Tuesday, March 19, 2013

biorhythm life cycles

An often over worked cliche we "all have our ups and downs". Some days we are on a roll and wonder latter what had happened to it the next day. Skeptics tend to argue "it's all in the mind" but they never think like that when a positive roll happens to them.

If negative is all in the mind than it is true experiencing the positive roll days is also just a state of mind. Everybody does experience burst of temporary euphoria. It had happens just as blues happen to us. Most of the mind set is probably because the blues seems to last longer. Never the less, in other words happiness contenment should be equally in the mind as sadness and depresion.

Never the less we tend to experience those off days we all try to explain away with the aged old cliche "It's just been one of those days" or additionally adding "nothing seems to go right today".

There are days when we just feel fit and the next we notice a change. We are often disappointed to what happened to our performance we had the other day explaining away it just happens. Some days we are pleasantly suppressed we are on an intellectual roll today. The next day we wonder what happened to it all.

It was great a couple of days ago. We can't seem to repeat it. We all have had times of great tolerance to stress one day and disappointed we blow our top because of something simpler other day.

These are not random occurrences. If we do our home work the rolls had came and gone periodically. A physical, an emotional and an intellectual cycle has been discovered. There are many books and web pages on the subject. Browsing human sciences library racks or the keyword biorhythm life cycles in your favorite search engine you'll come across books and web pages on these very us and downs.

A 23 day physical,  28 day emotional and a 33 day intellectual recurring cycles are identified in these books and web pages. If we do our math's we can calculate how old we are in days a reference point we can plot each cycle on a calendar.

It's important to take into account of the extra day at the end of February every 3 years. For example from a 45th birthday in that life time a total of 13. Which translate to a person 45 years old times 365 days adding another 12 days equals 16,437 days old on there birthday.

Consulting a calendar adding the days ( starting the birthday date ) to the current date will calculate  how old in days to the current day.

Every new cycle is positive going climbing to a peak upon which the peak slowly deteriorates in the next several days to the last day of the positive half. The first day is always a critical day. The transition between the last into the first minus going halves are the critical days of each cycle. So too the last day of the whole cycle. So you have a pair critical transition days, the last day of the old cycle the first day of the new one and the 2 days transition from plus to minus.

Like the plus going half the minus going climbs to it's peak slightly improves to the to the last day of the minus going half the  last day of the whole cycle. Thus you have the minus and plus going periods of each cycle the ending of each period phases into the opposites periodically. The changing of the phases whether the last day of the old cycle into a new or the last of the plus changing into the first of the minus half's are most important days to watch.

The 23 day physical cycle traces our physical performance and health issues. The last day transitioning into the first day a new cycle explains why we feel a little slow in physical activity lately. In the first several days of the new cycle we are at maximum our immune system crowing to the peak efficiency then tails off towards the last day of the cycle.

After the first day of the a new cycle  we are often lured into putting off seeing doctors since we feel so well right now so there is no reason to see a doctor. As we approach the days close to the change over to the minus going phase we begin to notice a decline in what we use to be a couple of days ago. The decline is at maximum during  last day transiting into the first day of the new cycle. Critical days explain the disappointing decline in athletic performance lately caught up in a lazy recapture of our personal best just a couple of days ago.

The 28 day emotional cycle follows the same routine. The critical days from the last day of the old cycle changing into the first day of a new new cycle are the emotional critical days effected by stress phase we are not in the mood for. These are the times spirited mood feels sluggish to control. After the first day our emotional stability and thinking and in the decision we make improves. In this period we seem to be emotionally stable than we were a few days ago.

The 33 day intellectual cycle decision making memory response, and thinking speed. The critical days from the last day of the old cycle changing into the first day of the new into the positive going phases are the most sluggish of our thinking, indecision and careless decisions. It is the days we make mistakes so easy.

These are the times for some reason we don't seem to be able to remember, make the decisions, and think as clearly as we did a couple of days ago. "If only I thought of that before I made that decision" or "I wish I'd though of that at the time" or a friend trying to comfort you with "We all make mistakes" and so on. It is probably 90% cause of motor vehicle accidents where we are most vulnerable intellectually slow in our safe driving taking silly and risky decisions we ought to have known better a few days ago.
After a few days past the first day of the new cycle we are coordinated in our intellectual thoughts and decision in everything intellectually decide and we do.

