Sunday, March 19, 2017

Some cyclists feel unsafe with spongy mechanical brakes. Until hydrologic disc brakes become cheaper mechanical disc and rim brakes will remain common on budget bikes for the time being.

If a mechanical brake bike has done many kilometers (or miles if you like) of braking there is an on going problem of worn out break pads and brake springs becoming week with time.

There are various types from racing bike side pulls to various mountain and commuter bike counter lever designs.

If your bike is a side pull type examining new side pull brake bikes indicate the mechanical fit what these brakes should be. The same is true if your bike is any of the designs. One of the biggest problems home fix it yourself will come across in some counter lever types is adjusting screws on each brake arm.

New counter lever adjusting screws of the type fited to your bike are an indication of what they should be. Using a new one as a guide examine the old one. If he condition of the old one looks a little squashed at the stop end there is a good chance it is not effectively acting as a proper stop causing week spring problems.

Theses are usually machine screws. Cross threads is a major consern. They can cause adjusting problems caused by forcing in crocked, wrong machine screw thread type or wood screws also cross threading the lug too. We can feel by how hard we have to presure to move the screw.

New screws show what the threads should be. Unhook the spring from the spring arm. Good threads screw inall the why in  lugs easily with fingers. New bikes are always a good indication of what everything should be,

If you examine closely and find the lug bent slightly can cause the tip of the stop to miss alight the spring causing week spring tension. Examine the lug to check if it's bent. Different models have different designs. Some designs are easily assessable. Some are not.

It is delicate work to straighten out assessable brake arm adjusting screw lugs without uneven twisting forces bending the lug improperly. Eventually breaks off rendering adjustment useless.

An effective method is between the jaws of a shifting spanner. For fix it yourself it is a mistake to use cheep shifting spanners, old well worn ones that have sloppy jaws. Slack moments are not safe.

Movement will twist the lug uneven just as bending at the tip the worst thing you can do. For proper support the spanner must cover over the whole lug with no sloppiness between the spanner blades. Any slack movement is dodgy taking the risk of not bending straight improperly.

Jiggle the spanner adjusting feeling for solidness before you bend. A major problem in bending is often overdoing it. Careful. Easy she goes.

Jiggling for a feel of solidness then gently bend the lug back into proper straightness. Make sure when refitting the spring make sure it is pressing properly on the stop of the screw.

Examining the inner wire cable anchored on the brake arm of any new bike gives a good idea of what they should be and an important clue to proper reassembly practises. The inner wire cable connecting brakes arms is always straight. There are no bends or kinks in the wire cable. If any will cause slack cable operation both rim and mechanical disc brakes.

The inner cable needs to be disassembled, relocated so it is as straight like new bikes are. Missing inner cable end caps on the tip of the inner wire cable cause fray problems. End caps are always on new bikes. They stop the ends of the wire cable from becoming fayed. They are an important anti fray device. Clamping down without them helps to fray the ends of unprotected cable ends.

Following new bike examples the proper anchoring of the inner wire cable should be. A mistake is to arrange a rap round eyelet technique under the lock nut. As new bikes tell us it doesn't work that way.
Even end caps won't stop fraying tightening on the wire cable.

The fiction of tightening is going against the wind crushing the strands apart unraveling them at that point. It only takes about a couple of fine tuning adjustments to crush apart individual strands eventually severing unraveling the strands beyond any safe use anymore. Following the a new bike example goes with the strand winds as you tighten.

If the fray is minor with a missing anti fray tag even following new bike correct way you will have your work cut out for you with a lot of time consuming fiddling trying to avoid making the fray worse on reassembly. If the end cap is connected you will have no problems.
If you have any antic fray caps missing it's recommended to fit one to good cables before it's too late.

You will need an anti fray cap, and a method to clamp it on hand before you start clamping.
Squealing and slack handle bar feel problems is often attributed to ignoring the importance of adjusting screws located on the brake arm designs.

Side pulls don't need them. Checking out a new bike that has your braking system you will observe these adjusting screws each brake arm They adjust the spring tensions centralizing the arms vertical between the rim properly. With out them the spring tension of one arm pulls both arms lope sided to one side.

Without theses adjuster screws one pad is to close to the rim and the opposite pad to far away braking. This often happens if one of the springs has become weaker. The stronger spring pulls the pair to one side. The weaker one hasn't the strength to move the pair straighter. If these screws are negated or missing it is this that will happen.

