Thursday, July 5, 2018

Our doubles in parallel universes

The key to our doubles is the many worlds theory known as parallel universes or expressed as multiverses theory. The periodic table of the elements is the key. It tells us we are beings of the universe said to be made of stars created out of  the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe. To most of us the missing rows giving it's shape is nothing more than a confusing jumbled patch work of symbols.
The significance the shape is in the grouping of the elements. The elements are arranged in vertical column groups adjacent to horizontal row groupings. The vertical columns are the 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th group and so on.
Contents guide books to the elements helpfully organize the table clearer and easier to follow earth metals, metals, non-metal, and gas and non gas in typical contents heading style.
.If you wish key words using your favorite search engine for web page guide the elements. Youtube has great value video guides. Useful keywords include youtube: atoms: what are atoms: atomic make up: guide to the periodic table: guide to the elements: shape of the periodic table: elements and so on including relative electromagnetic radiation clips.
The table of the elements expresses the elements in 3 main particles of the atom that make up the whole universe. The key to the many worlds theory. The atoms are all created in the heart of stars including the elements we recognize our bodies are made of. Our bodies includes the virtually weightless electrons typically seen as point particles that orbit on a light speed scale round a couple of much larger and heaver particles called protons. Protons are sandwiched between other particles right in the center called neutrons. In particle physics and chemistry the proton and neutron nucleus is what we are interest in.
The number of protons of each element is expressed as the atomic number. The virtually weightless electrons and the large protons and neutrons in the nuclei make up 99.99% of the weight of the entire atom expressed as the atomic mass. The table categorizes the elements in numerical order of the the atomic mass 1,2,3,4 and so on.
Understanding we are made of atoms our bodies made up of electrons and protons are said to be electrically charged. The tiny electrons are said to be negative while the large protons are positive make up the center of the atom. The protons are sandwich between electrically neutral neutrons. Thus the the electrical nature of the atom the nucleus is positively charged and the outer electron shells negatively charged.
Electrons are repelled by any negative charge. The force is so compelling they shoot away on a light speed scale. The nucleus is repelled by positive charges in theory isolated by the neutral neutrons from repelling the protons apart is how our bodies work our chemical hormones.
Electrons are attracted to the positive charges instantly attracted into orbit round the nucleus. In theory the negative charges should be isolated by the neutrons collapsing the electrons into the nucleus. According to quantum physics electrons cannot move past the inner most orbit, shell or energy level as the orbits are called.
You can explore our bodies chemistry studying the victim and minerals table listed on the vitamin and mineral bottles with respect to referring to guide on the elements. The periodic table tells us the number of protons and electrons of each individual element listed according to the bottle label.
All those minerals we are made of the 3 fundamental particles that make up the atoms of our bodies the same particles making up everything else in our world and the whole universe. In effect on a sub atomic level we are effectively electrons, and the protons and neutrons of the nucleus the same particles stars are made of. Vitamins are the catalysts triggers for the hormone chemical reactions particularly our digestive and immune systems.
Studying chemistry books describing the chemical reactions is studying the way our body hormones work. Chemistry books can be a bit technical for most of us to understand. The best books are encyclopedia guides to the elements. Reading the guide pages we are effectively getting down to the nitty-grity of our bodies. The minerals iron, sodium calcium, and potassium all appear in the table in mettle groups used by our body in the immune building and repair.
Our bodies are mostly pressurized bags of mostly water made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. expanding against the inward crush of the earth gravity holding us to the surface. We all breath the earth's atmosphere made up accentually those gases of water vapor made up of just the 3 basic particles of the atoms reacting with the minerals you see on the in the vitamin bottles. According to the table we are accentually on a sub atomic level (Quantum physics). On this level at lest we are electrically charged electrons, protons and neutrons. The table tells us the different combinations of electrons, protons and neutrons. Hydrogen for example is a gas so too helium and a few others. The familiar minerals listed in the vitamin and mineral bottle list are groups of metals we get from our food.
