Thursday, February 20, 2020

What if you could travel to parallel worlds, the same year, the same earth only different dimensions? A world where the Russians ruled America, or were dreams of being a supper star came true. Or San Francisco was a maximum security prison. My friends and I have found the gateway. Now the problem is, finding a way back home" Those were the opening words of a 1990's science fiction TV series called the sliders. The show was based on a growing pulp culture of a theoretical concept of the existence of parallel universes.


Inventions and discoveries are discovered by inventors all the time. A university student Quinn Mallory was experimenting with antigravity in the hope of revolutionizing heavy lifting. Instead he got more than he bargained for. His experiment had created the holly grail of cosmology a gateway wormhole suspended in mid in the middle of his basement.


Quinn woke up one morning reflecting on an antigravity experiment he was running the night before. Wondering into the kitchen his mother was preparing breakfast. A conversation about his father revealed he was very close that had died when Quinn was only seven missing him very much. After motherly fussing he went down stares to the basement. It looked more like a science lab than a regular basemen. The series was made when video Cassette Recorders where at their peak. He slipped a cassette into a recorder sliding in with a light clunk sitting in an armchair.


A TV reveled a diary of the midd air gateway. He watched his own descriptive chronology of a roaring midd air whirlpool like a medical examiner chronicling an autopsy. It was the first taste to what was to come. He wasn't sure what he had with the feeling it was premature to share what he discovered until he leant more.  


After a short time he reached out and took a framed photo pose of himself and both parents reflecting how much he missed his father. Realizing he was going to be late for his lecture he replaced the photo and shut down the VCR and went upstairs. Snatching a bite to eat from the breakfast table he stepped out onto the front walk. The gate squeaked open closing behind him. He got into his car and set off for campus.


Running though the  campus grounds he passed a homeless man raving on about the end of the world pointing an accusing finger at him. Quinn was in to much of a hurry to stop Running past him Quinn told him so running past the familiar statue of President Lincoln.


In a lecture room a professor at a scientific scribbled math's formulae blackboard one of the stares of the New Zealand movie Lord of the Rings John Ryes-Davies, playing the part of, Maximilian Arturo, showing his annoyance Quinn was late for class "again". Quinn humbly apologized seating in his chair.


For a few minutes he was in his own little world doodling a swirl drawing of the whirlpool he'd captured on his VCR. When the professor got his attention Quinn explained he was onto something interesting. His co-students were dubious much to the annoyance of the professor constantly trying to keep his students focused on his lecture.


After scolding Quinn trying to keep his student in check in van for ten minutes the school bell ring. Arturo dismissed the class. As the class broke up Quinn headed off to his part time Job at a personal computer store.


There he discussed what he thought was an unusual antigravity experiment with his disbelieving best friend Wade Wells and coworkers. The next morning back in his basement Quinn  reflected, studying and pondering his scientific scribed blackboard full of scientific formulae trying to recognize a paten that could describe his experiment.


When he cranked up with a noisy roar. It expanded from a tiny point in seconds several meters wide looking like some midd air water whirlpool roaring and sucking into it the basement atmosphere. Quinn stood for a moment before walking round behind it. He passed behind doing a complete circle checking where the tunnel was disappearing to. What was his antigravity experiment doing? 


Suddenly the whirlpool collapsed inward leaving a quiet basement behind. What ever it was his experiment had somehow managed to reproduce something other than antigravity. He started it again expanding wide open to the sound of the roaring like a roaring freight train.


Quinn did some more running complementary though his video view finder reporting what was happening. It soon collapsed inward on itself again. After a while thoughts of what this midd air thing was. An insight came as quite a shock. Had Mallory's experiment somehow created a wormhole? Where was the center disappearing to. Wormholes are redound to open in anther part of the universe. 


Mallory excitedly started his machine again. The vertex roared open like a hurricane. Studying it he observed as much as he could before the vertex collapsed on itself again. Placing objects letting the vertex suck them in he considered testing the stable entrance personally. Placing a beach ball at the foot the gate way he started the vertex once more. When it opened it snatched the ball disappearing into the center closing behind it.


Quinn studied the scientific filed equation blackboard for a minute before he started the machine again. With a roar it opened again. The ball shot back across his basement. Retrieving it he reflected what he was holding. 


"Where had theses objects been"? He did some investigative thinking staring at the scientific formulae scribbled blackboard looking for a pattern written in the formulae  scribed mess to me. What was holding open the vortex? Antigravity maybe? Power!! But why not for long?"


Their was a quick power drain unable to hold open any longer. Quinn soon realized his machine was automatically recharging enough he could restart again. His thoughts turn his attention on the need to study the power source.


Once he considered sending his believed cat thought remaindering himself his feline may panic on the other side never seeing her again. He considered trying it himself. Confidence in taking the plunge was growing.


Once he learnt the source of power with much reflection and self arguments for the pros and cons he set to work designing a remote control device. It was a assembly of a series of chip sets he purchased from his computer store into a home made timer meant to count down to open the vertex to get back home. He seemed to have had enough electronic skill to know he was doing putting together a few circuit boards laying round managing to assemble a reasonable remote control. Finally it was ready. With the timer in his hand he pressed the bottom. It worked. With a roar the vertex opened expanding full size in front of him.


With a surprise the wormhole snatched him as both hands and collapsed behind him leaving the basement quite and deserted. Then the sound of the expanding vertex from a point of light to full size open out again. Out shot Quinn yelling at the top of his lungs somersaulting landing on his back on the floor.


Picking himself up he examined his surroundings the vertex still roaring open. As suddenly as it appeared it collapsed in on itself. He studied where he was taking in familiar surroundings. Looking back at the point where the vertex opened. Although he experienced sliding something incredibly unique apparently he never left.


Considering the nature of the gateway was a slide in and out of the same environment phenomena he tidied up before setting off back to university. Outside he looked back to his front porch were everything about his house exactly the same as he remembers it, even his own car parked on the curb. As he opened the gate he paused with a curious frown. Strange, there wasn't the familiar squeak when he opened it. Oh well, dismissing their gardener may have fixed it he closed the gate jumping into his car. Approaching an intersection deep thought he ran a green light. 


To his suppressed motorists reacted the way we would when some one runs a red light on us at a intersection. With screeching of tires cars on their suspensions nearly collided pulling up to sharp stops all over the intersection inches from each other.


Screeching to a stop himself avoiding an accident he looked out the window in amazement at the behavior of the other motorists road raging abuse at him and driving round tooting their horns as they drive on though red lights while others waited at green lights.


It was then he realized he must have landed on another world after all. It was a mirror image of his own. With excitement he realized he'd just slid a portal to this parallel world.  After getting over the shock he excitedly u-turned careful to stop at green lights and run red lights back to his parallel home looking forward to sliding back to his home world. 


Waiting at a green light he happened to spot a billboard advertising a current Elvis Presley gig. There was Elvis billboard as large as life across the road. He hugged the wheel for a better view peering though the windscreen. His radio caught his attention blabbing a talkback show host interviewing J.F. Kennedy. 


Shaking his head in amused wonder he drive on. Quinn pulled up to his parallel home. Opening the gate he stopped short at the sight of his mother arm in arm escort with the Gardner. Stunned it appeared as his mum was married to him for some time. During a confused conversation he heard cell phone like beeping in his pant's back pocket. 


What's that? Realizing it was him he whipped out the timer seeing the sixth digit readout counting down to zero 00.00.05, 00.00.04, 00.00.03, 00.00.02, 00.00.01 then 00.00.00. With a roar the vertex opened behind him snatching him backwards into it closing behind him. Back in the basement the portal opened. The next thing he lands flat on his back back in his basement the portal collapsing closing behind much to the frightened astonishment of his cat. 


It took him a minute to gather his bearings before he realized where he was back home. With great joy he bounded up stares to check his mother wasn't married to the gardener kissing his astonished mother on the forehead with a few great full words before racing outside. 


In euphoria he hug the grader who was just as suppressed, and oh joy the gate squeaked when he opened it. He Jumped back into his car and raced off to campus to tell everybody what happened to him. After all not everybody gets to slide a stable wormhole to a parallel  earth. 


His late arrival interrupted the professor in the middle of a lecture. The professor sorely told him he had a nerve to show back at class. Quinn stepped back a bit not understanding. "What!" Still, he was eager to talk to him about his discovery and eagerly persisted. The professor felt Quinn was now mocking him and his theories.


Quinn desperately tries to explain he wasn't. He finally got though enough of the professors resistance to come to his house and see for himself. The class bell rang signaling the end of the lecture. Not fully understanding what was going on with the professor, he heads off to his part time job. Arriving for work, Wade confronts him at what he's doing back there. 


A surprised Quinn replies he works there. She informs him the manager fired him a little while ago after telling him off. Quinn claims he didn't remember. Then Wade asks if he doesn't remember the kiss either?


Quinn was astonished wondering why he would do that to a coworker not believing the accusations thrown at him. First he successfully created a artificial wormhole then sliding to another world and back and then this.... all in one day? Wade walks off huff secretly smiling to herself with amusement on him leaving Quinn flabbergasted. 


Quinn, still not understanding what's going on he'd been fired from his job and not remembering any of it heads for home. Back in his lab he switches on the light reflecting on the machine consoling himself nursing his cat. He wonders over to the formula scribbled blackboard and studies it for a minute. 


Suddenly his face changed into a curious frown. He discovers the formula he wrote down  he was unable to finish was altered completing the equation. He didn't understand it. At this point Quinn hears a slight stir and turns to look straight into the eyes of a smiling himself. It was like looking directly into a mirror.


Getting over the initial shock, Quinn's twin seemed to be a bit of a brag revealing he was from a parallel world showing off he too experimenting with an antigravity machine turned into this bridge to other worlds.


Quinn's double revealed he'd visited his university admitting he was the cause of the stir with his professor job and coworker. Quinn learnt this double was responsible for the strange behavior of his professor, for getting fired and kissing his wade. His double explained he was married to Wade's double. Quinn felt a relief he was exonerated even tough he was in so much trouble. 


Quinn's double pointed the timer to the floor and opened the opened the portal. The floor spread with a roar wide open. The noise was defining. The pair spent the next few minutes sharing and comparing their inventions. Showing off Quinn's double pointed out were Quinn went wrong with his formulae soon time for to leave.


Quinn's double opened. At the same time Quinn's double was captured by the portal he triying to speak over the roar. But all Quinn could yell back pointing to one ear.  "I CANT' HEAR YOU!!".


At that Quinn's double was snatched away disappearing into the vertex and was gone. The next ting we find Wade and the professor walking the path to Quinn's front door in deep conversation concerned about Quinn. The professor had taken up Quinn's offer. At the same time had contacted Quinn's co-worker inviting her to if she was interested in accompanying him. Deep in conversation with wade about his strange behavior and obsession with his invention they reached the front door. 


The professor rang the door bell. The door opened to reviling Quinn's mum. The professor explained they were here to see Quinn. Invited inside there was much introduction pleasantries the professor and Wade intrigued at meting Quinn's mother.


Meanwhile a washed out X-member of a pop group getting ready for an expected solo come back. His manger hovering in the background was advising him of the potential disappointments if it was a failure and the consequences of going solo from his band. 


Rembrandt Brown liked to think he was renowned for one of his particular sad songs he was obsessed with he could bring tears to everybody's eyes when singing it calling himself Gyring man brown. 


Meanwhile Quinn engrossed in a cosmetic touch up assembly of his timer when Wade and the professor came down the basement stairwell still concerned about Quinn's odd behavior. When Quinn looked up from he was pleased to see them excitedly welcoming them promising he will be with them in a second turning back to the finishing touches. 


When the professor spotted Quinn's formulae scribed blackboard complete with the solution to he was beside himself with admiration dismay. Quinn assembled the finishing touches and excitedly showed the processor what he was holding was the key to visiting the other side of the of the vertex. Quinn was eagerly ready to open it much to the professors reluctance. Quinn pointed the timer and pressed the button. The artificial wormhole roared open. 


Wade and the professor faces was  shocked steering in wild eyed wonder at the roaring, quivering wormhole portal hole in mid air in front of them that seemed to be sucking the hole of the earth's atmosphere into it like some giant air conditioner. Meanwhile back to Rembrandt he comes out of his San Francisco apartment jumping into his big bright red Cadillac droving off down a San Francisco street. 


After wade and the professor got over the initial shock at what they were witnessing before their very eyes Quinn asked what would they do with this opportunity to see what's on the other side. What would you do?


Wade beside herself exclaimed "You mean we can just like, slide though this and BOOM! we're on another planet!!" "NO"! exclaimed Mallory. "Same planet! Different dimension" What would you do if you had the opportunity to slide a portal to explore a different dimension of our world? The professor was a very reluctant and unsure holding back. Wade was beside herself with excitement. 


As giddy as a little school girl over puppy love she talk them into jumping much to the professors arguments against it. The pair argued for and against the pros and cons to the backdrop of the roaring vortex.  It took quite a bit a bit of persuasion to the reluctant Quinn and the professor, but she finally persuaded Quinn to let them try. 


Meanwhile Rembrandt drove his a bright a red Pontiac convertible happily rhythm beating to his favorite crying man Brown song at the wheel. "Oh yeaaaar baby. It's gona be good"!


Back in Quinn's basement the trio prepared themselves ready ride the vertex. Quinn had originally set the wormhole to carry only one person. He had adjusted the power for three people. Then at a one, two, three, count they let the vortex snatch them in it. The vortex collapsed and all were gone.


All that was left was the scientific formulae scribbled blackboard in a deserted and silent basement. Outside the side of Quinn's house, the roaring vertex expanded open to full wideness outside it's designated area. Brown at the wheel stiffened with a curious frown at a specter of a circle at an intersection in front of him. 


In shocked surprise and fear he saw as if the whirlpool spotted pray changed directing turning straight towards him. Over the front of the car bonnet he saw the roaring whirlpool mouth like a horror movie scene glide straight toward him. Yelling at the top of his lungs, frozen with fear at the wheel the car drove straight into the roaring mouth the closed leaving a normal and deserted street behind.


A front row Rolla coaster view of traveling inside wormhole. It was a hyperspace twisting and turning tunnel Quinn, the professor and wade sailing along in a sideways plane like falling from a high sky scraper. The bright red convertible sailed past with the screaming crying-man Brown at the wheel narrowly missing them by inches. The wormhole took them on a wild twisting and snaking Rolla coaster ride.


A basement looking like something out of the a frozen scene of the day after tomorrow movie set. A vertex expanded open spreading wide from from a tiny spot in midd air. Out flew Rembrandt's red Cadillac convertible Brown yelling at the top of his lungs thee car skipping across an ice frozen yard banging to an abrupt halt into a ice wall.


Finally the professor and wade next. A moment later Quinn shot out just as the vertex collapsed inwards closing behind them. Rembrandts car was quite for a moment. Then the door opened and a foot stepped into frozen snow.


The professor, Quinn and wade, recovering their wits, could see they were not in a familiar environment. Wade had got her wish. The trio began exploring the parallel reality surroundings. Some candles were found lighting them. Like little islands of flickering light in the near darkness the four negotiated their way in the darkness in a discussion about what could have happed and to all the occupants. Wade found a crumpled photograph handing it to Quinn.


He took the photo showing the same shot he had at home only with a strange girl and his pet dog he recognized. He explained the pet had died a while ago and didn't know anything about the girl in the picture. Quinn and the professor discussed some scenarios of what could have happened to his familiarly considering this frozen world. 


Shivering Rembrandt blowing mist of warm air into cupped hands spotted the island of flicking candle lights in the porch doorway of an ice covered house just ahead of him. When the professor, Wade and Quinn stepped out onto the porch they were shocked at the spooky panoramic view of San Francisco harbor complete with the Golden Gate bridge locked in ice with spooky dark tornado storm clouds hanging over the whole city. 


Getting over the shock their attention was brought to the dazed Brown gathering his wits out side the house beside his car in an the snow yelling confused obscenities at the trio. They joined Rembrandt who was demanding answers to what the hell was going on. To keep warm it was suggested the canvas roof to be razed in place. As soon as canvas roof settled on the rim of the windscreen they all got into the car completing four travelers. 


Brown was by now raving mad demanding to know who the hell these strangers where and what was happing demanding to be returned home immediately. A discussion and moody tempers specially from the processor, trying to analyses the situation.


Soon they felt and heard something a change in air pressure. To their horror they the place was full of tornados, the one they felt coming in screaming a whirlwind precariously close to the little group huddled in the convertible. The roof was lowered back everybody scrambling to stand on the back seat the storm snapping at them while the four made an effort to escape back into the wormhole to safety. 


Quinn fumbled at the timer pointing to the sky initializing the wormhole opening wide above them. One by one they got into position letting the the portal snatch them upwards into the roaring hole in the air. Again like falling from a high sky scraper but in an upwards direction. 


A deep depth of a blue sky. A vertex spread open. Out fell the professor landing heavily on his side rolling face up when Wade landed on him face down steering into each other eyes. Then it was Rembrandts turn landing on his behind nearby. Picking themselves up there was a long pause as the vertex continued to roar wide open above them. Where’s Quinn? 


There was a frightening long wait expecting the vertex to close any second without depositing him. The wait was becoming excruciating. Still the vertex remand open. Just when Wade was in tears at the shock of loosing Quinn to god knows what, not seeing him again. Then out fell Quinn, the vertex collapsing in on itself before he hit the ground landing hard face down on the grass. All members were glad he was safe, specially wade.


Quinn and wade hugged each other gratefully. Rembrandt smiling excitedly in the background. Assuming they were all back home Rembrandt was still angry telling them off. He reminded Quinn he'd lost his car and not going to hang around and miss his singing appointment. Spotting a taxi coming down the street he hailed down the cab promising to get back to Quinn about his favorite convertible.


Meanwhile Wade said she was off to find a phone box to ring home to tell them about the adventure she had. She was confident she would have no problems with her family not believing her as Rembrandt Brown the crying man, Quinn and the professor would collaborate her story. So off she went.


Quinn and the professor set off discussing their next move when suddenly the professor pulled Quinn up short pointing to a park statue of the historic Russian figure of Joseph Lennon of the Russian revolution fame during world war one. It was then they realized the truth of were they were.


Meanwhile Wade inserted a coin in the phone booth trying to contact her family number witch turned out not to exit. Strange. When she came out she saw the well known Russian hammer and cycle symbol above the door and the words in bold red capital letters in English PEOPLE'S TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH. Across the road hiding in the shadows  couple of shadowy figures looking typically FBI agents was paying very close attention to wade.


Meanwhile Rembrandt was telling the cab driver who he was and going too. Spotting the drivers identification passport seemed a bit odd for a taxi cab driver. Still. The cab driver said he'd never heard of him. Rembrandt frowned in indignation and puzzlement at the strange behavior specially when he suddenly pulled up abruptly and saluted stiffly passing a Russian military uniform figure.


Rembrandt looked curiously to the direction out the cab window to a political rally. A suited homeless guy Quinn ran past earlier in the story was shouting political auditoria, flanked either side by two Russian solders. Although Rembrandt didn't recognize him Quinn, and the professor passing by sure did. 


Still indignant Rembrandt had a few words to say puling out a dollar note from his trouser pocket flicking it handing over to the driver. The driver took the note examining it like someone spotting a counterfeit note when they see one.


The driver hailed over a tough looking woman officer. Her face peered in the window. The driver handed over the not. The second the tough looking female face saw it, Rembrandt found himself encircled in the back seat of by an armed gang of Russian solders pointing guns menacingly at him though all windows.


Meanwhile Quinn and the professor were starting to be concerned Wade was missing. Suddenly they found themselves surrounded by what looked like a gang of menacing FBI agents. The next thing Quinn and the professor chained hanging from a wall by their wrists. Unshackled they were marched off under escort. 


They found wade unharmed and learnt they were captured by an underground resistant moment. They also leant Wad's double was a martyr hereon leader killed in action by the Russian authorities. It turned out in this world America was a Russian Dominion. It turned out Wades double had a lover leader of the resistance who missed her dearly.


Quinn, felt it strange one of his part time coworker a military leader even though he knew he was only a double from another world who had a crush on her found monitoring a live court room TV program in progress. After Wade had convinced the resistance group where she and her group had come from Quinn insisted Rembrandt had to be found reunited with the group.


Casually watching the court room drama, Wade recognized the program as the peoples court recognizing the cab driver thinking nothing of it. Suddenly her  eyes went wide at who she saw appearing from behind a entry to the courtroom door. She cried out to Quinn and the professor to come and have a look at this. She had found Rembrandt. Quinn and the professor came over just in time to see Rembrandt stepping into the defendant podium.


Rembrandt was made to swear an oath of truth and the cab driver did the same. He was accused of a criminal counterfeiter much to the shock of Quinn, wade and the professor. The group watch the proceedings unfold till the next case while outside the court room doors he was intervened on how he felt.


That was all it took for Quinn, backed by the professor and Wade they now had to rescue Rembrandt. A plan of action was hatched. Resistance leaders disguised as various army officers and solders suggested the professor looked the type to be General. They marched off to rescue Rembrandt from the caught room holding cell.


In a tense moment the rescue group was challenged by an army unit officer. The professor bluffed his authority. Everybody wondered whether it was going to work until the intimated officer allowed them on. Meanwhile Rembrandt was lead out of the cell pleading with a heartless officer when the attack started. A gun fight erupted. 


After it was over there was some drama. Quinn thought Wade had been killed. Wade appeared behind him. Turning round they immediately hugged each other. Next a somber memorial service. It was a strange feeling a double from another world of their brave martyr while Quinn and the professor attended to a rather dilapidated and dissembled looking timer. News of strangers and the mystery twin of the dead resistance leader got the military's attention who wanted them apprehended immediately  . A renewed urgency to escape was called for. 


Meanwhile Quinn and the professor picked up the pace on the timer. When they were ready to go they needed to be at the right coordinates which was Lennon’s statue a half a kilometer away. The resistance leader offered to hold up the search team buying time for them. 


Soon our little group was on their way passing a homeless guy swigging at a bottle of cheep wine. With shock they recognized Quinn and Wades part time job boss sucking at a stubby cigarette. Getting over the shock they resumed their walk.


Suddenly there was the sight of a posy not far behind. Our group quickly broke into sprinted haste the pursuing squad gaining ground behind them. Reaching Lennon’s statue Quinn checked the timer finding it wasn’t quite timed out yet, only a matter of a few seconds left. They Checked the pursuers in sight up ahead. They weren’t going to make it? Finally the timer initiated. Quinn hastily pressed the button pointing to a hedge.


With a roar the vertex spread open. There was no time to wait. One by one they dived open vertex. Wade and the professor laid sprawled in roses, with Rembrandt on his behind close by. 


Quinn come out head first just as the wormhole closed behind him. When everybody picked themselves up they had landed at the feet the President Lincoln statue. After rejoicing and laughing they move on. Quinn stopped short the group. There sleeping under the Lincoln Statue was the homeless guy Quinn knew all to well. "Nice to see you man" he said.


They saw a pair of headlights coming up the street. It was a taxi. They hailed it down. Getting in Rembrandt recognized the drive from Russian Domain world. He cringed in the back seat panicky saying a few aggravated words at seeing who the taxi driver was. 


The driver wondered what was wrong with their friend to the rest of the Group. The professor looked at the diver as if to say that's a long story. Rembrandt checked to see if the driver had heard of crying man brown. "Year Sure! I know crying man brown!"


Rembrandt was happy to hear that. Arriving at Quinn's address they got out, the professor paying the driver. The cab pulled away. There was tension when Quinn was about to check to see if his front gate squeaked.


To all there relief it did. Wade and the professor Rembrandt hugged each other with relief. They all went though the squeaking gate up to the front porch. Quinn opened the door calling his mum announcing he was home.


When his mum came down the stares, he gave her the biggest cuddle he could please to see her. They went into the lounge to reflect and discus the parallel adventure they had sliding over drinks. Finally Quinn razed his glass of red wine in toast of his antigravity experiment. Just then there was the sound of the closing of the front door.


Everybody looked over to a man coming into the lounge. Quinn stood face solemn recognizing his father. His mother welcoming him in. Wade looked at Quinn with a Ohu-oh oops look on her face.


Rembrandt and the professor's faces looked of disappointed realization. Quinn in shock just closed his eyes as if to block out the site, letting the glass crash to the floor. Then the pilot just abruptly ended. A TV screen displaying Rembrandt browns group doing a live show on television with rolling credits. So begin the series


The following episodes continued as a group of individuals who slide the vortex-like wormhole, activated by the handheld timer. The opening episode didn't properly fit in neatly with the pilot. It opened seeing them wondering a deserted city facing a tsunami dwarfing the tallest sky scrapper. Hoe could they get out of that I thought. I realized later may have been a twist. I don't suspect at the time but they could easily have been traveling doubles. Suddenly the scene changed finding the group struggling on the top of a island steeple struggling to avoid falling into the sea with circling extent on our world Condor sharks. 


Throughout the series control of the gateway was Quinn's electronic timer run by a rechargeable battery system. The group had only enough power for one chance at keeping it open before for the power drain drained the battery flat. Once closed the system automatically began recharging. The digital clock interface indicated when the battery was fully charged sometimes by a few minutes of the last slide.


When the timer was ready the clock set to zeros the quad could open the vertex safely. The They pointed the in mid air with electronic jingle letting a beam ray out opening the vortex. One by one they dived head first into the roaring mid air wormhole. So the adventures of sliding in the hope of finding their way home. Until the timer was fully charged the four was forced to wait in each world.


It wasn't until later Quinn realized the significance his double's departing advice warning to be careful with the timer. If it was prematurely activated before fully charged memory of the coordinates was deleted replaced with a new set of coordinates. It's kind a like pasting text over text in word processor clipboard by mistake. Every episode offered a new adventure. I often wondered where the slide take them now. Every world was a different. 


Thanks to the sliders the concept of parallel universes had become a popular school boy culture.  Quinn's vortex was thought of as an artificial version of a natural wormhole. Does an artificial model could have the same physics as black hole gravity or something entirely different


In the following episodes the sliders had to wait for the timer to fully charged countdown zero countdown 00:00:00 to initiate the vertex. If they weren't at the location on time they risked being trapped in that world until the battery was fully charged again.


All the sliders had to do was to point timer in mid air like a remote control. A beam rayed out. A spot in midd air opened wide pulling inward the atmosphere environment sounding like a speeding freight train. The sliders dived head first into it following each other one by one.


After the battery discharged flat it closed. The inside ride was a twisting and turning Rolla coaster ride. When it opened in the next world one by one they dropped out sometimes rather unceremoniously.


After the series ended I couldn't get the excitement of Parallel universes out of my mind. I settled down to a curious wonder how Malloy's experiment could have worked to produce a wormhole portal to parallel universes. I turned to library science and technology racks for clues on the subject.


There was a variety of sources available, astronomy, Universe, classical and quantum physics, string theory and a few on the science of time and time travel. I discovered Isaac Newtown and Albert Einstein including many other names that contributed to Quantum physics. It wasn't till later later DVD sources become available.


One of my fist my first piece of information about the portal came from the professor. To set the scene in the second series episode 8 post traumatic slide syndrome the sliders landed in a world where their disappearance was a mystery. Until they showed up again that is. They believed at last they had found their way home. Quinn was the only one to see observe subtle signs they weren't.


Mallory tried to get though to wade. She refused to believe him. She was busy writing adventure letters to her family to listen. He spoke his concerns to Rembrandt and the professor. They where to just as busy enjoying a revitalized lime light to listen either. Meanwhile the world was egger to know where had they been. 


The professor was interviewed by an egger press. With clear tube divided by dividers he explained the concept of what he called an Einstein, Pulaski, Rosenberg bridge. In 1935 Einstein and a couple colleges Boris Podolskv and Nathan Rosen where eager to publish a paper confirming once and for all Quantum mechanics was an incomplete science. Einstein's general theory of reality of a dark star sinking a deep well in the fabric of space came up in the preparation of the paper.


Even though only science fiction Mallory had stumbled onto the secrete of the portal. I can imagine the excitement and wonder of cosmologists and physics alike. They would have been beside themselves. It is always inevitable be political attention. The many world theory dictates Mallory's experiment would have many versions.


At first it I thought it would be a simple case of  searching library science and technology  rack for parallel universes titles. A number of classical physics to astronomy titles was available. The more I read the more deeply I thought of Mallory's experiment. The deepest  impact was thee introduction Quantum physics introducing  entanglement


We have all heard we are made of atoms. In quantum mechanics we are entangled with the thee atoms of the universe. The key to the concept of the many worlds theory was proposed by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger. He dreamed up a concept thought experiment to explain the concept of being dead and alive at the at the same time. A example was the situation Wade found herself in the pilot episode of thee sliders.


The experiment involves the philosophy of a cat locked out of sight in a box. A hammer is poised precariously over a glass vial of poison. It was precariously connected to a radioactive substance only other scientists can understand. Radioactive decay was the key to the though experiment. Only a couple of elements are radioactive such as uranium and Platinum are suitable for this experiment. It is all about radioactive decay. The elements is a gives of radiation particles at any time triggers the hammer to fall on the glass vial


The key is without viewing inside the box we can never tell the fate of the cat. We are throwing the dice at guessing if the radio active element had decided the cats fate before we open to box to view the reality. While the state of the cat is unknown we can officially declare dead and alive at the same time. We only know for sure when we check in the box for the reality. When we do it collapses one way or the other.


A mysterious Christmas or birthday present is similar exercise in this kind of look at reality. We don't know what's in the package until we unwrap it. What's in it shaking it to our ear we ask. Any suggestions are just a roll of the dice guessing. It could be anything collapsing to the specific reality when unwrapped. Until then the moment we unwrap the present it was anything.


Another example of the roll of the dice are lottery draws. Until the draw concludes nobody knows the reality of who is the first division prize winner in advance. Unknown immediately collapses to the known when the draw concludes the first division prize winner. In the same way the physical properties of the particles of the atom.


Sliding the random selectiveness is a throw of the dice lottery at landing in their home world including meeting their doubles. In one world Quinn meat his female double. Imagine amusement passing the time waiting in a world for the timer to fully charge. 


The team would have learnt at lot from each world affairs from television show broadcasts, magazines, news papers, and particularly local libraries. Imagine their amused wonder to learn alternate history world where world war 1 lived up to it's name as the war to end all wars. There was no such person as Adolph Hitler. The world they land in Europe a series of technological supper power.


The same throw of the dice gamble guides our decisions we all make. It is the key property of parallel worlds. What many agree was the best thing to happen to many doubles many others are every bit as different. Each world has a different history. The sliders had nick names. Visitors from other worlds may get the impression of this world as an entertainment world. In many other worlds Rembrandt Brown's entertainment ambition was of little interest.


Our doubles live different roll of the dice decision chances. Different ambitions and careers are generated by every double. Throughout the series the sliders meat their far share. They didn't share identical personalities. Some where antisocial types while others where law abiding citizens.


Millions of worlds guarantees the throw of the dice who every double is. Many are born intellectually challenged not cared for worlds. Many worlds are renowned for caring for them. Many doubles appreciate their independent work and success. If we imagine millions of parallel videos of us we are rich and famous, poor and nobody of interest all at the same time.


Given the many versions we are male and female at the same time. We are at the mercy of conception whether a boy or girl. Imagine Albert Einstein was female. In many world Mari Curi's dabble dabbled in radioactive elements in the late 19th century. Many others in famous in other ways including an Einstein version. Out of the many worlds we are all man male counter parts. Many of us are famous peoples at the same time.


Famous female aviators throughout the 20th century Jean Batten and Amelia Ear heart two of the most famous and influential woman aviator pioneers of the 1930's comes to mind. As there are millions of worlds are different versions including male counter parts.


Imagine parallel videos of them as successful big businesses entrepreneurs instead. Imagine they many inventers enjoying great engineering achievements both female and male doubles of each other at the same time.


Millions of video versions are politicians. To the many worlds unheard of for men and woman at the same time. It is a the common theme throughout throughout many worlds universe. With so many the throw of the dice landing in a world of great female car makers always probable. It is the throw of the dice the sliders meeting in a world one of their own as a motor car manufacture founder, motor racing hero or record breaker. In the pilot world Wade was a respected freedmen fighter leader.


It was a throw of the dice the sliders landing any world were there was a Henry Ford female version of Henry Ford even Wade Wells herself. It is the throw of dice Alex Isagonus's  who designed the British mini double is male. Out of the millions of other your next door neighbor a car company name.


Out of the many millions of worlds General motors Harley Earl designer are females versions. Imagine Rembrandt doubles founders of giant computer company. There will be millions of success and failure versions and outcomes. It is all in the throw of the dice landing in any world where everybody and anybody are male and female counter part doubles of us all at the same time.


Millions of worlds demand a throw the dice we are gay while straight versions at the same time. It is equally a throw of the dice worlds we are plagued with mental illness and many worlds we are not. There is a throw of the dice doubles are devoted to religion and not at the same time chance.


The sliders could have potentially left a world where an ordinary citizen of no interest. The next throw of the dice turns out the same person in awesome political power. At the same time very important person of some significance. The throw of the dice meeting also you are famous in some way. The sliders once landed in a world where Rembrandt Brown was a police detective.


The sliders once landed in a psychic seer world. Out of the millions of worlds doubles are not. Instead shy of the opposite sex and not. If you are gay in this world many of your doubles are homophobic straights. We don't share the same identical mental profiles. We may look identical with identical genes taken many different pathways.


Then there is the the throw of the dice native languages spoken including many different accents. Between the millions of worlds the throw of the dice between worlds is the key. We are only familiar with the languages of this world evolved in. It is a throw of the dice your doubles speaking very differently to you and me. 


The collective many worlds theory has it's issues with the two world wars existing in every world. Everything was base on the throwing of the dice decisions made by major powers. Millions of Adolph Hitler's are a causality of the first world war. The throw of the dice many technology had taken different turns at the same time.


The many worlds theory is rather like an never ending grid of videos screens running simultaneously every one slightly different versions. A dedicated alternate histories web site captures our imagination of what happens if the Titanic never sunk.


The throw of the dice decisions made by iconic leaders helped to shaped our world war II history. Millions of Navel Chamberlain doubles were war lords as Winston Churchill. Imagine an the throw of the dice attitude from Chamberlain that helped put off Hitler's attack of Poland. Imagine a world war two outcome Winston Churchill was a successful politician and prime minister well before Hitler Adolph Hitler could threaten Poland. 


How would you like to slide to a world were you find you are a powerful and influential entrepreneur and marketing guru or a business geniuses worth a lot of money to the rich and famous or a powerful corporate business leader or famous politician or just an ordinary person of no interest? There is a equal chance throw of the dice landing in a world you are a porper nobody.


According to the throw of the dice there was a 50/50 chance you are male or female as your double versions of you. Your double is the president or prime minister of your country. Imagine the shock and aw the sliders would experience landing on a world where one of their own in a powerful leadership roll. The throw of the dice guarantees you just left a world where your double was a homeless nobody a successful and failed rock star at the same time.


The many world theory has its issues every double is a law abiding citizen. Out of millions of worlds hour doubles are dangerous gangster and psychopaths is common. At the same time equal throw of the dice you are a famous house hold name both positive and negative. We are a the throw of the dice anybody and everybody at the same time. 


When it comes to world famous shipwrecks we naturally think of the Titanic. A Youtube clip titled what if the Titanic didn't sink is available for view. Every on board vent was subject to the same throw of the dice rule as any other world at the same time. There are many random ways the ship settled on the bottom of the Atlantic.


Influenced by the throw of the dice there would be many ways it could have laid on the bottom of the Atlantic. I Imagine the sliders landing in a world to learn the famous name they knew all to well as a passenger linier was a navy battleship or freighter. 


Construction design of water tight compartments is another example of the throw of the dice influence on the Titanic's survival. Imagine that night a grid of parallel TV monitors represent a parallel of the crows nest. Each one was slightly different scanning the darkness with binoculars. There are many versions seas are rough and wallowing. Many lashing rain and snow blizzards to dead calms all at the same time. Many show the Titanic as battleships, and freighters including many different names of the same incident. Anything goes.


On the night of the disaster simultaneous call of the dice frantic attempts to steer the boat clear was successful. Those liners just slip by alarmingly close to thee burg keels passing harmlessly by. Passengers and crews where oblivious to disaster. At the same time a collective passenger reported the walls of the iceberg slipping precariously close. Simulations keels and propeller screws missing the bergs by inches.


Captains issue urgent orders to slow down and post extra iceberg lookouts all at the same time. Aftermaths prompt re-thinks about life boat safety. Different reviews of life boats were taken seriously and not seriously at the same time. Many Californians were a few minutes away on the horizon. Some hundreds of maters apart. Both ships sailed in sight passing each other. There are many versions of polite greetings and small talk chatters. 


By the call of the dice many versions propellers caught the burg shuddering engines to stops. Many broke off blades stranding the ship dead in waters leaving the ships stranded and drifting. If you can think of any more details the many world theory aggress it did happen.


Many Californian radio operators missed many Titanics distress calls. Many just hung up for the night. Many others the novelty of new technology influenced toying with it all night catching the Titanics distress call.


Every action and decision is a call of the dice the key to which way each Titanic went. Given the collective worlds and the combined Titanic's populations potentially carried an infinitely more of the worlds population of single world. Given the many worlds infinitely times over potentially an infinite number of combination of passengers. For example a call of the dice for each world decisions made by many Einstein and Hitler families to move oversees. 


Given many worlds call of the dice Elbert Einstein and Adolph Hitler found themselves onboard the Titanic with their families. The combined fate of every Titanic including the ones that arrived in New York safely different history we know of those names at the same time time as ours.


Evolution is perhaps an example of the call of the dice for each world. In session eight of the sliders introduced an alien sliders I thought typical of far fetched science fiction prop. Over the next few episodes these aliens increasing popped up in selective episodes called cro-mags. The name sounds very much like an acronym for an ancient human ancestor called Cro-Magnon man.  


To set the scene we are all aware of a branch of science called Paleontology. Imagine discovering a skeletal remains of a million year old Gorilla with a perfectly straight upright profile as us. Paleontologists are scientists who study the remains of our ancestors. There was several spices including reconstructions of Cro-Magnon skeletons. The reomains could pass as human but aggressive looking with very prominent forehead brow and a mop of scraggly head of hair. Bald pretty well describe the slider's Cro-mags.


Some of us are skeptical about any walking upright apps. Time is an internally a long time. A century is a long time let a lone a millennia (A thousand years) ten times a 100 years as long. We carry genes of family our relations as far back as the last ice age a mere blink of an eye to cosmic time.


A documentary maker walking with dinosaurs set the scene when they produced walking with cave men Hosted by Robert Winston. He started our long journey in the past with a close and personal detail round the life and times of the famous upright standing female gorilla called Lucy a species called Bioassay in Africa millions of years ago. He covered right up to us called Homo-sapiens painting on cave walls in southern France at the recent peak of the last ice age. More human like features were Homo-Erectus, latter Cro-Magnon, and at the peak of the last ice age Neanderthals.


On a similar theme another National Geographic DVD set last man standing. Here there was details we dodged a bullet from extension. Doctor Winston sheared a similar theme. Paleontology investigation found the geology proved over millions of years the earth has carried out a few mass extensions. 


DNA in all of us show we where once threatened with extension. We where right down to a extension level. It is believed what saved us was our smart brain. We coped because of our ability to adopt to a changing environment. Us Homo-Sapiens had the ability think by the seat of our pants the other species didn't have. In a single world as ours we are the only species left.


There is a youtube clip that asks what if Neanderthal didn't die out? It could equally apply to the other species. It is doubtful any of the species in their current evolution had the seat of our paints completeness and imaginative drives of Homo-Sapiens. We had a mind that indulged in non survival pleasure activities such as entertainment sport and painting activities. 


The many reality theory predicts there are many dimensions Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon evolved imaginative completeness  and non survival drives rivaling Homo-Sapiens. Our world is an example of just one world hat only includes just us. But what about other realities? Imagine the shock of the sliders landing in a Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon world. 


Wondering the city street full Neanderthal or and Cro-Magnons steering at each other in shocked wonder. I bet our human sliders would have questioned if they landed on earth. It rebinds me of the case of a Planet of the Apps ending where human astronauts where taken into causticity in an App civilization. It is the same earth were evolution had taken when compared to many worlds. Nothing had gone wrong. Only discovering the many world theory had predicted the alternate reality evolution.


For the species technology to evolve the sliders would have landed in a world where intellect had to have evolve. Walking a Neanderthal city street vehicles technology of all descriptions. 


Picking up where we left of the Titanic disaster many worlds the declension of the radio assistant to report the message was crucial. Simulations, Cro-Magnon, Homo erectus and Neanderthal faces looked thoughtful holding the headphones. A decision was made. Placing the bleeping phones on the table he when out of the radio room to the bedroom of the radio officer. 


Semiserious radio operators look up at their assistants though sleepy eyes. In their own languages we can hear millions of simultaneous voices once "Sir. There's message on the wireless. I thought you should know" "What! At this hour? Can't it wait? Go away"  This was a critical missed opportunity. At this point many many worlds take a different turn. Simultaneous worlds alters history just by his decision. "Sorry to wake you sir. Good night" and leaves.  


At the same throw of the dice in many they stayed. Though the sound of millions of simultaneous voices overlapping "It sounds like a distress call to me sir" 


Looking a bit put out the sleepy radio operators heisted. It was a critical moment of opportunity playing out. Another throw of the dice decision. "It can wait" and turned over to go back to sleep". At this point history many words took a different again. Radio operators threw blankets aside "All right. I'll be right there" grumbling why people have to keep calling this hour of the night.


In the radio rooms millions of operators tiredly put on the head phones all synchronized at the same time stiffened immediately energized recognizing the emergency mores code tanking. There where many different gasped of a curse.  At the same time cool calm and collected. "Call the Captain!" they said to the assistants. Many other worlds they just rang though. 


Millions of simulations Titanic calls at the same time tapping frantically millions of Morse codes identifying millions of Californians  speaking asking of the situation. Millions of captains arrived in the radio rooms asking of the situations. In millions of simulations voices "It's the new liner sir. The Titanic. Titanic radio operators reported has sheared off a propeller screw still afloat.


Once the millions of captains herd the news  they ask in millions of of simulations voices if there is any danger of sinking and offers of assistance. The captains ordered a rondivue  with Titanic coordinates informing any other vessels in the area. Millions of simultaneous worlds  Californians in different positions and distances including isn't  even there all at the same time. Every world is a call of the dice crews observing the Titanic distress rockets instigated a thrower investigation and ignored at the same time.


In the never ending millions of Californians investigated the strange horizon rocket shows. It was equally a throw of the dice millions deciding to ignore them. Millions of different decisions resulted in millions of different rescues and hero ships earning radio crews and captains combinations for their due diligences. It was a throw of the dice in many video screens many were not to be.


There was a report of a mystery ship less than a quarter mile away. It is suspected guilty of poaching explaining why it didn't hang round. Imagine the in many screens captains decision not to cut and run and not guilty of anything at the same time at a critical time hailed as a hero ship in parallel Titanic stories. Imagine the sliders amusement about this in any one of the specifics in television documentaries.


Details of the many reality theory predicts the throw of the dice in each world how the historic liner was damaged and never sunk. At the same time roll of the dice how it went to the bottom of the Atlantic. Many throw of the dice alternate whether condition at the time. There is no limit to the our imagination  alternatives. 


We often wonder what if different courses of our history. The throw of the dice in many world screens at the same time guarantees it. In this world it was a throw of the dice Africans where kidnapped and brought to the Americas as slaves the roots of African Americans. It is equally a throw of the dice whether the American Civil war was fought over slavery. A youtube clip alternate histories looks at the consequences of what if the American civil war never happened.


After leaving every world the sliders never know what the next world is going to be. Their Nemeses the Crow-Mags caught up with them in couple of episodes. In any case it is always the luck of the draw throw of the dice the next world would be Homo-Sapiens, Homo-Erectus, Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal people. There are so many infinite options most of us are unaware how big the numbers can get.


We are all familiar with 1. Just by adding a 0  becomes 10.  If we add other 0 becomes a 100. If we add another 0 becomes 10 thousand. If we add another 0 becomes 10 thousand we are still familiar with in every day terms. If we add another 0 becomes a 100 thousand although a bigger number we are still familiar with. 


If we add another 0 becomes a million although a bigger than 100 thousand we are still pretty well intermit when it comes to lottery draw numbers and corporate wealth and investments in projects. If we add another 0 becomes 10 million still pretty well familiar with. Adding another 0 becomes a 100 million still pretty common first prize lottery draw number and corporate  wealth


Big numbers don't stop there. If we add another 0 becomes a billion pretty common corporate wealth not exactly startling theses days. If we add another 0 becomes 10 billion we are used to even government investment project spending these days. If we add another 0 becomes a 100 Billion not unheard of big corporate and government investment projects.


If we add another 0 a becomes a trillion we are not exactly unfamiliar with. We are just barely familiar with adding other 0 becoming 10 trillion. Adding another 0 becomes a 100 trillion. If we add another 0 becomes what is called a sextillion. Adding other 0 is 10 sextillion. Adding another 0 becomes a 100 sextillion. Now we have big numbers are not familiar with. Adding 0 multiplies endlessly by 10 times.


If we do the math's on this 1 is officially multiplied by 1. One times 1 is 1. Adding a 0 multiplies by 10. One times 10 is 10. If multiplied by 10 twice 1 becomes a 100. When we multiply by ten 3 times becomes a thousand. If 1 is multiplied by ten 4 times adds another 0  If 1 is multiplied 10 five times adds a 0 to the number. If 1 is multiplied by 10 six times becomes a million.


We all have mobile phones specially smart phones that have built in calculators. They show when we enter 1 every time we multiply by 10 a 0 is always added. Basic calculators economize for on screen maximum number of 0's.  


Entering 1 x 10 reads out 10  x 10 reads out a 100 x 10 reads a 1,000 x 10 reads 10,000 (10 thousand) x 10 read out 100,000 (a 100 thousand) x 10 reads out 1,000,000. (A million) and x 10 reads out 10,000,000. (10 million) In other words succession order of no 0's standing in for We have one. We have with one 0. One with two  0's. One with three  0's. One with four 0's. One with five 0's. One with six 0's and one with seven 0's


Another way to look at this is one times one equals no 0's times 10, once, twice, three times, four times, five times, six times a total of one multiplied by 10 respectively adding a 0 called powers of 10. For example for most calculators pressing the multiply key twice then toggling the equals key keep's adding a 0.


Most smart phones screens allow for more the 7 digit numbers. If you have one of theses when we multiply a 1 by by ten 8 times it becomes a 100 million. When we multiply 1 by ten 9 times becomes a billion. When we multiply the 1 by ten 10 times it becomes 10 billion. When we multiply the 1 by ten 11 times becomes a 100 billion. When we multiply the 1 by ten 12 times becomes a trillion. 


When we multiply the 1 by ten 13 times becomes 10 trillion. When we multiply the 1 by ten 14 times becomes a 100 trillion a total of 1 with nine, ten eleven, twelve thirteen and fourteen 0's. The numbers don't stop there one multiplied by ten 14 times become a sextillion.   


Exactly the same number of 0's added done in reverse. In this case 1 repeatedly divided by 10 in your phone calculator will show you decimal fractions called minus powers of. Officially there is no end to the number of 0's decimal 0's we can add to every fraction. One repeatedly multiplied by 10 just keep getting bigger and bigger with every 0. Twenty-five decimal 0's or twenty-five 0's is just the beginning


There is an example of a tiny fraction in science called a Plank constant 39 decimal 0's,  6262 of everything from time to mater. It pans out dividing 6.262 by ten  43 times. (Scientific notation is 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43). The Plank constant is a default value representing the time light travels a Plank length.


The fraction represents a second called a Plank time, an length Plank length. One Plank time is 6.6262 times 10 to the minus 43 of a second. Imagine a glass ball with a line from the center of to the edge called a radius. According to the Plank length mater cannot be any smaller called a Plank radius. If 6262, on left of 39,  0's represents the number of Planck lengths every second called a Planck frequency. This pans out to 6.262 times 10 to the 43 Plank times every second. 


If we multiply 1 by 10 multiple times the 0's just keep getting bigger and bigger beyond a Plank scale. Type 1 representing a mile or 1.609 in km's in a word processor typing a 0 every second for a hole whole minute. Lets suppose every second represents an acceleration of 10 times the distance every second. We would have traveled clear across the universe 1 mile (or 1.609km's) 60,  0's in only a minute. If we done this for an hour a total of 3 thousand 600,  0's.


Adding more 0's the numbers just keep get bigger and bigger. An example is the search engine Goggle named after a 100 digit number. It pans out to 1 multiplied by ten a 100 times. (1 times 10 to the 100).


If we double (added by itself a 100 add a 100 equals 100 times two) Goggle becomes 200,  0 number. However if we multiply by itself (squared a 100 times a 100 a 100,  100's) we get a 10 thousand 0 number called a Googolplex. To us how could a number be so big? In a infinity case theoretically there should be no end to the 0's. Imagine 1 followed by forever number of 0's and that's no where near infinite because there is no end to infinity. And end can't exist. 1 with an infinite number of 0's is insane to us but not to reputation of infinity we label black holes.


If we applied to the many world theory lucky escape examples caught on camera every day posted on youtube are a classic reminder of a million to 1 lucky breaks are extremely common in every world. Odds of one in several trillion is quite common. There is only 12,  0's in every trillion. Compare that to the 0's of a Plank constant let a long a Googleplex.


One such site you whan't believe it if it wasn't recoded on camera on youtube is a pedestrian passing the same instant building construction ruble raining down right above his head at the same time. We are amazed how it missed his back by less than an inch. If a Plank constant is anything to go by the timing on a Plank time. To us the Plank constant number is insane odds of that happening.


Dash cams capture footage what we consider rare incidences all the time. In one clip a woman cycling on a pedestrian crossing was knocked off her bike standing upright holding it miraculously unhurt. With infinite numbers in the universe makes the incident highly likely. 


There are thousands of footage's capturing getting away with close shaves instances all the time. One such dash cam captured a motorcyclist rear ending a moving car somersaulting sitting perfectly up right on the roof of the moving car. The odds of that happening are not rear in the many world theory.


We are amazed how that could happen productively. It does all the time because of infinite numbers. There are thousands of instant karma dash cam instances catching up with rude driving behavior. Imagine the infinite combinations of the same instances. 


Many Surveillance cameras catch pedestrians appearing to be killed out right by crashing vehicles. They end up only an illusion as people emerge miraculously unharmed though it all. There is an abundance of amazing one in a million lucky escape incidences in the world. Millions more have never been caught on camera. To view try keywords Youtube lucky escapes, instant Karma or close shaves ect or all. Given the number of the earth's population wild and bazaar things are happing to somebody every day. 


To most of us these are very rare occurrences. They are plentiful on Youtube. It is mother natures rule of the throw of the dice that can't be predicted. One in a million is well within infinite numbers.


Less than fifteen digit numbers is geological time. Familiar mountains in our world could have easily evolved differently. It could easily apply to the evolution of technology. To thee many world theory it did at the same time as our world. It is all in the many throws of the dice for each world independently of each other at the same time.


We never give geological time a second thought how long it rarely is. We are familiar with seconds, minutes, hours, 24 hours every date change, the days of every week. We are familiar with month old babies. We are familiar with years, and decades of a generations. We are relatively familiar with centuries of our history. When it becomes  to a millennia (thousand years) and millions and billions of years we are not used to. If 100 years in a century with just one 0 added increases the time to a thousand years.