Unscrewing one side relives tension where the opposite spring pulls both arms straighter. The pads are level with the rim. Screwing inwards strengthens the tension acting the same way. If you haven't got theses screws in place replace them.

Loosen the inner wire cable anchor bolt enough you can slide the inner wire under the acorn or Allan key nut to allow both arms to spread apart on there own leaving the nut attached. The brake springs should release the tension spreading rim brake bike arms wide or in the case of disc bake models to no tension.

You will need to determine if you are left or right handed these jobs like these. Following a new bike example thread under the loose nut to the most covenant left of right hand position that suites you best. With one had clamp the brake pads to the rim. Holding them there, with the other hand pull the tial of the inner wire cable straight making sure there is no bends or kinks as a new bike.

Left or right handed you should manage to hold the brake arms with one hand and at the same time with the other hand manipulate the inner wire cable and clamping bolt at the same time.
Next is to adjust with the brake arm adjusting screws. You will observe unscrewing one side moves both arms over and if unscrewing will do the same. In this way fine tune the the two arms.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Engineering a time machine.

Some of us say there is no distinction between the past present and future. It seems our environment's time is stuck in present tense of time. We are born growing up and dying of old age at the same time. Millions of years of past and future generations crammed into a single moment. History a hundred years ago and a hundred years time is happening at the same time.

It seems from a black hole point of view time of the universe is true. Trillions of centuries of the past and future universe at the same time. Time seems meaningless. However from our point the seemingly passing of time of rotting of abundant houses and vehicles we call entropy. Geological change on earth is so long the same for thousands of generations.

Albert Einstein in his theory of relativity suggested motion plays a part of time. The best analogy what we term as G's today. Teenagers who compete with each other called boy racers and petrol heads who drag race in public streets commonly use the term their cars pull a few G's and does the tone is perhaps the best example of this.

Screeching tires clouds of smoke hard acceleration takeoff competition drags the boys feel the equivalent of a kilogram or two of weight pressing them back into their seats in the cockpit during the initial take off. Drag racing events is an extreme example. Dragsters take off to several hundred kmph in less than a few seconds with G's pressing back on the driver equivalent to several kilograms of weight pressing on them.

If light accelerates, even in the zero resistance of out of space would be a acceleration to a distance of less then three hundred thousand kilometers (two hundred and ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-two kilometers and five hundred and forty-eight meters to be exact or a hundred and eighty-six thousand miles an hour if you like) take off in a second. 

It is the equivalent of seven times round the diameter of earth every time the second and of clocks pass across every division. Even in the zero resistance of any vacuum it just doesn't go any faster. 

Einstein thought motion on a light speed scale produce so much G's it's infinite. Even in the zero resistance of open space the G's would be so great compress matter to atoms tearing off the weekly held together orbiting particles called electrons leaving just the core (nucleus) left.

Such ripping apart nay be as powerful as stars converting hydrogen to atoms compressing the nucleus into the particles of light called photons.

Einstein's special theory of reality tells us there is a critical factor relative point of view of motion, our point of view of light speed and light speeds point of view of us on earth travels though time.

Sub light speed is the equivalent of our point of view of every clock second and moving across every division though time. The critical facture approaching light speed viewing our environment's time from light speeds point of view slows sub light speed.

Each view point follows a reciprocal law. If we view a clock from light speeds point of view we would observe the second hand moving equivalent to less than three hundred thousand seconds. (Two hundred and ninety-nine, seven hundred and ninety-two, point five, four, eight seconds to be exact) Our mathematical curiosity aggress it is only a matter of asking ourselves how many days would that be. It pans out to equal just short of a long weekend. 

From light speeds point of view sees the universe travel three hundred thousand kilometers, equivalent to three hundred thousand seconds or just three kilometers per second. Mathematics can't lie you know. It is just the observation view point of the two different points of view of between us and light speed. 

Light speed can't see the universe travel any slower than we see light speed as  fast. Every second of time on earth seen by light speed the second hand moves the equivalent of three hundred thousand seconds every division. Every second is three hundred thousand times as slow,

Some of us believe in the theory exceeding light speed we travel back in time. This is a negative experience of all the factors involved, the direction light travels, the G's and velocity are all inverted. (reversed). If we could observe our environment's time from the point of view of light speed our point of view we move backwards. Theoretically light is should be going backward, the G's reduce and deceleration.

