Clinical psychologists, are scientists who study how we tick. Their roll is
often behavioral analysis experts while psychiatrists are mental health doctors often employed as part the department of corrections system. In the study of
inmates a common feature little or no remorse for any injustice inflicted on
others. In the world of dangerous inmates there is virtually no regard to any
Justus only for themselves. There is a prevalence
of dispensing their own law sometimes not even for businesses. Are they
born that way or is there some other underlying cause?
There are
millions of individuals with antisocial attitude tendencies locally and abroad.
Terrorist mentality in the name of their cause comes to mind. Are they brain
washed by their superiors or their own free will. Who Brian washers their superiors?
Where does their mentality come all come from?
Empathy is a important part of being human. Our brain is capable of recognizing
other peoples shoes. We experience warmth, affection and
compassion. It is what makes us the best of human nature. Police profilers use
the science of criminal mentality using profiles to catch them. Can empathy be a
missing factor or is it suppressed in some way?
A clear example of history was Germany's SS and the military arm the Waffen
SS in world
war 2 responsible for the Jewish Holocaust that continues in attitude by anti-Semitic
Nazi supporters world wide today mentality. The Waaffen SS was notorious for following Hillier
orders to the letter. Cold blooded murder of military personal and civilians was common place. The regular
military was more humane. It was individuals in the SS, the Waffen SS and Gestapo organizations not the regular
Our brain is made up of a sparkling electrical energy including our thoughts
that is a facture in our behavior. The consequences of a disruption can be high not
only effecting our mentality but the automatic body functions our brain
controls automatically.
Neuroscientists study our chemical make up. One of the major problems we are familiar with is
alcohol and mind alternating drug habits. Not so well known
that effects us are viruses to lack of sleep stress has on our our attitude. The action of our brain
is chemistry. It is believed
the key to how we tick. It is constant. It is at it most busiest in
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. (When we dream). Our intellectual performance activity
is effected by medications to recreational habits of drug and alcohol chemicals
washing though our system.
Under healthy conditions electrical activity automatically controls our heart,
breathing and hormones. It is all unconscious thing. Under the influence of dugs and alcohol addiction
havoc disrupting proper chemical activity.
Our brain is a biological communication between cells,
the gaps where electrical impulses jump across from cell to cell called synapse.
Imagine trillions packed into every cubic centimeter of you brain. Small brains
is not necessarily less intelligent. On the contrary if tightly packed into a
tiny area the synapse are compacted closer and more numerous. A brain with 50
trillion cells per cubic millimeter is more compacted closer together then1
trillion per cubic centimeter.
The more cells in compacted in a small area the more there are brain cells.
We can appreciate the rule of thumb the less cells in large area. The more dense the brain the more compacted
the synapses. Firing across the gaps is shorter thus quicker and more numerous.
Scientists mapping our brain activity displayed on computer screens shows areas not active while others
light up. Prolong stress from drug habits and virus mess with the connections
altering our behavior. When we feel not well we or not in the mood for others
and fun and games. Since our brain cells have no pain receptors we are unaware our
fever trauma swelling our brain increasing the synapse gaps where our performances is limited.
The chemicals in recreational drugs wreak havoc stimulating electrical activity hallucination drugs
do. Other damage is
done when our brain shrunk squeezing the synapses gaps to close. To much
electrical power damages the synapses.
Now a days Adolph Hitler's megalomania rages are believed to be caused by his doctor feeding him
medication on demanded to help him deal with the stress set backs of his war.
Most of it was pain killers that tended to be dependent promoting. In
drug use we experience childish behavior fits of giggling fun caused by over stimulating
electrical activity. Once the high
wares off we experience following moody depression. If friends and relations
don't recognize the symptoms the consequences on relationships can be dire. It
is likely most of Hillier's generals recognized his megalomania outburst was
under the influence of constant medication taking.
Recreational drugs are designed by criminals to stimulate our natural happiness and
contentment drug called dopamine. There is a general attitude they don't care
about the consequences they inflict. If their business is interrupted by law
enforcement they take on a hatful bitterness attitude.
Their manufacturing of drugs over stimulates electrical synapse full of an
overdose of dopamine creating heightened contentment and happiness for a while till it
wares of falling into equally intense depression. In a desperate attempt to be relieved
ourselves of we miss the high we once had. We start to crave it. Every
overload of our synapse gap damages them.
Once the contentment and happiness wares off the cycle the electrical
synapse depression resumes. Chasing the first high doesn't seem to work as good as the first time.