A million years is the time of a 100 centuries. If we travel though time in a time machine a year per second in just a minute we world be 60 years into the future every minute. Ever 3 thousand 600 years would take every hour. In 24 hours 86 thousand 400 years. If we travel at light speed we would be a 186 thousand miles every second. In a whole minute equals to multiplied by 60. In an hour multiplied by 3 thousand 600 and in 24 hours multiplied by 86 thousand 400. 


An example of time the earth's crust broken up into plates like a creaked egg shell called plate tectonics move about the same time as our finger nails grow. Given millions of years at our finger nail growing speed the distance the continents traveled round the earth adds up. In the many worlds theory movements of the continents moved in many different ways according to the throw of the dice rule for each alternate earth.


Not only the geology but the course of the evolution of the earth's atmosphere. Inevitably there would atmospheres we can't breath. I couldn't help thinking of the chance the sliders landing in a world were the atmosphere evolved differently. The earth's been around for a long time. Four and a half billion to be exact. A million years is plenty of time for biological mutations. There are 10 centuries in a millennia and a thousand millennia in a million years. 


The many word theory is dubious there is no Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon men ever exist in any world today. Key words entered in your search engine what if Neanderthal didn't die out turns up a selection of clips that explores the ancient species. They doubt the lack of ambitious intellect could match Homo-Spain ingenuity. But the throw of the dice rule connected to the many world theory there are many Neanderthal worlds today. 


If that is anything to go by Cro-Magnon, Homo-Erectus and Neanderthal species kept learning and growing over the centuries millions of worlds where Homo sapiens are extinct. The law of the throw of the dice connected to the many worlds theory Homan Sapient species couldn't cope, and thrived in other worlds at the same time. We can only imagine the shock of the human sliders landing in a Neanderthal or Homo-Erectus or their Cro-Mag nemeses world.


Landing in a world Homo sapiens thought extent wondering a Neanderthal street would find themselves glancing at each with razed eyebrows in shocked wonder. They would have had immediate attention from scientists and political officials and military gathering them and integrated. The throw of thee dice controlled language. The human sliders landed on a earth evolution that had taken a different path to ours. Nothing had gone wrong. Only discovering a world that is a example of the many world theory dictated by the throw of the dice evolution. 


Given the many worlds theory our imagination would not be as far fetched as it would appear. Take the American civil war battles. At exactly the same time the Mario wars in New Zealand broke out. The New Zealand and American civil wars were exactly parallel lasting the same amount of time. What are the odds? The same odds the moon's distance from earth exactly fits the sun at it's  distance making eclipses possible. They are the basic fundamental philosophy of quantum physics what can happen will happen.


Youtube alternate histories keywords turns a series of clips that examines what if the American civil war didn't happen. The many world theory throw the dice rule for every other world. The throw of the dice decided the out break the New Zealand Maori wars happened at the same the American civil war. Every battle outcome was ruled by the throw of the dice every micro moment.


Major conflicts throughout history every moment to moment hand to hand combat casualties was always the luck of the draw lucky escapes and bad luck. How quickly killed, wounded or survived unscathed is at thee mercy of the throw of thee dice rule applied to the survival of Bioassay, Cro-Magnon, Homo-Erectus and Neanderthal worlds.


Despite all this parallel worlds are dreams and science fiction. Mallory's experiment is one way of getting there. The parallel series star gate one was a planet to planet hopping. Both series made it look so easy to travel from world to world. When I started my investigations I targeted to understand the wormholes. They are believed to be born out of the wedlock of the gravitational collapse of black holes. Natural wormholes lead me to the theoretical concept of Einstein's General theory of reality linked to black holes. 


Mallory's bridge, vertex, gate way or wormhole what ever you like to call them is an integral example of a gate way to parallel universes.  The more I investigated the more I learnt I didn't know about wormholes. I had to catch up on basics. They are a notoriously an unsafe way travel one of the issues I found how Mallory's anti-gravity experiment could have created and manage a reliable and safe way to slide.


Early investigations began with black holes at a time fast becoming a house hold name. I had a lot to learn. In general gravity has a specific set of laws. We are all familiar Isaac Newtown statement everything attracts each other right down to ourselves. We even pull on each as much as earth pulls on us. 


The attractive pressure is less than a ato- (the standard metric prefix for 1 dived a trillion) Newtown's. The gravitational force of the earth accelerates our bodies with a force of 9.81N. The next time you are at a supermarket hold a 1kg (2.2lb) product in your hand. You are experiencing 9.81N of the earth's mass pulling on on it. 


A major break though from Newton every doubling a distance the gravitational strength is not by half as we'd expect but four times weaker. Every half the distance we experience the gravitational strength 4 times stronger a fundamental law of gravity expressed as the inverse square law. Two 2's are 4. It had become one of the most important law in science. It applies to every speck of dust, asteroid, comets, planets, stars including our sun, black holes, to the combined gravitational pull of every galaxy of the universe.


Studying science books for a while I was puzzled about the context of the term mass. Later I learnt we all use the term in every day of our lives naturally to describe bulk. Bulk means weight. We use the term mass as an adjective massive meaning big. In  scientific context expresses Newtown's attractive law force of the mass of any body from a spec of dust to the mass of an entire galaxy. It is said our bodies pulls on the mass of the earth. 


Newton understood a free falling mass in the earth gravity has a force. He combined the falling mass and it's acceleration into a simple equation. The force of a body equals it's mass multiplied by it's it's acceleration known as force equals mass times acceleration f = m a.


The bigger the mass the more attractive gravitational force the more the accelerating force the body has. We experience the potential work and energy of the mass of the earth pulling power on the mass of our bodies at rest. Weather a feather and the mass of a car in free fall bodies fall at the same rate. The milligram light weight feather is subject to the lack of mass to overcome the air resistance. Never the less they will fall at the same rate. Even in air resistance resistance in the first second a gram and a tone accelerate at the same rate of 32 feet (9 and a half meters). At this point they reach the maximum speed limit.


The earth's mass can't pull a mass down any faster known as a terminal acceleration better known as terminal velocity. They continue to free fall at the same rate at a constant 32 feet every second until slamming to an instant stop into the ground. If we do the mass on a 1kg weight (2.2lb) amounts to an impact force of the earth's mass 1kg traveling 3.6kmph. (11 and 3/4mph).


Just when black hole become public house hold name Walt Disney made a movie called black hole. Other wormhole movies called contact and Star Gate one including a TV series spin off of the same name released about the same time as the sliders. Stare gate one centered round the discovery in the movie as continuing adventures guarding and exploring the gateway.


Contact was a was a wormhole novel by Curl Sagan. Aliens used a wormhole as an contact meathead with earth. Mallory's experiment is an example of of a meathead traveling parallel universes. There are other parallel universe movies including TV series. Star Trek Deep Space Nine well known series centered round a wormhole guarded by an abundant Caducean space station run by the Federation of Planets right on the door step of a Fijoroin planet.


Ships traveled either direction 70 light years in a few minutes in real time. As as I know wormholes have no defined speed limits other than the maximum speed of light. Never the less  are renowned for traveling clear across the other side of the universe in less than a few minuets. Including all the movies and TV series they are faster than light issue. We might like to rethink nothing can go faster than light except wormholes.


Albert Einstein's theory of relativity has been the flag ship of time travel and parallel universes. It comes in two parts. The first was published by a German science magazine Annalen der Physik in 1905 title the properties of moving bodies known as the special theory. The special theory is a focus of traveling on a the special conditions of light speed scale a popular source of time travel intrigue.


Einstein released his second theory known today as the general theory during the second year of world war one. It focused on the insight acceleration and the mass of stars and planets bending space. The general theory had opened new frontiers about gravity and time. To many of us space is an empty nothingness. It is not empty. It is filled to the brim with light. Any acceleration in the universe is caused by gravity bending space just as the the mass of stars and planets bend space. Space is rubbery and flexible bending light. 


While Germany was occupied fighting the British in the Battle of the Somme in World war one an off duty German field Gunner and astronomer Karl Schwarzschild came across a Albert Einstein's general theory. He was intrigued. Aroused curiosity he wondered what would it take given a mass with a gravity strong enough absorb a 100% of light.


He turned to mathematics. He based it on the radius of a sphere (? Imagine a glass ball with a line from the center to the edge is an example of Schwarzschild radius). Based on the radius of the earth his math's projected the a gravity strong enough to crush all the atoms of the whole planet to a minimum radius of a centimetre before crushing out of existence.


It has become famously known as the center end point of a dark star (to you and me a black hole) called a singularity a name that has stuck ever since. When he applied this to the sun the resulting gravity had to be strong enough to crush it to a 3cm radius. He sent his findings to Albert Einstein who was pleased with the results.


Arthur Eddington an English astronomer at the time was an instrumental player in proving Einstein theory mass bends light was correct. Eddington received a smuggled copy of Einstein's General theory. Armed with the information he was intrigued as Schwarzschild. History has it there was eclipse expected over the West coast of Africa in 1919 Eddington thought an ideal opportunity to test Einstein's theory.


The moon passing across the sun's obscuring the from it's its glare hopefully to see the stars close to the sun even in board daylight. An example of the throw of the dice circumstance.  he was fortunate the armistice came at just at thee right time to properly plan the excursion.


An example of the luck of the draw turned out the sky was a disappointing overcast. The plan was to set up a night sample of the stars right where the eclipse will occur. After several attempts though murky windows of illusive opportunities the team managed to capture just one marginally clear shot of the night's coordinates.


Eddington's team was worried they wouldn't get a clear shot of the eclipse. For without it Einstein's theory would have been just that. Another example of the the throw dice the team managed to barely capture a marginal shot though a clear window seconds before clouds obscured the eclipse. 


They were very lucky to get away with a shot like that under the the thick overcast circumstances. The many world theory tells us many doubles where out of luck. Many where blessed with a cloudless sky many others cursed the the bad luck of all day torrential rain. In many worlds Einstein's theory remained unproven. Those worlds had to wait for another opportunity present itself.


Those successful shots developed changed many Einstein doubles life for ever over night. Miss out due to circumstance of whether had to wait. Moons shading suns had indeed worked revealing where stars really where showing light follows curves of bent space as the General theory predicted.


Light following the ripples in space is similar curved amusement park mirrors known as gravitational leaning like looking though a fish bowl. When Eddington announced the test where a successes news paper headlines boldly proclaimed Newton gravity overturned. Einstein became a national hero overnight.


A common stereo type about black holes are thought to crush everything out of existence. Not to the first law of thermodynamics can't. Thermodynamics is about the laws of moving heat round. It is famous for the first law that states matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed a standard practice taught at elementary school. It certainly flies in the face of the big bang theory that is supposed to have created the universe including the reputation of black holes. Maybe we need to rethink the first law except the big bang and black holes. 


We are all familiar with Isaac Newton experimenting with passing light though a prism showing light is made up the colors of the rainbow. Today light is seen as vibrating particles called photons. The frequency is higher than several mega (Mega from the standard metric system prefix system for 1 divided by a million) cycles per second in the system international unit we called Hertz we see as a steady light.


In 1927 Albert Einstein and an Italian collogue Sayonara Brose put a spot light on this writing a combined paper investigating what happens to light at Schwarzschild's singularity. (?). The immense gravity dampens the work and energy of the photons down to a point all of their activity ceases altogether to a single photon called the Brose/Einstein condensate. The black void of black holes is testimony of no light. Light speed and frequency is zero.


A recent concept the outer surface of black holes represents a compressed three dimension space to a two dimensional field of information at the Plank Constant (?) dampening light speed and smoothed out the frequency to zero. Together with the Plank constant (?) and Brose/Einstein condensate (?) seems to satisfy the first law of thermal dynamics including the damping down of energy to zero.


Newtonian gravity tells us is an attractive force pulling power of two masses on each other. According to the General theory it should collapse the three dimensional fabric of space into a deep three dimensional well. There should be nothing not even space just pure black hole gravity.


A popular concept the mass of a heavy bowling ball resting in the center of a trampoline stretches a dent the pad. Mass like the earth, including the sun and stars stretch space both poles. Einstein's incite lead to a radical rethink the supposedly flat space is now seen as flexible as a rubber sheet. Every inch of the entire circumference earth bends space inward on itself all directions like water pressure round the hull of a submarine. A curved space surrounds the entire circumference.


No matter where we are on earth we observe shooting stars sliding the curve space round earth. To the General theory the earth's gravity is nothing more the the earth's mass distorting space. The earth's mass pulls into compressing the earth's atmosphere to the surface. The core of the earth is at maximum earth's singularity. At sea level our normal body weight at rest. 


This topic is not about light speed only because of the work and energy of required for time travel and Parallel universes. I remember well suggested in a TV series episode Battle Star Galactic a lieutenant Apollo in a late session episode stated when we exceed light speed we travel back in time. Many believed that. It's what is supposed to happen to time when we exceed light speed.


One of the key characteristics of the special theory tells us about Einstein's insight into a characteristic of light. Imagine we are standing on a railway station platform in the middle of a dark night thunder storm. Down the line we hear a bullet train fast approaching at maximum speed. Just as the train thunders past light speed so fast the whole train is lit up briefly by a sheet lightening flash. While we see the flash from a stationary point of view form moving passengers view point observe it move from the front of train to the rear.


A complex issue fly's in the face of the generally held belief we cannot travel at light speed let a lone exceed it. It is generally excepted a maximum of 90%. There are those who believe we can. How much faster is a question. Imagine no limited. We would accelerate faster and faster with out stopping forever. light travels in the zero resistance of an out of space a maximum speed limit of a 186 thousand miles per second. 


This translates to traveling the distance by the time the second hand of wrist watch and clocks move a division including any digital second. If your have your phone clock seconds turned on every second is a distance is that distance. We observe light at it's maximum speed every second.


If we do the math's on how fast a 186,000 miles per second is in mph pans out to to a 669 million 600 thousand mph (every mile equals 1.609km. It is a mater multiplying by 1.609 in km's). We would be a distance of a 186,000 miles every second I'm sure an example of a fourth dimension a total of 669 million 600 thousand miles by the time a one hour long TV program I'm sure another example of a fourth dimension.


Light speed is a fixed maximum including the zero resistance of space. When we accelerate to to light speed we compress it to it's maximum like a piano accordion. The faster we go the slower thee environment's time goes. We had borrowed speed from the speed of light. We observe light speed decelerates to zero. 


If constant speed every second is anything to go by decelerates to zero in that time. At the maximum speed we had borrowed the maximum. There is no more to give. Some time travel buff's would be proof  time stops at light speed and if the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) is anything to by at that state.


When we borrow the maximum speed of light we should not be able to go any faster because there is no light speed left. At this point we can no longer accelerate any more. The consequence of slowing down we are paying back what we borrowed. We observe light accelerates from zero to it's maximum speed as we decelerate from it's maximum to zero. Once we paid back the full amount we are no longer decelerating again. Since light doesn't travel any faster we have paid back in full again.


If we travel backwards at this point in our deceleration we pay back light speed again  It accelerates backwards from zero to it's maximum speed when we paid back in full again. Since we cannot go any faster we stop accelerating agian. Light speed stops going backwards. 


Once we had borrowed a 100% of light we pay back to light speed again. It reverses direction accelerating in the forward direction from zero to it's maximum speed. Since we cannot accede light speed we are no longer accelerating again. Once we paid back in full light speed is at it's forward going maximum speed. If the Planck constant (?) is anything to go by the time one Plank time.(?).


A property of acceleration is a work and energy of resisting acceleration. An example of this is the adrenalin rush we feel a pull from stress of a high speed take offs. The faster we go thee heavier we feel.


Car racing enthusiasts are familiar with it. At tire screeching drag racing meetings we often hear boy racers skyte their car can pull several G's. It is their expression of how powerful they feel car can pull a couple of times the earth's gravity pulling them back into their sets during acceleration. After all said and done imagine 0 to 100mph in several seconds. Compare that to a couple of seconds.


High speed stopping has it's own resistance. We experience a pulling forward force often compared to times the earth's gravity. The faster we stop the more motion resists the deceleration. Einstein thought the pull back force stress of light speed even in the zero resistance of space becomes infant . It is one of his justifications when we can't exceed light speed. we can't go any faster. Imagine slowing down from a 100mph to 25 in several seconds. Imagine in a couple.


Gravity has it's work and energy bowering and paying back. It accelerates body's at a distance just as the work and energy magnetic fields accelerate nails from distances. Isaac Newtown's laws of force and motion says the sun's work and energy holds the entire solar system together from flying off in straight lines an example of an action at a distance.


Most of us take it for face value black hole gravity is infinitely dense with zero volume The heart of black holes is supposed to be a singularity (?) right in the center of the black voids. If a Planck radius (?) is anything to go buy the power of the gravitational pull compresses inwards from all directions the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) scale.


If we apply the system international system of units the given thee singularity (?) in tones mass on a Planck radius (?). Anybody into challenging mathematics and mathematicians can work out using the Planck constant (?) and the formulae for circles pi (pronounced pie) on any smart phone that has a scientific calculator.


If the Plank radius (?) is anything to go by satisfies the first law of thermal dynamics why the Planck constant was so popular with scientists. According to theses two we should rethink mater and energy cannot be destroyed not even by a black hole. Or maybe a radical rethink except a black hole. If matter cannot be created of destroyed is anything to go by nothing can be crushed any smaller than a plank (?) radius.


The primary of Mallory's experiment was an electric turbine turning electrical energy into some sort of kinetic energy. Energy is needed to produce natural occurring wormholes energy.


Despite the zero resistance of space light coasts weightless at a maximum speed of a 186 It's not velocity fast enough to escape the clutches of a black hole. It gets caught up in the immense gravity like touch beam going out and flicking back on every time we pass over a black void an example of gravitational lensing.


Local liberty science books and DVD's was a wonderful source of information. The TV history channel released a DVD series exploring the universe including a lot on black holes. The BBC produced how the earth works and orbit titles. Also a couple of Steffen Hawking publications and the fabric of the cosmos by Brian Greene. There was DVD wonders of the universe and solar system titles by Brian Cox.


Most of us are familiar with wormholes theses days. They were once thought of as a theoretical concept of the mass of huge stars absorbing a 100% of light speed. The one common dominator with light is thee reputation of weightless. 


Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein was a great source of information. Newtown is famous for the laws of force and motion defining the mass of bodies having an inward attractive force on each other defining gravity. Einstein was famous for the concept of the General theory saying gravity is nothing more than the mass of bodies bending the fabric of space.


Newton developed a set of laws of motion the most important concept was the mass of a body in motion has resistance to acceleration called inertia. It is relative to the third law where there is a force (acceleration such as the earth's gravity) there is an equal and opposite force applied that pulls back on the acceleration. 


Anybody who has experienced riding a fast muscle car or Roll a coaster felt the stress of the acceleration pulling us back into our seat at fast take offs. We don't have to be rocket scientist to imagine experiencing a take off from a standing start to 60mph (96kmph) in a couple of seconds.


We experience the sensation of becoming heavier and heavier the faster we go. Eventually the resistance becomes so great it terminates the acceleration we can't go any faster known as terminal velocity and light is no exception even the in the zero resistance of space it can't go any faster. Terminal acceleration is a point of no longer accelerating. The power of inertia won't  let anything go any faster even in the zero resistance of out of space. 


A classic example of the maximum speed of any car. No matter the pedal to the metal it won't they can't go any faster. With out inertia there would be no speed limit a potential of runaway out of control indefinite acceleration. The law of inertia is fundamental to everything in motion. Everything has a maximum constant speed and the weightlessness of light even in the zero resistance of any vacuum is no exception.


At maximum speed we experience a dissipation of the pull back force. The inertia is stored in the constant speed of the body. Any impact at high speed testifies to the energy of motion called kinetic energy. There is a destructive force in kinetic energy. The faster the speed the bigger collision mess. Kinetic energy is transferred to the colliding bodies.


If we hold a 2.2lb pound (1kg) steel bar over the ledge of the roof of a top floor of a tall sky scrapper we immediately feel the potential of the earth's mass energy pulling at it called potential energy. When we let go the earth's mass snatches it accelerating it becoming kinetic energy in just over a yard. Terminal acceleration would be reached 1 meter in a second. 


If a video of the free fall in a fast forward mode gives you a good what happens to everything including the earth's gravity if we travel observe the free fall sped up in traveling in a time machine. If we travel into the past the free fall including gravity goes upward.


We would experience the gravitational relativity effects on the accelerating sky divers change. The they normally experience an instant take off acceleration the second they leap from a plane. They experience the earth's pulling power of the earth's mass accelerate them to the ground from zero (leaping from the plane) to a few 100mph in a few seconds. The earth's gravity is an initial accelerator until terminal acceleration (known as terminal velocity). A fast forward video demonstrates the gravitational pull sped up and if in reverse a reversing gravity.


Once terminal acceleration has been reached the 1Killo bar is at constant free fall velocity just under 6mph (1kg/3.6kmph free fall) down the side of the building until colliding with the immovable object of the earth. It is said the earth's velocity round the sun kicks back the traveling steel bar to you and me bouncing.


In the zero resistance of space inertia keeps coasting bodies at terminal velocity speeds. The earth's speed round the sun for example. It just don't any go any faster. We don't feel constant velocity because the earth's is not accelerating. It travels round the sun, the sun travels round in our little corner of our galaxy to galaxies themselves at their terminal velocity speeds. 


There is no such thing as stationary nor infinite velocity in any zero resistance. It simply means everything has a maximum speed limit including weightless light even in a zero resistance environment. 


Particularly shoppers we are all familiar with weight in metric Kilos. Others in the pounds scale. A kilo of apples here or a pound of plumbs there called the system International (SI) units. What we express as weight in the SI units cosmologists use the term mass to describes how much material make up of. To you and me it seems a rather abstract way to describe weight until you realize the weight of bodies float weightless in space.


We are familiar with the horse power pull of motor vehicle accelerations. Europe has adopted in Newtown's. The gravitational pull of the earth's mass is measured in a inward pulling force of 9.81 Newtown's.


Think of the air pressure like the water pressure compressing the hull of submerged submarines a direct consequence of the earth mass pulling in the earth's atmosphere. I'm used to the imperil term pounds per square inch pumping up my bicycle tires my self. 


Others the metric term while meteorologists use bars the unit of the earth's atmosphere. Most smart phone and internet have conversions we can convert Newton's, bars to the familiar SI units you and me are familiar with. Bodies floating weightless in the empty volume of space still have weigh to their mass.


Pressure conversions convert Newton to bar to pound per square inch and pounds forces and metric kilograms. If your phone doesn't have pressure conversions we can quickly get, them from the internet. Conversion tables are a ideal study aid in all kinds of engineering projects including the study of how Mallory's antigravity project works.  


For example the earth's atmosphere compresses us about 2.2Ib per cubic inch equivalent to a Kilogram per 2.5cm of inward pull force at 1G,  9.81 Newton's. Our body's have evolved into pressurized bags of mostly water expended against the earth's atmospheric air pressure.


Weather used to the imperil pound of metric system terms 9.81N is the unit of the earth's gravitational pull of 1 gravity unit (G) we feel compressing our bodies to the ground at rest. Scientists have calculated the total mass of the earth floats weightless in space at a mass of just over 19 trillion tons. (18 trillion metric tones). All the units associated with pressure are found in weight and mass and pressure.


We also feel the power of inertia in high speed stopping. Anybody who has experienced riding a fast Rolla coaster when breaking hard at high speed knows the experience of an equal pulling forward force pulling us forward into our seats when we decelerate hard. 


Typical cycling take off inertia is as little as a few ounces of force if that. A typical family SUV can accelerate from stationary half a pound to 60mph in several seconds. We all feel the force  tugging us forward when in a dramatic and sudden stretch to a stop at the velocity. 


We feel the breaking power force to brace ourselves against the pulling us forward taking a distance of several meters in time. If we use the system international units we feel as if weighed down few pounds (or the metric system a few kilos) at both take off and breaking to a stop. 


Everybody aggress light is weightless. Yet even in the zero resistance of out of space it has a maximum coasting speed limit. It coasts a distance of a 186 thousand miles by the time wrist watch and clock second hands moves a division. Einstein reminded us the inertia at that kind of velocity would be infinite.


The law of thermal dynamics tells us the heat we experience when pumping up a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. Compressing the air molecules does that. The faster you pump the more you feel the pump heat up. Even with no friction in out of space light speed inertia heats up any mass to incinerating temperature.


Vehicle junk yard compactor compact large SUV bodies to a square meter block with ease in a few minutes is considerably warm from the compaction. If the compactor worked at light speed a complete vehicle would be spit out molten plasma by the time a second. Even in the zero resistance of space the inertia stress incinerates any matter  before it reaches light speed.


If we experience an acceleration of our twice our body weight we are experiencing twice the earth's gravity. If we experience 3 times we experience 3 times and 4 times 4 times as heavy respectively. A bicycle take off we never notice a few ounces. We feel a couple of pounds when we are forced into emergency braking in the middle of our normal cycling speed.


We experience the G's 0 to a 100mph (times 1.609 in km's) take off in 10 seconds many times the force of gravity. Imagine accelerating a distance of a 100 miles (times 1.609 in km's) to a stop in a second. If we do the math's right pans out to just over 3 thousand 600kmph (times 1.609 in km's) take off and stop in that time. Imagine accelerating from a stationary start to a distance of 186 thousand miles to a stop in a second.


When I imagined this I was immediately struck by Einstein's special theory of relativity effects. Imagine if it was the supper hero the flash. What would he experience of the environment at that kind of take off in a second. I couldn't help think of time dilution effects on the environment in that time.


The special theory reminds us if the flash carries a clock with him would tick away as normal. The flash would have experience observing the environment's time slow down to a peak and speed back up again to normal the 100 miles distance by the time his clock's second hand had moved a division.


What would the environment observers see him? Either he would have stretched that distance instantly snapping back to normal a 100 miles away or teleport ed the distance in an environment second. Imagine the G's at that kind of take off and instant stop let a lone in a distance of a 186 thousand miles in the same amount of time. At those kind of take off's flash would have experienced the resistance of the earth's atmosphere burn him up and the G's many times the force of the earth's gravity.


What if we where in an and endless loop? We feel the same compiling force. Circular motion is an over lapping law of Newtown's third law of motion in straight lines where there is a force (acceleration) there is a opposite and equal force in this case resisting acceleration in an  endless loop. We feel the straight line force every micro inch of the circle.


According to Newtown force equals mass multiplied by acceleration. A 2.2 pound (1kg) free fall in the earth's gravity for example is a 2.2 at 2.2mph (Or 1kg at 3.6kmph) free falling force.


Exceeding the stress of any circular motion we instantly experience the circling force fling us outward in a straight line. Untrained we have difficulty copping with a stress at 4 times the earth's gravity until we break free. It is the threshold of passing out under the G force stress. Trained astronauts are kited out in anti inertia suits that allow them to spin several times the earth's gravity.


Black hole gravity is renowned for stopping time. Einstein's special theory of relativity had already established for time to slow down light speed is slowed down. After world war 1 a British astronomer Arthur Edition confirmed the General theory predicted despite light being renowned for weightless attributes astronomers  see light bent by it's own inertia and the star or planet's gravity. 


What they observed as the apparent position of a Planet or star the real position was distorted like looking though the distortion of light though a fish bowl called gravitational lensing. Taking gravitational lensing into account navigates the true position of stars and planets.


The concept of the first law of thermal dynamics matter cannot be created or destroyed only converted to another form dominates the law physics. A sheet of paper for example cannot be destroyed only consumed by fire as the left over remains. Where does that leave the reputation of crushing everything out of existence reputation of black holes?


If black holes are infinite density and zero volume temperature becomes an issue. Who ever heard of infinite coldness! The absolute temperature  of the universe is measured at minus 273 digress Celsius, (minus 523 degrees Fahrenheit) below zero cold. An unfamiliar term to most of us also the Kevin equal 273 degrees bellow zero is 0 Kelvin. It doesn't get any colder than that. (It's worth noting motor vehicle workshop manuals and smart phone calculators have unit conversion tables).


This present a significance issue with spinning black holes. In 1975 a New Zealand Astronomer Gruam Kur announced he had been working on a theory of spinning black holes at the speed of light. It was theorized just outside the event horizon is a region where particles of radiation could potentially escape by being flung out back into space from the clutches of the gravitational pull called the ergosphere. 


Most of us immediately think of the potential value of a centrifugal force at light speed verses the infinite gravity. The issue here light speed is finite and the gravitational pull infinite. The centrifugal force of the center (the singularity) would have to be at lest the infinite. Another issue black holes are defined as collapsed space into an empty vacuum. Can a centrifugal force work in the empty vacuum?


At about the same time as Gram Kur Steffen Hawking proposed the temperature of the universe is a few degrees above the Brose/Einstein condensate (?) radiation emitted by black holes called Hawking radiation.


In the zero resistance of out of space light travels a distance of a 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of clocks move a division. Every mile equals 1.609km a 186 thousandth second. To prove this any phone that has a calculator enter 18600 miles per second times 1.609km =. 


The read out converts to kilometers per second. That's light's maximum speed limit. It doesn't go any faster than that putting light a 186 thousand times as fast as every second a now moment of space time. The maximum speed of light in out of space is ahead of us the distance every second. I'm sure that is an example of another way of seeing space time.


It wasn't until the 1990s it was possible to test the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) Experimental new technology froze hydrogen to close to it. In 2002 physicists Len Haru and colleagues at the Rowland institute of scientific research claim they had succeeded in doing just that with light.


In recent years cosmogonists have been talking of the idea of black holes covered with a 2-dimensional blanket of information. What ever mater is captured by a black hole is not crushed out of existence. Instead in keeping with the laws of thermal dynamics its spread out in the mass of the event horizon as the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) information.


Could it have been the missing information Quinn's double provided in Quinn's equations. Could the Broses/Einstein state be responsible for Quinn's vertex? Could it be the something centrifugal force pushes against?


One of thee key characteristic of Mallory's antigravity experiment was a work and energy to distort a localized midd air vortex. To some of us imagine Mallory's experiment had somehow taped into some form of exotic energy. I once considered it had harnessed the gravitational work and energy the very center of black holes called the singularity. The key component was the work and energy required to produce a stable vertex.


Traveling at light speed has always been the key idea. The G's at that velocity distorts time. Light travels a distance of a hundred and eighty-six thousand miles (or three-hundred thousand kilometres if you like) by the time the second hand of a wrist watch moves a division inclining a digital second. It is a fixed maximum speed ahead of us every second kind of like the head light beams of a car is always ahead of us the same distance no matter how fast we go. 


Imagine traveling on a state highway all lone in the middle of the night as present time. The figure 8 headlight beam ahead of us is always several meters away no matter how fast we or slow we go. We are never catching up with it. Now imagine if the headlight distance is always fixed at the same spot no mater how fast or slow we go. 


We seem to catch up with the beam. The car compresses into the headlight beam like a piano accordion. We had closed the distance until all there is left is the headlights of the car shinning no beam ahead. We had effectively caught up with the headlights effectively  traveling the same speed. All we can see is a black void of the middle of the night the dispite the headlights of the car still shinning brightly.


Some time travel buff's believe time stops at light speed. The secrete is the fixed maximum speed of that does not change. To accelerate to light speed it'll take quite a bit of work and energy of some exotic energy production from a time machine to do it. The trick is traveling independently the speed of light. To see what I mean imagine traveling on a state highway in parallel with the same speed as another vehicle. Imagine the parallel vehicle is the fixed speed of light. Imagine it is us that potentially can slow down or speed up.


Now imagine lifting our foot off the accelerator. That's all it takes to Immediately drop back because we are slowing down. The parallel vehicle looks like it speeds up ahead of us. The slower we go the faster the other vehicle seems be in time. Imagine if we accelerate. Immediately the other vehicle will look like it dropped back. The faster we go the faster the other vehicle seems to drop back behind us in time.


In effect catching up with light speed we are changing the distance ahead of us. The faster we go the slower light may appear to slow down until we zero the distance. If light travels it's maximum speed in a second is anything to go by we zeroed the distance light travels the time the second hand of your wrist watch moves a division. We would be traveling at the traveling at the maximum speed of light while light. From our point of view light speed had slowed down to a stop in that time.


Some of us believe there is no reason why not we can travel beyond light speed with no offer of a specific limitation given. Theoretically an infinite acceleration. Where is there a limit? If we can't go any faster than light we are no longer accelerating. We may find ourselves traveling light speed instead of light.

Light has a mysterious reputation of a duel Jackal and Hyde behavior. If we say light is stream of particles (called photons) they wave like a flag. It is said if we try to observe them waving like flags we see them a straight stream of photons. This sort of behavior has had physicists perplex whether light is a particle or a wave for over a 200 years. 


Hauru had managed to freeze light light to zero energy locked in the Bros/Einstein state (?)  state as a single photon. When temperatures razed ever so slightly revert back to it's wave/particle like behavior.


There is a popular question many of us ask. What if a black hole spun at light speed? The laws of circular motion is contentious issue here. All the centrifugal force should be concentrated on the outer edge of the event horizon (The border where light disappears into the black void) where the maximum amount of centrifugal-force would be concentrated. In the center (where the singularity is) should only spin on the spot where there is very little to no force.


The distance to travel round the circumference of the event horizon is light years across. The distance round the circumference of singularity is no longer than a Planck length (?) so should spin on the spot. 


If the circumference of the event horizon spins at light speed the would spin on the spot faster than light. If the singularity spins on the spot at light speed then the circumference of the event horizon would spin at a different speed. If the Planck constant (?) is anything to go by the whole black hole system could never be beyond the Planck time (?) at the Brose/Einstein condensate state.(?)


It is doubtful the speed could cut it. The singularity and event horizon spinning at the same rate becomes an another consensus issue. The physics is self defeating compressing light to zero. Light decelerates to the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) in a Plank time (?).


If a wormhole is ever formed from the Broses/Einstein condensate state (?) the distance travel across the universe suggests a difference in time between the entrance and exists. The entrance is one part of the universe and the distant exist clear cross the other side. The distance between the entry and exit would be a far apart.


If we travel a million miles in a few minutes we would exit relative to the point we entered in a in a distance. The opposite is true if traveling from the opposite direction. Does this mean wormholes are two way? 


No matter how we look at the physics Mallory's vertex and time machines the work and energy always comes back to the  Brose/Einstein condensate (?) at a Plank frequency (?). Think of the world as a single piece of digital information (a byte) 6.262,  39,  0 per second.


The second law tells us the direction time flows known as entropy. Everything decays from new to old state though time. I though a classic example is seen in 6 DVD History Channel set called life after people. These discs explored what happens to our world when people vanish from the face of the earth.


The series looks at what happens when there is no maintenance for years at a time. Everything fell into disrepair. Within decades homes rotted into haunted houses. From our point of view several centuries is a long time but to cosmic time equivalent to just a few seconds.


Time wasn't wasn't kind to city buildings. They shed their outer skins turning into forests exposing the metal skeleton to the elements. Cities turned into overgrown forest dumps. Eventually the the metal skeletons corroded so badly one by one tall buildings collapsed into heaps of rubble. In thousands of years beautiful and tidy cities turned into forested dumps.


Time traveled from new to old from the past, present and future direction non stop for years. Anything in good order deteriorate to a sorry state in that in that time. In the case of the DVD set centuries a classic example low entropy examples. Another DVD set Engineering disaster remind us of tragic road bridges collapsing under motorists due to neglect allowing time for parts to corrode to a state of disrepair. Without constant maintaining entropy takes over. 


It is an agonizingly slow processes. We hardly notice changing coastlines right under our noses. As the life after people series showed immaculate abandoned homes, car and buildings ended up as unrecognizable heaps of rubble. It is order to chaos order. How well we know brand new homes and vehicle left abundant to the elements of nature rot away direction.


In the life after people showed fast decay in supermarket fruit and vegetable food shelves rotted away into mold in a day an example of high Entropy. By contrast  the slower the decay of the city buildings low Entropy.


Our bodies follow this law. We are born grow up in childhood change into teenagers to young adults were we have children of our own repeating the cycle every Generation.  As we grow into middle age we start to slow down. We live out our lives as grand parents and finally die leaving our off spring generation to do the same.


The big bang is an example of entropy. It is believed the initial bang was infinitely hot and and faster than light expanding outwards in all directions. It took millions of years to cool down enough for the sub atomic particles the atom to form creating matter. Nothing can go faster than light and matter cannot be created or destroyed  only converted in some other form except the big bang.


The third law of thermal dynamics tells us the direction of heat tells us heat always travels from hot to cold. The instant the big bang form gravity. Continual cooling initiated the coming together of the sub atomic particles to form atoms. It's easy to see what happens when


Imagine a reversing video of the world and universes back to the big bang. The first thing we would notice the air we breath is hot thee sun stone cold. Stars in the galaxies would be orbiting backwards indicting gravity is moving backwards. We would observe the orbiting and spin of the planets of our solar system move backwards.


Forest fires flames rage backwards. Smoke look like it pours back down into the flames. The oppressively hot air is cooling them cold. Hot air cools car engines. Coffey gets hot from by cold air. Cold pours backwards into the spout of a Jug hot steam falling backwards into the flow emptying the cup backwards. Electricity of the jug is going backward. When the jug is switch on the electric power is switched off.


Cold expands from cold to hot directions. Hot cloth's are turned cold in driers. Things rise up placing themselves back into places. Dates of clocks and witches count backwards. Each day sunsets come first before sunrises. 


All chemistry goes backwards. including peoples hearts pumping backwards breathing in and out backwards. We inhale sucking in carbon dioxide exhaling oxygen. All everybody move in and out of neighborhood homes over the years. 


Regular maintenance of homes routinely putt back together decaying house parts. Homes and building architecture morph order back into new building and homes. People move furniture going out of their homes backwards. New homes get pulled to piece to vacant lots.


Car styling change from new to old. Technology morphs from new into old. Grandparent funerals come before they are alive appearing alive getting younger and younger as time goes backwards.


Modern cell phone morph into old personal glass screen computer monitors and the brick phone technology of the 80's. Soon they too disappear to old style dial up telephones of the 70's going followed  by the 60's and 50's technologies.


Middle age turn into young adults. They morph into teenagers turning into children turning back into babies. Babies slip back into their mothers womb. The baby disassembles into a fetus morphing back into the egg. 


The male sperm swim backward into the the mail penus. Whole cavitations morph back into family trees. All history history is changed into the past events as if never happed yet. Our pounding and jigling of the controls had made it worse.


Traveling geological time everything slides back into place where it was in the past geology. We reach a time approaching the end of the last ice age where glaciers race across the country side. We are traveling back our ancestral cave men coming and go going backwards.


If we slow down to a speed just in time to witness the asteroid that has supposed to have killed off the dinosaurs. We observe the shock wave reverse back into the central impact point. The explosion collapses in on itself. 


The asteroid lifts back out of the ground water. The flaming tail drags the asteroid back into space. The tail disappears as it moves away from the earth into deep space. We the now observe dinosaurs go about their lives backwards.


If we speed up again we witnesses earthquakes and volcanic eruptions run backwards. Mountain ranges collapse back to the ground as the continents move backwards to a single continent. The dinosaurs eventually disappear backwards into other life creatures disappearing all together


In the universe gravity continues to go backwards pushing everything together. Lets slow down just in time to witnesses the formation of the earth's moon. From a sold sphere it looks heating up turning into a molten blob. We would witnesses dissembling into molten blobs circling backwards round the earth. A section of the earth implodes inwards dragging in the molten blobs. A planet morphs out of the crust moving away back into into space. There is no more moon.


Finally we came to a time to observe a time of an asteroid bombardment of the earth in reverse.  Earth spits out molten missiles outwards every direction. As we continue going backward gradually morphs into a cloud of cosmic dust. 


The further back in time we go we witnesses the birth of the sun going backwards. Nuclear fission is in the reverse order of fusion taking place. Instead of fusing atomic particles together forming new elements they exploding apart. The temperature continues to decline converting elements back exploding the elements into helium and turning helium into hydrogen. Temperature continues to decline. The sun is getting younger and younger all the time.


The universe round it is changing from chaos to order. As we continue traveling back in time the sun is changing from a middle age star into yellow young star. As we progress backwards we witnesses a soft inward implosion morphing into circling anticlockwise dust and gas as if nuclear fission had come to stop. In time the gas thins out to a cloud as if the sun is no more. As we keep travel backwards we observe whole range of bright implosions appearing turning into giant red stars. 


Theses the reversing video impression of backwards supernovas form the giant stars. All the At speed the universe seems to be sparkling supernovas turning into giant red stars all over the place.


Stars are disappearing all over the universe. Finally the first of the last stars fade out into a black void of a collapsing space. Now in total darkness we experience matter being uncreated in increasing temperature. Soon we experience the black void starting to get hot collapsing in on us further and further back in time we go. It's getting hotter and hotter and claustrophobic.


The incinerating heat suddenly snaps shut into something of a zero coldness. We are in a time of no heat, no coldness, no gravity, no matter, no energy, no light, no, nothing for anything to exist the condition of the universe before the big not even the Planck constant (?) and the Brose/condensate state (?) exists.


Some scientists claim time doesn't exist. The condition before the big bang. Wormholes are thought not to be time travel despite  the vast distance they cross the universe. What is not time travel is the many world theory. If you check you phone clock it tick's off digital seconds on a regular brief now moment by moment of time something we don't dismiss as meaningless. If we reverse the later in a fast forward direction matter is seen created by the big bang explosion.


Back in present time if we schedule our lives round our phone clocks and diaries is anything to go by we are habitually aware of our experiences time. We schedule our diary appointments. We use our mobile phone apps calendars and global travelers know all to well of of international time adjustments. Important appointments and scheduling is certainly not an illusion to us.


Time appears to exist in the modern material world. Television station scheduling is a classic example. We live by transportation time table scheduling all the time. We keep an eye our important appointments. We run our daily lives round every second. Time is crucial when it comes to businesses schedules and opponents. We are practically conscious of time when running late and running out of time.


Every second being so brief we tend to dismiss them as insignificant. Yet marathon and motor sports commentators win and loose our sports heroes less than a second. Every wrist watch and clock division is a distance light had traveled a hundred and eighty six thousand miles. (Times 1.609 in km's). I'm sure this brief moment is an example of a 4th dimension.


It's possible to calculate all the seconds of an hour. We can do the math's in any phone that has a built in calculator. We know there is 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. It is simple matter of entering 60  x  60  x  186000 = (x 1.609 in km's) .


The read out projects the distance light travels in a 1 hour TV program. Essentially every tick of any digital time piece and division of any wrist watch a distance of a hundred and eighty six thousand miles times  1.609 in km's. It's light speed's maximum speed limit. It doesn't go any faster than that.


Every second is a now moment of time. Every minute is a repeating sixty of those. Our mathematical instant aggress with our phone calculators pans out to entering 60 x 60 = 3,600 seconds in a one hour long TV program. 


For a day every our time pieces automatically changes the date regally at twelve midnight every twenty-four hours. It is only a mater of 60 x 60 x 24 = 86,400 seconds in that time. Our math's skill agree since there is a mater of a hundred and eighty thousand miles in eevery second projects the distance light travels in those times


In a medical sense we can argue time doesn't exist. It is true if concussed, unconscious, even a good night's sleep time is meaningless. Time is meaningful when fully alert. If you check your phone clock concentrating on observing fifteen seconds not stop (quarter minute) start to appear longer you think they are an example of the way our brain slows time by making every second longer and longer. Fifteen seconds can feel like 20. 


If you concentrate on the whole sixty seconds of a minute. I bet the last fifteen seconds would be the longest minute you'll ever sit though. A minute is no longer than any other minute yet a minute is no longer than any other minute.


When it comes to time our bran is a remarkable organ. We all know the cloche time flies  when having fun and drags when bored we reflect how life is to short. It's what our brain does. We experience the relativity effects of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. When we experience time drag our brain has sped up. Anxiety is just our thoughts racing though our heads by unresolved conflicts speeding up our brain. On the other hand when conflicts are resolved we are relaxed. Time seems to go fast because our brain slows down when relaxed.


Anxiety is a state of worries. We experience the illusion of time slowing down we have time to think. There is two words that help time appear to slow down. Don't panic. When anxious and anticipating mere seconds seem like long minutes of anxious self talk. The faster our brain goes the slower time goes.


When resolved we are relaxed. Our brain has slowed down due to resolved worries. The slower our brain goes the faster time goes. When we are young our brain runs faster. Time appears slow. When we get older our brain slows down. life becomes the cliché life is to short. 


Our brain can effortlessly measures the time traveling between two points. We all ask how long will it take to get there whether public transport, private car, bicycle or walking. It takes only a second for light in the zero resistance of space to travel a a hundred and eighty  thousand miles (times 1.609 in km's).


In our everyday use we use the system international (SI units) imperial inches, metric millimeters, centimeters, feet, meters, yards, miles and Kilometers. We all use the familiar SI system every day of our lives. Common school rulers and dress making tapes are two in one metric and imperial measures.


One side in inches and the flip side metric millimeters and centimeters. They show one inch twenty-five millimeters (Or two and a half centimeters). One foot (twelve inches) just over a three-hundred millimeters (or thirty centimeters) standard school ruler length.  Both sides of any tape measure are handy converters imperial inches to millimeters and centimeters. Flip sides can instantly compare centimeters to inches and inches to centimeters at the same time. Builders tapes feet, meters and yards. When we arrange a meeting we specify time and pace coordinates. In physics describe how fast or slow we travel a certain distance. The speedometer of every vehicle is an example of measuring miles and kmph.


Gravity is a measure of force to you and me weight. The next time you are at a supermarket weigh a pound (or a kilo) food product in your hand. We can feel the force of the earth's mass pulling it to the floor. You are feeling the effects of potential energy. It's the earth's mass doing pounds and kilos force work. 


Weighing  it in an fruit and vegetable scale bowl will confirm the force of the earth's mass pulling on it in metric and imperil units. What we think of as weight to science and cosmologists the force of gravity in Newtown's in the case the pulling in force of the earth's gravity


Turning your attention to the weight of coins you can measure the force of the earth's gravity in ounces and grams. The standard metric system for milligrams, (one divided by a thousand) micrograms, (one divided by a million) nanograms (one divided by a thousand million) and pictograms. (one divided by a trillion). 


Any weight in free fall in the earth's gravity whether  a gram or a tone accelerates 9.8 meters every second which is 32 feet in the imperial system. If a once and a tone let drop in a mile altitude fall at the same rate 9.8 meters every second.


Smart phones have converter menus you can look up conversion tables  Impearl and metric weights and measures, temperature Celsius and Fahrenheit, energy, mass and weight pounds, kilos, feet, meters, time, pressure, gallons, letters, pints quarts you name it.


One can learn a lot playing with the converter. Weight refers to the pulling power of gravity on the mass of anybody in imperil pounds and kilo equivalents. The energy menu tells you the energy unit. One Joule is the work energy moving a kilo weight a meter in a second. For example the work and energy of the earth's gravity on a free falling body no matter how light of heavy is a constant 9.8 meters every second.


We are all familiar with the smallest division of common school ruler in millimeters officially a thousandth of a meter. Engineering rulers divide them into tenth's called a micrometer that pans out to be a millionth of a meter. By any calculator one divide million (one divide one and six 0's  = 0.000001 of a meter) about the width of a human hair. Micrometers are divided into 10th's called a nanometer the size of our body cells officially a billionth of a meter. Nanometers are divided into 10th's called Pico meters officially a trillionth of a meter.  


Ten million (one and seven  0's) is about the limit of basic calculators. For those who struggle with over sized numbers smart phones including computer operating systems include built menu systems to switch to scientific calculator modes. Depending on how expensive will go up to one and twelve digits (a trillion) up to as much as fifteen. (A thousand trillion called sextillion.


Motor vehicle workshop manual and smart phone conversion tables are ideal for checking unit comparisons. They cover all the units used by science and technology converting metric to imperial and imperial measurements to metric conversions tools math's and science. They confirm one mile equals 1.609km and a 1km equals 0.602 miles. (Just over a half mile)


Light is a constant hundred and eighty six thousand miles every second. At that speed moonlight takes just under a couple of seconds to reach our eyes. We observe the moon as it was every couple of seconds in the past every second. 


With the help of your phone calculator it is possible to work out how far light travels in a minute. Enter 60  x 186000 (miles) =. The read out confirms a distance of eleven million one hundred and sixty thousand miles in that time. (Times 1.609 in km's). 


In real time on earth light is a hurdled and eighty-six  thousand miles (times 1.609 in km's) above the sun's surface every second. We don't see this light till eight minutes in the future every second. Sunlight we observe now is what the sun was eight minutes ago every second. It is only a matter of adding all the seconds. It's possible to work out the distance entering in your phone calculator 8 x 60 = 480 seconds x 186000 = 89,280,000 miles x 1.609 = in km's


Depending on your model that would be about the limit of basic calculators. Expensive smart phones are virtually student computers compacted to the size of phones and tablets with a number screen up to as much as a fifteen digits. For example one and twelve,  0's is a trillion. Thirteen  0's is ten trillion. Fourteen is a hundred trillion and fifteen  0's a sextillion.


If we add up the seconds of an amounts to an hour the distance light travels in one hour long TV program I'm sure is an example of a fourth dimension. To most of us we know 60 x 60 is square. Those into mathematics will be well aware any number multiplied by itself. Squares is a common part of mathematics.


Smart phones have scientific calculator modes that have a square key. Using the phones menu switch to the scientific mode. Look for a little x key with a little razed 2 just to the right of the 2. That is any number multiplied by itself as doubling any number by times two. Enter 60 pressing the square key. The calculator read out will confirm seconds in an hour equals 60 squared.


Digital clocks in the military mode there is no such thing as a twenty-four digital readout. They change the date regularly every twelve midnight (00:00) every twenty-four hours. (A day if you like) Every second before twelve midnight that day twenty-three hours, fifty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds. In the next second the numbers reset to 00:00:00 for the next day no hours, no minutes and no seconds for a second. Otherwise in the traditional twelve hour a.m. p.m. setting. (Smart phones have menus for owners setting preferences).


Assuming your clock in military mode the second column counts down the minute from one second past twelve midnight light had just traveled a distance of the zero resistance of space a hundred and eighty thousand miles. (Times 1.609 in km's).


Every second is the start and end of every second. When the second column is fifty-nine seconds thee digits to 00:01:00 (one minute past twelve midnight in the new date). The minute column counts the the minutes. In the meantime every second light adds a hundred and eighty six thousand miles (Times 1.609 in km's) every second.


When the minute and hour columns reach 00:59:59 they reset to 01:00:00, one in the morning. The minute and second column countdown the hours, 02:00:00, 03:00:00, four, five, six in the morning and so on to 12:00:00 midday,  one, two, three. four, in the afternoon till 23:59:59 in the evening changing the next date. Immediately the numbers reset repeating the cycle.


Simple math's can project thee distance light travels time. Beyond basic calculators some office desk top calculators are capable of up to fifteen digits. Or smart phone calculators have a menu where you can switch over to the scientific mode. 


Adding all the seconds in a twenty-four hour period pans out 60 x 60 = 3,600 seconds read out x 24 = 86,400 seconds read out x 186000 = 16,070400,000 read out (sixteen trillion seventy million four hundred thousand) miles (Times 1.609 = in km's) by thee time your smart phone changes the date. Being internet oriented we can always look up these big numbers in words in any search engines. 


It's possible we can add the seconds of  the 7 days of a week. 60 x 60 x 24 x 7 = 604,800 seconds red out x 186000 = light traveled a distance of a a hundred and twelve trillion four hundred and ninety-two million eight thousand miles (times 1.609 in km's) in that time.


Days of the each month are not constant. February is the only month with twenty-eight days. April, June, September and November are thirty the rest are thirty-one. Each individual month is on a case by case basis.


