Monday, September 3, 2018

Our unconsciousness of time.

Some of us believe traveling away from earth time is different than on earth we express as space time. Others gravity, slows time, while others the extreme stress of high speed motion.

Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity predicts what happens to matter traveling on a light speed scale. Einstein's sequel the general theory predicts gravity slows time via the bending of space (the gravitational pull if you like). including the extreme stress of light speed. It predicts the bending of space into a deep well at at the bottom (or center if you like) of black holes (Called a singularity) stops time altogether.

But when it comes to the biology of our brain it plays time tricks on us. An example of this we all agree when we have a good nights sleep we don't quite remember when we dropped off. When we check the time we are all surprised how fast the hours went by since the last time we read the time. "Is it that time allready"

Despite the fact time seemed to speed up when fast asleep the hours didn't travel any faster than we are fully awake. To a good night's sleep time seems to go fast while in reality it stays at it's regular conscious pace at the same time.

The core difficulty in understanding Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity predicting there is no absolute and universal time harks to our fully awake alertness having a problem with the concept. Not to being fast asleep it isn't. It actually agrees. Time passes normally for a fully awake and alert person at the same time another person fast asleep time is passing quickly. It is a clear example of time passing between 2 people fast and normal pace at the same time.

We are all familiar with the ability to be unconscious (subconscious mind if you like) as a part of all of us. It is in our make up. We all agree time doesn't seem to exist in comas: at lest not consciously. The example of a sudden shock of approaching danger we realize we see our death coming we often experience a few seconds a significant amount of time. It is a tick played by the perception of time. Another clear example. We often experience anticipating a few digital seconds counting down a significant amount of time.

To illustrate this track every second of any wrist watch or clock for a whole minute. You can do this with your computer or phone clock seconds turned on. I bet that would be the longest minute you'll every sit though. Anticipating the last 15 seconds will appear to be the longest seconds of your life.

It is a part of us we experience our consciousness partially down after the shock of loud bang taking les than a few seconds to recover fully alertness from the huge adrenalin rush to subside. Another clear example of the vagaries of time to our brain sports commentators often win and loose our sports heroes in fractions of a second. We tend to dismiss seconds let a lone less than a second as nit picking. As tracking every second in a minute tells us less then a second can be a significant amount of time.

Light traveling in the zero resistance of out of space travels a distance of a 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of any analogue wrist watch and clock moves every division including any digital second tick.

Turning on your computer or phone clock seconds shows just hao fast light travels. Every tick light had traveled a distance of a 186thousand miles. In kilometer terms every mile equals 1.609km. It is only a matter of entering in any caculator (Including your computer operating system or phone caculator) entyering light speed in miles per second times 1.609 converts to kilometers per second. The read out shows the distance light had traveled when you track every second of the whole minute.

For mph we know there is 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. It is only a matter of 60 times 60, (witch is 60 squared). The read out shows the distance light had traveled by the time a 1 hour TV program. Times1.609 converts mph to Kmph.

There has been many reports of people claiming they experience momentarily alarm of being killed coming. Mere seconds seemed to stretch a long time. Being unharmed the shock of escaping death by a whisker can seem to last a few seconds to recover. During that time our fully awareness is slightly lowered.

Even in those few seconds our brain is experiencing time differently at the same at the same amount it normally travels at the same time.

The ability to become punctilious is rearly when our consciousnesses goes down. We can begin to wonder if we may be born permanently in a coma except for the fact our fully alert consciousness level active in the foreground.

When fully conscious our unconsciousness is not aware of it. It seems it lives in a world where all the rules of conscious reality of our environment's time doesn't exist. We only need to think of deep comas. Our conscious level is completely shut down while still being kept alive no doubt by the automated body functions that may be under the control of our unconscious level.

It is often many days pass until we come to. We experience drifting into consciousness only to member the last time remembering being fully conscious. Our conscious resumes at the time it went down picking up only what it knows were it left off. Fully conscious the first thing we want know is how long have we been under.  Fully alertness is on a different dimension then our unconscious level.

A clear example is a stasis condition. Take the famous 1930's fictional space hero Buck Rogers. There was an 80's TV series, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century starring Gaul Gerard. He played the part of an astronaut Buck Rogers accidentally frozen in time in a space module sprayed by liquid nitrogen orbiting the earth in his space craft. Frozen solid in the module the module drifted a round trip back to earth 500 years into the future.

When he was revived this 500 year period might as well be a 5 seconds ago as far as he was concerned. If you believe in stasis it's what tells us what happens to time to us. Stasis tells us time doesn't exist no matter how long.

Being fully alert tells us we are beings of the universe telling us we are a spiritual life force not of our bodies we live in. Time doesn't exist to us when it is down. It can be voluntarily shut down by hypnosis communicating with our unconscious on the same level. It will tell you it doesn't know anything about time. Awareness of time is alien to it as alien as time doesn't exist to our full alert level level.

Our unconscisness is contentiously monitoring and recoding the environment round us though our external five senses. We have remaining unconscious memories our consciousnesses is never aware of. Our consciousness is not aware of our unconsciousness any more than our unconsciousness is aware of being fully alert.

Our consciousness is often aware of an uncanny intuition moment (a sixth sense if you like ) we sometimes have we can't explain. There are untold documented stories about this sort of thing on Youtube. Gut instincts and initiation is our unconsciousness talking about whet it's perceiving to us from it's own dimension. Our consciousness has no idea where it comes from. To our fully alert point of view it is an uncanny thought processes that just happened. Initiation sixth sense always seen as something of a spiritual experience.

Time is the same whether fully alert or not. It just depends on the point of view of being in a coma to fully conscious. Time exists as both our unconscisness and consciousness reasoning levels at the same time..