Sunday, May 26, 2013

We are often reminded of a philosophical cliché we can do anything when we put our minds to it. But there is something more powerful. Habits. Nothing to do with anything about good or bad only anything we started finally doing it hundreds and thousands of times without any more conscious input from ourselves anymore.

Psychologists specially hypnotists believes habits that rule our lives comes from one place, the start of a habit from self talking. Not the out loud conversation with ourselves, but the habitual silent thoughts flowing though our heads. In other words we are what we habitually think about. Hypnosis believe habitual thinking Habits come from a part of our brain that is our unconscious selves.

According to hypnotherapy we have two parts to our brains a conscious and an unconscious part. We know our unconscious part  when we get hit on the head knocked out, or used as a esthetic operation preparation. We have seen our unconsciousness in action thousands of times on TV and  movie plots. Someone sometime or another is knocked out cold. We have twin but opposite parts of ourselves genome. We've seen hundreds and thousands of times paramedics fighting to keep someone conscious and so on.
What is this conscious and unconscious states we have?

We are aware of being aware. There are some days there seems to be to many hours in a day. But when it comes to our unconsciousness all we know of time flow is meaningless when out cold. We have no memory of several days when we come to. Only when we come to are we conscious. Strange as it may seem a bit like a science fiction time traveler traveled many years into the future that feels was not much more than less than a second or two.

Who's to say we are permanently unconscious only for the fact there is a conscious veil we are aware of being aware operating in foreground like the desk top of your computer's operating system desk top permanently open in the background of this page. Our consciences understands the difference between one plus one is two and two plus one is three. Our mathematical instinct aggress with the logic. Math's can't lie you know.

In comparison our unconscious is an unintelligent moron .It hasn't the ability logic to agree. It excepts one plus one equals two and one plus two equals four but doesn't know the difference. In fact because it doesn't know anything about any differences it is instructed except as fact one plus one is two that equals one plus one is three. It thinks in terms two plus two is two equals two plus two that equals three the same as four. As far as it's concerned one plus one equals one one plus one that equals one plus two, that equals one plus one that equals one plus two that equals one plus two equals that equals one plus two that equals......... Everything is equally to everything.

Our five senses are excepted by our unconsciousness the same way. Our unconsciousness can't tell the deference between, smell, taste, touch, sight, and hearing. Even semiconscious the sight of a car, it's color, music, the smell off roses wolfing from a near by garden and the taste of the after math of a burger are all registered as the same things.

Our unconscious hovers in the background when we are fully alert. Our habits are started by our unconsciousness that can't stop. We start the processing programming our unconsciousness in a run away habit. The habit takes charge of our self communication dictating mind sets of who we are, and who we are not, and what we believe about ourselves is true and not true.

When we start the Habit of roll playing in our heads our perfect day is habitually happening to us every day we will develop a nagging habit it seems to be true. When we star the habit of self talk soon becomes a instructive habit, soon automatically carried out with out any conscious effort from ourselves to a point we stop arguing the pros and cons. It applies to everything.

When we start the habit of believing smoking is hard to give up only reinforces the belief. Any habit is a experiences of been there done that, hundreds and thousands of thousand of times before. When ever our habits are threatened by our own reasoning we tend to experience temper tantrums to to hold on to our habits.  We start experiencing panic attracts  which is why it is hard to give up smoking called withdraw. Many inexperienced observers often panic in sympathy because the don't recognize it's only display of withdraw systems. Imagine the threat we have to give up what we have already done hundreds and thousands of times.

Imagine an electronics repairman who have got hundreds of thousands of electronic apparatus running smoothly hundreds and thousands of times threatened to give it all up.

When it comes being aware we think on a conscious level. The third part of us, is us. We are our critical facture. We are the ones that decide what is and what isn't for our selves. We decide who we are and who we are not. Our conscienceless is just an organic that store house of informed judgments. Our background unconsciousness on the other hand is none critical, it hasn't a clue about judgments .With out our critical input it is a mindless automaton. It doesn't know anything about  analyzing pros and cons and making critical judgmental like we do. A case in point.