As a consequence we get into the habit trying to
experience the first high that never comes. The frequency of the intense highs
decrease increasing in depression moods. We start to depend on the dug. Eventually all
we are doing is desperate attempts just to be normal and drift into into just to
get numb away from the deep depressions. All the highs eventually never come
Most people tell us they sometimes experience relapse flash back twinges
even when they've been clean for years. The chemical particles of any drug can be lodged
or locked away in our cells by
their reaper procedure trapping
them in cell nuclei for years. Those in the habit of sauna
sweating tend to sweat them out. The chemicals lodged and trapped drug
residue plays havoc with our electro chemistry thus our mental moods from high
and low swing behavior for many years since we took the dug.
It is likely Hitler's empathy, ethics and self control was effected by his constant pain
killer medication to get though his leadership challenges years before the war.
He was a very different person in private life. For the past 50 years Hitler's
character was concentrated only on his public speeches and public show. It is
only in the last decade he has become known for his private persona. Eva Brawn
his girlfriend took many video shots of his provide life showing very different person.
History has him
shocking his generals with good moods followed by terrifying bad mood swings
typical drugs do to our brain. He would
enjoy company of others then rage at then settling back down to
child like brooding a characteristic of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
History has it during the war years he would typically promote unrealistic ideas
promoting race hatred, total war and to most of us seemly over the top pay back rhetoric in his
He wasn't the only one. Gobles Hitler's propaganda minister speeches promoted
no mercy and no
empathy as a strength of the Arian master race. Those in the SS took Gobles war promoting
hatred as their god given right.
The killing ideology was done by SS murderers who didn't need
Hitler or Gobles bidding. Hitler and Gobles left everything to the head of the
SS Hendrix Himmler while Gobles and Hitler got on with running the war. Hitler
and Gobles didn't need to take to take over personally.
The SS was made up of cool calm and collected disciplined individual followers following
their ideology following Gobles ideology from Hitler's ideology following the
SS ideology as their god given right mentality.
Free from mental health issues and recreational drugs, our brain is capable of great
things. Recreational drug, excess alcohol dampens our humanity. Neuroscience tell us the
chemicals in dugs
effect our biological balances. It is known alcohol has amnesia qualities. During hang over
we struggle to remember details of the previous night before. Their are dire consequences
for friends and relations who are unaware alcohol has amnesia qualities. A lot
more tolerance can be shown awear of this fact.
Alcohol is very tricky. In moderate amounts is quite a health benefit.
Churchill drank but history never saw him as a drunk. History has it Hitler forbade
smoking and drinking in his company. It wasn't till recently it is revealed Hitler
and Goring were dependent on
their doctors feeding them medication. Today we understand Goring was a
morphine addict and Hitler lived on pain killers and other medication on demand
from his doctor to see him
though crisis's.
Quite the opposite to the Nazis consciences objective pacifists who are an example of individuals with a
sense of loyalty to empathy. They don't believe in any kind of
war specially killing to solve problems. They believe in the rule of law. Hitler and his cronies
left the persecution of the war lording SS and Gestapo to do carry out their ideology dirty work for them.
To the Nazis consciousness objectives seen as a threat often shot out of hand and hanged
in public for all to see as an example of what happens if you don't follow the Nazi mentality. This was the SS's and Gestapo's answer to Pacifisiam. It was viewed as a weakness
crusade threat to their cause that had to be stopped, wiped off the face of the
earth mentality.
Has everybody got empathy including terrorists? Can we be born without it? Free from
mental health medication drug and alcohol dependency can we
still have empathy?
It seemed individuals serving in the SS had none. They all seemed merciless, without
Roual Wallongburg the famous Swiss diplomat was famous for personally getting involved in saving thousands of Jews during
the last couple of years of the second world war was a different story. He personally took charge in saving thousands
from the Hands of the Gestapo,
and SS killing squads.
Think of a child growing up with parents who always
seemed to have had time for
them appreciated
and enjoyed their company. History tells us his parents was like that. Was Wallonburge one of those Childs?
Or was it dedication of saving as many Jews as possible of his own moral
character or a brain with a well developed empathy? Is
everything on a depends basis? Depends seems like a complication making it sound like nothing is set in stone.
Stage entertainment hypnotists and
their hypnotherapist collages all agree in one common theme that is a part of human
nature they believe to be the source of our behavior I consider as another
factor to our nature. They repeatedly tell us we have two parts to our minds a conscious and subconscious mind we've
all hear about but tend to forget about.
An important detail we all over look we are all acutely aware when it comes
to head injuries. Our unconscious nature. Even though we never think of it we are all familiar
with unconsciousness as part of our
Unconscisness is a state where our automatic body functions are fully
functional without the need of our conscious. Our brain is still automatically
in control of our heart rate, breathing and all other functions. In this case the trauma of a heavy bash to the head that knocks us
out cold. We see this many times in action movies where a whack on the Jaw
knocking someone out stone cold.
