slowed down. Such an experience we feel we have a bit of time to think because everything seems slow. Everything slowed down we get a confident feeling  we have time to think and react.

Two words don't panic are magic words that can help put ourselves in reassurance control. Lets say you spot a potential assault coming. We can reassure ourselves with "Don't Panic! Don't Panic! It's OK. Keep calm. Please remain calm. Don't panic. Please remain calm"!. If we don't panic in the face of any emergency our brain seems to speed up faster we observe the illusion the environment has slowed down. Our brain will come up with brainstorm tips on how to handle the threat. The beigest hurdle to panic control is when we pay to much attention on how fast things are happening. This is often due to inexperience. Inexperience is the important point to bear in mind when it comes to actual practice.

Those that have encountered threats of this nature hundreds and thousands of times before have always felt confident when they spot potential trouble heading their way. These people have leant how seconds can always seem a long time. They have been there done that hundreds and thousands of times before not likely to be railed into panic so easily. Anybody learning first the time will likely find it hard not to panic because they have learnt to concentrate to much on how fast minutes can go let a lone seconds. They feel they haven't the time to think straight. They haven't experienced not panicking before. Keeping, cool calm and collected helps go a long way in preventing overwhelming shouting matches from getting out of hand clouding our thinking.

Most of us don't recognize razed voices the start of a soon to be out of control shouting match. Experienced cancellers are practically psychologists because they have seen this sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before. Been though this sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before they can remain cool, calm and collected diffusing the threat of a out of control shouting match before it begins. They can spot inexperience clients kilometres away. Most of us don't recognize the early signs. Those that have seen it all before detect them coming before everybody else just from the early signs. When ever you detect a razed voice remember the value of not panicking to help you keep calm.

When we habitually talk to ourselves in our heads we can talk ourselves into anything from health to prosperity including not panicking. Constant rehearsing of the value of not panicking roll play in hour heads we can hypnotize ourselves into a state of calmness every time we sense a panic attack. When we encounter an unexpected real threat our hypnotic rehearsal will pay off keeping us calm. In less than a second without thinking the first thing we think of the reputation of the words we have been repeating to ourselves flowing though our heads.

To sum up the habit of reversing practicing emergency scenarios in our heads we can learn to keep calm. It goes a long way of not forgetting the magic words when we are really unexpectedly need them.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The EPR ( Einstein Rosenberg Pulaski ) bridge

It all started with Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity. Relevance to the bridge begins with begins with the fact there seems to be no such thing as stationary in the universe. Everything including galaxies are all spiralling in an out of control although be it at a  maximum momentum speed limit. Nothing seems stationary or travel any faster than their momentum speeds. Einstein's theory links G-forces involved in motion as a force not unlike the pull of gravity. We all experience G-forces in high speed acceleration. Using a classic for example we only need to think of the force we feel weighing us back into our seats in down hill acceleration runs and when hitting those tight twist and turns with out slowing down.
Einstein had made a link to the consequence of Isaac Newtown's motion law that bodies tend to resist motion. Body's experience a pull back force, It gets stronger and stronger the faster we accelerate. In fact they gain a few kilos ( or pounds ) of weight ( mass ) slowing them down. Newtown's law of motion also states bodies tend to travel in a straight line never in any curved motion. But things are different when forced to. A case in point with a typical Roller coaster.
We experience what we express as G's of the car trying to pull us straight ahead and when it hits those tight bends forced to curve at the high velocity. Jet fighter pilots experience it at 5 or 6 hundred kmph tight turns. Another example  NSSA training astronauts for over 60 years now.
When a high flying aircraft nose dives fast enough the astronauts lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun. Einstein would have told us the trainees experience the cancelling of the earth gravity due to free fall velocity. If the plane dives downward fast enough will press the astronauts to the roof. They can even walk on it upside down like in a normal gravity. The plane has become an antigravity device. This can even work in the opposite direction too.
If the plane ascends upward fast enough the astronauts feel quashed to the floor as if in stronger gravity. It is the same force they feel in the upward thrust of a rocket accelerating to the earth's escape velocity. The force gets quite violent shacking the rocket vigorously. The relevant link is the G's on a light speed scale is enough to distort space and time. Think of the G's 0 to 90kmph ( 60mph ) in several seconds a common hatchback family car is capable of a muscle can do in less than a few seconds. The world's fastest production supper cars can rival formula one racing cars 0 to 60 in less than a second. Think of drag race cars reaching the quarter kilometer in less than a couple of seconds. It is routine Jet fighter aircraft are catapulted off the short distance off aircraft carriers at speeds of up to several 100kmph in seconds.
How bout 0 to a 160kmph ( 100mph ) in a second. If we do the math's on this a distance of a160km distance in the second equates to an accelerating standing start of 36 thousand kmph in a second. Imagine the G's. Light travels a distance of 300 hundred thousand kilometers in a second meaning a standing start acceleration to 10 thousand and 80 million kmph in a second. Imagine the G's at that acceleration. We don't have to be Einstein's to realize the implications of the G's at those velocities.
Notice one thing in common. Distance in the same second. A distance of several meters in a second is much slower than the distance of a kilometer the same second. A kilometer in a second is slower than a100km distance in the same second. A distance of 10 thousand in the same second and so on. G's is determined by the longest amount of distance in the shortest amount of time.
In the theory of special relativity It is the relative G's that can be generated the key to distorting space and time. In other words the weigh of G's weighs mass compressing it shorter and thinner. Since light speed can't go any faster the G's are also a constant where the body remains squashed short and thing.
While the Germans were occupied fighting it out with the British during the battle of the Somme in 1916 in world war one the general theory of relativity was published linking the mass of the planets and stars displaces space. Think of a heavy ocean liner displacing the sea. Space is not two dimensional but 3-D right, the distance of the distance of the universe, left, up down back forth every direction dimension. Think of an apple as the earth mass weighs space as a sheet of paper wrapped round it. The streets of the capital of New Zealand Wellington is bending space as much as the streets of the capital of England London on the other side of the world. is. In other words the earth's mass bends space shrinking it round the entire circumference.