A person has been overcome by smoke in a house fire. The unconscious person still has time to escape to survive even when flames licking close by. The unconscious level cannot understand any of that kind of the concept even when still alive. It only knows how to keep it's body functions alive while it can. It only knows to stimulate the basic body functions to survive in a desperate attempt to stay alive while being consumed by fire. If lucky to come to fo any reason after breathing in all that smoke we take over.

When come to we are the conscious self not our brain. Our brain is only a simple communication device with the outside world. We are the intelligence living in it that will act for survival. Panic is often when things are very unfamiliar. But when we have been in a situation like that hundreds and thousands of times before our brain not letting us forget  previous experiences come to us in an instant flood. Our thought's are organized because we have done this sort of thing many times before. Not done before makes us unintelligent doing the wrongs things at the wrong times often for the wrong reasons often dictated by the thinking of unfamiliarity.

In an extreme case example of done something hundred and thousands of times before those that have been in earthquakes hundreds and thousands of times will be familiar with the latest event when it occurs experiencing little to no fear so are cool calm and collected with floods of memories of the after shocks that typically came from the previous experiences. The person will expect them coming as typical events that are going to follow when the main event is over. They will be prepared for the after socks every time they occur.

The first time in our lives is the key to panic and despair. For some reason everything seems to fast to think properly we are urged by our heads to do something right now in panic. For some reason familiar with any emergency the perception of time seems to slow down time. The slowing of time in a emergency gives us a sense we have time to think.

A wealth of data from our previous expenses flood into our minds we convert into instructions. We habitual look round gathering data we can see chances of executing a safe plan of escape in the middle chaos such as in the middle of an earthquake or a fire and the chaotic aftermath when the main event stops. In the chaos thoughts of getting rubble shard up support for the coming after shocks.

Done anything hundreds and thousands before we having floods of memories we'd done before we
paternally think ahead during any emergency.

Been though all this hundreds and thousands of times before our senses and intelligence is sharp to notice things. Something tells us not to open that door. When we don't panic our consciousness reasons with a thought there could be anything behind it. A flood of what kind of consequences can happen if we do. With such none panic thoughts we can think of plan of rescue without getting hurt. Our escape is well organized because we have done that sort of thing hundreds and thousands of times before.

With a clear head we are clear in our thinking reporting to any other rescuers necessary information handy for rescue  like professionals.

When we have done anything hundreds and thousands of times before we are very powerful. Done thousands of times we are confident and not ruled by panic. We are foresighted in what to do in any emergency. We are capable of thinking up improvised plans at top of our heads at the spire of any moment.

Take a fire emergency. When been in situations thousands of times before we are capable of analyzing properly the  first thing that come into our heads. We analyze, plan and quickly think of checking as we go in the fire helping everybody execute our organized escape route while doing so. Clear headed we can think carefully. For example  when not panicking spotting closed doors we experience the experiences of before might be a fire behind it testing feeling and probing it before blindly swing it open before it's to late.

Done hundreds and thousands of times before wood an excelled insulator of heat spotting a wooden door size board can be an excellent shield opportunity to escape behind. Observing how much will be burnt will carry along for safe measure further along corridors for protection.  All this because the person has been in a emergency situation like this hundreds and thousands of times before.

In other words there is two parts, us and our mindless brain that depends on us. We are the conscious self were we are at our  most alert. Without us our brain is just a organic computer automatically keeping our body alive and no more. A clear case in point when  we are unconscious our brain  is numbed not responding our inputs.

We are aware though our five sense though our organic windows of sight, hearing, taste and smell provided by the brain. We are like a person isolated in a room with only a keyboard, mouse and monitor controlling how we interact with life on the internet as the outside world , though a computer window, ( sight ) the multimedia speaker system, ( hearing ) taste and smell sensations picked up by the senses of the computer.