The trick to reading the table is the overlapping adjacent horizontal rows of each column. The names of each element is generally the first letter of each element. Several elements use different symbols. For example we learn iron in our blood stream is a highly magnetic metal element using the symbol fe for ferrous metal giving our blood the red color and along with nickel and cobalt highly magnetic in nature.
Particularly chemistry books all this information can be viewed in science books on atoms, web pages particular youtube on the internet. The top number is the atomic weight by the number of protons. We learn we are carbon based beings. The bottom number the number of periodic table tells us electrons carbons atoms have 6 protons and 6 neutrons. This is the normal stable state of the carbon atom.
However there are commonly carbon atoms exist as 7 or 8 protons that tend to make it highly unstable. The carbon atoms that make up our bodies is but one example. Any atom with extra protons than the normal are examples of isotopes. They are highly unstable extra protons examples susceptible to the electrical unlike attract law dragging the extra protons away from the atom leaving the normal stable state behind. The neutrons and protons are a nucleus racing away like nails flying to a magnet we call radiation.
Our bodies have a total number of electrons, protons and neutrons in every eleiment. Mathematics projects extra protons changes the atomic number. The 6 protons plus the 6 neutrons expresses 6 and 6 is 12 making a carbon 12 atom. 2 more make a carbon 13. Three extra neutrons is a carbon 14. Carbon 13 and 14 are isotopes of the stable carbon 12.
Isotopes of any atom in the table are unstable determining the characteristic radiation behavior. The creation of the unversed gave atoms the ability the extra protons instantly accelerate away at random from the atom and the atoms that make up our bodies is no exception.
When there is a group of two neutrons and two protons created is a new nucleus called an alpha particle. The two protons that make the nucleus is somewhat heavy so travels way-way bellow light speed, a mere 30 thousand kilometers per second. If we apply the math's on this pans out to a 108 thousand mph take off to maximum velocity. Alpha particles hasn't the momentum to pass to pass effectively though the air we breath. Ordinary paper can stop it. Any magnetic field such as a magnet can catch the positive protons deflecting then off at random any direction.
The same with Beta radiation. It has two negatively charged electrons with a negatively charged proton called a positron. Beta is smaller than alpha which means less mass to weigh it's velocity down meaning it is light has more momentum to travel further. It has the momentum force to pass though just about everything except Aluminum. The negative charge though a magnetic field deflects the radiation as respect to the positive charge of beta.
Gamma ray radiation is the energy of heat stripping all electrons away from atoms leaving only the nucleus vibrating on light speed scale. It is such a high frequency (wave lengths are billionths of a millimeter every second) of pure heat energy expressed as plasma. Temperatures can be as high as a few million digress. This plasma wave incinerates everything it touches in less than a second. lead tends to slow it down. If there is a massive enough stops reduces it temperature passing though completely.
The elements are arranged in the periodic table in ascending order of atomic number according to the overlapping metal alloys and gases. it's easy to find the name or symbol for an atom if you know the symbol of each element.
What is termed as shells refers to each orbit of the orbiting electrons. Chemistry books, including web pages including helfpull video clips from youtube tell us every element has a total number of electrons. protons and neutrons. Electrons occupy shells circling the protons and neutrons. There can be up to 2 electrons in the first shell, up to 8 in the second and up to 8 in the third.
Studying quantum physics tells us how electrons in our bodies behave on a sub atomic level how our bodies chemistry works. The study of quantum  physics tells us in 2 places at the same meaning they shear each others orbit at the same time. They appear and disappear randomly on a light speed scale from shell to shell at the same time. As we are made of electrons. protons and neutron nuclei studying the quantum physics rules we are studying ourselves. (At lest on a sub atomic level).
The smallest amount of matter, time and energy in the universe is a Planck constant one divided by ten forty-three times multiplied by six point, two, six two called a Planck constant. It is a zero point zero thirty-seven zeros, six, two, six, two  a total of a forty three decimal fraction. (Six point two, six, two times ten to the minus forty three respectively). If we multiply is a reciprocal that pans out to six, two, six, two  thirty nine zeros a total of a forty three digit number multiplied by ten to the minus forty three  equals one.