The weight of space shrunk round the circumference caused by the earth's mass every direction is what pulls us to the surface. It is what pulls the expanding pressure of the stars together from exploding. Theoretically this very shrinkage causes depression slopes round the perimeters of every stare and planet. If the momentum of an orbiting body travels bellow the escape velocity of these space troths will be caught in it. If fast enough will travel avoid crashing into the orbiting body  slope in a endless loop orbiting the body.
In 1935 Albert Einstein, and a couple of colleges  Boris Pulaski and Nathan Rosen teamed up to settle  the validity of a crowing branch of physics called quantum physics once and for all. They were not happy with the contention particles of the atom able to be two places  at the same time and can influence each other several million light years apart the same instant. It is often equated to a violent storm one part of the world determined by a single butterfly take off the other side. An instant cause and effect millions of light years apart thing
The trio discussed some trial run though ideas for their paper. They ended up identifying one revelation because of dark stars what we refer to as black holes today. If the mass of a dark star is strong enough to absorb a hundred percent of light  Einstein's wells must be a impossibly steep well for light to escape. That's why dark stars are invisible under Einstein's gravity. The very center is smaller than a particle of the atom, called a singularity weighing well over several hundreds of thousands of  millions of billons of trillions of tones and more bending the neighboring space. The well itself is thought to be as narrow as the singularity. The border where light disappears is called the event horizon.
They collected lot of mathematics, and with the help of some cardboard props to help show what might happen ff a dark star's singularity in one part of the universe sinks a deep well in one corner of the universes with and another doing the same razed the question if there is any reason why not they should not link? The revelation demonstrates what had become the EPR bridge what we call to day a wormhole caused by a extreme heavy weight mass creating a deep space well linking up with another.
Fast forward to the mid nineties NBC TV studios inspired by the many worlds theory involved in Quantum theory expressed in the entanglement department and coupled with Einstein's general theory created a science fiction series about parallel earth worlds called the sliders. The pilot premiered in 1995 about a university graduate student experimenting with the possibilities an antigravity device that could revolutionize heavy lifting.
Instead of an antigravity grab device Mallory got more than he bargained for. The machine open up the holly grail of cosmology a wormhole entrance right before his eyes. NBC had suggested  Mallory  had unwittingly discovered some exotic way of creating a wormhole. The pilot began Quinn waking up one morning reflecting on an antigravity experiment he was running the night before.
Wondering into the kitchen his mother was up pottering round with breakfast. A conversation about his father revealed he was very close that had died when Quinn was only seven missing his father very much. After motherly fussing Quinn wondered down stares to the basement that looked more like a science lab then a typical student's study.  He reached for a video cassette pushing it into the  machine sitting in an armchair. The TV screen reveled a video diary of his antigravity experiment working watching his own descriptive chronology of his experiment. The TV screen showed  a roaring midd air whirlpool watching  himself  and listing to his video dairying of his experiment with a camcorder in a hurricane force winds
Pondering on his antigravity experiment he reached out and took a framed photo pose of himself and both parents reflecting how much he missed his father. Realizing he was going to be late for his lecture he replaced the photo and hurriedly shut down the video replay and and went back up stares, hurriedly snatching a bite to eat from the breakfast table.  Down the front walk he went opening the front gate that squeaked closing it. He jumped into his car and set off to campus. At the campus Quinn paused by a well known and harmless homeless guy raving on about the end of the world coming with a accusing finger at him. Quinn humored for a minute with light hatred banter before hurrying off late for class running past the familiar statue of President Lincoln.
In the  lecture room a professor at a scientific scribbled math's formulae blackboard one of the stares of the New Zealand movie Lord of the Rings John Ryes-Davies,  playing the part of, Maximilian Arturo, showing his annoyance Quinn was late for class again. Quinn humbly apologized seating in his chair. When he explained he was onto something  interesting to class there was much excited debate among the students much to the annoyance of the professor constantly trying to keep his students focused on his lecture.
After scolding Quinn and trying to keep his student in check in van for ten minutes,  he'd finally had enough. Totally disgusted, Arturo dismisses the class and stormed out of the lecture hall. As the class broke up Quinn headed off to his part time Job at a personal computer sales  store. There he discussed with his best friend and coworker wade wells and with much dubious belief by coworkers about his antigravity experiment. When his time was up he made tracks back home to his basement.
There he settled down to more reflecting, studying and pondering staring at his scientific scribed blackboard full of scientific formulae trying to see a Patten that could describe his experiment. He cranked up his experiment once more. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went spreading from a small point opening  several meters wide looking like some midd air water whirlpool roaring and sucking at the basement atmosphere like a giant air conditioner. He stood for a moment half flapping before walking round behind it.
He passed behind doing a complete circle checking where the tunnel was disappearing to.  What was his antigravity experiment creating ? The roaring midd air vortex  collapsed in on itself with a Shawormph! leaving a normal and quiet basement environment behind. His experiment had somehow managed to reproduce something.  He started it again. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went expanding wide open pulling on the air. Qunnin did some more running complementary though his video view finder reporting what was happening. It collapsed inward on itself closed with a  shawrrrrrrmph.
After a while he began realizing what this midd air vertex was. It was a quite a surprise. Had Quinn's antigravity experiment had somehow created a singularity in his basement here on earth? Mallory excitedly cranked up his machine again. With a chuuoorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! produced the  vortex roaring like a hurricane. Studying it he observed as much as he could before the vertex collapsed with shawormph! on itself again. He considered testing the stable entrance placing objects through it.
Placing a beach ball at the foot of the mouth it snatched it disappearing into the center closing on it with shawormph! After a few minutes waiting while he studied scientific filed equation blackboard he started the machine again. With a chroorarrrrrr on opening the hole in mid air roared away like a tornado.  The ball soon shot back across his basement. Retrieving it he reflected what he was holding. "Where had theses objects been"?
Some investigative thinking staring at the scientific formulae scribbled blackboard again he soon saw a pattern written in the mathematics'
"What's holding open the vortex? Antigravity maybe? Power!! But why not for long?"