It's possible to work out the seconds of a whole year. Enter 60  x  60  x  24, x  365 =. The read out gives thirty-one million five hundred thousand seconds. If we multiply by186000 five thousand eight hundred and sixty-five trillion miles read out. (Times 1.609 in km's) It is the distance we would travel in one year traveling at the speed of light.


By the time we calculate all the seconds of a year distance have become staggering. And we are remained of a detail the earth's spin is slowing down loosing less than a second every century. For the past few decades time keepers have been introducing leap seconds every several years. It is possible to add all the seconds taking into account of the leap years and leap second. 


In leap years a bit of mathematical gymnastics taking into  account of the extra day at the end of every third February every ten years. If we Take into account of the leap seconds we calculate the seconds of three days added to all the seconds we calculated for ten years. A skilled mathematician and those into challenging math's  can work out all the seconds in a century, a millennia (thousand years) millions, and billions of years.


The physics of space is three-dimensional depth of field. There is an infinite amount of room to stretch our arms rotating a full circle every angle. There is no such thing as up or down space. We view the stars from every angle right way up positions every angle. Think of a line from the center to the edge of a glass ball which is called the radius. Clock arms from the center to the edge including the second hands are radii in nature. Imagine an arrow head. We can rotate the glass ball viewing the radius every angle.


Everything with a gravitational pull is a mass including black holes. There are many sizes from a run of the mill, and small ones. Larger than our sun known as solar mass. Then there are very large ones about the size of the one cosmologists have recently photographed right in the center of our galaxy that are much more massive known as a stellar mass black holes. Then there are the record breaking supper massive holes.


Since Isaac Newton gravity astronomers hypothesized a gravitational field so huge had enough gravity to absorb a 100%. It had to be a massive star hidden in the black void of space of space to do it.


While Germany was occupied fighting the British in the Battle of the Somme in World war 1 an off duty German field Gunner and astronomer Karl Schwarzschild came across a German science magazine called Annalen der Physik.


Schwarzschild was intrigued with a recent publication called the General theory of relativity by Albert Einstein proposing space was bent by the mass of bodies. Light was bent following the curves. His curiosity was aroused. He had a incite. What would it take given a mass to be able to absorb 100% of light.


He turned to mathematics for help. He based it on the radius of a sphere (? Think of a glass ball with a line from the center to the edge). Based on the radius of the earth his math's projected the earth’s gravity would have to be strong enough to crush the whole planet to a centimetre radius to do the job. 


It has become famously known as the center end point of a dark star (to you and me a black hole) gravity expressed as a singularity a name that has stuck ever since. When he applied this to the sun the resulting gravity had to be strong enough to crush it to a 3cm radius. He sent his findings to Albert Einstein who was pleased with the results.


An English astronomer Arthur Eddington received a smuggled copy of Einstein's General theory. He planed an expiation to photograph an eclipse that was to occur over the West coast of Africa in 1919. He was fortunate the armistice came at just in time. The plan was to use the moon shading the suns glair hopefully to see the stars close to the sun in board daylight.


It turned out the sky was disappointing overcast  After several attempts though murky windows of opportunity the team managed to capture just one marginally clear shot of the coordinates of stars were the eclipse will occur as controlled reference sample.


Eddington's team was worried they wouldn't get a clear shot of the eclipse. Finally they managed to barely capture a marginal shot though a clear window seconds before clouds obscured the eclipse. If they couldn't history would have been different. At the same time many doubles could not get a clear shot. Many others cloudless skies at the same time many other worlds all day torrential rain. 


Back home when the shots were developed. The moon shading the sun had indeed worked revealing where the stars really where. The two shots had indeed showed light follows curves of bent space as the General theory predicted. The effect can be described by an analogy in the optical effects of curved mirrors in amusement parks expressed as gravitational leaning effect.


The gravitational lensing effect of the bending of light rays by the mass of the sun showed it was true space is bent by mass. Einstein's relativity effects says space is equally bent by the acceleration motion of mass creating gravity wave ripples in space. 


Einstein's general theory mass bending space describes the impact of black holes on space using a bowling ball analogy resting on the surface of a trampoline. We take for face value the south poll is underneath the world. A person standing on the earth's south pole experience objects fall downwards just as just as a person standing in the middle of the North pole. There is no such thing as underneath the world.


If we look at Newtown gravity we realize the mass of the south pole is an attractive inward pull as much as the north pole is an inward pull. Think of the water pressure on a submerged submarine. It compresses hulls from every direction. The attractive pull of the both poles on space compress the crust in opposing directions squashing every inch of the surface a bulge at the equator.


Einstein's insight into time tells us space is elastic bent by the mass of any body for example the sun and earth as all the other planets in the solar system. The mass of the earth for example distorts space round the entire circumference compressing the crust like water pressure on the hull of a submarine compressing inward in every direction. Think of how car compactors squash inwards vehicles from every direction.


Given our neighborhood it pulls space inward as much as the mass of the neighborhood the other side of the world is. Our bodies pull on each other evolved into a pressurized bag of mostly water and air pressure. 


The earth's spin has a certain amount of centrifugal force dragging a fluid atmosphere with it called the Corollas effect. Heat from the sun create high pressure areas low that tend to block the low pressure areas.


Sunlight slides the curved space to the surface of earth. And we are familiar with Shooting stares tiny stones burning up in the earth's atmosphere. According to the general theory if asteroids comes in shallow angle skip off the curve sling shooting back into space. Coming in steeply slide down the curve space.


If the Plank constant (?) the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) and the system international units we are all familiar with are anything to to go by the total mass of black holes tip the scale at imperial tones are metric Planck tones. The radius of the singularity can't be any longer than a Plank length. (?)  


Think of the glass ball analogy as the singularity right in the center in the center of black void millions of light light years across. Image it as gravitational inward pull of 6.626,  39,  0 tones per cubic Planck length (?)


The singularity has work and energy. The concept Einstein's mass bending space is a theoretical concept of displacing space into creating natural wormhole on a Planck scale. (?) Despite the zero resistance of space even light energy does work.


The sun does work dragging the solar system round our milky way galaxy at a maximum speed. The stellar mass black hole in the center of our galaxy has work and energy rotating us round and round at a maximum coasting speed. Nor does anything coast any slower. Everything is at a maximum coasting speed.


In the light polluting night of urban sprawl we can not see any more of the milky way than a few pin pricks in a large black void. In 1929 an American Astronomer Edwin Hubble studied the milky way with a cathedral size telescope. He could see far more than we ever could. Hubble was observing a truly pretty breath taking speckle. The black void we see in the city nights hides a dense carpet of stars shrouded in clouds of dust and gases shinning brightly the colors of the rainbow.


Hubble was looking at fuzzy dots other Galaxies. The distinctive 3-D pattern of the milky way showed close stars appeared bluey color . Reddy looking where further away. 


Today Hubble is known as the discover of the expanding universe. In the recent decade cosmologists have recorded the galaxies are still accelerating. They tell us they discovered  only 5% of gravity that seems to be holding the universe together. 


The mass of matter is a key ingredient for gravity. At a guess it is a mass that doesn't reflect any light, a kind of cosmic black mass called dark mater. Cosmologists knew it's there because of a characteristic of Einstein gravity bending light distorting it. Think of passing a magnifying glass across stars called gravitational lensing. 


If the Bros/Einstein condensate state (?) is anything to go by matter the temperature of a black hole is damped to few billionth of minus zero degrees Celsius cold.  At that kind of frozen state atom must ceases to exist as we know it including light. Every atom should be to be energy.


Time to a black hole should be a Bros/Einstein condensate state. (?) at a Plank time. (?). Looking outwards to the universe in a black hole point of view billions of centuries pass on earth every second. From our point of view black holes exist for billions of centuries. As far back as the 70's Steffen Hawking proposed black hole radiation would eventually evaporate black holes.


There are many issues with the cosmos. The milky way for example was once seen as all there was to the universe and fixed stable state to the naked eye for centuries. Hubble observing the Milky changed all.


Specially in the light polluting cities our naked eyes don't see the milky way as is it really is. At most we can only observe few scattered pin pricks in a relatively black void. Were there is no light pollution the naked eye can at lest pick up some resemblance of the milky way. To cosmologists the accelerating red shifting is evidence galaxies are moving away from each other faster and faster our solar system dragged along with the milky way


Since Edwin Hubble astrophysicist have learnt a measuring technique of dating the age of stars. An interesting discovery about the age of the universe measuring the age of a particular star called HD 140283 or Methuselah that has been annoying astrophysicists for nearly two decades now. Methuselah appears to measure older than the big bang.

Obviously to anybody's thinking is impossible. Measurements suggested Methuselah is around 16 billion years old. Odiously a mistake since the big bang only erupted just under 14 billion years ago. The first stars stars didn't appear until 100's of millions of years after the Big Bang. The mystery remains essentially unexplained.

Never the less the issue of how black holes are formed harks back to the first law of thermal dynamics that says everything has a beginning, nothing lasts for every. Stars are born live and burn out. They burn out in spectator explosions called supernovas. Methuselah seems to be an exception for it's age. Black holes couldn't have appeared after the first stars burnt out. Only super massive stars create black holes the heart of parallel universe theory. How do stars begin. It started from the bib bang that is supposed to have greeted the universe. 


Our sun for example was born as just one of the many small variety of stars. Look how big it is when we compare to earth. There is not enough mass, to create black hole a when it dies. It takes a supper massive star many several millions of times bigger than our sun to do that. Comparing the record breaking star Beatle juice to our sun is like comparing the earth to our sun.


How do stars die? The origin of a Black hole begin with a massive stellar nursery called nebular themselves created by a super massive supernovae. The gravitational pull of of the  nebular compresses the huge nebula into a sphere for millions of years. To the universe no more than a few minutes. Clumps of gas stick together forming thick heavier clumps going on to stick to other clumps. The clumps continue to grew.


Over time the pressure of the clumps mount. The mass grows bigger and bigger compressing in a spherical shape until It's a big enough mass powerful enough to compress hydrogen atoms into each other. Squeezing hydrogen together is called Fusion. When the pressure is high enough the gas burst into a nuclear fusion. A new star is born. There is enough fuel to sustain millions of centuries of nuclear fusion.


The mass of the star continually compresses the new star.  Every time fusion occurs a photon of light explodes into existence. It is believed it takes them thousands of years to reach the outer layers finally escaping into space. The sunlight we see from the sun was created by fusing hydrogen into helium thousand of years ago.


During stars nuclear life's there are millions of years worth of hydrogen atoms stored in their masses. The energy of large stars do a extreme amount of work converting their hydrogen supply into for helium millions of years. Small stars burn though their supply more than billions of years. The heaver the star the faster they use up their storage of hydrogen. The lighter the stare the slower.


It is when stars start running out of hydrogen where the fun begins. The work and energy of the gravitational pressure of the outer layers compress the core. Getting low on hydrogen starts fussing Helium into the elements of matter you and me are made of. including potassium, sodium and Magnesium our body cells are made of. So far the creation of the elements are easy for the stars mass to fuse into elements.


Finally the star starts fussing elements into iron. It turns out iron can't be fussed. When the star starts creating iron it reaches a dead end. This creates a loss of pressure in on the core by the expanding work and energy of the outer layers. The outer layers of the star puffs up like a balloon.


At the point the mass of the outer layers (the stars gravity if you like) finds itself near the maximum amount of elements the core can fuse. Iron is the one element that is so stable the gravitational force can't fuse. Iron is the end of the line.


The outer layers continue to burn the elements. The core gets cooler and cooler for with less and less work and energy available while the outer layers hotter and hotter with energy. Finally the star reaches a stage the core had long since used up most it's hydrogen. The ever expanding mass of the outer layers gets hotter and hotter relative to the cooling work and energy of the core.


The core gets heaver and heaver with more and more iron stock. The energy drain is a point the outer layers finally reaches a threshold the core has no more energy to support the outer layer any more. The core is getting near solid. Stars need to keep fusing the core to stay ahead of the gravitational pull on the ever increasing lightness of the outer layers. Escape velocity for the outer layers is enviable.


Studying the star far enough away the seems to take it's time. Mere decades seem centuries The outer layers are so hot and light the core's gravity can't hold them anymore. The work and energy of the pulls on the outer layer.


Finally when the core lets go outer layers just bounces off the core with enough sling shot force to escape into space in a spectacular explosion hurting themselves to pieces in all directions. The work and energy of the core collapses in on itself at the same time. 


Far enough away the blast appears slow as a couple of seconds. A new star appears to pop into existence. At point blank range the explosion is on a Planck time (?) scale. From a distance seem suspended. We can be so far away the explosion would look like a new star in broad daylight for days.


A brand new star are the outer layers fanning outward from a center every direction. The vast distance light travels to earth we would view only an image when it erupted at the time dinosaurs roamed earth. 


The vast distance saves us from the destructive power of a point blank range. The more light years away the safer we would be. The images we see in astronomy books and web sites are only light of the exploding outer layers of massive stare thousands of centuries ago in the past heading our way sowing the seeds of life in the universe. 


If it was a massive star the gravitational remains leave a black hole. Recent discovery of white holes are proposed black holes where light from another universe is exiting into this one.


Black holes have sparked interest is the general theory inspiring wormholes. The National Geographic TV series on Einstein produced a 4 DVD set. An elevator ride one day was the catalyses to the special theory. Lifts in Einstein's day where not as efficient as they are today. They were  crude cages. Passengers often experienced a jerk at take off and stops that bends knees. One day Einstein reflected on it. A thought crossed his mind how jerky these things are.


It wasn't until later a conversation with one of his best collage friend Michael Grossman when he was reminded of riding the lift the other day. He describe the bump he felt.


We are all familiar with a plane free falling from a high altitude we feel weightless. Anything not tied down floats about freely in mid air because objects fall together in any gravity at the same rate. Trainee astronauts experience falling at the same rate as the free falling plane. The maximum speed free fall astronauts lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun.


When a plane reaches the end of it's safe decent levels off. Gravity returns to normal. The planes climbs for another free fall run. As it falls again the astronauts experience dropping at the same rate. 


Weightlessness is a negative gravity. Constant free is a terminal acceleration point where the earth's gravity can't accelerate any faster commonly known as terminal velocity. This maximum free fall velocity is due to a resistance to acceleration inherent in all accelerating bodies called inertia.


In out of space the earth's mass floats weightless costing at a maximum speed limit  way-way faster than the fastest bullets travel on the  surface. They say it is in constant free fall at it's maximum momentum speed round the sun and believed to be slowing down about a millisecond per century.


In the zero resistance of space all mass is weightless and the earth and moon is no exception. Asteroids don't travel any faster than they do. What we see as shooting stars are meteorites the size of peas already coming in at a velocities faster a bullet. Every time you happen to spot one they were once wondering stones at their terminal velocities in space for billions of years.


According to Newtown a simple sum sums up the force of an accelerating body. The force of the acceleration equals the mass times the accelerating. f = m a. It tells us the force of a shooting star is amplified by the work and energy acceleration of the gravitational pulling in power of the earth's mass. But there is a maximum speed limit due to inertia. It is always hard to know if any shooting star reaches terminal velocity before they burn up. 


The meteor that exploded over Chelyabinsk Russia is an example of the power of motion at speed. It enough to break the sound barrier compressing the air molecules in front of it. The they were so compact it was like crashing into solid ground in mid air. It is not clear if it reached terminal velocity but the shire compaction of air molecules detonated it before it hit the ground.


A youtube clip explores what happens when the an asteroid hits the earth at light speed.  It gives a detailed account of a mass smaller than a piece of dust traveling at light speed in the earth's atmosphere. Nothing with mass can come close to light speed because of the kind of inertia produced at that kind of velocity.


A 3-DVD discovery channel unexplained files documents witnesses UFO's. Strange crafts seem to hover for a while. Then an instant acceleration in silence. The question asked could anything withstand that kind take off whiplash take off specially in the earth's atmosphere in silence? Some of us would argue of course they could they are advanced aliens aren't they.


Commercial airline pilots witnessed accelerations hovering stationary lining up what appeared to be a runway. One by one they snapped to the maximum speeds of a fighter jet to a stop in a less than a few yards. If we do the math's on this an acceleration to a distance of a 100 miles to a stop in a second pans out to a 3 thousand 600mph (times 1.609 in km's) take off and stop in a second. Interviewed whiteness say the knew exactly what they saw. Never the less does instant acceleration have any relativity effects?


Take accelerating to the maximum speed of light in a second. It would be like finding ourselves a distance of 186 thousand miles (times 1.609 in km's) by the time a second. If on the surface of earth the inertia would be the equivalent of experiencing the force round the entire circumference of earth 7 times the same second.


Series 2 discovery channel of the universe is another that explored the physics of instantly accelerating UFO's compatible with science fiction take off's allowing faster than light space travel. The effect of distance would create a huge time scale difference.


If black holes stopping time is anything to go by includes all gravity. We come full circle Len Haru (?) and the Plank constant (?) gravity slows time and the earth's mass is no exception. 


Time on the top floor of a tall sky scrapper is less than a few milliseconds faster than street level. It takes the work and energy of the gravitational field of a black hole time to a stop. altogether. According to Einstein's general theory inertia at light light speed will do it annd something else's at thee same time.  


Take a vehicle compactor for example. Those machines are powerful. They compact cars from all directions. Big SUV bodies are compacted to a meter square block with ease in a few minutes. In the case of the maximum speed of light in less than a second into a sphere. Everything keeps coming back to the Brose/Einstein condensate state, (?) and the Planck constant (?)


Imagine exploring the environment's time in a time machine. Einstein's special theory of reality reminds if we look to our wrist watch our time will tick away as normal. We observe the work and energy distort the environment's time. We would find ourselves compressing the distance light travelers at it's maximum speed to the Brose/Einstein condensate (?) by the time the second hand of our wrist watch had moved a division.


There are those that ignore the inertia at light speed arguing it is possible to go faster than light. It Just doesn't occur to them how much faster is not an obvious issue. Acceding light speed is any velocity over the current speed. To avoid infinite velocity it would have to be a something of a fixed velocity. Without a definitive constant there is a runaway non stop acceleration.


There are theses who believe when we pass light speed time goes backwards. Light would have to stop to change direction. If a Planck scale (?) is anything to go by in a Plank time (?) It would seem instantaneous us.


Since light speed is a maximum constant we may find ourselves at light speed while light speed itself appears stopped. We are no longer accelerating. We'd had slowed down. We may experience light speed up. It would look reaccelerate  from the Brose/Einstein's condensate state (?) to it's maximum speed by the time the second hand of our wrist watch moves a division. 


The work and energy of the time machine distorting light speed effects the environment's time distorting the constellations. Astronomers have mapped the milky way for centuries. Planets were observed moving in straight line back and forth across the sky. Astronomers Tycho Brathe and Particularly Johannes Kepler offered an expiation their observations was viewing elliptic paths edge on showing the planets where orbiting the sun the first to remove the idea the earth was the center of the universes.


When Isaac Newtown heard about it from his friend Edmond Halley he told Halley it was just what he had thought. He had completed a personal quest to show planets orbiting the sun with math's in his unpublished Principe mathmatica some time ago. He found the current two demission thinking of Edwardian math's incompatible. So he set out a way to calculate the geometry of ellipses. In the processes he worked on a way for 3-D spherical geometry. 


He uncovered a system that worked well he could describe circular motion of the planets he called calculus. It turns out to be one of the great mathematical break troughs in math's becoming the one of the founding fathers of the laws of motion. The planets were governed by a fast enough terminal velocity preventing them from crashing into the sun at the same time not enough escape velocity maintaining stable orbits.


We take it for granted the artic circle at the top of the world and Antarctica at the bottom. We go used to the flat 2-dimensinal wall maps and Atlases of the world. We've all seem paralleled football like maps. With a photo copy cutting out the shapes you will find you can cut them out folding them together into a paper glob of the earth.


If there was knowledge of the earth we know today Newton would have realized the earth being a sphere a person standing in the middle of Antarctica at the bottom of the globe looks upward to the southern sky just as a person standing in the middle of the Artic circle looks upward to the Northern sky. It would have been another one of his golden rules.


According to Newton gravity if we drop an object in the middle of the Antarctic continent it falls downward as every other place on earth. From a globes perspective looks an upward pull just as the mass of the Artic circle top of the glob a downward pull.


The earth's gravity is pulling inward every direction round the entire circumference. The heavy weight of the poles are compressing the crust opposing directions squashing every inch of the surface a bulge at the equator. The earth isn't a perfect sphere.


Einstein's General theory tells us space is elastic bent by the mass of any body. The mass of the earth for example distorts space round the entire circumference compressing the crust like water pressure on the hull of a submarine compressing inward every direction. Think of a car compactor that squashes inward every direction.


The heavy weight of our neighborhood is pulling space inward as much as the mass of the neighborhood the other side of the world is. Our bodies have evolved into a pressurized bag of mostly water and air pressure. The earth has a certain amount of centrifugal force in it's spin dragging the fluid atmosphere with it called the Corollas effect. Heat from the sun create high pressure areas creating that great low pressure areas areas that tend to block the low pressure areas.


Sunlight slides the curved space to the surface of earth. We are familiar with Shooting stares tiny stones burning up by the resistance of the earth's atmosphere. According to Einstein's  general theory they skip off the distorted curve sling shooting back into space. Others directly down the curve. Einstein's theory helped clear up the mystery of Mercury's unusual orbit.


For the earth to shine with light has to bounce back off the surface. The earth's crust must stop it dead in it's tracks. In a Planck time (?) the orbit and spin kicks it back (to you and me bounces or reflects) reversing direction back into space no doubt on a Planck time (?). Once it clears the earth's atmosphere and gravity accelerates back to it's top speed limit.


Light doesn't curve round shapes. Oil slick and rainbows don't fade gently into each color is proof of that. They are all are sharp boundaries. Light zigzags on a Planck scale. (?) An example of a curved line in a basic bitmap paint program looks smooth. If we zoom we see straight away a jagged zigzagging digital information. It's  hard to imagine every zig and zag 6262, 39,  0's every second. (To the scientific minded 6.262 times 10 to the 43 means 6.262 multiplied by 10,  43 times).


According to the belief gravity slows time our clocks tick over slower at sea level a few by a mere milliseconds, (mill lee mili from the standard metric system for 1 divide a thousandth) than outer edges of the earth's gravity. 


Deep under our feet gravity is strongest where our watches tick slower closer to the center of the earth's gravity. Time at the core is much slower than out of space. The difference in time we are all familiar with GPS. But what most of us don't know the engineers of satellites and GPS recovers are designed to compensate for the time dilution. GPS works on the surface But the deeper we go beneath the crust the more gravity there is the more light slows down. The earth's core is at maximum compared to outer space.


If the Planck scale (?) is anything to go by the radius no longer than a Planck length (?).


We view black holes in books and magazines including videos as flat 2 dimensional images. The real universe is 3-dimensional space filled with light. Theoretically black holes should be a 3-dinmensional sphere of pure black hole gravity. The edge where light disappears is a sharp boundary called the event horizon millions of miles (km's) across.


To see things when light is traveling to our eyes in a straight line. We can't observe anything captured in endless circling unless we where inside the looping light. Looking at black holes are a invisible black voids something we look at from the outside. We'd think we see the backs of our heads.


What would we see looking out to the universe from the inside of a black hole? Theoretically we could be blinded by the glare of incoming light. If the first law of thermal dynamics mater is never destroyed is true we always come full circle to the Brose/Einstein state (?) and the Planck scale of time (?) inside black holes. 


If the Planck scale (?) is anything to go by time inside a black hole goes no slower than a Plank time. (?). Looking at black hole hole from earth every second inside exist 6262,  39,  0 (6.626 times 10 to the 43) years.


We are familiar with images of the black circle representing black holes in astronomy and space text books. Theoretically they should be a 3-D sphere black hole gravity. There is no such thing as stationary. Everything in is motion including black holes. A car traveling 60mph (times 1.609 in km's) on the surface of earth is traveling the total milky way galaxy velocity. 


Here on earth the independent motion is governed by the inertia of all accelerating bodies. If we uses a sensitive inertia scale in an average family SUV (Sports utility vehicle) station wagon pushed to the limit we will find capable of a standing start to 60mph (times 1.609 in km's) in several seconds. 


Theoretically a supermarket fruit and vegetable weighing bowl accelerated to high enough velocity will compresses the machine. Lets assume the scale is celebrated Newtown's, the familiar SI units pounds or kilos, or G's even so many times the earth gravity. At take off we would experience the force pressuring the scale and us measuring the G-forces the vehicle is capable of.


If this is anything to go by is expressed as Gs in the case SUV's station wagons are capable of. When any vehicle reaches maximum speed the resisting inertia terminates the acceleration to the vehicles maximum speed and the motions of asteroids to black holes is no exception.


Once any vehicle reaches maximum speed no matter the pedal to the metal they can't go any faster. Looking at the maximum speed of any speedometer the mass of the vehicle has impact energy stored in their mass as energy called the Kinetic energy. Imagine braking to a stop from maximum speed. 


We feel the same force change direction pulling us forward. It takes several feet (equivalent meters) in high speed emergency stopping. It's a test how good brakes are. We can even feel the pulling up energy in emergency bicycle stopping.


Imaging the worlds biggest oil tanker of cruse liner at it's maximum speed. They travel no more than 25mph swishing though the water. Imagine all that tonnage coming to an instant stop.


To you and me space is thought of as empty. It is an infinite 3-dimenional depth of field full of gravity light and sub atomic dust and gas occupying every micrometer. (Micro from the standard metric system for a meter divided by a million). There is no up or down only an infinite depth of field in every direction simple Edwardian math's cannot comprehend.


Cosmologists tell us the motion of the earth is slowing down by a few milliseconds per century. They regularly update adding a few seconds every dozen years called leap seconds.


Time travel buffs believe inside black holes time is stopped. They are nothing but black hole gravity. Most of us believe crushed out of existence nothing for light to reflect off. The first law of thermal dynamics insist matter cannot be created or destroyed only converted into another form. If the big bang theory is anything to go by mater and energy cannot be created except for the big bang.


Energy from nothing leaves us with a mystery of where dose energy comes from. Is it a forever thing? Religion's answer to the physics problem is a god created the energy. Did he have a beginning? Does he have no beginning and no end or a beginning and an no end? Nobody knows. God is the only being of the universe that can answer those questions.


It was once thought any object like an asteroid pulled into the event horizon of a black hole are crushed out of existence. If the Brose/Einstein condensate state. (?) is anything to go by light inside a black hole is information stored in the surface of the black void.  But in the light of the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) converted to a 2-dimenisonal state throughout the entire surface. If matter cannot be destroyed not even a black hole it still exist as information inside them.


The universe is scattered by a colorful remains of ancient supernovas. They appear frozen in time said to be the birth place of new stars. If we travel though the nearest nebula what was static for centuries changes shape as it was in the past. Distance is time travel. The closer we get the more the faster the change will seem to be.


Cosmologists have been pearling distance with the the Hubble and spitzar telescopes for several decades now. The telescopes act like a pair of binoculars peering into the vast distance of the universe. The further distance the telescopes takes them the further back in time they see. The Hubble telescope has taken pictures of light before the sun was born. 


Take the sun and moon for example. They look suspended from moment to moment. Ancient astronomers recorded planets travel less than a few millimeters per hour. Visiting commit first appear as a new star for days. the comment looks frozen in time.


Cosmologists claim they have mapped the first light of the early universe called w map. (WMAP). It's a cosmic radio background (CRB) remains of the big bang that has supposed have created the universes over 13 billion years ago. Radio astronomy pick it up as radio and video static noise. It is inferred heat only inferred cameras can see. Inferred colors dance red and yellow colors our eyes don't respond to we only feel as heat.


Molly's antigravity experiment radiated a significant amount inferred (and same UV rays). Cosmologists tell us true the slider was only sc-fi Mallory's experiment would have depend on generating exotic matter from an extraordinary high velocity rpm (revolution per minute the moving parts) on a Planck constant (?) scale to generate a mid air vertex.


Anything that can generate a vertex always comes back to the Planck constant (?) At that kind of rpm distort the molecules that are made of elements made of atoms right down to bacteria. If we had microscope that could zoom in a trillion times smaller than living bacteria will disappear into mere atoms. We find they are mostly empty space as sold looking chicken coup wire looks under under a microscope.


The standard model of atoms are a cloud of orbiting particles called electrons racing round and round larger particles called protons and neutrons the entire universe is made of. The core particles are known as the nucleus that are of special interest to physicists. Some physics argue they are not point particles but are just a form of electrical energy.


Malloy's experiment was electric in nature. Details of magnetic behavior if you have ever played round with magnets you would have felt an invisible force pushing the magnetic away just as you experience a force sticking them together. If you hold a couple of magnets together with a air gap you will feel the invisible forces. In a similar way a characteristic of atoms.


The unit of any magnetic field is called a Weber. 1 Weber is a magnetic field strong enough needed to drag 2.2Ib (1 kilo) steel steel block under a yard (meter) distance in a second. It is the work and energy of a magnetic field. Children's toy magnates are less than a miliWeber (mill lee from the standard metric prefix system for 1 divide a thousand).


Children's science and technology library books on basic electricity teach children the basics of electricity. They teach them how the physics can make their own toy electric cranes electric motors and electric magnets from simple coil soundings connected across touch batteries and construct themselves toy electric fishing rods and cranes.


Physicists believe the earth's magnetic field is caused by the same sort of physics in the core of the earth. Magma (molten lava beneath our feet) is believed to be rich in magnetic iron rubbing round a solid iron core from the centrifugal forces of the spinning of the Corollas effect.

The revolving magma grinds it's way round the said iron core generating a magnetic field like a bicycle dynamo generating electric lighting. The earth like a magnetized ball bearing.


The basic electricity library books demonstrate clearly set up experiments suspending a bar magnet freely in a sling line up across the magnetic poles of the earth just like a compass. One end is attracted by one of the earth's poles and the other end repelled by the opposite pole.


If we tape an N for the north seeking pole and a S for the south pole on the ends of a bar magnate we have N and S poles of the magnetic. If we color code them red for the south seeking pole and opposite color green for the opposite for North seeking pole we have N and S poles of all magnetic fields.


These books demonstrate pushing North poles together we will feel a strong repelling force. So too south poles. Strong enough magnets can feel like a sold without ever touching. Super magnets can support several tones.


If we push together unlike poles we feel the familiar attractive forces. The forces applied to subatomic particle the atom except the particles don't have poles. They are a single electrical charge.


The standard model of imagined cloud of peas called electrons racing round and round central particles called the nucleus. These particles are protons and neutrons. Protons are the opposite electric charge that repel each others charge. Electrons are repelled by negative charges and attracted positive charges. At thee same time the positive charges attracts them like nails to a magnet. The physics of the atom is very much electric. 


Proof of this on a dry day with dry hands rub an empty potato chip bag with a hand. You will find it will stick to your hand like a week magnet. This is a static electric charge. It won't work on cold damp days. The wet moister keeps the static charge discharged. Further proof from double A pen light torch cells (batteries if you like). Bring the ends of a pair a millimeter gap and gently sweep from side to side. Each end you will feel a tiny force repel and attract lie magnets.


This is evidence of an electromotive-force (E) called voltage. It doesn't flow only a live voltage you feel at each end. The positive end marked with a plus sign (+) is a lack of electrons making it somewhat domineeringly positive. The opposite end is unmarked or a minus sign (-) made up of an excess electrons making it somewhat domineeringly negative.


A currant flows when a load is connected in parallel with (across) the two voltages. The excess electrons in the negative end are repelled by the negative forces attracted to the nearest positive force in a current flow called the electron current flow as amps. The combined current drain and stationary voltage is the power of the of the battery in watts. Magnetism static electricity and electron current flow obey the like repel and like attract law of the subatomic particles of the atom.  


Neutrons are are particles sandwich between protons in the nucleus. The have no interaction with any charges. Most of us think the neutrality of neutrons isolates the electric charges. They are neutral to any charge as paper is to magnetic fields.


If you look at a multivitamin and mineral bottle label and food product nutritional information labels you can inspect the elements of the universe we are made of from calcium to iron. In addition a table a hundred and ninety-two of the universe called the Periodic table includes the elements of the food nutrition elements listed. The periodic table list the number of electrons, protons and neutrons called the atomic number. Or by the weight of the nucleus known as atomic weight in numerical order. 


Hydrogen has only one electron orbiting a single proton and no neutrons. It doesn't come any simpler than than that. Helium has double the electrons and protons doubling the making it the second lightest element in the universe.


If listed by atomic weight increasing weight including the elements listed in the nutritional information of food products. Calcium for example is a atomic number of 20 electrons, protons and neutrons. Iron has twenty-six. Scandium is an example of a man made element the most complicated twenty-one protons with a total of twenty-one electrons in four electron orbits.


The electron orbits are a week electromotive force. The outer electron orbits are easy removed. When this happens the atom has become some what domineeringly positive. If an equal amount are crowed round the outer orbits of  neutral atoms it has an excess electrons. The atom has become somewhat domineeringly negative. A combined millions of domineeringly positive and negative atoms are said to be an electric charge positive or negative called ions.


A static charge is roughly six hundred and forty thousand trillion electrons in the negative charge and an equal number missing in the positive charge. When they encounter each other the excess electrons are attracted by the positive charge and repelled by the negative charge discharge in electron current surge. If you have x-rare eyes you could see electrical sparking cascading from peoples shoes as they walk across carpets.


Static charges stick to everything not electrically conductive, plastic, rubber, clothes, bed linen, you, concrete, wood, everything except water and metal. Water and metal conducts it dispersing  the charge neutralizing it. Any further Information is described by children's chemistry and classical physics junior books on static electricity at your local library or on line web pages including youtube lessens on static electricity the heart of thunder storms. 


If conditions are dry enough rubbing plastic bags with the palm your hand will cling to it like a nail to a magnet. Dry hands and dry conditions is essential otherwise it won't work. Damp conditions and sweaty hands keep the plastic constantly discharged. In contrast the force that holds the nucleus of thee atoms of our bodies together is ultra strong known as the strong nuclear force. 


Physics were puzzled why electrons weren't attracted into the nucleus. In theory the electron rings should should be pulled into the nucleus by the attractive forces of the nucleus. The first idea that cross my mind is the repealing forces repel the electrons fast enough velocity similar to velocity of planets round the sun keeps them from crashing into each other.


From the 1920's a Danish physicist Niels Bore proposed a radical theory electrons don't move in and out of each others orbits. They pop in and out at random. The outer orbit is the highest level and the first one closest to the nucleus the lowest level constantly popping in and out on Plank frequency (?). Strange as it may seem electrons of our bodies didn't cross into each others orbits. They just disappear and reappear in each others rings at random shots on a Planck frequency (?) every second.


Physicists have have been accelerating atomic particles near light speed for years. So far only 90% light speed has been achieved. The accelerators are circular tunnels as wide as and long as subway tunnels. Magnetic forces hurl the sub atomic particles building light speed scale kinetic energy. 90% to be exact light a velocity of a 108 thousand million mph (times 1.609 in km's) in a 10 mile circuit in a second. 


Imagine then colliding head on at that velocity with another flow coming at them from the opposite direction. To you and me nothing appears to happen. But to physics detect a the crashes produce a whole zoo of particles popping in and out of existence like high speed head on car crash debris. To the particles point of view our world would be frozen in time proportionately.


The experiments have reveled the subatomic particles have spin not the kind we think of but an a kind of electric filed analogous of spinning clockwise and anticlockwise direction.


Classical physics tells us the common sense view one plus one should equal two. When it comes to the subatomic particles that make us up one plus one doesn't necessarily mean it equals two. It can be anything from, three, four, seven, eight thousand to a hundred million at the same time weirdness expressed in quantum physics.


Classical physics tells us if we take an apple from a pile and wait for five minutes taking another one equals two apples in a time of five minuets. But not to the subatomic particles of our bodies it's not. Five minutes exist as any amount of time from a second to centuries at the same time.


Particle physics describe the sub atomic electrons as an imaginary spin like spinning billiard balls. They are imagined as spinning clockwise or anticlockwise. The weirdness of electron behavior are renowned for spinning both directions at the at the same time.


An interesting insight in 1927 by a German Physicist Wolfgang Puali proposed no electrons spin can not occupy the same spin at the same time known as the Puali exclusion principle. When an electron encounters another electron of the same spin is immediately obliged to be  the opposite spin. Strange as it my seem distance doesn't mater. It can be as tiny as a Plank length (?) to many light years across the other side of the universe.


The Plank frequency (?) is such a big scale and the sub atomic and the particle so tiny matter seems artificially solid as a chicken wire fence full of open spaces. A classic example of illusion is the of time scale our eyes fail to observe the individual  desk fan blade rotating a speed. Each blade is nothing but solid bluer. 


In the fast rpm (? revolutions per minute)  is a mater of less than a second each blade exists during full circle many times per second. Each blade looks completely disappeared. The rpm is to fast for our eyes to detect each individual blade. 


We are all familiar with the story of Isaac Newtown passing sunlight though a class prism. He showed ordinary sunlight is made up of the colors of the rainbow we see in natural rainbows and oil slicks.


The strangeness of light seem to be made up of a stream of particles yet be as a electromagnetic wave.(?) Think of a rope one end tied to a stake. If we shake the free end a wave rolls along the length of the rope called a transverse wave. A single wave is the entire  wavelength. 


Constant shaking determines the frequency of the passing waves. The faster the shaking the closer together each wave. The slower the shaking the less the further apart each wave. Out of the entire electromagnetic radiation in the universe the colors of the rainbow is the only wavelengths of the universe our eyes respond to. 


light and electricity is the same thing. Mathematically transverse waves are known as sine wave. If we could see sound waves sound would appear to travel along like shunted railway car collision waves called longitudinal waves.


We are familiar with the standard metric system prefix system K for kilo for a thousand, M for Mega for a million familiar with our mobile technology and internet processing speed measurements in Hertz the unit of frequency of each wave. Hertz. Kilohertz,  Megahertz including Gigahertz and Terahertz ( ? a billion and a trillion Hertz) respectively. The colors of the rainbow frequencies are no slower than hundreds of megahertz. 


In our phone calculators one  and three 0's is a kilohertz number. One and six,  0's Megahertz. The standard metric prefix micro for micrometer is a tenth of a millimeter. (Your phone calculator 1 divide 1000 = a 0.001 thousandth of a meter). A 5MHz frequency for example is a  5 micrometer (0.00002) wavelength. Many wavelengths per second is are above a few hundred megahertz. Vice versa fewer wavelengths per second the slower the frequency. The same applies to light. The color reds we see are the longest wavelength (only a few MHz) and violet the shortest wavelength (Many MHz)  


Wavelength's that are longer than red we feel as heat is invisible inferred only inferred cameras can see. At the other end of the spectrum wavelength's that are shorter than violet is invisible Ultra violet light rays only certain insects can see. 


All objects absorbs every color except the one color we see reflecting back to our eyes. A red rose for example or the paint of a car and the color of peoples cloths absorbs every color of the rainbow but only reflects red we see as red. Look at the colors round you. This is how we see color. Black is thought of as not reflecting any color (absorbing every color) such as the paintwork of a black car. White is the absorbing all colors except the reflection of white light.


Very short wavelengths our eyes don't respond are wavelengths shorter than violet including radio, television, internet, and our mobile phone communication transmutation and reception signals including radar known as the radio band as in the natural cosmos. Our eyes don't respond to Ultra Violet (UV light) and x-rays including the maximum energy gamma rays. The entire spectrum including the rainbow colors we only see is called the electromagnetic radiation spectrum.


Physicists once proposed their math's predicted the frequencies was infinite in nature. The problem was predicted the energy of an ordinary camp fire produces a way-way out of control incinerating UV, X-rays, microwaves sterilizing and incinerating the earth a long time ago including. 


At the other end of the spectrum infinitely long  wavelengths. When cosmologists discovered the Cosmic Radio background (?) the wavelength was measured to be a maximum of a mile long per second. By contrast the UV light was billionth of a meter per second. Half way to light speed we begin to experience the total environment including the environment's electromagnetic radiation  morph into a never ending hyperspace vanishing point of streaking of light racing headlong towards us. 


To us park statues are infinity frozen in time while time marches on. We observe they exist every second, minute, hour, day, week, month's at a time every time we visit the park. If we could observe the environment's time from their point of view we may not observe any moment by moment of the environment. What could see what the statue sees the environment as a hyperspace reality.


Clocks are another example. We observe moment by moment the second hand of our wrist watches. clocks and any digital seconds (characteristically the counting of our smart phone clock seconds turned on). All time piece seconds illustrate how every second is a now moment of time I'm sure is a example of the fourth dimension everybody's heard about.


We observe every minute as thee length of time of 60 seconds. Every minute is 60 times as slow as every second I'm sure is another example of thee fourth dimension. The second hand of our wrist watch and clocks as the minute column of digital time pieces frozen in time. We don't observe the minute hand move every division. 


If we use our mathematical instinct with our phone calculator it agrees the total distance light travels is only a matter of every second in a minute 60 x 186000 =. The read out confirms 11 million 160 thousand miles (x 1.609 in km's) in that time, I'm sure an example of a fourth dimension. We experience every minute 60 times as slow as every second. Minute hand of wrist watches and clocks (as in any digital minute column) appear frozen in time. 


Once again our mathematical instinct agrees we only need to enter add up all the seconds of an hour by 60 x 60 = . The read out confirms 3,600 seconds by the time a one hour TV program anther example of a fourth dimension. If we multiply by 186000 the read out confirms the distance light had traveled in that time. Both the hour and minute hands are always frozen in that time very minute. Our time pieces illustrate we experience every hour 60 times as slow as every minute or 3,600 times every second.


Our phones come with with a date and time. It a part of our phones. They change the date automatically every 12 midnight every 24 hours. Once again our mathematical instinct immediately agrees entering in your calculator 60 x 60 x 24 = The read out confirms all the seconds in 24 hours. If we multiply by 186000 = confirms the distance light traveled in that time.


Our mathematical instinct immediately agrees it is only a matter of adding up every second in the seven days of a week every second a distance of a 186,000 miles light had traveled the universe in that time. 


We are familiar with the calendar days of every month. We can calculate how far light had traveled any given month. Once again it is only a mater of 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 days of a whole year = confirms the seconds of a year x 186000 miles = the distance light traveled in a year. (And times 1.609 in km's). Taking into account of the extra leap year day at the end of every third February every ten years we can calculate the distance light travels the universe every decade, century, millennia (thousand years) million and billions of years into the future.


Mother nature is another example. In real time we don't observe moment by moment growth of flowing plants, weeds and mold appear on statues. Weeks of growing shrubs is an example of entropy. We never observe weeds grow moment by moment. Growth's always appear frozen in time to us. Imagine trying to capture a growing seedling grow into a full sized tree. Only a fast forward video can reveal the growth. 


Another example the ever growing height of our children seem frozen in real time we don't see every birthday. They grow to slow for us to observe year after year their growing. A fast forward video drastically illustrates reveling just how much though time we don't see. Babies crawl then stand, walk on their own, grow taller and taller into teenagers at speed. A changing face revels just how drastically faces continue morphing and changing features constantly we don't see for years.


Once again our mathematical instinct immediately agrees taking into account of all the leap years that occurred in our life time we can have fun in our phones calculator calculating the number of days old we and our friends are. If you know the exact time you were born in minutes potentially in seconds since birth to the current day.


We all go though morphing changes we don't see though our life time. We only notice our children had grown up since the last time we catch up how they have grown since last seen for several years I sure is an example of entropy. Mother natures rot and decay of abundant building and machinery is is anther slow processes we don't see another example of entropy


If we view the environment from a statues point of view theatrically we should experience the environment's time pass infinity fast because frozen in time infinitely slow. Clearly that is way way beyond light speed.


One of the key characteristics we live with all our lives is an unconsciousness we know well triggered by sever shock of an injury to our system. Unconscious blocks out the environment altogether. Time is meaningless to us. It is as if we are at a point it has stopped. We are all born with the mechanism. It's a part us. 


Fully alert we experience every second as a moment time. We experience them in minuets and hours. We experience them every day every week, and month. Our life time is an experience of years and decades, (ten years) of memories. Time is also centuries, milliner (thousand years) millions and billions of years.


Concussed (semiconscious) by a sever blow to the head we experience the reality of the environment becomes confused in an unreal dream including time. Fully unconsciousness not aware of anything at all. It's as if time doesn't exist anymore. One of the most sever is a coma that appear to last a significant amount of time. 

Recovering from a long time feels like the last time we remember being fully alert only a mere moment ago. Our unconscious controlled our automatic functions of our brain keeping us alive in extremes times of unconsciousness even while fully conscious. Fully conscious time has meaning.


A part of the brain just above the spinal cord called the amygdala records the world though our senses while unconscious. It remembers everything of the environment. To professional psychology the amygdala is the control center of our positive and negative emotions. It is not a conscious thinker. It just reacts without thinking.


To our amygdala every second of our lives since we were born is a recoding of every present second. It potentially allows a conscious communication that had happed to us every second a potential healing property. How it works and technique is another story. The underling key point our unconsciousness is a moment of time the last time remembering being full alert no matter how long unconscious. 


A key facture our brain has an unique ability to be able to slow down or speed time consciously depending on the situation. Panic causes it to slow down. A minute seems to turn into seconds. In reality every minute is no more or no less than a minute.


When we don't panic we tend to experience short seconds turn into long seconds. Our brain has sped up giving us the illusion time has slowed down. We experiencing a few seconds seem longer to think with. A few short seconds seem stretch into many longer ones. The illusion of a stretched seconds to think with we experience a supreme confidence of a cool, calm and collected to together other people praise for our quick thinking. 


Every second was no faster or slower than any other second.  Anxiety tends to speed up them up. We can use the ability of our brain to slow the environments time when ever we need it. It starts by training ourselves to get used to the idea we don't panic can be a magic wand in  any situation. 


Training ourselves we don't panic helps us cope with a constant harassment bully targeting us. When we don't panic we experience the illusion of the environments time seems to slow down to think better. In reality our brain had sped up consequently we experience time to think. We experience a supreme cool, calm and collected togetherness we can look after ourselves an important part of self respect.


It starts with training our mind to believe we don't panic by concentrated  sessions of conscious self talk about the benefits we don't panic. You know what they say if we tell ourselves something long enough it comes true.


The programming is completed when we consciously forget to keep it up but our subconscious mind never forgets. It will always remember the conscious self talk as program instructions automatically going into self reminder auto pilot we don't panic because we had said so in our programming. We experience seconds slow down reinforcing our subconscious belief we don't panic because we feel time had slowed down we can think with. When we experience time slow down our minds become supper clear to think with.


Our brain also speeds up time when specially in a panic we feel we are running out of time. It had slowed down noticed in our slow thinking speed. Not panicking seems to unlock our freezing brain. Controlling panic enhances our inherited time dilution abilities managed by our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind had learnt not to panic from the conscious self talk conditioning. It tends to treat any conscious reputation conversation with ourselves as programming instructions.


If you believe it won't work for you it is your subconscious mind's belief you do panic. Our subconscious mind tends to resist change to a point of giving us anxiety doubts about it a sign of resisting change. After repeated conscious efforts it slowly gets more and easier conscious self talk about it. Our subconscious mind is adjusting to the new programming. It takes time.


Time travel buff's believe Albert Einstein's theory of reality light speed is an important detail how we see time. In the zero resistance of out of space it only takes a second to travel a distance of 186,000 miles (if we multiply by 1.609 in km's). It is the time the second hand of wrist watches and clocks move a division including the digital seconds of you mobile phone clock I'm sure an example of the fourth dimension.


When you look round you sunlight is traveling to you in  all directions at it's maximum speed limit. Most of us imagine a traveling time machine see the environment like a fast forward into the future or rewind into the past. Theoretically we would never be able to view the environment because of distortion effects of hyperspace traveling at light speed. We've all seen the cockpit of Hans Solo's Millennium Falcon in star wars hyper drive take off.


A slow motion video is an example of the slowing down in time when we had sped up. It easily represents time a machine accelerating to the speed of light. The faster we go the slower we observe the slower we observe the environment.


The faster we go the slower time goes has always been the key feature of Albert Einstein's theory of reality. The key facture behind it is in the slowing down of light speed by an accelerating to light speed. Light takes longer than a second to travel 186,000 miles every fraction of a second we reach the maximum speed. We can calculate a percentage to make this clear. Even basic calculators have percent (%) keys that calculates the percentage of any number.


I take it for face value 186,000mi/s (times 1.609 in km's) is a 100% of light speed. Lets say we are in a time machine that accelerated 10% faster than every environment second in a second. We view light speed slowed down by 10%. 10% of light speed pans out to 18,600. If we take that away from the maximum speed pans out to a 167,400mi/s. Three-quarters pans out to 139,500mi/s. Light is getting slower and slower to travel a 186,000 miles. The later illustrates we view every environment second stretch three-quarter second longer.


If we view the environment's time slowed down by half (50%) in a second predicts we view light speed to be a mere 93,000m/s in that time. If we accelerate further we view light speed dampened down to a quarter (25%) in the same time. We view it's speed pans out to a mere 45,500mi/s. 10%, pans out to 18,600mi/s and 1%, 1,680mi/s. Clearly the more we accelerate the more we view light speed dampened slower and slower. 


Finally the math's told me when we travel at the same speed as light it bottoms out to zero velocity and time. We view light as it looks stopped. We had borrowed from light speed by absorbing the speed it travels. If in a second is anything to go by in that time. Finally when reach light's maximum speed we absorbed a 100% of light leaving light a zero velocity


The law of the universe says we are debt with light we have to pay back immediately. Since light doesn't travel any faster than it's maximum speed we are no longer accelerating any more. We had drop out of acceleration. If the faster we go the slower time goes is anything to go by theoretically the opposite should be true. The slower we go the faster light should go.  


We immediately pay back what we borrowed. The slower we go the faster light speed up. For example if we slowed down we view light speed accelerate from 0 to a 100% light speed presumable the time light travels every second. We loose our speed to zero in the same amount of time.


Traveling the same speed as light we have borrowed a 100% leaving light with a zero speed debt. Time travel buff would call this as time stopped at light speed. It is an old belief when we exceed light speed everything is inverted we travel back in time. 


Now lets say we observed the environment's stopped time begins to move off by to 1% of it's maximum speed. We are paying back 1% of light speed. It pans out we would observe light start to move off from stationary to 1,680mi/s. If time goes backwards means light goes backwards. Theortically light travels back in time the way it was in the past.


If we decelerate 10% we would view light increase speed by the same 10%. It works out to light increased speed to 18,600mi/s. If we view light accelerate to 25% theoretically we had decelerated 25% proportionately. It works out we would view light increase speed to 45,500mi/s. If half the speed of light works out to our deceleration and increase in the speed of light to 93,000mi/s. If 75% works out to an increase of light speed of 139,000mi/s.


Light is getting faster and faster theoretically to travel a 186,000 miles the slower we go proportionately. We view the stretched environment collapsing shorter and shorter. Clearly the more we decelerate the more the more we view light speed increase faster and faster the slower we go. Since light doesn't travel any faster than it's maximum speed we stop decelerating when light speed is paid back 100% of in full. If a Plank constant (?) is anything to go by in a single Plank time (?).


Except for time travel buffs it is a widely held belief we shouldn't be able exceed light speed. It is a consciences belief Einstein predicted in his general theory the inertia should be infinite. We shouldn't be able to surpass 90% without being destroyed by the G forces at that velocity. Not being able to exceed 90% let a lone a 100 prevents exceeding light speed time travel. This means the maximum speed limit before the reality effects could be well bellow quarter light speed.