What has our unconsciousness got to do with everything? Our conscious tracks
the second hand of any clock moving every division as a now moment of time flow. By that time, in the zero resistance of out of space light had traveled
a distance of a 186 thousand miles. (In kilometer terms every mile equals 1.609km. It is only a
mater of a 186 thousand multiplied by 1.609).
With respect to light every 186 thousand miles (or equalivalent km) is a
conscious now
moment of fully alertness every conscious movement of the second hand. In out of space time is
different called space time. Here on earth the gravitational force of the earth
slows it down to every now moment in every second. This is called linear time. The brain's biology tracts 60 seconds in every minute
and 60 minutes in every hour.
Our conscious agrees a one hour long TV program pans out to 3 thousand 600
seconds of now moments. It's mathematical instinct
aggress every second in an hour is 186 thousand miles adds up to a total distance light travels in
an hour panning out to 60 times 60. (Sixty squared). So too 24 hours taken as every 12 midnight
to 12 midnight the time clocks with a date changes date. (60 squared times 24
gives the distance light travels in that time respectively). In other words our
conscious experience every second in 24 hours pans out to 86 thousand 400 now moments of time.
(Or seconds if you like).
In other
words when fully alert we experience time in a linear fashion we all take for
granted. It is something that is not rearly that important to our minds often
Waking up from a good nights sleep is the closest to experiencing non linear time.
Time is meaningless when we are asleep. Hours seems
like a moment ago the last time we remembered dropping off. And we all agree particularly
applies when
we are unconscious.
When our alertness is down time in general passes differently. It is if a vial of consciousness
hiding our unconsciousness phases out to unaware meanness void.
If knocked out completely for an hour or a day or two
is only a brief moment since the last time we remember being fully alert (and
that's not to mention if effecting our memory after we come to) no
matter how long we were out to it. The last time
remembering being fully alert can be as short as a less than a second or as long as a coma.
A child stuck in a coma for years family member had crown up with families
of their own time pasted by the last time they last remembered their family in a
moment of time.
In other words we experience comas in non linear time experience. Coming to
after days in a coma seem like moment.
If we are in a coma indefinitely many years seem like only the last time remembering
being fully alert. Consciences time doesn't exist when unconscious.
We all know how we feel by a bad blow to our heads. We experience less than a
second unconscious what we describe as seeing stars and ringing in our ears
tweeting of birds circling the heads of cartoon characters as proof we are all subconscious awareness
We feel an uncontrollable
emotion from the initial shock. Adults and children alike experience a couple of seconds
of uncontrollable rage
and fear even if less than a second. During the drama of the shock our unconsciousness is constantly
recording every microsecond including the initial bang seeing stars and taking
in everything going on
round us.
To our unconsciousness time is meaningless we testify when coming to the last
time we remember being fully conscious.
Semiconscious depends on how deep we know as concussion. The environment is confusing
and dreamy all round
us. Shaking like a leaf from floods of adrenaline purring profusely though our system, ears ringing from a bang
we experience unconsciousness
even if only less than the initial second. It happens naturally to all of us every time we have such
trauma to our heads.
Our unconsciousness is also lowered in day dreaming states. Totally engrossed in our thoughts we are in a trance like state where our
environment appears to have faded in the background for a moment. We are not fully conscious until
we come out of it by someone getting our attention or ourselves.
Even in this state our unconsciousness is recording everything from our
five senses alert of the environment round us. It records all the smells, tastes, body orientation, hot and cold temperature
hearing from deep base booms to high pitch whistling, dark or bright
light sight of the environment round us. To our unconsciousness it is vulnerable
to hypnotic suggestion the smells, sights, sounds, taste, temperature all are
all suggestive properties to our unconsciousness.
Our unconscious is a biological recorder. Calming down isn't instant.
It takes more than a couple of seconds for adults to return to some resemblance of
rationally, a few minutes recovering from the shock. During this time our unconsciousness
is recording all our emotional upset information from our 5 senses going on round us.
It records all the smells, tastes, body orientation, hot and cold temperature
flushes hearing from deep base booms to high pitch whistling, dark or bright
light sight of the environment
as concussion memory recordings. Depending on how bad effect our conscious memory recall system.
With out it our consciousness memory of the event is limited because our unconsciousness
recordings is invisible to our fully alert consciousness.
Concussion is often experienced as hot and cold shivers (shaking like a leaf) due to adrenaline
flowing though our system and
everything around us is confusing. The brain is in shock forgotten how to recognize
the environment round us. Depending on how deep the same
unawareness of our surroundings and non linear time dilution effect as ordinary
time in ordinary sleep passes. Our memory recall system in shock can leave us with no memory of the
incident. There are reports of rare occasions some people claim the remember everything.