As we approach the days close to the change over to the minus going phase we'll will begin to notice a decline in memory response, and things not occurring to us we ought to know better ability. Like the other cycles in critical days we seem to feel we've lost that intellectual sparkle we had a couple of days ago. It's on the critical transition days between the old and new cycles we are most vulnerable to bad decisions.
In the positive going half we tend to be smarter, spot misdirection's easier and quicker with smart judgment, decisions and fast memory coordination.

Mathematics can plot your position in each cycle on a calendar. It believed on the day you were born every cycle began simultaneously the first day of every cycle. Lets say for argument sake all the days since a 45th birthday on the 23 day physical cycle.

First off we need to take into account of the 3 leap year days in every decade. 40 decades times the 3 equals leap year days a total of 12 leap year days in that time. 45 years times 365 days of a standard year equals 16,425 adding the 12 extra leap year days comes to a total  16,437 days on the birthday.

Next we take into account of the current day. let's assume 3 month's on 31 plus 30 plus 31 givingn a total of  93 days.

Added to 16,437 to a total of 16,530 to the current day as as our reference.

16,530 divide 23 is 718 with a big fraction over rounded off to 718 muiltiplied by 23 gives a total of  16,514 days the first day of the current cycle.

16,530 take awayy 16,514 equals 16 days into the current cycle at the current day.

Mathematics tells us half the cycle peaks at 11 days. So 16 takeaway 11 gives us 5 days into the minus going half on this day.
Once we have the number of days into each new cycle marked into the current day we can methodically trace every critical period of each cycle every month in advance. Even years ahead.

In plotting each cycle you will discover there will be times critical of each cycle fall on the same day. These are the most vulnerable days. There will be lots of mixtures of peaks of one cycle and critical days of another falling on the same day. There will be days when they are only a couple of days apart.

One of the efficient ways to study the biorhythm life cycles is on yourself in a diary study. Those who have kept diaries hundred and thousand of time before will know how this will Work. Keeping a track of how you feel each day comparing the cycle characteristics of each cycle specially the critical days should supply a ample tested study data on yourself

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The mathmatics of prime numbers

Notice all children's times table have no fractions. The answers are called composite numbers mathematics expresses each number as an integer. Take the  integer 3  in the 3 times table for example. The composite numbers are multiple  3 jumps.,  3,  6,  9,  12,  15  and so on   ( 3 + 3 + 3  + 3 + 3 +..... ) mathematics expresses as a logarithmic progression, 3, 1's are, 3,  3,  2's are 6,   3,  3's are 9,  3, 4's  are 12,  3,  5's  are 15,  3......... and so on.

This rule of thumb paten is found in every table made up of composite numbers not prime numbers. Then that leaves leaves us with any number between each jump rule of thumb is a prime number. In other words unlike composites divide with fractions over.

The law of mathematics tells us we can do the reverse. Take 3  4's are 12 for example. dividing 12 by 4 brings us back to 3 the root of that sum. We see from the table proves it clearly by 3 times 4, giving us 12 again. The same sum is found in the times 4 table 4, 3's are 12 and 12 dived 3 equals 4 respectively. 4 and 3 are the roots of the composite 12. 

When we do the reverse of multiplication with non prime numbers such as 12 we ask our selves how many 3's ( a prime ) goes into 12, ( a composite ).The law of mathematics tells us alternatively we can ask  how many 4's ( not a  prime ) go into12 respectively. The same rule of thumb can be seen when we come to all numbers but for primes with fractions over. Mathematics projects the number of 4's that goes into 9 gives is 1 and a halve over and we can ask how many 1 and a halves go into 9..... 4 respectively. Notice that equals  2,  4's  are 8  plus a half plus a half ( or plus 1 ).

Mathematics can project  how many 1's  or  9's go into 9, that equals how many haves go into 9 equals 2 times 9, equals 9 plus 9  is 18 respectively. With the law of mathematics we can explore all possibilities.

