Saturday, April 7, 2018

Improving memory

Our brain is a highly complex organ, much of it not yet fully understood.
What entertainment stage hypnotists and their hypnotherapy colleges do agree upon we have two parts to our mind a conscious and subconscious mind.

They preach our subconscious mind has a lot to do with creating our own bad memory. The constant habit of reminding ourselves will do it.

We wonder in aw at those who remember things so easily. What have they got that we haven't? Most of the time we have to rely on our own resources sometimes learning a few tricks of our own to help us as get by as we go.

There are skeptics who are skeptical about mind over matter. There is something more powerful. Habits. They are the key to our subconscious mind the key to improving our memory. The good thing about our subconscious mind it thrives on habitual self talk.

We can talk ourselves into perfect health just as much as we all give hypochondriacs advice they are talking themselves into ill health. Our subconscious mind soaks up every scrap of self talk we habitually tell ourselves every day.

The belief we have a poor memory is often feels like an instinct. Hypnotists believe when we have a gut feeling it is our subconscious mind talking to us. It knows everything about our vulnerabilities.

Our subconscious mind is very fussy about any suggestion not a reparative habit. Any suggestions that doesn't start as one our subconscious mind ignores it. It is only impressionable to a conscious habit. When we start one we soon consciously forget it. When the habit continues it is when our subconscious mind has taken over. We do it automatically out of routine thereafter.

Starting the habit of telling our subconscious mind we have good memory offers conflicting experience to a conscious effort to convince our subconscious minds reasoning. What is often expectable is modification compromises.

The trick is to consciously start the habit of using all the memory trick skills we have leant within ourselves the occasions we had to remember. There are plenty of YouTube memory guru tips and trick clips including web sites, self help books on improving memory and so on.

Learning from any text to visual cues is all memory. The constant habit of rehearsing in our heads what we learnt we start paying attention to the self discussion. The self discussion habit reinforces our memory. Our brain has the habit of never forgetting anything that is associated with some detail that always reminds us of what we leant. The trick to learning is in the constant habit of not only rehearing in our heads but also the habit of writing easy papers writing details in our own words is a benefit to our learning too.

When start to forget consciously rehearsing, our subconscious mind hasn't. Every time you need to remember something our subconscious mind recalls the conscious self talk excurses on how to improve our memory instruction we'd forgotten about consciously becomes automatic subconscious instinct instruction.

The more we consciously practice the more we subconsciously become skilled with memory recall even if we have to rely on memory tricks to get by. After a lot of conscious excesses we begin to believe we have a good memory after all coming straight from the original self talk habit our subconscious mind hasn't forgotten.

Just think of the definition of experience. Someone done something hundreds and thousands of times before to a point complex tasks are surprising routine. If we have done smoothing hundreds and thousands of times before we are experts.