Our unconsciousness is constantly monitoring and recording every emotion of ourselves and others round us including
drama conversations. It could take hours before concision clears feeling properly fully alert. Hard whacks
shake and
vibrate the brain like jelly. Nine out of 10 memory recall is to shocked into
not working
properly. Everything is somewhat fogy in a unreal dream. Some of us remember very clearly while
others claim they couldn't remember anything about rooming round in a
daze. Others claim in time memory seems to coming back to them.
If entertainment stage hypnotists discover someone is vulnerable to trances they tape into
it's raw power. They start by small talk with the audience unrelated conversation. If someone show signs
of being not to fully alert to their tricks they take advantage of it. They invite them to participate in the entertaining game.
Because it's a
game show is trusting and appealing
because we feel honored allowing ourselves willing to have a go. Unless we we
are guided by our shyness or other fears It is a trust.
Some of us are genuinely nervous of being hypnotized. As if by magic those that
were willingly to give it a try fond themselves not fully alert any more. Stage
show hypnotists are awear of that, The fun and games begin.
The key to stage entertainment hypnotists success they search audiences looking for those who are
fully alert passing them over quietly. Anybody who
shows signs of being fully alert is not invited
into the circle.
Stage Hypnotists recognize the habit of day dreaming background
distractions seem to disappear as we concentrate on our day dream trance. We are not
fully alert of our surroundings our alertness is down. However even though
there is no concept of linear time our unconsciousness
is constantly alert even when we are note.
Paramedics at accident scenes treating head injury know this all to well too.
They ask if they know where they are, who they are
the day and if they know their name to test memory responses. They also check our senses, pupil dilation,
hearing and feeling including blood pressure. A minute or two latter they repeat the
questions checking memory recall efficiency. The unconscious recording of bad experiences
can leave an ever lasting influence on our memory recall system.
The reaction to being knocked out is a part of who we are. We
all unconsciously live with it from birth to death all our lives. We may even be born permanently
unconscious. our consciousness is not replaced it could be just a state our consciousness is down. Being fully alert and aware of being aware
and our surroundings we are fully conscious dispute the fact our unconscisness
is equally full alert to our surroundings.
Our fully alert consciousness is fully aware of every second of linear time. It is a
cool, calm and collected part of the brain. Science believes resides in the
pre-fontal lobs (forehead). It is why we are not aware when unconscious. All and every
brain cell is programmed to blind obedience to what ever it
takes to survive fully alert or consciously down.
Our unconsciousness has it's own unconscious memory including peoples
conversations. When the memory recall system is in shock we can't consciously remember.
What every conscious recall there is our consciousness picks up as instructive programming.
Our unconsciousness knows it's
responsibilities to constantly monitoring all our input senses when fully alert.
It adjusts our hormones, as we live our normal fully
alert lives,
heart beat, breathing, regulating hot and cold, recognizing taste and smell of
our environment automatically with out thinking when unconscious or not. Our unconscious
mentality has
all the intelligence of an ancient computer.
It doesn't know anything about our consciousness. The only job it knows is to
monitor issuing orders without thinking controlling our body
functions automatically at all times while unconscious. It's kind a a second brain that only
functions by none thinking instinct. If this part of the brain remains in shock
for to long means it can no long cope and falters.
Our unconscious is constantly instructing our consciousness only what it is programmed
to know instinctively when we are fully alert. Constantly monitoring our environment it deeply records unpleasant
dramas all the time. All it knows when a dog bites
or injured in a car crash it takes on board the shock
and trauma of the incident, sight, sound, touch, hearing, smell, taste and
all the commotion round us including peoples concerns chatter and by standers reactions
all recorded unconsciously in our brains memory banks as associations of a life threading
attack mentality.
If we see a dog attack coming we still experience fear and shock. In less than a second we are
unconscious of our surroundings concentrating
only on the animals intensions. Our unconsciousness constantly recording we experience
an automatic rush of alderman planning for flight, freeze with fear not knowing
what to do confusion hesitation or planning on retaliatory fighting off
the aggression.
These simple reactions is from our unconscious.
If it was left to our consciousness alone we would be free from fear. We
wouldn't panic. We would be fully alert with everything with our environment. There would be no freezing in confusion
or instant flight or fight instincts. There would only be pure rational
In a school shooting attack for example if it was left to our fully alert conciseness everybody
would react with cold, cool calm and collected unemotional objectiveness. Every
teacher, and student would behave like they have been though this hundreds of
thousands of times before fully alert and brave and clear thinking heroes.
When it's all over we would react with unemotional detachment taking the
aftermath of the drama
in our strides.
We often wonder what was going on in the mind of attackers. We are
thinking from our point of view with the view of empathy in ourselves in mind.