He soon realized their was a drain on the household power while holding the roaring vertex open then quickly run down until it could not hold it open any longer. Anybody familiar with on the road with laptop batteries know the feeling as they automatically shut themselves down  when the batteries are to flat. Observing the behavior of the formula he realized there was a timing pattern.
Quinn soon realized his machine was automatically recharging back enough power he could restart the vortex again. He considered sending his believed cat but thought of it  again reluctant in case his feline panicked on the other side never seeing her again. Eventually he considered trying it himself. Soon his confidence in taking the plunge was growing. With much reflection and self arguments for the pros and cons he considered jumping into the wormhole To satisfy his curiosity he set to work on a electronic hand held trimming device to count down when the time was right to open the vertex to get back home. With the timer in his hand he pressed the timer bottom. With a chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! the vertex opened expanding to full size in front of him.
Finally he took the plunge. He dived into the vortex disappearing into the center. It collapsed behind him with a shawromph!  The basement quite and deserted,  then the chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! went the vertex expanding open from a point of light to full size. Out shot Quinn yelling at the top of his lungs somersaulting landing on his back on the floor. Picking himself up he examined his surroundings the vertex  still roaring away open. Then it collapsed in on itself with a shawromoph He studied where he was for some time  taking in the very familiar surroundings. Looking back at the point where the vertex opened although he experienced sliding something incredibly unique apparently he never left this world.
What every the reality he defiantly slid something. It seemed what ever  it was it seem to have been a one eighty degrees vertex taking him straight back to his own basement.
Considering linking to another world was a failure he tidied up before setting off back to university. Outside he looked back to his front porch were everything about his house exactly the same as he remembers it, even his own car parked on the curb. As he opened the gate he paused with a curious frown.  Strange, there wasn't the familiar squeak when he opened it. Oh well, dismissing  their hired gardener may have fixed it he closed the gat jumping into his car.  Approaching an intersection deep thought he ran a green light. To his suppressed motorists reacted the way we do when some one runs a red light on us at a intersection. With screeching of tires cars nearly collided pulling up to sharp stops all over the intersection inches from each other.
Screeching to a stop himself avoiding an accident he looked out the window in amazement at the behavior of the other motorists road raging abuse at him and driving round tooting their horns as they drive on though red lights and waited at greens. It was then he realized he must have landed on another world after all. It was a mirror image of his own world. With excitement he realized he'd just slid an singularity or the holly grail Einstein/Roseburg bridge. After getting over the shock he excitedly u-turned careful to stop at green lights and run red lights back to his parallel world home.
Waiting at a green light he happened to spot a billboard advertising a current Elvis Presley gig. In his world Elvis had died over twenty years ago. He hugged the wheel amused wonder peering though the cars windscreen. His radio was blaring a  talkback show host interviewing John Kennedy. Shaking his head in wonder he drive on finally pulling up to his parallel world home.  Opening the gate he stopped short at the sight of his mother arm in arm escort style with the hired Gardner. It appeared as his mum was married to him for some time. During a confused conversation he heard a quiet beeping in his pants pocket.  Realizing it was him he whipped out the timer seeing the sixth digit  was counting down to zero  00.00.05,   00.00.04,   00.00.03,   00.00.02,  00.00.01 then all six 0's roiled like an electronic bulls eye gambling machine  several times   With a chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! the vertex opened behind him snatching him disappearing backwards  into it closing with a Shawormoph! The next thing he lands flat on his in his basement the wormhole collapsing closed with  Shawromph! much to the frightened astonishment of his cat.  It took him a minute to gather his bearings before he realized where he was back home. With great joy he bounded up stares to check his mother wasn't married to the gardener kissing her on the forehead racing outside. In euphoria he hugged the grader who was suppressed, and oh joy the gate squeaked when he opened it. He Jumped back into his car and raced off to campus to tell everybody what happened to him. After all not everybody gets to ride an Einstein/Rosenberg's bridge to another world.  The answer comes from world the famous Alert Einstein in his theory of gravitational equivalence in the General theory of reality published during world war one. Lets review the basics.
World war 2 dive bombers is a good place to start. Over the beaches during the British evacuation at Dunkirk in late May 1940 German Stukas harassing the British troops screamed down in vertical nose dives up to as much as several 100kmph. Einstein would have explained his general theory tells us there would be so much pressure pulling back on the aircraft at such a high velocity vertical dive as those explaining why the pilots where at risk of blacking out before they could they could level out we express as the G-force properties active in each dive.
NSA has been putting Einstein's gravitational equivalence into practice for the last several decades training astronauts in weightlessness. If a plan nose dives fast enough trainee astronauts lift off the floor frolicking about in weightless fun. As Einstein put it high speed acceleration cancels gravity. In effect the fuselage inside NAS's planes become antigravity devices. And the opposite also holds true.
If the plane climbs upwards fast enough the floor will seem to press against the astronauts pinning them to it as if they were in a stronger gravity. This is what Mallory had seen as a potential use for an antigravity product in the hope of revalorizing heavy lifting.
Einstein must have realized the connection of Isaac Newtown's "Were there is a force, ( a velocity ) there is an equal and opposite force applied"  law. Take acceleration from 0 to a distance of a160km ( 100 mile ) in a second. ( Anybody into challenging mathematics can work out the kmph ).
We don't need to be Einstein's to immediately think of a G-force property. Think of to a stop in the same second. At take off we would experience many kilograms of weight pulling us back and pushing us forward when we decelerate to a stop. Normal Rolla coaster speeds  is enough to tell us that. In other words resisting acceleration and deceleration called inertia. Imagine the "Gs" accelerating to light speed and stop in a second.( A distance of just under 300,000km  by the time we say "One thousand and one").
Acceleration to a stop in a distance of160km we can likely observe Einstein's special theory of relativity time dilution of the environment. The first few milli seconds ( Standard metric system prefix milli for a thousandth second ) would start to get longer and longer the faster we go. Eventually  the environment's milliseconds would be slowed down to seconds ,then minutes in 80km. ( 50 miles ).
Then when we decelerate to a stop in the next 80km in the next half environment second things are in reverse. The slower we go the faster time speeds up. Every environment minute we we observing gets faster and faster eventually back to miliseconds. When we finally stop we find ourselves a second into the future160km away from where we started.