When Einstein released his first theory of relativity in 1905 it was the special circumstances of mass traveling light speed. In the second year of world one he released the sequel taking into account the stress of acceleration and the pull of gravity called the general theory. The mass of planet and stars (or their gravity if you like) dampens light speed. We are clear on this taking for face value text book descriptions black hole gravity stops time. We are clear when it includes light. Black holes slow light down to a stop.


We view black holes from an exterior point of view. If nothing can go faster than light is anything to go by the math's tells us black hole gravity dampens the maximum speed to zero thus time. If we do the math's on this zero speed means zero time. We take for face value black holes are invisible since they don't  Since light is damped down to not moving all we see is nothing but a black void. 


Theoretically observing light moving we experience the Brose/Einstein condensate state.(?). If we where outside the event horizon (? the border we see light disappears into the black void) looking outwards to the universe we may experience less than a second the incoming light in the process of being dampened down by the gravity. We my experience the universe blink out in an instant black hole gravity collapses light and any matter caught up collapse into Brose/Einstein condensate state.(?).


If an external observer observe us in the event horizon we would look frozen in time for a long time. From our point of view the observer would be a fleeting moment in the same amount of time. As light gets damped by the gravitational crush we would experience the full force of the black hole stretching us like spaghetti in seconds. All our atoms would be would become the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) 


Massive stars including the immense density of neutron stars dampen light speed to the max. By comparison our sun is week. On the surface light speed would a few minutes slower than deep space. At sea level on earth only by a narrow margin of a few milliseconds. (? Mill-lee from the standard metric system prefix system for one divided by a thousand). On the surface of the moon mere microseconds.(? Micro for one divide a million)


Distance is a time issue. Observers on earth tracking a space ship heading to Mars observe it slowed down in time the further away it gets. Far enough will appear to be just a speck of light frozen in time. Moonlight is the closet example of looking back into distance time. Traveling it's maximum speed light takes less than a couple of seconds to reach our eyes slowed down father by the earth's gravity and atmosphere. 


What we see of the moon as it was a couple of seconds in the past every second. What we see of the milky way are images of a galaxies that have been traveling the universe for millions of years. Galaxies and stars we don't see are well over several hundred thousand trillion miles/kilometers away.


Light takes the time of a one hour TV program to travel a distance of 669 million 600 thousand miles. (times 1.609 in km's). Some of the specks of light we see today started their journey from galaxies millions of years ago. Some of the closest when earth was at the peak of the last ice age. Depending if advanced alien technology could travel faster than light to travel to earth they will reach us in present time viewing their home world as it was all that time ago in the past. What ever point of view distance is light from the past.


Everything (including light) just doesn't accelerate any faster than their maximum speeds. If we could accelerate to a light speed scale we my find ourselves physically crushed inward from all directions and finished off by incinerated by the stress of the velocity before we reach light speed. Nothing with mass (sold bodies) could survive the stress of the inertia not even in the zero resistance of outer space.


The average lay person use their mathematical instinct in any spur of moment finances and and shopping on the spot in their phone calculator. We call upon it for such purposes all the time. Math's professors are virtually scientists. They program powerful computers complex data of the universe. 


No doubt you have heard of the term calculus. It is a mathematical a set of functions for calculating variables and three-dimensional world. There is a lot of mathematical gymnastics involved. Scribbling by hand takes to much time and makes us think to much. Calculus is the key to the our three dimensional world.


If you have been following along you will have noticed some numbers don't dived with out fractions reaming. The long decimal fraction of the reciprocal of light speed (? 1 dived 186000 =) is an example. These are called primes including the reciprocal of light speed. They will crop in time scientific investigations all the time. For these unfamiliar with the details your phone calculator as all calculators are based on 10 major keys including the 0 one to 9 called integers.


If you are follow along in your phone calculator enter 10  divide in half (by 2). The read out is a composite facture of 10. If you dived in half again we have a prime facture equal to 10 dived by 4. Proof of this when we multiply the prime factor by 4. 


1 divided by 3 =  is an example of a prime. Calculator read outs are endless recurring 3's. So too 1 dived 6 = 0.1 with an endless recurring 6's a classic example of prime. Mathematicians have been trying to find the end of prime factures for centuries. There is an endless number number.


There is no such thing as primes in clocks, bicycle speed ratting and children's times table charts. The number of rear wheel sprockets counted multiplied by the number peddle crank  sprockets calculates bicycle speed ratting. They are good examples the impossibility for any intermediate betweens. Like children's time table charts you will never encounter primes. They are all exclusively composites.


The term mass is the most misunderstood term by lay people. The scientific interpretation the attractive pull of the mass of a body from a speck of dust to the mass of an entire galaxy. It is believed 90% of the universe is invisible mater cosmologists call dark mater of gravitational force. Gravity tends to pull inwards from all directions to the center into a sphere. The work and energy that's accelerating the universe against dark matter is called dark energy.


There is no definitive determination to the gravitational boundaries. The sun's mass for example extends all the way out to Pluto and beyond in real time which begs the question how fast is gravity? If the gravitational pull to Pluto is real time it's certainly faster than light speed. Nobody really knows how fast gravity goes. It's hard to imagine the gravitational pull of the sun travels any faster light speed. Nothing can exceed the speed of light except gravity or not even gravity?


Mass is a measure of the pull of gravity on a body in Newton's to you and and me familiar given in kilos and pounds. An important detail all mass resists acceleration. We experience the stress of fast take off similar to being weighed down sensation.


If we hold  an object of any mass (weight if you like) over the ledge of the roof of a tall building we feel the force of the earth mass pulling on it called potential energy. If we let go the earth's mass immediately snatches it from a standing start to 32 feet (9.81 meters) in a second.


The pull back resistance becomes so great the acceleration is terminated at 32 feet where it can't accelerate any faster expressed as terminal velocity. The resistance keeps it free falling at constant 32 feet every second. The body is it's weight 32 feet every second of kinetic energy.   


Kinetic energy resists instant stops. Colliding objects absorb the forward going energy. The sudden stop of our free falling body example dissipates right though the body to zero in a second. If not very solid (low density) the earth's mass moving though space pushes back to you and me bouncing. Solid objects just absorb the instant stop..


The work and energy of the revolution per minute per minute (rpm) of moving parts of any machine generates a considerable amount of centrifugal force energy. The faster the parts race the more the kinetic energy (centrifugal force if you like). If the moving parts race to fast they can handle the execs centrifugal force of the RPM rips the parts apart.


Light speed value is a prime factor constant. When we did the math's it the arithmetic projected that distance traveled by the time your phone clock and the second hand of clocks and wrist watches move every division a definition of the fourth dimension traveling though time even if it is only a second. The centrifugal forces of moving parts racing on a light speed scale is a potential source of energy for time travel.


Every present second is the distance light travels in the zero resistance of space, a now moment of time we can express as a light second. Algebra a branch of mathematics that teaches us how the law of mathematics works remind us we can enter in any calculator the maximum speed of light in miles  times 1.609km = gives us in km/s.


We can 1.609km times the maximum speed of light = obtaining the same result. It doesn't matter given in miles or kilometers light is always at it's top speed in the zero resistance of space as fast as every digital second, wrist watch and clock second division. Every second of your phone clock is a distance of a 186,000 miles. Every division of of your wrist watch and bedroom clock.


If we check out do the math's on this a 186,000mi/s pans out to light travels 1 mile in a 186000th of a second. Proof of the this 1 mile x 186,000 =  and 1.609km times 18600th second = If in a endless loop such as traveling in orbit round the circumference of earth on a light speed scale circles seven times round the glob by the time a second.


The sun spews out light every direction. It baths earth on at it's maximum speed in it's interstellar journey every second. If you are familiar with the details of the Doppler effect in sound you'll know what anyone with good hearing can hear the sound of a emergency service vehicle siren change pitch the closer it gets and changes passing us moving away.


Light has it's dopier effect too. Sunlight is basically clear familiarly known as white light. When light approaches us from a distance we observe it as a reedy color. It changes into a bluey color the closer it gets to us. When we change ordination to look behind us it changes back into a reedy color as it fades away into distance behind us. The colors are red and blue shifting.


Detail of brightness is worth mentioning here. A candle flame in a pitch black void is a reference light unit source. To the naked eye the intense brightness of moonlight including the brightness of planets our sun stars are less than a candle. The very faint stars less than a few mili-candles (? mil-lee from the standard metric prefix system for a thousandth). 


Cosmologists have a system for working out not very bright close stars to bright stars further away following the red and blue colors of the stars they observe.


Other facture of light we are all familiar with Isaac Newtown's experiment directing a beam of light to a prism. It showed clear light is made up of the colors of the rainbow. Oil slicks act like a prism. Each color has a frequency of vibration many times per second our eyes and brain are hard wired to recognize as different colors.


When we accelerate though time we view the frequency of each color change altering the color tone. Our eyes are not sensitive to the the red color falling below it's frequency. The color becomes invisible radiation. For example heat radiating from a freshly solidified lava flow in the middle of a dark night. The sold lava is a blackbody while the radiating heat radiation. Also heaters, our body heat, heat from the sun, hot saunas, steamy kitchens, camp fires and any heat source only inferred cameras can see called inferred. Our naked eyes are totally blind to it.


If a traveling though time time machine goes beyond the color band the higher frequency blue vanishes into invisible radio wave ban invisible radio and television signals also a blackbody radiation, includes our mobile phone telecommunication, radio telescope and radar signals known as the radio frequency band. 


Higher frequencies such as invisible Ultra violet light (UV) and x-rays. Some UV and x-ray radiation can radiate from a freshly solidified lava, heaters, and our body particular from the sun and cosmos. Traveling in time we view the change in frequencies altering the characteristics of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. 


Professional photography often captures the color temperature of spring, summer, autumn and winter mornings, midday and afternoon temperatures. Over exposed is a washed out caused by white glare of the sun reflecting invisible UV rays off white surfaces that is corrected by a UV filter over lenses. It's like putting on sun glasses to shade out glare. To dark the proper lighting effect was ignored.


An important detail of acceleration the faster we go the stronger the brute force of the stress becomes apparent. We feel a pull back force stronger than the earth's gravity. 1G is the force of thee earth's gravity we feel as our normal body weight at rest. Traveling though time alters the molecules in the air we breath. 


Everything from fast to slow the air molecule frequencies become to slow and heavy or to thin and light what ever the case may be for our lungs to be able to cope. We experience UV radiation several times more intensely we normally get in a hour in few seconds. Pale complexions turn sunburn in seconds. Going back in time the air molecules go backwards in time.


Feeling four times as heavy as normal body weight (4G's) is threshold potential to pass out from shock. The force would compact us from all directions. It would be like trapped inside a car while being crushed in a car compactor.


An important part of time travel and parallel universes is the study of the moving of around of temperature called thermal dynamics. Temperature study is similar to the moving around of water flow. A good example is the fluid like circulation of temperature in the earth's atmosphere. 


The heat we fell pumping up of a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It is from the compression of the air molecules. Compress something up comes the temperature. Traveling though time amplifies the effect. Going backwards for instance pumps moving backwards withdraw air flattening the tier. The less the pressure the less heat. The pump goes colder and colder. We experience temperature move about backwards from cold to hot. Cold cups of Coffey heat them. So to old car engines. 


Traveling forward in time some of the environment will be be frozen in time while we observe slow motion circular waves radiate from every electrical appliance and power lines to radio masts. We would observe waves of electrical energy radiating from every electrical lighting system. The faster we go the slower the waves will seem to move.


To most of us observing a fast forward video is a clear indication of traveling though the environments time means. When we accelerate fast we slow motion even rewind backwards. When we accelerate slow the video fast forwards. When we calculated the percentage of traveling the environments time in the forward direction showed down light speed to zero. We discovered the opposite effect doesn't work. Calculations showed when we slowed down time sped up.


A fast forward video is an example of what happens when we travel slower than the environment's time. Slow motion is our point of view when we speed faster then the environments time. Lets say we are 60 times as fast as every environment second.  Observers will see us that 60 times as fast. We would observe the environment proportionately 60 times as slow. 


To environment observers would see us as a whole minute into the future every second. They will see us as a 60 times like a fast forward video. They may see us as a streaky bluer stretched from all directions by 60 times by every minute.


Einstein's special theory reminds us if we look to our wrist watch it will tick away as normal. We would view every environment second as a 60 times slow down video. We are traveling independently on a different dimension than the environment.


From our point of view every environment color have sifted into inferred by 60 times including all electrical lighting and everything else slowed down by that time. To the environment observers we are sped up 60 times as fast. We are traveling on the same wavelength as the invisible inferred. To environment observers we travel on a different dimension. Fast enough we eventually travel in parallel with the invisible radio and x-rays. 


Take the alternating current of the mains radiating from a common bed side lamp bulb in normal time. We see it as a steady light. In reality it is throbbing from minimum to maximum brightness 60 times per second. By the standard metric prefix system 60 Hertz 1 hertz a single throb. (60HZ). If we travel back in time everything is revered. The electricity flows backwards the 60 time per second frequency is reversing.


Accelerating to light sped we would experience the physical effects of the acceleration in less than a second. After it is 669 and a half million miles (times 1.609 in km's) in a second velocity. We would experience the stress of the acceleration over several hundred times the earth's gravity less than a second in that time. In a 186 thousandth second we would have time experience discomfort, double vision and ears popping. 


If we continue to accelerate eventually will pass out out from the shear brute force of the acceleration. In a millionth of a second the rich yellow and red colors of the environment had shifted into blue and greens. In less than a thousandth we are Unconscious flatted from all directions from the brute force of the acceleration. by a thousandth second all the colors of the environment had disappear into invisible UV, radio and X-ray radiation. From environment observers point of view observe can only observe us in inferred seeing goggles.


The shear stress of 90% of light speed we have of turn into streaks like we have seen the hyperspace effects from the cockpit of star wars Han Solo's Millennium Falcon take off. 


For a brief 186000th second the environment is streaks like we have seen the hyperspace effects inside star wars Han Solo's Millennium Falcon. We won't have any time to view a front seat Rolla-coaster view point of hyperspace from the cockpit view point because we are a part of it in that amount of time.


Theoretically we'd experience metallic screech of moving parts seizing up due to the stress on the machine crushing weight of the G's well before the latter happens. When this happens the machine loses power back to normal time. Time moving parts of a time machine is essential for centrifugal forces slowing or speeding up even to go back in time. The moving parts have to travel at a velocity of of the maximum speed of light.


Video recordings are a good way to understand how we view time. If we record in slow mode a busy street scene everything is sped up when we play back at normal speed. If recorded in fast mode played back at normal speed everything is in slow motion. The faster the recording the slower the playback. The slower the recording the the faster the playback   Time travel depends on how fast or slow we travel in time. The slower we travel though time the faster the faster time goes. The faster we go the slower time goes  


Lets say we view a video recorded 60 times as slow. On playback it's 60 times as fast. If we had slowed down in the real environment's time we would observe electric lighting shift into a reedy color cast color cast.


The environment colors shift into inferred proportionately. The environment will see us 60 times as slow as there it's second. If statues frozen in time to us is anything to go by environment observers would observe us traveling though their time frozen in time every their minute.


We will observe them sped up a minute into the future every our second. Inferred had become visual lighting. If we travel any slower we could observe the colors of the environment morph into enviable radio waves UV and x-rays. All we may observe is a black void because for our naked eyes. Once harmless inferred and color may become lethal UV rays including gamma rays cooking us because we are traveling in parallel with the fluencies.


We would also feel our lungs as if breathing cold air. We are traveling though time slower than though the environment time our lungs can handle. Everything is traveling though time faster than us including the environment stretching longer and longer. From the environment's point of view perspective of us in our machine would look as still as a manikin.


what would take a minute to the environment's time we would be fried to a crisp in our second. If we view the video 3,600 times as fast w would have slowed down an hour of the environment's time. At 86,000 times as slow we could observe 24 hours of thee evironment's time every second of our time. 


An important detail no to overlook our time machine operating under those conditions a machine may burn up and stop working. When that happens power goes out and we observe the environment's time slow down as we speed back up back to where we started at sub light speed.


The formation of wormholes depend on the singularity (? the center of black holes that may be on a Planck scale ?) where it is believed time is damped down to a stop. If inside the event horizon looking outwards to the universe thousand of centuries may seem like they pass on earth every our second. Looking from earth's point of view seem equal amount of centuries.


Wormholes traveling the vast distance of the universe in seconds appear to be faster than 100% light speed plus the gravitational presence of gravity. In the sliders TV series and time travel movies seem to travel hyperspaces unharmed. In reality sliding a wormhole can be quite different. We may experience the distortion effect of not only time but the physical effects of traveling faster or slower than our normal time.


In all intents and proposes we don't view Einstein's theory the physical effect on the electromagnetic radiation. Traveling faster or slower the sub light speed the stress on mass at high speed acceleration we are familiar as G-forces. Einstein concentrated on projecting the effects of motion on a light speed scale.


Text books describe classical physics reflection of light as refraction physics showing incoming rays bouncing back into reverse going angles. Light is not rays like that. It is a in thee shape of a depth of field sphere. Text book angles illustrations are flat 2 dimension involving trigonometry math's in two dimensional angle solutions. The reversing angles always represent one dimensional triangles. In reality light being a single sheet of depth is in a three dimensional volume the bathing the daylight side of the earth every second of time in thee universe.


A math's constant called pi (pronounced pie) describes the number of times the outer edges of any circle (the circumference) opened out to a straight line goes across the circle, once, twice, three times and a little bit more about a seventh over. The fraction over is 1 dived seven. If we add 3 is the value of pi only accurate to two decimal places.


Mathematicians have been trying to find the end of the fraction for centuries. There doesn't seem to be any end. The fraction doesn't have any repeatable pattern and has the infinite nature contains every phone and encrypted number number in existence. 1 dived 7 (a prime factor) plus 3 rounded off to 3.142 is good enough for all intents and purposes. Five places is common.


We can rap a piece of string once round a ball cutting to length and open out to a straight line emails the measure of the outer edge called the circumference. Equally the straight line measurement confirms the circumference when the straight line is rolled into a circle including the circumference of any sphere.


Any length of string divided in half equals from the center of a circle to the edge called the radius. Think of a clear class ball where we observe a line inside from the center to the edge (the circumference) of the glass ball. Wrist watch and clock arms are also from the center to the edge the plural (raid-de-i) radii. Any straight line is potentially a radius


When we turn the sphere looking every possible direction the radius traces every possible angle of the sphere. Now imagine a bubble of light a radius a of a 186 thousand miles (Times 1.609 in km's) long in every direction. Also we can take the Plank length (?) for face value as a theoretical radius of the singularity (? the center of black holes) into consideration.


As the radius is half the circle in every direction doubling the radius (times 2) equals the diameter across the circle. The diameter is every possible angle both in one dimension circles and three dimension spheres.


If we double any straight line representing a radius then multiplied by pi confirms the circumference of a one dimensional circle and the three dimensional circumference of a sphere. Circumference (c) equals pi times 2 r. For example a straight line of an inch x 2 then x 3.142 =. 


Your calculator read out confirms a circumference of 6.284 inches. Opened out into a straight line any ruler agrees with the calculation. If the Plank length (?) for a radius is considered can theatrically apply to the singularity in the center of black holes. (The circumference of a singularity equals a Plank length (?) (symbol hl times two times pi)


Einstein observed as we accelerate towards light speed we would observe objects compressed inwards like the aspect ratio of a video squashing the image inwards out of shape. It has profound implications to our 3-D universe.


Technical drawing techniques turn 1-D pencil lines into what seems perfect 3-D drawings. In reality they are still just one dimension images made up of angles on a flat dimensional piece of paper. What looks like a perfect symmetric object is actually an illusion of arranged lines assembled together. Eight angled lines forms a what looks like a drawing of a cub to our brain. The perfect symmetry perspectives of paintings are no different including photographs and video.


3-D TV monitors are still one dimension. Real 3-D images move in inward depth of field in front and behind all round outside the monitor. The distances of the universe is infinite field. 


Game programmers program game programs to hide basic one-dimensional triangles skeleton frame work. The software application processing speed renders perfect rotation of every possible angle to real life movement as possible. The current processing speed is several Giga (? from the standard metric system prefix system for a billion) Hertz. Imagine the processing speed of a Plank frequency. (?) It pans out to processing frequency processing several trillion Gigabytes (? one byte the memory store of a single piece of digital data) several trillion GHz.


We view on flat single dimensional monitors. True 3-D effects means rotate out of the screen and into it in front and behind every possible depth of field angle. That is only half the story.


We have all seen videos of the surface of the earth from the international space station point sometimes a view above our heads. There is no such thing as up or down in space because of the infinity all surround depth of filed where ever you turn. 


We experience our 3-world in three-D. The acceleration forces on a light speed scale changes all that by compressing inwards in all directions. The processing speed of our video games is equally altered according to how fast or slow we view them. 


A rail rocket sled take off is capable 0 to 300mph (times 1.609 in km's) in a couple of seconds. We would experience many times the earth's gravity with very little reality effects occurring. Light speed a 186,000mi/s pans out accelerate 0 to 669 million 600 thousand mph in a second greater than the force of the earth's gravity. The effect of moving at light speed scales is comprisable to the wired quantum physics behavior of the atom. 


There is a couple of mystery clips about gravity on youtube. One comes to mind called five places where gravity doesn't work. It is odd since I haven't come across it it text books. It was so new I was suppressed it hadn't been mentioned. Gravity doesn't seem to have any velocity assigned to it. The first thing we think of because their is none that we know of. It opens the door to an interesting paradoxes.


Take the influence of the sun as far as the outer reaches of our solar system. Does it take time to travel the solar system below light speed? If the sun's gravity influences the fathers reaches of the solar system in an instant is anything to go by considering the distance to travel surly breaks the nothing can travel faster than light speed law. As far as I know the overall speed of the universe's gravity has not been determined. Nothing can go faster than light not even gravity?. If gravity is infinite then nothing can travel faster than light except gravity. 


Accelerating to light speed depending on how fast or slow we view the environment's time the relativity effects changes all that in smomething else. The hyperspace effect comes to mind. We can goggle it with the Key words Youtue hyperspace time travel effects. It is the what is beloved to be what we observe traveling a time machine at the maximum speed of light. However is we consider the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) can be quite a different experience.   


After all said and done I've included an humorous antidote about Santa claws on Christmas eve fun. To do his job we assume has to be done on a light speed scale so he has the time to processes and deliver presents to the world's children. According to Eielson's theory of reality presents itself most time travel buff's believe in the form of the relativity effects of time stops at light speed. It is certainly convent to put time on pause to do his job. 


We start with approximately all the children in the world a figure of a billion, one with nine 0's under the age of 18 at any given time). That's excluding Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist religions that don't recognize Santa. Mathematicians entering data in scientific calculators project Santa's work load for Christmas would be reduced by at lest 15% traveling on a light speed scale. According to statistics population reference bureau his record book would record some 378 million children to serve in less than a few hours world wide. He may be able to do it he could put time on hold by traveling at light speed.


Number crunching tells us there would 3 children divided per household.  With the help of scientific calculators we can converted to how many homes that would be. it pans out to108 million Santa would have listed in his ledger presuming Santa sticks his good children rule in less than the hours children are asleep.


Scientific calculators would project Santa would have less those hours of darkness time each side of the earth to cover before daybreak to work with. That's if he travels east to west across the international time zones including daylight saving for each country. What is the odds in the world's population every person would be fast asleep during those hours of the morning?


Scientific calculators are capable of projecting large statistics telling us a minimum of 967 homes served every second to do his job effectively before everybody wakes up at dawn each side of the world. He would have to accelerate 65,00mph (times 1.609 in km's) to a stop in a second in each visit.


For every Christian household under the good child rule, Santa has less than a second to park the sleigh, hop out, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute presents under trees, eat whatever snacks have been left for him, get back up the chimney, jump into the sleigh and get on to the to next house repeating the cycle before before any children can wake up. 


It is certainly possible if he was working on a light speed scale. If we do the math's on this Santa would have at lest a 186,000 seconds of his time for every house to do his job. I sure anybody into mathematics can figure out how many days that will be. Nothing can go faster than light except Santa claws. His slight would have to be a time machine to slow the environment's times to such a drastic degree.


Traveling on a light speed scale he would certainly have time allowing for unexpected delays or break down problems to attended too. To time travel buffs his point of view of the environment's time would be so slow everything is frozen in time long enough to accomplish each task including breakdowns thousands of households in a mater of less than every environment second.


Scientific calculators project a total time for Santa would have is a minimum of a few millionth of a second. (?) 1 divided a million (1,000,000) pans out to a decimal 0.000001 of a second one microsecond) of a second to serve each home. Science adds, since working at that pace should be the realm of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, quantum mechanic, and time travel laws will playing a major role.


From the environment's point of view he would be zipping about no faster than a 186,000 times a environment second. From Santa's point of view every environment second would be stretched 186,000 seconds. In the hands of a skilled mathematician scientific calculator power tell us if he was any slower than light speed he would have no time to serve the rest of the community.


Mathematical gymnastics assumes a 180 million stops evenly distributed around the earth at light speed the equivalent distance of about 1 and a half house every microsecond velocity of the environment's time he has to do to process before moving on to the next house..


If we convert that for the time he would have to work as fast over 157,000mph (times 1.609 in km's) every environment second before anybody wakes up before daybreaks each side of the earth. 


Traveling on a light speed scale he would certainly just barely have time to take his time for bathroom stops, breaks and any unforeseen delays, such as attending to sleigh breakdowns, sick or injured reindeer problems and so on. Considering the children population to serve Santa would have my have to exceed light speed to stretch the environment's time further to suit his schedule.


A lot of mathematical gymnastics is needed to project Santa's sleigh would be zooming across the sky equivalent to well over millions mph/kmph every environment second. That projects 13,000 times the speed of sound. It is enviable a sonic boom traveling in the earth's atmosphere we all world would think Yellowstone had just gone sky high.


We can compare that to the fastest man-made object, the Ulysses space probe, moving in orbit round the earth at an agonizingly slow velocity of just over 98,000mph. Unless reindeer can push the boundaries of the speed of light, at best, normal reindeer can only clock a maximum sprint of 15mph for a very short distance.  Santa's reindeers would be competing with time machines velocities.


Mathematicians can test what your smart phone scientific calculator can do taking into account of the payload weigh the reindeer and Santa himself and the gifts  load. With number crunching statistics adds up to an interesting element to the equation. Let's see.


Assuming each child gets nothing more than a medium Lego set to save weight ( roughly about a third of a pound), doing some number crunching black board science equations including the force of the earth gravity will project the sleigh would be carrying over 5,000 tons well over light light speed, not counting Santa himself. How would you like to weigh as heavy as Santa carrying a couple of fully loaded aircraft carriers on your back at light speed.


The number crunching with available data would statistically suggest conventional reindeer be panting hard with 220lb. To keep on schedule the flying reindeer would need to push the boundaries of light speed under under the load of a couple of fully landed oil tankers. In the hands of skilled mathematicians Scientifics calculators are capable of telling us Santa's job is done up to 50 and more digit long numbers. Imagine the weight of the team hitched to his sleigh.


It is enviable the payload of the all the presents, not counting Santa his reindeer or the net weight of the the sleigh would increase at take off. Obviously done in a environment second to obtain light speed. The sleigh would have to be built to take the combined weight of the static load plus the acceleration take off at the same time. Santa's raider would need to match the work and energy of the power of a supernovae explosion.


Depending on the right data entered the number crunching statistics projects extra tonnage, to an already heavy rest load increased by the velocity of the take off that would have the power to pull seven cruse liners a distance of a hundred miles in a second.


We don't have to be Einstein's to realize the slipstream of air in a average car at 160kmph in the earth's atmosphere is bad enough let a lone accelerating to light speed proportions. Science tells us a body at the velocity such as a meteorite entering the earth's atmosphere creates friction heating the lead reindeer like a shooting star exposing the reindeer behind them. All would turn into a meteorites in the night sky signaling Santa is on his way.


A youtube clip what would happen if a meteorite hits the earth at the speed of light says it all. In the hands of a mathematician the power of scientific calculators would project traveling at light speed to accomplish his job to complete his task in the whole world who believes in him, in the hours of the cover of darkness each side of the world. The whole Santa team would beyond the heat and energy of a nuclear explosion destroying the earth less than a second heralding Christmas's night.


We can expect thermal nuclear fusion on anything heavier than photon (particle of light) speeds. After all light is nothing more than particles given off by nuclear fusion inside our own star the sun anyway. Which brings us to the next step in the science of time travel and Parnell universes.


Light is a mass of particles called Photons. They are renowned to be confusing what function they play. One function seems to be steady stream like bullets. The other function seems to a vibrating waveform. Light acts like doing things only when in a waveform mode when traveling in a steady stream but will do what only particles can do when traveling in wave mode. For the last 200 years scientists where perplex at what function light plays in nature. Is it a waveform or a stream of particles?


It includes the orbiting particle of the atom electrons as a well as the center of the atom particles that inevitably effects traveling though time. The next wired thing what ever function light plays is fifty-fifty gamble of the dice whether a waveform mode or a particle flow state. Light is an uncertain predictability.


We are made up of the same atoms of the universe, that does that sort of thing on a regular basis all the time. Particle accelerator have consistently shown colliding them on a light speed scales are regularly in two places at the same time. 90% light speed has enough kinetic energy to appear and disappear at random in less than a second the seem in and out of the present, past and future.


This sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't principle is the heart of quantum physics. a relative size. If we are to view chicken wire fence at a distance looks quite solid. But as we come close up the zoom reveals mostly empty spaces between the crossing wire we can easily shoot peas straight though tenses balls can't. A kitchen sieve appears to be a solid mesh that filters out fine particles from liquid that pass right though it.


Imagine the grid of sieve on a Planck scale (?) Entire mater will disappear The Planck scale being so tiny from our perspective matter is solid. Powerful microscopes worth a lot of money has enough zoom to observe living bacteria living in us. Our intestines has well over trillions aiding our digestion. Without them our digestive system won't function. Everything living bacteria is made of the elements living off the digested food we eat made up of electrons and the nucleus particles as every cell in our bodies are.


If we are to view mater on a Planck scale (?) would have to shrink 6262 thirty-nine 0s times as tiny. We whan't get very far as we are made up mater made up of atoms. It amounts to collapsing all the empty space of every atom in our body to do it. It reminds us of collapsing every atom to the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?). The only thing that could do that is the powerful gravitational pull of a singularity. (?)


The particles of the atom have unique properties of appearing to be at two places at the same time called superposition. A moth dancing round a bed lamp is a closest analogy of the movement of an electron dancing round the nucleus of atoms. Imagine we take a snap shot every 5 seconds for 1 minute of such a dance. We end up with 12 intervals of the moth dance in a minute of time each one representing a freeze fame of the relative position each interval.


Imagine transparent copies superposed over each other. Now imagine as a moving video. The superimposed images in visual motion the moth appears in and out of existence at the same time orbiting the nucleus. 


If the action is anything to go by we are made of the particles of the atom what our body electrons should be doing right now. Like photons of light the superposing of the moth gives us an idea of the 1920's thinking of the dual nature of atomic particles being a particle a waveform and superposition mode at the same time.


In 1927 an Austrian physicist Warner Hinesburg had an insight into the nature of atomic physics. Out of all his science collages describing the atom they have never actually seen any atoms at all. How could his collages describe them if they haven't actually observed them? They could never predict the atom behavior. 


After much thought about his collages superposition hypothesis Hinesburg's lectured tirelessly we can never be able to tract the trajectory and position at the same time known as Hinesburg's uncertainty principle.


It is if electrons disappear in and out of the past, future and present at the same time. Plied to a time traveler visiting the the future what did tomorrow has profound repercussion for yesterday. A thought experiment highlights this detail.


Lets say a few years time there is a break though in time travel. A well meaning individual tries to take advantage of the new fangled ability to travel back in time. He travels back though his own past as well as our our future, present and past where most of us don't exist At the time before the the member of the Royal family Lady Diana was killed in that dreadful car crash.


According to the superposing our body's electrons being in two places at the at same time theory does that kind of thing on a regular basis. Lets say our time traveler agenda was to prevent Diana from being killed.


Imagine the traveler was successful. This would mean Lady Diana is dead in now alive and well in present time. Lets say a time Cop at the time of thee travelers disappearance is assigned a mission to stop him before he does any time line changing any of the current time line.


Lets say he was successful at restoring the original time line back to the way it was for the present. Diana would have been alive in the present present and now dead in the past what was supposed to happen.


We ask if time travel is possible can time lines be changed on a regular basis? It is clear an open risk of time lines constantly being modified by well meaning time travelers pursued by time cops constantly policing and repairing damages done by well meaning follow or corrupt time travelers while we exist in our own time lines respectively. History changes would be constant in the present.  


Our intuitive instinct agrees we exist from our birth to the present though our past. What we find difficult is the question where we when our parents where little. The first thin we think off we didn't exist. We couldn't. What about people who are going to be born in the future? Where are they now in our time before thy are born.


Time that seems to disappear is a good night's sleep. We are often surprised how the long hours was only moment ago since we remembered being fully awake. Waking up from a long night sleep feels the hours was only a moment ago.


Another example adds to the example the sensation of semiconscious state. (Concussion). We experience a dream state with fogy to no memory afterwards. A dramatic example of a long time can seem like a mere moment waking from of a long comma. There are  documented cases all over youbue of individuals that have awaken from many years. From their point of view only a mere moment ago the last time remembering being alert.


Drinkers know the experience of the aftermath of alcohol's amnesia qualities. There is a feeling of very little to no memory recall of a feeling it is all in every present moment. We experience this though hypnosis, concussion, to a coma. Fully alert our brain automatically  tracks time consistently in a linear fashion.


The powerful gravitational collapse of a black hole dampens time to a stop testifies to gravity dampens time. All we see of the mass of the black hole responsible is the back drop of space explaining why we can't see what black holes really look like. These invisible black voids are supposed to sink deep wells in the the fabric of space right to a point in the singularity (?) in vast edge of the event horizon he just where light disappears.


The deep well was once though as infinite, a bottomless pit with zero volume with no mass. Today black holes are seen as having the center of the gravitational pull expressed as the singularity.


Wormholes are thought of as the end product. The ability to travel though them  is expressed as transitional. Sliding a wormhole is renowned to be way-way faster than light speed. They say a space ships can slide thousands of light year distances in less then a few minutes. It seems nothing can go faster than light except a wormhole, unless you believe not even a wormhole. At best they can only be a maximum speed equal to light. The limitations  of light speed would certainly put and end to using wormholes to travel the cosmos.


According to the General theory the mass of black holes is the driving force behind wormholes. If the sliders is anything to go by w can slide a wormhole in perfect safety


DVD and text book lustrations show supper heated ring of corkscrewing matter rotating round and round disappearing into a tiny black dot right in the center of black holes. This will be electromagnetic radiation heated up to incinerating temperatures by the compression of the gravitational field of the black hole. 


The super heated martial includes cosmic dust, asteroid  and commit debris. In theory Inferred frequencies and the colors we see with our naked eyes compressed to superheated UV, UVA, radio waves, x-rays and gamma rays. Pictures of a black hole is often seen feeding off a star.


How did Mallory's antigravity experiment  (?) manage a rather cool tunnel the sliders could travel safely though? It was like falling down the side of a tall sky scrapper pulled along on a sideways plan by my guess the gravitational pull of the next world they were about to land in.


The magnitude of the mass of anybody from a feather to a star including wormholes is a collapse in the inward pull. According to Newtown there has to be a mass of a sold matter. (For those interested youtube has an interesting clip titled "5 places where gravity doesn't seem to work)"


The inward pull force has been determined to be well over the equivalent of bending power on space of around 18 trillion metric tones per cubic meter. This inward squish holds us to the entire circumference of earth. Students text books on general physics, youtube video clips and web pages give the physics details about the force of gravity.


It seems Mallory (?) had (and rather accidentally) found a way to overcome the squishing force of the inward gravitational pull. In theory weighing well over thousands of trillions of tones a wormhole's own weight would crush in the instant Mallory opened the vertex.


Einstein's insight mass bends space was a insight into space itself rubbery, bendy, flexible and twisty, just like rubber' It has suggested implications of mass and acceleration effects has on space. Space pulled round bodies inward all directions by the mass of the body. Space is squishing the mass of the both poles inward from both directions. Think of the analogy of the pressure of the sea as space squishing inward the haul of a submerged submarine. 


The inward pull of the mass of our closest star (our sun) pulls in space all round trillions of tones per micrometer the entire mass. The expending outward energy is pressure like the air pressure keeping balloons inflated 


According to Einstein's insight into gravity merely the mass of the sun pulling in space all round it in an inward squeeze prevents the sun from blasting itself to smithereens from it's own expanding outward heat pressure. The attractive inward pull of staler masses is always balanced by the expanding forces in every star.


According to the General theory time machines and Mallory's antigravity experiment (?)  should work by generating enough mass to distort space and time using mass or the kinetic energy of a motion. Black holes physicists characterize both wormhole and time travel effects. Student physics text books, web pages and youtube on physics begin physics lessons at sub light speeds we travel on the surface of earth.


The Moth experiment (?)  is the key to a theory called entanglement. The particles of the atom have a reputation of an instant communication between particles a distances even if it is trillions of light across the universe.


Nothing can travel faster than light except gravity wormholes or even the instant communication distance between the particles of the atom.....right? If limited to light speed the communication between the particles would take trillions of centuries at a time. The universe would be quite different.


These days everybody is well aware we are made of atoms. Our bodies atoms are made up of the same particles as the atoms of the entire universe. If this instant communication action at a infinite distance is true, then our body's particles of the atom are in instant communication with the particles of the atom of the of the whole universe at large every instant of our lives.


Time machines and Mallory's antigravity experiment (?) are antigravity machines. We are familiar the endless looping motion generate centrifugal-force fields. The laws of circular motion tells us there is a high centrifugal forces at the edge of any spinning disc.


We tend to take for granted black holes for face value as infinity dense with zero volume. A New Zealand cosmologists Graum Kurr was inspired by an insight into spinning black holes. The idea on a light speed scale was appealing. However we are up against the circular motion laws.


A dot in the center of any spinning circle spins on the spot. Think of the riding the very center of a Mary go round. We feel very minimum amount of outward force. It quickly spins on the spot. The outside circumference has a distance to travel a full circle where there is the maximum amount of outward pull.


Most of us take for granted black holes are notoriously infinite. Never the less it's intriguing to think of black holes can spin at light speeds. The first thing we think of is the centrifugal force of spinning flywheels. Light speed is finite. The gravitational pull of black holes is thought to be infinite. The dampening effect of the gravity would be self defeating. The infinite dampening of the gravity would speed of light could shift a tend to immobile them to a non spin state. The finality of light speed could shift an infinitely frozen black hole


After all said and done with the dampening effect of black hole gravity we tend to expect the spin would would have the same the some effect as machine flywheels. The centrifugal effect lead some to hyphenise the outward pull would open out a black hole into a ring where space ships can slide safely though into a parallel universes.


We are up against the laws of circular motion here. The inside of spinning flywheels spin faster than the outside edges. The outer edge is where the centrifugal force is concentrated. The very center spins on the spot. It would  have very little to no effect at all. A piece of chork draws a circle round it faster than the outside edge showing the center only has a short distance to travel round as opposed to the longer distance of the outer edge.


If the edge of the event horizon spins at light speed the infinite center (the singularity) would spin on the spot faster than light. The finite velocity should have no effect on the infinite gravitational inward pull on the singularity. If the singularity can't spin any faster then the edge of the event horizon it spins slower proportionality where all the centrifugal force will be concentrated. 


This leads to a hypotheses suggesting the singularity spinning at light speed all the centrifugal force is concentrated in the event horizon will open out a ring round the singularity ships can safely avoid. Another hypotheses suggests the singularity is finite enough to be effected by spinning at light speeds. 


Another hypotheses suggests if the laws of physics breaks down inside black holes both the singularity and the event horizon spin at the same rate of speed. In other words the whole black hole spins at the same rate. Never the less we are still faced with the counter self defeating dampening effect of an infinite gravity.


If they are infinite the gravitational pull should we tend to think crushing light out of existence. However all mater should just only be weighed down to the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?). At that state everything including light is frozen in time. Hundreds of centuries pass on earth every second in a black hole.


We are reminded of the first law of thermal dynamics telling us matter cannot be created or destroyed only is ultimately damped down to the Brose/Einstein condensate. (?)  Alternatively a theoretical way black holes could spin at light speed if it is captured in a endless loop at it's maximum speed we have no light traveling a straight line to our eyes. It is caught up in an endless orbiting the event horizon at it's maximum speed we see as a black void.


Imagine orbiting the surface of the earth the same speed as light. Given the circumference at the equator the reality effects math's points out we would view the world 7 times round the the whole circumference every time our wrist watch hand moved a division or your phone clock second. 


Those into math's would agree the measure of the circumference of earth rolled out to a straight line times seven will pan out to the distance light travels in one second. 


Hollywood's star wars trilogy and the TV series Star Trek series often violate the speed of light law. We are reminded distance distorts time. It is clear by the fact light takes to reach our eyes from the sun. To star wars hyper drive and Star Trek wrap drive take offs we'd reach the surface of the sun from earth faster than a second of your phone clock second.


A reminder of distance distorts time low flying aircraft coming into land at an airport look as if they are landing as slow as 50mph. Safe landing speeds is three times that. As pointed out by the Maximion Atiaro (?) the existence of parallel universes hark back to Einstein and a couple of collages Boris Podolikv and Nathen Rosen way back in 1935. 


They were intending to publish a paper to determine the validity of quantum physics once and for all. In the process Einstein's general theory uncovered a cosmic can of worms predicting a theoretical hypothesis of a pair dark masses to you and me black holes bridging the universe we called wormholes known as the Einstein, Podolikv, Rosen bridges. 


According to the general theory the shrinkage of space by Schwarzschild's  singularity (?) should theoretically sink deep wells in space to a Brose/Einstein condensate (?) at a radius of a Planck length. (?) end point.


Text books today talk of the singularity (?) as if it is the key to the big bang theory. Theoretically the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) and the Planck length (?) the key to the singularity. (?) Text books and the internet documentary History channel on the sky network DVD set about the universe on thee big bang theory tells us the big bang erupted instantly faster than light speed. Nothing can go faster than light except gravity, wormholes and the big bang. Or Nothing can go faster not even them.


The Planck frequency (?) should be the theoretical maximum time of the inertial big bang. Wormholes are regally seen as a one way tunnel opening out into the other side of the universe as time travel events, or portals to parallel universes.


Einstein, Podlikv and Rosen come up with an insight Einstein's general theory of the deep wells of space dark stars create could link into a bridge between a pair of dark stars. The history channel DVDs on black holes merge popping into a single black hole like a pair of soup bubbles merging. The thought provoking experiment has been known as the Einstein, Podolikv, Rosen bridge.


The work and energy of course is in the work of the gravitational pull of black holes. Singularities (?) are powerful. Einstein realized when mass distorts space time is also distorted. A theoretical time machine working on a light speed scale should generate mass in the form of a centrifugal force slowing light speed.


Thee stress of the acceleration is Isaac Newton's third law of acceleration "Where there is a force there is a equal and opposite force". Everybody feels the force experiencing the maximum acceleration performance of a muscle car shoving us back into our seats pressing us back into our seat. We know all to well jet fighters taking of the short runways of aircraft carriers and astronauts enduring rocket lift off's


According to Newtown's third law mass resists acceleration. We can't go any faster no matter the peddle to the metal. We feel acceleration pull us back into our seats several seconds pumping up the speed until it can't go any faster. A time machine and Mallory's antigravity experiment ramped up to light speed until they can't go any faster. If light travels a 166 thousand miles per second is anything to go by accelerates to maximum in that time.


1G is the force of the earth's gravitational acceleration pull on our body holding us to the ground at rest. If we experience an acceleration twice our body weight is said to be 2G's. If we experience 3 times as heavy 3Gs and 4 times 4G's. We feel the pressure of two, three or four times the earth's gravity in those several seconds. Once maximum speed is reached we feel weightless called negative G's. The amount of time to reach a G is time. Accelerating to light speed in a second would amount to millions of G's in a second.


An incite came to Einstein one day in 1907 the realization a person falling from a great height doesn't feel their weight. Any tools that fall with him fall at the same rate. Einstein had hit on one of thee basic fundamentals  antigravity NASA has been using for the past 60 years training astronauts in weightlessness.


Over 500 years a Greek scientist Galileo discovery that bodies of different mass falling from thee top of the leaning tower of Pizza dropped at the same rate. Proof of this where there is no resistance a steel weight and a feather are accelerated the same rate hitting the ground at the same time.


The effect of falling at the same rate when a plane noses dives fast enough. Everybody falls at the same rate giving the magic illusion of lifting off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun. It only occurs when maximum free fall speed is reached. The plane has reached terminal velocity where the earth's mass can't accelerate the plane any faster. Einstein said it eloquently a cancellation of gravity 


This cancellation is a net free fall the same as the earth's gravity. The maximum fee fall speed of the plane is effectively an antigravity device just as Mallory's antigravity was supposed to do.


We are familiar with it in fair ground entertainment. When a drum spins fast enough the force pins people laughing and screeching with fun feeling pined up against the wall we all take for face value the law of well known well in a endless loop rotation. We feel pined fast against the wall by the force of the spin as if a gravity on a side ways plane.


The effect seems ideal solution living on space stations to create artificial. All it needs is the natural tendency for bodies to tumble in space. Start Trek deep space nine space station is a example. The international space station isn't tumbling because of the dimities of docking shuttles. 


So long as a body keeps spinning freely (just as asteroids often do) is an example of artificial centrifugal force pinning people down on planets. Some of us wonder if this applied to the spinning of the earth. We always see the same side of the moon because it is spinning is not spinning in synchronization with the earth's spin giving us the illusion the moon doesn't spin. We'd think due to the earth gravity.


The effect of the earth's spin has this effect on the atmosphere called the Corollas effect I mentioned earlier. A clear glass of water demonstrates the effect. If it rapidly spins you will see the water is dragged round and round in sympathy with the circular velocity of the glass. The earth's atmosphere is as fluid as water contributing to our windy weather.  


The special theory indicates the stress of high speed in a straight line generates this force. In other words G's. It is Newtown's third law of motion the nature matter resisting acceleration. Einstein concentrated on the maximum speed of light. When reached bodies stop accelerating coasting in at maximum constant velocity. 


A classic example of this are asteroids coasting at their maximum speeds in space until they encounter a gravitational some field accelerating them father until the gravity can't accelerate any more. In 1994 Jupiter's gravity tried to accelerate the Comet Shoemaker leavi nine beyond terminal velocity. Jupiter's gravity tore it apart.


In 1908 the Chunensqa asteroid encountering the earth's atmosphere the gravitational pull increases speed compressing the air molecules in front of it. Caught on dash cam the incoming began feeling the effects of the G-force effects. The meteorite was traveling so fast the  air resistance friction heated it. 


The air molecules ahead of it become further compacted. The molecules became so compact the smoke trailing missile experienced as it was slamming into a building up an immovable brick wall. Under the force of the kinetic energy exploded midd air as if striking sold ground. A shock wave spread over the Chunenensqa forest flattening trees and damaging property miles round.


If we view the dash cam footage sped up is what we would expert when we had slowed down live in the environment's time. If we had sped up we would have witnessed live in slow motion. We would have observe invisible compression waves ahead of the missile. If we reverse the footage everything is in reverse. If reversing in slow motion w would observe the shock wave air molecules going in reverse direction.


A fast forward video is a example of traveling though time we observing the relativity effects of traveling though time. On pause the experience experience of traveling fast enough the environment is frozen in time. The faster we go the worse it gets. if we look to our wrist watch every environment second is stretched to minutes, our our time. It hard to imagine we travel so fast the environment's is so slow our second every second of it's time is frozen for a 100's year even as lg as the universe time. 


In our normal time frame we see park statues frozen in time for years. They are traveling the environments time with us though all sorts of weather. They never move an inch for decades. If we travel in time any slower th slower we go the the faster our environment's time goes. From our point of view of the environment's time we observe the light sped up faster than it's maximum speed.


Suppose we travel though the environment's time 60 times as slow. The environment observers reality we are equally as slow. The reality for us though we observe every environment second 60 times as fast. If we look to our wrist watch confirms it.


From the environment observers reality we are 60 times as slow. From our reality observers look a like they are speeding a minute into the future every our second. We are traveling that are traveling independently the environment's time. Realities from both points of view  depends on how fast we travel relative to the fixed environment speed.


Environment observer reality of us an hour as slow pans out to 3 thousand 600 times as slow. Our reality is 3 thousand 600 times as fast an hour into the environment's future every our second. If we were as slow as 24 hours, environment observers would observe us  frozen in time that amount of time. Every hour we would be still as a statue.


The same would apply if we were viewing a week into the environment the future every our second. What we would observe as years, decades, centuries, millions, billions and trillions of centuries. The environment reality would see us as park statues for centuries while we would observe the environment's time pass in same amount of time. The slower we go the faster the environment's time will appear to go.


Science books on the subject tell us in relation to time at the edge of the event horizon of a black hole. From earth's reality black holes seem for ever. But looking from inside outwards to the universe trillions of centuries could easily pass on earth less than a second every second we are inside the event horizon.


If we we're to observe the environment's time on earth at light speed as slow we would observe thee environment speed up like fast forward video a186 thousand times as fast as our second. 


Those into challenging mathematics will know Algebra had taught us how to use the law of mathematics to extrapolate how many days a 186 thousandth seconds in days. It turns out to be just under every 2 and a 1/2 environment days every our second of our time. From the environment's observers reality every 2 and a 1/2 days every second of our time.


Most of us are excited by traveling back and forth though time. If that is the case think of a visitor in our present a 100 years from the future. From our point of view they are from the future but from their perspective their past. The same perceptions if you had traveled a 100 years in your past. Your grand parents will see you from the future and you will see them as your past ancestors. Figuring out relativity is a complicated art.


A day is a date change every twelve midnight. No doubt you would have noticed digital clocks in the military time mode a day begins with no seconds, no minutes and hours ( 00:00:00 ) at 12 midnight  for a second. Everybody has a phone with a clock nowadays. They complete 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds resetting to zero simultaneously every date change repeating the cycle for the new date. There is no such thing as a 24 number in digital time pieces.


If we do the math's on this every hour is a 186 thousand times as slow as every second. Any calendar including your mobile tells us a week can be the first second of a 12 midnight date change cycling like clockwork every day of the week to the last second 12 midnight night 7 days latter. 


For example if we take for face value the first day on Monday morning as the first day of the working week followed by the two days representing the end of the week for the weekend to complete the whole week. It works out from 12 midnight Monday morning to 12 midnight the following Sunday night Sunday night. 


A fast forward video of whole week per second gives is some idea of what we would observe if we were traveling a week as slow from the environment observer's reality. If we were speed up in time the rolls would be reversed.


Light from the moon is a mere reflection of the suns rays that takes less than a couple of seconds the distance between earth to reach our eyes. The distance of varies each month and phase. It is a cosmic body less than a couple of light seconds away.


Our sun is the nearest star a mere eight light minutes away. Light that just left the surface now is a 186 thousand miles above the surface by the time you finish this sentence. From our reality we don't see this light until eight minutes in the future because the maximum speed is a fixed constant. 


When light enters the earth's atmosphere it is slowed down by the earth's gravity and atmosphere some what before reaching our eyes. The gravitational pull of the earth's mass on light effect the environment's time. It is slowest at sea level. The borders of the earth's atmosphere above us is fastest. The difference is only a mere microseconds even as long as a few milliseconds. In out of space the environment's second at sea level on earth is a by a few milliseconds.


If the gravity of black holes is anything to go by, time on the surface of the any star including ours should be dramatically different than space. So too the earth's core. Even more dramatic with some of the monster stars in the universe. As Isaac Newton said the bigger the mass the stronger the gravity.