Sub light speed is a critical factor accelerating to light speed. But the deceleration is a critical facture at light speed. Once we reach light speed according to the light speed law we shouldn't be able to go any faster unless we figured out some way of getting round going faster than light.

There is suggestion the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe was infinitely faster. Also  their is a relative of the orbiting particle of the atom called electrons called neutrinos that have shown evidence of speeds faster than light. If the light speed law is final dictates we'd stop accelerating when we match light speed.

You can argue stabilization of reaching the constant velocity of light if you like but at the end of the day no matter how long we remain accelerating beyond light speed we have to at some point even neutrinos stop accelerating to a constant velocity or the consequences of god knows that kind of acceleration there would be. Imagine faster and faster with out slowing down forever. The law of terminal velocity is final and finite where light is no exception. Unless you believe we can travel faster than light speed nothing is faster seems final.

If you believe we can go faster a need of at only certain circumstances reexamining how much faster avoiding infant acceleration meaning the law nothing travels faster than light law is busted.

If nothing can go faster is confirmed once we reach light speed we are traveling in parallel with it so our velocities are equal. We are 0kmph with respect of each other. The crucial facture here we do not exceeded light speed. Traveling in parallel what was less than three hundred thousand kilometers per second at sub light speed to us is now zero kilometers per second at light speed.

Accelerating from sub light speed as such high velocity we would experience the normal view the universe become a hyperspace of light in streaks coming dead ahead towards us from a vanishing point we never reach. We would be viewing the universe from light speeds point of view. 

If we could see time on earth from light speeds point of view we would observe every second the equivalent of three hundred thousand seconds. The universe and time would seem to move only three kilometers per second.

If we slow down time would appear to speed up. The more we slow down the faster time travels. The slower we go the faster light goes. Eventually light would speed up quickly to sub light speed point of view of light speed.

Physicists have managed to accelerate particles of the atom to ninety-nine percent of light speed. I guess this may be the critical turning point these particles can't accelerate any faster.

In theory light doesn't travel any faster than it does the universe looking no slower than three kilometers per second. Nothing can exceed light speed law tells us the turning point acceleration from sub light speed that matches light speed where constant velocity must occur. Accelerating to light speed from sub light speed equals acceleration should stop at light speed. The maximum speed of light speed is a terminal velocity of light if you like.

If matching a hundred percent of light speed where constant velocity occurs and unstable our deceleration is inevitable. Matching light speed is not exceeding the speed of light. Under our deceleration light will appear to not invert but speed up faster and faster until it stops accelerating when we reach sub light speed. 

If physicists are accelerating particles to ninety-nine percent light speed may be the maximum speed of the particles can travel. They just don't seem to travel any faster. A hundred percent may be unachievable unless physicists haven't it achieved yet.

Car headlights disappearing ahead in a black void of dark night is a good analogy of how Einstein's special theory of reality works. No matter how far the car travels at sub light speed the beams always disappear ahead in the black void. The car could never catch up with them.

But as the car accelerates to light speed the head light beans seem to start telescoping ahead in the black darkness as if had hitting a brick wall traveling ahead of us. The faster the vehicle goes the more the white beams become shorter and shorter. Finally there is beamless head lights only the black void ahead. The electrical lighting is traveling the same speed as light.

Imagine the beam was celebrated like a ruler every second of a whole year of time well over thirty one million divisions every division representing a second. As the lights are compressed every division is compressed into each other in the time it takes for the vehicle to reach light speed. There will be no divisions because every second is compacted together at the critical maximum speed of light.

Time machines are built to achieve the same thing stationary in our environment's time on surface of earth. Most of us believe the powerful effect of gravity does this because it slows light and time. A classic example said of black holes stopping it. We can debate times stops at light speed is equal to the time stopped in a black hole.

An argument can say the G's of light speed and the gravitational collapse of a black hole are equal in a sense dampens the energy of atoms to zero, a point where all activity ceases. One way this is achieved is a finite temperature right down to minus two hundred and seventy three degrees Celsius. Zero activity of the atom means nothing can be any colder. It will be the limit of time machines, because everything is made up of atoms.

For time machines to remain stationary in our environments time use some sort of motion G's often expressed as some sort of exotic energy to travel on a different dimension than our environments time. 

It is common knowledge gravity slow time so it should do this. According to Newtown gravity is in the pulling in power of the mass of bodies. The moon is a third the size of earth. A scale calibrated for the mass on earth weighing 1kg on the earth's surface would weigh only three hundred and thirty-three grams of on the surface of the moon.  