Obviously Mallory's invention could not travel to do the job of motion. Duplicating Einstein's gravitational equivalence to cancel gravity round a body. Instead had to be invented Instead Mallory got more than he bargained for.
The air we breath is made up of molecule compounds of hydrogen and oxygen molecules made up of atoms held in place by according to Isaac Newton the earth's mass ( Gravity ) and according to Einstein the compression of space according to the earth's mass.
The clue to how Mallory's turbine managed to stumble on a portal is found in the Periodic table of the elements. It is a chart specifying atoms making up the molecules of every element known to man including the air we breath, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. Reading the Periodic table tells us the dimensions our our universe depends on a atomic weight consisting of a number of orbiting rings ,made up of particles called electrons in each orbit, and a number of particles in the center called protons and neutrons nesting together in the core.
The modern  interpretation atoms are no longer seen as the smallest piece of matter because discoveries have found made up of fundamental particles. They are not solid point particles we imagine them to be but the the dense electron rings as thick as an  atmosphere are energy spheres racing round the central core.
The particles behave the same way as magnetic field interaction with each other. At each end of every magnet is a north and south seeking filed. Like poles repeal each other and unlike attract. We all have experienced playing round with toy magnets. It is the unlike ends that we experience clinging the magnets together. If we apply the opposite ends ( like poles to gather ), experience a repelling push.
Operating on the principle electrons repel electrons. So too, protons repel protons. Electrons are attracted to protons just as unlike poles of magnets do. It is believed  neutrons don't react to protons or electrons in any way.
The forces of the electron orbits is relatively week ( expressed as an electrical force the unlike repel and like attract law on the electrons the very mechanics of basic electricity current flow ) compared to the forces holding the center particles together like a supper glue force expressed as strong nuclear force. It takes crashing  the nucleus together close to light speed in research particle accelerators to separate the particles.
The current specifications of each atom is the result of their creation after the big bang that has supposed to have created our universe. According to Quantum physics was by chance. If the atomic weight of just one atom was different our would be a different dimension.
Gold and diamond for example are very rare elements why they are so valuable. Iron is much more common If the atomic number was different even by a single digit could changed whole balance dramatically. The universe  could have been very different.
Classical physics tell us the energy mater is in the back and forth vibrations of the particles of the atom. Each particle moves to a peak slows down to a stop to reverse direction then speed back up to the opposite direction slowing down to a stop to reverse direction repeating the cycle. The cycle is represented by a graphic sine wave.
The universe is not an empty vacuum. A huge wave front travels the universe making up the comic radiation known as the electromagnetic radiation radiating from every star in a giant sheet of energy including light every second. Varies frequencies range from a wavelength as long a kilometer to as short as the distance across a human hair trillions of times every second.
Quantum physics tells us a different story. The particles move a distance of  a Planck length in a Planck second. A Planck is a minus constant, 40 decimal  0's,  6, 2, 6  ( or a 43 decimal number ) of a meter. Scaled down to micrometer ( the thickness of a common news paper sheet ) 32 decimal 's a total a 35 decimal number. A Planck length is this value particles move in the Planck second. Like light speed constant that nothing is faster a Planck length is a constant nothing is shorter  and a Planck second equally a constant nothing faster.
Mathematics tells us the reciprocal is the same number of 0's on the right of the same 6, 2, 6 resulting in the positive value number times in a second. Nothing can have a frequency any faster than 6, 2, 6,  40,  0's  per second.
At such incredible velocity to move a Planck length in a Planck second electrons are renowned for disappearing from an orbit reappearing in another. Since they are identical we can't tell where each one has reappeared to because every electron is identical doing the same thing. A single electron as any other can be any other orbit anywhere the positive value of the Planck second in a second. The point is as each electron disappears it reappears in another orbit quantum physicists termed quantum jumping.
The end result of looking identical electrums appear to be in the illusion of the same places at the same different places at the same time. Since every electron in the universe is identical to every other, an electron in this part of the universe will appear as if the electron was clear across the other side of the universe which it's not. Indeed every corner of the universe all at the same time. This is why the argument faster than light speed is not necessary needed in quantum because the electrons are not communicating the why we think faster than light. The argument of the spooky action at a distance is not needed.
This identical characteristic can be the root of what happens to electrons one side of the universe almost identical patens every part of the universe at the same time. It's possible worlds with parallel physics attribute to our world all over the universe.
The whole universe and us is made up of this quantum jumping dance of atomic particles. This means as electrons are identical would seem like an identical dance this part of the world would seem nearly identical the other side of the world indeed the whole universe in this state  of this quantum dancing at the same time.
In effect the sliders answers the age old question are we alone in the universe as the story from the polite unfolds  Arriving late for the professors class again Mallory eagerly interrupted the professor in the middle of a lecture. The professor angrily told him he had a nerve to show back at class. Quinn stepped back a bit not  understanding. Still, he was eager to talk to him about his discovery and eagerly persisted. Now the professor felt Quinn was  mocking him and his theories. Quinn desperately tries to explain he wasn't. Quinn finally got though enough of the professors resistance to come to his house and see for himself. As the class bell rang the professor crumply dismisses the class and storms out of the lecture hall. Not fully understanding what was going on with the professor, he heads off to his part time job. Arriving for work, Wade confronts  him  at what he's doing back here. A surprised Quinn replies he works here. She informs him the manager fired him a little while ago when he told him off. Quinn claims he didn't remember.
Then Wade asks if he doesn't remember the kiss either?  Quinn was astonished wondering why he do that to his best buddy not believing the accusations thrown at to him. First he successfully created a Einstein/Rosenberg  bridge then  rode it to another world and back and then this.... all in one day?  Wade walks off huffily on him leaving him flabbergasted. Quinn, still not understanding what's going on and since he'd been fired from his job he doesn't remember decides to head home.