For us at lest time on earth is every tick of any digital second including our phone clock seconds. Each second has beginning and an end. It is the time the second hand of analogue clocks and wrist watches move every division a causal walk a meter per second and light travels a distance of 186 thousand miles. (Times 1.609 converts to km's). 


Another example at a meter per second we walk a distance of 1 meter times all the seconds of an hour works out to 3 thousand 600 seconds or in meters. In other words since there is a thousand meters in a kilometer equates to a 3.6kmph walk 3.6km in the time of a one hour long TV program.


General information on how light works can be found in plenty of educational material from library books. Most  science books tend to ramble on and on saying very little in several paragraphs making things seem complicated than it is.


If you find it difficult there are children's science and technology for the little ones. They supplement the details how light works. There is plenty of illustrations explaining the effects of how it reflects and bends in clear water and curved mirrors. Viewing fast forward videos gives us a clear idea traveling though time at different speeds (dimensions if you like) distorts our reality. Rewinding everything goes backwards including the way light.


Whether accelerating G's or gravity the work and energy would compressed us inwards from every direction like water does on the hull of submerged submarines. The faster we go the more squeezed in we become. If three-quarter light speed is anything to go by the compression at that velocity would probably be great enough to melt a kg steel bar in several seconds. The bar is converted into liquid heat called plasma. Allowed to cool plasma converts back to solid mater.


We would reach a temperature of somewhere around 10 thousand degrees. As mater cannot be destroyed. Our molecule bond would be incinerated. They would be torn apart by the the heat. All that would be left of us would be electrons striped away from the nucleus of the atom compatible with the heat and energy of a nuclear blast measured in kilo and megatons.


The law of thermal dynamics remind us when mass is tightly compressed heats up. At three-quarter light speed close to hundreds of thousands of degrees. This is were Einstein's e equals m c squared that predicts the work and energy of an acceleration or gravity to convert solid mass into energy. Energy equals mass multiplied by light speed multiplied by itself better known as e equals m c squared.


We can test the equation in your phone calculator. (Any calculator will do). Enter the speed of light. Multiply by itself. Now multiply to multiply by a milligram. Enter 0.001. (That's of a kilo) = The readout confirms the energy stored in that tiny amount of mass. The energy unite is Joule. One Joule is the work and energy of the warmth of a room temperature. We entered E equals c squared m a perfectly valid e equals m c squared equation.


It is what happens under the compression of gravity too. Compress any mass tightly whether acceleration or by gravity drives the temperature up.


The 1960 and the 2002 remake of time machine Gorge experienced everything in the environment's time sped up into the future. Typically we assume from the environment's reality he would have disappeared into the future. But from his point of view Gorge observed the environment speed up. This makes perfect sense from our point of view. 


If we take the blades of a desk top fan gives us an idea of our reality. Each blade rotates a full circle (The fan's rpm) in less than a fraction of a second every second our environment's time. To our eyes every blade is a bluer every second. Fast enough they can disappear altogether.


George traveled as fast as the electromagnet radiation. The colors of the rainbow are slow enough we can see. Ultra violet light, radio, and TV, telecommunication, wi-fi internet, x-rays, radar to Gamma rays are far to fast frequencies our eyes to respond to. On the other end of the scale inferred is to slow for our our eyes. The colors of the rainbow is the only electromagnetic radiation we see.


Every future second is only experienced as present time. We don't remember every future second and coming minutes. We don't remember the next hours, days, the week ahead, month's and years ahead us. We observe park statues always in present time no matter thee future. Visiting them in any future time we experience them still in present time. We are traveling thee same rate as statues. 


When we view the environment at different speeds we travel independently the environment's time. If are faster from our perspective every environment second is observed to slow downed down. The faster we travel the slower the environment's second goes.


No matter how fast or slow we go, to environment observer reality every second is normal present time. From our point of view the environment's time is at a different speed. Time is not stopped at light speed. Traveling at the maximum speed of light we are as fast as every environment second. On a light speed scale the environment's time will appear stopped. It is only the point of view the illusion to slow to be seen moving anymore.


Observing the hands of a clock is true of this. At any given moment of time we observe the second hand moving. On the other hand the minute and hour hands always look frozen in time. The minute hand is 60 times slower than the second hand moving only a division every minute. The hour hand is 60 times slower or 3 thousand 600 times as slow as the second hand. The hour hand only moves a division every hour. They all are moving though time each division I'm sure another another example of the fourth division.


We see the radiation from mains electric lighting as a slightly artificial yellow light steady light. The heat radiating from a bed side lamp is radiating inferred. In reality all electrical mains lighting throbs from minimum to maximum brightness 60 times every second. Much to fast for our eyes and brain to track the frequency. Mathematical entering 1 divide 60 is the reciprocal of 60. The readout is one cycle 60th environment second.


If we are traveling 60 times as fast as the environment's second we would be traveling in parallel with 60th it's second. Proof of this 60th second times 60 is in one second another example of a fourth dimension. Traveling 60 times as fast we would observe a bed lamp bath the room in a red color cast throbbing in and out of maximum and minimum brightness once our every second.


The normal yellow color cast 60Hz is slowed down to a Hertz per minute frequency. From our point of view 60Hz per minute sunrises, daylight, subsets, and night's all 60 times as fast. From observes point of view we would have diapered up 60 times faster. We would be a minute into the future every their second. From our point of view every environment observers frozen in time every minute. The same would be true if we where an hour as fast as every environment second.


It is only a matter of 60 seconds in every minute multiplied by 60 minutes equals sixty 60's (or 60 squared). It tells us we would be traveling every environment second 3 thousand 600 times as slow or if we were were traveling that much as fast as the environment we would equally observe the environment's time travel that much as fast. 


As Einstein pointed out the perception of time between our fixed environment's at independent velocities is only realities of each view points of view. We would observe people in an office appear frozen in time and desk top fan blades slowed doing a full circles in a couple of seconds. Any faster the fan would be the last to grind to a halt. The frequencies of the electromagnetic radiation would have turned the environment into hyperspace long before then.


This was not lost in some scenes of Star trek. In a couple of time travel episodes while people were frozen in time some objects was still moving slowly. A classic example of a the CSI crime drama an episode of CSI Miami TV series called                   tracking a bullet very slow while people round them where frozen solid in time. This is the same kind of effect we would observe traveling near the speed of any ultra high bodies like bullets.


Beyond an hour into the future every environment second we would be traveling so fast we would be traveling in parallel with the Revolutions per minute speed of any desk top fan. From environment observers point of view we would equal the electromagnetic radiation frequencies.


If we were sped up in time the same proportion  we would observe the the frequency of the bed site side lamp a strong purple blue ( Violet ) color cast. This is because we are viewing the environment's time surpassing the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation frequencies of the environment our eyes can just barely see.


Our eyes can only detect the colors of the rainbow. Red is the minimum frequency while the purple blue violet the maximum. The environment colors would become invisible electromagnetic frequencies. Lower than red's would have long since turned into inferred, only inferred cameras can see. Higher then violet we see are the ultra violet and x-rays radiation.  


If we do some calculations using the standard metric prefix system megahertz ( MHz ) of the blue sky in the normal environment second is the color that is a few million times faster than the environment second. I'm sure Goggling what frequency is blue sky will give you an answer 


Travel though time at different speeds we traveling in parallel with the assortment of electromagnetic radiation frequencies including the natural colors we see. If the Planck constant (?) is anything to go by are on a Planck scale. (?)


The environment is permeated by inferred we can't see, the colors of the natural world see, are thee colors of the rainbow the invisible radio and television transition signals we can't hear and see, internet, cell phone telecommunication services and radar, to invisible x-ray including UV light.


Traveling time at different speeds all the environment electromagnetic radiation changes frequency proportionately including infrared. This includes the invisible high frequency range that normally tans  and X-rays becoming visible colors of the rainbow permeating the environment. All wavelengths would change in proportion to the rate of speed we travel..


If we travel 60 times as fast as the environment's second we would observe the radiation traveling 60 times presumably proportionally. The math's tells us we would be in parallel mains frequency. Bed side lamps would appear to throb from minimum to maximum brightness once a second casting an eerie reedy color cast showing we would be traveling in parallel with the environment's 60th second as. We would observe by the electrical lighting the mains in a 1Hz mode.


We'd be caught up the colors of nature all round us change. At 60 times as fast as the environment second god knows what our hearing hearing of the radio waves will detect. Our bodies metabolism may act as a radio crystal set. Music and speech would be goby-gook at 60 times as fast and muffled beyond recognition.


The What once was the cool the paints of colors of the objects round us, (blues and greens) change into warmer colors (browns and gold's). Any objects that was once the hot colors (reds and yellows) have  become inferred color cast of the environment we can now see.


If we where an hour as fast we would observe the frequencies environmental electromagnetic radiation 3 thousand 600 times we would be traveling in parallel with the UV radiation frequencies. By this time the whole environment should shifted invisible. The slower we go the lower the high frequencies become. Finally our fast traveling has reduced the environment to UV and x-ray frequencies. The faster we go the worse it becomes.


Doing the math's suggests an hour as fast we would observe the environment proportionally 60 times as fast a bed side lamp would appear to be a 3.6KHz radiating a blue color cast. The faster we go the higher the radiation. Above blue is UV and x-ray. The slower we go the lower the radiation goes. At low speeds the environment  will be a red color cast. Any slower will be inferred. The slower we go the worse it becomes. Theoretically we can travel at an infinite sped. If a maximum of the universe is anything to go by if we hit maximum where it radiation won't change no any matter how fast we go of slow we go.


Composition of the earth's atmosphere would be effected. We breath frequency of the molecule traveling at different speeds. In either case we may suffocate in a oxygen depleted dimension. We may experience different atmospherics pressure. The G-forces could overwhelming as well as a pressure overwhelming.


Traveling backwards in time is particularly vulnerable at any speed. The electromagnetic radiation, gravitational and accelerating forces are reversed. For example gravity would be pulling upwards the acceleration forces expanding outwards.


If we view our 1kg falling body we dropped from the top floor of a sky scrapper earlier we never give it second thought in a reversing video moving it upwards landing back in our hands. In such a situation gravity is pulling upwards. So to the air molecules in the air we breath should be going backwards. Every inhale we are exhaling backwards going molecules. Every exhale we would be breathing in backwards going air molecules Everything is in reverse.


Parallel universe  theory is a parallel physics with time travel. We may have a different set of oxygen speeds than our double brothers. The sliders sliding from world to world didn't seem to have any breathing difficulties. The atmospheric pressure inside the wormhole was perfect for sliding.


The faster we go the heaver the stress of the accelerated G forces become. The slower we go the lighter the g's goes. Either way we the different speeds we could experience we could experience an uncomfortable ride.


Hollywood make use of a Kaleidoscope of only visual hyperspace effects with out the consequences on the electromagnetic, gravity and acceleration forces at different speeds. In the 1960 movie the machine itself was reminiscent to a 19th century horse drawn snow sleigh that looked appreciate to the period. 


A huge disk behind the riders seat was obviously the time warp field generator. Inspired by the 1895 science fiction novel by H.G. wells was surprising the technological break though with the special theory 10 years ahead of  Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity and the first world war technology. 


In both movies George was hurtled though the future in a fast forward front row seat. They didn't experience any changes of work and energy of the electromagnetic radiation, gravity and acceleration forces at all. In the 2002 remake Gorge was accidentally knocked unconscious. His machine went out of control traveling thousands of centuries in a few minutes.


Sci-fi television shows have rather shallow ideas of the science behind the the the work and energy of the environments electromagnetic radiation the graviton pressure and acceleration pressures. Each movie had a visual and unique kaleidoscope view point of what time travel should look like. Examples that come to mind are two 1960's British TV series the time called the time tunnel a popular sci-fi adventure series that coincided with a time lord series Doctor Who.


A couple of technicians got caught up in an accident the facility technicians tried to recover lost in time. The pair tumbled their way into past and future adventures to the backdrop a hyperspace swirl in relative comfort. There was no electromagnet radiation, gravitational or acceleration G-force changes.  


Doctor who time machine disguised as a London police telephone box called the TARDUS wheezed and wined tumbled it's way though time disappearing and reappearing in and out of time line adventures I thought the 2002 movie machine was far to much advanced computer scaffolding for the period to be believable. When activated electricity swirled round it like lightening.


Similar electrical effects was used in the terminator movies dropping into the 1980's and 90's from a cybernetic future culture. Other movies come to mind I've seen the final countdown, The Philadelphia experiment, and time cop with similar effects generating time warps not to mention back to back to the future vanishing the professors car in a poof of cloud of electrical sparks 30 years into the future. Everybody traveled though time in realty comfort. The reality can be quite different.


A Kaleidoscope of electrical lighting seemed to be a popular time warp effect for American sci-fi. I thought the British effects tended to be more subtle. We are all familiar with the American sci-fi TV series Star trek warp drive ship take off to light speed. After much studying text books  I thought would have generated relativity effects the non fiction authors talk much about.


A similar effect was the take off Star Wars ship in the star wars trilogy series called hyper drive. We lead to believe the ships were accelerated to light speed in less than a second take off. According to those that believe light speed has time travel qualities and the lessons I learnt from library books on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and others I would have thought there should have been relativity effects included at every take off.


Any remake of Time Cop would be a lest a 21st century update. It would include ideas of personalized mobile phone technology using video conference feed though time with a central time warp police precinct linked to police offices mobile phones in the future. There is no limit to scrip writers imagination.  


Einstein's general theory of relativity tells us space is rubbery the key to mass bending space. Ships ride the gravitational wave stretched in front pulled from behind like a stretching rubber band back and forth. Space ships ride the crest.


Everything we know including our bodies is made up of cells that are made up of molecules that are made up of atoms. Atomic particle are so tiny only powerful microscope see them. It's like observing a mass of marbles dozens of meters away look solid. The standard model of the atom is made up of the tiny electrons orbiting the central core. Atomic particles have the properties of electrical charge. Electrons are negative while the central proton has a positive charge. The neutron has no charge at all. 


We have all discovered at one time or another playing round with two magnets they not only cling together but also discover repel each other with some considerable force. If a bar magnet is suspended freely in a sling it will align itself across the nearest magnetic north and south magnetic poles.


One end of the magnet is pulled to the nearest pole while the other end pushed by opposite pole aligning across the North and South pole directions. We all have seen a campus needle point to the north pole direction. One end of any bar magnet is a North seeking and the other South seeking poles. We have N and S seeking magnetic poles in every magnetic filed. The magnetic fields are invisible as the high electromagnetic frequencies. 


The negative charge (-) of electrons are repelled by like negative of electrons. Electrons are attracted to the positively (+) charged protons. The like repel and unlike attract law. The forces work together electrons repelling electrons attracted to protons like nails flying to a magnet. This is the property of matter.


We've all heard about antimatter and it's animation properties in contact with matter. Antimatter is like matter looking at itself in a mirror except for a key feature. In matter electrons are negative and protons positive. In antimatter electrons are positive and protons negative.


If mater encounters antimatter results in the same charges occupying the same space at the same time. Negative electrons are encountering negative protons including positive electrons encountering positive protons. From the like repel law the inevitable happens. The forces repel on a light speed/Plank constant (?) scale into a explosion of nuclear like energy.


Antimatter and mater found it's way into TV we all know well as the Star Trek series. It was assumed antimatter had opposite physical properties including gravitational and acceleration forces. 


It began with that idea with the original series in 1964 when NBC studio planed a brand new series. Scientific advisers suggested the ships engines make use of the power antimatter to propel the Enterprise to light speed in an instant called warp drive.


If the Enterprise was accelerated to light speed in a second it's mass would generate so much pull back force would only be capable of a maximum speed of less than 1% of light speed. It wouldn't go any faster. At maximum speed the acceleration would be terminated to a constant velocity well below light speed.


The theory was if an injection of antimatter was introduced into the ships engines would create gravity waves in the fabric of space in the form of a pulling force ahead the Enterprise. 


Or at lest the annihilation effect conciliating the pull back force. It would be like the work and energy of the pull back force turned round the opposite direction to pull forward instead of pulling back. The pulling power of the gravity wave troth would pull in the the Enterprises into it riding the peak like a surfer riding mega wave surf. The ship would not be restricted to anymore G-forces pulling it back anymore. The Enterprise would be no more heavy than own mass weight at rest.


Given the animating properties of antimatter it is extremely unsafe stuff.  Series two DVD History channel set on the universe cosmic apocalypse describes an abundance of equal amounts of antimatter and mater in the early universe. There was a A tit for tat annihilating each war of survival between them. Matter won out. 


Scientists have been able to create some antimatter. But they can only create a few micrograms. Star ship engines need at lest generate tones every second to be useful for warp drive.


The maximum speed of light is an important constant. Expensive smart phones, tablets, laptops, PC operating system and scientific calculators are ideal electronic weight and measures converting platform Menus. They tend to be a bit completed many of us tend to avoid. 


Never the less converters are very handy in converting miles to kilometers. Access is though calculator menus. If we enter in a conversion table 1 mile then kilometers will result in 1.609344km often rounded off to 1.609. There is a 186 thousand miles every second means a 186 thousand 1.609km. When we enter 186000 x 1.609 = the read out confirms 299,274km's every second.


Every second travels though time a 186 thousand miles (Times 1.609km's). We walk a meter in that time I'm sure an example of a 4th dimension. Vehicle speedometers are an example of measuring distance in time. Constant 60mph (times 1.609 in km's) on a state highway adds 60 miles to the speedometer in an an hour I'm sure another example of a 4th dimension.


We observe the second hand of clocks and wrist watches move a full circle a whole minute. The minute and hour hands remain frozen in time. It is an illusion. Both hands are moving to slow for us to observe moving. The minute had is moves 60 times as slow as the second hand.


We don't observe the minute hand move a full circle the hour hand moves a division. The hour had is frozen in time moving a full circle 12 midnight a.m. to 12 midday from 12 midday p.m. to twelve to 12 midnight. The same is true with digital clocks only in the digital columns frozen in time. We observe the hour column every 60 minuets as slow as the minute column. 


Like analogue clocks and wrist watches digital phone clock dates change every 12 midnight every 24 hours. There is no such thing as 24. Set in the military time mode every new date occurs the second after 23:59:59 resetting to 00:00:00 representing no seconds, no minutes and no hours for a second in the new date. The second column counts every second of the first minute.


There is no hours and no minutes. The second column ticks on faithfully repeating 60 seconds every every minute, every minute in every hour the rest of the date every 24 hours 7 days of the week including every fortnight (two weeks) every month potentially for years theoretically for decades and centuries. Talk about like clockwork. However your phone clocks are not perfect. They loose time when batteries are low although manufactures design their chip sets to help compensate for low battery to keep regular time even low


Our mathematical instant agrees it is only a matter of adding up the seconds in 24 hours. If we enter in our phone calculator 60 squared (60 x 60) x 24 =. The read out displays the seconds of every date change I'm sure another example of a 4th dimension. Our phone clocks measure like clockwork every minute 60 times as slow as every second. Every hour is 60 times as slow as a minute. Every hour is 3 thousand 600 times as slow as every second.


Operating on the principle the seconds of the 7 days of a week (even a fortnight. Two weeks if you wish) time travels in those times. Calculator will confirm 60 squared times, 7. Since there is a 186 thousand miles in every second is thee distance light travels in that time.


Our phone calculators can project all the seconds in every month. The Gregorian calendar has different number of days 29 to 31. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of adding up the seconds of a year. We enter 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 =. The read out confirms the the seconds of that time. 


The read out pans out to well over 31 million seconds. When we multiply by 18000 miles confirms the distance in miles multiplied by 1.609 in km's. Most of us are aware leap years, that extra day at the end of every third February every decade. (10 years). The reason why there is always an extra day in a year is complicated story. Your can learn the details on line with youtube or web sites and library books on time and calendar book titles. We add up all the seconds of 3 days adding all the seconds of 10 years.


Adding up the seconds distance grows so huge we need scientific calculators. Operating on the principle Scientifics can handle huge numbers. We can project all the seconds in a century or a millennia (thousand years), millions, billions of years into the distance future. Going back in time it is only a mater of reversing the numbers from the current current.


We can quickly surpass light speed in a few steps. Theoretically we could calculate an infinite acceleration in the forward going direction as well as revising that projects the distance of many centuries per second. 


The numbers get so huge the acceleration into an infinite future we get into thousand, millions, billions even trillions centuries per second nowhere near anything infinite. Theoretically we can count every second to the moment of the big bang that has suppose to have created the universe.


In a episode of star Trek Voyager explored infinite velocity. The little single setter shuttle raced across the universe in space and time in an infinite acceleration. A fast forward video accelerating to infinite velocity is a clear indication of the what we observe of the relativity effects on the environment.


An example of this is an out of control acceleration 10 times the distance every second for ever. Image we take off a distance of 1 mile (or 1.609km) by the time the second hand of our wrist watch moved a division. In the next second we traveled 10 miles. By the third second we'd accelerated a distance of a 100 miles. We had accelerated that distance in three seconds respectively. It works out in one second one mile with no 0's. Ten miles one with one  0 and a 100 miles one with two 0's in that time.


Every 10 times the distance every second works out if we add another 0 we'd accelerated a thousand miles in 4 seconds. If we add another 0 we accelerated 10 thousand miles in 5 seconds. If we add another 0 we'd accelerated a 100 thousand miles in 6 seconds. We would be 86 thousand miles per second short of the maximum speed of light in that time.  Light does 186 thousand in one second.


Wormhole exits are a distance across the universe relative to the entries. Imagine we entered a wormhole exiting a distance of the 100 thousand miles in the 6 seconds of our time. Distance across the universe extends into the past what make wormholes theoretical time machines. Assuming they are a product of an out of control black hole gravity in an infinite time we would be an one with no end to the number of miles clear across the universe less than a second.


Anything to do with infinity theoretically the gravitational acceleration would be correspondingly out of control. In the power 10 scenario the sliders would have experienced Malay's vertex slide gain no end to the number of miles/km's of acceleration every second. 


By now we would think there should be no such thing. We'd think the universe would not be big enough for those kind of distances no wear near infinite. The question is how many 0's in an infinite number of miles? (or km's if you wish). The illustration showed us adding a 0 is every 10 times the distance every second with no end to the zeros for ever and ever miles/kilometers in that time.


There has been many time travel movies the most well known to all of us back to the future. Marty and the professor accelerated forward in time 20 years into the into the future in less than a couple of seconds flash of energy. A sequel explores the some aspects of traveling beyond sub light speed.


You may be reminded of many other time travel movies you care to remember like time and time again, the final countdown, and time cop and many others. In 1960 an adoption of H.G Wells 1895 novel the time machine and a remake in 2002 of the same name and if you are a time travel fan you you will recall many other titles.


Back to the future the professor and Marty's point of view jumped forward beyond sub light speed 30 years in a flash. For everybody else took the whole 30 years to travel the same amount of time. Imagine a baby born the time of departure with pre arrangements to meet Marty and the professor 30 years later. It would have been only a couple of seconds to Marty and the professor and 30 years to the baby left behind to grow up.


If Marty had been left behind it would have taken him 30 years traveling at sub light speed to catch up with the professor. The professor and Marty both traveled 30 years to complete stop in less than a couple of seconds. His car traveled exponentially though time. God knows what things would have turned out if the professor jumped a 100 years in the same amount of time.


The same with the 1979 time cop and many other time travel movies you may care to remember. According to the 1960 time machine our time travel hero George Wells riding his time machine observed an unfolding future way-way beyond light speed. The same with the 2002 remake update.


An episode of the original TV series star trek series including voyager are a couple of star Trek interpretation episodes exploring Einstein's special relativity effects visitors boarding the ships viewing the crew frozen in time.


At sub light speeds our eyes follow the blades of electric fans as blurs. Likewise from the crew point of view visitors were sped up in time so fast to be invisible. They wondered about the crew in real time while the crews frozen in time like there dimensional photographs we they move round in. To the visitors days every second for the crew.


In Voyager the ship was caught orbiting a planet at sub light speed were the occupants observed it on a light speed scale as a bright star for centuries. The crew of voyager stuck at sub light speed saw the opposite effect of the planet's centuries pass less than a day roughly every voyager second several month's on the planet.


When the species technology reached a stage the planet's occupants developed rocket technology investigating the star. From the Voyager crew point of view the visitors where invisible.  


The voyager crew finally worked out a measured indication how fast they were observing the visitors planet point of view of their time frame. The visitors were traveling beyond light speed month's faster than they were.


Every second is present time equal to light's maximum speed limit. A favorite of time travel buff's the faster we go the slower times go. Let's say we ride a time machine observing the second hand of a clock slow down as slow as the minute. Time travel buff's would say time has stopped. To do that we would need to travel at the speed of light. We are traveling a different dimension 


If we observe the second hand slowed down as slow as a minute we are viewing the environments time 60 times as slow by every minute of our time. Einstein's special theory of relativity reminds us if we carry our phone with us it's clock seconds tick away as normal representing  our time. From environment observers point of view will observe us a minute into the future every environment their second.


Environment observers observe the relativity effect of us 60 times as fast the environment's time. We are no longer in the environment's present time. The second hand now looks frozen in time. It is an illusion of stopped It is actually moving in a constant 60 times as slow every our second indefinitely.


Every environment second, minute and hour are 60 times as slow. From the environment observers point of view the observe the opposite effect. We would appear 60 times as fast. We are traveling a different dimension.


Einstein's special theory remind us of an important detail traveling though time. It's a self filling prophecy nothing travels faster than light. The first issue light speed is a maximum speed limit even in the zero resistance of outer of space. It just doesn't go any faster. It's at it's maximum speed. 


The second issue time travel buffs tell us time is supposed stop at light speed. This issue is razes the theoretical concept of the whole environment is frozen in time including all physics. We are reminded of the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) properties. If we accelerate to the max we observe light decelerate to zero. If light travels the distance in a second is anything to go by in that time.  In the movies audiences are taken into the future and past in seconds.


Imagine our speed is an hour into the future every our second. If we do the math's on this both the environment observer and our points of view amounts to 3 thousand 600 times of fast and slow each others view point. The environment obverse view us that much as fast and from our point of view the environment is that much as slow. 


To most of us we are not in present time. We'd expect we would exist an an hour into the future. If we continue every environment second. Einstein reminds us environment observers observe our physical dimensions expanded as we see them contract that much at the same time. We disagree with the observers what what we witnessed and the environment observers disagree with what we witnessed. We both agree on one thing. We witnessed the opposite of each others point of view at the same time.


If we where traveling at light speed to the environment observers the environment's time travels every second as normal. We on the other hand observe the environment's time proportionately slow. The environment's time doesn't go any slower than a 186 thousand miles per second. 


If we do the math on this from our point of view light takes a 186 thousand seconds of our time to travel a distance of 186 thousand miles. That's one mile/1.609km every our second slow. Proof of this when we multiply a 186 thousand times equals one every environment second as fast. Light speed doesn't stop any slower than it is as fast.


If we were orbiting the earth at the same speed as light the relativity effects predicts what many believe time stops at light speed. Many time travel buffs believe the theory if we travel past light speed it we observe it go backwards. According to the laws of thermal dynamics our environment's time goes backwards at the cost everything else in nature goes backwards. We travel back to events that that had already happened. We only need to look at a reversing video of what we my see of time. On pause everything is frozen solid. Once again we are reminded of the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) trap. 


A paused video everything suspended in mid air clearly included gravity frozen in time too. We come full circle back to the Planck time. (?)  Since light is canceled we are reminded of observing no light and  physics at the Brose/Einstein condensate (?) state. We would see nothing. Not even the condensate (?). Paused videos is the best representation of what we expect to observe time stoped. That means temperature too. Without light all we may only experience a black void. Hollywood often hides it in a flash of energy or as hyperspace. Meantime the environment takes years at sub light speed to travel the same amount of time.


Since light doesn't go any faster than it's maximum speed in any direction we find ourselves face with the fact we are traveling the same speed as light this time in the forward direction.


In the time machines movies the Georges traveled centuries forward per second per second of their point of view just like a acceleration fast forward video. The slower they went the faster the environment's time went. Given 19th century technology a machine capable of that sort of thing in that period is highly unlikely in the first place. They would have to have had the help of advanced either extraterrestrial people from the future.


It's common movies and TV sci-fi time travel visual effects such as star wars hyperspace tunnel effect. The classic British TV series Doctor Who main theme comes to mind. In star trek Voyager the galley viewing window scenes at warp streaking stars pass by. 


In the sliders Mallory's portal was a  head long Roller coaster ride. I though of how the the four sliders fell though by the pull of the next world's gravity Distance traveled inside the tunnel was not considered time travel. Despite the crossing from one world to the other there was no relativity effects of any short cut, just the different dimension of their home world at the same time. They were deposited in each world in real time as the other world they left behind.


Most of us are fascinated with the idea of Einstein' s theory of reality allows time travel. According to the relativity effects once the deceleration at light speed light we observe light at it's maximum speed collapses to zero. Because we are traveling at the maximum speed of light we observe the relativity effects of thermal runaway of the environment. Us at light speed environment we are once again reminded observers should observe us converted to the Brose/Einstein (?) as we observe the environment converted to it. 


We all assume a second as the smallest amount time. According to the Plank constant (?) far from it. What we consider as nit picking sports commentators win and loose our motor sport heroes less than a second. 


Details of the standard metric system prefix mili- (pronounced mill lee) for 1 divide a thousand. Three-quarter second is 750 milliseconds. Any phone calculator confirms 3 dived  4 = a readout of 0.75. Half a second is 500 millisecond (one divide in half), 1 divide 2 = a read out of 0.5. A quarter second is 250 milliseconds 1 divide by 4 =  0.25 a read out of 0.25 second respectively.


A microsecond is 1 divide a million equals 1 millisecond divided by a thousand. Pico seconds 1 divide a billion the same a microsecond divided by a thousand and Tera seconds 1 divide a trillion respectively. The Planck Constant (?) is so incredibly tiny there is no definitive words to describe it. It's way-way smaller than a trillionth of a second. 


Smart phones have a menu where you can switch the basic calculator to the scientific calculator mode. Switch to the scientific mode and Enter 6.262. look for an EXP (Exponent) key pressing it. You should have 6.262e+0. The cross represents the positive number the e for exponent. In the key pad you should find a plus/minus key (-+ ) key. Press it. You should have 6.262e-0. Now enter 43. You should have 6.262e-43 (pronounced as 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43) one plank time respectively.


If you press the +/- key changes the minus to plus (+) the number of times every a Planck frequency. 6262 with 39 zeros in scientific notation terms 6.262 times 10 to the 43 a total of 43 digits. It pans out to 6.262 times 10 forty-three times. Your phone calculator is showing a Plank time in both plus and minus values.


Now think of a stop motion pad of a stick figure. Imagine a slightly a 100 pages every image barley different to the naked eye. If we flip 2 pages every second the series of drawings would look like the figure comes alive in a jerky stop motion cartoon.


Imagine the same 100 pages every figure identical to the naked eye flipped 100's of times a second. The figure would move as smooth as ice. It's how we perceive digital video including the world round us. High definition (HD) video is made up of single digital freeze frame photos made up of millions of on screen digital dots called pixels. They are as tiny as the sharp end of a sowing needle. 


Imagine a flip book on a Plank scale. It would would amount to 6.262 times 10 to the 43 identical images every second. The Planck constant (?) is the number of freeze frames per second constant.


It reminds me of digital electronic text books describing how analogue signals are converted to digital signals. There is converting digital to analogue illustrations. The analogue to digital converter measures the analogue sine wave in digital steps called a sampling rate. It is part of the circuitry that samples pieces of the analogue signal many times per second.


Quantum physics tells us the sub atomic particles are  constantly tunneling though the space they occupy. When we follow a baseball with our eyes we can trace it's trajectory and speed with our brain with ease. Our brain is hard wird automatically calculate the position we can catch it.


In 1927 a German physicist Werner Heisenburg proposed a counter intuitive idea when it comes the atomic partials of the atom that make up the ball. Our brain tracks the trajectory and position at the same time. If we could observe the balls atomic particles our brain would be struggling to track their trajectories. If we observe their positions their speed becomes obscure. If we observe their speed their positions become obscured. We can not determine both position and speed of the balls atomic particles at the same time. This is the basics of quantum physics uncertainty principle.


Physics tell there is a property of an orbiting particle of the atom orbiting the core of the atom called electrons that have a sort of spin to them. The first thing we think of is a physical billiard ball spin. Physicist say electrons are more like an electrical energy. Spin is only a visual representation of a the spin of some sort of vibrating electrical energy atmosphere.


Imagine a few dozen billiard balls as electron behavior. There will be a few spinning clockwise and a few spinning antilock wise only when we looking at them. If we don't look at them and try to predict directions looking an look at them again we never be able to see the what we predict. 


For example if we predicted spins to look at the electrons we observed in anticlockwise modes are in clockwise modes and electrons that were in clockwise modes are in anticlockwise modes. If we try again the same thing happens. Just by looking We can never observe what we predict. This has become a part of quantum physics weirdness uncertainty principle. 


Every phone clock second is a perception of memory every present second. We can recall the last few seconds, minutes, hour, and days. They are hidden in the future. Despite every second is often stretched despite no second is longer or shorter than any other second.


The more we stare at any digital seconds, (your phone clock, including the second hands of our any analogue alarm clock, office wall clock, and wrist watches) the longer every second seems to become even though the same amount of time. Waiting for the minute to end particularly seems a long wait. Every second is a constant state of a now moment of time in in every current minute.


When you track every second we start to notice a measurable change in the first quarter minute (15 seconds). By the next 15 we notice a significant amount of time. By the time a half minute (30 seconds) the minute longer than we anticipate. By three quarter minute (45 seconds) every second will appear a significant amount of time. When you reach a whole minute I bet that would have been the longest minute you'd ever sat though. The minute was no longer than every other minute. It only appears that way our brain perceives time.


I have seen a DVD sets called mind games, test your brain, and brain games by National Geographic society that plays games with our brain a perfect support what most science writers predict our world is nothing more than an illusion. What we see in optical illusions is proof what we see is not always what it appears to our brain makes it out to be.


No matter which extreme angle we watch TV news presenters eyes they are always looking directly at us. If we change our angle their eyes follow us from one extreme corner to the other. Two people will observe the same presenters eyes looking straight at them from two extreme angles at the same time. The presenter gaze is exactly the same no matter the angle looked at.


Another detail of our brain brain often converts 2-D images at certain angles into to 3-D. Take observing a miniature teddy bear. Brought up close we are suppressed to learn we where looking at a huge monster far away. Under normal circumstance we only glance a second or two the details. It is only when we take the time to notice the illusion of distance becomes clear.


We can view a big house far way away fit inside a keyhole is a example of the illusion of distance. Hollywood use this kind of optical illusion with life like models all the time. What seems like real cars, boats or airplane action scenes, parts of the action are fleeting moments of miniature life like models in disguise designed not to spot.


Take the 1997 Titanic for example. The sinking and break up was miniature models. Today done properly in high definition computer graphics can be digitally close enough to disguised like the the real thing. Toy sized objects are often seen for life size illusion. This type of a illusion is fleeting but enough to disguise the size none the less. 


For the time of one tick of your clock second is enough time to see a black and white photograph flash full color. It only takes a second for the illusion to wear off our brain realizes it was really black and white. It's not our eyes that do this it's our brain's memory of color details from the real world it attempted to fill in.


A detail of time travel and parallel universes we are constantly reminded by physicists we are made of star stuff. Stars are made up of the subatomic particles of the atom. We are made of the same sub atoms. We are essentially a product of the so called big bang that is supposed to have created the universe. 


Several billion years since the birth of the earth is more than enough time to evolve into complex life. A million years let a lone several is plenty of time for mutation changes to take place over each successive generation dying that time. Geological time defines evolution. Think of how long millions of year really is. There is 10 centuries in a millennia a thousand years. There is a thousand millennium in a million years.


Another detail of time travel and parallel universe is a constant reference of the term mass. scientists think of as the mass of body's attractive force. 


Take a kilo of feathers, a kilo of butter and a kilo steel steel bar. (2.2lb). To you and me these different things weigh the same. Only the density is different. To science the attractive pull of the of the mass of each item. If we measure on a scale celebrated for the earth's gravity on the moon theses items will read, as little as a 166 grams or 2.2lb five and 3/4 ounces. The mass is still the same only the pull of gravity is different.


The pull of the moon's mass is much less than earth so pulls in bodies will have less weight. The international space station orbiting earth is weightless. The earth's mass for example pulls a 176 pound (88 kilo) person at rest to the ground at sea level. 


If we measure the astronaut on the moon will record 6th the weight. The same astronaut on the surface of a  neutron stare would record a couple of trillion tones. A neutron star is entirely the gravitational pull of compact neutrons. They are the electrically neutral particle in the core of the atom. Light speed is barely fast enough escape velocity reflecting off them shinning like a star. A teaspoon of this star on earth would weight as much as the earth itself. That's how dense these stars are.


The attractive pull in power of the center of a black hole is smaller than an atom is so compacted beyond light speed can escape. The singularity (?) absorbs a 100% of light speed. The whole black hole doesn't reflect light. A black body of the universe.


Scientifically the attractive pull unit of the earth's mass is bench mark reference of 9.81 Newtown's of attractive pull to you and me experiencing 1G of the earth's mass our body weight at rest at sea level.


Using the system international units the equivalent of the crushing inward pressure of a giant fist a kilogram force per cubic meter. The earth's mass is compacting us inward every direction onto the surface of the earth's crust. The entire weight is enough to keep the mantle under our feet molten. Our bodies have evolved into pressurized bags of mostly water expanding against the earth's atmosphere we breath in and out every day.


According to Einstein's General theory Newtown's mass of the earth is pulling inwards space bending it. Einstein gravity has been seen since as space distorted by the earth's mass. A important detail in traveling though space is to be reminded of the acceleration of muscle cars we all know well. For example if you have ever experienced a fast take off you experience your body weight greatly amplified yanking you back into you seat at take off.


Down hill mountain bike sport enthusiasts experience the thrill of the maximum speed they can peddle in forested down hill chasing the clock runs. They fight hard balance control to hold on to their bikes at every twist and turn without slowing down or crashing. There is a lot of G-forces at every twist and turn. Einstein reminds us the key point to the cyclists feeling the down hill accelerations forces on him and his bike is form of gravity.


To you and me we feel typical family SUV station wagon an insignificant tug back into our seats we tend to ignore as nothing. We don't have to be Einstein's to understand 0 to 60mph in less than a couple of seconds is not nothing. Formula 1 racing cars accelerate to a 100mph in the same amount of time. In other words motion is G-forces. It has work and energy called kinetic energy.


Turning over machines generate their own forces in the form revolution per second commonalty known as revolution per minute (RPM). A classic example is a rotating central fugal force machine including Mallory's turbine (any turbine) even a time machine speed. 1G is the sensation we feel several times the earth's pinning us to the ground when at rest. 


If we experience an acceleration twice our body weight we experience as if the earth' gravity feels amplified twice the force even a second of two of 2G's. If 3G's three times our body Weight and 4G's of weight, 4 times the earth's gravity.


Sky divers jumping out of plane hatches the earth's mass snatches them accelerating to a 32 feet maximum speed in a second. This maximum speed is a terminal acceleration where the earth's mass can't accelerate any faster called terminal velocity. 


Formulae 1 racing car take off's are capable of feats of accelerations drivers literally experience the earth's gravity increase a couple of pounds in seconds no sweat. A jet fighter as much as 4 times. Imagine accelerating a distance of 60mph from standing start in a couple of seconds. Imagine to 100mph to a instant stop in that time. Imagine an electric turbine RPM at those velocities.


We experience a change in speed in a constant velocity at terminal velocity. For example an acceleration 30mph to twice the speed in several seconds. The faster we accelerate the more we experience a amplified force pulling us back in during change in speed. Deceleration (breaking) from 60 to 30 in time respectively. The faster we slow down the more force we fell amplified pulling us forward. Imagine an instant stop from 60mph let a lone from from a 100mph.


It reminds tech savvy people of Newtown's first laws of motion. When a body is set in motion tends to remain in motion to you and me free running momentum. Once at rest will remain at rest indifferently. The pull back feeling we experience the is a resistance to acceleration called inertia. The faster we go the more resistance. 


Finally the resistance becomes so great the force (which can be the earth's gravity for a vertical plane or a horizontal force for a horizontal plane) become irresistible. The acceleration can't accelerate the body any faster. The body has reached maximum speed. The same is true with the the rpm of any machine. Once maximum inertia is reched we don't feel the force at maximum speed, except any impact


We can imagine the impacting energy of any vehicle at those velocities. We are correct to assume the definition of Kinetic energy as work and energy of any motion. Any high speed collision testifies to the energy involved can be destructive. Imagine the the kinetic energy of in the RPM of an engine running at the speed of light.


We also experience a force in high speed turns with out showering down. Rolla coaster rides are a classic example. The mass of the coaster wants to go straight ahead forced to change direction though the curve at the none stop high speed. Another example is a vehicle hitting that tight corner far to fast for the drive could manage the curve at that speed.


When light enters the earth's atmosphere resistance including the earth's gravity slows it down somewhat. It's not at it's maximum speed traveling though the earth's atmosphere. Time is slowed down according to the light speed. 


Planck time (?) predicts light is stopped dead in it's tracts in that time. The work and energy of the earth's spin and orbit kicks back. Light is reversed direction by a Plank time (?) back into the earth's atmosphere to you and me bouncing back in another angle technically called refraction. Once it clears the earth's atmosphere and gravity it accelerates back to it's maximum speed.


A video in a fast forward mode is a good example what we would expect to see when we slow light speed down whether traveling to the future in fast forward or rewind traveling back into the past mode.


Think of the supper hero the flash or superman sprinting from a standing start to a distance of a 100 miles to a stop by the time a phone clock second. Think of a fast forward video flashed fast forward then to normal speed in a second is and example of what the flash would observe of the environment's time. 


It is possible we can predict the time dilation effects of the environment's time according the theory of reality effects. The flash and superman could well observe the environment's time  slow down getting slower and slower to a stop, then start up again getting faster and faster back to normal time in the time of a environment second.


The flash and superman would have experience the inertia greatly amplified the faster the went. Imagine decelerating the same rate of time. It is the property of resisting acceleration and deceleration. The flash and superman would experience the full force of any deceleration trying to pull them forward power as we come to a full stop. Light bounces off the earth's surface on a light speed scale even on a Plank scale (?)


Superman and the flash point of view he may have experience the world slow down to a stop taking minuites. Observers may observe them either stretch the distance in a streak snapping back to normal that distance away or disappear and reappear as if teleported that distance in a second.


Isaac Newtown's laws of inertia equals mass multiplied by acceleration. In the case of high speed motion substituting the kinetic of G-force. It is one of Newtown's basic law of motion body's resisting acceleration including deceleration.


Motion and gravity combination tend to amplify inertia. In the zero resistance of space any a traveling body encountering a gravitational field amplifies  it's speed. It's speed amplifies pit's inertia crushed under the enormous pressure from all directions. The work and energy of a speck of dust can be a deadly impact. A sowing needle is made up of atomic particles of the atom under enormous gravitational acceleration forces. The needle will be squeezed from every directions distorting the shape of the needle.


The pressure is so great the electrons are removed exposing the inner core of the atoms (Nuclei). The law of thermal dynamics tells us when pressure is applied temperature increases The heat we feel generated pumping air into a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction your know. Compressing air molecules causes them to heat up. Even in the zero resistance of out of space the needle would be incinerated to atoms well before top speed light speed. A law of thermal dynamics tell us nothing with mass can travel the same speed as light.


In the zero resistance of space bodies coast way-way faster than bullet speeds can travel on earth. There is a maximum coasting speed limit to everything and light is no exception. They just don't coast any faster.


Every spec of space dust stones, asteroids, planets, stars and galaxies in the zero space coast at top speeds. We don't experience the inertial stress of the earth's spin and orbit round the earth because the earth is not accelerating. It is at it's maximum round the sun. Astronauts space walk with no feeling of inertia are drag with the earth's spin. It takes traveling the same speed as light for Einstein's theory of relativity to take effect.


The common perception space is a vacuum. But it is filled with light. Visible light the colors of the rainbow is only the tiny fraction our eyes respond to. Most of us believe black holes stop time. If this is anything to go by harnessing the inertia of high velocity mass amplifies is the distortion effect on space and time. Einstein remind us the stress of traveling at light speed is so massive should be infinite the end result of dampening down of time.


What we feel as heat radiating from our bodies, bed side lamp bulbs, fire and any source of heat our naked eyes don't respond to only inferred cameras can see. Next is the colors of the rainbow our eyes respond to. Above this range our eyes don't respond to is the invisible radio and Television, telecommunication mobile phone and internet technology signal bandwidth known as the radio wave band. Then there is the UV rays including x-rays all the way up to Gamma rays.


This spectrum including the colors of the rainbow our eyes respond to is produced by every galaxy of the universe. According to classical physics the entire spectrum is are jiggling waves of energy. Think of a jiggled skipping rope wave traveling along the length of a rope. According to quantum physics light particles (photons) leap in secrete units on a Planck frequency (?) scale.


Hertz (Hz) is a measure a single wavelength. The standard metric system prefix system kilo for a thousand, mega for a million, gaga for a billion and Tera for a trillion  Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz and THz per second respectively.


The longest wavelength is as long as few miles every second called the cosmic background radiation radio telescope background noise. It's like a big waterfall hiss including occasional crackles believed to be 95% left over of the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe.


The classical physics classroom model of wave example of the swing of a grandfather clock pendulum. They accelerate from the rest position slow down at the end of the swing and stop. They reverse direction accelerating back past the rest poison. They slow down to a stop to reverse direction again repeating the cycle. The total distance of 1 swing is the wavelength. Imagine 1KHz let a lone a THz frequency up a trillion wavelengths in a second, (1 and 11 zero Hz), 1 cycle a trillionth of a second


The latest idea of black holes is a consequence of the gravitational felid on incoming matter converted to information stored in the black void of the event horizon. Just inside the black void of the edge where light disappears). Theoretically the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) of the the event horizon where the edge of the black void light despairs. If mater is converted into stored information sounds like a useful sort of cosmic recovery back up just like computer and phone recovery systems. 


Theortically if an intelligent species like us tampering with the universe physics the stored information of black holes available restores the universe the way it was automatically just as a small hick-up in modern computers activate a maintenance program behind the scenes. Electronic problems often occurred by the collapse of moving parts of the mechanical magnetic hard drives. Solid state technology has no moving parts resulting in only a second or two temporary chaos until the program stabilizes the computer behind the scenes.


Some scientists razed many alarming chain reaction concerns that would alternately have effected mankind to even the universe. Maybe their worst fears was realized but the theoretical Brose/Einstein condensate (?) available in black holes kicked in restoring everything the way it was automatically without us knowing anything had happened. Who knows if Mallory's vertex had taped into the principle.


If we look at the details of classical physics interpretation of the atom once again reminds us electrons orbit central sub atomic particles in the core called protons and neutrons. If we could observe the orbiting electrons we would observe them constantly swapping orbits. They disappear and reaper as if by magic. It is believed they tunnel though the space between each ring. Combined with the uncertainty principle (?) called quantum leaping.


There is no such thing as moving smoothly between orbits. A classic example of this is bicycle speed. We multiply the number of front chain wheel sprockets by the number of rear wheel wheel sprockets. The point is it is impossible for any fractions. No mater the number the sprocket combination the speeds are fixed at one level. There is no between electron orbits. Only the existing orbits.


The outer orbits is the highest level and the inner orbit the lowest. If the Planck constant (?) is anything to go by is on a Planck scale. (?)  The lower the orbit the lower the frequency of the atom. The higher the more energy and so on.


Quantum physics remind us of an action at a distance weirdness. Our body's electrons are  quantum leaping believed to in touch with the whole universe. What our bodies electrons do in this part of the galaxy are in entangled communication with the quantum leaping electrons clear across the distance anywhere in the universe. Albert Einstein didn't like the idea calling it a spooky action at a distance fallacy.


The subatomic particles are seem as point particles vigorously vibrating electrically charged waves. Light has a reputation of doing things only waves can do yet at the same time only particles can do. It has confused physics since the investigation of what it is. Is light made up point particles or a waveform. 


Before Albert Einstein light was though to have to be carried by a media called either. There was no either. The combined motion of every photon at stimulatingly producing an electromagnetic energy from every direction in any vacuum. In other words light doesn't need anything to carry it. It just is light in any vacuum.

Water and sound waves are examples of mechanical waves. To physicists photons are not considered point particles However the combined vibrating mass is considered a product of light being a waveform of electromagnetic radiation. We identify vibration as a back and forth motion. In the case of the mass of vibrating photons travel a distance of a 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of our wrist watch and clocks move every division.


The combination of every vibrating photon exhibits an electromagnetic radiation our eyes respond to witch includes color. We are familiar with Isaac Newtown experimenting with a beam of light directed at a prism. Imagine his surprise for the first time observing the 7 colors of the rainbow projected on the back wall we see in oil slicks.


Electromagnetic waves spread in all directions. A  fair analogy is pretty well excepted like the waves a peddle make dropped into the waters of a still duck pond. The distance between each wave is a wavelength. The number of times each wavelength passes a certain distance in time echoes the frequency of the wavelength. In the case of the electromagnetic radiation wavelengths many times per second. Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz and THz frequencies.


Classical physics remind us of a mathematical graph of a waveform called a sine wave. If identical peak and troths travel in parallel with each other the combination of the waves reinforce each other. If the troths are in parallel with the peaks they are completely out of phase canceling each to other to zero.


Electromagnetic ratiocinating including light, there is many different amplitudes, (the height of each wave) half in and out of phase that distort the fundamental waveform giving pitch, tone and color characteristic to sound and color in nature.


A good example a visual analogy imagine three or four pebbles dropped in succession into the still waters of a duck pond. The first splash wave is a fundamental. The other splashes is inference waves called harmonics. These secondary splashes combine distorting the first one ripple. There are basic fundamentals plus seven frequencies to every sound from a deep double base beat rumble to a high pitch church organ whistle called an octave.


According to classical physics the orbiting particle of the atom (electrons) are supposed to be attracted to the opposite charge of the central core particles attracting them like nails to a magnet. Physics struggled to understand why this doesn't happen. A 1920's influential Danish physicist Niles Bore's looked at the whole picture proposing a simple answer.


An initiation told him the nucleus doesn't attract the orbiting particles. The rings are natural. Physics where not exactly impressed. Their attitude they'll think about it and get back to him on that one. They clung onto the logic it doesn't make sense not to obey the natural laws of classical physics. It is a complex idea. He was the champion of the idea the electron rings outer orbits is the maximum energy of the atom. The most inner orbit is the minimum. Electrons don't move between orbit to orbit. They simply jump from orbit to orbit disappearing and reappear back and forth between the rings.


Anther intuition in 1925 came from a German physics Werner Heisenberg. We know our brain's capacity to measure the trajectory and travel by eye sight catching a baseball. Heisenberg made a bold prediction knowing the velocity of the particles of the atom that makes up the flying ball compromises knowing their position. 


Knowing the position compromises knowing the subatomic particle velocity. It is known in quantum physics as the uncertainty principle. The uncertainty principle states If you know motion the position is not known. This makes subatomic particles of the flying baseball inherently uncertain at any given moment of time.


In the sliders pilot Malloy (?) was puzzled with his blackboard math's. If this is a wormhole they are renowned to be highly unstable due to the infinite gravitational pull. The tunnel is simply infinitely heavy collapsing the tunnel the second it is formed. What was keeping the vertex so stable? As we leant in the beginning while he was away at his university lecture and part time job his double completed Mallory's equations. When I learnt about the Broses/Einstein condensate (?) I couldn't help wondering a connection. I couldn't help wondering the connection to the latest belief black holes is a store house of information in thee for of the condensate (?).