One of the major laws of force and motion Einstein understood as good as Newtown where there is a force (such as the pulling power of gravity) there is an opposite and equal force that resists acceleration called inertia. In other words our familiar G's. It is a pull back weighing down force we experience in high speed acceleration.

Gravity is a force that increases it. The earth two thirds the size of the moon is big enough to slow time a third of a second (three-hundred milliseconds 0.333 second) slower than the moons surface.

On the surface of earth formulae one racing cars struggle to accelerate to a hundred and sixty kilometers an hour (or a hundred miles an hour if you like) in a couple of seconds. On the surface of the moon are third the weight would acceleration performances a third of a second faster reaching maximum speeds of four-hundred and twenty-six kilometers per hour faster than they could on earth.

Lunched in out of space with the engine shut down just it's own rest mass will accelerate effortlessly faster than bullets and shells can ever hope to travel on earth in a second. There is so much earth mass speeds way-way bellow average bullet speeds are stomach churning to say the lest. Not to the free drifting in space it's not. Standing on a traveling asteroid there is no sense of any high speed motion. In fact we don't sense the earth's faster than bullet and artillery shell speed orbit and spin speed round the sun.

Only on the surface of earth we experience stationary and acceleration movement of cars to tennis balls described in quintiles, of distance acceleration and constant velocity. The rest mass of a tennis ball will travel in the zero resistance of open space way-way beyond bullets speeds could ever travel on earth non stop for ever.

In Einstein's General theory of relativity a person standing in the middle of Antarctica of the south pole doesn't experience any upside down sensation at all only a looking upward sensation as equally as a person standing in the middle of the Artic circle of the North pole.

Einstein's General theory predicts space is flexible like rubber. Cosmic bodies like stars and planets act like huge weights bending it. According to Isaac Newton the mass of the Artic circle of the earth's north pole's attractive force pulls space inward towards it as much as the mass of Antarctica of the south pole it pulls inward. 

Both poles pulling inward together the whole mass of the earth pulling space inward where space is  raped round the entire circumference like plastic shrink rap compressing an apple. As a result a shrunken reign of distorted space surrounding the earth's entire circumference.

The mass of the streets of your neighborhood is shrinking space in an inward pull trajectory as much as the streets of the neighborhood the other side of the world is. This distorted region is an inward collapse of space compressing the atmosphere we breath the oceans of the world us and the thin crust of the surface.

The basics of Albert Einstein's special theory of reality is an introduction to the principle of space time physics if light was invisible like blind person we wouldn't even be aware the universe. All we would be aware of is motionless. Despite feeling no motion there is no such thing as stationery anywhere in the universe. Everything is in constant motion. 

Galaxies travel straight lines dragging orbiting stars with them. Our milky way galaxy is no exception dragging our sun with it while the sun spins on it's axis dragging the solar system with it every planet orbiting our star while spinning on their axes.

Cosmologists belief the universe is accelerating aside, the previous belief the universe was static every galaxy is a maximum costing speed limit. They just don't coast any faster. Despite way-way faster than bullet and artillery shells could ever hope to travel on earth they travel at maximum coasting velocities way-way slower than light speed.

According to cosmologist belief the universe is accelerating will probably end up racing past the speed of light or may even already be faster. If light maintains a constant speed there will be a distance light has to travel to reach galaxy to galaxy. Or light could well be effected  by the acceleration maintaining a constant distance between each galaxy. According to cosmologists everything including light is increasing speed.

According to Einstein motion has the same distorting properties as the mass of bodies distorting space and time. In other words the G's of motion. Our clocks are slowed by the earth's massive bulk the length of time every time the second hand of clocks move every division.  Time in the zero resistance of space is faster than each second hand tick on the surface of earth.

On the top floor of a hundred story building clock second hands are a few microseconds (micro from the standard metric prefix system for a millionth) faster than a clock second hand movement at street level. Deep inside the earth, under our feet clock second hands are slowed down even further by a few milliseconds. (milli- mill-lee, for a thousandth). 

Time in the core is much slower than an orbit round earth. The higher the orbit the faster clock second hands move. The amount of time a clock second hand on the surface of earth at sea level by the time we say one thousand and one, the start and end of every second.

According to clocks time is mathematically symmetrical allowing us to design a time machine. Clock faces are divided into sixty second divisions serving a duel purpose for minutes. 