A part of our brain that stands between us it, is our unconsciiness. There is a minimum of slightly unaware of our immediate surroundings. The daze of a bitter disappointment's grief, and even the shock of witnessing a traumatic event will do it. In a extreme case panicking causes a lowering our alertness level. Think of the cleaver quick thinking we admire of others who have the ability of not panic in any emergency.

There is a consensus among hypnotists who believe the unconscious part of our brain is the place were the secretes about ourselves and habits come from where they have the knack at being able to  tap into it by lowering us from it.

Us being the critical facture the critical factor is gaining trust otherwise we  tend to rebel rendering our selves useless to hypnosis. The key facture to show Hypnotists is a friendly charm. It is an ultimate ice breaker ideal for business and sales people opening trust that promotes communication. Some people struggle it while others are naturals.

It is one of the factures we all find hard to resist rendering our cooperation.  We tend to over look the quite quiet and surly person until it is too late we are astonished to learn committed a murder atrocity we thought would have not done. The secrete to recognizing a potential perpetrator is recognizing very little and surly communication. As the saying goes "It's the quiet ones you have to watch" With the extreme charm is the key characteristic of con artists. We all fall for friendly charm. It's what makes us so vulnerable to con artists. 

We all impose negative impact on ourselves one way or another in our every day lives though a nonmaterial reviler. One common is day dreaming. When we day dream everything around us is less conscious wide open to our auto polite brain taking in the data from the outside world with out our input. Hypnotists believe under such circumstance we can potentially program our friends when they are in a momentarily lapse. Show hypnotists are dealing with hundreds and thousands of strangers all the time. They have applied friendly charm to induce the trust of the thousands before the proceeded with them This is a pre-relaxing technique to render our trust states.

Show hypnotists charm has to be genuine to us since the hypnotists is a stranger. We tend to be supper sensitive to picking attitude. Our mindless brain can only provide incoming data. It is us who analysis and decides. Our judging is the most important part to show hypnotists. They have to  make it clear to gests we are not fools.

The environment round us can momentarily fade out as we drift into a world of our own. This can only happen when when we feel safe and relaxed.

During this period our brain is continuing the receive any  music, ( any sounds in fact ), any talk back radio or TV commercial to interview programs our brain. That's al it takes to be programmed by a TV commercial. We often fade in and out of alertness. This is because  Our brain is a fixed constant from the day we were born while we have varying digress from drifting off to sleep to a world of our own.

We all all born with a unconsciousness gene. In fact we are born that way. Medical TV shows testifies to this as apart of the human condition to fit in with the story lines. Action an adventure testify to Paramedics, nurses, and surgeons clamber about patience trying to save them going into shock to avoid unconscious and coma. Story lines of being whacked from behind sending people unconsciousness and coma stories and all that.

There seem to be  a mechanism that protects us from the shock of extreme pain.  Imagine what it would be like to have a major operation consciousness. We are born with the condition we are often lowered in some form of alertness. We fade in and out of alertness like the volume of a stereo from maximum zero.

As far as a coma is concerned coming too is always to us as if the last time remembering consciousness which would only seem a moment in time we don't exist until we come to, the closest description of what it would to be like dead.

Imagine being conscious in a coma. Coming out of one for as many days, weeks or months even years that we didn't exist until we gain our conscious level. From our  point of view would have traveled into the future somewhat.

Wile we are out of it. There is no concept of any past present or future concept when we don't exist while unconscious. All our brain knows the past is seen in a hear an now present us unconscious or not. We often hear of 30 years described as a long time ago at the same time amazed at some people saying a experience 30 years ago like it was  only yesterday. All those years of experience is a memory of right here and now.
All the time in a coma is our unconsciousness records as a present time. All the person knows when came too the last time remembering fully conscious.