A detail overlooked is the power drain. It should have been more than infinite to handle the power of the power of the infinite gravity. The power drain should have been way-way beyond all the worlds electrical power supply. There was a potential of draining out the whole country's system.


On the contrary the power drain was insignificant. If we look at the whole the power drain to handle the mega gravity should have been mega itself. Yet it didn't  attract any attention of any power drain to his mother. Not a flicker from the lighting. His mother must have had to known something was going on by the power bill anyway. It seemed as if the power drain was more than normal. Anyway if I had a machine that could do that I would have been tempered to share it my mother what I discovered.


One of Einstein's intuitions came the maximum speed of light converts matter into energy known by the equation everybody into this sort of thing familiar with E equals M C squared.  The equation tells us the mathematical solution to the law of thermal dynamics matter cannot be destroyed only converted to energy.


To create a vertex needed a distortion of the environment  Einstein had an insight to multiply the maximum speed of light by itself multiplied by a milligram of matter (0.001 of a kg) equals the energy stored in matter. In other words  light speed squared multiplied by a mass E = C (the maximum speed of light) squared M better known as the familiar Energy stored in mater equals Mass times light speed squared we all know as e = m c squared.


A properly processed milligram of uranium (or more powerful iridium) is enough mass to bombarded the nucleus particles splitting each other into a chain reaction on a light speed scale realizing all that pent up energy of the nuclei. A classic example is the heat and energy of Nuclear blasts measured in kilo- and megaton yields. The vortex power drain would far exceeded E equals M C squared to convert matter into the kind energy required for a stable artificial wormhole.


If we follow this the nature of our mobiles phones clocks (as any digital time piece) defines a day as every date change that occurs every 12 midnight. Military time mode 12 midnight is 00:00:00, no hours, no minutes and no second as regular as clockwork. Our mathematical instinct agrees adding up all the seconds one date change pans out to be a total time of 86 thousand 400 seconds of now moment of times. (Or seconds if you like).


Those familiar with math's know a minute is 60 squared confirms all the seconds in a hour long TV program. Times 24 is the time of every date change. Every date is a period of 60 squared times 24.


There is no such thing as 24. Like every digital time piece in the military time mode your phone clock reads 23:59:59. When the new date changes it resets the numbers to 00:00:00 for the next 23:59:59 cycles. Your phone clock records us they faithfully count every 60 second cycles every 24 hours every 7 days of the present week in the present month in the present year counting down the present decade in the present century. In theory indefinitely.


If you are like me we observe the present second only. We can't remember the future second until it happens every second. Your phone clock is an example of tracking the arrow of time in the forward direction in every present second. 


We never know every future second as much as we don't know every what is going to happen in the next minuet, in the next hour, the next day, during the week, next month, next year, the next decade, century, milliner, (Thousand years) million, billion of years of the future. We only remember after every current second.


In other words we have no memory of the future. Lets say for example a time traveler lands in a time when he was in the past. As an adult would be at a time when he was a child not knowing his own future he will came back from the future. The question is can parallel memories one as a child growing up and another as a adult already experienced the future exist together at the same time?


The back to the future future sequel Marty and the professor raced back a 100 years into the past in less than a couple of seconds. Imagine going back the same 100 years slower than that. Lets say they every minute was a year of their past past over the course of the same 100 years. 


The math's indicates they would view 10 years of their past every10 minutes. It would take half an hour of their time to view 30 years of their past. It would be an hour and a half to view 90 years. It would be hour and 40 minutes to complete the trip


To view their past they could only be traveling Independently in the forward direction. Their memories of the experience only exist every present forward going second as they observed their past going backwards every year a minute of their time. There isn't any memory of every their forward going future second. 


Some clairvoyants may argue they can see the future. We have all experienced that mysterious sixth sense of been there done that before Dejavu feeling otherwise having no memory of every second is very normal.


Technological advancement entropy is an example of the forward progress of time. Progress has has been agonizingly slow up to the last century. To you and me a century is a long time but to geological time sense a 100 years out of millions is a mere instant.


There has been billions of orbits round the sun since the earth was born. One complete earth orbit has been a measurement used to compare time back to the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe is supposed to be under 14 billion had passed.


Some authors specially a DVD the fabric of the cosmos hosted by Brian Greene constantly questions time often imagined a wine glass crashing to the floor then reversed to illustrate the possibilities of time going backwards. It is imagined the law of physics doesn't say it can't reassemble back together the way it was in the past. Green asks the question is why we don't see this sort of thing happen? A breaking glass is only a moment. The argument of the possibilities was seized upon to justify why no reason why not.


One episode of the sliders landed in as prisoners right in the middle of a murder. They wondered why the wired proceeding was running back towards before the court room murder raiment. They soon discovered clocks confirming time in this world was running counter clockwise. Is possible parallel earth's where time runs opposite directions?  The DVD fabric of the cosmos illustrated the sliders would have viewed reassembling backward reassembling wine glass.


To do that the reassembly glass thing it would have to have had existed in time first. If an alternate reality ran backwards the sliders would have observed coal smoke plumbs retreat backwards unburning back into solid coal. They themselves would be going backwards.


The professor and Marty flashed back in time less than a few seconds. During that time  vehicles sucking exhaust back into exhaust pipes converted back into liquid gasoline. Cycle riders ride backwards perfectly straight. Electric fans running backward, meaning electricity was going backwards. 


Cold Coffey become hot steaming cups. Switching on lights would have been switching off off direction. Everybody walked backward perfectly and everything else at the same time.


Everybody in the environment went backwards. Properties grew newer and newer into new states people moving everything out as they went backwards. Builders disassemble the neighborhood. Nails are withdrawn with every strike of hammers dissembled backwards to a vacant lots. Other old fashioned buildings are reassemble in their places.


The population of their neighborhood, friends and themselves and whole families grew younger and younger eventually including their own passing the time they where born pregnant by their mothers. 


They would have undeveloped backwards into a fetus returning to a sperm swimming backwards back into their father's penis. The creation of the sperm is destroyed in their fathers tentacles. In time the neighborhood generation would have disappeared into their young family ancestors.


Meanwhile car styling whent backwards. The old brick phones of the 80's disappeared from history. Television morphs into the primitive black and what boxes. Records events are erased.


Grand parents of the neighborhood and friends including their own grew younger and younger returning to be born. The present history disappears until they arrive at the predetermined 100 years in the past. From the professor and Marty's point of view all that in a second or two flash. Imagine if the reversing time whent slow. They would have watch all that unfold.


One of the most important details overlooked in any reserving video is the laws of dynamic heat transfer. Cold air heats car engines. When we pure hot water into cups hot water pours in reverse back into the spout. Boiling water slows down. Steam condenses back into hot water cooling to cold water. The electricity of the jug is going backwards when the switch is switched off switch off the electric power. 


Humidity in the atmosphere constantly reverses directing. Hot air collapses backwards into cold air. Cold air expands forward into hot air direction. As time keeps going backwards all of history begins to disappear. As we travel back in time geologic change that had taken place slides back into place where it was in the past. 


The humble Telescope recording the universe in the vast distance of space has captured images of the universe past at the time of the end of the last ice age on earth where glaciers existed. The looking back our cave man ancestress came and went backwards. Looking back further all the geological changes reverted back to where they where the telescope capered the universe in that time.


looking right back in the distance of time the effects of the earth's gravity went backwards. The meteorite that has supposed to have killed off the dinosaurs the shock wave had revered back into the central impact point. The explosion collapsed in on itself. The asteroid lifted back out of the ground. 


The flaming tail dragged the asteroid back into out of space. The tail disappeared as the asteroid moved away from the earth backwards into deep space. The dinosaurs moved backwards in time 


As the telescope peered into the distance of deep time earthquakes and volcanoes on earth erupted backwards. Mountain ranges collapsed back to the ground as the continents move backwards to a single continent. As the telescope recorded galaxies as they where then the dinosaurs had disappeared into other life forms disappearing all together


As humble telescope looked further into the distance of space captures images of the at a time of the formation of the earth's moon. It dissembles into molten blobs circling backwards round the the earth falling backwards into it. A section of the earth implodes inwards. A planet morphs out of the crust moving away back into into space. There is no more moon.


The further back in time the telescope peered at a time a meteorite bombardment of the earth in reverse.  Earth specks imploding spiting outwards molten missiles in every direction. As we the telescope continue deep in the distance of time it sees a point in time the earth is a cloud of cosmic dust. The further back in time it pears in time it sees the universe at the time of birth of the sun going backwards. 


Further back in time the sun eventually implodes back into a expanding nebulae cloud. The telescope sees the universe at the time the nebulae had exploded backwards into a collapsing backwards supernovae into a giant red stare. 


As we move back in time the star changes from a red crowing smaller and smaller into a yellow star of it's former self. The telescope captures images of the universe at the time of a  whole range of stars in the universe had reversed back into implosions collapsing backwards one by into new stars. 


As the telescope continues peering backwards in  the distance of time the universe light gradually disappears as each star collapses into nebulas. No more light the telescope won't see the remains of matter collapsing inwards into nothing. The telescope should never be able to record images of no matter, no light, no energy, nothing for time to exist.


It's little wonder scientists had devoted a set of laws about heat transfer and efficiency the so called  thermal dynamics that describes the moving around of heat. The Hubble telescope can only record images of the limits of the first light of the first stars. Beyond that the telescope should never be able to record any images of the coldness of space get hotter and hotter as it travel back in reverse order towards the very moment of the big bang. In the revising cosmos heat travels from hot to cold direction. From chaos to order. 


Einstein's e equals m c squared law defines the first law of thermal dynamics telling us as taught at School mater and energy cannot be destroyed only converted to some other form. In the case of going back in time hot air constantly falls and cold air constantly rises mixing with each other causing backward going weather patens. 


The second law of thermal dynamics tells us heat radiates evenly everywhere. We feel the hot air currents of the earth's atmosphere by our body heating us called humidity the constant physics In contact with falling cold air.


It takes time for the hot air to be cooled. The physics  tells us once cooled enough the heat transfer is moved constantly in motion circulating back down mixing with the rising hot air again in circulating currents called convention. Time traveling back in time if we view as a reversing video anything is reversed.


Most of us see the big bang theory a major contradictory of the laws of thermal dynamics. The universe is supposed to have erupted into existence from nothing. It infers no energy and mo matter. An explanation offered is a point of pent up energy waiting to explode when.


The initial explosion is suspect as infinitely faster than light. As the big bang decelerated it cooled down. According to the law of thermal dynamics It is this direction heat travels creating the the first particles of the atom at a random disordered state. It is hard for most of us the throw of the dice. Yet there is the infinite possibility 


The big bang moving from hot to cold never cold to hot direction reminds us the cooling of the universe defines the second law of heat transfer. The cooling moved from a simple ordered state to a complex state of the universe we live in today. A months worth of vegetation growth of a abounded property is a clear example of entropy.


Our aging can be said to be a state of entropy though time. We never grow in the young direction. We always grow older never from old to young. The longer we live the older we are. Our bodies are not as they use to be. Our personalities change as we go too. Adults are different than when they are infants. Entropy is a state always advancing in the direction of of that order. 


Thermal dynamics remind us when water freezes it is maxed out as solid despite plummeting temperature. Water doesn't get any more solid. The Brose/Einstein condensate (?) theory predicts the energy on a subatomic scale doesn't stop until all activity of the atom ceases altogether at minus 273 decrees Celsius bellow zero.


The third law tells us in reality the closest to completely ceasing all atomic activity is maxed out to a fraction above the limit. Atoms don't get any more stationary than the Brose/Einstein condensate state. (?)


At the other end of the scale molten Iron stays at a maximum fluidness no matter how long we maintain the heat. Energy is conserved at a maximum state. The law reminds us temperatures of stars are stabilized no where near the temperature of the big bang. 


Brian Greene tells us the present, past and future exist at the same time. Looking at your phone clock every second moves constantly forward second by second. Every future second doesn't seem to happed yet. Not until it the present second at lest. 


The law of entropy remind us if time could reverse will be doing impossible things in nature we only see in revising videos. Time had been running the forward direction since the dawn of the big bang. The expansion is obeying the second law to the letter. We grew older and older every year.


Balls never roll up hill. Only the illusion seen in reversing videos. An interesting note about that a youtube clip five places where the earth's gravity doesn't work currently circulating. Text books never include those details. 


Physics was worth mentioning because of the molecules and atoms travel behave differently in time dilution processes. Traveling sub light speed the atmospheric pressure remains constant. The earth's atmosphere we breath exists in the vacuum of space. If travel sub light speed towards the same speed of light on earth there is a difference in air pressure. If reaching the same speed stops light and everything else to a stop include the earth's atmosphere. Traveling indigently the environment's to we are at a different frequency.


Most of us mistake removing air from a tin can is a vacuum suction. In out of space their is no air pressure at all. A pressurize tin can in the zero resistance of space there is zero pressure outside the can. If the pressure is equal to the strength of the can are not crushed by the vacuum of space keeping their integrity. 


According Newtown gravity air pressure is the gravitational pull of the earth mass pulling it to the ground. According to Einstein the mass of the earth pulling on space compressing the the earth atmosphere. 


Zero pressure inside cans the weight of earth's atmosphere crushes them. Our bodies are pressurized bags of mostly water expanding against the air pressure like the air inside cans keeping their integrity in the earth's atmosphere. If time could go backwards everything about air pressure is reversed.


If we could zoon down into the human body with a microscope we would view a universe of living micro animals. If we zoom in further they disappear into molecules. If we zoom onto a molecule disappears into a universe of the minerals listed in the periodic table of the elements made of atoms.


If we zoom onto an atom it would disappear into the cloud of what look like shimmering clouds. We are looking at the outer electron orbits.  If we zoom in on one the Planck time (?) slowed to a second. We would be 6.262,  39,  0's faster than a second allowing us to observe electrons disappear spontaneously popping into another ring. To some of us need to slow down more than a second to appreciate it. In it's place an electron fills in the space. Then immediately pops out again. Another electron pops into it's place.


A hypothesis that pops up in science every time specially quantum physics is Warner Heisenburg's uncertainty principle. In 1927 he claimed if you know the speed of a particle the less certain you know it's position. The more you know it's position the less you know it's speed and vice versa the more you know it's position the less you know it's speed. This has become known as the Hesiernburg's uncertainty principle since.


If you look at Vitamin and mineral bottle labels there is a list of the elements we are made of. Every element is found in what is a periodic table of the elements associated with chemistry. This table is a category of the elements including the elements the Vitamin bottle list from metals to gases.  each element listed found in the periodic table of the elements list the number of electrons, protons and neutrons our bodies are made of.


The periodic table of the atom and the vitamin and mineral bottle labels show we exist in a universes made up of the sub atomic electrons orbiting protons and neutrons in a in specific numbers. We read the table from left to right the way we read text. It starts with the simplest atom on the left a gap to the far right the next simplest helium. The left to right numerical order lists the number of protons of every element known as the atomic number.


If we thought experiment changing just one number the element ceases to exist as we know it. The composition of the whole universe would be effected unlike anything we know. It effectively predicts a many universe theory.


Sub atomic details of the earth's atmosphere we are breathing is water vapor made up nitrogen and oxygen with lots of traces of other elements right down to sea level. Water is made up of a bond of 1 hydrogen and 2 oxygen atoms the table of the elements listing complete the number of orbiting electrons, protons and neutrons of the nucleus we breath in and out every second of our lives.


Theoretically the TV series the sliders could have slid into alternate periodic table worlds. The vertex could have suffocated them by different composition. Different pressures, could have expanded or squashed them. The Brose/Einstein condensate (?) could have froze them solid in less than a second or incinerated by supper high temperatures. In every episode the sliders always slid the vortex with a perfect life support according to their world. It was as if the vertex knew the exact details required for a comfortable ride.


If we were to zoom into the human body a target area disappears into a mass of molecules complete with biological zoo of bacteria animals jiggling like jelly at a great frequency. 


When we continue father we reach the size of our body cells a nonometer world, (nano from the standard metric system for 1 divide a thousand million of a meter) in size. By comparison a thousandth of a millimeter. If we zoom in further everything disappears into the elements. As we zoom in closer opens out into vast spaces of jiggling atoms. We observe open space as we would zoom in on chicken coupe wire with a microscope.


As we zoom into an atom we discover another world of vast empty space where we find electrons popping in and out of each other's orbits at a great frequency. We pass though the open space arriving at the most inner orbit where we find the large nucleus particles also popping in and out of existence. 


If we look back to the electrons they pop in and out of their orbits in vast distances. At this level is like the tiny size of several bees spread out inside the open space of a huge church cathedral.


We turn our attention back to zooming in on into a nucleus particle (say a proton) it's mass disappearing into a universe of farther particles called quarks. Here the spaces look more enormous as ever. If we zoom onto a quark it will disappear into a universe of shimmering strings. If we look around us all we see is vast spaces. The popping in and out of existence particles of the atom seem so far-far away. Such is the classical state of matter including our body on this scale.


Cosmologists remind us we are we are made of this kind of stuff. I couldn't help echoing the we are the product of the big bang that has supposed to have created our universe. Our thoughts generating electrical activity must have an influence on our sub atomic particles entangled with the wired laws of quantum physics. Our bodies are constantly under the influence of quantum weirdness. On a quantum level we are quantum life force. 


The law of the cosmos tells us gravity and the gravitational pull of dark matter, wormholes and the big bang travel infinitely faster than light. In other words nothing travels faster than light except, gravity, dark mater and wormholes.


The big bang tells us it created energy and the energy created matter. Black holes are renowned for crushing everything out of existence that tells us the gravitational filed destroys energy and meter. In other words the laws of thermal dynamics tells us the fist law says mater and energy can't be created or destroyed except for the big bang and black holes. 


Based on the principle of the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) and on a Planck scale (?) revaluates nothing travels faster than light not even gravity, dark mater, and wormholes. The laws of thermal dynamics tells us mater and energy cannot be created and destroyed not even big bang and black holes.  


The Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) say there is mater converted to the state on a Planck scale (?) every second. Hawking radiation tells black holes have a minimal amount of energy above the state.


Cosmologists often wandered what it's like before the big bang. If the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) and the Plank scale (?) is anything to go by may be what it could be like before the big bang. Energy may already have existed the first law of of energy cannot be destroyed so it can go on to create matter.


The r.p.m. work and energy on a light speed scale of a time machine distorts the classical physics laws of the electromagnetic radiation waveform behavior. According to Quantum physics the characteristics are counter intuitive. In a sense Einstein and Brose's break though in his theory of their mater condensate (?) is in line with thermal dynamics in wormholes, gravity, dark mater and black holes including the big bang.


In classical reasoning electrons have spin traditionally seen on axes much the same way planets. Most physics argue not that kind of spin we think of but something else entirely. They argue a electric energy entities labeled anticlockwise and clock wise characteristics. What ever they are if light speed and the Planck constant (?) are anything to go by create magnetic fields around themselves.


Details of the forces holding the electrons in orbit is a week electromagnetic force. It is worth mentioning basic electricity principle demonstrate what this force means. 


In the week force the outer electron orbits are held loosely that are easily attracted away by domineeringly positive atoms creating domineeringly positive atoms called irons. In this case the lack of electrons makes the atom domineeringly positive.


An equal amount is easily crowed on the outer orbit of neutral atoms creating domineeringly negative atoms. In this case the excess electrons makes the atom domineeringly negative. Well over trillions form in thunder storm clouds. The clouds are charged with natures  electrical voltage. It doesn't flow only alive with the electrical charge. The same chemical reaction inside our bodies.


When domineering positive irons encounter domineeringly negative irons the excess electrons are attracted by the positive charges and repelled by the negative charges. They are repelled by the negative charges attracted to the positive charge like nails fly to a magnet on a light speed scale in a huge electrical spark of lightening. The discharge balance the ionized atoms into neutral charges repeating the next build up. Basically the storm cloud is alive with constantly charging and discharging electrical power. 


Common touch cells, (batteries if you like) prove the electromotive-force. An addition sign marks the domineering positive terminal (a pip at one end) while the flat opposite terminal a takeaway sign marking the domineeringly negative terminal.


Bring the terminals of a pair of penlight batteries (triple A or any remote control batteries) a millimeter air gap and move from side to side. You will feel a week force reminiscent to magnets. The same terminals repel each other. Unlike terminals attract. The electrical unit is called voltage. Feeling the two forces prove it doesn't flow only alive at each terminal.


When you connect a load in parallel with the terminals electrons stored in the negative terminal sees the attractive force of the nearest positive voltage fly to the positive source in a steady direct current flow of electrons known as the electron current flow called amperage. 


Loads are always in parallel with battery terminals (including the mains) drawing power from the battery. 1 amp is 1V discharging a trillion electrons every second. When  amperage is multiplied by the voltage is known as the electrical power drain in watts. 


It is estimated a trillion electrons is about one Amp current flow traveling though a resistance of 1 Ohm loaded across the battery. 1 Ohm in parallel with 1 Volt produces a current drain of 1 Amp a total power drain of 1 Watt though the 1 Ohm resistance. The resistor is rated as the heat of 1 Watt it can take with out burning out.


Cheep pen light torch cells (double A triple A batteries if you like) have a maximum current supply of a few milliamps. Mill lee from the standard metric prefix system for 1 dived a thousand. Expensive as much as a quarter amp. (750mA up to a couple of amps capacity). Think of the electron current storage in the negative terminal as a car gas tank capacity supply in time of a power drain.


The power of cheep batters depends on this voltage and electron current supply store in the terminals known as the power supply. The more current supply stored the the terminals  more powerful the lasting power known as the number of watts per hour. All loads only draw what they need. There is little chance of overloading except a voltage greater than the load's voltage ratting burning out the load.


The power drain depends on the resistance of the load. All loads are resistances in parallel with the source. High resistance has a low power drain and a low resistance a high power drain. High power output is achieved with low resistance so long as the load is the same voltage as the power supply arrangement. Drawing current over the maximum amperage supply drops the voltage. The battery doesn't last long. A dead short is less than an ohm drawing the maximum electron current flow at at the maximum voltage.


As much as several mega-ohms (millions of ohms) offers the minimum power drain virtually an open circuit. The basic skeleton AC to DC mains packs are very unstable. In any DC power supply arrangements run off the mains complex voltage and current stabilizing circuitry is build into the electronics.


In electrical engineering fault finding there can only be two scenarios a high power drain in a part of the circuit where it should not be or a low power drain where it should not be.


Electrical engineers measure with electrical instruments checking for any high or law voltage signs that should not be. Correspondingly low or high current drains where it should not be helps them determine if any open circuits or dead shorts effecting the electrical flow should not be. To high voltage is a sign of a low current drain (or a open circuit) that should not be. To low voltage is a sign of a is not necessarily high resistance that should not be somewhere.


Local libraries have books for the little ones on basic electricity where they can experiment with torch batteries learning how electric motors and dynamos work and build themselves toy electric grains out of simple torch batteries and winding wire. At the same time learn batteries produces magnetic fields and magnetic fields produce electricity. The can create battery magnets out of coil windings. Everything we learn building toy electric cranes is lesions learnt of the electric universe 


Battery powered coil windings demonstrate the electrical interaction of the electrical forces of electricity and magnetic fields. Experiment with battery coil windings you will find the same interaction effect apply because the battery powered coil winding is a battery powered magnet complete with magnetic North and south poles. All this because of electrons.



The invisible forces round magnets can be so strong it's impossible to physically touch two together. The magnetic field is invisible yet the gap feels like pushing on a sold surface. It also applies to the force needed to separate magnets. 


Mostly empty space is on a microscopic scale. If we imagine chicken coop wire under a microscope is a example. Telecommunication signals, television, radio, radar to GPS and your personal mobile phone and wireless wi-fi signals transmit and receives though solid walls is another example.


Over a 100 years ago a New Zealand physicist Ernest Rutherford discovered the forces of the center of atom firing static electric charges at tiny slabs of gold foil. He was puzzled why some of the charge seemed to bounce right back at him. It is like a group of tennis balls traveling a 100mph though a solid concrete wall only one bouncing back at you at high velocity.


Rutherford saw electrons as a negative electrical charge. Latter when the center of the atom was defined as the nucleus as positive. Neutrons hadn't been discovered yet since they don't react to protons. If we think of particles as billiard balls the protons as red and  neutrons white and electrons the size of green peas. Green is the opposite to red. Rutherford labeled the radiation as Alpha and beta particles. 


The work and energy of time traveling distorting the environment's time distorts everything. Alpha and beta particles penetrate materials at different rates. Electromagnetic radiation is believed to travel on a light speed scale. When a time machine charge the environments time all that is changed. At normal time a lone particles can pack a real wallop. Accelerating to light speed changes the characteristics exaggerating the energy. The work and energy of a time travel alter frequencies of the environment turning somewhat harmless light into something deadly.


Alpha particles are static charges. Being so light travel less than light speed. Rutherford coined it as a negative discharge. Because of the low velocity and light weight paper will stop Alpha particles. If a time machine accelerates towards light speed Alpha particles become deadly radiation in comparison. The relativity effects tells us Alpha rays are distorted to the Brose/Einstein state.(?)


Beta particles are made up of the nucleus Rutherford coined as a positive discharge. The nucleus being heavier has much more mass penetration force. 


Think of 1 and  2 tone car crashing though a fence compared to a 2 tone car at the same speed. Beta particles pack They pack a hell of a wallop to our body cells. Paper and cloths is useless. They pass right though them as if they want there. They have the momentum force passing though most material. It takes thick lead to insulate a beta rays. Time traveling is on a different dimension that will change the frequency into Gamma Rays 


Beta particles at the maximum speed of light speed are Gamma Rays. They travel no faster than light speed. Never the less they have the velocity and mass to penetrate anything even the thick lead. UV and X-ray slightly well under light speed damages our body cells but Gamma rays beyond repair in less than a second. Time traveling though the environments time causes time dilution differences that cause UV and x-ray to shift into deadly gamma rays.


The outer layer of the sun called the corona discharging sun flairs called a coronal mass ejection (CME) are huge enough punch to eject a massive amount of all rays including paternally Gamma rays to escape the sun's gravity. The ejected mass can weigh weight several million tones several100 billion digress hot. Given the zero resistance of space shower away from the suns surface the same speed as light.


Classical physics tells us the attractive force of the nucleus should collapse the electron rings into the nucleus. Also the repelling forces should exploded the nucleus to smithereens. 


A Danish physics Neils Bore a supporter of quantum physics concluded that is exactly what the nucleus doesn't do. The popping in and out of the electrons only exist in the electron rings.


Since then 4 prominent forces of the universe was born. Today they are known as, the week force the interaction between electricity and the magnetic fields. It is the electromagnetic radiation of the cosmos, the familiar gravitational force of mass and the strong nuclear force that holds like repel forces of the protons from repelling. 


The the strong nucleus force is powerful enough to overcome the repulsive forces of the protons holding them together. Einstein's E equals m c squared formulae projects the repelling energy stored in the repealing energy. Sometimes the way some authors describe it rivals the gravitational pull of black holes to do it. It is very short range just barely enough to cover the whole nucleus.


Uranium has 92 protons and neutrons in the nucleus. It's a lot. The mineral is a very heavy element. Radium has even more. The repulsive forces of the protons are straining at the seems not quite strong enough to overcome the strong nuclear forces. However it only takes another couple of neutrons to tip the balance overcoming the strong force. A nuclear blast is when the protons overcome the strong nuclei forces releasing all that pent up energy. 


The strong nuclear force has become known as quantum gravity. A theory of a particle called a graviton had emerged. Since we are made up of the nucleus we have the strong nuclear force within our own nuclei. 


Gravity is seen as week force. The earth's gravitation pull on a feather in a windy day is compared to the sun's gravity is an example. We can hold a object against the pull of gravity. A dime on earth would weigh several tones on the surface of the sun.


A theory has emerged that seems to offer a theory of everything. Mathematics has proposed atomic particles are made of string like particles well over several trillion times smaller than than an electron. They say there are two types an open loop horseshoe and a closed circle called string theory another name called M theory.


The 1960 science fiction movie the time machine and the 2002 remake the time traveler by the name of George viewed the environment's time forward direction to the future like a fast forward video. 


A detail of Einstein's special theory reminds us if they had looked at their breast pocket watch they would have confirmed the special theory. At times George reached phenomenal speeds of centuries into the future every second. To time travel buffs to that they would have to have traveled faster than light speed. 


The relativity effects everything in the physical accelerating to light speed in the sub light speed region world would would change according to how fast we travel. Traveling the same speed as light everything will stop to the Einstein/Bose condensate.


They would have to have accelerated in the environment's time reaching according to the same speed as light. We are reminded by Einstein's special theory as we approach light speed observers would view light speed things shrink in the direction of travel. The effect is dramatized in the cockpit view of star wars star ships going hyper drive. 


According to time travel buffs George should have viewed the environment as streaks of light from an endlessness vanishing point always ahead of him. According to the movies was a fast forward video effect of the environment's time. 


If he'd looked behind the vanishing point streaks would have been both in front and behind him. We see a good example in the opening of every episode of the British TV series Doctor who. We view a Rolla coaster front seat view of the endless ahead of us vanishing point we never seem to catch up with.


It is believed mass is not supposed to be able to travel to light speed let a lone beyond it. There are those including some scientists who believe could one day. 


According to Einstein mass would be compressed up to the speed of light like a piano accordion. If we could observe the environment from the same speed we would observe the environment stretched in the same proportion.


Different movie company's have different ideas of how individuals travel though time. Thee most common individuals vanishing from view somewhere into future or past. Back to the future is a example of a flash of energy. The original terminator was an example of a cybernetic organism appearing out of thin air from the future. The final countdown and time cop travel back in time  The two time machine movies showed from the Georges points of views the environment's time traveled like a fast forward video.


The environment's raced far beyond light speed. Time travel buff's believe time stops at light speed. If they were traveling at speed into the future the environment's time would have slowed down to frozen in time. It is easy for the audience to assume since the environment was going fast they were traveling fast. The faster we go the slower times goes law didn't apply.


To view present speed up in time they had to have slowed down in time. As the environment's time sped up they would have slowed down to frozen like statues as the centuries past by. It wouldn't have been easy for the audience to except.


if they'd checked their pocket watches it would have confirmed ticking away as normal. Once reaching the same speed as light the environment's time would be traveling a 186 thousand times as slow as every environment second. 


In other words they would have witnessed first hand Einstein's theory of reality effects of traveling though time inversely proportional view point. Everything comes back to the Broses/Einstein condensate state (?) questioning if the environment or them could ever exist traveling on a light speed scale.


According to Einstein Georges breast pocket watch would have confirmed every 186 thousand seconds of the environment's time equaled every second of his time. Those into challenging mathematics can work out hour long a 186 thousand seconds would be, about just over every two and a 1/2 days of his every second.


According their pocket watches and math's time doesn't stop at light speed. Traveling though the environment's time to environment observers time doesn't stop. To us it is only the illusion of traveling the same speed as light causing us to view the environment time traveling inversely proportionally as slow. The environment's time only appears to move to slow for us to observe moving anymore. 


To time travel buff's time has stopped at light speed when in fact the environment's time is still moving even if it's a 186 thousand times as slower. From environment observers point of view their reality the environment's time ticks away as normal only we are a 186 thousand times as fast as their every second.


Math's tells us the reciprocal (1 divided by any number. If we 1 dived 60 is 60th respectively) tells us every Gorge's second is traveling in parallel with a 186 thousandth environment second. 


Proof of this in any phone calculator the reciprocal 1 divide a 186 thousand equals a 186 thousandth environment second times a 186 thousand equals 1 second. If light was faster the environment's time would be equally as slow. No matter how fast we go the environment's time would be traveling reciprocally as slow.


If George looked at his watch every second of his time aggress. Time dilation is only the illusion of going to slow to observe moving any more. From light speeds point of view the environment's time doesn't go any slower than that we observe it as fast. It is always the maximum speed from our point of view as we are as slow to light speed point of view.


Accelerating to the same speed as light sub light speed slows down proportionately. Unless we keep accelerating beyond light speed for ever we have to slow down at some time. If the faster we go the during acceleration the slower time goes is anything to go by the opposite should apply. We are slowing down. 


According to the opposite effect of acceleration the slower we go the faster time should go. If nothing can travel faster than light according to the same speed as light we would not be accelerating. We would be traveling in parallel with it's maximum speed. In fact we are traveling light speed where light not.


Some time travel buff's believe if we exceed light speed time goes backwards. If we don't slow down we would accelerate though time forever. The mere fact we slowed down we would observe the opposite effect as we slowed down. The slower we go the faster time goes.


In time travel movies a person traveling to the future disappears from the present environment. Park statues travel forward though time but the never disappear. From our point of view statues are always in present time every second. They are predicted to be still there every second of every minute, and still there in the next hour. 


Unless physically moved, predicted to be still their the next day. They will still be there week after week, month after every month year after every year traveling forward though the environment's time. In other words remain in place despite the environment's time continually moving forward.


No doubt from the statues point of view the environment's time is a couple of centuries every second. In the time machine movies George observed the environment's time travels centuries in just seconds of his time is an example of what it would be from a a statues point of view. To do this George would have been frozen in time all those centuries. The slower he went the faster the environment's time went for his reality.


Watching grass grow we experience time agonizingly slow. But the grass is still moving tough time. It grows as slow as our finger nails the same time the tectonic plates of the earth's crust are moving right now. In a way an example of a 4th dimension. Observing the seconds though our phone, wrist watch and clocks is another. 


The hour and minute hands are an example. They are always look frozen in time at any given moment. So too the minute and hour columns of our phone clocks. The minute and hour hand appear stationary but are moving though the environment's time every division of the second hand.


Every minute is is 60 times as slow as every second. Every hour is 3 thousand 600 times as slow. Every date change is 86 thousand 400. Inversely every second is 86 thousand 600th of a date change. We never observe the minute and hour hands move a full circle as they travel move though the environment's time. They are an example of to slow to observe moving. 


In effect the relativity effects of time dilution compressing distance up to the maximum speed tells us the maximum speed of light is travels inversely proportional to us traveling at light speed. But since it is a constant we are slowed down in time. We find ourselves in present time.


It is believed the gravitational pull of black holes slows time to a stop. From our point of view black holes exist for centuries. If an astronaut observes the earth looking out of a black hole to the universe centuries on earth would flash by in seconds. Time is not stopped inside a black hole only centuries. passing on earth in seconds. The astronaut would exist on the outer edge of the event horizon for centuries.


According to the first law of thermal dynamics the gravitational compression would eventually convert the astronaut into the Brose/Einstein state (?) information. What we see in video documentaries eating stars is a relative distant time dilution effect on the distant earth


Einstein's theory of special relativity reminds us of the stress of high acceleration take off an often an overlooked detail in in the work and energy and forces of time travel and wormholes. At a high speed take off we experience a weighed back sensation we express a G-force commonly known as G's. 


Bodies only move by an accelerating force. In the cosmos the constant velocity of everything pulled by gravity and dark matter constantly falling. Archimedes and Isaac Newtown are the fathers of gravity and their laws of motion accelerating bodies resist acceleration. Archimedes was the first scientist to realize falling of different bodies of different dimensions travel to the ground at the same rate. 


We experience this in acceleration forces every day lives in high speed take offs. The maximum stress in the zero resistance of out of space to the maximum speed of light by the time a digital second.


Most of us expresses to accelerate slowly to avoid the G's. Einstein's special relativity tells the acceleration becomes great the mass of the body become impossibly heavy to accelerate any further. If the maximum speed of light we slow down is anything to go by the body becomes so heavy acceleration is terminated at the constant velocity never reaching light speed no matter how long travel called terminal acceleration or commonly referred as terminal velocity. It is a reminder everything accelerating for ever is impractical. Everything has a maximum speed where it doesn't go any faster and light is no exception.


Black holes are renowned for being a zero volume and infinitely dense cosmic body. It is said anything pulled in is crushed out of existence. The  law of thermal dynamic reminds us matter cannot be created or destroyed only converted from one form to another known as energy conservation.


If black holes are said to be infinite there should be a correlating infinite coldness and time. Who ever heard of that? Once again everything comes back to the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?) reminds us of the dynamics of heat and coldness are finite maximums. Heat can't be any hotter than the surface of stars or that of the initial big bang that has supposed to have created the universe. The Brose/Einstein condensate (?) reminds the modern universe can't be any colder than 0 Kelvin. Smart phone temperature conversion table menus can convert the Kelvin scale.


At minus 50 digress Celsius the human body freezes solid in less than a couple of seconds. Activity of tom still exist in abundance even at that coldness. Physicists have successfully damped light speed right down to 0 Kelvin minus 273 degrees Celsius cold to do it.


The temperature inside a black hole is believed to be few digress above absolute zero by the Kelvin scale. Professor Steffen Hawking proposed this named in his honor as a Hawking radiation. He had effectively predicted black holes are finite cosmic bodies at a time scientists assumed everything about block holes was infinite.


Cosmologists have captured images of the black hole confirming the belief one right in the center of our galaxy to our naked eye point of view as a black void of outer space. Ultra sensitive inferred cameras have picked up Hawking radiation on the border of the event horizon.


Looking from inside a black hole out to the universe we may be dazzled by the incoming light from the universe. The border of the event horizon is the point of threshold. We are reminded the gravitational pull of the singularity in the center is on a Plank scale (?). Matter is stretched by the work and energy weighed down to a Planck wavelength (?).


Most science and technology books, including science and nature DVD's, youtube clips and web pages often remind us time doesn't exist. To us it is a rather counter intuitive idea. Sleep is the passing of time by a good nights sleep very is a familiar example of how time can pass. Another part of our lives is our unconsciousness.


It is part of us. Our unconsciousness co-exists with our consciousness. Our unconscious is equally fully alert when we are consciously fully alert. Unconsciousness is just a lowing of our consciences. Our  unconscious controls our automatic functions while we are full conscious keeping us alive every second of our lives. It is in our DNA. We are born hard wired with it hidden in the background of our consciousness from birth. We are constantly under the influence of our unconsciousness. When drowsy we are at our minimum alertness our unconsciousness fully alert. We take our unconsciousness for granted. Imagine fully alert during a long, tough and painful surgery.


Unconscious 24 hours seem like the last time remembering consciousness. Coming to It is as if a mere second ago. Our brains are hard wired with this effect. Experiencing the  unconscious part of our brain travels the environment a flash relative to being fully alert consciosly Unconsciousness is different dimension than our full alert consciousness. Using unconsciousness to travel into the future quickly is a rather crude and brutal way to potential brain damage just for the thrill of time travel into the future.


Coming to from a long coma from the patient's perspective seems to have consciously quantum leaped in a mere moment. Recovery is often a surprised to learn several month's had passed in what appears only a moment ago. 


Rare events of individuals report experiencing near death experiences reporting they have seen the after life been to heaven or hell and back in that time. Makes a great family fantasy story movie story easily based on true stories. A classic example is thee original 1939 children's classic the wizard of oz. In the last few minutes when Jody wake up it was all but a dream. We naturally think dreams last all night. But in reality they are mere seconds.


It is worth mentioning recovering full alertness the memories of our unconsciousness is unconscious during unconscious, Fully alert it is nothing more than a blank memory to our consciousness. Everything about the environment's time is crammed into the single moment Unconscious memories are not available to our consciousness. At lest not right away. 


With a bit of work with trained professionals using hypnoses as a therapy who know what they are doing our unconscious often gives up enlightened secretes converted to our conscious memory. Our unconsciousness is the source of most of our hidden trauma memories that had once been unconsciousness memories.


Time doesn't exist to our unconscious. It is incapable of telling the difference between a second to decade. A decade is the same amount of time as a second. Being unconscious is remarkably similar to what it is like to be dead and perhaps traveling at the same speed of light. 


The key to time travel is the energy of a mass at light speed. A youtube clip titled what would happen if a meteorite enters the earth's atmosphere at the speed of light expresses well anything with mass cannot travel at the speed of light. After all a microscopic dust particle entering the earth's atmosphere at 600 and 69 million 600 thousand mph velocity. A small cloud would be like being hit by a nuclear blast at point blank range.


At that kind of speed mass has so much energy is compatible to a nuclear blast. Einstein's E equals m c squared projects the energy. C squared is the maximum speed of light multiplied by itself. If we multiply by a milligram of mass projects the energy. (Pronounced E equals C squared M equally valid). Nuclear yields are measured in kilo and mega tones of energy.


History of earth books Youtrube and web pages give a good account of history. I'm sure the first life to the present is an example of a 4th dimension traveling though the time every second includes recent biblical times and famous historic events throughout the ancient centuries. Details of generations right down to personalities and accounts of famous people and leaders are all recordings of time. If the birth of the earth was compressed into a year to present civilization the peak of the last ice age would be the last few seconds to 12 midnight. 


Time travel enthusiast perception of traveling back in time we retain all our memory and knowledge of the present. Imagine a person living the time of the Roman empire with knowledge of future centuries. living with the ancient Greeks is a dream of science fiction time travel fantasy. There are paradoxes of knowledge of technology of the future doesn't belong.


Currently circulating Youtube clips are individuals claiming they are from the future. Perhaps the ironic part of this nobody seems to interested not lest main stream media expect internet clips. Steffen Hawking once asked where are the tourists from the future? Well were are they? There are clips that claim proof of time travel exists and a web site called time travel is for real. 


Time slip mysteries are seized upon as definitive proof of time travel. If time travel possible as these people claim, any future person from the future can easily travel back to today's interact with advances of technology and knowledge of events that haven't happened yet for us.   


The clips are compelling. But they are competing with many others with differnt versions of the same thing. For example a compilation of clips competing between Yellowstone and Mt Vesuveus going sky high to nuclear confrontation that was supposed to have  happed in early 2019. By the time 2020 has been forgotten about. The predictions wasn't news. 


Perhaps the most famous example of the pre 2012 end of the world hype was very dramatic and alarming. On the hour it was supposed to have happened was brief news. But many were were disappointed nothing happened gone into insecurity. The world is still here for nearly 10 years now.


Descriptions of the future is very little technological detail that we never seen before. There is no technological advances of electric vehicles and social media. Star trek TV series does a batter job. We can only guess where the future of electric vehicles going by current technological times. It is likely the future is full of magical, startling and scary culture shock advanced technology we never seen before to come. 


There are some youtube clips that clam technological advance futuristic artifacts uncovered 100's to thousands of years old in the past. Most is not that much of a stretch we haven't seen before either. A genuine futuristic artifact may be a scary advanced alien culture shock device we have never seen before.


Most of the clips advanced technology is not that match of a stretch. We'd seen it all before. God knows how much. A case in point of a genuine trip to the past. Imagine a time traveler from the 20th century published a history lesson in a local paper just after the American Civil war ended of the history of the next of 200 to come.


Imagine the shock of a couple of days before the assignation of Abram Lincoln a couple x solders opened a barn door preparing for the days farm work were confronted by an immaculate 1965 Ford Mustang. It should be of no surprise to time travel buffs. Is traveling to the past a regular thing? Steven Hawking once asked where are all the tourists from the future? Is there any evidence?


We are reminded of the famous grandfather paradoxes that can easy happen any of our own personal lives. The story goes traveling back in time assonating your grand parents. Think what it would be like opening the front door to a adult stranger claiming to be your grandchild from the future. Or what happens if an experiment assassinating ourselves a few minutes in the past to see what happens. Time travel buff's seem be sure the potential this sort of thing is routine.


Imagine that nice stranger that had once befriended you and your family when you were little. Years latter all grown up you discovered the family portrait snap shot you'd forgotten about. There was you as an adult standing next to you when you was little. Our natural instinct is to freak out. Suspect from a parallel universes perhaps? It reminds me of a NBC television series in the early 60's about that sort of thing called the second hundred years.


It was about a man a 100 years in the past getting cough up in an winter avalanche burying him in suspended animation for that time. Awaken from suspended animation he was billeted with his 70 year old great grand son whom was forced into a relative care giver responsibility.


Time travel enthusiasts believe meting yourself in the past is routine. Put yourself  in this position. From your future self point of view visiting you in your present. Can it happen to you? After all it is your future self's past in your your present. But from your present self point of view is your future self is you going to be you in the future. The pair of you will have a lot to talk about. You have a lot of explaining to do to yourself.


If time travel buffs believe this sort of thing potentially can happen there is the potential to change what happens to yourself. Changing what you already done already changes to not going to do anymore. Your memories of what you did in the past are rearranged into something else. If you know the precise date you will die, preventing it will cancel it out bringing you back to square 1 not knowing when you are rarely going to die.


According the discussions on parallel universe schemes, we only remember after every present second. We have no knowledge of what's to come. The energy of relativity effects of accelerating to the same speed as light, the Brose/Einstein condensate (?) as stored information in black holes conspire to cancel out time travel potential. It would seem we are permanently at present time.


We have already seen what happens when we travel back in time. The law of thermal dynamics remind us if we travel back in our time we travel back as we where then with no memory of the future. An adult time traveler would land in a time when he was in the past and no recollection of the future what so ever.


Einstein's general theory of reality the energy of a mass bending space has always been the instrumental key to wormholes in the 20th century. The General theory predicts the energy of the mass of stars and planets sag and bend sinking space. The most famous illustration is a two dimensional representation of a heavy bowling ball resting in the center of a trampoline. It is perhaps a misleading example. Space is 3 dimensional. A 3 dimensional example the mass of space is collapsed all round the entire circumference of a body.


The center of black holes is famous for tunneling though space famous for the wormholes effects transporting ships many light years clear across the universes in minutes. It is seen as a 2-dimensional images in youtube video clips and science books and magazines. In the case of the sliders Mallory's portal traveling a distance in space the exits opening in parallel worlds. In 3-D wormholes are formed from the center of the shrunk space collapsed from every direction.


How could Mallory's experiment create Curll Seagon's contact movie wormhole, start gate1 and movie and the TV series including the sliders portal? My local library free lone DVD documentaries was a very helpful source of information. I learnt a lot a lot from the History channel series exploring the universe including related BBC titles on how the earth works.


Also a couple of Steffen Hawking publications including the fabric of the cosmos hosted by Brian Greene. Universe and the solar system titles hosted by Brian Cox was deeply helpful. Constant reviewing I picked up on a lot from their opinions.


Even though only science fiction Mallory had stumbled onto some secrete at creating an artificial wormhole. I can imagine the excitement and wonder if cosmologists ever learnt what he'd done. My first question from the theories of books, magazines and DVD's sources did Mallory's experiment find coordinates tapping into a black hole singularity? Quantum theory tiles seemed likely. I began to realize quantum mechanics is heart of time travel and parallel universes call quantum foam.


Time and again authors clamed electrons are renowned to be two places at the same time. It is said they communicate with each other no matter how far apart. I learnt of an uncertainty principle, a Schrodinger's cat, a double slit experiment including Hawking radiation.


Brian Greene's and Steffen Hawking DVD's where very revealing. What ever electrons does this side of the universe is in direct communication contact with electrons clear across the other side of the other side. They claim we are all made of th same stuff of the universe.


If we could zoon on part body with a microscope we would view a universe of living micro bacterial orgasms. If we zoom in they disappear into giant ugly beasts swimming round in a fluid among giant molecules of matter. If we zoom further disappear into a universe of the minerals listed in the periodic table of the elements.


If we zoom onto farther we reach the world of atoms shimmering clouds of energy in a vast open space. As we zoom in for a closer look at one the cloud disappear into the outer electron orbits spontaneously popping in and out of each others orbits. 


If we zoom in for a closer look at an electron the rings spread out into vast empty spaces. When we arrive to the most inner orbit we find electrons are not jumping into the nucleus. The are only popping in and out of their own orbits in an empty space. If we look back the outer electron rings seem invisible by vast distance.


If we zoom in on into a nucleus particle (say a proton) it's mass disappears into a universe of farther particles called quarks. Here the spaces look more enormous then ever. If we zoom onto a quark it will disappear into a universe of shimmering strings. If we look around us all we see is vast space. Such is the state of our body on this scale.


Cosmologists remind us we are we are made of this kind of stuff. I couldn't help thinking echoing the product of the big bang that has supposed to have created our universe. Our thoughts of generating electrical activity must have an influence on our sub atomic particles entangled by the laws quantum weirdness  particularly the quantum leaping of the electrons. Our body's electrons are constantly under the influence of popping in and out of each others orbits. On this level we are quantum life forces.


The sliders TV show, Walt Disney's Black Hole, contact, Star Gate 1 movies including the TV series spin off of the same name, Star Trek's deep space nine all have time travel and parallel universes episodes. They were only possible in the state of quantum weirdness of their body's electrons. 


The question once asked by physics what's stopped the repelling forces of the protons from interacting with each other. Most of us think of the neutral neutrons. But they just don't interact with the protons. The repelling forces go right though them like magnetic fields though cardboard. It was suggested by Einstein any G-forces of motion is a gravitational force of same kind. Gravity is defined as Isaac Newtonian concept of body's attracting each other.


The definition of a two people standing in the middle of each pole illustrates the concept of this. Take a person looking upward to the sky in the middle of the Antarctic containment of the south pole. At the same time a person in the middle of the Artic continent of the North pole. The perception of what's up and down is purely relative of the opposite ends of a sphere floating in space.


According to Isaac Newton's concept predicts the mass of the Artic circle of the North pole is an attractive downward pull just as the mass of the Antarctic content opposite end equally a downward pull. According to Einstein the attractive force is nothing more than distorted space of both poles.


Thinking Newtown gravity the mass of your neighborhood pulls with an inward compacting force as much as the mass of the neighborhood on the other side of the world is.  No matter where we are we always observe looking upwards to shooting stars streaking downwards. Combining the theories of Newton and Einstein tells us the mass of the earth's North pole is pulling space towards it as the mass of the south pole is.


The entire circumference of the earth's crust is compressed by the weight of the earth's own mass pulling in space round it like a plastic shrink rap round the entire circumference of an apple. Our neighborhood is bending space an inward curve as much as the neighborhood on the other side of the world is right now. No matter where we are we are inside a bubble of inward curved space round the entire circumference of earth. The core is in the center of the this curve space.


The high G-force of on light speed scale is the heart of Einstein's special focus of time travel and wormhole development. The general theory reminds us gravity is nothing more than space bent by any mass of from dark mater, the mass of asteroids, comets, Galaxies, planets and stars. That's the total gravitational pull of all the stars in each galaxy is the gravitational pull of of every gravity including black holes.


The power of a black holes are renowned for sinking wells in the fabric of space. A 100% of light speed slides down the distorted curve. In the case of a 3-D perspective pours in from all directions at the same time from every angle at it's maximum speed like gravity feed on water down a bath tub plug hole. Cosmologist have astronomer detects some gravitational lensing is sure a black hole present.  


We see black holes as empty vacuum nothing for light deflect from. Light caught in the distorted space is bent inwards all directions to a central point from every direction. The bent light acts like looking at the universe though a fish bowl expressed as gravitational lensing. When 


According to the third law of thermal dynamics not even the gravitational force of a black hole can crush energy out of existence not even light. We come full circle to the Boise/Einstein condensate (?) again. Mater is only dampened down to a single photon existing as the Brose/Einstein condensate (?) information. 


We have a couple of modifications to the law of thermal dynamics. Mater and energy cannot be destroyed either except for a black, or not even a black hole. A further modification can be said. Not with out the consequences of being converted into the Brose/Einstein state (?) information.