Mathematics divides circles into three hundred and sixty divisions. Our curiosity stimulates our mathematical instinct aggress it is only a matter of asking ourselves how many minutes go into three sixty digress. It pans out every division equals a six degree angle. Every position of the minute and hour hand represents every geometric triangle possible.

If we open out the circle of clock faces to a straight line there will be the same even sixty divisions we can plot in a straight line. Each division a second long in the straight line. 

Our mathematical instinct agrees if there is sixty seconds in a minuet and sixty minutes in an hour all tolled there will be sixty times sixty (sixty squared) seconds in an hour including an hour in the rolled out straight line. It pans out to three thousand six hundred division straight edge ruler every division a second of time. It's liken to a computer word processor cursor or I beams moving a letter per second though any sentence. We can shuffle cursors though our work in seconds.

Our mathematical instinct also agrees if a day is twenty-four hours simply multiplying three thousand six hundred seconds pans out to eighty-six thousand four hundred seconds in every day.

Any circle with eighty six thousand four hundred division opened out to a straight line will equal the same number of divisions of the circle in a day. Equally a straight line with eighty-six thousand four hundred divisions rolled into a circle will equal the eighty-six thousand four hundred straight line divisions rolled into a circle. 

Every box that visually isolates each date in every calendar with any straight line between them amounts to eighty-six thousand four hundred division representing every second equaling eighty-six thousand four hundredth of every day. At every line that divides every date is twelve midnight a.m. and p.m.

Every time the second hand moves every division is eighty six thousand four hundredth of a day. Adding up every second equals a day. Math's can't lie you know.

The three hundred and sixty five days of the Gregorian calendar the world uses today measures the time the earth's speed complete orbit round the sun. In actual fact a little over a day over. Our clocks measure every day as every twelve midnight in the morning to twelve midnight in the evening of the same day the time a complete spin on it's axis. Again a little over twenty-four hours. Three hindered and sixty five twelve midnight a.m. to twelve midnight p.m. every orbit. Every third February the calendar is 366 day leap year.

In the black void of out of empty space everything is at a permanent constant velocity. There is no such thing as stationary or acceleration.

On the surface of earth a comfortable walk is motion to us. We can walk a distance of a meter per per second. Details of acceleration and constant speed are described in physic text books about it.

Our mathematical instinct agrees equals to the equivalent of walking up to three thousand six hundred meters by the time a one hour long TV program. In kmph terms the standard metric system prefix K for kilo denotes 3.6Kmph constant velocity. Of course there is mph terms if you like.

Every time second hands of clocks move a division light had just coasted in the zero resistance of space just less than a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers. 

If we observed time on earth from a light speeds point of view a person would take the equivalent of a long weekend to walk just one meter. Although light speed point of view may see our environment's time frozen in time as on the surface of earth as it races past but from our point of view light of light speed travels two hundred and ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-two kilometers, five hundred and forty-eight meters in the same amount of distance in a second.

From a mph perspective from light speeds point of view of every second on earth would be a hundred and eighty-six thousand times as slow while from our point of view of light speed is a hundred and eighty-six thousand times as fast. This means from our point of view every second of earth time is equivalent of a space time three hundred thousand kilometers every second. From light speeds point of view of earth time every earth second equivalent of less than three hundred thousand seconds.

Our mathematical instinct agrees it is a simple matter of multiplying three km per second by three thousand six hundred seconds in of an hour to convert to kmph term that pans out to ten thousand eight hundred kmph velocity. And with miles six hundred and sixty-nine million mph.

Our mathematical instinct agrees we can figure out how many meters go into three hundred thousand kilometers by asking our selves how many meters go into three thousand kilometers. 

We know there is a thousand meters in a kilometer. Three with five zeros for three hundred thousand. Adding three more zeros a total of to the British three hundred thousand thousand meters in three hundred thousand kilometers and to the Americans three hundred million meters.

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal of three hundred thousand thousand meters is three hundred thousand thousandth (or billionth) of a second. It is the time light travels a meter we walk a meter in a second. In other words from  light speeds point of view of time on the surface of earth a person walks a meter three hundred thousand thousand times as slow. In mph terns a hundred and eighty-six thousand times as slow.

Walking a meter per second velocity accounting for stopping for the cross now at traffic lights and other variables is an average velocity written as V. The creek letter delta is used allowing for those variable changes in distance how long it takes to walk a distance in a busy neighborhood. Every second of our travel light is a distance of three hundred thousand kilometers away from our eyes.