The popular internet search engine Goggle is a example of big number. It is one multiplied by ten a hundred times. (Ten to the 100 one with ninety nine zeroes). If we multiply Goggle by itself we get one with a ten thousand zero number.
 Our bodies atom are same particles emitted from the exhaust of motor vehicles, the earth's atmosphere we breath, the oceans of the world the forests and wild life, the sands of deserts to mountains. In fact everything on earth and the universe including stars. Us and the earth we live on is made of universe dust.
Quantum physics tell us our electrons has spin. Since we are made of electrons our body is no exception. Physicists suggest not the kind of spin of a spinning tops we think of. There is a moving three dimensional up, down, left and right including toward and away from us depth dimension to them. Quantum physics tells us when one of our bodies electron change direction is a signal for other electrons to do the opposite. On a quantum scale a Planck constant every second and if everywhere else in the whole universe at the same time too.
Our brain works by a constant electrical brain wave activity awake and asleep. When dreaming our conscious mind is on the same wavelength as our subconscious mind talking to our conscious mind like people talking to each other reveling a lot about ourselves in our sleep. It is also in talking to ourselves with our conscious thoughts. If we talk to ourselves about anything long enough our subconscious works hard to make it true. Quantum physics tells us our brain's (indeed our whole body) electrons are in constant quantum leap activity just as the rest of the universes electrons non stop including sleep were they activity is the most when dreaming.
A quantum leap is when our bodies electrons disappear and reappear at random a Planck length in a Planck frequency. Physicists tell us there is no limit to the distance each electron sees each others quantum leap signal including distances clear across the the other side of the universe.
What our body's electrons do in this part of the universe electrons clear across the other side of the also in constant quantum leap activity. The electrical impulse surging in our brain are nothing more than over trillions of electrons in a electrical current arcing from cell to cell on a light speed scale in our heads every second. When the action at a distance effect of electrons was first proposed Albert Einstein expressed the idea as an absurd spooky action at a distance nonsense violating the maximum speed of light law.
If the our body electrons are quantum leaping this part of the universe everything and everywhere all over the universe too. It's inevitable Goggles of copies popping into existence all over the universe every second.
Einstein had problems with the action at a distance hypotheses. He believed quantum physics was incomplete. Physicists are missing something. Quantum physicists insisted that is what their expediential evidence has found. That is the way atomic particles behave. They're working on it to find out more.
The consequence of the whole universe electrons constantly quantum leaping all random at the same time the whole universe has the effect of what electrons do in this part of the universe exists in parallel versions clear across the other side, an instant communication across several Goggle light years across the universe in less than a second. (Several times a 100 zeros).
According to string theory several Goggle alternative dimensions of our world exist. In effect our bodies electrons are entangled with every other electron of the whole universe. It is as if we are tied in physically with every electron.
Quantum physics tells us he consequence of string theory there is several Goggle doubles of ourselves in alternate dimensions at the same time as we exit in our alternate dimension of them.
One episode of the original TV series Star Trek particularly deep space nine spin off and the British TV series Doctor Who illustrated parallel universes doubles of ourselves.
Several episodes played out a double of the Doctor and traveling companion and the crew of Deep Space Nine including the TV crime series castle himself in a parallel universe reminds us the world is increasing aware of the science of quantum physics entanglement theory.
A pilot of a TV series called the sliders gathered together Mallory's university professor Maximilion  Atorio, Mallory's part time coworker Wade Wells and a washed out rhythm and Blues singer Rembrandt Brown accidentally swallowed up by Quinn Mallory's antigravity experiment  turned rouge portal to parallel realities. The polite laid out the plot the coordinates to get back home became corrupted trapping them in in endless series of sliding from world to word to the next in the hope they will find the right coordinate  back to their home prime reality.
Example of alternate worlds the group could have encountered is demonstrated in our own reality. Our reality at the time of the last ice age there were brotherhood species called Cro-Magnon men and Neanderthals now extinct that once lived along side humans us, penologists call homo sapiens.