Because we feel we could never can do that sort of thing without a sorrowful remorsefulness
how could they do it. We are specially irked by a the reacting to our outrage
only responding with cool, calm and collected defiance or indifference.
We are often suppressed with how there was no outward
signs they were ever like that. Keeping to themselves in quiet well managed
personality is common. They can't share with unlink minded who will only judge
them. So they seek out like minded people today it is so easy with social media.
They only people that can rearly explain their behavior
is themselves and others like them.
Probing why they did that a sullen quiet treatment is a common answer.
Either their defiantly not telling or they genuinely don't know themselves. Empathy is a
important condition in us otherwise we are as cold as a mother cat loosing a kitten.
By standers on the same wave length are often behind it hiding in the background.
These people can potentially give themselves away to people who recognize an
unusual tendency of a quite unemotional and seemly detached indifference attitude.
Carrying out
such extreme acts certainly requires a lack of empathy. What happed to it or are
they born without it? What triggers them? There are stressor in the
environment our unconsciousness won't agree with picked up by any one of our
five senses trigger. Our unconsciousness is not tied down with empathy. It is a
second unemotional computer reacting from a stressor stimuli instructions. that
can be a cool, calm and collected calculation people must die obsession.
We can appreciate this if we look at a little child with a well developed empathy
and compare that to under developed. An udder developed empathy can be
technically cold as ice but can be driven by a well developed sense of ethics
right and wrong at the same time.
Our unconsciousness is a second brain driven by potential trigger memories of
ages ago trauma we have consciously forgotten about in the environment round us.
It recognizes the drama of emotion including in ourselves, the sight, sounds, smells and temperature including taste is
all recorded associations of a life threatening mentality of our unconsciousness
relived all over again even if it is unconscious to our consciousness.
The unconscious memories are all there for years until the stressor triggers
our unconsciousness. The horror of battle memories cannot be undone. A
solder had watched horrified of his best friend being squashed alive under the
tracks of a heavy tank can never forget that. The horror
is recoded in solders unconsciousness tormenting his consciousness for years
afterwards psychologists described as post traumatic stress syndrome.
As our unconscious is invisible to our conscious mind it doesn't
recognize the reminders coming from anywhere. It believes dogs bite is just an idea it
came up by itself naively concluding good enough reason to never trust all dogs
anymore. Our consciousness receives the unconscious environmental factors at the
time reminding it of the trauma in
the hands of just one dog. What that dog did than all dogs do it mentality thinking
of our unconsciousness imposed on our consciousness.
Both our minds file away in their respective memory banks including everything
in the environment from how the weather was at the time to how they felt including
the emotional upset in a hierarchy folder catalogue containing a whole list of related
file associations at the time and
includes all the emotional content. If it
was left up to only to our consciousness the person would be reassured just
because this dog bit there is
never any need for concern all dogs are dangerous mentality.
Our consciousness is not an instinctive mind set judge. It is hard wired for
only for cool, calm and collected objective clear thinking computer. Unfortunately it is only guided by the instinctive mid set
ideas it picks up form our hidden unconsciousness influencing it's decisions.
Both our unconsciousness and consciousness constantly
monitors our environment even fully alert. Our consciousness picks reminders of
previous traumatic incidences from our unconsciousness file clerks issuing out a
stream of memory files. It happens when our unconscious recognizes associated, smell, touch, hearing and
sound of the a unconscious memory trauma in the environment including the emotional content we had with the dog as an
alarm reminding us of the trauma of the attack is present. Our unconsciousness is kind a reactive mind
constantly reminding us of the conditions of the attack is present for years
There is three alternate orders our consciousness can receive from our unconsciousness. In the immediate
of any school shooting attack there is the
urge to either an instinct, 1 all the student can think of is to flee to a safe
place to hide, 2 freeze in confusion and fear and 3 indignant ego of the attack
how dear they the urge to stay to fight back at the threat.
If it was left up to only our fully alert consciousness there would be clear thinking.
Even in the emergency students would be fully alert of every detail surroundings
during any life threatening emergency.
With out tied down by our unconsciousness reaction we would be able to judge everything clearly with logical precision in seconds.
We would be as good as the, calm and collected James Bond double 7, Arnald
schwarzenegger and Steven Seagull and the rest of the Hollywood hero bravery
although hollowed pretend is an example to all of us confronted by mean looking
If our unconsciousness recognizes any threats immediately interferes and slows us down to think
straight with all sorts of emotional reactions. One of the most common is
confusion to think. Some of us can instantly feel be very slow. Thus a fear of
bullies. Trained in emergency first aid
is useless if a person tends to not recall what they leant by frozen confusion.