He returns to his dark scientific lab witching on the light reflecting on the machine consoling himself nursing his cat surrounded by electrical coil windings. He wonders over to the formula scribbled blackboard and studies it for a minute. Then his face changed into a curious frown. He discovers his Einstein/Rosenberg bridge formula he was unable to finish altered. He doesn't understand it. At this point Quinn hears a slight stir and turns to look straight into the eyes of himself. Getting over the initial shock,  Quinn's double seemed to be a  bit of a brag revealing he was from a parallel world showing off he too experimenting with an antigravity machine turned into an Einstein/Rosenberg  bridge.
Mallory confronting himself was this sc-fi adventure example of all of us must have doubles living alternative lives on alternate earth's showing we are not alone in the universe. The universe is plentiful alternative earth's and our doubles. In other words not aliens but humans scattered all over life in the universe.
Quinn's double revealed he'd visited his university and admitting he was the caused  of the stir with his professor. Quinn learnt he was the one also responsible for kissing his wade as Quinn's double was married to Wade's double. To Quinn's relief it reveled why he was in so much trouble.  Both spent ten minutes discussing and comparing their inventions, Quinn's double showing off and pointing out were this Quinn went  with his formulae. Then it was time for Quinn's double to leave. Quinn's double opened the vertex. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went, spreading from a small point to wide open.  The noise was defining like the middle of a hurricane. Quinn's double tried to speak over the roar. But all Quinn could yell back pointing to one ear.   
"I can't here you".
At that Quinn's double was snatched away disappearing into the vertex and was gone. Wade and the professor on Quinn's door step were concerned about about his strange behavior and obsession with his   his invention. The professor rang the door bell. The door opened to revile Quinn's mum.  The professor explained they were her to see Quinn. Invited inside there was much introduction pleasantries the professor meting one of his student's and Wade her coworker's mother.  Meanwhile  a washed out 1960's black rhythm blues singer an X-member of a pop group getting ready for an expected solo come back.  His manger hovering in the background was advising him of the potential disappoints if it was a failure  and the consequences of going solo from his band.  Rembrandt Brown liked to think he was renowned for one of his particular favorite sad songs he was obsessed with he could bring tears to everybody's eyes when singing it calling himself Gyring man brown.  Back to Quinn's basement he was engrossed an electronic assembly of his timing device while Wade and the professor were coming down the basement stairwell still concerned about Quinn's odd behavior. When Quinn looked up from his job he was pleased to see them excitedly welcoming them in turning back to the finishing touches of his timer. When the professor saw Quinn's formulae scribed blackboard complete with the solution to the Einstein/Roseburg bridge he was beside himself with admiration dismay. Quinn assembled the finishing touches of the timer he was assembling  and excitedly showed the processor what he was holding was the key to get back home when visiting the other side of his Einstein/Rosenberg bridge.  Back to Rembrandt he comes out of his San Francisco apartment building  to his big bright red Cadillac getting in and drive off down a San Francisco street.  Back In Quinn's Basement Quinn was eagerly ready to open the vertex much to the professors reluctance pausing a bit while the professor wasn't sure about it  Quinn pointed and pressed the timer button. Chuuorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it went spreading open.  Wade and the professor blinked with surprise at a roaring, quivering vortex hole in mid air in front of them that seemed  to be sucking the hole of the earth's atmosphere into it like some giant air conditioner. After they got over the initial shock at what they were witnessing before their very eyes Quinn asked what would they do with this opportunity to see what's on the other side. Wade beside herself exclaimed "You mean we can just like, slide though this and BOOM! we're on another planet"!! "NO"! exclaimed Mallory. "Same planet! Different dimension" What would you do if you had the opportunity to slide a wormhole to explore a different dimension? The professor was a very reluctant and unsure holding back. Wade was beside herself with excitement. As giddy as a little school girl over puppy love she  talk them into jumping much to the professors arguments against it. The pair argued for and against to the backdrop of the roaring vortex.  It took quite a bit a bit of persuasion to the reluctant Quinn and the professor, but she finally persuaded Quinn to let them try.  Meanwhile Rembrandt drive his a bright a red Pontiac convertible happily rhythm beating to his favorite crying man Brown song at the wheel. "Oh yeaaaar baby. It's gonna be good"!
Back to  basement the trio prepared themselves  ready ride the vertex. Quinn  had originally set the vertex to carry only one person. He had adjusted the power for three more people. Then at a one..... two....... three, count they let the vortex snatch them into it and they were gone. The vortex collapsed with a Shawormph!! and all were gone.  All that was left was the scientific formulae scribbled blackboard  in a deserted and silent basement.
Outside the side of Quinn's house,  the roaring vertex expanded open to full wideness outside it's designated area. Rembrandt at the wheel of his car stiffened with a curious frown at a specter like circle at an intersection in front of him. In shocked surprise he saw as if the whirlpool spotted a pray changed turning straight  towards him.
Over the front of the car bonnet he saw the roaring whirlpool mouth like a horror movie scene glide straight toward him. Yelling at the top of his lungs, frozen with fear at the wheel the car drove straight into the roaring mouth closing behind him with a Shawormmmmmph!! leaving a normal and deserted street behind.
Inside the vortex Quinn, the professor and wade sailed along in a sideways plane like falling from a high sky scraper at high velocity. The bright red convertible sailed past with the screaming crying-man Brown at the wheel narrowly missing them by inches. The Einstein/Rosenberg  bridge was taking them on a wild twisting and snaking Rolla coaster ride.
A basement looking like something out of the a frozen neglected and deserted scene set. Chuaorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a vertex expanded opening spreading wide from from a tiny spot in midd air. Out flew Rembrandt's  red Cadillac convertible Brown yelling at the top of his lungs skipping across an ice frozen yard banging to an abrupt halt into a ice wall. Finally the professor and wade next. A moment later Quinn shot out just as the vertex collapsed inwards closing behind them with a Shaworrrrrrrrrrmph. Rembrandts car was quite for a moment. Then the cardiac door opened and out stepped brown into freezing snow. The professor, Quinn and wade, recovering their wits, could see they were not in a familiar environment.
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph" said Arturo "I think I've just seen God and I could've sworn he was driving a Cadillac."