In the medical world Surgeons tap into lowering our consciousness level till we are completely unaware by using general atheistic. That's the general plan. There have been documented reports of atheistic that hadn't worked the way it should have.

Never the less, time doesn't exist as we know at any in degrees of conscious level only when fully alert. It doesn't exist at all to our unconsciousness. The lest severe the lay person understands as semiconscious, technically called concussion. We are in a state of dumb nuts not with it. Fainting spells including can't stop shaking because of shock that is a sign of lowered conscious. Heart attacks lowers our conscious level.
It this not quite with it state that we are at the most valuable to automatic suggestion.

To our unconsciousness not only the spoken word, but, smell, any sounds, including tones, high and low pitch,  feel, touch sensation pain, ( heat and cold ) just as it is with varying digress of light in sight is all instructive.

Hypnotists world wide believe our unconsciousness is a place where all our habits are controlled. Smoking is a classic example. Our consciousness is aware of the education smoking is bad for us. But for the life of us we can't explain the unexplained obstinacy of not wanting to give up. Saying we can't is actually the only conscious explanation of explaining away our unconscious addiction.

Our unconscious is fully active even fully conscious in touch with the outside world it is not aware of. All it knows the information coming from all our senses while we are unconscious. We are in fact unconscious except for our consciousness awareness operating in the foreground.

Our conscious part understands, A,  B,  and C, differences. A good analogy clarifying Hepatitis into A,  B  and C, category. Any doctor will tell you Hepatitis A is not the same as Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C even though they are all Hepatitis. Our unconscious cannot  think in that kind of differences. Everything equals all the same. It thinks in terms Hepatitis A is the same as Hepatitis C and Hepatitis C the same as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis B the same as Hepatitis C and Hepatitis C the same as Hepatitis A respectively. Every is the same.

Remember to bear in mind our brain having automatic functions keep us alive when unconscious. As far as our conscienceless is concerned we’re perhaps the closest experience of what it would be like to be dead even though still body alive even though it struggles with traumatized breathing and heart rate. We are not conscious to experience the share panic of the trauma. Only when we come to we begin to feel the conscious experience.

In the meantime our unconsciousness records everything of the trauma that is unconscious memory. It exists from moments of day dreaming to light concussion. Even light concussion is suggestive. There is a collection of all the times we suffered minor concussions we have consciously forgotten about, Not to our unconsciousness it's not. All records are there just not available as conscious memory.

There's no level to our unconsciousness. It’s a permanently fixed operating in the background of our consciousness since birth. When our consciousness is lowered, for what ever reason, leaves our unconsciousness open to our five sense sensations during unconsciousness programming us. Our unconsciiness continues to record everything.

Stories of amputees still feeing the ach of their amputated limb despite the fact the limb is not there and nowhere for doctors to dispense a pain killers. An example of how our unconscious memory runs our lives, an avid horseback rider comes off a horse braking a leg. All memory of the event  semiconscious memory during the periods of the stress. Giddiness on the verge of collapsing for example.

Although the leg has long since healed every time our unconscious hears or smells everything that reminded it during any traumatic incident remembers the trauma to our consciousnesses the cause of old wounds playing up latter at latter dates. Our unconsciousness is remembering flash backs of everything of our five senses.

There is a great deal  of attention brought to post traumatic stress issues recently. If there is ever a cause it would be  due to the reaction of our unconsciiness remembrance of traumatized events. Triggers can be a smell, a sight, a sound, to a touch sensation that can be the stressor that sends a person off their rocker. Chemical brain imbalance has been fingered as a possible maybe off mantle illnesses like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

The remembrance of a traumatic is often inflicted on us by our brain's memory system. Suffered extensive burns during a fire several years ago the wounds long since healed. Just the sound of any wailing of a emergency vehicle wail feelings of frantic and anxiety and the growing sensation where the person as burned start nagging nag. It is our brain memory remembering everything that happened communicating with us to get away from danger.