We have seen many videos of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon men. They look tough, and sturdy people typically stereotype of the rough hide graded cave men. Cro-Magnon men had brow ridges while Homo sapiens looked like today's modern western humans.
There was one important feature of homo Sapien mental capabilities that saved us from extinction was quick thinkers. Smart learners. We all have the inherited ability of planning ahead the other species lacked that was our savior. The other two species just lived from day to day from hunting to dally living. The didn't have the capability for boredom. Homo sapiens craved planning ahead, curiosity and entertainment to satisfy their mental needs.
In our reality at lest the quick thinking and curious humans craving clever planning all the time are the only species to survive. The slow thinking and lack of need for entertainment of the other species was their down fall. Quantum physics tells us string theory entanglement tells us different realities of alternative evolution outcomes.
Theoretical Goggle alternative option outcomes where human frailty was our down fall. Neanderthals, or Cro-Magnon men or both developed sufficient thinking strength instead that was their survival strength. There should be Goggle dimension of alternative Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon modern alternate dimension realities on earth with extinct humans. That's just one example of an alternate reality.
According to string theory there is up to ten dimensions at any given time. We are not aware of these dimensions any more than we are aware of anything when unconscious. Some physicists are compelled to speculate  theses dimensions define the many worlds theory. It tells us our bodies electrons should have parallel DNA doubles of ourselves in parallel reality dimensions.
Every possible circumstances and lucky chances from birth to death is supposed to be playing out right now in many Goggle Cro-Magnon men, Neanderthal or (as in our reality only humans) parallel dimensions to our world. As far as we are concerned our reality is only dominated by homo-sapiens but there could be many Goggle dimensions of only Cro-Magnon men or only Neanderthal or both or all three of us existing together right now.
In a homo-sapient dominated dimension history books of our world Hillier's life the way all the Hitler biographies tell it. In many dimensions Hitler's double's lives were very different not necessary a identical clone personality as each other at that. There are a Goggle of alternate scenarios we can come up with.
Alternative Ideas successful and talented Hitler artists instead of a tyrant we know in our world. Many dimensions can potentially have famous landmark buildings and structures that bears his signature and styling often bearing his of his name and many case all over the world instead of the bulling tyrant we know in only in our reality.
In the theory of many life outcomes to our personal time line history our doubles should be leading totally different lives than ours. Using Hillier as an example many scenarios point to totally different lives as a famous artist architect or some other profession in many Goggle alternatives. There is Goggle number of alternate ideas we can com up with.
There are a goggle of our lives some of us are single others are married with children, various careers others not famous and some us are, while others are drop out nobodies all living at the same point of now time.
To help show in a extreme example of the different lives of us doubles lead, an alternate Hitler to Einstein's family moved to America for a better life early in their lives. A Goggle of ideas part of the 1500 souls that went down with the Titanic in our reality those that died lived and those that lived died combination out of the total on board alternates.
There are a Goggle of alternate Julius Cesizer  Hitler to Einstein's.  A lot of Hitler's doubles weren't so lucky when he was a caporal in world war one.
There is little a known story an Australian sniper serving in the Western front. In this reality he had Hitter dead in the cross hairs of his rifle scope. His trigger finger relaxed off the trigger. If the sniper had been a killer Hitler would have been been a gone burger. However there is a goggle of alternate cases where a Goggle of snipers did confidently bump him off without a second thought.
A Goggle of sniper doubles got him. A Goggle of others missed. In many ways, fate can dish out a Goggle complex lucky and unlucky escapes in a Goggle of dimensions at the same time serving in the first world war. In other realities as far as the dimensions of the cosmos is concerned all the Hitler doubles were dead and alive at the same time.
It is the concept of a thought experiment thought up in this reality, by a German Physics called Schewdgener's cat that portrays a hypothetical Goggle odds of a Goggle of our doubles ( and when I say our doubles yes I do mean you and me ) are dead while others ( like us and our doubles ) are still alive in Goggle realities including you and me to this day. Schewdgener's cat principle is a part of quantum physics entanglement theory.