Wade had got her wish. The trio began exploring the parallel reality surroundings. Some candles were found lighting little islands of flickering light in the near darkness. For some time an interesting discussion about what could have happed and to all the occupants for about ten minutes or so. Wade found a crumpled photograph handing it to Quinn. He took the photo showing the same shot he had at home only with a strange girl and his pet dog he recognized. He explained the pet had died a while ago and didn't know anything about the girl in the picture.
Quinn and the professor discussed some scenarios of what could have happened to his family considering this frozen world.
Shivering Rembrandt blowing mist of warm air into cupped hands spotted an island of flicking candle light in the porch doorway of an ice covered house just ahead of him. When the professor, Wade and Quinn stepped out onto the porch they were shocked at the spooky panoramic view of San Francisco harbor complete with the Golden Gate bridge locked in ice with spooky dark storm clouds hanging over the whole city. Getting over the shock  their attention was brought to the dazed forth traveler gathering his wits out side the house beside his car in an the snow yelling confused obscenities at the trio.
They joined Rembrandt who was demanding answers to what the hell was going. To keep warm it was suggested the canvas roof to be razed in place. As soon as canvas roof  settled on the rim of the windscreen they all got into the car completing the four travelers.  He was by now raving mad demanding to know who the hell these strangers where and what ever's  happing to be returned home immediately. A discussion amid snapping tempers  specially from the processor, trying to analyses the situation ensued.  Soon they felt and heard something in the air by the change in air pressure.
To their horror they discovered the place was also full of tornados, the one they felt coming in screaming a whirlwind precariously close to the little group huddled in the convertible. The roof was lowered back everybody scrambling to stand on the back seat in the snow storm snapping at them so the vertex gravity could snatch them away to safety. Quinn fumbled at the timer pointing to the sky initialized it.
Chuaorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr went the vertex opening wide above them. One by one they got into position letting themselves be snatched up into the roaring hole in the air.
The vertex worked by the gravitational field of the next world it opened out in. The other word was pulling them. In other words falling into the vertex ( or in this case upwards). Again the ride was like a free fall down the side of a high sky scraper velocity in this case racing in along in a sideways plane.
The deep depth of a blue sky. Chuuarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr went the vortex spreading open. Out fell the professor landing heavily on his side rolling face up when Wade landed on him face down steering into each other eyes. Then it was Rembrandts turn. landing on his backside nearby.  Picking themselves up there was a long pause as the vertex continued to roar still wide open above them. Where’s Quinn? There was a frightening long wait expecting the vertex to close any second without depositing him. The wait was becoming excruciating. Still the vertex remand open
Just when Wade was in tears at the shock of loosing Quinn to god knows what, not seeing him again. Then out fell Quinn, the vertex collapsing with a Shaworrrrrrrrrrrrph even before he hit ground landing hard face down on the grass.
All members were glad he was safe, specially wade. Quinn and wade hugged each other gratefully Rembrandt smiling like an ape in the  background. Assuming they were all back home Rembrandt was still angry telling them off. He reminded Quinn he'd lost his car and not going to hang around and miss his singing appointment.
Spotting a taxi coming down the street he  hailed down the cab promising to get back to Quinn about his favorite convertible. Meanwhile Wade said she was off to find a phone box to ring home to tell them about the adventure she had. She was confident she was going to have no problems with her family not believing her as Rembrandt Brown the crying man, Quinn and the professor would collaborate her story. So off she went. 
Quinn and the professor set off discussing their next move when suddenly the professor pulled Quinn up short pointing up to the park statue of the historic Russian figure of Joseph Lennon of the Russian revolution fame during world war one.
It was then they realized the truth of were they were. This was another example of the abundance of life in the universes that our earth is only just one of untold millions of alternate earth's in the universe.
Wade inserted a coin in the phone booth trying to contact her family number witch didn't exit. Strange. When she came out she saw to her surprise the well known Russian hammer and cycle symbol above the door and the words in bold red capital letters in English 
Meanwhile Rembrandt was  telling the cab driver who he was and going too, while spotting the strange cab drivers identification passport which seemed a bit odd for a taxi cab driver. Still. The cab driver said he'd never heard of him.
Rembrandt frowned in indignation and puzzlement at the strange behavior of the cab driver  specially when he suddenly pulled up abruptly and saluted stiffly in Russian military salute.  Rembrandt looked curiously to the direction out the cab window to a political rally of the same homeless guy Quinn knew all to well suited like a businesses man shouting and ranting politically, flanked either side by two Russian solders.
Although Rembrandt didn't recognize him, Quinn, Wade and the professor passing by sure did. Still indignant Rembrandt had a few words to say puling out a dollar note from his trouser pocket flicking it handing it to the driver. The driver took the note examining it like someone spotting a countrified note when they see one. The driver hailed over a tough looking woman officer who's face peered in the window. The driver showed the note. The officer taking one look at it, Rembrandt found himself cringing in the back seat of a Taxi cab by a armed gang of Russian solders pointing guns menacingly at him though all windows.
Nearby wade had quietly disappeared and Quinn and the professor found themselves surrounded by what looked like a gang of menacing civilian detectives. Likely they were accosted  by ungrounded resistance movement gang. 
Quinn and the professor was chained hanging from a wall by their wrists unshackled and marched off  under escort. They found wade unharmed and learnt wade's double was a martyr hereon leader killed in action in this world against Russian authority. It turned out everything in this world was opposite to the world Quinn and his group were used to.  America was a communist country, actually a Russian Dominion.
Quinn, felt it strange his part time coworker in this world even though he knew she was only her double. It was clear one of the resistance fighters had a crush on wades double monitoring a live court room TV program in progress that turned out to be a sales personal coworker where the pair worked in their world.
And it was equally clear the resistance leader who rescued Quinn and the professor was wades double's lover who missed her dearly. Wade had convinced him where she and her group had come from.
Quinn insisted Rembrandt be reunited with the group.  Casually watching the court room drama, Wade recognized the cab driver thinking nothing of it. Wades eyes pop out of her head in shock at who she saw in court.