There are urge to fight off the attack known as part of the flight or
fight response. To our unconscious kill the threat out right. To our amyloidal conscious mind
feels no need to. If it was up to the clear thinking of our consciousnesses
there would be a flood of disarming and disabling plans in seconds. It all depends on the content of the
students and Police offers present unconscious reaction to the threat either flight in panic, freeze in
confusing panic or
kill the threat in panic.
In the unconsciousness world of the shooter their conscious mind is receiving ideas
of ideological revenge everybody must die for what ever reason mentality overriding the cool, calm and collected
rational thinking ability of their conscious mind. The shooter's unconsciousness
is overpoweringly strong. Internal hatred and rage renders the consciousness ability
to think clearly straight. They are not aware of their surroundings concentrating
only what they have to do as ordered by their unconsciousness.
What cause our consciousness to go down? We are not very alert when we feel
under the whether or lack of sleep.
We are constantly under the threat of our automatic emotion of our unconsciousness. If
a domineeringly conscious mind
a virus may potentially effect the unconscious part of our brain rendering a strong
fully alert consciousness. If on the other hand a virus has effected the consciousness part
of our brain the conscious alertness is down.
Entertainment stage hypnotists and their hypnotheorpy collages tell us our
habits come from our subconscious minds (or our unconsciousness). When we learn
a simple task for the first time it seems complicated.
When get to know anything complicated our unconsciousness takes over we
easily see how simple it is because our unconsciousness is very familiar with
the tricky-dickey parts that foal us up. The definition of experience when we have
done something hundreds of thousands of times before our unconsciousness now
Our unconsciousness recognizes the tricky parts because it has been there
hundreds and thousands of times before. Complicated time consuming
details becomes routine because of our unconsciousness has been there doing it repeatedly
in non linear time recordings. It becomes second nature, automatic.
Something complicated to everybody else we have done hundreds and thousand of times before is now an
unconscious thing to us. We just do it without thinking.
We use our consciousness to dream up plans all the time. We reason. We give
puzzles thought. We compare the pros and cons. We question. We discard what's
irrelevant and commit the relevant conclusions to plans action. Our unconsciousness
is monitoring the processes every second contributing it's own emotional content
when it thinks it has to.
Our unconscious is the source of all our good and bad habits and the key to habits is
often self talk.
We all know how we can talk lecture hypercondiacks about we talk ourselves into ill health.
There i0s no reason the opposite holds true. We can talk ourselves into good
health by our unconsciousness. The mentality of our unconsciousness starts
to make it true. They say mind of matter but there is something more powerful
our unconscious habits. It doesn't think it just does automatically with out
think mentality.
Our unconscious is valuable to being programming by our self talk
habits. It is a mindless automaton excepting the reputation without question. Despite
any negative implications our unconsciousness can be a source of inspiration. It is our gut
feelings, our gut instincts and our intuition. Sudden inspirations come from our
They say inspiration comes from our sleep. The fact is when we are asleep our
consciousness and unconsciousness talk to each other on the same wavelengths as
a normal conversation between to people. We experience time on a non linear
scale yet all those ours of linear time while asleep.
If you have tendencies to freeze in confusion in a emergency there is two magic works the prompts our
unconsciousness cooperation.
"Don't panic". We need to talk to ourselves about the merits long
enough to get used to the idea. We program our unconsciousness to get used to it
and goes all out to prove we don't panic. If it is irrelevant to our
unconsciousness is a conscious effect for a while. Our unconscious has a
repeating to learn mentality.
After we got used to lecturing ourselves about the merits of not panicking to
ourselves for long enough we believe it. The habit changes our unconscious to believe
we don't panic. Our unconsciousness imposes the belief on our conciseness we
keep cool calm and collected to prove we are cool, calm and collected mentality.
It doesn't work without the habit of repeatedly talking to ourselves the merits
of not panicking. If we have feelings we are slow it is our unconsciousness
telling us this all your life just as it believes we are quick thinkers.
Our unconsciousness is subject to constant self talk. It doesn't work with out the habit of it. The most vulnerable
when when in day dreams when our full alertness of our environment is down. We
can only modify our unconsciousness by working with it's mentality nature to our
After we get used to the idea we don't panic we had got our unconsciousness
used to the idea. It will believe we keep cool calm and collected. We
can use this to help us locate were we put down those missing items down. It can
our our intuition. We often subconsciously put things down walking away. Often
we don't know the items missing until we need it.
After getting used to the idea of not panicking our unconsciousness reminds
our consciousness not to panic. We begin to believe only our subconscious knows were we put it.
minutes of frustrating looking can specially if we haven't the time can be frustrating.
Then suddenly after fruitless searching we have an initiation thought were we
had consciously forgotten were we put it until now finding exactly where we put
it down.