The work and energy of the resistance to acceleration another important factor. Sci-fi stories traveling though time is distorted. It can be assumed by the work and energy of the kinetic energy the motion of mass. Traveling decades in a flash of energy way beyond light speed every text I had come across agree nothing can travel than light let a lone go any faster, at lest nothing with mass. Converted to the Brose/Einstein condensate (?) means zero energy


Wormhole are renowned to transport mass millions of miles across the universe in minutes is anther example of assuming faster than light offering answer to space travel. The question will thee inertia of mass cancel out out kinetic energy? Are wormholes faster then light? If so what is the reality effects on time traveling though one? After all distance is time travel back into the past.


It is said is one of the weakest forces of the universe is gravity. Most of all how fast does it travel if it travels at all? If it does it surely breaks the speed of light law. Take for example the suns gravity influencing far away as Pluto in real time let a lone dark mater.


As far as I know I haven't found any text book that has determined a specific speed for light. Maybe because there isn't one. Is it infinite or can't go any faster than light is the question. We can add a new law nothing can go faster than light except gravity or not even gravity According to Einstein's General theory the planets of the solar system follow the distorted curvature of space made by the sun at the same time their own bending of space.


In the last decades of the 20th century cosmologists have concentrated adding up the combined gravity of the universe determining dark mater. According to Newton and Einstein gravity has to have the presence of mass. A dark mass is invisible as magnet fields, radar radio, and Television, telecommunication cell phone signals including internet wi-fi hot spots. According to Newton gravity  there is some form of dark matter present that makes up the missing mass. Both Einstein and Newtown would agree there has to be a mass present to bend space.


We are familiar with the Hubble telescope named after the American astronomer Herbert Hubble. He is greased for the discovery the universe is made of expanding galaxies. Observing the milky way he picked up stars with a noticeable red color that appeared to be distance compared to blue stars. 


A closer look reveled they where not stars but bunches of stars we call galaxies. In time the galaxies shifted redder. The red shifting showed Hubble was observing galaxies moving away from each other. The more red the galaxies looked the further away they are.


There is no signs the expansion letting up. In every acceleration there is a point of termination where the acceleration slows down to a constant velocity. Acceleration is terminated where it doesn't go any faster we express as a terminal velocity. We don't have to be Einstein's to know the never ending acceleration has a consequence on distance thus time.


Everything has a maximum speed including gravity or not, wormholes and light doesn't go any faster or not either. A maximum speed if you like. In the zero resistance of space the earth coasts at a maximum speed round the sun. It doesn't go any faster than it does. If the universe is still accelerating since the big bang we'd think the galaxies hasn't reached terminal acceleration yet. Is the universe accelerating faster than light and if so light so has it surpassed light speed already?


Distance distorts time and motion. We have all observed the characteristic of looking at something in motion at a distance. Moving bodies appear to travel slow. We can clearly see this by country sides passing by though the window of a fast moving passenger train. The immediate rail side flashes by at speed while flat farmland and distant horizons seen to move along at different conniver belt speeds. 


Rail sides flash by at speed. The horizon looks like it's only crawling. If we look at a speeding train from a distance (anything moving) look slow. What looks like a yard the illusion of a mile. We can be so far away a big distance look no distance at all. We are often amazed to learn observing a single star is really a huge galaxy millions of centuries across made up of billions of stars each one thousands of light years apart.


The beautiful streak of stars we call the milky way is an edge on view of our spiral galaxy just one of billions in the universe. Distance creates the illusion of galaxies looking like individual single stars. When we look at a milky way every star looks stationary. The entire milky way is stationary night after night. In realty traveling like a flowing river in space faster than bullets travel on the surface of earth.


Hubble discovered what looks like one star far away on closer inspection revels two galaxies many light years apart. From the perspective of earth point of view distance is in thee past Cosmologists peering at a stars revels themselves to a galaxies. 


Observing one pin prick it's light had started it's journey the time of the dinosaurs roamed earth. Today's cosmologists observe each pin prick as light of a galaxy as it was in the long past. Light had been traveling light years by the time it reached earth. When we look up to the night sky the milky way we are seeing it as it was millions of years ago.


The further the distance the older the stars are. If we look to the earth from a star's point of view we would be looking at earth as it was in the same amount of time proportionately in reverse. Methuselah (star HD 140283) the exception older than the universe. When light started out from a galaxy at the time of the dinosaurs it reach our eyes in present time.


We'd think the work and energy forces at the speed of light ideal for distorting the time. Only inertia can do that due to compression forces at that velocity. The heating of a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It is by compression alone. It is one of the fundamental laws of thermal dynamics if you compress anything it heats up. It is the basics difference between diesel and petrel engines. Diesel fuel is ignited simply by compression of the pistons while in a petrel engine has to bee ignited by an electric spark. 


Any mass approaching the same speed as light is incinerated to supper heated plasma. (Gas). The work and energy at light speed rivals the gravity of all stars including our sun.


The work and energy inertia resistance in giant particle accelerators can only accelerate charged particles (naked nucleus of the atom) up to a maximum speed of 90% light speed. If we do the math's on this pans out to 167 million 400 thousand mph acceleration take off speeds. No matter how much the accelerator whips up the speed the work and energy resistance of inertia is so great terminal velocity won't allow them to travel any faster.


The particles are smashed head on with on coming nuclei at the same velocity. We can imagine the explosive reaction at that kind of collision. Physicists have recorded particles popping in and out of existence in mere microseconds.


The universe is flooded with star light created by the stars gravity compressing electron orbits of hydrogen atoms into electron orbits of other hydrogen atoms creating helium atoms called fusion. In doing so there is a explosion of a photon. Helium atoms are the result of virtually welding hydrogen atoms together just by pressure alone. Take a penny virtually fused into the steel rails after ran over by the weight of a freight train. The heat generated to convert hydrogen to helium  is no less than millions of degrees Celsius.


Fission is the opposite where the nucleus of atoms are split in an explosive chain reaction as the core of a nuclear explosion. The process of converting hydrogen into helium a light particle called a photon explodes into existence. It is believed they are kept captive bouncing around inside the star for thousands of years before finally escaping into out of space. 


Using a SI unit of measure several trillion photons per cubic micrometer escape the sun's gravity accelerating from the surface in waves to their maximum speed every second. It is only a matter of a 8 minute journey to our eyes. The sunlight we see now is a mass of waving photons created inside the sun thousands of years ago. Light speed is so fast it is equivalent to traveling 7 times round the circumference of earth by the time the second hand of our wrist watches move a division every second.


A Russian Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev experienced the relativity effects 803 days in the international space station orbiting earth only a little over 17 thousand mph. He experienced as little as 0.02 seconds (1 dived 50 expressed as 20 milliseconds a 50th second) faster than than sea level. Although insignificant enough for us to dismiss out of hand to science is significant amount of dilution between high orbit and sea level.


The further away from the earth's gravity the faster time flows. Time is a couple of milliseconds (1 millisecond equals 1 divided by a thousand) faster on the top floor of tall skyscrapers than street level. Street level is reciprocally slower.


In both the 1960 and the sequel Time and time again including the 2002 remake movie of the time machine centuries pasted in seconds. In the 1960 movie Wells observed time pass by fully conscious. Time and time again the environment past in a hyperspace effect while in the remake of the 1960 movie he accidentally was knocked out cold.


Park statues observe time at an instant speed. From our point of view we never observe them traveling though time. They never disappear into the future always frozen in present time every time we pass though the park. Yet are in the future time as we are. The environment is always in the future time every second of our lives. We never grow younger. We are always older. Our biology and environment obey the second law to the letter. Imagine observing a statue traveling though the environment's time.


The nearest description of what time is like for immanent  objects like statues is like our consciousness experiencing suspended animation for centuries. Environment decades would pass in seconds. Viewing a statue fully alert point of view are always frozen solid every present second. Coming to from suspended would be an experience of the last 100 centuries (a 100  x  a 100 the length of time of the peak of the last ice age to the present) only the last time we remembered when we were fully alert. All conscious sense of a long time is only a mere moment.


There is a book titled what happens when we die. It can be found in most liberties. It has over lapping overtones of quantum physics entanglement time travel and parallel universe theories I've been discussing. Quantum entanglement says we are at the mercy of the roll of the dice development when we were conceived in our mothers womb from intelligence to physical stature. A related DVD documentary called the living matrix seems to calibrate we are not in control of our brain we are inn control of it.


Proof of this an abundance of of youtube clips of true stories of medical miracles. The living matrix encourages us to embrace what inflicts is and how it works. It has it's positive side We tend to have enlightened experiences we better handling it. The DVD enncourages us not leave it to ignorance. 


The trick is to not panic taking advantage of the knowledge of what ever inflicts us. It take time but after a while we become our own specialist doctor of our own disease in our own minds. The living matrix reminds us the more enlightenments we have the more our brain responds to work harder to control it. The living matrix reminds us with practice we become the boss of our own brains. 


When it comes to time travel and parallel universe our arithmetic instinct is a very powerful tool when it comes to calculating out our finances. It aggress when we come to counting money is simple. Curious interest in how many seconds in an hour or day stimulates our mathematical instinct. We end being enlightened to the universe. Without curiosity we would not bother with learning about new insights. 


Our curiosity agrees it only a simple matter of how many seconds in a decade is a simple matter of adding up all the seconds. How hard could that be?  The only time math's seems scary when mathematical gymnastics involves a lot of multitasking juggling like taken into account of thee leap years counting all the days from the day you were born to the current day. 


Take tying to quickly calculate a number using all the mathematical operations plus, take away, multiply and dived all at once. Think of 3 plus 2, equals 5 that's easy. If we takeaway 2 from 5 equals 3 is just as easy. It is just as easy 4,  3's is 12. And equally easy 12 divided by 2 equals 6. 


It is an instinct to write down on paper for our short term memory. Better still you phone calculator. As your calculator demonstrates every step is as simple as ABC. 3 plus 2 takeaway 2 times 4, dived 2 respectively. Once we are enlightened how mayh's work we tend to become very efficient at it. 


The wonders of light for example travels a distance of a 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of a wrist watch moves a division including a single tick of your phone clock second. Every clock division (includes every digital second) is a distance of a 186 thousand miles. If every 1.609km equals 1 mile our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of multiplying 1.609 by a 186 thousand converts to km's.


Most of us have smart phones with built in calculators. They allow us to explore the far distances of deep space and time. There comes a point where we lose grasp of the large and larger distances light travels. They all add up in a minute, in an hour, by the time our phone and watch changes their dates  ( a day or 24 hours if you like). The seven days of the week, fortnights (two weeks) month's years milliner (thousand years) millions and billions of years all add up. Large distances is beyond basic calculators we can resort to the Scientifics.


By 1 year well over 31 million seconds. 60 times 60, times 24 times 365,confirms all the seconds in that time. If we multiply by 186 thousand light had traveled in miles in that time. Times 1.609 converts to km's. That is the distance light travels in 1 year. 


If we do the arithmetic right will confirm a million seconds equals 11 and a half years. If we take into account of the leap years we can multiply all the seconds the distance light traveled in miles in that time. Times 1.609 in km. A billion seconds (1 and nine 0's) equals to 32 years. If we multiply by a 186 thousand projects the distance light traveled in miles in that time times 1.609 in km's. The distance gets bigger and bigger in time. 


Smart phone calculators confirm a trillion seconds (1 and twelve 0's) light hand traveled 32 thousand years the oldest cave man paintings at the peak of the last ice age. Times 186 thousand miles the distance light had traveled in that time, times 1.609 in km's. Those who struggle with adding up large numbers tht have developed the habit of using calculators will soon powers of 10 will be seconnd anture 


Most calculators when we press 1 times 10 toggling the equals key repeatedly we can count a 0 added in numerical order the larger the number goes. The distances light travels across the universe require this power of 10 sequence. Scientific can expresses distances way-way beyond numbers we are not used to as much 1 and 99,  0's.


Switching to your scientific mode enter 1 pressing the exponent (Exp) key. We can enter any number we like but for the propose of this exercise lets enter 5 for five 0's. enter 1 EXP 5 Scientific calculators read out should be 1e+5. These exponents are scientific notation. When you press the equals key the read out will display a 100,000. (100 thousand) 


Scientifics have have a +/- (Plus minus) key to change the power from a minus to positive. Enter light the speed of light in the exponent. By toggling the +/- key you can change the number from a positive to a minus at will. Large numbers can be calculated by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing the indices. Experimenting round your phone calculator can teach you a lot about the vast distance of the universe light travels. As our mobiles are internet connected we can google the large numbers our phone calculators come up with.


The math's carried out in your phone calculator project orbiting earth at light speed round the earth we would expense the orbit slow down. The speed of light both the earth's spin and orbit would slow down 186 thousand times.


At first seems counter intuitive. After all we would be circling the earth at 699 thousand 600mph. The special theory reminds us if we look at our wrist watch will tick away as normal. It will confirm the relativity effect the faster we go the slower the earth slows down to what appears to be a complete stop by the time time it moves only 1 division. The earth isn't stopped when we are at light speed. 


The relativity effect reminds us from a environment observer point of view the environment's time isn't stopped. It's traveling as normal. The effect on us at light speed is the illusion of traveling so fast to not observe moving anymore. Our mathematical instant aggress 1 mile (1.609km) times 186 thousand by the time our wrist watch second. We can't observe the earth spin and universe any slower than that any more we can observe light speed as fast. The environment's time is a 186 thousand times slower than light speed.


According to the maximum speed of light a constant velocity we are not accelerating.


Our clocks and watches confirm every second moves though time even if they are very brief moments equal to the maximum distance light travels in that time. In present time moonlight takes less than a couple of seconds to reach our eyes. 


From the sun 8 minutes. It is only a matter of 8 times 60, times 186000 in miles (Times 1.609 in km's). The light we see is just light's image of what the sun was 8 minutes ago every second.  In real time for sunlight is a 186 thousand seconds above the surface of the sun every second. We won't see this light until 8 minutes into our future every second.


If we take all the seconds of an hour (60 squared), times, 186000, (times, 1.609 in km's), by the time of a 1 hour TV program. Our phone clocks tell us every date change occurs every 12 midnight every 24 hour period. We can enter, 60 squared, times 24, times, 186000 gives us  well over 16 billion miles, times, 1.609km's in that time. Our mathematical instinct aggress it is only a matter of, 60 squared, times, 24, times 186000, (times, 1,609 in km's) the distance traveled in that time.


Operating on the same principle all the seconds of an hour, times, 7, equals seconds in a week, times 186000 (times 1.609km's). We can apply this to every month. However if we take a look at our calendar it tells us each month varies by a few days. There is a minimum of 28 in every leap year to a maximum of 31.


Adding all the seconds of a year pans out to, 60, times, 60. (60 squared), times, 24. times, 356, days of regular year, times,186000,(times 1.609 in km's) equals the distance light travels in a year.


Operating on the principle we are calculating how old we are in days. For each decade we take we take into account of the extra day at the end of every third February witch pans out to be 3 days added to all the days of regular 10 years.


Operating on the principle we can calculate every birth days to the current day of your life time. If the time you was born was recoded it's possible to calculate how old you are in seconds. It is a extraordinary revelation the distance light had traveled since you were born.


Operating on the principle of a millennia an example of infinite acceleration (or infinite velocity a thousand years 1 and three 0's) calculates the distance light travels in that time into the future of the universe in that time. In comparison when our sun is expected to go supernovae in 50 million years. It is only 5 with 7,  0 years. (Expressed as 5 times 10 to the 7).


We can work out the distance sunlight from the sun travels a billion years way-way beyond the time of the death of our sun. According to scientific calculators can project the distance light trillions of centuries into the future of the universe. In comparison the universe is only 14 billion years old. (14 with 8.  0's  1.4 times 10 to the 8 years)


Anther way to grip the concept of distance in time is any word processor. Enter a 1 for a distance of a mile (or 1.609 for km's). Repeat it every second. Lets say every 0 is 10 times the distance every second. We would have a distance of several trillion miles (or in 1'609 km's) in quarter minute (15 seconds). 


By half a minute (30 seconds) 1 (or 1.609) 30.  0 distance. If we count three-quarter minute (45 seconds) the distance in the number of 0's clear across the universe. Imagine the distance 1 (or 1.609) 60, 0's, let a a lone  for an hour or a day. (3 thousand 600, or 86 thousand 400,  0's still no where near infinite. 


What if we held down the 0 key. Depending on the processing speed we would reach trillions of miles (or km's if you like) in seconds. What if we could hold it down for ever? How many miles/km's is a infinite number of 0's?


In the time machine movies the Georges viewed the environment speed up in the forward direction. A popular scenario we would disappear from the environment's view as we accelerate though the environment's time in a flash of energy like the final countdown, time cop, time and time again and back to the future and many others you care to name. Month's and years pasted in seconds in that time. After all they were only science fiction. 


Most like time and time again and the British TV series Doctor who and star wars hyperspace took into account of what happens to the wavelength's of environment. In the time machine movies audience got the impression the faster the environment's time went their time machines were traveling just as fast. If the faster we go the slower time goes is anything to go by then observing the environment's time sped up we have to be going just as slow s the environment's time proportionately.


For now lets ignore the effects of the electromagnetic radiation observing the minute hand of an environment clock moving as fast a every second. The second hand would be a spinning bluer at a full circle every second. Einstein's special theory of relativity reminds us time and time again if we look at our wrist watch time for us travels as normal. The environment clock confirms we are observing the environment's time is traveling ahead of us a minute into the future every our second.


If the by time travel buff's point of view the faster we go the slower time goes is anything to of going faster go by we are traveling 60 times as slow as every environment second. The relativity effect dictates going slower the environment's time we should observe it going  faster proportionately. The minute hand moving a division per second confirms it. From the environment's point of view the clock is ticking away as normal. If we do the math's right checks out we are observed frozen in time as 60 times as slow. It sees every our second a minute long.


We all know there 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of sixty 60's, adds up to the seconds of an hour. 3 thousand 600 in a one hour TV program to be exact. If we multiply by 186 thousand projects the distance in miles light traveled in that time. Times 1.609 converts to km's.


Provided the environment's time remains independently fixed at a steady speed the slower we go the faster the environment we appear to to go. We view the relativity effects on the environment's time slowing down as we accelerate proportionally. The slower we go the faster time will appear to go. The environment's time is unvarying like clockwork.


If we observe the environment's time an hour into math's project we future we are traveling 3 thousand 600 times as slow as the environments time. From the environments point of view we would be frozen in time every hour. If we observe the clock's date date change every second math's project we would be traveling 86 thousand 400 times as slow as the environments time. From the environments point of view we would be frozen in time every date change.


Our mathematical instinct aggress a hole year would pass in 356 of our seconds. (Every 5 minutes 57 seconds of our time). Every leap year 356. Environment observers would view us frozen in time like a statue every date change.


Our mathematical instinct agrees we can add up all the seconds of the 7 days of a week. It's easy enough to add the seconds, months, years, decades, centuries, millennia (thousands of  years) millions, billions of years even trillion of centuries.


If the environment's time is fixed while we independently speed up environment observers would observe us speed up. But the faster we go the slower the environment's time will appear to be to us. If park statues are anything to go by environment observes would observe us frozen in time every minute of their time. 


Everything is a relative point of view. If observers observe us sped up the slower we observe them. If we observe an environment hour every second of our time environment observes see us frozen in time every hour of their time. A hour into into the environment's we are traveling 86 thousand 400 times as slow. The slower observers observe us the faster we observe observers proportionately. And vice versa the faster observers observe us the slower we observe them.


To most of us would we should disappear. This doesn't happen to us with park statues. They exist as sold every second of our time. They are are frozen in time every second for years in our time. If we travel fast or slow though the environment's time we are on a different plan. 


Take traveling at the maximum speed of light scenario. Theoretically we would be traveling in parallel with the reciprocal per second. In your calculator enter 1 divide 186000 = The readout will display the decimal value. 


Your calculator will show if you multiply the reciprocal by the maximum speed we travel reciprocally 1 second of the environments time. The e is exponent 6 (times 10 to the minus 6) decimal fraction of a second. We wait every 186 thousand seconds of our time for every 1 second of the environments time to pass. We can multiply the seconds when we continue traveling every minute, in an hour, 24 hours, a week, any month, a year, a decade, a milliner, a million and a billion years of our time and be no where near infinite. 


No doubt those into challenging mathematics can work out precisely how many, days, hours, minutes and seconds the environment's time passes every. Inversely if we travel reciprocally as slow everything is reversed. We would view 186 thousand seconds of the environment's future every second of our time. 


From environment observers point of view we are as fast 186 thousand times as fast as their second. It's thanks to viewing the environment's time from light speeds point of view the relativity illusion of the environment's time traveling it's maximum speed as slow or fast proportionately. Time doesn't travel any slower or faster for environment observers when we travel at light speed any more than it's maximum speed limit limit.


Einstein realized at that kind of velocity the extreme stress, even in the zero resistance of open space, would look compressed by the share velocity. The extreme power crushes, pulverizes and heats mass at the maximum speed to millions of digress from the shear force of the velocity. It would not be unreasonable a trillion metric tones of hydraulic press in less than a second. After all a velocity of 600 and 69 million 600 mph take off in 1 environment second.


In order to survive the enormous amount of stress at that kind of velocity we would have to be as weightless as light itself. Light interacts with matter with mass and dark matter Einstein predicted nothing with mass can travel faster than the maximum speed of light. Our own mass would have to weigh nothing in any gravity including dark mater. 


There is one particle called a neutrino believe to be a relative of electrons that isn't effected by gravity not even dark mater. If w where made of neutrinos we should never be able to interact with matter, G-forces and gravity. It is if Neutrinos has no mass to generate inertia. 


The 1971 science experiment with a clock stationary on the earth's surface at sea level with another clock in high speed orbit round the earth is exciting proof to time travel buffs. The moving clock showed a few microseconds (a microsecond is a second dived by a million. In your phone calculator 1 dived 1 with six 0's.


Scientists are also busy experimenting with crashing the naked nucleus of the atom close to light speed in the large Hadron particle accelerator in Cern Swaziland unlocking clues of the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe and highlighting the mechanisms of time travel and parallel universes at the same time.


The particles are accelerated as fast as they can go. The nature of inertia doesn't allow no more than 90% light speed. That leaves the mysteries of neutrinos. Colliding the particles at that kind of velocity explode violently in every direction. Theoretically from the particle's perspective everything about our environment's time is proportionality slow by 90% light speed.


Doing the math's projects the particles travel a 167 thousand 400 miles per second. (Times 1.609 in km's). The velocity builds up a maximum kinetic energy in that time. When they hit at that kind of velocity explode into violent flash of energy like flying debris of a 200mph car crash. Particles appear to pop in and out of existence millionths of a second scale. Relativity predicts should see our environment proportionately as slow. 


Quantum physics an integral part of time travel and parallel universes. Quantum from the Greek word Quota formulated in 1900 by a German physicist Max Planck the father of the Planck constant (?). A branch of physics that studies the physics of the particles of the atom on a Planck scale (?).


On this scale particle behavior is illogical to say the lest. A classic example is the double slit experiment. Imagine a stream of electrons fired one after another bullet like at a barrier with parallel slits. The other side of the barrier is a photo sensitive screen. The photo sensitive pad records the single stream had change to several waves similar to several several pebbles make when dropped simultaneously into a still duck pond, The waves crossing each other spread out hitting the photo sensitive screen creating a digital credit card bar code like pattern. Physics have been trying to work out how this works for the last 200 years.


We can imagine the influence of Planck Constant (?). At a Planck frequency (?) particles in two places at the same time. Imagine we could slow down the environment 6.262 times 10 to the 43 as slow as our environment second our bodies. Theoretically we would witnesses our body's electrons disappearing as if by magic and reappear somewhere else every 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43 of every environment second.


The forces holding the nucleus together is recognized as a strong nuclear force. Since we are made of atoms the strong nuclear force holds the nucleus of our body's atoms together. Our electrons are constantly appearing and disappearing in there electron orbits behaving in the double slit manner entangled and influenced by the electrons of the rest of the universe.  


Isaac Newtown was the first scientist to recognize the properties of the work and energy of an accelerating body expressed as a kinetic energy. Force equals mass times acceleration. (f = m a). 


Algebra teaches us the law of mathematics tells us we can multiply the acceleration by the mass (f = a m). Knowing the force and acceleration we can divide the force by the acceleration giving us the mass (m = f/a) and knowing the mass and force we can dived the force by the mass giving us the acceleration (a = f/m) respectively. It was Albert Einstein who put it all together on a light speed scale. 


Perhaps a related property of a accelerating body is resistance to the acceleration force. Where there is a accelerating force there is an equal and opposite amplification of a pull back force most of us familiar as G's. The stronger the driving force the stronger it amplifies the equal and opposite pulling back force proportionately.  


Einstein's E equals M C squared predicts the energy stored in any mass. In theory according to the first law of thermal dynamics matter cannot be destroyed only converted to some other form the work and energy of the maximum speed light converts matter to the Brose/Einstein condensate state (?). The New Zealand physicist Ernest Rutherford is mistakenly credited for splitting the atom. He is only credited for the discovery of the forces of the nucleus. It wasn't till the first atomic test the last month's of world war II in a New Mexican desert was finally split by the Americans.


Einstein said we can't exceed light speed because the pull back force becomes infinite. The accelerating body become so heavy the work and energy of the acceleration is terminated to a constant velocity. That's straight line speeds. 


What happens when inn a endless loop. The produces of James Bond movies demonstrated this well. In Gold Finger a villain try to kill Bond trapping in an out of control centrifugal force machine a classic example of what happens when monition accelerated in an endless loop. He would have felt several time times the force of the earth's gravity. In the 1970's sci-fi movies of habitat ring space stations circle in motion effectively generated artificial gravity.


Theoretically a time machine operating on a light speed scale we could observe the nucleus of a uranium or cobalt  atoms traveling on a light speed scale bombarding the nucleus of an uranium and cobalt atoms splitting the nucleus releasing the stored energy of the nuclei inside a nuclear blast. When that happens the chain reaction of each nucleus in slow motion run away heat and energy of a nuclear explosion called fusion.


Accelerating to light speed comes at a high-high price of inertia. An American Air Force flight surgeon Colonel John Strap pioneered the study of the effects of acceleration and deceleration on the human body on himself using a rocket sled. He experienced 300 mph take offs and instant stops. He became known as the fastest man in the word. 


Other classic examples of the coast of inertia are world speed records crashes. Crashes on water a have been recorded 300mph plus. Boats at that speed can't stop if they hit anything. Horrifying wreckage is propelled many yards (meters) at high speeds across the surface of the water at that kind of velocity.


Acceleration forces pull back the change to pulling forward in time. Take 0 to 100mph in a second. It pans out traveling just over a distance 46 and a 1/2 feet to a instant stop by the time a digital second. It'll  take your breath away. We are compelled to be shoved back into our seat at that kind of instant take off 1/2 second leaving the other half 1/2 pulling forward. Imagine accelerated to light speed to a instant stop by that time. It is what light can do from the surface of the sun to it's maximum speed without breaking a sweet.


Accelerating a distance then to an instant stop the pull back and change to pulling forward direction in a second is not gentle. to 25mph to a instant stop may not sound much but in terms of the time of a second hand of a wrist watch we feel the brunt of the forces change to an instantly in that time. Even 0 to half that speed. Imagine Malloy's machine or a  time machine endless lopping motion form 0 to 669 million 600 thousand mph (times 1.609 in km's) to a instant stop in a digital second.


In ancient times a Greek philosopher Archimedes investigated the relativity effects of normal time. He observe moving sailing ships masts as a control reference points. Einstein's special theory reminds us there is no such thing as stationary in the universe.


We don't feel the orbit nor the spin of earth because it is at it's maximum cruising speed. We take it for granted the earth's spin complete a full turn when the date of our watches and phone clocks change regularly as clockwork every 12 midnight. We treat every calendar day as a complete spin of the earth.


Doing the math's on this if we observe the environment's date change every second observers will see us frozen in time every dat change. On the other hand if that much as fast they would see us 86 thousand 400 times as fast as their second.


On the surface of earth we use friction to walk. We plant an alternating foot forward and pull back to drag us forward. Car tires roll forward pulling back to drive forward. Athletes take off runs use the principle when kicking off on the surface of the spinning earth. Including the earth's speed orbit and spin speeds sprit athletes reach their maximum speed in a few seconds.


Astronaut space walks travel faster than maximum bullet speeds on thee surface of earth   . They feel no acceleration because they are traveling space at a constant velocity. Stepping out of a space station hatch they are relatively well within the same speed as the station's speed. Try stepping out of a 1/2mph moving vehicle on the surface of earth.


Newtown's law of motion is reminding everybody once a body is set in motion in a straight line continues in motion. All traveling things in the universe from asteroids to galaxies obey this maximum speed law including light. In space they are at their maximum speeds in the pulled by dark matter in a straight line indefinitely.


The asteroid belt is a huge number of builders trapped in the curved space created by the mass of the inner planets. Isaac Newton's laws of motion dictate there is enough outward momentum pull they do not slide straight into the planet orbits skirting them an endless loop.


Impacts can be devastating. Meteorite Impacts reminds us of devastating smashing each other to smithereens. The transferee of energy scatter the pieces at violent speeds in all directions. What we would think of tiny pebbles as harmless at terminal velocities is way-way faster than any bullet can travel on earth. The speeding Impacts remind us they are much heavier in motion if they where at rest. The energy of a coasting millimeter size pebble has as much energy as being shot at point blank range.


If we speed up in a time machine we witness the time dilution effects of relativity on the forces of motion changing the forces. The same is true when we go slow. The faster the terminal velocity the more the kinetic energy impact force. We would experience the relativity effects altering the forces 


Billiards remind us of the traveling energy transfers from one ball to another. To you and me they shunt each other different directions. To us they scatter faster than a blink of an eye. If we speed up in time we would witnesses the relativity see them slow down in slow motion. If we slowed we would witnesses the relativity effects speed up like a fast forward video.


Maximum speed is the key to terminal velocity were the effects of acceleration (G's if you like) doesn't exist at terminal velocity. John Strap often didn't reach terminal velocity speed before brakes applied while still accelerating. If he continued would have easily reached a sufficient terminal velocity could kill him.


If strap reach terminal velocity would have gone no faster no matter how long the engine pushed it. Rocket sleds can not propel any faster than the sleds maximum speed limit. If a maximum speed of a sled is 300mph in several seconds at take off it will be it's maximum speed limit where it can't go any faster. But if we observe the relativity effects when slowed down in time we would observe the sled accelerate much faster. To observe the reality effects slow down the sled in slow motion we speed up in time. 


If the sled brakes where applied before maximum speed is reached including ourselves resist the stopping force resisting the deceleration in equal proportion. Strap's sled brakes were applied in a few feet after take off. Strap felt his high speed accelerating sled drop out of acceleration to a stop in seconds.


Formulae one racing cars are constantly at their maximum speeds throughout the whole race. If drivers lift their foot off the accelerator applying breaks for any reason feel the G's pull them up from top speeds in seconds. Slamming into safety barriers at maximum speed is common. Cars don't stop dead. 


They continue cart wheeling and spinning out of control scattering debris many meters. We can only imagine the bruising forces acting on the driver slamming into spectator safety barrier walls at maximum speeds. Destruction is in a blink of an eye. Traveling faster than the environments time we observe it all in slow motion. Traveling slower we observe the smash like in a fast forward video.  


It is the nature of all impact motion. If light accelerates it would accelerate 0 to 669 million 600 thousand mph in the zero resistance of space by the time the second hand of a wrist watch moves a division. 


We don't feel the effect of the earth's mass pulling on a body every day of our live. The force of the earth's gravity is acceleration. Think of holding a 1 kilo  mass (about 2.2 pounds) over the ledge of the top floor of a tall sky scrapper. What we perceive as it's weight we feel as the earth's mass pulling it. 


The second we let go the earth's mass snatches it accelerating it meter in a second. The initial acceleration builds up kinetic energy. Despite the air resistance acceleration stops when the mass reaches maximum free fall velocity and maximum kinetic energy stored in the mass. If we observed the free fall in slow motion we would have speed up in time. We would observe the time dilution of the relativity effects on the gravitational field slowed down in time. If we were traveling slower than the fate free fall we would witnesses the free fall speed up like a fast forward video.   


The earth's mass pulls it all the way down the side of the building. It gains weight not mass from the free fall  colliding with the immovable mass of the earth of the street bellow in an instant stop. We witnesses the crash either inn slow motion or speed up in time.


The weight gain is in the stress of the falling motion. As it accelerates the stress gets heavier and heavier until it cannot accelerate any further canceling the acceleration. Depending on the height of the building reach terminal acceleration before crashing head long into the sidewalk of the street bellow.


If filled with air the mass of the earth traveling in space kicks back. If solid will absorb the impact. Bouncing off the ground depends on the density of the falling body. Dense enough there will be a minimal amount. The human body hitting the walk at terminal acceleration absorbs 100% of the sudden stop. The 1 kilo mass will take several floors to reach terminal acceleration. Doing the math's the kinetic energy would be 1kg at 3.6kmph impact. It will dissipates though the mass by the time a second.


This sort of thing was studied by Galileo observing stone accelerating down ramps over 500 years ago. His most famous experiments discovered the nature of heavy and light bodies hitting the ground at the same down the  side of the leaning tower of Piza. You can do the same experiment  a table tennis ping ping ball and a heavy coin. The ping-pong ball maay not have thee mass to over come the air resistance.


He would have been hard pressed to judge the terminal acceleration unless he included terminal velocity studies. A simple tape measure dropped down the side of a building can record the rate of drop by our phone clocks. We can do arithmetic on the 1kg free fall acceleration to terminal velocity to an instant stop. In terms of kmph 1kg at a 3.6kmph kinetic energy impact force. The relativity effects of traveling slower or faster than the environments time will change all that.


We know it only takes a second in the zero resistance of out of space to travel a distance of a 186 thousand miles. We also know there is 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minuets in an hour that pans out to be 3 thousand 600 seconds and there is 24 hours in every date change. 


Adding a186 thousand to every second there comes a point where we lose our grasp of the larger and larger number. In 1 year entering in your phone calculator 60 x 60, x 24 x 365 x 18000 = the distance light travels i a normal year. For a leap year times 366.


K from the standard metric prefix system for a thousand denotes 3.6kmph per second. When the 1 kilo mass hits the street at a terminal velocity it is a force of 1kg at 3.6kmph impact. Slamming into the solid ground is the immovable stopping force of the earth. The dissipation of the kinetic energy is as equal as a gravitational force in that time. It can just as easily apply traveling in a horizontal plane slamming into a mountain side. If we view this depending on how fast or slow we go in a time machine the potential of the relativity effects will change everything either viewing frozen in time or like fast a fast forward video effect


In 1907 Einstein was intrigued and entertained by a thought a person falling off the roof of a house to the ground doesn't feel their weight. He relished tools like a hammer fall with them at the same rate.


As a result he was the first scientist to publish what NASA has been using to train astronauts for decodes now in the effect of weightlessness. When a plane nose dives fast enough trainee astronauts lift of the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun. 


The plane's free fall inertia equals the force of the earth's gravity. Another example the velocity of Rolla Coater cars maximum down hill speeds. We feel weightless in the restraints holding us in. The coaster can't go any faster. We are virtually weightless for a second or 2 before change in direction at the next curve.


This brief feeling of weightlessness is zero or negative G's. In effect at terminal acceleration. World war two dive bomber pilots experienced the effect when they gunned their engines at maximum dive bombing free fall speed runs. At maximum dive speed they felt weightless. 


Back seat machine gunners often experienced struggling to control ammunition belts drifting freely in mid air. Pulling out of the dives they experience the force weighed them back into their seats.


We feel the same force when we hit those tight corners at full speed trying to drag us off into a straight line. We feel like we are going to fly straight off the corner. We experience the change of direction inn negative G's traveling the bend with out slowing down. We feel the forces change directions hitting every loop at full speed.


Vehicles hitting bends in the road to fast the momentum forces carrier them off in uncontrollable fish tailing working against drivers desperately trying to gain cornering control. The forces pull rolling straight ahead into ditches. The kinetic energy of is often impossibly overpowering to stop quickly. Heavy trains take kilometers to come to a complete stop.


Falling stars are nothing more than small stones traveling under Newton's force equals  mass times acceleration stress faster than a bullet melted by the friction of the earth's atmosphere. We only catch a brief glimpse. Boulders compress the atmosphere so tightly the air becomes like slamming into solid detonating in mid air as if a solid impact with the ground. Traveling faster or slower than the environment's time changes all that.


According to Newtown the work and energy of the earth's mass accelerate sky divers to several 100mph in several seconds. According to Einstein sliding the gravity well. Knowing the divers mass and and acceleration free fall rate is a square law. (?) 


For every foot (or in a meter if you like) is multiplied by itself. For example a 2.2 pound (or 1 kilo) mass takes off a 1 foot in the first second. The next second by 2 feet. By the third second 4 feet. By the fourth second 16 feet. By the fifth second 32 feet. Take off is one 1's are 2. Two 2's are 4. Four 4's are 16 and sixteen 16's is 32 feet that pans out to 32 feet in 5 seconds respectively. The greater distance the faster the mass is pulled to earth until the resistance of the inertia terminates the acceleration to a constant free fall drop of 32 feet per second.


Impact with the ground testifies there is a work and energy stored in any free falling mass before it reaches or at terminal acceleration. If terminal acceleration is reached before impact the kinetic energy is stored in the constant free fall.


A video of a free falling body accelerating body in the earth's gravity viewed at a horizontal plane will look like a side ways acceleration. If we look at an accelerating body traveling in a horizontal plane will look falling in the earth's gravity. A slow motion or fast forward video shows is a ideal demonstration the relativity of traveling on a different effect of traveling faster or slower than the environment changes things.


To keep racing cars firmly griping the tarmac they are engineered less than a inch from the ground and over a wide fitted with a spoiler that act as a down force several 100 pounds of force. This down force allows cars to stick to the tarmac when every they become wieghtless due to their maximum speeds.


If a mass is lunched from a space station hatch high travels the same speed as the station. It will tend to drift away. If the escape velocity is low enough the earth's mass pulls it in entering the atmosphere increasing speed to a maximum where it can't accelerate any faster fall fall to ground. But if the terminal acceleration is high enough will orbit in the earth's gravity well for some time. 


When Rolla coaster trains hit those twist and turns without slowing down we experience Newton's first law of motion that says all bodies travel in a straight line. In the case of Rolla Coaster inertia resisting the turn. We feel the force of the motion trying to pull us straight ahead. Viewing a fast forward video of a Rolla coaster in action shows how traveling slower than the environment's time how the relativity everything changes time changing thee physics. When we observe a Rolla coaster in slow monition we are observe the relativity effects traveling faster than the Rolla coaster changing the physics 


When we travel faster than the environments the resistance to acceleration get heavier and heavier for us. In normal time inertia is much stronger at low velocities on large planets than small ones. Black holes are the ultimate. The extreme immobilizing force equivalent of experiencing well in excess of several trillion tones of G-force traveling less than a mile an hour.


Stars, planets and any asteroid big enough are crushing themselves into spherical balls. According to Newton we feel the effects of earth's gravity at sea level. We experience pressed to the earth's surface as we go about our daily lives. Given the system International unit of force pounds per square inch. According to Newtown the mass of the Artic circle of the north pole is a downward force as much as the mass of Antarctica at  the south pole attracts downward. Compressed from both ends the equator is compressed into a slight bulge.


Cosmologists today believe the universe has been in constant acceleration mode since the big bang that has supposed to have created it. All the mass of the universe should be holding galaxies together. However even with all the black holes researches discovered it is inefficient. There seemed to be a missing mass. An recent idea in the last decades a mass that must be absorbing a 100% of light must be present not interacting with light at all, to make up the short fall called dark matter.


Traveling faster or slowing in time effects our point of view of the relativity effects. Depending on whether we travel fast or slow though thee relativity effect of dark matter should start slow down the universe reversing the trend what was suspected as the future gravitational collapse of the universe called the big crunch. As of yet the universe is still accelerating out of control. It is suggested there is some form of work and energy of some sort of dark energy pushing or pulling the universe apart against dark thee work and energy of dark matter call dark energy. It is theses two forces that is the investigation focus of modern cosmology.


Cosmologists believe dark energy is constantly expanding the universe. Rapidly. An out of control fast reversing video of the universe sped up in reverse we observe the relativity effects of traveling to the past to the point of the big bang. We should no be able to go any further. Fast forward simulates the expansion of the future of the universe.


A popular analogy is expanding dots as galaxies on an inflating balloon. Currently we observe the constellations of the night sky frozen in time. Space is the stretching rubber the Galaxies moving away from each other. 


We'd think If this is anything to go by so too stars and planets including changing light speed should be moving away from each other at an ever faster rate too. They don't seem to be doing that. Unless we are fooled by the reality effects of traveling so fast everything is slowed down too slow to observe moving. Astronomers have observed the constellations of the milky way frozen in time for centuries despite evidence the universe is expanding faster and faster.    


Astronomers tell us how close or far away galaxies are by the optical version of dipolar  effect of sound. We are familiar with a wailing emergency vehicle sirens. Think of a railway  locomotive horn pitch approaching pass us and heading away from us. 


How it works optically out of the entire light spectrum our eyes respond only the colors of the rainbow. Our eyes don't interact with the rest of the spectrum that is invisible to us. Our  naked eyes see the color of stars (including the yellow of our sun) only within the range of the rainbow spectrum. As light approaches us we see light in a redy color at distance change into a bluer color approaching us. Passing us changes the bluer color changes  back to a redy color in the distance.  


Galaxies that have a blue tinge are close and reedy galaxies far away. As galaxies drift apart the bluely galaxies shift into red tones showing the expansion of the universe. It is emphatically emphases in universe books and web pages. Traveling though the environment's time we will ultimately experience a shift in the colors of the environment round us.


Also Einstein saw what we call G's equivalent to form of gravitational force that changes also. He didn't have the luxury of video in fast forward or slow motion modes. Nor modern times transportation vehicles. An accelerating family SUV can pull less than twice the earth's gravity in a several seconds. Drag race cars pull up to 4 times compressing drivers back in their seats at take off.


A fast forward video of an accelerating race car demonstrate clearly how the relativity effects changes everything. We would experience an increase in mass (weight if you like) crushing us in seconds. Einstein concluded no body with mass can travel on a light speed scale without inertia converting us into the Brose/Einstein condensate (?) state. If we use light speed as a meathead of space travel we would never survive the conversion.


Imagine if space ships have no inertia. When NBC created the Start trek science fiction TV series way back in 1964 scientific advisers suggested the use of antimatter as a source of warp drive. Accepted as part of the show become native to star trek. When star wars was introduced the legendary hyperspace drive. Science constantly reminds us antimatter mixed with matter annihilate each other. Now so? It is all in the matter of coming back to the physics of the sub atomic particles.


Mater is made up of negative electrons and positive protons. (?) Antimatter is a mirror image made of positive electrons and negative protons. They are mirror images of each other. The the like repel law remind us what happens when the same polarities occupy the same space. It's when positive protons and positive electrons encounter each other. And vice versa negative protons encountering negate electrons. Antimatter and mater are arch enemies of each other. The same polarities occupying the same space repel each other.


Theoretically the repelling forces would be the equivalent of forward going inertia turned back on itself effectively canceling out the forward going inertia. As the Enterprise had no inertia it's mass could easily be accelerated into a light speed take of. Theortically should apply to Mallory's portal (?) opening up the thee potential for exotic energy. The processes antimatter and mater coming together is uncontrollable in a natural state. Mallory's  experiment was a controllable process though the remote control unit.


The HADRON particle accelerator in CERN Swaziland is the worlds largest particle accelerator. It can only manage several 100 billionth of a mg (weight of a paper clip) of antimatter at a time. Star Trek warp drive and star wars hyperspace drive engines inject a controlled amount of matter and antimatter to do their work 


According to Einstein's general theory acceleration bodies produce a shock wave of space ahead displaying it like the bow of a ship displaces water called gravity waves.  Think of potential for ships to ride the crests like surfaces ride the crests of surf. Cosmologists have detected a minuet natural amount of gravity waves in the universe.


The environment's time is a Sub light speed level defined by our phone clock by the time light travels in space every 186 thousand miles (Times 1.609 in km's). If a time machine was out of control either going forward or backward in time adds up every second sky rocketing 100's of centuries in seconds. In a matter of a few minutes geological time on earth expanded many millions of years. Life on earth only extends a couple of billion. The numbers though distance keep going on and on with no end to the centuries pass on earth.


Distance expands indefinitely. For example the 100 digit number (Called Goggle) pans out to 1 multiplied by 10 a 100 times a total of 1 with a hundred 0's in seconds. If we multiply goggle by itself (squared) pans to a 10 thousand digit number. In fact we can continue multiplying by itself indefinitely and never reaching infinite. We begin to question how many 0's in a infinite number? 


Some scientific calculators have a infinity key a number 8 on on it's side. If your scientific calculator gives infinity any indication of infinity would be 10 to the 1e+ the (?) infinity symbol.


It is inevitable accelerating time machines we observe the acceleration of the universe would reach light speed proportions if not already in seconds. If light travels a distance of 186 thousand miles (times 1.609 in km's) by the time the second hand of a clock moves a division is anything to go by even in the zero resistance of space it is a fixed maximum speed limit. It doesn't go any faster than that. 


The fixed maximum speed limit is an addition of every 186 thousand miles added up to a total distance in every environment second. Newtown's laws tells us so long as there is no resistance bodies will remain at a terminal acceleration point indefinitely. Wondering comets are a clear example. They just don't travel any faster.


On the surface of airless bodies such as the moon and despite the air resistance on earth we can't go any faster because of the amplification of inertia by gravity. On earth land speed records can't accelerate any faster than 400mph. Man has reached the limit. Think of a land speed record of 500mph.


Trying to go faster to gain a few more miles mph takes up a lot of distance and time. Record breaking machines can't go any faster quickly. Drivers struggle with control issues because of weightless conditions at maximum speeds. Record breaking attempts are violent and out of control when anything goes wrong. We only need to see from land and water speed clip crashes how wreckage just keeps flying out of control. The faster we go the bigger the out of control mess.


In a zero résistance of out a space cosmic collisions tell us there is a lot of force behind constant velocity. The energy involved is stored in the body as uncontrolled kinetic energy to be dissipated. High velocity light weight bodies is a lot to control. Strong breaking power is needed. Outlaw boy races competing with each other in races need long tarmacs extended beyond the finish lines to slow do to stops. The faster we go the more stopping distances we need.


In star trek the crew of the enterprise beamed down to the surface of planets the distance the ships in orbit in a matter of a few seconds. What of the relativity effects they must experience? We only need to think of the G's traveling the surface of earth 0 to a 100mph to a dead stop in a second. Imagine vehicle speedometer needles race from 0 to a 100 on the in that time. 


Mathematics projects 36 feet in a second to reach a 100mph velocity. Your phone calculator converter converts in meters about 11 meters. Form the environments point of view we most likely look as if we teleported 36 feet in a second.


From your point of view the relativity effects the environment's time would appear to instantly slow down to a stop and return back to normal within the 36 feet in the second. Imagine the G's 0 to a stop in 36 feet in that time.


When you accelerated at some point the environment's time had stopped. The relativity effects reverse. You will no longer be accelerating causing the environment's time to reverse direction speeding up in the  36 feet in one environment second. It would be like a fast forward or rewind start and stop rewind or fast forward video for only a second. You will experience the environment as if quantum leaped a distance of 36 feet a second ago.


Lets say we are in a time machine observing the minute hand of an environment clock. The minute hand moved a second and stopped. It would appear we traveled a minute into the environment's future. If in reverse in the environment's past in a second.


The second hand was a accelerated then to slowed down bluer in that time. At the same time the hour hand was stationary. Einstein's special theory reminds us if we carry our cell phone with us the by the time the environment's time returned to normal the clock second ticked away as normal. If the environment clock was digital the second column spun accelerated and slowed down 0 to 59 in the time your phone clock second.


From our point view point perspective we observed the environment's time proportionately 60 accelerated and decelerated to a stop 60 times as fast. We traveled 60 times as slow as the environment's time at the same time the environment second proportionately as fast. We are traveled on a different dimension than then present time in that time.


Lets say we observed the minute hand per second for a full cycle for a whole minute. We would observe the environments time accelerate and slow down to normal time by the time the minute hand had completed a full circle. It would be a bit like watching a fast forward video take a whole minute of our time for the environment's clock to move a full circle stop.


Lets observe the hour hand to move a division in a second of our time. We would observe the minute hand as a accelerated slow down to a stop bluer in a second of our time. We would feel as if we teleported an hour into the environment's in that time. The same thing happens when we observe the date change change a date in a second of our time. It would be like watching a fast forward video accelerate to a stop in a whole date change in a second of our time.


Time machines jump backwards the same amount of time a week, a fortnight any month, year, decade, millennia, million, billions, even trillions of centuries in a second of our time. Time machines travel distance. A simple measurement in normal time can be observed by motor vehicle Speedometers. Let's say we observe the needle (or if digital) point 30mph (times 1.609 in km's). If the speed is maintained for an hour the speedometer adds 30 miles to the clock by the time a 1 hour long TV program.


Let's say the driver steps on the gas. Our phone clock measures 6 seconds for the needle to move to 60 reading and settled down to that constant speed reading. It measured a change in speed of 20mph faster in 6 seconds. 


With a bit of math's in your phone calculator can confirm in 6 seconds light had traveled 6 times 186000 equals in miles and times 1.609 in km's. 60 miles are added to the speedometer clock in the time the vehicle took to travel the 60 miles in the time of a 1 hour TV program. Imagine speed up in a time so it was 1 second of your time.


An important detail in time travel our own brain distorts our perception of the time. It can easily be demonstrated by you mobile right now. If you concentrate on every second of your phone clock second by second for a of a whole minute you experience each second significantly longer amount of time as you go. Every second is no longer or shorter than any other. Every second is the same length of time yet our brain stretches every second longer and longer. It's best to start when the seconds are zeroed.


As the first second ends the second second begins. Our brain doesn't recognize it for 100 milliseconds (pounced mill-lee from the standard metric prefix for 1 divide a thousand in the case of a 1 second 1 divide a 10000). As the 2nd second ends the 3rd second begins. Again our brain doesn't recognize it for another 100 millisecond delay.


As the 3rd second ends the 4th second begins and so on. Once again our brain doesn't recognize it for another 100 milliseconds delay. Every second is always a 100 milliseconds It's not our eyes it's the processing speed of our brain. To most of us a second is significantly fast to ignore let a lone a 100th second. 


After completely finishing the whole 59 seconds I bet that will be the longest minute you'll ever site though. Every minute is made up of these seconds. At every 59 the numbers reset to 0:0 repeating the cycle every minute. Every 59 minutes 59 seconds reset to 00:00.


Digital clocks like your mobile clearly illustrate every 12 midnight every 24 hour period as a date change every 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds. At  every reset (00:00:00) means no hours, no  minutes, and no seconds for a second repeating the 24 hour cycle indefinitely. The next tick is 00:00:001 is no hours, no  minutes and 1 second. 00:00:002 no hours, no  minutes and 2 seconds after 12 midnight.


We often hear sports commentators win and loose our racing sports heroes by fractions of a second. A list here represents decimal fractions including the standard metric system prefix unit milli- (pounced mill-lee) for 1 dived a thousand.


32nd second, is 1 divided by 32. Thirty-0ne milliseconds

16th second,  is 1 divided by 16. Sixty-two milliseconds

8th   second,  is 1 divided by 8 a hundred and twenty five milliseconds. (About the speed of our brain recognizing every second).

1/4   second,  is 1 divided by four 250 milliseconds.

1/2   second   is 1 divided by two 500 milliseconds.