She cried out to Quinn and the professor to come and have a look at this. Quinn and the professor came over just in time to see Rembrandt stepping into the defendant stand. On screen Rembrandt was made to swear the oath of truth and the cab driver did the same. Rembrandt was accused as criminal counterfeiter much to the shock of the Quinn wade and the professor. The group watch the proceedings unfold till the next case while outside the court room doors Rembrandt was intervened how he felt.
That was all it took for Qunnin, backed by the professor and Wade they now had to rescue Rembrandt. A plan of action was hatched. The professor looked the type to be  General, while the others discussed themselves in various army officers and solders. They marched off  to rescue Rembrandt from the caught room holding cell. At tense moment when the rescue group was challenged by a army unit where the professor bluffed his uniform authority to an officer which wasn't sure it was going to work until the intimated officer allowed them on.
Rembrandt was lead out of the cell pleading with a heartless officer when their was a attack. A major gun fight followed. After rescuing Rembrandt from the cell, Quinn though Wade had been killed. It turned out all right as wade appeared behind him. Turning round they immediately hug at each other.
When it was all over with much somber fanfare, a somber remembrance of their brave martyr was held while Quinn and the professor attended to the damaged timer. News of the wanted now reached the resistance a renewed urgency to escape. Quinn and the professor picked up the pace fixing the timer. Once ready to go they needed to be at the right coordinates which was Lennon’s statue a quarter kilometer away.
The resistance leader offered to hold up the search team to buying time. Soon our little group was on their way passing a homeless guy swigging at a bottle of cheep wine. With shock they recognized Quinn and Wades part time job boss sucking at a stubby cigarette. Getting over the shock they resumed their walk They heard the sound of the posy after them not far behind. Our group quickly broke into sprinted haste the pursuing squad gaining ground behind them. Reaching Lennon’s statue Quinn checked the timer finding it wasn’t quite timed out yet, only a matter of a few seconds left.
They Checked the pursuers behind them appearing only yards ahead. They weren’t going to make?  Finally the timer could be initiated. Quinn hastily pressed the button pointing to a hedge.  Chuarorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr went the vertex spreading open. There was no time to wait. One by one the sliders dived disappearing into the vertex. Wade and the professor laid sprawled in roses, with Rembrandt on his backside close by. Quinn come out head first as  Shawormmmmmmph when the vortex closing behind him. When everybody picked themselves up they had landed at the feet the President Lincoln statue.
There was great rejoicing and laughing. Then they were ready to move on. Quinn stopped short the group. There sleeping under the Lincoln Statue was the homeless guy Quinn knew all to well.
"Nice to see you man"  he said.
They saw a pair of headlights coming up the street a taxi they hailed down. Getting in was the same taxi driver that dubbed Rembrandt in the Russian American Domain world. In the corner of the back seat Rembrandt cringed panicky saying a few aggravated words at seeing who the taxi driver was. The driver wondered what was wrong with their friend to the rest of the Group. The professor looked at the diver as if to say that's a long story. Rembrandt check to see if the driver had heard of crying man brown.
"Year Sure! I know crying man brown!"
Rembrandt was happily pleased to hear that. Arriving at Quinn's address they got out, the professor paining off the driver the cab pulling away. There was tension when Quinn was about to check to see if his front gate squeaked. To all there relief it did. Wade and Rembrandt hug each other at the delight of Quinn and the professor behind. They went up the front porch stares Quinn opening the front door calling his mum announcing he was home. He didn't realize till a few episodes latter, prematurely initializing the timer before it was fully charged was a mistake.
It wasn’t until then he realized it was his double's warning he couldn't hear when he disappeared into the vertex in his world. Operating the remote control before it was fully charged corrupted original coordinates to their home world. When his mum came down the stares, he gave his mum the biggest cuddle he could please to see her. They went into the lounge where to reflect and disused the adventure they had riding Einstein/Rosenburg over drinks. Finally Quinn razed his glass of red wine in toast of his antigravity experiment. Just then there was the sound of the classing of the front door.
Everybody looked over to a man coming into the lounge. Quinn stood face solemn recognizing his father. His mother welcoming him in. Wade looked at Quinn with a Ohu-oh opps look on her face. Rembrandt and the professor's looks of disappointed realization. Quinn in shock just closed his eyes as if to block out the site, letting the the glass of red win fall crashing to the floor. To round of a TV screen displaying Rembrandt browns doing a live show on television. That was how the pilot ended. The pilot showed the vortex was controlled by Quinn's hand held TV like remote control device.
When fully charged quad could open the vortex. Just pointing and pressing of a button sent opening the vortex. Each time the portal was opened the self rechargeable was DC power supply battery arrangement source discharged flat. This left the quad forced to hang around each world until the power supply was charged enough to open it again. Quinn didn't realize until a few episode latter, what the warning of his double was. If the timer was prematurely incited it would corrupt the coordinates to get back home. This was what happened when trying to escape the approaching tornado in the Ice world.
Thus began the on going adventures of the sliders sliding from one world to the next hopping the next one would take them back home all throughout the series.  One episode the portal to parallel words was referred to as an Einstein Pulaski Rosenberg bridge.  A few episodes later the series introduced to alternate world beings called Crowmags illustrating different life forms evolved from any number of the combinations including us and our entire history on earth of our ancestral brothers the Cro-Magnon men that once lived along side us humans. Theory goes billions of alternate realties these Crowmags evolved along side humans on one earth that was at constant war with these humans for centuries. In the sliders program Crowmags where also sliders that evolved on another earth bent on enslaving humans in the different worlds they traveled to. If you saw the series one can only imagine what it would be like  to travel to parallel human worlds. The curious romanced by the exciting possibility of creating a home grown wormhole in their bedroom or even the right conditions for time travel is extremely romantic and exciting for those into this sort of thing.
They soon uncovering vast amount of data about the Great German Scientific thinker Albert Einstein, becoming vary familiar with his theories curious if Mallory's machine could have duplicated. The sliders TV show showed implications of doubles that exist in the same space and time as us living different life because of the infinite amount of decisions we make alternately deciding our doubles and us outcome. The curious discover Quantum physics getting more and more intrigued become very familiar with what it is and how it works in relation to explaining how our doubles could exist in other parallel earth's.