There are other advantages of training our our unconsciousness to believe we
don't panic when we are confronted by a menacing bully we dread, mugger or life threading
emergency. The very experience can send chills of "UH-O" and
OH-NO" panic in all of us for various reasons.
One of the biggest problems for a lot of us is feelings of confusion, panic
and chaos we fear we can't handle. It comes straight from our unconscisness. We
feel everything is happening to fast for us. This sends us in a further tail
spin. Suddenly everything seem start to happen so fast. Time doesn't speed up
nor slow down. Panic tends to give the illusion time seems to sped up. Our
unconsciousness is tells is telling us we are not quick thinkers so freezes us
in turn to survive mentality. What we need is the opposite where time slows down
we feel we have time to think with.
Time appears to slow down when have talked to ourselves long enough of the virtues
of not panicking. Our unconsciousness rehearses what we taught it we do all the
time. We get unconscious ménages "Don't Panic! Don't Panic! Keep cool,
calm and collected here" Those words enough to encourage our courage.
The belief doesn't come instantly. Our unconsciousness if like a slow learner. It
takes time for it to learn with repeated self rehearsing. Our unconsciousness is
a source of our instant. Many of us are terrified of aggression. It is a instant
straight from our unconsciousness who knows every detail of our resins. Most we
feel an instant we are terrified of not being able to be a quick thinker in
emergencies. Our unconscisness is unconsciously well aware of it the sources of
the instinct.
Success and failure in life some of us are aware of being a bit slow. Others
are not. If we are It is a sign we are aware of our unconscious instant telling
us we are inherently slow. We fear being overwhelmed with responsibilities that
comes with success. We draw drawing mind blanks. Those that are not aware are potentially
calm in any situation.
Fear of being overwhelmed by aggressive threats from bullies come straight
from our unconsciousness predicting everything is going to happen and it enforces
that rule to make it true mentality. It makes us feel everything is totally
beyond our control by our own thoughts we are going to be overwhelmed in panic
just with the sight of aggressiveness. In fear our unconsciousness lowers our consciousness
drifting into panic attacks.
Straight from our unconsciousness we wrestle with thoughts of running away,
hiding, seeing it coming defense body moves, freeze or lash out to neutralize the threat
in blind panic prematurely.
This everything is going to be overwhelming feeling everything is going to
happen to fast for us to cope. We are experiencing how time seems to speed up
when we are under the stress of danger in our heads. In panic our consciousnesses
is lowered experiencing apprehension. We are calm one minute enjoying
normal time then within seconds of a perceived danger our fear we haven't the
time to think our unconscious makes it so mentality and react accordingly. To many of us it is what is dread the most. Our unconscious knows we can
be slow at thinking when in an emergency.
A habitual self talking and constant rehearsing in our minds can be a welcome
modification to help with the slow responses of our thinking in any emergency.
We modify our unconscisness with the belief we don't panic.
The origin of every habit comes from conscious rehearsing a scrip in our heads
of the pros and cons of what we doing. Not long afterwards becomes an
unconscious habit. Forgetting the conscious self talk hasn't gone away because
it is changed into automatic unconscious thinking. We had developed a somehow we
don't panic instinct thereafter. We loose the self talking habit consciously but
not unconsciously.
We can modify the our unconsciousness mentality consciously talking to our selves
about the benefits we don't panic. Don't force it by repeating you don't panic.
It is not instant. We need to start the self conscious habit of talking to ourselves
on and on and on about the pros and cons of not panicking. If we keep it up consciously we eventually forget consciously
but our unconscisness hasn't.
When we don't panic we experience the sensation of somehow time
had slowed down to a manageable level to think with. The sensation promotes the belief
we can cope because of the perception of the reassurance of time slowed down. Calmness promotes our our memory recall system to swing into
action. We get allsorts of insights from our memory banks of quick thinking
flooding our minds we would never be able to otherwise think straight when panicking.
Fear of being overwhelmed by aggressive threats our unconsciousness responds
best to modification script rehearsals in our heads of the benefits of keeping
cool, calm and collected. When we don't panic we don't keep a cool head and it
shows. When we don't panic it equally shows. Fully calm seems to dispel any
thoughts of being overwhelmed. In turn seems to open the gateway of naturalizing
the speeding up of time. In fact being calm time would seem to be slower than
If we are into action movies there is a certain comfort of our favorite
action hero's cool, calm and collected demeanor dealing with bad guys. They all
have one thing in common. They all seemed fearless. We rooted for them for their
in thugs faces cool, calm and collected fearless attitude standing up to them.
We like that. We like the way our heroes put arrogant bad guys in their places.
We saw un-shameful in bad guy faces tongue cheek. Seeing no fear in there eyes
just cheek and grim determination bad guys were force into to counter bluff
counter bluff standing up to our hero.