Getting down to the nitty-gritty of the sciences it is a chemical reaction of our living brain cells that make up the brain dedicated to living and surviving. Our bodies depend on our automatic brain functions controlling hormones to keep us functioning a normal. The automatic functions that keep us alive with out conscious effort is controlled by the chemistry brain cells that make up each dedicated part of the brain. For with out a chimerical reactions we would not exist.

Hypnotists believe we are programmed when we're off in a world of own state a day dreaming or reviver state. Half asleep is a lowering of our consciousness awareness. Maximum consciousness when are bright and alert.

Reviver is often brought on  by some monotonous routine getting to us like watching the scenery pass by in public transport to watching TV. Engrossed in our own thoughts waiting for commercials to pass we're not alert to the environment's background.

We are not even aware of a friend trying to tall to us unstill they gain our attention.

"Are you listening"  "A Penny for your thoughts"

"You hoo.....are you there!"

"Oh! Sorry! Sorry. What was that?"

Our unconsciousness harbors our emotional feelings such as elation and joy where rational reason doesn't prevail the characteristics of the manic episodes of bipolar disorder. The mid is in a run away not happy mood when it remembers the incident that triggered it in the first place were person experiences the pleasant emotion welling up inside us no matter how inappropriate at any time. It can be any trigger from an unconscious memory of a smell, taste, sound, touch or sight that is usually the stressor.

Bitter disappointments to heart rendering traumas can also play a part in rendering the shock of a world of our own that lowers our consciousness to same degree. Our unconsciousness operating in the background not only harbors the emotions for life the roots of post traumatic stress disorder. It is normal to experience bitterness and grief for a time being recovering back fully bright and alertness where rational reason prevails. Our uncommonness  is  a power drain on our full alertness.

Your unconsciousness heard it all right. The environment's background is an unconscious memory until it's brought to your conscious attention again where the unconscious memory is popped from your unconscious memory into your conscious memory. Some of us can recall what people just said quicker than others.

What ever is said to us during a state of any day dream is absorbed by our brain, as programming instructions. Our brain is not able to tell differences statements and questions are treated in the same programming context. Questions, regular conversation and explanations all have no pronunciation meaning.

It see's them  all as a single programming words. Hypnotisms believe even a minimal lowering of our consciousness is a potential programming effect on the brain thus us. During times of day dreaming we have a potential  of the words of songs we follow in our heads. They believe these moments our own thoughts program us including rehearsing songs we currently listing to or repeating over in our heads. During these day dreaming states what goes on in our heads we eventually unconsciously become.

If we keep repeating something long enough it's reparative we can eventually unconsciously become, positive as well as negative. If it becomes a habit can convince our unconscious it can get anything and do anything your habit demands. Habits convinces our brain  that convinces us of the unconscious habit, even if it is only an unconscious thing. Self talk habits often start as a passing though rehearsing in our heads caused by some inspiration followed by a curiosity. Curious enough we will be driven by our curiosity. Thus hypnotists into using hypnoses as a therapy are all unanimous our unconsciousness is the prime source of all our habits good and bad,

Curiosity inspires inspiration that inspires action. Curiosity is electric. It give results in discoveries and inspiration  bursts of energy and ecstasy. Habitual curiosity (and often driven by passion as well),  is the secrete of high achieving. Famous scientific people are habitually curious that's the cause of  the birth of modern quantum physics theory that started it all in 1900. Habits is also the same simple thing  that create self made millionaires. Habits are the driving of high achievers energy and focus even though it may be unconscious driven by their unconsciousness.

The best motor mechanics are caused by a deep passion and curiosity if he (and even a she) could get a old dilapidated vehicle running smoothly again. The habitual curiosity they can rebuild a wreck as good as new and curious if they can meat top safety mechanical standards required by the law putting it back on the road and running smoothly again. Curiosity starts to become a habit at being very passionate at doing good jobs at the absolute best. The same with individuals obsessed with achieving some record breaking attempt we criticizes as adrilllion  junky driven by habitual curiosity  to see if they can do it.