The intrigued have so far been introduced to gateways to these double earths though the legendary wormholes though swatting up on black holes familiar with the books describing how how Einstein's matter bending space believed to created by the massive gravitational pull of the center supposed to great create infinitely deep sink wells  in the very fabric of space. According to the sliders TV show the intrigued wish's they to can  visit parallel earth's sliding inside one of the deep wells landing in worlds expecting to find slight but differences in  Geological features almost identical  to their our own

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

 CD and DVD burning decline is driven by a trend of business giving users no choice but to play along with smart phone/internet technology the cause of a decline in CD Players and operating system supporting burning music CD's. CD burning is already history as far as businesses is concerned. The smart phone generation has gotten used to the business no choice policy to adapt in doubling their phones as hand held players instead that can be connected into users home entertainment systems at home. In the habitual no choice in business policy users are forced to abandoned CD Players.
The following is now considered dinosaur technology.
Making a copy is copied to the hard drive called rip. Recording from the hard drive to a blank CD is called burn. The beauty of hard drive copies you can use your operating system cut, copy, past and rename system as you normally do with your personal files to organize your music files.
Ultra thin laptops and mini note books don't come with built in CD drives. Alternatively a supplementary external drive is required connected to the standard USB sockets we use typical flash drive memory sticks and printers. Since modern computers are stand along burners no software is necessary so any instillation disc that comes with a burner can be ignored.
Make sure the silver play side hasn't become dull. Media players tend to have trouble ripping. As an insurance carefully wipe the silver side with cotton wool material ( glasses cloth ect ) to a mirror finish before you insert the disc. Don't scourge just polish.
Insert the music CD.
If it plays as soon as you inserted, the auto play feature has been set to automatically play. All the multimedia player controls are there to control it. Click stop and close.
If it doesn't automatically open, you a required to open it manually clicking the player icon in the task bar or dock.
If you're unfamiliar with the operating system features the media player icon  can be identified by the operating system icon identifier. Rest the mouse pointer over each icon you see in the task bar, or dock for a second or two. If nothing there check the frequently used programs list. If not there will be found checking start, all programs, accessories, media player and click will open it. Windows 8 from the start tile icons type media player. Top left corner displays the results. Clicking the media player opens it.
Note the media player icon displays in the task bar next to other icons. If you right click the task bar media player icon displays an option of pinning or unpinning any icon to the task bar you please where you can pin the media player icon to it. Next time when ever you need to open the media player again just click the task bar icon. It will automatically open ready to rip the CD to the hard drive.
The media player will ignore the CD drive opening the operating system music library instead. There will be no rip controls  only the burn to record to a blank disc is displayed on the right. If this happens turn your attention to the left pane clicking the CD drive link. The CD contents displays, Te burn controls change to the rip controls.
The rip program controls are displayed on the left.
Clicking the rip CD button for the first time a copyright dialogue box displays. It won't let you continue until the instruction task is completed. When completed the OK button displays you can click to proceed.
If you observe a red "stop rip" button the auto rip feature is set to rip automatically rip the CD to the hard drive. To stop the processes click it. It will change to "rip CD". You are now on manual control when ever your ready to start ripping. When you're ready will change back to stop rip stand by you can cancel ripping at any time during processing.
Observing the rip setting button in the top menu bar clicking it a drops down a menu where you can set the auto rip, and an auto eject off and on at you desire. The computer will automatically or will not eject according to your setting.
By default media players display ticks in the track tick boxes. Any songs with no ticks will be ignored when ripping. At this stage it is only an option. Click out a tick any song you don't want. Or when you ripped you will find the newly ripped contents in your operating system's library music folder. In windows 7 where all the normal word processing editing options available where you rearrange you play list how you want.
If you have chosen the manual option when ready click the rip CD button.  As you start the processes the player starts one at a time highlighting each track going though every ticked track as it goes. This will take time. A decent number of tracks could take up to five minutes. If no indication of progress don't assume it's not responding. It is working in the background.
Computers being internet oriented may attempt to connect to the internet to download the details of the tracks behind the scenes. If not on line a message box advises you it could not download the details. The media player had titled the ripped folder and songs as unknowns listings the songs in numerical order as it finds them.
Opening in Windows 8 the files displayed the music app icon will open in that program. For some reason Microsoft didn't build in any menu  so will play out of control. There is stop control without shutting down or at lest restarting There is a solution to the problem.
Double clicking the folder won't open in the music app.
Right click any file icon. The right click menu displays
Click open with. Another menu swings out to the right.
Click Choose default program. ( Bottom of the menu ). The list of programs to open with displays
Click Windows media Player. The setting will automatically close
You will have no more problems with the files opening in the music app.
Playing in the media player you now have control. If you wish to listen to all the songs while you work  like a CD player when you open the folder top of the menu displays a highlighted yellow Music tools tab. Click the play all button.
Now all that's left is the burning to a blank processes. Media players tend to group all your Albans into one Album. If you don't want this don't edit in the player. Go straight to the library's music folder opening the album you wish to record to a blank from there.
You will find the same right clicking rename technique we all use to rename our files you can reorganize your play list the way you want before you burn to a blank applies.
The trick to the final burning is in the same highlighting technique we all learnt in batch transporting our files from one folder into another.
Leave this program open minimizing on the desk top.
Open the media player minimizing on the desk top.
In the right media player right pane is the pane you drag you files into and click burn.
Not. A word of caution. If dragging and dropping songs one at a time be careful with your mouse handling habits holding down mouse buttons while dragging and letting go. If you let go dragging from the folder pane to into the burn pane to early you risk damaging a file that won't work as expected. There will be a little red cross. When this happens before you click the burn to disc button you'll need to correct it by going back to the song title effected deleting the title and reinstalling it from the original CD.
Drag over the contents and drop into the media player burn pane you normally do transferring files from one program to another in your own programs.
Turn your attention to the "Star burn" clicking it. It will change to stop burn on stand by you can cancel at any time. Observe the progress monitor. Slow computers will take a few seconds to kick start so don't panic assume it's not responding. It will be working in the background. Once the monitor starts the processes will take time. A decent number of tracks could take up to a few minutes.