3/4   second   is 3 divided by four 750 milliseconds respectively. 

1 second the you phone clock second. 


While time machines are logarithmic  our brain maintains a linear fashion. Every present second moves into the future second every second, every current minute, every current hour, every current day like clockwork. We plan ahead in our diary calendars, business appointments, weeks and month's. Building construction and political projects in years.


We experience time in generations. We recognize centuries of history. Deep geological time millennia, (thousand years) and millions of years. The daunting distances to get to the nearest galaxies are measured in the distance light travels in every year. According to the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe is finite a few billion light years across. Infinite extends beyond ay-way beyond trillions of centuries into the future.


Some of us gloat time is an illusion. At best nobody knows what it really is apart from our time piece measurements. Our consciousness knows. Every clock second is a significant amount of time just as every minute and hour. Imagine counting every second for thousands of years. 


Our mathematical instinct aggress adding every second light travels a 186 thousand miles. It amounts to adding every 186 thousand to every second indefinitely. We can use scientific calculators to confirm deep time light travels distances of deep space.


Sunlight is an expanded bubble spreading out in every direction from the sun including every star in the universe every second at it's maximum speed since the first light of the first stars. We can utilize light speed in the zero resistance of out of space to explore deep time in phone calculators. The numbers are so large we need scientific modes.


We have gotten used to our digital time pieces second before the date changes is 23:59:59 resetting the numbers to zeros. In that instant the date changes. No hours no minutes and no seconds for the next day. By default our phones connected to the internet are tuned into international time zones every date change occurring 12 midnight 00:00:00 every 24 hours what we assume the time of a single rotation of the earth. 


It is said the earth actually spins once every 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds to be exact. The earth's rotation is slowing down by a millisecond or every century. And that's not taking into account of the world war's daylight saving changes including present day daylight saving times for every country world wide. 


A day in the early 20th century was shorter than it is now due to the braking effect of the moon has on Earth's rotation plus the daylight saving changes during the world wars. Atomic clocks show that a modern day is 1.7 milliseconds shorter than in world war 1 and slowly increasing since. 


Today's atomic clocks are accurate to the Planck time (?). The decimal places of a second is a 43 places. Analysis of historical astronomical records shows a slowing trend of about 2.3 milliseconds per century since the 8th century.


Scientists keep adding few seconds to the earth's spin every so often called a leap second. It is a adjustment that is applied to civil time called universal time coordinate (UTC) to compensate for the the synchronization of our phone clocks and GPS systems to the earth's spin specifically to the time dilutions effects traveling though time in a time machine.


UTC is very important in GPS navigation. Leap second updates are important part of satellite engineering deign including traveling though time. The universal time coordinate introduced January 1, 1972, was initially a 10 second lag called time atomic international (TAI). 


Since that date, 27 seconds have been added, to 24 hours the most recent December 31, 2016. In 2018, UTC lagged behind automatic international time by an offset of 37 seconds. Technically every date change pans to one compete earth spin 5 hours behind our phone clocks putting thee earth's spin as 28 hours 4, minutes and 46 seconds.


Proof of this passenger planes crossing international date lines taking off one country landing in another the same time the same day in another country. GPS satellites orbiting the earth are programmed for theses discrepancies something time machines have to be.


The earth's tilt is a factor. It tilt is on an angle the north pole off set between 11 and 12 O'clock and the south pole off set between 5 and 6 O'clock, a 23 degree angle. This puts every date the east of the artic circle of the North pole always a whole date behind the Chatom Island land mass just off the western coast of New Zealand.


We take for granted moonlight is instantaneous. In reality it is just an image of the moon as it was less a couple of seconds ago about 1 and a bit of every phone clock second. Taking the time (about 1.3 seconds) multiplied by 186000 calculates the distance of the moon from earth. However the moon follows a elliptical orbit which changes distance thus time light travels to our eyes quite often. Our mathematical instinct agrees  to travel a distance in a minute. it is only a matter of every second of each minute is 186 thousand miles. It is only a mater of 60 times 186 thousand. 


Your calculator read out confirms well over 11 million miles light had traveled in one minute. (times 1.609 in km's). Light takes takes 8 minutes from the sun to reach the earth's atmosphere slowed down by the time it reaches our eyes. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of 60 times 8. Calculator read outs confirm 480 seconds times 186 thousand a distance of over 89 million miles. (Times 1.609 in km's).


Distance distorts our reality of time. Sunlight that had just left the sun this second is a 186 thousand miles above it's surface expanding in every direction. We won't see this sunlight until 8 minutes in our future every second. The same sunlight we see right now had left the surface 8 minutes ago. So what we see now is an image of the sun as it was every 8 minutes ago every second. The sun is a mere 8 light minutes away from earth. Light that traveled in an hour the maximum number of zeros 1 and six 0's a seven digit number.


Distances continue to get bigger and bigger beyond our recognition. Our counting system work on basic 10 system. For example 10 is nothing more than the 10 keys of your phone calculator. Including the zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Then one zero, one one, one two, one three, one four, one five, one six, one seven, one eight, one nine two zero, two one, two two, two three, two four, two five, two six, two seven, two eight, two nine, then three zero and son on.


A simple exercise in any scientific calculator demonstrates this. Press 1.Pressing 0 becomes 10. If we press 0 again becomes a 100. Every time we press 0 a 0 is dramatically added. It pans out to 1 multiplied by 10, once, multiplied by 10 twice, multiplied by 10  three times, four, five, six, seven and so on called powers. It turns out the number of 0's is linear progression. One with no 0's. One with two. One with three. One with four. One with five. One with six 0's a million. With basic calculators one with seven 0's ten million a total of a eight digit number.


Switching to a scientific demonstrates one with eight 0's is a hundred million. One with nine 0's is a billion. One with ten 0's is ten billion. One with eleven 0's is a hundred billion. One with twelve 0's is a trillion. One with thirteen 0's is ten trillion. One with fourteen 0's  is a hundred trillion respectively. Scientific calculators go up to a 100 and more.


Most of us are unfamiliar with large numbers beyond a million. Those into math's are familiar with powers are familiar with large numbers. They can explore the vastness of the universe in scientific calculators. Most of us have smart phones we can use their built in calculator feature to teach us. Search your calculator menu to the scientific mode. Exactly the same principle with any scientific calculator. Press 1.86 and look for an EXP key (Exponent). Press it then enter 5. You should have 1.86e+5. (pounced as one point eight six times ten to the five). Press  =.The read out will display 186000. (Times 1.609 in km's.). That's the same as 6.86 x 10  x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = Experimenting with exponents excesses in scientific calculators help anybody understand rather quickly the number of decimal places.


Scientific calculators have a special key an x with a little razed 2 for squaring numbers. Squaring numbers is a multiplying version of doubling them. An example we all know there  60 seconds in an hour so is sixty 60's. Sixty is multiplied by itself. It is only a simple matter of entering in your phones scientific mode 60 pressing the square key confirms  the number of seconds in a hour long TV program. Times a 186000 =. The readout will give the number of miles in an hour (Times 1.609 in km's).


Light from the sun streams to earth passing by every second. We can calculate the distance it travels passed earth. Armed with your scientific calculator we can project the distance light had traveled in 24 hours. Enter 60 squared x 24 =. Your scientific mode confirms 86 thousand 400 seconds every phone clock date change every 12 midnight. The read out confirms well over 11 million miles in that time. (x 1.609 in km's).


Every day of a week it is a simple matter of entering 60 pressing the square key x 24 x 7 =. The read out confirms well over 604 thousand 800 seconds in the 7 days x 186000 =. The read out confirms a distance well over a 112 billion miles in that time. (x 1.609 in km's).


Our calendar tells us there are various days in each month 28 to 31 all told. Either we one at a time work out an average distance for each month or we can skip directly to all the seconds of a year. It is only a matter of 60 squared x 24 x 356 =. The read out confirms well over 31 million seconds in  a year x 186000 = the distance traveled in that time expressed as a light year. The read out confirms light had traveled well over 15 billion miles in that time. (x 1.609 in km's).


Calculating all the seconds in a decade we are all aware of a leap year, that extra day at the end of every third February every 10 years. It is only a matter of the normal 365 days plus the three leap year days giving you a total days. It takes a bit of mathematical gymnastics to figure out all the seconds. Calculate all the seconds in 10 years and save for safe keeping. Add up all the seconds of three days. Then plus all the seconds in the 10 years.


For a century taking into account of every leap year your phone can easily project the distance light travels in that time. The read out will confirm all the seconds in a century times light speed. The read out will confirm the distance light travels across the universe in miles in that time. (Times 1.609 in km's).


Operating on the principle any scientific calculator can project the distance it travels in a millennia, (thousand years) millions, billions even trillions of centuries into the future.  It is believed the big bang that has suppose to have created our universe is only 14 billion years ago. (14 with thirteen 0's. One point four times ten to the fourteen. Your scientific calculator exponent 1.4e+14.). Three of four hundred years after the big bang light from the first stars started their long journey to the position we see it as far as the observable universe. The universe 14 billion years old the universe is finite not infinite. 


If a time machine goes infinite acceleration the extent is dramatically illustrated in any word processor. Pres 1m for miles or if you wish km type 1.609km. Insert the cursor between the 1 and m (or 1.609 and km and toggle the 0 per second 6 times.


You should have a distance of a million miles in 6 seconds clearly way-way beyond light speed. If you continue adding a 0 every second by the time a quarter minute (15 seconds) we'd traveled a total distance of 100,00,00,000,000,000 miles (10 to the 15 miles) and if in km 160,90,00,00,00,00,00,000km that time. (10 to the 15 miles or 1.609 times 10 to the 15km


By half a minute (30 seconds) we would be a distance of a thirty 0 number in that time. (ten to the 30). By three quarter minute (45 seconds) we would be forty-five 0 number across the universe. (ten to the 45 respectively). Distance adds up every second. By the time a hole minute we would be a distance of sixty 0 miles (ten to the 60). Ten to the 60 miles in 1 minute. Or 1.609 times ten to the 60 km's. Every second the 0 was toggled is ten times the distance. 


Scientific calculators tell us they reach numbers up to 99 digits (ten to the 99 1e+99). If we where to keep pressing  a zero every second we would be 1 with ninety-nine 0 miles in 99 seconds.


It doesn't stop there. The popular search engine Goggle is named after the number 1 multiplied by ten a 100 times a total of a hundred 0's. (1e+100). Depending on your word processor if we keep toggling a zero every second for an hour would be a distance of three thousand 0 number by the time an hour. (1e+3600 ten to the three thousand six hundred miles).


If we square goggle we end up with a distance into the future a ten thousand o number. One times ten to the ten thousand called a googolplex. We find it impossible to imagine toggling a word processor 0 key every second for ever yet it is no where near a infinite number. Your scientific calculator has a figure 8 on it's side key for infinity. Press the exp key pressing times and the infinite key. The readout will display the infant sign displaying ten to the infinity tantamount to ten to the ?. How many 0's in a infinite number of 0's.


The standard metric prefix system k for kilo- (pronounce key low) for a thousand, M for Mega for a million, giga- for a thousand million and Tera for a trillion is used. One times ten to the three, one times ten to the six, one times ten to the nine and one times ten to the twelve respectively. I have created a helpful reference when if you need to reference to


1e+0 one. (Ten to the 0). 
1e+1 ten. (Ten to the one). 
1e+2 a hundred. (Ten to the two). 
1e+3 a thousand. (Ten to the three). 
1e+4 ten thousand. (Ten to the four). 
1e+5 a hundred thousand. (Ten to the five). 
1e+6 a million. (Ten to the six). 
1e+7 ten million. (Ten to the seven). 
1e+8 a hundred million. (Ten to the eight). 
1e+9 a billion. (Ten to the nine). 
1e+10 ten billion. (Ten to the ten). 
1e+11 a hundred billion. (Ten to the eleven). 
1e+12 a trillion. (Ten to the twelve). 
1e+13 ten trillion. (Ten to the thirteen)
1e+14 a hundred trillion. (Ten to the fourteen)


If we dived 1 by 10 repeatedly we have minus powers. For example 1 divided by 10 three times or by a thousand equals. Your calculator will project 0.001 of  kilogram, the weight of a common paper clip, the division of a meter, or second. These are decimal fractions expressed as 10 to the minus. If we replace the plus sign with a takeaway sign in the table becomes the minus scale.


Your phones scientific calculator will show you 1 divide 1e+6 pans out to 1e-6. (ten to the minus six. A millionth) Your calculator should read out decimal 0.000001. So too, If we 1 divide 1e+9 pans out to 1e-9. (ten to the minus nine). Your calculator should read out decimal 1.00000000. 


Calculators show if we 1 divide 1e+9 pans out to 1e-9. (ten to the minus nine). Your calculator should read out decimal 0.000000001 (or 1e-9). So too, If we 1 divide 1e+12 pans out to 1e-12. (ten to the minus twelve). Your calculator should read out 1e-12. 


It easy to see the plus and minus are the same numbers. For example 1 divided by 1k is the same number of decimal 0's as a kilo. In scientific notation the only the only difference is the little take away sign. Your scientific calculator should have a minus key. Enter 1 EXP 3. By default the read out will display as a plus. Your scientific will have a plus/minus (-+) in for inverse or a F for function key better known as a reciprocal or some other mathematical symbol. Pressing the -+ key (the reciprocal) will change it to a minus.


Pressing the reciprocal (+/-) key again turns it back to the plus. Toggling the plus and minus are reciprocals of each other. Your scientific calculator showed the reciprocal of ten to the 3 is ten to the minus. For example 6 EXP 1 equals to the reciprocal of 6 to the minus 1 respectively. The standard metric system milli- (pronounce mill lee) for 1 divided a 1kilo. Micro for 1 dived a mega. Nano- for 1 dived a Gaga and ato for 1 dived a Tera-


By no you may realize the significance of this to time travel and parallel universes. The vast distance of the universe is a boundless three dimensional depth of field with no such thing as up or down only an infinitely forward and backward depth more than trillions of light years distance in every direction.


How such a large number as a Plank constant (?) came to be was proposed by a German physics max Planck in 1900 derived from the 19th century puzzlement of  black body radiation. (?) Think of a steel bar in the middle of a dark night. They are invisible in the black void. Let the invisible black bar represent a black body as invisible as the non shinning black holes in the blackness of space. But when heated they begin to radiate heat we can't see. This is the radiation.


Continuing heating begins to radiate the visible colors of the rainbow island of light in the middle of the black void. The first signs emit a violet (a purple blue color) we should hardly be able to see in the black void changing from a yellow to glowing red hot. There is a color paradox here. The first signs of heating is violet for the high frequency our eyes see. 


Red hot is supposed to be a low frequency our eyes see as. Clearly there is a conflict between the frequency of the color as opposed the heat intensity that has baffled scientists for centuries. Despite the high frequency of the violet color there is a low heat intensity. At the same time despite the low frequency of red there is a high intensity of heat.


Energy is locked away in coal. It is released as energy when burnt in a fire used to covert water into steam energy powering steam-roller traction engines and steam trains. The heat energy has a signature only inferred cameras can see. Theses cameras can see the heat reradiating from steam trains to camp fires, our body heat to freshly solidified lava trails in the middle of a dark night, only a couple of examples. It was expected camp fires should be radiating an infinite amount of radiation way-way beyond our eyes can respond to. 


These are invisible waves of energy. (?) Think of a rope. If we jiggle one end a transverse wave rolls along it's length. The number per second is the frequency of the wave. The unit is Hertz (Hz). The faster we jiggle the rope the faster frequency of thee transverse waves pass. 


The slower we jiggle it the more compact and frequent the waves become. The height of the wave is called the amplitude completely independent the frequency. Each wave is the length of the wave. The longer the wavelength the lower the frequency and the shorter the wavelength the higher the frequency.


Newton proved natural sunlight is made up of the colors of the rainbow our eyes respond to. Red is the shortest wavelength and blue the longest our eyes can detect. We can't see heat known as inferred energy only inferred cameras can see. The rest of the spectrum is invisible as invisible as the magnetic fields round a magnet. 


The environment includes invisible AM and FM radio station signals, TV station signals, radar, telecommunication and internet, radio frequency range known as the radio frequency range. Higher frequencies ultra Violet light x-rays. Everything electric radiates this electrical radiation. If you had x-ray eyes you would observe electrical waves radiating from every electrical equipment. Out in space includes the UV and X-ray to gamma ray radiation damped harmlessly by the earth's atmosphere.


Traveling though time we observe changes of the environment. Traveling fast the hot yellow and red colors shift into streaks green blue color cast temperature. If we are slower the other way round. The cold green and blue colors shift into the hot red and yellow color cast. We can travel so fast environment shift into the invisible radiation our eyes can't see the environment any more. 


From our point of view a black void. We can go so slow the environment becomes inferred we can't see in a black void. We no longer observe the environment state any more. The same applies if we travel back in time except the colors change backwards. 


Traveling backwards very fast the green blue colors shift into hot yellow and red colors streaks. If we are slower the other way round. The hot red and yellow color colors shift into the cold green and blue cast. We can travel so fast environment shift into the invisible radiation our eyes can't see the environment any more. 


The standard metric prefix system kilo (ten to the three) for a thousand. Mega (ten to the six) for a million. Giga (ten to the nine) for a billion and tera (ten to the twelve) for a trillion is used as the units of frequency. The minus scale for the wavelengths milli, macro, nana and Pico of a meter respectively.


The unit of each wavelength is a reciprocal. For example 500MHz in your scientific calculator amounts to entering 1 divided by 5e+9 = The read out will display a wavelength of 500 microns (5e-9 500 millionth of a meter)


The origins of the Planck constant owes it's existence In 1861 by a Scottish mathematician discovered a set of mathematical formulae outlining the waveform characteristics. His math's predict there is no limit to the frequencies. The formulas inferred camp fires to our modem electrical lighting systems has no radiation limit. Camp fires should produce UV, x-ray including gamma rays produced by nuclear explosions called the ultra violet light catastrophe.


What puzzled scientists there was a maximum limited way-way below what light should produce. There was also a limit to the infrared frequencies or a volcanic outburst would have incinerated the earth earth a long-long time ago.


A solution was released to the scientific community in December 1900 by the German physics Max Planck that had been working on the black body radiation problem in a attempt to solve the ultraviolet light catastrophe problem. He came up with an idea radiation isn't a smooth waveform but short discrete bullet like bursts of energy one at a time rather like comparing to modern digital television technology to the old analogue system.


He came up with the mathematical constant showing the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation leaping bullet like today know as the sub atomic particles of the atom. The default value is about Planck constant times ten to the minus forty-three one Planck time in a second. The small letter h represents the constant. It pans out there is 6.262 thirty-nine 0 Planck times in every second.


What physicists loved about the idea was a quantum leaping turning out to have no dependence on variables or infinite. Time, energy, mass to temperature are constants known today as Planck's constant. The default value predicts the smallest unit of time light travels a Planck length


In your scientific calculator enter 6.262 EXP 43 = the number of times a second, a Planck frequency. When you press the reciprocal key (-+)  becomes 6.262 times ten to the minus forty-three of a second.


Details of Einstein's General theory has a direct bearing on how Mallory's experiment (?) and natural wormholes are created. The proof of this light bent by the mass of matter as well as motion. We are familiar with a straw looking bent in a glass of water showing light doesn't curve. It zigzags in straight lines. Windows paint program curved lines for example. Zoomed in we can see what they really are a series of jagged straight lines on in the case of the cosmos on a Planck scale.


Proof light is bent by the mass of nearby stars during world war 1 an English astronomer Arthur Eddington received a smuggled copy of Einstein's General theory. He planed an expiation to photograph an eclipse that was to occur over the West coast of Africa in 1919. He was fortunate the armistice came at just in time. The plan was to use the moon shading the suns glair hopefully to see the stars close to the sun in board daylight.


It turned out the sky was disappointing overcast  After several attempts though murky windows of opportunity in the overcast the team managed to capture just one marginally clear shot of the coordinates of stars were the eclipse will occur as controlled reference sample.


Eddington's team was worried they wouldn't get a clear shot of the eclipse. Finally they managed to barely capture a marginal shot though a clear window seconds before clouds obscured the eclipse. If they couldn't history would have been different. The many worlds theory predicts the team could not get a clear shot. Many others cloudless skies at the same time many other worlds all day torrential rain. 


Back home when the shots were developed. The moon shading the sun had indeed worked revealing where the stars really where. The two shots had indeed showed light follows curves of bent space as the General theory predicted. The effect can be described by an analogy in the optical effects of curved mirrors in amusement parks expressed as gravitational leaning effect.


The gravitational lensing effect of the bending of light rays by the mass of the sun showed it was true space is bent by mass. Einstein's relativity effects says space is equally bent by the acceleration motion of mass creating gravity wave ripples in space. 


A miss conception stars and planets bend space analogous to a heavy bowling ball resting in the middle of a trampoline pad. Think of two people one standing in the center of the Artic circle and another the Antarctica continent. The person in the center of the Antarctic continent look upwards to the night sky as equally the person looking upward standing in the middle of the Artic circle. 


According to Newtonian gravity the mass of Antarctica attracts a downward force on meteorites seen as shooting stars as much as the Artic circle. According to the General theory the mass of the earth shrinks space round the entire circumference rather like plastic shrink rap round fruit.  The earth is surrounded by shrunk space. Meteorites accelerate down the curved space surrounding the earth.


According to the General theory in acceleration curves space just as much as a accelerating body. In theory the kinetic energy of the earth's orbit should be producing a gravitational wave. Traveling in time specially if we go back in time effect the integrity of the earth's orbit and spin goes backwards. The erect of the bending of space fabric of space is inverted.


If light traveled a flat universe we would observe it 186 thousand times as fast as every environment second as always. From light speeds point of view every environment second appears a 186 thousand times as slow. It is a common consensus nothing can travel as fast.


Theoretically light is creating gravity waves in space plus the mass of the earth. If we orbit the earth at light looking a to our wrist watch we'd observe the relativity effects of the earth spin. Our wrist watch would confirm a 186 thousand seconds for us to travel seven times round the earth. This pans out to be 1 mile or 1.609km per second orbit and spin. From an observer's point of view we would have traveled round the earth seven times in a environment second.


According to deep under the earth's crust where gravity is heavier time should appear to slower. The pressure is so powerful it crush inwards all directions into a ball in less than a second.


The law of thermal dynamics tell us pressure produces heat. The heat from a bicycle pump pumping up an already taught tire is not from friction your know. It is the pressure of the air molecules compressed in an already compact space. Where's petrel engines use a spark to ignite the fuel mixture diesel compress their fuel generating heat that ignites the fuel is an example of the first law. The more compressed the higher the temperature. Heat is similarly generated by the earth's mass (gravity if you like) compacting the solid crust on the molten mantle keeping it molten.


Since the 1960's geologists have discovered the earth's crust is made up of plates like cracked egg shell floating on a ball of molten lava beneath our foot called magma. The momentum forces of the earth's orbit and spin plays a part in moving the plates.  


Parts of the plate boundaries ride up against and override each other tending to log jamb without slowing down. Pressure is applied similar to unlocking tight jamb jars. The the lid  suddenly let's go with a crack. We feel the rippling of the rocks beneath our feet traveling to the surface in waves we feel as earthquakes. Sometimes heat and magma is squeezed up fractures in the center of mountains like toothpaste squeezed out of toothpaste tubes in volcanic eruptions.


If we travel forward in time we observe the processes sped up like a fast forward video including boundary pressure. We can observe a volcanic eruption of an earthquake all over in seconds. If we travel backwards everything is reversed from pressure to movement. Traveling though time point of view millions of years of can be mere moment. 


From our point of view a hundred thousand years is a forever a long time let a lone a thousand but traveling though time faster the the normal environment second can be a mere moment. Think of cave men at the peak of the last ice age ten thousand years ago in a few seconds. Dinosaurs were common well before mankind. It has been said if the entire history of earth from birth to the present day was compressed into a whole year 12 midnight new years morning the last hundred thousand years of man would be a second before 12 midnight new years eve.


The gravitational pressure of the core is the center of gravity where it is at it's strongest. Down there every second compared to sea level time would appear to be longer because of the stronger gravity slowing time.


The top floor of tall sky scrapers is a mere milliseconds shorter than the streets bellow. The higher a person ascends the faster time speeds up. Descend back down time is influenced by the closeness to the center of the earth's gravity where it slows down. Time on the top of Mt Everest is perhaps less than a few milliseconds faster than the deepest mine. An orbit round gravity is weaker. By how much compared to sea level is sketched out by Isaac Newtown's inverse square law. (?)


We learnt earlier If we square any number is multiplied by itself called a square. Think of of five 5's is 25. If we do the reverse (Inverse) 25 divided by five we end up with five thee root of twenty-five called the square root.


Lets say we feel the suns gravitational pull the distance to earth. If we move in quarter the distance in a space ship we feel the influence of the sun squared stronger. If we move in quarter the distance again we feel the gravity squared again. For every quarter distance closer we would feel the suns gravitational influence squared stronger. If we move away the every the distance equals we feel the square root weaker in strength. 


The gravitational pull of the earth in orbit effects astronauts age by a few milliseconds than at sea level by this inverse square law. A couple of milliseconds is a very insignificant amount of time to us, not to cosmologists who measure in the Plank scale (?). Everything changes when we travel though time specially if traveling backwards though time. The inverse square law works backward.


It would seem harnessing the work and energy of a high concentration mass (gravity if you like) is an ideal energy to slow time. The more the mass a machine can harnesses the slower time flows. Black holes are not the only body in the universe. The mass of neutron stars is formable by no mean infinite none the less. A tea spoon of a neutron star material will match the weight of a fully loaded super tanker on earth. Theortically harnessing all the gravitational power of black black hole should do the trick in creating time travel effects.


In the early days of my investigations I thought Mallory's antigravity experiment (?) could have been the product of a singularity (?) from a black hole that produced the portal to parallel worlds. I considered the 1960 movie and the 2002 remake of the time machine just as the Philadelphia experiment and the final countdown movies including Doctor Who's TARDUS the TV series Time tunnel and Star Trek not to mention any other time travel TV and movie we can think of. In theory a high concentration of mass is slows time. It has often been said the time dilution effect of distance, black holes are virtually time machines


  A self defecting paradox tells us we need the work and energy to accelerate anything. Fast enough produces it's own unique resistance pull back on the acceleration. Einstein realized the stress is it's own self defeating equivalent to the pull of gravity. Proof of this boy racers into drag racing in public showmanship experience first hand effects of the take of power their muscle cars.


A spectator throws down an arm for the go signal. Wild cheering of pleasure and delight at the raw sound of roaring powerful engines, tires screeching, clouds of smoke from burring tire take off. Inside the cabs drivers experience the sensation of shoved backed into their seats at take off. They feel the thrill of the shear power of full throttle feeling the sensation of weighing a little heaver for a few seconds.


Competition drag racing need a maximum of a quarter many feet of room to stop at the finish line because they can't stop in a instant. Breaking hard drivers feel the change in the pull back force direction pulling forward more than than force of gravity. We often hear skyting of their cars pulling a few G's or did the tone.


Common family SUV station wagons pull up to maximum of a kilo in several seconds move By racers pushing their cars to the limit experience as much as twice the earth's gravity in half that time. We have seen how the force of the earth's gravity on a free falling sky diver is 9.81 Newton's of gravitational free fall every second. Sky divers are snatch by the earth's attractive mass when leaping out of planes.


We are reminded of Newtown's third law of motion says where there is a force there is an equal and opposite force. A classic example NSA has been training astronauts in weightiness for the last 70 years now. When a plane drops at high speed the occupants lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun just as Einstein predicted would happen in free fall acceleration.


In a way he had predicted the production of antigravity of the maximum speed of free falling aircraft known today we call zero G's. The military and science term negative G's. Think of world war two dive bombers. The general theory predicted pilots experience a struggle with the sensation of floating freely in their seats during maximum step dive speeds.


Once maximum speed is reached planes can't dive any faster. The free fall acceleration had maxed out. When that happens so to the G's. Einstein predicted the cancellation of the earth's gravity had maxed out during a nose diving aircraft effectively acting as an antigravity device. It was the hope of Quinn Mallory (?) to harnesses this antigravity effect.


Passengers in civilian airlines experience the same effect in bad turbulence drops. They feel a second or two of a weightless sensation struggling for a second from keeping themselves from lifting off their seats. There have been reports of bumping heads on luggage racks.


Turbulence is a case of a pocket of very low to no air pressure. As the plane drops into a low pressure pocket everybody experience negative G's. To lay people the plane feels falling faster than them. The plan does not. Everybody including the plane drop at the same rate experiencing a sense of a momentum experience of the canceling the earth's gravity as predicted by Einstein. 


The maximum free falling speed of an aircraft just as 300mph rocket sled cancels out the acceleration to a maximum speed we all express as terminal acceleration. Sky divers feel the torque of the earth's gravity snatching at them leaping from the hatch of their planes. The accelerated free fall reaching a speed in few seconds where the earth's gravity cannot accelerate them any faster. They have reached a maximum free fall speed where they don't travel any faster.


A clear example when we think of the maximum speed of our cars. No matter the peddle to the metal we will never be able to make it go faster than it's maximum speed no matter how long we hold the peddle to the floor. Once it's speed is maxed out it can't go any faster. The same applies to the maximum speed of jet aircraft including asteroids to galaxies traveling in the zero resistance of out of space. Everything including in a vacuum where there is no resistance has a maximum speed limit in the universe. 


Isaac Newtown's third law of force and motion tells us where there is a force (acceleration of the  earth's gravity on falling body for instance) with or without the air resistance there is an equal opposite force resisting the acceleration as if weighing themselves down. The airless moon is a example. The g-forces on a meteorite becomes so strong the moon's mass can't pull it down any faster terminating the acceleration to a maximum speed impact.


High speed impacts highlight high velocity has energy. Speeding cars leave a mess when the collide. This energy is stored in their motion. A speeding vehicle has high kinetic energy. It is a property of all mass in motion greatly amplified the faster they travel.


If a free falling body is dense enough there is enough mass to absorb the impact with the ground. The force of the kinetic energy dissipates though the body. If not very dense the orbital motion of the earth's mass kicks back on the falling body. In layman's term bounces.


Einstein realized the similarity to gravity commonly the stress of acceleration G-forces. As we learnt earlier technically as a mater of measurement the force of gravity in Newtown's. The weight of our body at rest is the force of the earth's gravity holding us to the surface as 1G or 9.81 Newton's of gravitational force. We experience a feeling our body weight at rest by the pull of the force of the earth's mass as a 1G force. if we experience an acceleration twice as heavy we experience 2G's of acceleration twice the earth's gravity.


Four times the earth's gravity is the threshold of feeling uncomfortable to the average person. We feel our heart, lungs and other organs feel the strain during the take off. We feel our flesh compressed back on our skeleton as if in a heaver gravity. In a few seconds takes our breath way. 


The faster the take off in a given distance the heavier the feeling of grater than the earth's gravity. Once maximum speed is reached stops accelerating. The constant velocity becomes a missile of kinetic energy. The acceleration take off the Nazi V1 doodle bug flying bomb lunched on London in last moth's of world war two sustained a considerable amount of G's.


Common family SUV station wagons can't pull anymore than less than less than the force of gravity in several seconds. A formulae one racing car up to 4 times in the same amount of time. If we travel faster than 4 times the force of gravity for more than a few seconds we feel compressed by the force of the acceleration.


Think of the G's accelerating to light speed from stationary in a second in a resistance of vacuum. It equates to a distance of 186 thousand miles by the time one tick of your phone clock second 0 to six hundred and sixty-nine million six hundred thousand mph in that time. (Times 1.609 in km's). Then come to a complete stop the same distance in the same amount of time.


The deceleration inertia is a by product stopping at speed. Imagine coming to a complete stop from a 100mph velocity in a second let a lone light speed. Deceleration equally resists stopping as much as acceleration.


Imagine what a 100mph (times 1.609 in km) take and stop in a second on the surface of earth. At light speed in the zero resistance of a vacuum Einstein's relativity effects dictate environment observers would experience you seven times round the circumference of earth to a stop in one tick of your phone their clock.


Traveling trough time we would observe changes dramatically. The G's would be different times. Any body into challenging mathematics using the G's and references to the earth's gravity as references can find formulae predictions for all sorts of scenarios.


We have leant from our phone calculator infant is only a subjective. The law of thermal dynamics reminds us the conservation of energy Einstein's E equals M C shared law would convert any mass to the G-forces. We would certainly be crushed to atoms in less than a second well before we even reach half light speed.


If we ride a time machine 60 times as fast as every environment second we would observe the reality effects of a environment clock minute hand move a fast as our second. The second hand would be nothing but a bluer. From our point of view of the effect we would observed every environment minute into the future every our second.


Traveling a 100% the speed of light we would be 186 thousand times as fast as every environment's second constant. From our perspective the earth looks suspended in space frozen in time. In theory any acceleration is an infant amount dimensions. Racing fast, traveling slow forward or backward we observe the relativity of different dimensions.


Color is only a little part of the total spectrum. Red the longest wavelength our eyes are tuned into in normal time. Blue the shortest.  Purely from classical physics point of view a swinging grandfather clock pendulum is a good example of the characteristics of wavelength. If normally one cycle in two seconds we speed up twice the speed we observe the pendulum swing slowed down to half the speed, one cycle in four seconds. We are able to watch more closely the wavelength.


It will move passed vertical rest to a maximum distance where it slows down to a stop. We are traveling fast enough to observe a little pause before reaccelerating back to where it came from passing the vertical rest slowing down to a stop at the maximum opposite distance. We observe another pause before reaccelerating again repeating the cycle back to the opposite side repeating cycle indefinitely. 


If we slow down in time the pendulum increases speed proportionality. One second per cycle is an exceptionally fast for a grandfather clock meaning we had slowed down in that time proportionally. If we slow down in time slow enough we are no longer able to detect the pause at the ends of each cycle. The wavelength's of color are on a Planck frequency (?) scale. At normal time using the metric prefixes the the entire time of the wavelengths would be divided up into sequent of micro, (a millionth) nano, (a billionth) and ato (a trillionth) of a seconds respectively.


If we travel fast enough we observe the frequencies of the environment colors decrease. We travel in parallel with the the relativity effects on the electromagnetic radiation spectrum change into the wavelength colors of the rainbow.


The founder of the Planck constant was a German physics Max Planck. By December 1900 he had announced a way to explain black body radiation (?). Think of a stone cold black steel bar in the middle of a black void. Let that represent a black body we can't see in the middle of the darkness. If we apply heat to it we see nothing. But if we view with an inferred camera we can observe the ultra long wavelength of inferred we don't see with the naked eyes glowing brightly in the middle of the darkness.


As we continue heating the bar we our naked eyes start to detect traces of the short wavelength of a purple blue color. As the bar gets hotter we observe it expand into a bluey colors. As it gets hotter we observe the wavelength's expand in the longer wavelengths of yellowy and red colors. We observe an island bar of red light. The hotter the bar gets the longer the wavelength of the radiating red color.


Nineteenth century science believed the hotter a body is the shorter the wavelength should be. Red should be the first colors our eyes should detect first. But as the heating of the steel bar shows the hotter it got the longer the wavelengths got. 


When traveling though time we will observe inferred in different wavelengths depending on going slow or fast in time. The faster we go the longer the longer the wavelength of the colors and the slower we go the shorter. Going backwards in time proportionality the colors glow in reverse order.


Theortically Planck's constant in the positive value represents the number times the minus value matter, light, mass and energy per second. Think of the animation stop motion. In a flip book every image is a fixed freeze frame 6.262 times ten forty-three still photographs every second processing power.


If we compare the Plank constant would be 6262 twenty-five 0's GHz of computer processing power. To operate such processing speed requires a digital bandwidth of a few 100 bits (?) Each digital 1 and o) per second.




































































































































To round off I composed a story based on the 1960 Time travel movie that reflects the position I have him discovering time travel is not as what it seems.


The 1960 movie starred the Australian actor Rod  Taylor playing the part of the time traveler named George Wells spin off of the 1894 navel of H. G.Well's time machine novel. In the story Wells was a avid time travel who gathered a select group of three university professor friends David Filby, professor Philip Hillyer and Walter Kempinvited on New Years eve 1899 for an important scientific announcement on time. 


Well's athletic build, brunette and intelligent blue eyes, and deep Victorian London accent made him look strikingly handsome. People who don't know Gorge tended underestimate him as eccentric obsessed with the nature of time.


After dinner he gathered the guests into the lounge. Here he was selling what he thought the secrete of time travel to his friends by his side a rather taller grandfather clock. H.G.Wells imagination saw he had a secrete machine hidden away the first time in history mankind could travel though time. 


The story begins everybody settled in comfortable sofas and couches in the main lounge elegy awaiting what was supposed to be the most import scientific announcement of all time.


"We are all here Gentlemen because I'm introducing to the concept of time travel." The guests look at each other dubiously. "That's right gentlemen. Time travel! In a word  a break thought in traveling though time" 


Filby  braking into a laughing smile. "I knew it was something to do with time but I didn't think you would expect to ask us to believe in time travel.


George ignoring the sarcasm "You may not understand what I'm on about. It's difficult to explain. So bear with me. I don't have to remind you even if I'm speaking scientifically we live in a physical three dimensional world of width, height. and length depth of filed" 


There was "so" on everybody's faces. A pose as George gathered his thoughts


"How should I put this. In our existence we move forward and and back in a depth of space every possible direction." 


Everybody looks on patiently waiting.




"Get to the point George"


Seeing the waiting blank looks on their faces "Let me put in another way. We walk from this house to the post office down the road though the three dimensions of our environment in time, a kind of fourth dimension."


"It's interesting you are making that distention."


"I believe it is"


"You're beginning to get a bit beyond me"


"Me too"


Gesturing to the grandfather behind to him  "Here's the thing with time. What do you see of the hands of this clock."


"All I see is a common clock"


"What I am saying notice how the hands appear frozen in time. But we know they are moving to tell the time."


Everybody looked to the tall clock.


"Very astute of you to notice Gorge."


"Are you pointing out despite we know the hands must be moving they certainly don't look it?"


"Exactly my point. 


Everybody looked at the clock dial.


"Their to slow for us to observe moving even when we know they are. One ,other thing. Every hour is made up of 60 minutes and every minute is made up of 60 divisions".


George pointed to the second hand steadily ticking round the face. 


"You see this little hand moving round the face",




Fishing out his watch from his 19th century breast pocket "In the last few decades our pocket watches and clocks have been installed latest innovation of measuring of time. This prompted me to ponder the seemly pointless addition. Why do watches have this additional hand? I believe science has stumbled onto the most important piece of time in the history of time keeping. See how just one movement of the hand there moves every division. 60 of them all told. Every movement of that hand defined a moment of time."


Everybody checked their watches observing a separate circle with a ticking second hand


"Interesting theory George."


"It's a pretty short amount of time if you ask me."


"Yes. That's what the second hand is in every minute. I believe science had actually stumbled onto the now moment of time."


Seeing them look at each other "Exactly. It pans out every minute division represents a minute divided up to a total of 60 short intervals representing a now moment of time. What if the time as we know it is fixed and we can travel every second independently."


"Travel every second interdentally"?


Smiling mischievously "I have a machine that can do exactly that."


A machine that can travel faster then time? Preposterous!


Fillby leaning forward "If you say what is true, that means going faster than time itself. Why, we would be be measuring time every minute or even hours would travel different.  Are you talking time traveling faster than time we travel into the future?"


"Exactly! What if the time we live in is fixed while we could slow down or speed up independently"


"That's quite a trick. How could you do that?"


"Just how can anybody do such a trick?"


"By moving faster or slower than time we live in of course"




"Impossible? Not physically by you and me of course. But what if a machine could travel independently of our environment's time itself? What if going faster or slower than than theses radii the given proper name seconds. The seconds would be different according if we go slow or fast. Why, our environments seconds could be just one out of all the possibilities our environment's time is traveling right now as we speak."


Just then the lounge clock chimed quarter to 12 midnight. It signaled everybody had an appointment duty to new years eve. Everybody rose with brief remarks about his time theories  and excuses they'll have to catch up on this fascinating concept. In the meantime they had matters to attend to.


Struggling on coats and donning  traditional 19th century bola hats Georges friends departed turning their attention to the New year's eve celebrations. As they departed George heard them walking down the path asking what they think of these new ideas. A gig trotted by with early drunk reviver with cries of happy new year.


George gyred out "A little early isn't he"?


Grouped the guests walked the path out into the street. The last to leave was his friend David sighting Gorges obsession in a few frank words of wisdom. Finally "If your machine can do the things you say it can, destroy it now before it destroys you!"


David checked his packet watch.


"Five to 12." biding his by's. He too left.


George bid the maid good evening all dressed for the celebrations. He bid her to have a good time closing the door behind her heading to his laboratory door. 


He unlocked it stepping though closing it locking it. In one corner was machine. It was tucked away in a corner looking everything like a horse drawn sleigh with the large circler disc towering behind the passenger seat. The rains panel was a control panel with 50cm tall, green, orange and red like beckons on the the control panel. A mechanical counter in the control panel read 00:00:00 no hours, no minutes and no seconds.


He went over the to a work bench scratching a match lighting a candle stick. He noted the time of the clock. The minute hand barely vertical at 12 O'clock. The second hand ticking away towards  3 o'clock. He fished into his 19th century breast jacket checking his pocket watch.


He went over to a work bench where he picked up a stick with what looked like a diamond like handle. He then buffed the head with a electric buffer. Then he went to his machine placing it in place in the control panel.


When the clock second hand hit 12 midnight George could hear the distance sound of singing of old langsyne and cries of Happy New Guy Falwks and the flicker of light.


He reflected telling himself "Happy, happy new year"


He drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He then gingerly moved the lever forward.


George could hear the distance sound of singing of the old langsyne and cries of Happy New Guy Falwks and the flicker of light.


"Happy, happy new year"


He drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He then gingerly moved the lever forward.


George could hear the distance sound of singing of the old langsyne and cries of Happy New Guy Falwks and the flicker of the light though the pan glass window.


"Happy, happy new year"


He drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He then gingerly moved the lever forward.


George drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He gingerly moved the lever forward. 


George got the distant feeling next thing George heard was the distance sound of singing of the old langsyne and cries of Happy New Guy Falwks and the flicker of light filtering though main window.


"Happy, happy new year"


He drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He gingerly moved the lever forward.


George got the strong feeling the next thing he knew he was taking a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He gingerly moved the lever forward. The shed environment flickered with fireworks flicker though the window. From outside he heard the distant fireworks chatter and explosions and the sound of a period band playing. He heard a "Happy New Year and a crowed break singing old Auld Langsyne .


He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat. He seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the environment clock. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight, outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations and the flicker and sound of pyrotechnics. He drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He gingerly moved the lever forward.


The next thing George knew drawing a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He gingerly moved the lever forward.


The next thing George knew the shed's environment flickered with pyrotechnics flicker though the window. From outside he heard the distant chatter and explosions and the sound of a period band playing. He heard a "Happy New Year and a crowed breaking out into old Auld Langsyne.


Once again George drew a deep breath. This time he laid back into his seat reflecting he seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the environment clock. The second hand was moving 7 seconds past 12 midnight. Outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations continued.


George drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He considered his experiment was a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. A growing nagging feeling something had happened though. He was sure something had. The signing group signing from outside was so familiar. Shaking off his strange feeling he gingerly moved the lever forward.


The next thing George know he frowned on hearing the distant flickering and sound of pyrotechnics and the period band playing. He heard an occasional "Happy New Year and and a crowed break out in old Auld Langsyne song. 


He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat he seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the environment clock. The second hand was moving 10 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations.


George drew a deep breath with a strange feeling he had been though many times before anticipating what he was going to do next. He considered his experiment was a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. 


A growing nagging feeling something was wrong as if everything was repeating. It was a strange feeling he had been at this moment of time before. Shaking off his strange feeling he gingerly moved the lever forward.


The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view of George and his machine was once again a sinister frozen in time. Then the disc slowed down to a slow motion. Once again the counter frozen at 00:00:01.


Once again George found himself back in present time. He frowned on hearing the distant flickering and sound of pyrotechnics and the period band playing. He heard an occasional "Happy New Year as if repeated and and a crowed break out in old  Auld Langsyne song as if on cue. He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat he seemed to have gone nowhere. 


He looked to the clock. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations.


 He thought he was just experiencing daysaharvue trick on him. He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat. He seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the environment clock. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations.


George drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He considered his experiment was a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. A strong nagging feeling something had happened but he couldn't remember. It was a strange gut feeling he had been here before. Shaking off his strange feeling he gingerly moved the lever forward.


The next thing he know it was was still present time. He frowned at hearing the distant flickering and sound of pyrotechnics and the period band playing as if it was a repeat. He heard a "Happy New Year as if repeated and a crowed break out in old Auld Langsyne song as if on cue. He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat. 


He seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the environment clock. The second hand was moving 15 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations. 


The next thing he knew was taking a deep sigh feeling as if he'd been here before. laying back into his seat he seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the environment clock. The second hand was moving 20 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of the light show and the pyrotechnic show celebrations in the background.


Shaking his head as if to throw off this repeated sensation he drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He spotted the lever in the off position. He frowned.


"That's strange. I thought I'd moved the lever"


The strange thing he couldn't remember.


"Maybe my mind is playing ticks on me"


He considered his experiment a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. The nagging feeling something of the strange sensation of repeating had was strong he couldn't shake off. It was a strange gut feeling he'd been here before.


"Talk about dejavu"


Shaking off this strange feeling he couldn't quite do he gingerly moved the lever forward.


George frowned waiting for something to happen. He frowned at the flickering light and sound of pyrotechnics it was repeating. When he heard "Happy New Year" he frowned even heavier. The period band played and the familiar breaking crowed singing Auld Langsyne as if a repeat.


"It's as if I've been here before."


The nest thing George knew he drawing a deep breath laying back into his seat. He got that feeling he seemed to have gone nowhere feeling rather unusual. The guy folks flickering and the sound of the pyrotechnics sounded strangely like a repeat. He looked to the environment clock with the strange feeling he had done this before. 


Frowning the second hand was moving 25 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations in the background again.


Shaking his head as if to throw off this sensation he drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He spotted the lever in the off position. He frowned.


"That's strange. I thought I'd moved the lever."


The strange thing was he was starting to remember fragments of the current moment of time.


"Maybe my mind is playing ticks on me"


He considered his experiment a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. The nagging feeling something had happened was strong he couldn't shake off. It was a strange gut feeling.


"Talk about dejavu "


Shaking off this strange feeling he couldn't quite do it completely. He gingerly moved the lever forward. This time he had a feeling as if he had done this a moment before many times as a matter of fact.


George frowned waiting for something to happen. He frowned at the pyrotechnic light and sound show even harder when he heard "Happy New Year" as if on a cue a crowed breaking out into old Auld Langsyne as if repeated. Frowning heavily as if he heard it all before to the occasional "Happy New Year". He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat resigned he seemed to have gone nowhere.


Frowning "Why does the outside seem like it's a repeating?"


He looked to the environment clock frowning. The second hand moved 30 seconds past 12 midnight. Outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations in the background as if he'd been here before.


Shaking his head as if to throw off this strong sensation he drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He spotted the lever in the in off position frowning.


"That's strange. I thought I'd moved it"

Soon George was beginning to remember fragments of the current moment of time.


"Maybe my mind is playing ticks on me"


He considered his experiment was a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. The nagging feeling something had happened was so strong he couldn't shake off. It was a strange gut feeling he'd been here before.


"Talk about Dejavu"


Shaking off this strange feeling he couldn't quite do he reached out to gingerly moved the lever forward then hesitated frowning.


Talking to himself looking round "I'm sure I've been here before"


He was starting to feel a little angry he couldn't remember anything beyond present time. He leaned back looking round frowning specially hearing the new years eve celebrations filtering in the background as if repeated. 


He was strangely disturb with the feeling why he was disturb as if he was he'd been here before he couldn't shake off. This time sensation compelled him to get out of his machine. He stood looking back scratching his head wondering what he was missing.


"Should I give it a go"? 


Something told him he would be wasting his time. He pondered why he was getting this strange feeling he couldn't remember anything beyond any moment of time. He looked at the environment clock.


"A couple of minutes past 12"


A though struck him we never do remember the future beyond any present time. Then another thought. If the future exists nobody can remember. 


Scratching his head "What's going on. Why can't I remember beyond starting off? The point is, did I or did I not really travel though time that is the question. How can I ever be sure with out memory of it"? It must somehow remain in the present or for some reason automatically keeps me in present time. If time traveling keeps me in the present then what is it"?


"We never remember the future beyond every present second". Is the past and present only a memory. What's going on? Somehow having no memory beyond every second is then is the key. I don't know. The only thing I can do now is to try to explain the missing memory. What had rarely happened.


He was feeling annoyed he could never know for sure because of no memory of the whole event. Care givers will agree they go though this routinely with Alzheimer patience. Gorge was begging to doubt his own mind. He was feeling annoyed he couldn't complete his ideas properly because of no memory of the trips. Or if they were trips. It's a mystery.


With the memory the way did or didn't he? He kept asking himself if it's true we don't remember anything beyond every present second? Was it why he felt so sure he never left present time? He began to wonder if everything about time travel the future is just an illusion? Is the lack of memory responsible for the confusion.


George was beginning to feel frustrated everything was incomplete because of no memory of the trip or repeated trips. The only thing they could a possibility. To explain everything in that light is just a speculation. 


Another though struck him. If he did travel on to the future was it unconscious? He felt twinge of annoyance without conscious memory for a definitive answer would always seem inconclusive. No memory of the trip into the future will always remain a illusive speculation. No wonder Alzheimer's suffers get so angry and annoyed. No memory is the key to our paranoid behaviors.


Waves of speculation kept crossing his mind. To George there was a important remaining unanswered question was the machine at some point constantly returning back to present time? And how? And why no memory of the trip (or trips). 


Was it something to do with the way we never remember the future beyond every present second? Then he thought What about psychics, fortune tellers and see'ers of the future. They seem to be an exception? Without memory everything is inconclusive


His thoughts turn to the machine itself. If it was traveling into the future at some point had to have returned back to present time. Why? To return to present time time had to move back to where it started. Because of no memory of the future beyond present time he could never be sure of the truth. All he could do is right now is speculate. 


Another overlapping thought crossed his mind. The machine may have traveled into the future that was outside the present second no memory of the future second zone. Once again George was frustrated of no memory to confirm his hypotheses. 


I can't remember"


One final question remained. What will he do now? The one thing he knew going by observation so far it would be pointless to explore further.


He checked round his lab seeing everything was neat a tidy before departing. He considered removing the lever to pack away but decided to leave it in place. If what was happening to him was true the machine wasn't going anywhere. 


What is needed is to witnesses the machine live in the present. In other words from the environment's perspective. He thought of using a piece of rope to pull the lever.


Coming out of the adjoining shed door linking into the lounge the flickering of the outside light and sound of pyrotechnics filled the lounge atmosphere. He considered joining his friends aware of the skepticism he will get when he meat up with them in this present time.


He smiled to himself realizing for the first time in his life he never rearly thought of before he was never remembering anything beyond every current second every second. It is exactly how his machine worked on his memory.


"I'll remember that when writing my paper. Whether anybody would believe me"


He went to his study desk and organized some writing material intned his friends  He decided to keep a low key on his experiment for the time being in the face of so much information to explain all at one them at once.


"It'll probably be to much for them to take in as it would for me." he thought. "There is so much to explain. It'll be easier creating a paper this way"


He decided if there was questions asked he would keep a low key distance away from the subject as possible until he created his paper. He was looking forward to writing it down.