Curious to know is the secrete to scientific greatness like the famous hero Albert Einstein. He was curious about what it would be like at the maximum speed of light that inspired him to shear his thoughts during his employment at a patent office in 1905. (From Einstein's theory of reality my curiosity is what would it be like to travel a distance of a 160km, (100 miles),  in one second flat.

After all,  light at it's maximum speed in the zero resistance of open space does a distance of just under 300,000km in a second). Einstein's  curious habit was the driving force to his concentration and focus writing drafts and sending the final revised copies off to publishers eventually creating the world famous theory of relativity. In it he shared with his scientific colleges his inspiration extreme velocity causes time dilution and all his famous light laws. he discovered. In the second year of world war 1 further inspirations inspired him revising his 1905 version, he shared the inspiration gravity is caused by matter bending space. After the war it was proven by a measurement of an eclipse that light is indeed bent by gravity. Einstein became famous because of his curious habit of searching for the theory of everything shearing with his colleges though papers on the subject.

Habits are also the secrete of becoming millionaires. Being a millionaire is a habitual passion for businesses. The founder of the famous Windows computer operating system company Microsoft, bill Gates had a passion for computer programming when he was only a kid well over thirty years ago. He and a friend Paul

Allen's habits at playing round with the then computer technology become well known. Their curiosity at computer programming becomes a habitual source of their knowledge experience. The pair got recognized and some awards for excellence in that field. These two had a passion for businesses adventure using their experience curious the could write one of the early computer traffic control operating systems for a couple of traffic control firms in the midd 70's. Both men put their business and computer programming and businesses habits to good use becoming milliners today.

Mind over mater usually starts with a curiosity that never seems to be satisfied growing into a obsession of wanting to know more. A lot of us are skeptics about our mind controlling matter. If you are one of those you have every right to be skeptical because it can’t work with out a habit. Habits are the key to mind over matter control. Individuals that appear in the Gneiss book of records and Ripley’s believe it or not that seemed to achieve humanly impossible things were governed by the well known cliché everybody’s familiar with Practice makes perfect. They didn’t use their minds they way we think. It starts off as a curious idea.

When they first started it was impossibly hard. What starts as routine training excurses becomes a habit.
After a while they noticed getting closer and closer to their goal all the time. Now they've done it over and over hundreds of thousands of times before the discipline required has become so easy it's now taken for granted encouraging the habits to continue. Habits turn into an unconscious routine. When we fall into an unconscious habit we take for granted there’s no drudgery to spoil the focus. Habits can focus anybody into indefinite robotic routines.

It's habits why some of us are more lucky than others. Studies by professor Richard Wiseman of the university of Hertfifordshire has uncovered an interesting insight that suggests luck has to do with the psychological attitude of individuals. His report found those who considered themselves lucky were typically extroverts. Extroverts are at ease mixing  with strangers. Mixing well with strangers makes a lot of friends and friends leads to many open opportunities. At ease with strangers is the aptitude of the worlds great entrepreneurs, marketing gurus and sales people money spinners. These people have habitually been reminded how lucky there are over and over again habit even if it unconscious.

It can all just start with something as simple as any body put on a pedestal as a mentor that gets a lot of peoples positive attention at first. Then as it grows it starts to become routine the person soon gets used to becoming a typical  reoccurrence because the persons been there done that pedestal mentor all before. It can become quite intoxicating. All from a habit of believing because it's happen to them many times. 

Therefore to our  unconsciousness it's got to keep happening we habitually believe out of habit has always been that way. Soon our unconsciousness believes true becoming a part of the person's every day life they eventually taking it for granted without every thinking about it. We can say out of habit we believe in ourselves, just as it's a habit of being skeptical about how lucky we are not. Being skeptical about being lucky is a self talk habit that that our unconscious will believe habitually. It's a vicious circle.