You tube has
lots of movie clips from various movie scenes how they looked after themselves.
Keywords include typing
youtube followed by bullying. This pulls up an abundance of clips examples of a
few lessons on how to stop yourself from being bullied. Looking after oneself in
brawls your favorite hero name followed by fight scenes pulls up memorable movie clips
turning the tables on brawling thugs.
Various movies had their styles. for example James Bond, Harrison Ford Indiana
Jones and Bruce Willis Die hard John McLain and Sylvester Stylone brawling, Arnold schwarzenegger
tended to be swinging fists, Clint Eastward slugging boxing matches, and Steven Seagull martial arts
expertise style.
The point is fearlessness. It rearly doesn't matter about clips anyway if we are not afraid.
Imagine how
you feel not afraid of bullies. Free from fear our
brain is cleared for clear thinking. You can get a sense of the secrete how our
heroes can be so cool in bad guys faces.
Fear in victims
eyes is the key to bullying. Not afraid our brain is alert to
everything said. Free from the stress of fear our brain can listen hearing every
word our instinct takes over sending back massagers. Free from fear our won faces takes on a confident radiant
determination with no sign of fear just like our action heroes do.
Bullies have the experience at noticing nativity and timid ness when they see
it. It means easy pickings. Victims are selected targets not random. They are
good at testing weakness using façade conversation openers they can
exploit. One of the most common is the look of timid anguish look in victims
faces. Our facial expression and timid body language will say a lot any bully.
Perfectly calm our faces are perfectly relaxed. What appears to be a blank
expression there is open interpretation. We see blank expressions as a fear of
nobody look. Everybody doesn't know what to do with a expression like that. It
looks intimidating. A downside it can equally set off intense intimidation in
some of us.
Watching youtube tongue and cheek of good guys mouthing off to bad guys with attitude
we often wonder where do they get their quotes from. It is from pure instinct
when totally free from fear we are all capable of. When we are not scared our brain is
instinctively clear on tongue and cheek back talking sparring with bullies. Our facial expression and confident body language
is not fake saying lot to any
Fear of bullying came from on place our unconsciousness. It lowers our intelligence
in the eyes of bullies.
It takes experiences but if we are free from any anxieties we can see things coming.
We can handle bulling belittlement much better. We instantly know
it's not true of nice, and made to feel not welcome in cool calm mater of fact one
step ahead of being humiliated. Free from fear we are calm we clearly think. We
can see everything coming ahead of being rob of our possessions before it
happens. We instinctively know what to do to deny a bully our property before
they get a chance.
At the end of the day we are instinctive. Our instinct recognizes what to do.
Fear interferes with our it freezing us into tongue tiredness bullies often find
the timed ness infuriating.
We can see how our action heroes are so confident without any fear. Watching some of the brawling scenes we can see action heroes
seem faster than the attacking thugs beating off their fists and knife attacks
with defenses moves turning the tables on the attacker.
Imagine watching youtube clips our heroes are not afraid of tongue and cheek
answers to the bad guys. Using keywords youtube followed by your favorite action hero name
cheeky back talk quotes. How do they manage it. The answer lies in the fact they are free from fearful panic
that gives the illusion
of time seems to slow down enough we they can think clearly.
We can appreciate from
our point of view point hero our dialogue answers are way ahead of arguing
thugs. If we experience the same no panic time slows down we feel we have plenty
of time to think our strategy though improving our communication. It all boils
down to be free from fear.
Often the root sauce of being afriad of bullies is own own fear of feeling
different sending us into mind blank reaction panic. In our panic we might react
differently than normal with a touch of humiliation in the process. There
any number reasons that come straight from our unconscisness reaction making us uncomfortable
at the sight of bulling aggression such as everything seems t of o be to fast
for us to think straight.
There are phobias of every description in the world including fear of mind
blanks making us look stupid and week. There are fear of the pain of a few few burses
is no exception. Fear of things happening to fast for us to cope is often
another. Another is a fear of aftermath consequences is also a problem that
often promotes our panic.
Without any of these fears we feel comfortable we can handle any incident.
When we don't panic we feel we are quick thinkers. Not fearing any aftermath we
feel cool, calm and collected at the sight of any bully we feel the illusion of
time to think clearly encouraging our confidence encouraging more calm
encouraging the feel we are quick thinkers coming from our unconscisness.
We can rely on the thinking power of our unconsciousness trained to believe
we don't panic. We feel we are confident we can deal with the aftermath when it
comes. We can be dismissive of the after math because for now the most important
is handling of present time first as the most important.
When we don't panic our memory recall thinking is greatly improved. We
remember lots of little things that prove helpful in dealing with present time.
No fear of any aftermath we can can deal with present time efficiently.