Throughout times tables root prime and composite are made up of prime and composite factors. They are made up of two root primes or root composite numbers. The tables show us when ever a sum is the result of multiplying a prime number is often a factorization called prime factors. For example 5,  6's are 30 while 6,  5's are 30 .6 is the remaining factor, because 3,  2's are  6 and 5,  3's are 15  times 2 make 30 respectively. We can consider all possibilities.

3 times 4, is 12,  4 times 3, is 12,  12 dived 3 is 4 and 12 dived 4 is 3 all  the same sum. This works with every sum in the  entire times table.

As for primes 5 divided by 3 for example is a fraction remaining. Yet 8 for example found in the times 2 table tells us 2,  4's are 8 the same composite number in the 4 times table 4,  2's are 8 that tells us 8 divides cleanly without fraction over is not a prime but a composite. The times tables can't lie you know. All times tables are composite numbers not primes. 8 divide 4 is 2  the same as  2,  4's are 8. Exploring all the possibilities 4,  2's are 8 is the same as 8 divided by 4 is 2. 

Mathematicians expresses 1 isn't a prime because it divides any number by itself and operating on the principle of the number divided by itself will always be 1. ( How many 3's go into 3 for example ) It is not a considered a prime because when dividing it is always  less than 1 not an integer.
Mathematicians have been trying to find the limit of primes for centuries. There doesn't seem to be any. An unlimited family tree of prime branches can be created.

Primes have posed many difficulties due to a few composite contradictories  like how many 3's go into 9 for example). Primes are susceptible to infinite decimal fractions. They can go up to hundreds of decimal places and still counting with out any end  like pi does ( Pie )
If we take a straight line and roll into a circle the same straight line goes across it once, twice, three times and a little bit more left over. This bit left over is about a 7th  7 is a prime because 1 dived 7 accurate to 3 decimal places.( 0.142 ) Plus 3 called Pi The result  mathematicians have been trying to find the end of the fraction for centuries. In the Genius book of records there are record breaking recitals of pi to many hundreds of places.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Stright lines verses circles

If we take a straight line and roll into a circle the same straight line goes across it once, twice, three times and a little bit more left over. This bit left over is about a 7th.It is 1 dived 7 accurate to 3 decimal places.( 0.142 ).Plus 3 called Pi ( Pie ). Mathematicians have been trying to find the end of the fraction for centuries. In the Genius book of records there are record breaking recitals of pi to many hundreds of places.

All straight lines are reflections of all circles because the same straight lines rolled into circles equals all the circles. Therefore if we measure any straight line with a ruler will be the same circumference when rolled into a circle.

Take a measurement across the rim of a class.( The diameter )

Multiply by pi.

Take a piece of string and measure round the rim, cut to size and open out to a straight line.

When you measure the length of the string with your ruler will agree with the calculation. When you dived the length by pi and check the diameter of the rim of the glass with the ruler agrees.

Circumferences of all circles opened out to straight lines equals the lengths exactly. Knowing the lengths of straight lines we know their circumferences of the circles and knowing the circumferences of circles we the the lengths of the straight lines.

Cut the string in half and measure the length checking the string across the rim of the glass. It will agree form the edge to the center ( called a radius ) of all circles equals to half all straight lines. The circumference of one circle opened out to a straight line will equal the radius of another.

In other wards the radius of one circle will equal the circumference of another. All radii are straight lines equal the circumference of circles Therefore if we know the diameter of a circle is double the length all radi we can use the diameter and pi to calculate a straight line required to create the circle.

Looking at this in another way the circumference of the glass divided in half times pi will result in the circumference of half the size glass. Mathematics tells us this is called a linear scale.

If we take a ruler and bend into a circle the rule divisions will be the same in the circle. Mathematic divides clock faces into 60 minute divisions. So operating on the principle a straight line marked in even 60 divisions rolled into a circle will form the same 60 divisions. Correspondingly math's divides circles into 360 divisions. The same circle opened out to a straight line will equal the same 360 divisions in a straight line.