But all is not lost with habitual negative thinkers because habits often change unconsciously to something else testimony when we work on changing our bad habits can equally work when we know full well some times change by themselves. Most of us are skeptical because when things change without us realizing because we are not aware have changed in our own minds. So we don't know things have changed because we need awareness things had change in our own minds to help us become stuck in a habitual possessiveness.

Habits cause mental pictures in our heads seeing ourselves at our goals encouraging rehearsing in our heads tactics and strategies that further encourages mental pictures of our goal encouraging inspirational plans to carry out our desires that encourages a sense of progressing. We developed day by day plans planning for our long term goal keeping us busy.  

Operating on the principle habits can convince us we are currying our cancers. It starts off with a curiosity of what's causing our ache and pains and recurring illness. Seeing doctors are tied down to obligations demanded by government agencies and drug companies in the name of sensitive politics not allowed educate patients on the cause of illnesses and cancers. This is why doctors can be a  very unhelpful source of education.

The curious take as much information as a doctor can provide visiting the health section in libraries filling in the rest educating themselves with books on their condition. Developing a habit we can discover more helpful information on how our illnesses and cancer works. We create a knowable data base in own own heads at what we understand is happening to us. The habit studying our symptoms from medical library books we can pin pointing the area of pains come from, matching symptoms to library books can be very educational enlightening and inspiring. 

Again curiosity is the key to habits. The information provided by library books and internet resources can became habitually encouraging and inspirational as they are writers shearing the same symptoms as you and me. There will be things you find you wonder why doctors don't embrace recommend and use. Again it all comes down they are not allowed to discuses ordered in their contracts by government and dug companies for political reasons. This is why our own research from libraries and internet can be more inspiring than your doctor's advice. 

We'll become so familiar with some of the medical knowledge will soon be taken for granted continually looking for more inspirations becoming an unconscious habit digging deeper and deeper into the world of our medical condition. With the habit of collecting medical knowledge we start the habit of forming plans in our heads. Before we know it our unconsciousness responds working on your plans automatically. We no longer struggle to think about how to implement our plans. We implementing our plans with out thinking automatically from continuous new inspiring information popping up as we habitually keep digging deeper and deeper into our medical condition. 

When we begin to take the knowledge we'd gain for granted, the habits of constantly forming plains to deasl with our condition becomes a unthinking habit from our unconsciousness 

Knowing how you illnesses or cancer works, you'll be inspired you can use your mind to fix it. The habit of instructing yourself the causes and habits and the things you can do to help curer your complaint can encourage mind over matter control controlling your medical condition better than doctors could their hands tied down by government and drug company policies. Ignorance of how your condition works is the cause of your mind's neglect neglecting it is the cause that makes it worse.

Knowing how your condition works, you understand what's causing it, getting inspiring insights you're doing well. The only way to know how your complaint works is the habit of studies study of internet web pages and library books looking for the symptoms the web pages and library books describe. A helpful way is a habitual diary, collection of the habits of your complaint can often sus out a pattern for us. Checking library books and the internet can inspiring. The studies habit can help with mind over matter control of your internal organs for grater health.

Habitual study supported by curiosity and inspiration promotes entitlement knowledge that promotes sense of well being. Habit fueld by passion can be worth a lot of money to major companies. Forming habits begin with  learning something that's new. Starting from scratch even the basics seem way, way beyond our league. My definition of experience is  is the habit of done something,  (anything)  hundreds and thousands of time before. A computer buff that's done programming on his PC hundreds and thousands of times is before is more of a confident professional than someone with just a diploma to show for it.

Habits being the thing that eventually becomes so familiar to us we start to take for granted as a part of our every day lives, is a recipe for high achieving successes. The rich and famous celebrities have done their thing so many times before without thinking how it should be done is at a point it's clockwork routine that their profession is taken for granted as a natural part of their every day lives. They've gotten so use to it they've taken their skills for granted worth a lot of many to many high profile companies.

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