Average speed equals distance over (dived) time.

The law of mathematics allows us to apply variations of this formula.

Time equals average speed multiply distance.  

Distance equals time over average speed.

Average speed equals time multiplied by distance respectively.

Car magazine review data is a example of the laws. Maximum performance such as 0 to a given kilometers (or miles if you like) per hour in a couple of seconds. 0 to 80kmph (or 50mph) in three seconds is one example. 

It can also mean 50 to 80kmph in two seconds per second per second constant change in speed written a = ms/ with a little razed two just to the right of the slash. We can test it applying the laws of mathematics we did with the constant velocity.

Despite the zero resistance in the black void of space light doesn't coast any faster less than the three hundred thousand kilometers per second. It is light's maximum coasting speed limit. It just doesn't coast any faster in any zero resistance environment. This means from light speed point of view doesn't see time one earth any slower than we see it as fast.

Everything in the universe has a maximum speed limit, including stars and galaxies. When a body is lunched in the zero resistance of out of space it accelerates to it's maximum constant speed limit in a couple of seconds expressed as a terminal acceleration. A pull back force of inertia acts on it during acceleration. The inertia terminates acceleration to a maximum speed it can't travel any faster, the energy stored in the mass at the constant velocity called Kinetic energy. This two is maximum.

Only on earth we experience acceleration at such tiny velocities. We experience the pull back force of inertia in high speed acceleration pinning us back commonly known as G-force, G for gravity because of the note Albert Einstein observed similar to the force weighing us down pinning us back in into our seats like gravity does we experience in any high speed acceleration. It is said the acceleration pulls a given G's. 

We experience the earth's mass pulling power pulling us to the ground our normal body weight nominated as a 1G the equivalent of a kilogram per cubic meter of compression better known as 9.8 Newtown's, the force of the earth's mass pulling in power force.

This maximum coasting speed limit applies to a speck of dust to entire galaxies in the zero resistance of deep space. The earth suspended weightless rotating on its axis we don't feel any force in either the orbit or spin motion.

Apart for cosmologist belief the universes is accelerating the old idea everything was static meant  everything in the zero resistance of outer of space coasted at their maximum speed limits. They just don't travel any faster. Velocities are way-way faster than the maximum bullet speeds can travel on earth.

Bullets are expelled by the power of explosive forces. The earth, our sun and our milky way Galaxy as everything else are at their maximum coasting speeds just from the power of their own mass.

If galaxies are moving away from each other light has father to travel extending the space time between them. They are either increasing speed just from the own mass, meaning terminal velocity is increasing or an energy accelerating them called cosmologist express as some sort of dark energy.

In a static universe galaxies just don't  travel any faster. Here on the surface of earth as any planet we feel tiny velocities as motion. For example we feel a tug pulling us forward stepping out of a vehicle traveling less than a couple of kmph. An astronaut can step out of a space station hatch orbiting earth without noticing a thing. In other words the pulling power of the earth mass enhances the pulling force inherited in motion.

Rolla coaster action is a classic example of the G-force physics here on earth. Only on earth we feel such power in minute velocities. In every Roller coaster we feel the pull back force pulling us back into our seats every time the train accelerates expressed as positive G's. Negative G's when we feel a weightlessness acting on us that scary and fun feeling we feel when it stops once maximum speed is reached. 

It also occurs when the train reaches the top of a vertical climb before falling back. At the peak loose bodies will suspend in mid air in weightlessness for a brief second before being pulled back down with the train from the pull of the earth's mass.

NSA uses fast doping aircraft to generate negative G's to train astronauts in weightlessness. It is caused by the earth pulling down power damping velocity to sub space levels. Einstein's special theory of relativity predicts once a plane reaches height maximum falling back down speed it can't drop any faster where trainees lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in negative G fun. The negative G acts as an antigravity force canceling out the earth's mass pulling power inside the fuselage. When planes slow down to level out returns to normal in the fuselage where everybody falls to the floor.

If we experiment with a 1Kg mass (a 1Kg packet of cheese or batter for argument sake) suspending over the ledge of the top floor of a 100 story sky scrapper we feel the potential energy that feels like giant hand pulling on it.

When we let go the earth's mass snatches it to a meter in a second and stops accelerating to a constant one meter per second constant free fall velocity down the side of the building at terminal velocity finally colliding with the immovable body of the earth in the form of the street bellow. 