Thus all divisions in all rulers will equal the same divisions in the circles of the same straight exactly so. Take a glass and string to size the rim with a piece of string and open to a straight line.

Make a mark in half the string. When you roll round the rim of the glass the mark and join will always be opposite corners of each other. If you mark the straight string in quarter increments and roll round the rim of the glass every mark, including the join, will be opposite corners of each other.

Lines drawn down circles divide them clean in half vertically and across them horizontally forming a cross. We can clearly observe of the cross 4 right angle triangles, upper left and right and lower right and left pointing all opposite to each other.

Fold a square piece of paper in half and fold in half again and open out.

You will clearly see the creases form each right angle triangle.

If we mark in 9, 12, 3 and 6 o'clock positions on the cross we form a circle, filling 10,11, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 we complete a clock face circle.

When opened out to a straight line numbers dived evenly 9 at the beginning of the straight line, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 near the end. This straight line forms the horizontal straight line across 9 to 3 of the circle . The straight line plots the positions of the numbers round clock face in a straight line.

When rolled into a circle will agree.

Thus we can mark each O'clock in centimeters forming a 12 centimeter straight line rolled into a clock face.

The smallest typical school ruler division is a millimeter about the width of a typical school circle protractor. Operating on the principle of opening out to a straight line will be a 360mm ruler. Mathematics' expresses all horizontal lines are not angles. The rest are called digress.

Curiosity is the way to learn. Anybody curious enough will wonder how many digress in every minute division of a clock. Curiosity will awaken our mathematical instinct suggests 360 dived 60 equals 6. Proof when we realize 60 times 6 equals 360. Further proof when 6 times 60 equals 360 as 360 divide 6 equals 60 respectively. Mathematics can't lie you know. There for every minute division is a 6 degree angle.

The second hand helps us realize since it is a line from the center to the edge of the circle we can observe it acting as a radius tracing the clock divisions in 6 degree increments.

Beginning with 9 'clock 0 degrees angle 6 degrees is added every second to 90 degrees at 12 O'clock. Going the opposite direction is minus 6 degrees every second till 0 degrees at 3 O'clock.

Going the opposite direction it adds 6 digress every second to 90 digress at 6 O'clock opposite direction to the 90 degrees 12O'clock.

Going the opposite direction every second is a minus 6 degree to 0 degrees at 9 O'clock repeating the circle.

Thus 9 O'clock 0 degrees, 10 O'clock 30 degrees 11 O'clock 60 degrees, 12 O'clock 90 degrees, 1 O'clock 60 degrees, 2 O'clock, 30 digress, 3 O'clock 0 degrees, 4 'clock 30 degrees 5 O'clock 60 degrees, 6 O'clock 90 degrees, 7 O'clock 60 degrees, 8 O'clock, 30 degrees, and finally back to 9 O'clock 0 digress again repeating the circle.

Opened out to a straight line equals 4 times 90, 0 to 90, to 0 to 90, to 0 to 90 to 0 degrees in a full circle each a 90 plot in the straight line plotting right angle triangles, quarters circles, 180 digress half circles, 270 3 quarters to a full in 360 digress and so on.

The same straight line rolled into a circle will represent an upward left and right and a upside down left and right pointing 90 degree right angle triangles. No matte which way the circle will viewed there will always be the triangles.

If a circle cut in half moved half along the circle along the diameter ( axis ) forms a sign wave. The axis is still a straight line comprising of 360 divisions representing 2, 90 degree right angles in a 360 degree circle. The sin wave represents a plus and minus going half of the same circle plotted along the straight line of the axis.

The straight line axis represents the wavelength using the standard metric system prefix unit Hertz. the number of times in a second using the metric prefixes Kilo, for a thousand, Mega for a million and Giga for a thousand million ( HZ, KHz, MHz, GHz respectively )..

Each peak of a sine wave is a wavelength of 90 degrees, 180degrees apart plotted on a straight line of the axis. Two and more waves can be plotted on the same line. Identical waves reinforce each, other, partially out of phase or completely out of phase by a half circle ( 180). In this case the two halves make a whole circle.