The term entanglement the means what it sounds in context. Me and you and all our Goggle doubles lives are all entangled together by our DNA in the reality dimensions of the cosmos.
Particles of the atom are identical clones throughout the entire universe, no matter were they are. Atoms of the sun are the same atoms in every other stare even clear across the other side of the universe. A clear idea liken to a dozen identical basket balls in one shop identical balls elsewhere all over the country. They are all the same no matter where they are.
Theoretically what an atom does this side of the universe there are cloned particles clear across the other side as well. All the characteristic behavior of every particle the entire universe is uniformly the same. What atoms do in this side of the galaxy atoms are equally working clear across the other side too.
This means odds of an action in this side of the universe has a similar chance of a similar effect the other side. The word  entanglement describes the entangled lives of the atoms of the universe including us and our doubles entangled with us.
Entanglement theory came about from a simple question. What if a person in our world changed our worlds history traveling back to world war one making sure Hitler was killed then returned to the present? What would happen to the timeline that already happened in the travelers memories? Where does all the historic events memories go if the events no longer exist more?
What if there was a time traveler that went back back in our realty past to make sure Hitler lives altering the time line. Theoretical in the world Goggle alternatives our time line can be changed time and time again. It suggests our time line is not fixed but variable. It can be changed to different time lines many Goggles over.
One scenario I can think of is liken to the analogy  of computer recovery reformatting hard drive back up system. If the manufacture bias system and operating stored is available recovery sequence is anything to go by, the system restore is accessing a stored copy of the original reinstalling the system back to where it was before.
In a similar way if there is a major error of our time line like a destruction of our past that wasn't supposed to happen a reboot kicks in resetting our original time at that point allowing the time to continue with what our time line was meant to be up to this day. For example if our reality Hitler is killed when not meant to happen a reformatting copy makes sure Hitler was not killed continuing on it was meant to be in our reality. In the mean time the change of events is set on course as a parallel reality to ours.
What prevents criminal terrorists time traveler interference? From our point of view of a visitor from the future already knows the past will have a different view point of the present we only know as the present. Imagine a person of the future in our present time hell bent in changing his point of view of his past altering our point of view of what we where meant to happen to us. From your point of view is changing our future of what you are going to supposed to have done changing our fate.
The view point of the person only knowing the present (that is us in the now time) as the visitors past point of view that haven't happened to us yet seem in parallel with each other
Operating on the principle we can imagine thousands of different outcomes for the Titanic. It missed the iceberg in a goggle of realities. A Goggle of worlds the politics at the turn of the twentieth century was different than ours as we know it so world war one couldn't break out. A Goggle of alternate worlds was no history of the Titanic what so every.
It has been proven (at lest in our reality) the Titanic was solidly built. Investigative teams found the Titanic was structurally sound. It has been concluded no ship could ever have survived that much sinking stress of the bow going down first compared to other ship disasters floundering and sinking in far better conditions.
In many Goggle worlds the sliders visited the Titanic may not have existed at all but on many other worlds they visited events leading up to the sinking had to have varied from world to world. The crew and passenger manifests and their doubles had to have varied from world to world too from different captains to crew members. The universes is a world where this world is just one of a Goggle of entangled dimensions in which ships don't exists and ships that exists at the same time.
In some worlds the sliders visited the Titanic could have easily barely squeezed close by in a close call sailing harmlessly on leaving a small foot note in those world liner histories. Many other alternate Titanic histories may have gone down were the water tight doors did their job keeping the ship afloat for days. Passengers safely rescued to other ships using the Titanic life boats ferried to other liners and merchant shipping that came to the rescue.
We can come up with a goggle of an alternate famous way for a famous ship to go. One example the sliders could easily have been in one world waiting for the timer to recharge to activate the portal. In a Hotel suite a TV documentary of the Titanic in Sydney Australia loading Anzac loading and  boarding the gang planks to Europe in world war one.