If we turn a video recoding side ways we can see the equivalent of in motion on a sideways plane and the drama of the of collision. Including in the zero resistance of space as on earth is a force of 1kg - 3.6kmph terminal velocity instant stop impact. The force of the kinetic energy try's to keep the mass falling but can't so is compression into the the street for a second before returning to it's normal mass.

The one Kg is light enough bounce in a unpredictable trajectory a couple of times before settling down to rest. A basket ball filled with concrete will absorb the impact.

The kinetic energy equals a equivalent of a G force, two ones are two of kinetic energy of G's in two Joules the unit of energy. If it was 2Kg the earth's mass will accelerate it two meters in a second where acceleration is terminated to two meters per second constant velocity. The G-force of the kinetic energy is two, twos are four Joules. 

If 3kg the G's would increase to three threes is nine Joules of Kinetic energy at there meters per second constant velocity. If 4kg the earths mass will accelerate it to 4 meters in a second to a constant velocity of 4 meters per second with a kinetic energy of four fours are sixteen Joules of kinetic energy. 

If 5kg will a have a Kinetic energy of five fives is twenty-five Joules. If 6Kg six sixes or if 7kg seven sevens and so on. Kinetic energy in Joules of a free falling mass is the mass of a body squared kinetic energy of the falling mass.  

A free falling 100kg mass free fall will have a impacting kinetic energy force at 100 meters per second at terminal velocity. Mass stays the same the kinetic energy changes by the square of the velocity. A 100kg in terms of kmph pans out to 360kmph 100kg free falling mass works out to ten thousand Joules of kinetic energy.

This means despite asteroids being weightless in out of space they still have mass and the Kinetic energy stored in them in their travel. Asteroid mass is measured by the physical dimension. Their own mass coasting velocity equals the kinetic energy impact.

The law of thermal dynamics tells us compression produces heat. The heat we feel pumping up a tire already tight with a hand pump is not from friction you know. The more we compress something already compressed the hotter it gets. The mass of the earth's crust is compressing the mantel keeping the magma (lava when it flows on the surface in volcanic eruptions) constantly molten.

The earth spins on it's axis at about a 30 degree angle. This puts the mass of the Artic circle at about an 11 o'clock and the mass of Antarctica about a 5 o'clock angle. Both poles compress the earth's crust into a slight egg shape at the equator. The earth's pull is slightly different at the equator than the poles.

The Gregorian calendar we uses today every twelve midnight is a date change.

Digital time pieces tell us there is no such thing as a 24 read out. 23:59 including fifty-nine seconds a second before 00:00 changing a new date. There are no hours no minutes and no seconds for a second.

The digital clocks don't have a second column instead the blinking colon between the numbers that count down the first minute to 00:01 counting down in the second minute.

00:59 ends the first hour. 01:00 the colon counting down a minute past one in the morning. The numbers repeat at 02:00, 03:00 and 04:00 (O one hundred, O two hundred. O three hundred in the morning and so on a total of twenty-three hours fifty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds. It is a second after changes to the next new date. This repeats indefinitely every day for months and years at a time. 

The earth's spin angle time is not the same everywhere in the world. The earth's spin puts the south west Pacific the first new date of every day. The North east Atlantic is twelve midday the previous date. The east Atlantic is always a whole date change behind the south Pacific. A map of the international date lines tell us this. What would be a date and time for one city would be a different date and time for another city.

In other words a time machine is faced with the same international time coordinate as GPS tracking of the world.

Every time the second hand of a clock moves a division light travels less than three hundred thousand kilometers. Simple math's can calculate the seconds from twelve midnight date change were ever it is on the International Date Line. three thousand six hundred  ( sixty squared) times twenty-four, the distance light traveled in a second. (Or mile term for the whole day).

Operating on the on the principle we can calculate the seven days of every week, every month and year. Taking into account of the extra day at the end of every 3rd February leap year the distance light travels a decade, a century, millennia (thousand years) a million a billion even trillions of centuries pass on earth.

We don't observe the sunlight that just left the sun now until a little less than 8 minutes into the future. By the time, you're half way though this sentence it is less than three hundred thousand kilometers (or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles if you like) above the sun’s surface.

Real time on earth sunlight we see now that just left the sun 8 minutes ago every second. We see it now as an image of the sun as it was then every eight minutes ago every second. Every time the second hand of a clock moves a division is less then three hundred thousand kilometers away from the surface of earth.